THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, MAY 13, 1906. 21 FOR SALE. Honn, Vehicles and Hv. WELL-MATCHED TEAM YOUNG HORSES for sale cheap: good roadsters and gentle for lad Ira to drive, either double or 'Ingle, and well broke to saddle; reason (or selling, have auto. Phone East 395. HANDSOME BAT GELDING T YEARS OLD. weighs 110O pounds, perfectly gentle and standard bred: also new Stanhope and harness; will sacrifice to effect immediate sale. Phone Pacific 974. PAIR OF MATCHED SORREL MARES. 7 and 8 years old. weight 2WX pounds; are sound, work single or dsniole. and are true to pull; also heavy harness. Call 23 N. 14th st. HIGH-BRED HAMBLETOMAN DRIVING horse, 5 years old. quiet for family use; speedy for track work: home Sunday at 411 Mildred St., corner Union ave. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS DRIVING horse, or horse and buggy; will also take horse and buggy for Its keeping. Address S 69. Oresonlan- SNAP 155 BUYS SIX-YEAR-OLD BROWN horse, weighs 1200 pounds, suitable for ranch work. Call Regal Stables, 14th and Burnside sts. faORSES AND BUOOIE3 FOR RENT BY day. week and month; special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne, TtU East 72. HANDSOME roU'MBVB STANHOPE CUT under. rubber-tire, brand-new, would trade for piano or sell cheap for cash. Call 23 N. 14lh St. - SNAP BAY MARE 6 TEARS OLD. IS1 hands, new rubber-tire and harness, $185. Ask for McClelland' s, rig. 14 Union, eor. Ash. TWO GOOD SPANS OF HEAVY WORK horses and other work and driving horses; all young and sound. 278 Jefferson st. FOR SALE ONE TOP BUGGY: RUBBER tires; one trap, holds 4 people; one sulkey cart. W. J. Hawkins, 448 Sherlock bldg. ONE NICE 7-TBAR-OLD MARE: NEW buggy and new harness, for sale cheap; must go East.. See owner, 141 Mead st. FOR BALEONE BEAUTIFUL BLACK driving team: also one single driver. Ad dress X 70. Oregonian. TEAM OF GELDINGS 5 YEARS OLD. 3000 pounds, well broken, never worked In city. 623 Hawthorne ave. ONE MULE. 1200 lbs.: 12 GOOD GROCERY wagons; 4-ton goose-neck. Hubert A Hull, 269 Fourth. FOR SALE GOOD YOUNG HORSE. HAR ness and wagon. Apply at 430 E. Au keny st. We Buy. Sell. Rent, Exchange. Horses. Wag ons, saddles, harness. Hubert ft Hall. 268 4th FOR BALE FOUR HEAVY HORSES AT Lyons' Stable, Union ave. and B. Alder at. Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 60T. STYLISH TRAP. HORSE AND HARNBiS. Apply at Fashion Stable, or 76 N. 23d. STYLISH BUGGY AND HARNESS. CALL at Brown's Stable, Lownsdale and Alder. WANTED GENTLE BUGGY HORSE) FOR lady driver. Phone Tabor 10B. WANTED A GOOD DRIVING HORSE; stats price. O 63, Oregonian. Pianos. BAN FRANCISCO REFUGEE WHO LOST almost everything In catastrophe will sell nearly new uprlgnt Decker piano, a splendid specially selected piano, at about half price; must have' the money. Address Merchants' Collection Agency, P. O. Box 430, city. BAN FRANCISCO MUSICIAN WHO SAVED nothing but a fins mahogany baby grand piano will sell It for $,VH cash, or half cash and balance on payments to suit. Ad dress or call at fillers Piano House, 351 , Washington st. ALL PRISMS WORD CONTEST CERTIFI catrw of Killers Piano House possess genuine value, but should be countersigned and reg istered at our Portland, or Spokane, or Boise offlcs. AN ELABORATE EVERETT PIANO, TAKEN from llrm going out of business; cost me $4oo. Whst will you give? Will take lum ber or mlllwork for It. Address i 70, Ore gonian. A MUSICAL NOVELTY THE "RELIA ble" self-playing piano; good, simple, prof itable. For terms addrsss Transconti nental Machine Co.. agents tor Oregon. VBRY NICE MAHOGANY FRANKLIN Pi ano, exautly like new; $145 cash or $15 down and 95 ft month, I-illene Piano House, 361 Washington at. FOR RALE A GOOD NEW PIANO, VERY cheap, and must be eold regardless of pries Phone Main 6780. or call 240 Park st. FOR BALE FILERS CREDIT CERTIFICATE! good for $HO payment on piano; cheap; make offer. Florence Foster, Astoria, FOR SALE GOOD STANDARD MAKE Up right piano, In mahogany case, almost new, cheap. Call 21U Weldler st. PIANOS, TALKING MACHINES. NEW AND seoond hand, easy terms. Anderson Music Co.. 190 Third st. PIANO SNAPS UPRIGHT, $1.15; ANOTHER. $95; square, $25; organ.; easy terms. 1UU Third FOR SALE ISO E1LERS CERTIFICATE cheap: gcod this month; best offers. P. O. Box (Ml. .$100 EILERS CERTIFICATE FOR SALE OR exchange; time extended May 81. T 63, Ore gonian. ICO CERTIFICATE ON EILERS PIANO; will sell or traue; make me offer. 005 E. IHlh. WHO WANTS $K) E1LBRS PIANO HOUSE certificate for 15? F 07, Oregonian. EILERS PIANO CERTIFICATE FOR SALE very cheap. W til, Oregonian. 155 EILERS PIANO CERTIFICATE FOR $2.50. Phone Main 6510. $7d EILERS PIANO CERTIFICATE, $tu. C AT, Oregttnlan. Miscellaneous BALE OR TRADE FOR PORTUND PROP erty. modern brick plant. 40, out) capacity; Monarch machine, practically new; 40 horsepower engine, 0 boiler, good condi tion W 70. Oregonian. FOR SALE FURNITURE OF 10 ROOMS: splendid location ; nouse for rent; htgh ciass boarders and roomers will remain; must sell, make offer. Address V 70, Ore gonian. FOR SA1.E-. NATIONAL CASH RBG1S ter. good as new; 3 plate-glass showcases; 8 slot machines; going out of business. Call Imperial Hotel Cigar Stand. CHEAP NiO I.OADS DRY. CLEAN BOARD wood. Portland Development Co., Lewis sml Clsrk Exposition Grounds. C 68, Ore gonian. FOR 8A1.K A FRESH DURHAM COW. cheap. Mrs. E. Nickels, near Portland Flour ing Still. FOR SALE CARRIAGE AND LIVERY horss and wagon. 1209 Division St., East Side. A FURNISHED FLOATHOUSE; BUILT ON a raft; price, 125. Inquire B. Preston, 3d st. FOR SALE CHEAP LA ROE KEr'KIGKR stnr. almost new. 875 Alder St. Phone Main 3li31. , FOR SA I. hV MODEL "A," CADILLAC Au tomobile. Inquire Covey at Cook Motor Car Co. FOR SALE CHOICE CANARY BIRDS. Singers, $3 each. The Grand. 45S N. 3d st. HOUSEBOAT BEST ON TUB RIVER. FUR nighed. for sale cheap. Phone East 184. NO. 2 SMITH -PREMIER TTPKWRITBH, worth 7. only $.M. N fl Oregonian. FOR SALE FRESH COWS; HALF JERSEY. lKHS ll)tii at., nesr Umatilla. Sellwood. FOR RAt.K CHEAP 4"0 HOMER PIGEONS, full Wood. Inquire 291 t Stark st. FOR SALB 4 OCTAVE ZYLOPHONB WITH resantors attached. Phone Main 414. FOR ALB CHEAP 2 AUTO-RUNABOUTS; leaving city. 67 "W. Park St.. city. W ANTE D G OO D ROI.L-TOP DESK AND chair: state price. W 64. Oregonian. 1 FF.ET OF GOOD. HEAVY WIRE FENCE for sale cheap. Phone Bast 1888. KINS WHITE DIAMOND. H l-64th k., $80. Room 21. 