23 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN. PORTLAND. MAY 13, 1906. WANTED AGEJ.T8. AfJKSTR. RVBRTWHERB. BOTH SEXES others coin money selling our Pongee Silk embroidered waists; al shirt waist suit - patterns. Oriental silk opera shawl and all . kinds latest ladles' wearing: apparel; experl ' r - nice absolutely-unnecessary; to convince you, will mall rree) embroidered copies with groods and particulars how to sell tnem. ivoeiiy KmUroldery MZg. CO.. U. n-. r-orin avt. " ' Chicago. AO KNT8-EVRRY WHERE. BOTH SEXES hi money selling genuine Mexican opala --rHK rir mnt rtrr.flt nice, eenteel business 1 supply you direct from Mexico and pre . pav the duty and postage. Sample opal lc. Pric lit frw. A. V. Todd. Juarex. Chi- - huahua. Mpx'.co. S 9. WANTED TO KENT. FLATS, ROOMING-HOUSES. STORES. ETC. Our rental department has been en- large d and provided with additional staff. - . -nr. i T 1MIU AD nQ offer personal attention to and. continuous - supervision over all property intrusted to - - our care. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. B E- Cor. Sd and Oak sts. Phone Ex. 72. - WANTED TO RENT RESIDENCES. Busi ness property, apartment houses, flats, rooming-houses. Owners are invited to list their property with us. We have a thoroughly or- supervision over all property plac-d with um. REED. FIBLDS A TYNAN CO., lo2 2d st. Phone Main 7004. - -VI- k VTtTi T7 t 1) VT1C U IT rVVTH" 1 nB" "li"TPU yard, or comfortably furnished housekeeping ; rooms suitable for 3 on ground floor in t-T private house; must have bath; permanent -' '1f suitable : references. Reply, stating -WANTED BY TWO CLEAN YOUNG MEN, large airy room, good beds, modern con- venienres, walking distance or good car r 'service in suburbs, in private family; give phone and house number. Address W. , ' 17.". 12th st. WANTED BY MAY 20 TWO NEAT AND " ! clean furnished housekeeping room; must be on West Side and within ten minutes' " walk from Oregonian bldg. Address, giv- ing location and terms, R 56, Oregonian. IUIOM AND BOARD WANTED ON PORT land Heights by married couple ; private family preferred; best of references. Ati- rlre9s. stating price and particulars, Mr. King. tll2 Commercial block. LADY REQUIRES TWO ROOMS, PARTLY . - furnished, kitchen, gas and water, has bed . stead, bureau and wash stand; close In; une of phone. 4." 11th. Phone Main ttM4; moderate. WANTED MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSK; .must be first-class location, with some yard room; permanent tenant: do not answer un lea you have something good to offer. H lUS. Oregonian. TWO BROTHERS WANT ROOM OR ROOMS and board In permanent and strictly private family. Address N 57. O-egonian, g'vlng full particulars, or phone C, Main 4871. .'WANTED HOUSES AND COTTAGES, 1&AST and West Sides; will rent at once. Donald - Woodward, agent, 104 2d st. Phone Main 1436. Administrator of estates. FURNISHED SLEEPING ROOM WITH OR without ood board in cool place for Sum mer by an American workiugman of good -principles. G 07, Oregonian. MAN WANTS SUNNY ROOM, CLOSE IN. with breakfast, in good family; prefer West Side; must be cheap. Address J i, care Oregonian. WANTED EAST AND WEST SIDE houses and cottages; can rent at once. West ern Oregon Trut Co., 201 Stark st. Phone Pacific Blta. YOUNG COUPLE DESIRES 1 OR 2 FUR nlnhcri housekeeping rooms, private fam ily. Permanent if desirable. E 05, Ore gonian. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, WEST SIDE; private family preferred; by 2 refined la dies. State terms. V 05. Oregonian. 2 YOUNG LADIES. EMPLOYED. DESIRE room and board In private home. Eaft Side, reackuutblt-; reference. F t9, Oregonian. MOTHER AND GROWN DAUGHTER DE stiT three or four unfurnished rooms or flat '''by June 1; West Side. J 02, Oregonian. ';twu YOUNG BUSINESS MEN WANT first-class rooms and board. Address, giv ing full particulars. T 05, Oregonian. WANTED -BY A FAMILY OF 4 ADULTS and 1 child, a well-furnished modern house on the West Side. II o;t. Oregonian. WANTED FROM AUGUST 1. FURNISHED cottage at Gearhart or Seaside. H. G. - Piatt, 406 Commercial blk. WANTED ABOUT JUNE 1. SMALL MOD- ern flat or house; no children; references. D HK. Oregonian. .AYAXTBD THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSE ' kneplng rooms or small flat; no children. T : ' U. Oregonian. WANTED TO RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE; would buy on suitable terms. Address K 02, Oregonian. i A. I IK. fUM C JA.M LJK I'rt room work in exchange for board. P 08. '-Oregon ia n . WANTED TO RENT A PLACE TO BACH - -or to take care of private house. O 08, Ore- gonlan. W A N TED 4 OR 5-ROOM FURNISHED OR unfurnished cottage; close In. L 65, Ore gonian. WANTED NICE ROOM WITH ONE MEAL In a refined private family. J 69. Oregonian. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ... suite of 3 or 4 rooms or small house in - good locality, for about 5 months, by man and wife. References given. State price, ' which must be reasonable. F 03. Ore ' ' gonlan. BEAUTIFUL. BRIGHT J-YEAR-OLD GIRL to adopt; blonde, blue eyes, good parent age; people In good circumstances only v reply. No trifling. B 04. Oregonian. "LIST YOUR STEAMERS. LAUNCHES, houseboats, boat houses, and yachts with ' ns for sale or hire; we have call for them ; every day. Phone East 184. WANTED WORK TEAMS WEIGHING 1400 or more; 8 horses, suitable for transfer bus IneH; two teams for heavv delivery wagons. IV H. Stables. 248 Front st. DEAD HORSES hauled away promptly free; " highest price paid for ail kinds bones. Ore-"- son Fertiliser Wks.. 7l2 Thurman. M. 1000. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; highest price paid, sjall at the "Fair Deal.' 02 N. 3d. Phone Pacific 1722. WANTED SOUND. GENTLE HORSE TO - work, ride, drive; also two-seated rig; state tarttculars. Address O 70. Oregonian. LATEST PORTLAND CITY HALL MAP. large siie and in good condition; send price, etc. care room 201. McKay bldg. ' WANT ED ALL KINDS OF GARDENING 1 -and lawn work; shrubbery and flowers a specialty. Phone East 148. ' -W E WILL BUY FOR CASH YOUR FUR. NT tore, carpets, etc. now. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st. WANTED FIXTURES FOR A CANDY ntre; must be cheap. 