The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, May 13, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Sole Portland Agents for "Vudor" Porch Shades in All Sizes Ready to Hang 3d Floor
Artistic Picture Framing to Your Order at the Very Lowest Prices New Moldings
The Meier Frank Store
Women's Tailored Suits Are Reduced
1 000 Women's High-Grade Tailored Suits at great special
reductions all this week A sale of unusual importance to
every woman having need for new, up-to-date apparel
This season's very best models in serges, voiles. Panama
cloths, homespuns, shepherd worsteds Eton styles, fancy
gimp or button trimmed and circular skirts Pony, semi-fitting
or tight-fitting jackets, self strapped or stitched Colors
include grays, rose, reseda, navy, Alice blue, black, checks
and fancy mixtures All sizes and an immense variety to
select from Matchless values at the following low prices;
$20.00 Tailored Suits $14.85
$27.00 Tailored Suits $19.85
$32.00 Tailored Suits $21.85
$50.00 Tailored Suits $36.45
$55.00 Tailored Suits $38.25
Mail Orders for the above suits will receive our very care
ful attention Be explicit in stating what is wanted, measurements, etc.; order at once
The "Burson" Seamless Fashioned Hose
Demonstration at the Hosiery Counters all this week. The only. Hose that is knit to fit without a seam. Perfect-fitting:,
perfect shape, good quality, moderate prices. These are some of the good features about these
truly remarkable Stockings. You have our assurance as to wearing qualities of "Burson" Stockings for wom
en. We shall be glad to tell you a great deal more-about them at Hosiery Counters than we possibly can
in the newspapers. Prices range from 25 to 75 a pair. ..: -
"Dolls' Day," Saturday, May 26 g&&3ftJ. "S?s. "
ioned Hose for Dolly to be distributed free to all little girls bringing their dollies. Sizes to fit them all.
Remember "Dolls' Day," Saturday, May 26th Every child should plan tp be here. ,.
65c Tan Lace Hose 38c Pr.
2000 pairs of women's tan and brown lace Hosiery lace boot and all
over lace effects, in wonderful variety all new patterns, all sizes
Hosiery that finds quick sale at 65 cents a pair, every day in Tfc
the week; anticipate your Summer needs at, pair OC
5000 pairs of women's black Lisle Hose "Hermsdorf Dye" absolutely
fast color, full fashioned, all sizes; the best 25c values; buy 1
all you want of them at this low price, pair
Special Jot of 1500 pairs women's black, tan, white and; fancy shaded
Hosiery plain and lace lisle of fine quality, all sizes; 50c
and 65c values, on sale at, pair 'JJv
The famous "Shawknit" Hosiery for children; fine ribbed, reinforced
knees, and heels, double sole; -black and tan, all sizes; best 1 Q-
25c values, on sale at this special price
Complete stock of women's, misses' and children's white Hosiery.
Meier (D Frank
Great Sale of
Dinner Sets
White semi-vitreous Dinner Sets
great special values at:
.60-piece get for.. ..$3.99
100-piece get for.. $5.98
Semi-vitreous Dinner Sets decorated
with pink flowers and gold-stippledgreat
value at these prices :
60 pieces, $8.00 Talus $6.49
100 pieces, $12.00 value ....$9.84
Semi-vitreous Dinner Sets, lilac
decorated and gold-stippled :
' 60 pieces,' .$8.00 valne, for. $6.24
100 pieces, $12.00 value, for. $9.39
Semi-vitreous Dinner Sets, green
floral decorated, great value:
60 pieces, $7.00 valne, get. $4.96
100 pieces, $10.76 value, get. $7.98.
Semi-vitreous Dinner Sets, . pink
rose decorated, gold edge: -
60 pieces, $8.00 valne, for. $6.49
100 pieces, $12.00 valne, for. $9.84
English semi-porcelain Dinner Set,
green decorated very neat: '
60 pieces, $7.60 value, for. $5.49
100 pieces, $11.25 valne, for. $9.14
English semi-porcelain Dinner Set,
pink rose and white marguerite
decorated ; gold edges ; great value :
60 pieces, $9.00 valne $7.98
100 pieces, $13.50 value. . .$10.45
Special lot of 100 meat Safes. 27.
inches high, 13 inches deep and 18
inches wide; value extraordinary
for Monday only at C 1 1 O
this low price. .....-..?
-.Complete stock of Gas Stoves and
Hot Plates, Oil Stoves, etc. Base
ment. "Peninsular" Stoves.
Refrigerators, all sizes and grades.
Screen Doors, Window Screens,
Lawn Mowers, etc, in the Basem't.