51 H 6th St. North. FOR SALE A Kx30 IN. LATHE, COM plete. Phons East 64. BARGAIN IN fireproof safe. I .A RGB M 3d St. SECOND-HAND FOR SAI. GOOD COOK STOVE CHEAP. HP0 Guntenbetn ave. JI-FOOT LAUNCH HULL. FOOT THUR men St., 850. FOB SALE. Miscellaneous. FOR SALE. 1 SO-ton geared locomotive. 1 26-ton Baldwin locomotive. 1 13-ton 3-inch gauge locomotive. 4 sets second-hand logging trucks. 6 second-hsnd flat cars. 1 11x14 logging engine.. 1 0x11 logging engine. 1 axlO logging engine. 1 5-H. P. upright boiler engine. 1 12-H. P. gasoline engine. 200 tons 40-pound relaying rail. RAILWAY EQUIPMENT CO.. 324 Chamber of Commerce. WB MAKES ANY SUIT IN THE HOUSE TO ORDER FOR NO MORE 420.OO NO LESS. UNIQUE TAILORING CO., 809 STARK ST.. NEAR 6TH. MAJESTIC STEEL RANGE WITH COPPER reservoir. $20; good No. 8 cookstove. $6.5i; bedroom suite. $10; white maple chiffonier with French-plate mirror, 80; 827.50 birds eye maple dresser, full swell front. French plate mirror. $18; tt-foot extension table, 84.5U: 4 Iron beds, $1.75; 25 hardwood beds. and full slae, $1; 24 chslrs. cane or wood seat, 50c; mantel folding bed. $7.50; 5 large arm rockers. $2: quartered oak cen ter table, 8.1: kitchen tables, $1; :i5 oak sideboard. $18: good refrigerator. 86. M. J. McGrath, 68 North 3d st. Main 2087. LARGE QUANTITY HOUSEHOLD AND restaurant furniture. Including dining tables, chairs, dishes, glassware, silverware, dress ers, beds, mattreeses and other goods too numerous to mention; call early Monday. Time Auction Company, at -Gauld & Co.'s First and Burnside. third floor. 165 tons new hop wire, 815 per ton. 75 tons new plow steel; cable remnants. 150,000 ft. pipe from In. to 10 In. 2d-hand pnlleys, shafting and sheet Iron. Metals, scrap Iron, junk of all kinds. Bought. Cash advanced on consignments. M. Barde A Son, 8th dc GUsan ets. 60 SLIGHTLY ' DAMAGED SEWING MA chines at very low prices; Singer, Wheeler & Wilson, Domestic, White, Household, Davis and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler ft Wilson and Singers. S. S. SigeJ, 335 Morrison St., Marquam bldg. FOR SALB GASOLINE CABIN LAUNCH "Chipmunk," w. 1. 48 feet 6 Inches by 8 feet 6 Inches; 50-horsepower; 4-cyllnder Union Gas Engine; mahogany Inside and out; finest cruising launch on Pacific Coast. Address Gordon Blandlng, Belvedere, Cal. FORTY-INCH ROLLER-TOP DESK, PRAC tlcally new and 6 mechanical singing birds, nlckel-in-slot. perfect order, big money getters; not gambling. J. J. Mannlon; sacri fice prices. 701 Vaughn. Phone Main 3751. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tablets; easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswlck-Balke-Collender. 40 3d St. FOR SALB CHBAP GROCERY AND LODG- lng-house; will sell separately; good loca tion good business; reasons for selling. 53 First St. .Phone Pacific 1795. GOOD AUTO RUNABOUT. 7-HORSE-POWER engine: shaft drive. $225. Dick Holmans garage. 2d and Montgomery. Entrance on Montgomery. Call Monday. WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING out; 840 bicycles at 825; $55 racers, $50 tor cash; 130 rims, 50c on the dollar. S. S. Slgel, 335 Morrison st. FLOATING BOAT SHOP. WITH MACHIN- ery. for sale cheap and good will; small payment down, balance monthly. Inquire 288 E. Morrison St. 34 PAIR OF FINE-BRED HOMER PIGEONS for sale, as party wants to leave town, which Is the onlf reason for selling, K 69, Oregonlsn. LARGE GASOLINE LAUNCH. LENGTH 48 feet, 20 horsepower engine, built last Sum mer; perfect condition; $1800. Owner, 349 6th, city. $150 BUYS SWEET-TONED EMERSON Pi ano In good condition; oak roll-top desk; with Columbia barlock typewriter. M 63, Oregonian. FOR SALE STEAMERS. TUGBOATS, OAS ollne launches, houseboats; barges, canoes, naphtha launches, boathouses, cheap. Phone East 184. HOUSEBOATS HAVE SOME PARTLY FUR nlshed snd unfurnished, small payment down, balance monthly. Phone East 184. STERNWHEEL STEAMER. 110 FT. LONG, light draft, must sell; In first-class order, ready for commission. 288 E. Morrison. PARTY LEAVING TOWN WANTS TO SELL dining tnble. chairs, eofa, rugs and stove, cheap. Call forenoon today. 620 6th sit. FOR SALE A PONY PANEL PLANER, good as new. one Iron frame combination table. Call at Portland Machinery Co. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN DAVIS DROP head sewing machine, used short time, cost $.".; will take $20 cash. 887 4th st. BUFFET. GOLDEN' OAK; 8 SIDEBOARDS, extension table. 10-foot, round. "Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washington St. GASOLINE ENGINE FOR SALE, 3 H. P.. new. Including batteries, shaft, propeller, tools, etc.. $125. Phone East 184. EGGS FOR SETTING WYANDOTTES. Rhode Island Rede. Buff Orpingtons. Chas. Loedtng, Gilham ave.,. Mt. Tabor. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C. Albee Co., 248 Grand ave. FOR SALE 4-MONTHS-OLD FULL-BLOOD-ed Scotch terrier pup. E. L. Courtney, Washington Hotel, loo N. 3d st. BEDS. FOLDING. MANTLE. IRON AND wood; stationery: bargains at Western Sal vage Co., 627 Washington st. FOR SALB JERSEY COW; 8 GALLONS milk daily. H. Bleeg. Fulton car at Jewish Cemetery. Phone Main 808. FRESH COW AND CALF: OPPOSITE RES. ervolr No. 2. South Mount Tabor. Call af ternoon. Phone East 3477. 21-ROOM BOARDING-HOUSE. ALL NEW. nicely furnished; one of finest locations in city. S 60, Oregonian. THREE TENT PLATFORMS 'FOR SALE on fine camping ground, cheap. Call at 268 U Morrison, room 38. WANTED TO BUY GOOD HORSE ON terms, or will trade carpenter work for same. L 49, Oregonian. 80 GALLONS PRESERVES, HOME CANNED, half gallons and quarts. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington St. COUCH, HANDSOME OAK FRAME. SPRING edge, leatherette cover. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washington st. MOTOR. H-H. P.. AND STARTING BOX. almost new; snap. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st. FOR SALE FRISCO PHOTO AND SLIDES: for prices address E. Bronquist, 13S7 Mal . lory ave.. Portland. HAND CART. NO LICENSE REQUIRED; strong snd healthy. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington St. RANGES 1 FRENCH. 2 STEEL. S GAS: also cook stoves. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st. WILL GIVE AWAY GOOD HOUSE FOR RB moval: cheap building material. McCoy, 271 Mr Morrison. A FINE FAMILY COW. PART JERSEY and Guernsey: milk tests 5 per cent- Call 383 Benton St. SHOWCASFS. COUNTERS. TABLES; COME snd examine. Western Salvage Co., 627-35 Washington st. FOR SALE 20TH CENTURY SANITARY nda fountain. . Address Umpqua Bakery. toseburg. Or. FRUIT JARS. 200 DOZEN, PINTS. QUARTS, half gallon's. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington St. FOR SALE TILE REFRIGERATOR. GOOD as new: half retail cost; small size. Phone Main 1217. FOR SALE BLICKKNsrvrPFFR TYPE writer, almost new; $16. F. W. Vogel, 310 Columbia st. v 32 ACRES OF TIMBFR. 85 PER ACRE: V.-mile from river. 504 Goldsmith. Lower Alblna. TENT. 7x0 FLY 18x24: MUST BE SOLD. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st. Donkev engines bought, sold and rented. 124 Chsmber Commerce. Phone Msin 2363. HELP WANTED MALK. WANTED TWO TEAHSTERS AND SIX stave bolt makers for the country. 206 Market. WANTED MAN WITH $500; GOOD SAl ary; pay weekly; Investigate. P. O. Box 186. Sslesman for Hoe Safety Raxor; best ever; bonansa side line. 315 Oregonian bldg. WANTED TEAMS TO HAUL WOOD IN Columbia County. Pioneer Fuel Company. HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES, OPEN TODAY. ' Cook and helper or man and wife, coun try hotel. 81'; second cook. 875: fry cook, $7o; pantryman, make salads, $45: porter, $25; kitchen hand. $35; dishwasher. $30. .same hotel. kltchen help, $20 month and $7 a week. 2 R. R. camp cooks, $n, free fare. Cut-off sawyer, $3; edgerman. $3; pony sawyer. $2.6; 5 blacksmiths. 83 day; $76 and $60 and board, one helper $45 and board, some free fare: 4 bridge carpenters, $3. free fare: 10 company bridge carpen ters. $2.75. free fare; nawmlll and yard hands, shovelers. brickyard laborers, ax men, peavey-men. canthook-men. swampers. 2 hooktenders. woodsmen, wages $2.25 to $3.75; coal miners, gold miners and muck ers. R. R. MEN. 2iOO teamsters. . laborers, concrete men, trackmen, Bplkers. strappers, bridge car penter helpers. $2.25 to $2.75 a day and FREE FARE. OFFICE FEE only 60 cents: no other charge. - HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICES. 26 North Second St. and 250 Bumslde St. SEE US FOR WORK. WANTBD BOYS FOR FACTORY WORK: good wages, steady employment. Apply at once. Ames-Harris-Nevlllc Co.. oth and Da vis streets. $80O0 YEARLY POSITIVELY MADE INTRO duclng and appointing sub-agents for our. Just patented Fire Extinguishers. S. Wills. Cincinnati, made $890 in one week. Experi ence unnecest-ery. We give agents exclusive territory, co-operate with them in every way, extend credit and offer a grand opportunity to secure a fortune. Eagle Tool Co., B. 854. Cincinnati, O. A HUNDRED FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN .on Oregon and other railroads. Expsrlence unnecessary; firemen, $10O, become engi neers and earn $2uO monthly; brakemen $75, become conductors and earn $150, Positions awaiting young men. State age. Send stamp. Name position preferred. Railway Association. Dept. 296, 718 Broderlck St., San Francisco. WANTED AN A NO. 1 MAN OF GOOD Ap pearance and address as managing solicitor; competent to secure business from manufac turers and wholesale dealers: liberal compen sation to right party. Address, stating1 age, references and previous occupation. 1 no Martlndale Mercantile Agency, 395 Broad way, New York City. MAN WANTED IN THE REAL ESTATE business; experience unnecessary; If honest, ambitious and willing to learn the business thoroughly by mail and earn $300 to $500 monthly as our local representative, write immediately for full particulars. Address National Co-operative Realty Co., 792 B, Athenaeum bldg., Chicago. WANTED FOUR MEN TO TRAVEL IN each state, distribute samples and advertise our goods. Salary. $21 per week and ex penses, guaranteed. Expenses advanced. Experience unnecessary. Address, with stamp, stating age and occupation. Reeve Co., 4-00 Dearborn St., Chicago. WANTED COOK FOR SMALL CAMP. $50; 5 lumber graders, $2.50; 6 planer feeders, $2.50 to $2.75; ratchet setter, $2.75; band resawyers, $2.50 up: tallymen, $2.50 up; 6 river drivers, $3 and board; 600 others. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. 285 Burnside. 12 N. Second St. WANTED SALESMAN BY WHOLESALE jewelry houee to sell their line of Jewelry to general trade In Oregon. We offer spe cial Inducements to merchants, which makes1 sales easy. High commissions, permanent position. McAUlster-Coman Co., 359 Dear born St., Chicago, 111. 1000 ROCK MEN WANTBD On construction work of Copper River Rail way, Alaska; wages $3.30 and upwards per day. M. 3. HEN BY. Contractor. Col man Building, Seattle. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges positively cured In from 3 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radium Medical Institute, 3d and Alder ms. ; entrance 253 Alder St., Portland. WANTED IMMEDIATELY BRIGHT YOUNG men. over 18, good- physique, to prepare ror positions as railway mall clerks: starting salary $8oo. E. O. Heynen. 215 Columbia bldg., 365 Washington st. call Monday even ing 7 to fl. I HAVE SEVERAL EASTERN AGENCIES for entirely new novelties, specialties, etc.; fast sellers; large profits; no limit to trade; $2iX) gets half interest; references given and expected; exceptional opportunity. E 67, Oregonian. .... TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON with a full line of soaps, perfumes and fla ' vorlng extracts, furnishing the $2 for $1 Belling plan to the retail dealer; $30 weekly advance. F. F. Cook, Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. WANTED ENERGETIC. TRUSTWORTHY man to work In Oregon, representing large manufacturing company; salary $40 to $iK per month, paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore, Portlaud, Or. SIDE-LINE WANTED. A SHOE SALESMAN who makes the Interior towns in Oregon to carry my lines of silk, cotton , and linen nanakercnieis. Must De a .responBiDie man with good references. S 61, Oregonian. WANTED SALESMEN OF ABILITY AND neat aDoearance to call on all merchants In truilr te:rltory; elegant side line convenient to carry; good commissions; prompt remit tance. Butler Mfg. Co., Cincinnati, o. - MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade In eight weeks. Graduates earn from $15 to $25 weekly. Expert Instruct ors. Catalogue free. Moler System of Col leges, 36 North 4th St.. Portland. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR. high-grade nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today . for choice of territory. Capital City Nur sery company, Salem, ur. WANTED MAN TO MANAGE? CONFEX.' tlonerv and news stand In eonnectlon with real estate office: must have $35o; can make $150 a month. Call at once, room 9, Breeden bldg., 3d and Washington. SALESMEN BELL OUR ICE CRUSHERS TO saloonlsts, soda fountainlsts, confectioners. Ice cream manufacturers, etc.; aide line; good commission. Davenport Ice-Clipping Machine Co., Davenport, la. ACTIVE. RESPONSIBLE GENERAL AGENT for best acetylene generator made; large commission; state full position for reply. Address Manufacturer, 151-153 N. Clarence St., Loa Angeles. WANTED AT ONCB 30 LABORERS AT Cazadero; wages $2.25 peT day. Call at Engineering Department. . Oregon Water power st Railway Co., 1st and Alder sts., for particulars. WANTED PRINTER. CAPABLE OF RUN ning power press, gasoline engine and doing the work of country office. V rite, stating wages wanted, and experience, independent Hillsboro, Or. WANTBD PARTNER, REAL ESTATB OF- flee; experience not necessary; need man immediately: am alone; come Monday; price sioti; grouna noor; cneap rent. . tuft otn. WANTED A MAN WHO HAS HAD Ex perience in structural steel work; must be competent to act as superintendent on steel construction. Apply Monday at 452 Sher lock Diag. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO LEARN Plumbing Trade; Colorado School Practical Plumbing; wages. $4.50-$6.50 per day; cat alogue free. 1645-51 Arapahoe St., Den ver, Colo. YOUNG MAN, PRACTICAL AND EXPE rienced In poultry raising for partnership will lumisn ine casn ; spienaia opportunity for the right man. Otto Furbinger, 294 14th WANTED A WELL RECOMMENDED BUT ler; good, wage-s to competent man. Apply uj leiier, wiin rriereuces euciosea, to jars. Chester Thorns, 448 S. C St.. Tacoma, Wash. WANTED TWO GOOD. RELIABLE MEN for farm and harvesting work; permanent and good wages. Address, stating salary aesirea. w . Miner. v asco. Oregon. DETECTIVE SHREWD. RELIABLE MAN wanted In every locality to act under orders: experience unnecessary. Write Webster's Detective Agency. Des Moines, la. A MESSENGER BOY. ABOUT 15 YEARS old. for printing office: good chance to learn trade; every encouragement to suit able boy. G 40, Oregonian office. WANTED COMPETENT SALESMAN, Ex perienced in wire rope and logging supplies. Anaress. -giving reterences and stating sal ary expected. X 61, Oregonian. SELL OUR $20 SODA FOUNTAINS; MAKB $10 on every sale; collect pwn commissions -act quick: write for particulars. J. B. Fox. 1.32 La Salle St., Chicago. A FIRST-CLASS DRESS GOODS MAN. ALSO experienced .wash goods and domestic man. Submit references. Hlmelhoch Bros. A Co., Bellingham, Wash. YOUNG MAN WITH $150 CAN SECURE tj interest and position as collector: must, be honest and willing; call personally. 242 5th and Main. EXPERIENCED BLACKSMITH WITH MA chlne shop experience. 886 Upshur st. EXPERIENCED WAGON-MAKER WANTED atN. P. Wagon Works. 295 Ollsan st. HELP WANTED MALE- WANTED SALESMAN, YOUNG MAN OF good character, who is amDitious tor a ois I u Lure ; muM be quick, tactful and -persistent, with sufficient poise to be at ease In dallng with persona engaged In every pbasa of commercial life; state age, experience, former wages and record to receive consid eration. Address The System Company, Chicago, Dept. 4- MAN WANTED WE WANT GOOD MEN In all small towns to enow ana aeu lartua to customers: guaranteed salary and steady position to men who are willing to learn the business and faithfully handle buyers. North American Land Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. TWO BRIGHT. ENERGETIC. PERSE VER- lng young men for permanent position, sal ary to start. $18 per week: good chance for advancement to right parties. Apply Monday, 7:30 to 8:30 A. M.. 4 to S P. M. 367 Stark. SALESMAN FOR OREGON. EXPERIENCED traveling man preferred; line staple lor general trade; position permanent: $50 week ly with commission. Sawyer, Lsslle & Co., Detroit, Mich. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON with staple line; high commissions with ioo monthly advance; permanent position to rtht man. Jess H. Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich. SALESMAN ACQUAINTED WITH GEN- eral retailers, wanted Dy Dianxei ano aress goods mills to sell Fall side line on com mission. Bryn Mawr Mills, Philadelphia. Pa. HARNESS-MAKERS WANTING GOOD JOBS In ths oountry, addres Charles L. MastlcK & Co.. wholesale leather. Front and Oak sts., Portland, Or. WANTED TWO MEN WITH TEAM TO sprinkle Riverside anve; tour monins work. Henry Tillman, 813 Front St. Phone ' Main 2902. FOR $300 YOU CAN SECURE HOMESTBAD relinquishment; lao acres gooa iruit lana. i miles from town. Hudson Land Co., Ths Dalles, Or. WANTED EXPERIENCED YOUNG MAN for men's furnishing store; state refer ences and salary expected Address M 66, Oregonian. WANTBD YOUNO MAN TO DRIVE OIL. wagon; must be single; call today. Acme Oil Co.. 175 E. 23d, near Belmont. Phone Bast 780. SALESMEN ADVERTISING NOVELTIES, complete line; earn $100 a week taking or ders. Shellonlte Co., Box 906. Manchester, N. H. WANTED YOUNG MAN, 16 TO 18 YEARS, must come well recommended. Apply Mr. Carey, Woodard, Clarke t Co. R 60, Ore gonian. SALESMAN FOR STATIONERY HOUSE, must be well posted and acquainted, with city trade; good opening. T OS, care Ore gonian. BOYS, RELIABLE. ABOUT IT YEARS OF age, who want to learn the business, apply to Superintendents office, Olda, Wortman & King. WANTED TWO HIGH-CLASS SALESMEN who can produce results. A good man cad make $5000 per year. Box 97, Cedar Rapids, la. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO connect, repair and set up stoves. Apply I. Gevurtx & Sons, 173 1st, Monday morn ing. Men to learn barber trade Special inducements tnis montn; wages wnus learning, uniman Barber College, 627 Clay St., San Francisco. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE TO tack signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc. No canvassing. Universal Adv. Co.,. Chicago. Any Intelligent person may earn good Income corresponding for newspapers; experience unnecessary. Press Syndicate, Lockport, N.Y. WANTED MAN TO START CIGAR AND confectionery store in connection with em ployment office. Inquire 285 Burnalde St.' WANTED 3 OR 4 SADDLE HANDS AND 10 good harnessmakere. Address Los . Angeles Saddlery & Finding Co., Los Angeles. Cal. MEN EVERYWHERE GOOD PAY; PASS circulars, tack signs; no canvassing; steady. Continnetal Distributing Service, Chicago. WANTED BOY WITH BICYCLE TO CARRY packages. Apply Greenland & Grek, 8d and Washington sts., over Feldenhelmer's. BOOKKEEPER, COMPETENT. HANDLE large office; best of references. Clerks Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison St. WANTED 2 FIRST-CLA88 MACHINE operators on tents and awnings; steady em ployment. F. O. Berg, Spokane, Wash. WANTBD GOOD CIRCULAR ANVIL MAN; must have shop experience or don t apply. J. B. Fox Saw Works, Seattle, Waeh. THE PEOPLE WANT OUR SICK AND Ac cident benefits and we want men and wom en to sell them. 705 Marquam bldg. EXPERIENCED DRIVERS FOR DELIVERY wagon; only those perfectly acquainted with the city need apply. X 388. Oregonian. I WILL GIVE YOU BUILDING MATERIAL and sell you a lot on Installments; come a-running. McCoy, 271 Morrison. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout the state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. WANTED SKILLED STRUCTURAL STEEL workman for punch and pneumatic riv eter. Apply zo stark St.. Monday. A GOOD LIVE MAN WHO HAS HAD Ex perience In either accident or life insurance. 10 to 12 A. M. 210 Columbia Bldg. MEALS. 20O.: 21 MEALS. $3.50: ROOMS 25c and 50c; weekly room and board, $4.50 to go. union Hotel, ai . otn at. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS. distribute circulars: samples, etc.: good pay. ' Sun Advertising Bureau, Chicago. WANTED GOOD HORSBSHOER TO - DO floor work and Jobbing; $3 per day. Inquire waternouse A Lester. 68 otn st. WANTED A PRACTICAL FUR CUTTER on natural work. Address S. Soupal, 628 Granville St., v ancouver, u. c. . WANTED TWO RESPECTABLE BOYS, 16 to 18, needing work and' willing, apply 7:30 sionaay, lCAiien sc aci-onneti. WANTED WINDOW TRIMMER FOR DRY goods store In Tacoma at ones; experience necesssry. I. V i , uregonian. FIRST-CLASS PLASTERERS AND BRICK- layers wanted: good wages. Apply to Dr. J. carlyie. American inn. RELIABLE BOY FOR OFIICE WORK IN wholesale nouse; good cnance lor advance ment. E 64. Oregonian. : WANTED JOB COMPOSITOR: WORK houee a day; steady position; give refer ences. G 64, Oregonian. STENOGRAPHER, EXPERIENCED IN lumber tufllness ror general office work. Ad dress N 62. Oregonian. SALESMAN WITH $250 CAN SECURE GOOD position: money secured or Interest In busi ness. Q 60. oregonian. WANTBD EXPERIENCED OVERALL AND shirt-cutter; steady employment. Shull-Day Co.. L acoma. asn. WANTBD TWO STRONG BOYS TO LEARN a trade. The Modern confectionery Co. 13th and Hoyt sts. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN; GOOD uppori unity w lis- ft-"-; -oit luvrmngs. WANTED SOLICITORS. MEN AND WOM- en who want to work and make money. 400 Oregonian bldg. WANTBD COMPETENT DEEP WELL driller; no other, lo to 11, 727 Chamber of Commerce today. WANTED CO AT MAKER FOR OUT OF town. Apply Monday, D. B. McBride & Co., 84S oth St. BOY. 18-2". RUN ELEVATOR. $20, ROOM snd board. Clerks' Registration Bureau, 265 Morrison at. HRST-CLAS9 RROtLER AND LUNCH MAN. Address O. M. Campbell, 320 James at., Seattle, Wash. EIGHT ROYS WANTED LIGHT WORK IN box factory. Apply to Willamette Box Co., Llnnton, Or- W ANTED -r- FIRST-CLASS FARM HAND, city,-cook, woodchoppers, dairymen, etc 193 Morrison st. A FIRST-CLASS EDGER MAN WANTED TO - work daytime. Apply Eastern Western 1 Lumber Co. WANTED MILLWRIGHT: PERMANENT position. Call In person. Room 306, Stearns Bldg., city. WANTED- TWO PRACTICAL ELECTRIC linemen: must be good climbers. H 62, Oregonian. BOY WITH BICYCLE WANTED. K. 6. Ervln Co. Ltd.. cor. Third and Alder, city. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid. 62 3d. Phone Pacific 46. HELP WANTED OFFICE BOY: ANSWER In own handwriting. E 66, Oregonian. HELP WANTED MALE. WANTED A TIMEKEEPER; MUST BB able to give good references. Apply Jeoooay at 482 Sherlock bldg. WANTED MEN TO WORK; SUNSET Broom Works. 12th and Lovejoy sts. WANTED FIRST-CLASS PANTS MAKERS, Nlcoll, the Tailor. 108 Third t- W ANTED TWO SOLICITORS. CALL 2T1 Taylor St., between lo and iz. TWO SOLICITORS, Suiy, STARK ST. CALL Monday between lo and lz. WANTBD A BOY. STEADY WORK. AP- plv 49 Front, cor. uavis. WANTED MATTRESSMAKER. EDWARDS Company. li 1st. DELIVERY BOY WANTED. CALL 305H 1st St. WANTBD BOY WITH BICYCLE. 308 Stark. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED LADY SOLICITOR FOR ,'8E- Tllle" hair tonic and reviver: no oti or nye; assured Income from customers. Address F K. Oregonian. WANTED GIRL FOR LIGHT HOUSEWORK, two In family; no washing; win go to Coast during Summer. & Margin St., foot McMlllen. WANTBD YOUNG LADIES FOR CHORUS wor. Apply Biar 1 neater, hibiub between 10 and 11 A. M. and 4 and i P. M. dally. WANTBD RESPECTABLE ItNENCUMBElt- ed woman, about 3A. as housekeeper, wid ower's family; suburbs. ZMM Yamhill. Main 6413. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X. Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Aider; entrance 2a$ Aider it, Pertlsnd. WAITRESS. EXPERIENCED, WANTBD chamber work. Golden West Hotel, 7th and Everett. . WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN- eral housework; five-room modern nat, good wages. Apply 326 Falling bldg. Phone Pa cific 54. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. MIDDLE aged lady, unincumbered, small family, widower, good wages, Ths Times, Heppner, Or. THE HOME LADIES' AGENCY; FEMALE help wanted; registration free. 165V 4tto St., upstairs, suite 23. phone Main 6828. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO GO TO COUN- try to take care of child for Summer. J. E. Andrews, 433 Yamhill st., Portland. WANTED OPERATORS AND GIRLS TO learn shirtmaklng. Apply Standard Fao tory, S Grand ave. and E. Taylor st. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, good wages. Apply 570 Haw thorns Terrace, Portland Heights. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER. CALL Monday morning, Emmons A hrfnmons. At torneys-at-Law, 365 Washington. WANTED NEAT. AGREEABLE GIRL FOR genera housework. Mrs. S. M. Hutchinson, 862 Michigan ave.. Union 6424. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR 6EN eral housework, or girl to ssslst and take cars of baby. Phone Main do&O. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 343i Washington St., cor. 7th, upstairs. Phone Main 2692. WANTBD STRONG GIRL FOR PRESSING clothes; one with experience preferred. Ber lin Dye Works, 347 Second st. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST IN HOUSE work and care of children. Phone Bast 3170. ' Address 686 Tillamook. WANTED SCHOOL GIRL TO A8SI8T with light housekeeping for good home. 148 N. 24th. Phone Pacific 489. WANTED NEAT GIRL OVER 18 WITH references; child's nurse; light second work. 230 Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTED EXPERIENCED NURSE FOR responsible position; permanent If satis factory. P 63, Oregonian. MILLINERY APPRENTICE WANTED PAID while learning. Monday, from 8 to 10 A. M. - Madame Bodle, 129 13th St. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS COOK AND houekeeper; no other need apply; two In family. 772 Everett St. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; wages 815. 388 Salmon St., between West Park and 10th. STRONG GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GEN eral housework; must sleep borne. Apoly mornings, 213 13th st. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework In country; wages $20. Apply 607 Pettygrove. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT housework, 3 adults; sleep home. Call 208 14th. Phone 67(10. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN eral housework. Apply afternoons, 104 N. 17th, cor. Kearney. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, family 3, small house; wages $30. Address P 59. Oregonian. WANTBD COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework; wages $28. Apply 605 B. Main. cor. 16th. WANTED EXPERIENCED SALESLADY for cloak and suit department. Address K 70, Oregonian $30 MONTHLY GIRL FOR GENERAL housework; good home and good room. 689 E. Ankeny st. ' SHIItTMAKERS, THOROUGHLY EXPERl- enced. Jacobs Shirt Co.. Hamilton bldg. 1S1 3d St. - WANTED APPRENTICE FOR DRESSMAK Ing; wages paid while learning. Call today. 687 2d st. STENOGRAPHER WANTED TO WORK IN law office. Address P. O. Box No. 6, The Dalles, Or. GIRL TO ASSIST IN GENERAL HOHBB work and to care for two small children. 585 5th St. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Address 297 Monroe st. Phone East 3562. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS IN OUR LUNCH room. Call P. M., Swetland & Son, 273 Morrison. WANTED WOMAN FOR GENERAL WORK In boardtng-house. The Chrysler, 389 Tay lor. . WANTED A GIRL WITH SOME EXPERI ence for general housework. 166 N. 17th at. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO make "Boss of Allv overalls at 76 1st st. WOMAN TO HELP IN SMALL RESTAU rant. Apply 162 B. 33d and Belmont ats. GIRLS WANTED APPLY STANDARD FAC tory. 2 Grand ave. and East Taylor st. WANTED GIRLS TO MAKE OVERALLS. Mt. Hood Factory, 2d and Couch sts. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good wages. Apply 721 2d St. FIRST-CLASS COAT AND WAIST FINISH ers. Apply room 48 Washington bldg. . GIRL OR MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN FOR general housework. Call 285 4th st. WANTED A GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework. Inquire 841 Washington. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MlIJjINER, $25 per week. Address L 70, Oregonian. WANTED MAKERS AND APPRENTICES for millinery. Apply 352 Morrison. WANTED GIRL HOUSEWORK cook. Apply NO. 253 N. 21st St. AND GOQD NURSE GIRL AND GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. Phone Pacific 45. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK IN family of two. 533 Johnson st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Ap ply 181 14th, cor. Yamhill. WANTED SLEEVE AND SKIRT HELP, Tee art ale. 506 Marquam. GIRL TO WORK IN PRINTING OFFICE. Apply to 640 Hood St. . WANTBD GIRL TO FLL, SPICE CANS and label. 26 Front. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Apply 381 10th St. WANTED SEAMSTRESS, $1.50 PER DAY. Q 67, Oregonian. GOOD SEWERS WANTED. CALL SUNDAY, 388 Morrison st. GIRL FOft GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 686 Marshall St. NEAT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK. 667 OVER ton st. WANTED SEWING GIRL AT 853 MORRI-son. HELP WANTED IT.MAL8. CAPABLE WOMEN WANTED. If y work, why not earn mora tkaa a living? Be Indepeadant. Do good. The Via vl Company already ernpleys eret 12.00O women. The work corers 23 countries of ths world. Wa win enurtala applications from capa ble women. Not canvassing, but n helpful. dlgniae4 work. , Address by mall only. THE VIAVI COMPANY. Lewis Building. Portlans. Or. WANTBD GIRLS FOR FACTORY WORK; good wages, steady employment. Apply at once. Ames-Harrls-Nsvllls Co., Filth and Davis streets. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER AND 9TEN ographer. Remington machine; must be abts to keep set of books and havs had business experience; stats reference see salary re quired; one familiar with commission bus Iness preferred. X 83. Oregonian. ATTENTION, Applicants for all kinds ( work tregtststr with us. frse of charge, so a way toasts yen on short notice. HANSEN'S LASIEIT AOIEXCTY. 843 H Washington st.. ear. 7th. npstalra. COOK IN THE CITY. $0: COOKS AT THE seaside and camps, best of wages: 4 wait resses. $8 per week and room; housework. $30. and other good Jobs. Tha Home La dles' Agency. 24 Russel bldg. SEWERS GINGHAM APRONS. MAKB highest wages. Material sent to door free of charge. Stamped addressed envelope for particulars. L. P. Richards, 5812 Calumot ave., Chicago. WANTED A COMPETENTV WELL-RECOM-mended woman cook; good wages. Apt. 7 by letter, with references enclosed, to Mrs, Chester Thorne, 448 8. C st., Tacoma. Wash. WANTED YOUNG LADY IN PHOTO 9TU dlo, for reception room and to learn re touehlnsr; one who has had experience as clerk preferred. X 68. Oregonian. DEMONSTRATORS WANTED MUST BE capable of preparing satisfactorily pan cakes, coffee, biscuits, etc. Address with reference, etc.. K 64. Oregonian. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT HOME We furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 wsekly. Send stamped envelops to Royal Co., 126 State st., Chicago. AN EXPERIENCED FITTER; NONE OTHER need apply: for one alteration room. Sub mlt reference In first letter. Hlmelhoch Bros., & Co., Bellingham, Wash. WANTED YOUNO LADY STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper; state experience, and ssl ary expected: mention references. Address P. O. Box 202. St. Johns. Or. ONE EXPERIENCED LADY SOLICITOR TO represent an old reliable banking house- in this city; liberal commission; references re quired. A 66, Oregonian. LADIES, TO MAKE SANITARY BELTS MA terlal all cut ready to sew; $1.20 per dosen; particulars stamped envelope. Lenox Co., Dept 240. Chicago. A GOOD. PLAIN WOMAN COOK AT 186 5th st. HELP WANTED MALE OR lEMsl.t. STOCK AND BOND SALESMEN ONLY hlgh-cla men need apply; splendid oppor tunity for right men to make $250 to $600 monthly; no "graft" scheme. Call 8 to 10 mornings, 4 to S and 7 to 9 evenings, room 10. Lafayette bldg., 6th and Wash ington. COOKS, CHAMBERMAIDS, WAITRESSES (combinations), domestics, housekeepers, cafe butcher (cook), dishwashers, waiters, cooks. Drake's. 2u6 Washington. SOLICITORS WANTED AT ONCB GOOD money and chance for better position. Call 10 to 12 or 2 to 5 Monday. Suite 6, Hotel Tennessee, 4th and Madison. EXPERIENCED SHORTHAND TEACHER wishes private pupils, day or evening; gives speed dictation. T 69., Oregonian. ntKBATnns AND FINISHERS ON PANTS . best pay. 410 Washington, room 7. WANTED EXPERIENCED TAILOR AND talloress. Apply 170 "A 2d St. SITUATION -WANTED MALE. Bookkeevsrs and Clerks. FIR6T-CLASS STENOGRAPHER AND ALL around office man from San Francisco wants employment with wholesale house, preferably where he can work Into com mercial traveler's position: am worth good salary; have a poor one now. W 66, Ore gonian. . BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books dally, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small ex pense; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton the accountant, 534 Chamber Commerce. Main 4886. BUSINESS COLLEGE GRADUATE WISHES position as assistant bookkeeper and stenog rapher; good references. George E. Grlf flth, Jr., Woollawn, Or. PO8ITION WANTED BY EASTERN MAN; experienced window-trimmer and display card writer; best ol references. Address Q 61, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER by young man; experienced, and own ma chine." G 66. Oregonian. Miscellaneous. A FLOUR MILLER. 26 YEARS' EXPERI ence In hard and soft wheat, would like tJ correspond with parties in Portland or near Portland who want an honest and competent miller; will consider small mills. L. El Cook, Pierre, S. D. JAPANK8B DOMESTIC SH3RVANTB. H008E- clcanera and other laborers furnished. Ths Nippon Employment Office, room 2, 29 N. 8d st., city. Main B164. P. O. Sox 176, A WILLING YOUNG MAN OF GOOD HAS its desires employment; has experience aa driver and acquainted In town and can give good references. X 86, Oregonian. HONEST AND TRUSTWORTHY MAN wishes position In offlcs building or hotel as janitor or elevator man; long experience; reasonable. P 69, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY STRUCTURAL draughtsman, detailing or checking. Address F Guenther. Jr., care American Bridge Co., Milwaukee, WIS. WANTED POSITION AS SECTION FORB man on logging road; understands putting in all kinds of switches; good reference. G 68. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS BAKER BY AN experienced, all-around baker; country town preferred. Stats wages In answer. B 57 Oregonian. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED TRAVEL ing salesman w-lth established territory In Northern California and Oregon. T 62. Ore gonian. WORK WANTBD FOR ALL RACES; Ho tels, restaurants, camps, farms, mills, rail road help. Drake's, 206H Washington. JAPANESBI LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 465S. 26S Everett. YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS A Po sition as porter, bellboy or kitchen help; prefer country. D 69, Orenonlan. MAN AND WIFE WOULD LIKE WORK IN some first-class dining-room, country or re sort preferred. X 87, Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS STATIONARY engineer or fireman In city; give refer ences. Address T 70. Oregonian. FIRST-CLASS JAPANESE COOK AND dishwasher wants a position in hotel or res taurant. G 69. Oregonian. GOOD HON EM" BOY. 17, WANTS WORK forenoons; knows city; references. G7S Main. Phone Main 2219. WANTED A POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS Japanese rook, to work in the city. D A4, care Oregonian. WANTED TO DO SOME JANITOR OR room Work In exchange for board. P 68, Oregonian, JAPANESE WANTS ENGLISH TEACHER for private evening school. P 70, Orego nian. - Men's cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 73 N. 8d St. Phone Paclflo 1694. WANTED POSITION AS A Lie-A ROUND butcher for country. R 61. Oregonian. POSITION BY MAN NOT AFRAID OF wnrtr at flr II SI I A TV. D 63. OTefOnlSn. FIRST -CLASS BARKEEPER CAN FURNISH A GOOD JAPANESE WANTS POSITION TO make beds. Main 5142; SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenoocraphen. WANTED LADY STENOGRAPHER Un derstanding general office work, wishes po sition; no objection to small salary. Best reterences. M 65, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED FEMALE. Bookkw-pera and Stenographers. . BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books daily, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at smalt -expense: satisfaction guaranteed. Murtna the accountant, 534 Chamber Commerce. Main 4S-9& STENOGRAPHER DESIRES POSITION; eighteen months' practical experience. Sal--ary very low. Has typewriter. Phone East 6S09. POSITION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED young hvdy In confectionery and Ice cream-, . store. B 69. Oregonian. EXPtRIENCED LADY WANTS POSITION, as assistant bookkeeper, clerk or cashier Phono Mala 8812. STENOGRAPHER DESIRES POSITION, general office work, preferred- Address L Gof Oregonian. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER DE. sires permanent position. H 68. Oregorlas. Dressmakers. PRETTY SUMMER DRESSES TAKE SHORT cowse ami learn to make, them right. Kcls. . ter's College. Hall 400, Altsky bldg-. ele vator 96 M.nrlson. Jfattems cut to meaJMire. ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE BY EX- perienced party; skirts a specialty; work guaranteed. 35tt East Washington, bet. Union and Grand ave. WILL DO DRESSMAKING AT YOUp ' HUlMCi, K U pri U I till) . -Sill 1 v ii-ici ences. Phone Pacific 114a $1.50 per day. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. LADIES' tailor ess, wishes sewing in lamllle or.