310 E. 2d st. North Phone Scott J1RKMAN LESSONS GIVEN OR STUDENTS assiMled ; guitar pupils also instructed. M 70. Oregonian. W A N T ED V S K( 'OXD-H A N D AUTO HUN sbout. State price and particulars. Box 20a Hillshoro, Or. : FURNITURE AND HOUSEHOLD GOODS IH.n't worry, iwte time or monev. Call ud . Pacific 7;;. WANTED SEtND-HAXD SASH WITH glass, suitable for store front. R tt!. Ore gonian. FOR SALE RATTAN RUBBER -TIRE baby buggy, good condition. s Oth st. WANTED ENGINE FOR .10x0 LAUNCH monthly payments. V OS, Oregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle free of charge. Phone Kast 223:5. ; W ANTED A GOl SEt "OND-HAND SAFE. Adlrss 223 Lumber Exchange bldg. .WANT SECOND-HAND ICEBOX. PHONEl Main 47iK. 34.1 Yamhill. Thomas. -WE PAY -V oo FOR MONARCH RANGES ' Edwards Co.. lKVlfU 1st St. WNTEn-NK HUNDRED HENS. AD 0 -si P. O. Box 248. FOR KENT. Rooms, .LARGE. PLEASANT FRONT ROOM. FIRST . n-ir; gas, bath, phone. 1,15 I4th st.. cor. Alder. FINE COMFORTABLE FURNISHED ROOMS at 21 loth st., cor. Taylor. ' NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family. 147, 11th. FOR RENT. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite, $2 per week up; steam heat; hot and cold water, free bat ha, free phone; dining-room In connection; transients solicited; open all night; best location In the city; office and reading-room ground floor. 488 Washington. THE REED MANSION REOPENED AND renovated, covers entire block on 1st. bet. Harrison and Montgomej-y; massive lawns, shady nooks, spreading trees, broad veran da, large rooms $2 to $5 per week, sunny and airy; an ideal Summer home. HOTEL ANTLERS. COR. 10TH AND WASH tngton ats. Under new management; every thing new, clean and modern; ail the prin cipal car lines pass the door; private bath uttes- rates reasonable. Phone Main 2ii3. Mrs. F. U. Powers, prop. THE AUDITORIUM. 208 H 3d. bet. Taylor and Salmon, one of the best and most respect able rooming-houses- In Portland; elevator, steam beat, baths, hot and cold water In rooms; we cater to the traveling public John Granstrom, prop. A NICE FRONT ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO persons in private house; pleasant location, close in ; free phone and bath ; also two other rooms; would board right parties or rent the suite tor. light housekeeping. Phone East 5478. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ALCOVE ROOM and board in beautiful home; large lawn and flowers; strictly home cooking; everything modern and up to date; 5 minutea' walk from Oregonian. Phone Main 2396.. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS, WITH OR without board; private bath IT desired; every thing new and modern; good place for a comfortable home. 30 17th St., between Washington and Couch. LARGE FRONT ALCOVE ROOM, NEATLY furnished, hot and cold water in room, with all modern conveniences, private fam ily, walking distance. West Side, reason able. L 62. Oregonian., HOTEL KENTON ELBOANT FURNIBHHJD rooms; also housekeeping suites; gas, else trio light; hot, cold water; every room steam heat; tree bath, lttth and Wash. Pa& 9& THE GIRARD, 322H STARK ST., S. W. COR. Btft Under new management; new, mem ;ur nlshlngs, bath, electric lights, large, light rooms; moderate prices. Pacific 1296. ONE SINGLE AND TWO DOUBLE BED rooms. nicely furnished, $6, $8 and $10 per month; gas and bath; private family. 408 East Main,' near Grand ave. THE ALDER. 251 H ALDER ST. NICELY furnished rooms, day, weeK or moncn; ot flee rooms, transient and tourist trade so licited; rents reasonable. THE PALM. 18t4 3D UNDER NEW MAN- agement; z comrortapje rroni rooms, iirm. floor, furniture latest style; electric lights; prices low. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. ELECTRIC lights, bath; walking listance, West bide; $U per month for bot'.i rooms. Phone Pa cific 07. WANTED 2 OR 3 UNFURNISHED ROOMS, reasonable rent, between Burnside and Main and Went Park and 14th. A 69, Ore gonian. NICE CLEAN ROOMS. $1.50 PER WEEK; 2 nice large office rooms, $10 per week. 20:t4 1st St., cor. Taylor. Phone Main 7080. THE GRAHAM, 645' WASHINGTON. brick building Pleasant front rooms, $J.ao per week; 60c, $1 per night; tourists so licited. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR AND bedroom, prices reasonable; 4 blocks from Pofitotfice. 250 6th st. Phon Main 3161. MODERN RESIDENCE. WALKING Dis tance; nicely furnished rooms. ?i month ; bath, phone. 292 10th, near Jefferson. DESIRABLE FRONT SUITE, FINEST Lo cation, n lee yard ; bat h. phone. strictly modern. 07 2oth, near Washington. NICE CONNECTING OR SINGLE ROOMS, running water; pleasant neighborhood; $5 up. 174 N. 18th. Phone Main 5070. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN private famllv, suitable for two ladles or man and wife. 184 East 16th st. 1814 1ST ST.. COR. YAMHILL NICELY furninhed rooms, porcelain bath: phone; reasonable; permanent or transient. FRONT ROOMS, SINGLE OR EN SUITE, modern house, newly and- elegantly fur nished. 474 Salmon. Main 5443. FOR RENT A FURNISHED FRONT ROOM nice location; electric light, etc. 4o r-. 15th st. South. Phone East 30MJ. :4S YAMHILL MODERN SUITE FOR GEN tlemen. Call Sunday or evenings; rent reasonable. Phone Pacific 8. NICE FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE FAM- lly; modern conveniences; suitable one or two. 294 College, cor. 5th. NICE ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY, walking distance: bath, phone. $1 per month. Phone East 1200. FOR RENT PLEASANT FRONT ROOM IN private family for one or two gentlemen only. Call 032 1st st. NICE. LARGE. UNFURNISHED FRONT room for light housekeeping, walking dis tance. V 66, Oregonian. :44- "TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT suite In private flat; central and reason able, all conveniences. 324 MAIN. CORNER OTH TWO COMFOKT- able sleeping rooms in the basement, 50 cents each per week. FOR RENT 4 ROOMS, CLOSETS, GOOD basement, yard. 511 Harrison, between Lownsdale and 10th. FOR RENT ONE OR TWO NICELY FUR- nished rooms, private family. 2l 13th. Phone Main 3868. 410 JEFFERSON YOU CAN GET UNFUR- ntshed rooms reasonable; modern conveni ences; no children. FOR RENT PLEAS ANT UNFURNISHED front room; reference. 531 Flanders St., bet. 15th and 16th. FOUR NICE. LIGHT ROOMS, FURNISHED or unfurnished; good neighborhood. 606 Washington st. RYAN HOUSE, 269S FIFTH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite or single. Oppo site City Hall. A NICE FRONT ROOM. REASONABLE, with bath, gas, free phone. 72 W. Park. Main 7022. FOR RENT NICE FURNISHED ROOM, bath, gas. $6 per month. Phone Main 4873. 548 Taylor. SUITE OF NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, or will rent one front room. 521 20th, Port land Heights. FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE OR TWO ladies, private home, references. Phone Main 479. FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS at 143 Cook ave.. Alblna. Inquire 147 Cook ave. NICE CLEAN SLEEPING ROOMS IN PRI vaie family, quie.t home, modern house. 