Sale of Trunks and Traveling Bags
36-inch canvas-covered, waterproof painted Trunks; ha.rdwood strips, steel clamps, heavy-steel ttL I f
corners, clamps on top and bottom, brass lock, set-up tray with hat box; reg. $7.25 value for. . . PO 1 J
Heavy canvas-covered Trunks, waterproof painted, hardwood slafs, fastened with steel clamps; heavy'steel
corners, top and bottom; excelsior lock, cloth lined, aet-up tray and extra dress tray 2 sizes.
30-inch, $8.75 value............ ..$7.40 34-inch, $10.00 value for, each ......$8.45
23- inch full cowhide Suit. Cases, figured linen lined; $7.00 values, each, .$5.50
24- inch Suit Case, dull leather-moire lined; best $10.00 values for, each '. $8.45
22 and 24-inch Matting Suit Cases; great special values at, each..... '.$4.90 and $5.33
Silk Gloves
$1 Vols. 72c
1500 pairs of women's fine Silk
Gloves, two and three-clasp styles,
-double finger tips; black, brown,
tan, mode, gray and a few assorted
colors' all sizes; the best $1.00 val
ues, on sale at, a pair. 72
Special lot of women's embroidered
Wash Belts, new, pretty styles ; 35c
values, at, pair 21
HAND BAGS, $1.89
Women's Hand Bags, in seal and
walrus black, brown and tan, fit
ted with coin purse aixl card case;
Vienna handles; regular $2.50 and
$3.00 values, for ;$1.89
Gold and Silver Belts in great va
riety 25 to $5.00 each.
Children's $2 White Lawn
- 1 : ' r 1 .
Dresses at 98c Each
Sale extraordinary of 300 children's white Lawn Dresses-long waist,
French style, trimmed in dainty Val.. laces and embroideries, edgings,
insertions and medallions; ages 1 to 4 years; every dress in QQ
the lot regular $2.00 value; your choice at this low price. .. .. 7JC
Children's Muslin Nightgowns, tucked yokes, ages 2 to 10 years; Qf
regular 60c values, on sale at this low price, each
"Nazareth" Knit Underwaists for boys and girls, 1 to 14 years of age
fits close to the body comfortable keeps the child in form; best of
all underwaists, each.... ' 19S 25, 50
Infants' wear, the largest and most complete stock in the city every
necessary article, in all styles and grades second floor.
Mail orders receive our prompt and careful attention rWrite at once.
7 500 Yds. Laces and Embroideries
The Best Values m the City
2500 yards of Swiss and Cambric Allover Embroidery pretty designs
in large variety; values up to $1.25 a yard, on sale at this CQ
low price, yard mail orders filled.;..,............. JC
Embroidered Shirtwaist Bands 4 to 6 inches wide, and Swiss Embroi
dery 9 to 14 inches wide grand styles; values up to 85c a 1Q
yard, on sale at this low price per yard. ................... .w-C
2000 yards of Corset Cover Embroideries, Swiss and cambric;
values up to 75c a yard, on sale for this low price: HrV
3000 yards of Swiss and Cambric Embroidery and Insertion, 4 to . 1 Q.
9 inches wide; values to 50c yard, for, yard.
Round-thread Val. Lace and Insertion, daintiest designs; values IQf
up to 85c dozen yards, on sale at this low price, dozen. . . . . . ...
While, pink, blue and lavender -net Robes, $10.00 values... 87.29
White net Robes, regular $7.00 values, for this low price. ...... .$4.69
9x 1 2-Foot Rugs- $25.00 Values $ 1 8.65
Portland's Greatest carpet store places on sale a special lot of 50 Afghanistan Brussels
Rugs of elegant quality Oriental and floral designs in the richest col- d 1Q f
orings, stee 9x12 feet, every rug regular $25 values, your choice Qw J
Special sale of 10,000 yards Floor Oil Cloth, extra heavy quality al
most as heavy as linoleum; immense assortment of patterns, in all
, the best colorings; unusual value at this low price, cut, aq. yd..40
5 cents a ward extra for laving Mail orders filled. .
High -Grade Portieres at Greatly
Reduced Prices Third Floor
$22.00 Chantilly Portieres, double texture, silk and linen; red, rose,
green and tan combinations entirely new effects; 1 A O
marvelous values at this special low price, pair ? ".O J
$50.00 or $55.00 double-faced Jute Velour Portieres, with plain or
figured centers, with rich, heavy borders, rolled or corded edges;
the highest grade Portieres manufactured, great values at.. $4.25
$35.00, $45.00, $65.00, $S5.00 single-faced Velour Portieres, embroi
dered with tinsel or velvet applique; reds, greens and browns mag
nificent stvles, at verv low prices; votir choice at
$27.50, $35.00, $52.00 and $67.00 a pair. Lining Extra.