-ac home. Phone Main 1108. DenmUos. HIGHLY RESPECTABLE YOUNG CANAj; dtan lad-y, clergyman's daughter. Is open for engagement as governess, mother's help or housekeeper: thoroughly dumesli3 cated. Phone. Monday. Main 4469. - -4 YOUNG GIRL, 20. WANTS POSITION IM small family or with old people; housework; good home; some eveningv off for study; state wages. Address today T 68, - Oregonian. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WISHES- WORK by day and will cook for dinner parties and luncheons. Main 4346. Housekeepers. MANAGING- - HOUSEKEEPER- OR COM panlon Lady from San Francisco desires -position In refined family. She Is a goo4 nousekeeper. Very musical, and inval-': uable with convalescents. Highest refer ences. O 63, Oregonian, '"' YOUNG MARRIED LADY WISHES Posi tion In housekeeping apartments In ex change for housekeeping rooms and smali wages; no children. F 00, oregonian. SITUATION REFINED WIDOW. UNDER 40, housekeeper widower's family. Mrs. Wil son's Ladles' Agency, 201 Morrison. Pae 1 cldc Blu. SITUATION REFINED YOUNG WIDOW, housekeeper; no objection to country. Mrs. Wilson's Ladies' Agency, 201 H Morrison. Pa clflc 61u. - - MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WOULD KEEP house for bachelor or widower with small family. D 66, Oregonian. - Nurses. A TRAINED NURSE (EASTERN TRAIN-" Ing). wishing to locate in Portland, would" like position In doctor's office; has had six years' nursing, special work In surgery and, obstetrics; has held hospital position. Ad-. dress E 63. care Oregonian. BY PROFESSIONAL NURSE, THE CARE OF 7. Invalid lady or gentleman or Infant; would go to Coast or travel: a fine seamstress; best medical and personal references. Phone Main 4B24. , i Miscellaneous. COMPANION TO CONVALESCENTS LADY . would Visit families by day, week, hour, or : permanently. She Is a good reader, con-' versatlonaltst, French (acquired in Paris), musical, and traveled extensively; would chaperone parties to London, Paris and Brussels If desired. References. N 02a.- Oregonian. LADY. ACQUAINTED IN SIX LANGUAGES, experienced In traveling, good sewer, wishes - cr position as traveling companion or govern- ess. E . 68. Oregonian. - - - SITUATION WANTED RESPECTABLE middle-aged woman, chamberwork or House. -, keeper, widower, small family. 2304 Yame hill. Main 5413. - PACIFIC 1370 FOR H ELP COOKS, WAIT- resees, chambermaids, families, camps boats: Chinese, Japanese. Drake's, 2ooti Washington. i EXPERIENCED LADY WITH CITY REFEI-U ences wishes position as nurse or will care for child or Invalid. Phone Main 4124. A MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WOULD LINE) to take charge of rooming-house expert , enced. reliable. c 06. oregonian. -4 , LADY OF ABILITY WISHES ALL KINI3 of bills for collection; strictly confidential If desired. Address P 65, Oregonian. A LADY WILL GIVE LESSONS TO Be ginners, In English: also shorthand, -rea sonable, a ts. uregonian. HIGHLY RESPECTABLE WOMAN SEEKS permanent employment rrom o to is A. ju.j references. Main 4469. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND STRETCIM ed 40 cents per pair. zao iztn st. . i-noua Main 7014. YOUNO LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION A lady's maid; reference given. V AT, Orax; gun-Ian. '. FIRST-CLASS LAUNDRESS WANTS WORH3 bv the day. 245 17th st., N room 7; seud -letter. TWO EXPERIENCED LADY COOKS WANU ' positions on boat or camp. X 69, Oregonian, '- EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WOULi like work by day. Phone Bast 411 J LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED , ANI) fancy Ironing. Phons Main 8740. ' . - - n an WANTED AGENTS. i h '4 BIG PROFITS. PERMANENT BUSINESS-! i Price monopoly In engraved silver nms -and number door plates; never before gofci -for less than $5, but you san now sell fan $1.60 and make 75 cents each; only betsS- C families bought when $5; now every on., orders at $1.60; . get our exclusive terrl-,-, tory - proposition. New Method Co., - -Prairie ave., Chicago. ----- . 0UT8ELL8 EVERYTHING OUR NEW bOAB box. containing six solid sllverold spoons ui (it six cakes of soap, worth $1.60; sells for. as cents. Agents' profits amasing. Agent-in -Durham mads $1000 first ten weeks. Parkafl Chemical Co., Chicago. WANTBD AGENTS $76 WEEKLY AND Ex penses easily made selling life, health, accl-. dent polloiesi appointing agents, continue-as) -income; experience unnecessary. Old estab lished company. Write Royal Fraternal Union. St. Louis, Mo. - SAN FRANCISCO EARTHQUAKE ONLY- complete official history; thoroughly lllue---trated, nearly 400 pages, $1.50 and $3, .SO per cent f. o. b. Portland, Or.; outfit frer--send 10c to pay postage. W. R. Taylor Ar 1 Co. $25 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED BY LADV"")'' agents taking orders for us; .outfit prepaid! -we start you In business and make you indes -pendent: write for circular and terma, Wge a man's Apparel Supply Co., Chicago. WANTED SALESMEN TO SELL OUR SPE. -. claltles; steady position; outfit f urnlelmdr -free; select your territory. Start at onca.i and make $.10 to $50 per week. Write today; to Oregon Nursery Company, Salem, Or. AGENTS ILLUSTRATED HISTORY SAN Francisco disaster; colored pictures; now ready; extraordinary terms; credit; outflta free. National Publishers (established 1887). Lakeside bldg., Chicago. MAN CLEARED $1182; LADY $720 LAST six months, selling new celluloid waterprooi shoe dressing;, why not you? Demonstrated samples free. Q. Holladay & Co., . 200 Clark St., Chicago. AGENTS "SAN FRANCISCO BURNING." taken day of earthquake; sample, 60 cents;" j 18x22; discount to agents; be flrst in your territory. Mt. Hood View Co., Ill Oth sl.t, Portland, Or. SAVE TIME AND MONEY GET YOl'R " 'Frisco books in Portland. Authorized edition; Introduction by Bishop Fallows. -Agents wanted- G. S. Wlngate, Mgr., 1040 . E. Taylor. 'pl AGENTS WANTED TO RKPRWSBNT THE Old Reliable Nurseries: commissions ad- vanced weekly; write quick for choice of. territory. Albany Nurseries, Albany, Or. -f AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE ; Stereoscopic views of 8an Francisco earth- - quake series: regular prices. A. H. May:; ar. General Delivery. Postofflos. A r WANTED TO SELL OUR '"' Mgb grade nursery stock; big commissions and premiums; cash advanced weekly. Ad- ' dress Chico Nursery, Salem, Or. Gentlemen agents, Portland and throughout tats; big wages. 316 Oregonian building- NURSE FOR PRACTICAL NURSE. CAL44 :" phone Main 6829. 3-''