406 E. Oak st. NICE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR one or two modern conveniences. 44-7 Co lumbia st. VERY PLEASANT NICELY FURNISHED room, bath, phone, yard, $5. close in. 331 14th st. FOR RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM. FUR nished, ground floor; gas, bath, phone. 427 Alder. . i $7 ROOM FOR GENTLEMAN. SUITABLE for two: bath, phone: private residence. 287 4th st. WILL RENT NICE ROOM VERY CHEAP TO woman who can be home evenings. 504 Da vis 4t. The Monwtes. 1st ana Jefferson Large rooms, 25c and 50c per day, $2 and up per week. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUIT OF housekeeping rooms. Inqulra 229 Ss 1st st. TWO OR THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS for light housekeeping. Apply 65 E. 10th st. NICE LARGE ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILY; reasonable. 424 Jefferson. Phone Main 5509. TI,EMAN CAN FIND NICE. QUIET room in new, mouern flat. 05- N. 13th st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS AT TH0 Clayton. 15 N. 10th St.; phone and bath. NICE ROOM. PRIVATE FAMILY. VERY cheap, right party. Phone EaM 6206. ONE NICE LARGE ROOM WITH USE OF bath, parlor, library and phone. 250 6th. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE OF ROOMS for 2 or more people. 123 14th St. 200 COLUMBIA ST. NEATLY FURNISHED room, bath, private family; price $6. NICE. NEAT. FURNISHED ROOM. REA aonable. Call Monday. 18ft 7th st. FURNISHED ROOM FOR RENT, 5 PER month. Phone East 4471. 435 YAMHILL ST. NICELY FURNISHED FOR RENT, 5-ROOM FLAT. $8. 331 FAR- I TWO VERY NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. I $1 MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 166 POR rooms, gas, bath and phon,. I go au 1 I6S Jefferson; no children. ter it. FOR RENT. HOTEL OXFORD. COR. 6TH AND OAK New brick building in business center, fur nished entirely new throughout and un der new management ; elegant rooms with all modern conveniences, $1 day; baths free; special attention given the tourist and commercial trade ; rates reasonable to permanent roomers; suites wtto privat baths. Mrs. A. J. Walters, prop. Main 88. FOR RENT 3-ROOM BASEMENT. UN furnished, ail. newly fixed over; rents$10; central, 74 7th. Apply only to 72 tith, G. N. W. Wilson Co. Rooms Witb Board. THH ARGYLE. 193 WEST PARK ST.. COR. ner Taylor Convenient location for business people; 3 blocks from Port land Hotel ; a 11 outside rooms, nicely furnished ; pleasant dining-room, excellent table board, home cooking; parlor; porcelain bath, free phone; special price given to two persons In large rooms; transient trade solicited; terms rea sonable. Phone Main 1796. THE HESPERIAN. Select family hotel, pleasant rooms with excellent table board; all modern conveni ences; reasonable. 533 Morrison. Phone Main 1398. SUITE OF TWO NICE ROOMS, WITH first-class board for four gentlemen, $80 per month; also large front parlor suitable for two; better look this up at once. 251 7th st. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH year; rooms with board; use of sewing room; use of library; Women's Exchange. Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. SupL. 510 Flanders. THE MANITOU. 201 13TH ST. 2 HAND somely furnished steam-heated rooms, beautiful lawn and porches, fine baths, excellent home-cooked meals a specialty. TH B WOODLAN D, 265 6TH ST. , ONLY four blocks from Postoffice; a refined priv ate boarding house; modern conveniences; large grounds; terms re&sonable. , THE CARLETON, 13TH AND ALDER Es pecially fine accommodations lor bachelors; European or American plan. Phone Pacifio 1347. GLENDORA. 19th and Couch Modern fam ily hotel; excellent accommodations; large reception, billiard room, cpaclous grounds. ELEGANT ROOM WITH OR WITHOUT meals In select private boarding-house ; moderate price ; nice corner. 575 Main st. A LARGE, FINELY FURNISHED ROOM, with bath, suitable for two; best home cooking; very reasonable. 186 14th st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR, with board for $20 each. Side room, $19 each. 442 Jefferson. Main 0425. ALCOVE BEDROOM. BATH ADJOINING, with or without beard; none better; ref erence. 586 Northrup, corner 18th st. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH Al board, $20, two in room; modern, conveni ences; walking distance. 585 5th. WANTED A RESPECTABLE YOUNG lady to share -room and board; cheap. Phone 1504. D 65, Oregonian. ROOM, BOARD. WITH PRIVATE FAMILY; reasonable; references; piano, bath; near 3 . car lines. Phone East 2314. FINE ROOM. HQME COOKING, PRIVATE family, modern, home comforts. 195 16th, cor. Taylor. Pacific 1189. NICE FRONT ROOM WITH BOARD, SUIT able for two gentlemen; rates reasonable. The Chrj5ler, 389 Taylor. 332 10TH WELL-FURNISHED ROOM with board: home cooking; all conveniences; house In good condition. GENTLEMEN TO ROOM AND-BOARD IN private family; modern conveniences, close in. Phone Pacific 2S7. ROOM ANV) BOARD FOR TWO QUI ET, respectable gentlemen. 409 E. Salmon, near Grand ave. 149 LOWNSDALE NICE PRIVATE BOARD and home cooking for ladles or gentlemen; tiiet-class. s THE SOUTHERN, 374 YAMHILL ST. Rooms, single or en suite, with board; rea sonable rate. 80 W. PARK NICE, CLEAN. FRONT room with board for two gentlemen; terms reasonable. THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH ST. ROOMS with good board, double room for two peo ple. 395 MORRISON. COR. 10TH FURNISHED rooms with or -without board, running water. ROOMS WITH BOARD. 634 MYRTLE ST., Portland Heights. Phone Main 3960. GOOD TABLE BOARD. HOME COOKING, with or without room. 229 13th. THE OZARK ROOMS. FIRST-CLASS SERV lct; hot, cold water. 225 11th sL ROOMS WITH BOARD. 161 N. 23D, NEAR City Park. Phone Pacific 922. BOARD AND ROOM $20 A MONTH, OR $5 per week. 181 N. 11th st. NEAT ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT board. 31 E. 3d St., N. Flats. FOR RENT BRAND-NEW AND EXCEP tionally fine modern 5 and 8-room flats, choice locality, cor. 23d and Johnson sts. ; Tent $30 and $36. C. H. Korell, 251 Wash ington st. SEVEN-ROOM FLAT, MODERN CON veniences. gas, porcelain bath, stationary tub. fireplace, porch; light, pleasant rooms, shades furnished. Phone Main 4033. MODERN 6-ROOM FLAT. ROOMS ALL tinted, gas range and furnace, reasonable - rent, 5th and Grant. Inquire Portland Trust Co. MODERN, 3 ROOMS. 