Materials for making high-class Portieres 50 patterns of damask,
tapestry,' velours, reps and armures only material enough of each
style to make one or two pairs of portieres. Beautiful CO Q
styles; values up to $5 a yard, on sale at this low price. V"'
Custom Shade and Drapery Work our specialty. Best materials
aad workmanship. Lowest prices guaranteed. Estimates cheerfully
furnished by our expert drapers Third Floor.
Curtain Materials of every description 6ilks, Swiss, nets, tapestry, etc Third Floor.
Lace Curtains,' Madras Curtains, Couch Covers, Table Covers all grades Third Floor.
Porch Shades
We are sole Portland agents' for
"Vudor" Porch Shades, the best
porch shade ever placed on the mar
ket; made of linden fiber strips, se
curely bound, - well made and fin
ished. "Vudor" shades keep ou
the sun and still permit the air to
circulate. Four sizes complete with
ropes and pulleys ready for hang
ing. If you put them up yourself
the prices are 50c each less than
quoted here :
4 ft.x8 ft lone each. $2.75
. 8 ftx8 ft. long, each $4.50
6 f tjc8 ft. long, each ....... $3.50
10 ft.x8 ft. long, each ..$6.50
We are sole Portland agents for
"Ostermoor" patent elastie felt
mattresses. All sizes sold at factory
prices Third Floor. .
$1.75 Pictures 98c
Special sale of 200 Pastel Pictures,
gilt frame, new subjects, size SxlS
inches; regular $1.75 val- QQ
ues, on sale at, each. ...... -J ww
Very extensive line of new Pastel
Pictures just received 2nd floor.
Artistic picture-framing - to your
order at the lowest prices 2d floor.
"Willamette Sewing Machines, 15 Models at Prices Ranging From $18 to $35 Each
Trunks and Traveling. Bags, the Largest and Best Selected Stock on Coast 3d Floor
The Meier Frank Store
Great Lace Waist Bargains
Our entire magnificent stock of Lace Waists
goes on sale tomorrow at temptingly low
prices Beautiful styles in very large assort
ment Cluny Lace Waists. Baby Irish Lace
Waists. Net Waists, and Allover Lace Waists,
trimmed in Piatt Valenciennes. Venise. Mech
lin and Maltese laces Waists for dress and
evening wear in exclusive styles The values
are by far the best ever presented from regu
lar stock Take advantage of these low prices
$ 7.00 Waists $ 5.25-$ 18 Waists $14.45
$ 8.50 Waists $ 6.45 $20 Waists $16.25
$ 9.00 Waists $ 7.25-$21 Waists $16.65
$10.00 Waists $ 7.65-$22 Waists $17.25
$12.50 Waists $ 9.95-$27 Waists $22.25
$14.00 Waists $11.25 $37 Waists $28.25
$16.50 Waists $13.25- $40 Waists $30.45
Special values in fine Lingerie Waists 2d Fl.
Cut Glass Bargains in the Basement
Cut-glass Nappies, regular $2.00 values, on sale for $1.58
Cut-glass Spoon Trays, regular $3.50 values, on sale for $2.65
Cut glass Cheese Plates, regular -'po.00 values, on sale for $3.98
Cut-glass Jelly Dis'aes, footed, $5.00 values, on sale for $3.98
Cut-glass Vases, 6-inch, $2.75 values, on sale for $2.18
Cut-glass Vases, 8-inch, $8.50 values, on sale for $6.39
Cut-glass Flower Centers, regular $17.50 values, for $13.28
Cut-ylass Flower Centers, regular $15.00 values, for .$11.45
Cut-glass Bowls, large variety, prettiest cuts $5.00 values, $3.98; $6.50
values, $5.04; $8.50 values, $6.39; $12.50 values $9.97; $15.75 values,
$11.98 Basement. . Mail orders promptly filled.