31 EAST 8TH. NEAR Burnside St., rent $20. Key 393 East Burn side st., W. H. Malls' real estate office. 7-ROOM NEW FLAT, 647 OTH ST.. NEAR Jackson; office phone Pacific 2311; residence Pacific S85. A. H. Maegly, 210 4th st. 8 ROOMS. 095 EVERETT; NEW. WTITH porch and vard; rent reasonable. Key next door. 007. Phone Main 3U72. TWO NEW FOUR-ROOM FLATS FOR RENT last of May. on Morris St., near Williams ave. Inquire 028 Williams ave. 3-ROOM MODERN FLAT; UNFURNISHED; all conveniences. Inquire Flat. D, 225 Market. Phone Main 510. 6-ROOM FLATS, MODERN. AT GRAND ave. and E. Burnside. Inquire W. H. Mall. 393 E. Burnside st. MODERN, 5-ROOM FLAT. STEEL AND gas range; window shades; large cement basement. 200 Halsey. 144 11TH, THE BUCKEYE FLAT, FIVE rooms, 4 furnished for housekeeping. Call Mondav after 9 A. . M. SMALL FLAT. NEATLY FURNISHED. Pi ano and bath privileges, $12. 595 Jeffer son, cor. Stout. DESIRABLE 6-ROOM FLAT. NEW; AISO 4-room apartment; strictly modern. Inquire 349 tith st. SMALL, PLEASANT FLAT. 229 HALL ST. $12.50. 10-room house, modern. 414 2a St.. $40. . FOUR-ROOM NEW FLAT. ROOMS TINT ed. everything modern. 26 E. 13th st. Phone East 522. FOR RENT GOOD 10-ROOM FLAT. VERY cheap on North 17th st. See M. E. Lee, 93 6th it. TWO DESIRABLE FLATS, $25 AND $20 rent, respectively. Address P 66, Orego nian. NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM UPPER FLAT. 370 J4 13th. Call 455 Market. Phone. Main 5593. MODERN UPSTAIRS FLAT. S'EWLY TINT ed and varnished. 292 & Clay. Inquire 292 Clay. - NEW 5-ROOM UPPER FLAT FOR RENT. with or without furniture for sale. Main 0813. FOR RENT THREE-ROOM FIAT. MOD ern; easy walking distance. 344 Montgom ery. FLATS FOR RENT LARGE LIST WEST Side. Phone Pacific 50. M. E. Jee. 03 6th. BEAUTIFUL 3-ROOM FLAT, ELEGANTLY furnished; Depot car to door. 429 3d. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM LOWER flat; fine location. Phone Main 3470. 7-ROOM FLAT. 312 WASHINGTON ST., one block Heilig s new theater. MODERN 7-ROOM FLAT, 3 BLOCKS POST office. $35. Call 252 6th. FIVE ROOMS. MODERN, 7TH AND MILL sts. Inquire 329U Mill. THREE-ROOM FLAT FOR RE.T, 380 JEF ferson; no children. NICE 5-ROOM FLAT, INQUIRE REAR COT tage. 228 Hall st. FOB KEXT. Housekeeping Rooms. THE NEW GRANT APARTMENT XICEL.Y furnished housekeeping suite), new, modern; fine location ; eras range, batn and laundry. Second and Grant. 347 HAUL VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS completely furnished for housekeeping, pleasant location, modern conveniences, reasonable rent. FRONT SUITE AND SINGLE, NEWLY PA. pered and furnlahcd for housekeeping; gas, bath, etc.; lu to fl$. iv.l'n 1st. corner Sherman. 4 ROOM 3, PARTLY FURNISHED, I'P fitains, house 4til West Park St., slu. Snoe tore, 313 Washington su Phone Pacinc TWO FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS In private famllv; all conveniences; no chil dren; close In, West Side. Phone Main dll. THREE FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms, lower floor; bath, hot and cold water; basement, yard. 304 17th st. 454 YAMHILL ST. ONE LARGE PUR nished housekeeping room, first floor, con venient, reasonable, central, nice location. NEWLY FURNISHED SUITE HOUSE keeplng rooms, first floor, modern con ' veniences. 447 Main St. Phone Main 104K. fl WEEK UP. CLEAN FURNISHED HOUSE keplng rooms, parlor, laundry, bath, yard, furnace heat. 2Uo?6 Stanton st., Alblna. gl.BO WEEK UP LARGO, CLEAN, FUR nished housekeeping rooms; laundry and bath. 184 Sherman st.. South Portland. THREE LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeptng rooms, reasonable. 186 24th st. Inquire after 6 P. M. Phone Main 5040. NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, EN suite. ,10 and $12; free bath and phone. Hotel Northern, 12th and Marshall sts. 270 MONTGOMERY THREE UNFURNISH ed basement rooms, renovated, central, sink, yard, shed; phone and garbage service. FOUR LARGE FURNISHED HOUSEKEBP ing rooms, modem conveniences; fine loca tion; $16 per month. Phone Pacific 906. $8 MONTH SUITE FURNISHED HOUSE jKeeplns; rooms; also three unfurnished rooms; sink .in kitchen. 48214 Washington. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, bath, gas, phone; reasonable. 448 Columbia, between 12th and 13th. DESIRABLE. REASONABLE " ITNFUR nished suites, brick bldg., centrally locat ed; save car fare. 211 14 2d, 6almon. FOR RENT TWO FURNISHED ROOMS, housekeeping or single; bath and phone. Call after 0 P. M.. 434 College st. FRONT ROOMS WITH ALCOVE. COM pletely furnished for housekeeping; gas range, phone, bath. 165 N. 16th. 268 MONTGOMERY THREE FURNISHED basement rooms, clean, bright; central; sink, yard, shed. Main 4469; adults. FURNISHED ROOMS IN SUITES OF TWO, for housekeeping, $8 to $10 per aulte. 583 Hood st. Phone Pacific 1422. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, walking distance, rent reasonable. 101 Grand ave. North. Phone East 2645. 354 SALMON 3 DESIRABLE ROOMS ground floor, partly or entirely furnished for housekeeping; two beds. UNFURNISHED 2 LARGE DOWNSTAIRS front rooms, choice location, walking dis tance, reasonable. 384 Park. TWO. THREE OR FIVE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms; gas range, walking distance. 533 Yamhill st. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM FOR housekeeping, modern and reasonable rent. 555 5th st.. cor. Lincoln. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; GAS. bath, phone, with privilege of light house keeping. 493 Davis st. TWO UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, for rent. 292 Larrabee st., cor. of Halsey. Phone East 5371. 534 MORRISON ST. FURNISHED HOUSE keepirg rooms, large and airy; phone, bath, gas; location flrsit class. NICE FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE FOR light housekeeping; yard. gas, phone, bath. 103 North 10th. PLEASANT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. MOD en conveniences; bath, phone, best location. 251 luth. Call Monday. 4 OR 5 LARGE UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms; sink, pantry, first floor, S16 month. 575 4th si. ROOM IN PRIVATE HOUSE; USE OF kitchen, gas. phone and bath. 411 E. Burnside. Phone 2X22. THREE CLEAN. LIGHT ROOMS. NICELY furnished for housekeeping; sink, gas. $13 month. 092 Front. FROM 2 PER WEEK UP FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, modern conveniences. 127 Lownsdale st- TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEP- Ing room; use of bath, phone. 121 E. 14lh. corner Alder. WELL FURNISHED ALCOVE SUITE: ALSO large front room on firet floor: gas and phone. 322 14th t. FOR RENT TWO NEWLY FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping; no other room ers. 47!4 6th st. THREE WELL FURNISHED GROUND floor housekeeping rooms, close In. Inquire 163 West Park st. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP ing rooms, with gas range. 446 E. Bum side, near 7th. SUITES OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOl'SB keeping rooms, $1.25 per week. Apply 38a E. Yamhill St. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 1.25 PER WEEK and up; bath, gas, telephone; new building. 320 Second St. 348 YAMHILL BEAUTIFUL SUITE. CLOSE In. Call Sunday or evenings; bath, gas. Phone Pacific 8. THREE FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOITSE keeping: bath; 'ground floor.. 334 5th st. Pacific .124. 189 13TH TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS, COM pletely furnished: gas range, bath, phone; atlultfi only. SUITE OF HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS FOR rent to married couple without children. 240 Park St. APPLY 394 6TH ST. FO UNFURNISHED housekeeping rooms; light and airy; single or en suite. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT PARLOR AND basement kitchen. 205- 11th st. Phone Main 2284. UPPER FLOOR. 4 ROOMS. WELL FUR nished. central, for rent May 23. Phone Main 2284. 215 KITH ST.. CORNER SALMON THREE nicely furnished rooms for housekeeping; two beds. THREE ROOMS. COMPLETELY FURNISH ed for housekeeping ; very desirable. . 454 Clay st. TWO LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. 1.15 10th St., cor. Morrison; modern. Call Mon day. UNFURNISHED. TWO OR THREE ROOMS in new fiat; gas, bath, sink. Phone Main 1240. FIVE UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH HOT and cold water and phone; cheap. 723 B. Stark. SUITES UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 2234 Pine st. Phone Main 3365. New, attractive unfurnished housekeeplng rooms, close. The Jefferson. 5th and Jefferson FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND THREE unfurnished rooms. 363'y 1st and Mill sU. FOUR LIGHT ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEP Ing; private bath. 80 E. 8th. cor. Stark. 313 14TH ST. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent: bath, phone. Furnished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms. Burkhard bldg.. 387 E. Burnside. THREE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $15; TWO rooms. SIO. 08 Park. Phone Pacific 1130. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, phone, bath, $2.50 per week. 105 E. 6th. N-rsHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeping rooms with phone. 164 N. 10th. THREE UNFURNISHED' HOUSEKEEPING rooms for rent, reasonable. 48 E. 21st st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, bath., no children. 484 Everett st. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING HOOMS. 38H, East Pine and Union ave. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING Nice yard. 487 E. Ankeny. THREE OR FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 214 N. 16th st. Main 1003. FOR RENT. HonMkeeplnv Roonu. THE COLUMBIAN. 11TH AND COLUMBIA New 3 and 4-room unfurnished residence apartments, possessing .-every modern con venience, including private baths; extremely reasonable: $25 to $35; excellent neighbor hood and surroundings; no children. Morgan & Flledner. 213 Abington. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS, 6311, Washington St.. cor. 20th Nicely furnished housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone on both floors, nice sunny suites for $10 and $12 per month; the very best rooms in the city for the money. THE ONEONTA. 18T 1TTH ST., NEAR YAM hlll New house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of '1, 3 and 4 rooms: hot and cold water; gas range In each kitchen;, steam heat, baths, free phone on each floor. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, heat, bath, electric light, gas range, etc.. $15 month; adults; references. The Gar land. 621 Washington, near 19th. Apply 2 to 5 P. M. only. FOR RENT 4-ROOM SUITE OF HOUSE keeplng rooms, extra nicely furnished; rea sonable rent to right parties; electric light, phone, porcelain bath, gas range. . 422, Jefferson. 801H 1ST ST.. COR. COLUMBIA ONE large elegantly furnished room for office or otherwise; housekeeping rooms with gas etovea and single rooms for gentlemen. WELL-FURNISH ED FLAT. REASONABLE; 4-room cottage. Alblna district. $'.; fur nished housekeeping rooms. $1 week. Mc Coy. 271 H Morrison, room C. THREE BEAUTIFUL, WELL-FURNISHED first-floor rooms and large pantry; gas, bath, phone; reasonable to rlgp.t party. 580 4th st. Phone Pacific 1324. FOR RENT MODERN FURNISHED FLAT or housekeeping rooms In & modern dwell ing, near steel bridge, 186 Halsey. Phone East 2011. Call Monday. 2 OR 8 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms. 492 Market st. LARGE) SUITE FRONT ROOMS, near Washington. lOTft 3D, Houses. COTTAGE 5 ROOMS. BATH. GAS AND basement. 751 Johnson, near 23d; rent to small family $20. C. H. Korell, 251 Washington st. NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. CORNER Iarrabee and Clackamas st., near Steel Bridge. Inquire at premises todav. Phone Pacific 878. DON'T PAY YOUR LANDLORD; PAY YOUR self $20 per month and buy a home. East Side, walking distance. 313 Washington St., room 18. NEW 5-ROOM COTTAGE. $10; TWO FOUR room housekeeping apartments, $8; 10 minutes' walk from Steel bridge. 421 Han cock st. FOR RENT HOUSE WITH 7 ROOMS. ALL modern Improvements, cor. Dixon and Ben ton sts. 469 Clay st. H. Trenkman. NEW 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL MODERN C.ON veniences; attic, basement; walking dis tance. 276 Broadway, near Ross: 8-ROOM NEW HOUSE. FURNACE. Fix tures all complete. 306 Hancock, $25. F. W. Torgler, JOB Sherlock bldg. $40 MODERN 10-ROOM HOUSE. GRAND ave. and E. Davis st. John P. Sharkey & Co.. 701 C. of C. Tel. Main 180. GOOD 4-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSE IN, $9; well-furnished flat. West Side, .reasonable. McCoy. 2711, Morrison, room C. i FOR RENT 0-ROOM HOUSE, BLOCK AD Joinlng car line; good well. $19. Oregon Home Land Co.. 129 7th st. FOR RENT MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE OR part, near Steel bridge. 186 Halsey st. Phone East 2011. Call Monday. PORTLAND HEIGHTS 6-ROOM HOUSE $20; 7-room house, $25. D. I?. Keasey . & Co.. opposite observatory. 