Cut-glass Rose Bowls, regular $9.00 values, on sale at $7.04
Cut-glass Fruit Dishes, regular $15.00 values, on sale at $11.95
Cut-glass Water Pitchers, regular $11.00 values, on sale at $8.63
Cut-glass Water. Pitchers, regular $15.00 values, for $11.95
Cut-glass Salt and Pepper Shakers, a pair. $2.19 and $3.47
200 Comforters
$ 1 .53 Each
Special lot of 200 full-size Com
, forters, with white laminated
cotton filling and silkoline-cov-ered,
best patterns; great special
value, for this sale, 1
at, each V 'JJ
Special lot of down-filled Bed Pil
lows, covered with fancy Ger
man ticking; regular $4 values,
on sale for..... $2.98
Special lot of 100 medium Blank-
ets, in the very best designs and
colorings; regular $4.50 values,
on sale at $3.65
200 High-Grade Silk Petticoats, $1 1 Values for $6.95
Sale extraordinary of High -Grade Taffeta Silk Petticoats for
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday Another grand lot of 200
purchased from a leading Eastern manufacturer at a price far
below usual value Made of very best quality Taffeta silk in the
most popular styles and shades These petticoats will appeal to
the best dressed women in town Deep, flounce, corded ruffle and
rnching, graduated accordion pleated 'flounce with" tucked ruf
fle or two rows of ruching Plain colorings, black, grays.
greens, navy, red, purple, rose, brown, tan, lavender, white and
changeable colorings Beautiful skirts, made extra wide, every
petticoat in the lot regular $ 1 1 .00 value, your
choice of this extraordinary offering for only
Mail Orders Will Be Promptly and Carefully Filled
10.000 yards of fine fancy all-silk
Ribbons, including Bulgarian,
Dresdens, Dolly Vardens, in
plaids and polka dots, No. 9 and
12; handsome Ribbons for tabs
and collars; values ranging
from 35c to 75c yard, Ot
for, yard
Broken lines of Ribbons, Includ
ing: taffetas, satin taffetas, satin
mervelllleux and brocades, 3 to
8 Inches wide. Marvelous values
at. yard 9f
3300 yards of choice Dresden Rib
bons in a grrand assortment of
shades and designs, 5 to 8 inches
wide; 50c to 75c values, on sale
at this special low price per
yard 33
Headquarters for all ribbons.
$2.50,$3WhiteSkirts $1.98
300 women's and misses' high-grade white Petticoats, trimmed in laces
and embroideries, insertion and tucks; very best styles, in large va
riety; regular $2.50, $2.75 and $3.00 values; to be sold at C 1 QO
this exceptionally low price, each ...... .V 'O
Special lot of women's fine short and skirt Chemise, trimmed in the dain
tiest Valenciennes laces, embroideries, tucks, beading and medallions,
also ribbons; beautiful styles, in large variety; regular CO QO
$4.00 and $4.50 values, on sale at this low price. ' O
Maids' and nurses' aprons, made of fine white lawns, with or O
without bibs; grand special values at this low price
100 dozen women's Gingham Aprons, with plain bands and pock-
ets, full sizes; best values in town at this low price
"La Grecque" Corsets fft p::teT
Grecque" Corsets a French Corset for American women. A model for
every figure; expert fitters; every Corset warranted Second Floor.
Women's $4, $5, $.6 Footwear $2.50
$2.50, $3, $3.50 Footwear $ 1 .75
500 pairs of women's French-heel Shoes and Oxfords on
sale Monday and Tuesday at a ridiculously low price A
big variety of high-grade styles are included in patent
leather beaded slippers, patent leather beaded Corinnes,
patent leather Corinnes, kid Corinnes, red kid bootees,
patent kid high-cut Corinnes, and high-cut kid Corinnes,
footwear sellincr reeularlv at S3.50. S4. ? f s )
$5 and $6, for two days at the low price
About all sizes are included in this offering
500 pairs of women's low Shoes in novelty styles on sale
tomorrow and Tuesday at a remarkably low price Three
strap black suedes, vici kid opera slippers, patent colt op
era slippers, four-strap patent leather slippers, two-strap
patent Corona slippers, all sizes, footwear selling regularly at $2.50,
$3.00 and $3.50 a pair, on sale at this low price, per pair.
Complete stock white Shoes and Oxfords for women, misses and children in all grades
$1.00 and $1.25 Changeable Taffeta Silk 69c Yard
3000 yards of new two-tone changeable taffeta Silks, in plain and fancy stiles; beautiful quality and a great
assortment of the very best styles. Regular $1.00 and $1.25 values, on sale for a few days only at CLQ
this special low price, yard mail orders promptly filled OC
2000 yards of rough Pongee Silk, in all the newest shades; weave is very similar to "Rajah" silks. The
popular material for Summer Waists and suits. Regular $1.00 value; buy all you want or it at
this special low price, yard mail orders promptly filled ,. Jw
20,000 yards of fine quality black taffeta Silks, on sale at extremely low prices
19-inch at, yard 5S and 63 36-inch, yard, at these low prices 830s and 98
. Largest and best stock of gray Dress Goods in the city. Every new weave, all grades Send for samples.