5-ROOM' COTTAGE, ON 17TH. NEXT TO corner of Overton ; very low rent. A. H. Blrrell. 202 McKay bldg. NINE-ROOM HOUSB, NEWLY PAPERED; porcelain bath; Irving and 18th; $30. W. H. Nunn, 552 Sherlock Block. TWO 6-ROOM HOUSES. EAST YAMHILL, between 7th and. 8th, close in; $18 each; bath and gas. S 67, Oregonian. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE WITH range; reasonable to right party. 187 Hooker st. Call 767 1st st. 0-ROOM COTTAGE. MODERN IMPROVE ments, 1 block from school; rent reason able. Inquire 326 Oth st. FOR RENT ls-ROOM RESIDENCE AT COR ner 13th and Flanders sts. J. H. Mlddleton, 617 Chamber of Commerce. $20 NEW COLONIAL 7-ROOM HOUSE, electricity, gas. porcelain plumbing. 742 East Clinton. East 5531. FOR RENT 8-ROOM HOUSE. 502 STARR St., Alblna, rent $10. Key at 381 E. Da vis. Phone East 1740. FOR HOUSES. FLATS AND BUSINESS Lo cations see Hynson, "The Rent Man," 270 Washington. Main 7039. STRICTLY MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, Just completed, rent $18. 761 Williams ave. Phone East 4405. ELEGANT NEW BUNGALOW. 7 ROOMS. Myitle Park. Mt. Scott car- line; bath. Telephone Main 4498. NEAT. MODERN. 5-ROOM COTTAGE, COR ner 13th and Belmont sts.; $18; no children. Inaulre 562 Belmont. FOR RENT NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM COT tage, 862 Hood St., South Portland. In quire 441 Sixth St.- FLOOR OF 4 ROOMS. WATER, 2D AND Arthur, $9. Inquire 403 Chamber Com merce. Main. 5563.- TO RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE. ALL ONE floor, modern Improvements. 5G7 Market. Phone Main 4079. NE.W MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. OAS. bath, furnace, etc., walking distance, $25. Phone East 2860. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, NEWLY PAPERED, porcelain bath, $15 month. 595 Savier St., corner 19th. MODERN 8-ROOM HOUSB AND 6-ROOM flat; choice neighborhood. 789 and 743 Over ton street. TO ADULTS A NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM house, walking distance from city. Phone East 2856. TWO 5-ROOM COTTAGES ON 14TH AND Overton Bts., $15 witb water. Call at 275 14th' st, N. A MODERN 6-ROOM UP-TO-DATE HOUSE for rent, $23. at 748 Vaughn and 23d sts.. West Side. 5-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT AT 43D AND Hawthorne ave.. $12 per month. Phone East 3336. HOUSES FOR RENT IN ALL PARTS OF the c'ty. Phone Pacific 59. M. E. Lee, 93 6th st. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. 180 17TH ST., corner YamhllL Inquire 189 16th St.. near Taylor. 490 COLUMBIA, NEAR 14TH NEW SEVEN rooms, tinted, gas, bath, yard. 424 3d. Main 7117. HOUSE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH, 529 TAY lor st. Inquire Harris Trunk Co.. 132 6th st. NEW MODERN T-ROOM HOUSB; CLOSE IN; basement, yard. Keys 248 Lincoln, nr. 3d. FOR RENT HOUSE T ROOMS; WILL SELL furniture; rent $25 month. 575 4th St. today. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE ON CAR LINE, close in. East Side. $16. Phone Scott 6191. $15 WILL RENT A MODERN 6-ROOM COT tage on E. 6th, South. Phone Scott 821. NEW. DESIRABLE. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 391 Knott Bt., on car line. Phone Main 2364. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN throughout. Apply 447 Montgomery St. 7-ROOM HOUSE) WITH BATH, GAS, ON 5th St.; car line. Inquire 230 Carutheri. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 172 E. 28th at. N. Phone East 67. FOR RENT 6-ROOM COTTAGE. UP-TO-date. 053 4th. Phone Pacific 44. 10-ROOM HOl'SE. 394 YAMHILL ST.. COR. 10th st. Inquire 390 Yamhill st. A HOUSE OF 4 ROOMS, 364 E. HARRISON, in good order, $10. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE. INQUIRE 106 N. 14th st. FOF. RENT 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE, $25. Phon Union &7. HOUSES FOR RENT HATFIELD & SMITH. my. 4th st. FOR RENT 7-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 446 10th st. FOR RENT. DONALD G. WOODWARD. AGENT. 104 Second St.. Bet. Washington and -Stark Sts. Phone Main 1436. 228 17th N.. 5 rooms $20.00 E. 4Sth and Tavlor. 7 rooms 13.00 10 E. 15th. Ankeny car. 7 rooms 20 00 4."0 E. 34th st.. 6 rooms 18. OO 325 12th. near Clay, 11 rooms 43. oo Sherman, near 3d. 6 rooms 25. OO 0O 21st N., 0-room house 32..V 391 Main, new 8-room flat 40.00 302 E. 30th. house and acreage 35. oo 66 21st st. N-, modern 50.00 89 5th. near Stark. 8 'rooms 43.00 291 Sheridan st.. 3 rooms 3.00 38:H 4th. near Montgomery 32.50 914 E. Yamhill. 7-room house 22.00 4O0 Clay St.. furnishes flat (10.00 113 18th st. N.. 3-room flat 23.00 83 W. Park. 5 rooms, furnished 35. 0O 740 E. 20th. 8 rooms, 2 families 12.00 470 Taylor, furnished flat 50.00 509 Union ave.. 6 rooms, modern.... 30. 00 344 Montgomery. 5 rooms, furnished. 35.00 Store. Washington, bet. 4th and 5th. Terms 623 Overton, 7 rooms, flat 15.00 124 19th N.. 4 rooms, water free 20 oo 391Vj Davie, new flat 32.50 264 7th. modem, fine flat 35.O0 267 Larrabee St.. nice flat 23.00 448 Hawthorne ave., 5-room flat... 18.O0 E. Oth and Prescott. new cottage... 15.00 Mississippi ave. and Monroe st.. flat. 18.00 275 Montgomery, convenient flat . 18.00 461 Oth. new modern flat 25.00 454 Hall st.. new flat. 6 rooms 28.50 172 E. 28th. 5 rooms. . . . 17.50 32Vi 10th st. N., near Washington... 32.50 124 19th N., 4 rooms , 20 00 095 Everett, 8-room flat 35.00 550 E. 13th (Sellwoodl ' 20.00 Prettyman ave. and Belmont, elegant 50.00 320 E. Oth N.. 8 rooms 30. 0O - 308 Mill, suitable for 2 families.... 20.00 927 Williams ave.. fine flat 30.00 414 2d St.. 10 rooms 40.00 106 Whltatter. furnished cottage 25.00 956 E. Couch, furnished 45.00 548 Washington st., new store. 1 . 20.00 E. Washington, cor. W'ater 75.00 392 E. Oth, 6 rooms, modern 20.00 120 18th st. N.. cor. Glisan. 9 rooms 75.00 E. Everett and 27th sts 7 25.00 767 E. Salmon St.. new 5-room flat. . 20.00 767 H E. Salmon St.. new 5-room flat 20.00 730 Irving st., bet. 22d at 23d. 7 rms. 40.00 Store, Morrison st., good location. . 25.00 614 Hoyt st.. dwelling 17.50 129 7th st., fine store 150 00 385 4th st., new flat 32.50 147 Beech St., cottage. 5 rooms 8 00 602 Meade St.. 8 rooms, modern 20.0O 694 Meade st.. 8 rooms, modern 20.00 691 E. Everett st.. cottage. 5 rooms.. 11.00 202 Occident St.. 8 rooms, furnlsned. . 45.00 624 Flanders st.. 7 rooms, furnished.. 50.00 595 Davis St.. new flat 4O.00 5951-4 Davis St., new flat 42.50 88.1 H 4th St.. new flat 32.30 826 2d st. (Railroad). South P 12.00 151 Whltaker st., 5-room cottage 13.00 833 Macadam St., house 12.50 266 to Oak st 20.00 331 W. Park at.. large house 60.00 Cottage. Prettyman ave 30 00 340 Hall St., fine flat 30.0O 93 13th N.. 3-room flat 28.O0 272 Mill St.. good house, convenient. . 20.O0 233 Hall St., upper flat, 3 rooms 16.30 229 Hall st.. water. 2 rooms, gas 12.30 PARTIAL HOUSFJ LIST. 736 Montana ave.. 4 rooms $ 8.00 409 Hoyt St.. 5 rooms 9.00 511 N. 24to St., 5 rooms 12.00 61U Oregon St.. 7 rooms... 12.00 713 E. 11th St., 6 rooms 12.00 673 Savier St., 6 rooms 13.0U 369 N. 16th st. 6 rooms 13.00 664 Mill st.. 5 rooms 14.00 382 E. 1st St., N., 8 rooms 14.00 390 Schuyler St., 7 rooms 15.00 683 Thurman St., 5 rooms. . 15.00 428 Kearney St., 5 rooms.. 15.00 289 N. 16th St.. 6 rooms 15.00 514 Thurman St., 6 rooms .15.00 789 Corbett St., 7 rooms 16.00 4K8 Davis St., 6 rooms 16.00 822 Water St.. 7 rooms 17.00 146 N. 10th St., 7 rooms 17.50 430 10th st., 5 rooms 17.50 176 Russell St., 9 rooms 18. Oo 187 N. 17th St., 6 rooms 18.O0 151 N 17th St.. 6 rooms 18.00 428 E. 34th St., 7 rooms 18.00 5o2to Columbia St., 7 rooms 20.00 694 Front st., 8 rooms 20.00 0O2 Columbia St., 6 rooms 20.00 ()15to First St., 8 rooms 20.00 004H Lovejoy St., 4 rooms 20.00 82) Water St., 8 rooms 20.00 369 E. 6th St., 6 rooms 20.00 361 Ross St., 7 rooms 20.00 Williams ave.. upstairs, 8 rooms 20.00 352 Ross St., 8 rooms 20.00 755 E. Davis St., 7 rooms 20.00 109'4 E. Oth St., 5 rooms 20.00 329 San Rafael St., 8 rooms 21.00 411 E. Harrison St., 6 rooms 22.50 650 Overton St., 6 rooms 22.50 684 Front St., 7 rooms 22.60 70 N. Oth St., 5 rooms 25.0O . 546 E. Davis St.. 0 rooms 25.00 770 Hoyt St., 7 rooms 25.00 126 N. 12lh St., 8 rooms 25.00 324 Vi 2d St., 8 rooms 26.00 470 Burnside St., 6 rooms 25.00 522 Marshall St., 6 rooms 25.00 461 Hancock St.. 10 rooms 27.50 410 Fourth St.. 9 rooms 30.00 430to 2d St.. 8-room flat 25.00 454Vi Hall St., 6-room flat 30.00 2fl4to 14th st., 6-room flat 25.00 58U Hoyt St., 7 rooms 32.50 273 14th St., 6 rooms - 32.50 245 N. 22d Bt.. 8 rooms 35.00 734 Hoyt st., 8 rooms . 35.00 344 Columbia St.. 6 rooms 4O.00 347 Taylor St.. 8 rooms 4O.00 52 N. 23d St., 10 rooms 40.00 141 N. 16th st., 9 rooms 1 40.00 631 Marshall St., 10 rooms 40.00 649 Hoyt St., 8 rooms 40.00 313 13th St., 10 rooms 50.00 243 Everett St.. 10 rooms... 52.50 226 12th St.. 12 rooms... 60.00 209to 4th St.. 25 rooms 75.00 WAKEFIELD, FRIES & CO.. 229 Stark St. EDWARDS COMPANY. Housefurniahers. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. If you contemplate moving, call and see us, as we have the most complete list of vacant houses in the city for rent. Following is a partial list: . WEST SIDE. 4- room cottage. South Portland ....$10.00 2-room flat, modern 12.50 5- room flat, North 17th st ;.. 18.00 11-room house, North 14th st 20.00 6- room house. Taylor St., close In... 27.50 11-room house. North 18th 30.00 7- room house, new. close In 30.00 10-room house. 21st st.. North ........ 50.00 EAST SIDE. 5-room cottage, Tremont station ...$10.00 5- room cottage. E. 43d, new 12.00 6- room flat, new. East Side 13.00 5- room cottage. E. Taggart st 15.00 7- room house, new. Mount (Scott line. 1,1.00 6- room house, E. Salmon st 18.00 6-room house, new. E. Lincoln 22.50 Note No information regarding these houses can be given over phone. Office hours from 10 to 11 A. M. and 2 to 4 P. M. EDWARDS COMPANY. Housefurnlshers. 185-191 First St. 8 ROOMS. 394 JACKSON, $35. ozo Main, 940.. 511 Mill. $30. 220 East 1st, $20. $20. , 782 Northrup, $25. 36 17th. $16. 534 Columbia. $22.50. 605 Corbett, $12.50. 403 Market. $20. 429 Main, $40. 590 4th, $20. 310 17th. $15. 166 Porter. $18. 598 Williams ave.. $25. 344 Larabee. $22 60. ,V4 Yamhill, $30. 364 Fourth. $21. York, near 23d. $25. 526 Market. $15. 295 17lh, $25. 386 N. 19th. $12. E. 24th and Hancock, $40. 4S Irving, $25. 230 Dixon. $1!T.50. 286 N. 21st. 35. 711 Front. $15. 777 Johnson, $28. Base Line Road, $18. ark and Oak. $45. 14 N. 24th, $5u. 3 Irving. $35. 57 Whltaker. $16. PARR1SH. W ATKINS & CO.. 250 Alder St. FOR RENT. $22. 5) 7 rooms 2 lots, barn, 838 East Morrison. $15 5-room cottage, 46 East 8th St., North $12.!W Beautiful lot. 7-room cottage! abundance fruit, 186 East 37th. $11 Beautiful cottage, 1517 Rockwell St., Woodlawn. THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY, 149M, First St. FOR RENT THE" HANDSOMEST 8-ROOM residence on tnc r.ast wide; finished from basement to attic, modern in every respect; fine lawn, only a few blocks rrom wieel bridge, and one block from river; charming view of the harbor. L car passes door every 7 minutes. Corner Broadway and Larrabee; responsible tenant wanted: rent reasonable. FOR RENT MODERN - 8-ROOM HOl'SE, 2M Dixon St., near Steel Bridge. $22.30. Inquire of owner, next door, or to Slnnott st Slnnott. 335 Chamber of Commerce. PORTLAND VAN AV STORAGE CO. FUR- nlture and piano moving in large enclosed vans; private Iron rooms for storage of val uables. 31 N. Fifth. Main 152U, 10 rooms, 8 rooms, 6 rooms, 5 rooms, 8 rooms, 5 rooms, 6 rooms, 9 rooms, 5 rooms, 5 rooms, 9 rooms, 9 rooms, 4 rooms, 6 rooms, 10 rooms, 6 rooms, 8 rooms,. 5 rooms, 7 rooms, 5 rooms," 11 rooms, 5 rooms, 8 rooms, 7 rooms, 11 rooms, 8 rooms. 7 rooms. 1 rooms, 6 rooms, 7 rooms, 7 rooms, 8 rooms, 6 rooms, 9 rooms. 12 rooms. 9 rooms. 6 rooms. FOR RENT. Houses. HOUSE LIST. PORTLAND TRUST WIMPANI OF OREGON. 10- room house. 2d st $ 40.o 6-room house. 490 Market St.. ...... 2".tu 6-room house. 52 Market st......... it. (hi 6- room house. 5oJ Montgomery........ 25.011 7- room house, ,V6 Mill " ii.AU 9-room house. 748 Johnson :.in 5- room lower flat. 35u, Columbia... ifv.tw 6- room lower flat. 572 5th -.50 6-room lower flat. IMto 13th. N 'S..o- 6-room lower flat. lth and Giisan... 2..ou 26-room rooming-house. Airier st 125.1HI 2o-room rooming-house. Alder st...... 85.IHI 11- room Toomlng,house, Flanders & 14 2o.(i Store, 14:h and Flanders Iomi Store and bakery. Flanders 25.ni 25-room rooming-house, 4th &. Salmon 13. ou KAST SIDE. . 6- room house. 532 K". lMlh $ 12,oi 7- room house. Mt.. Tabor. ' I8.tm 7- room nouse. Ml. Taoor .'.. 3- room house, 411 E. lavls K.ovi 4- room upper flat. 43 B. Oth. N lO.Oo 6-room fiat. Mississippi ave 18,(1t 4- room flat. Russell st l(i.0ti 5- room house, Central ave 12.(H 4- room Hat. 467 Mason 7.(H 8- room house. 371 Multnomah....... 3lt.0i 5- room house. 440 E. 8th, N 18. (Hi 8-room house, 341 Cook ave , 15.0O 5- room house, 406 Vancouver. 12. uo 6- room house, 829 Riss 2(.tio 5-room house. 441 Falling 15.(Ki 4-rocm flat. Grand ave 1S.UU PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORBuOX, S. E. Cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. " HOUSES FOR RENT. $7.50 863 Corbett at., store, suitable for butcher shop, and 4 rooms, large bast-ment. $10 869 . 12th st. North, between Sha ver and Mason sts.. 5-room cottage. $10 871 E. 2th st. North, between Sha ver and Mason sts., 5-room cottage. $12 852 B. 11th st. North, comer Shaver. 6-room two-story house, bath, basement, etc. $12.60 861 i, Corbett St., 2 anterooms and hall, suitable for lodge purposes, v $151189 Taggart St., 8-room house, bath, etc.. one block south of Richmond car, at end of line. $16 1193 Taggart st., 8-room house, bath, etc., one block south of Richmond car, at end of line. $18 164 East 20th st., 8-room. house, bath. etc. $18166 East 20th st., 8-room house, bath. etc.. $30586 Warn 6th sc. corner Brooklyn St.. modern 8-room house, bath, furnace, sta tionary tubs. etc. $12 78 Bowdoln at. (University Park). 11 room house, large yard, bath, toilet, etc. - $30 60to N. 15th St., modern 6-room lower flat. $.15 54 North 16th St., modern 6-room up per corner flat. THE TITLE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO.. 240 Washington Street. NEW 4-ROOM FLAT. THOROUGHLY" MOD ern. Including gas and electricity, latest plumbing, hot and cold water. kJJchen and bath tiled, rooms tinted In good colors, ce ment walks. 7-mlnute car sen-ice. 2231, Russell st.: $16 per mo. Portland Trust Company of Oregon. Phone Exchange 72. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. 270 13TH. NEAR . Overton 8.o EAST SIDE. 7-room touse. 753 E. Ankeny, near 2Sd.$20.00 7-room house. 372 E. lOih, cor. Schuyler 26.00 . OR1NDSTAFF & SCHALK. " 264 Stark St. Tel. Main 392. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 426 OTH. $25; 8-ROOM house. 268 Columbia. $25; 5-room cottage. 311 Union ave.. $16; 11-room house 607 Marshall. $45: 6-room flat. 8501$ Corbett, $12.50. L. E. Thompson & Co. 228 3d. FOR RENT SWELL NEW. MODERN 7 room residence. East Taylor St.. excellent location, $24. Inquire No. 825 East Taylor or office. 227V4 Washington St., room 17. Phone Pacific 652. 9-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. GRAND AVE. and E. Davis St.. $30 per month. John P. Sharkey & Co., 701 Chamber of Commerce. Tel. Main 180. or East 314. A FINE 8-ROOM AND BATH COTTAGE for rent at Mt. Tabor, near West ave. Sta tion, for $20 per month. Address Dr. J. Carlyle. 829 Qulmby st. . FOR RENT MODERN ' HOUSE OF EIGHT rooms, very desirable location. 833 Kelly St., South Portland; . rent - $25. . D. W. Hoelblng. 250 Stark. STRICTLY MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE, FUR nace. fireplace, etc.. on - West Park, to re sponsible adults; vacant June 1. M Walton, 313 Washington st. Furnished Boassn, FINE 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR THE SUM mer, well furnished, choice neighborhood, near Good Samaritan Hospital: 195 N. 23d St.. cor. Kearney. - FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. FURNISHED COM plete; gas: large yard: car line; vacant May 25. Main 4633, Sundays; Pacific 739 other days. COMPLETELY FURNISHED 5-ROOM Up per flat. East 39th and Belmont sts. ; modern Improvements. R. Buetlkofer, S72'.i East Burnside St. FOR RENT COMPLETELY FURNISHER modern 5-room cottage for 8ummer months; gas, piano; no children. 358 13th. DESIRABLE 7-ROOM FURNISHED HOUSE, 466 Market St., near 33th. June 1 to Sep tember 1; no small children. FURNISHED HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS IN good location, modern conveniences, large yard. Phone East 3624. " FURNISHED COTTAGE ON CAR LINE, modern: bath, phone, gas, etc.; moderate. Phone East 2035. FOR RENT REASONABLE NEWLY FU fi nished, strictly modern 6-room flat. Call 844 Columbia st. - JlRGB FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RENT during the Summer. 512 Chapman at.. Port land Heights. NICELY FURNISHED SIX-ROOM HOUSE, bathroom, choice roses, - 169 Porter St.. S. Portland : $26. FURNISHED HOUSE ON NORTHRUP ST.. between 22d and 23d; nice yard. Phone Main 1174. FIVE-ROOM PARTLY FURNISHED HOUSB for rent to adults. Inquire W. F. D. Mercer, 180 4th st. FURNISHED HOUSE. 7 ROOMS. 172 N. 15th. Phone Main 2496, or inquire at prem ises Sunday. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED 3-ROOM cottage. East Side, $16. Phone East 2578. Houses For Rent Furniture For Sale. FINE 10-ROOM HOUSE. CHOICE NEIGH borhood. near Good Samaritan Hospital, furniture almost new; will sell part cheap. Call Sunday after 3 o'clock or Monday, 195 N. 23d st., cor. Kearney. FURNITURE OF 6 ROOMS FOR SALB Rooms to rent; these rooms are located la the central business district and axs for rent. The Ames Mercantile Agency. Abing ton bldg. Phone Mala 928. 12-ROOM HOUSE. CENTRAL. ROOMS FULL: the best for the money m the city;- rent very reasonable. A 6-room cottage, close -in, rent low; owner leaving. 210 Alisky building. FURNISHED COTTAGE 5 ROOMS. VERY central, walking distance; not modern, but in good condition: flowers and garden; will sell all or part of furniture. Phone -Main 5013. NEW AND COMPLETELY FURNISHED' 5 room cottage; must sell Immediately; leav ing city; price $125 cash. 7 East 13th St. 12-ROOM HOUSE. VERY CENTRAL,RENT $35; good furniture: will sell at a bar gain. Hatfield Smith. 165(4 4th st. - FURNITURE OF DOUBLE HOUSB: WILL sell 6 rooms single or 12 double: rooms ail rented. 363 Yamhill St., cor. Par.. FIVE-ROOM FLAT FOR RENT FL'BNI ture for sale. 11th and Alder ats. Tel. Main 30. or H 65. Oregonian. MODERN 17-ROOM HOUSE. 9 FURNISH Ell. 8 unfurnished; good lease, cheap. Washing ton st. E 69. Oregonian. FINE FURNITURE OF 6-ROOM HOUSE; will sell for half: house rent $22.50; sawn, roses. R 70, Oregonian. $2 COOL FRONT ROOM, SOUTHERN FAM lly; strictly modern; also slderoom. 173 16th. corner Yamhill. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE. REASONABLE rent, carpets, bedroom set, stove Jor sale, $60. 29 Grant. FURNITURE OF 10-ROOM HOl'SE FOR sale cheap; fine location for boarders. 873 E. Couch st. FOR SALE FURNITURE. OF FOUR ROOMS, new aI elegant, for housekeeping, cheap. (2 Lewi bldg. FURNITURE 4-ROOM HALF HOUSE, $72: rent $7. No children. Downstairs. 730 4th St. I FURNITURE OF 6. ROOMS FOR SALE ery cneap. iia . jth. (Tall mornings. FURNITURE OF TWO-ROOM HOUSE FOH sale cheap. Call Monday, 189 7th st. '73 BUYS 8 ROOMS NEAR CITY HALL; rent $23. 205 Morrison, room 4. FIVE-ROOM FURNISHED FLAT FOR -RBNT or sale. Inquire 427 Cth. FLAT FOR RENT. FURNITURE FOR SALE. K 68, Oregonian, ..