PART TWO PAGES 13 TO 24 VOL. XXV. . - PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MOBMyG, 3IAY 6, 190G. , .. v NO. 18. j - i The Biggest, Most Important, Most Worthy, Most Interesting, Most Far-Reaching Event of This Season Is This Sale of Over 20GO Demi-Made Lace and Embroidered Robes No store in the world ever offered as interesting bargainB. Are you interested in getting a beautiful afternoon or evening gown, for a mere fraction of its real worth? Thousands of women have seen and admired these beautiful lace and em broidered batiste, lawn, swiss and linen demi-made robes, but have hesitated on account of the cost. You need hesitate no longer. The prices have been ruthlessly cut. Judge for yourself from the following: $7.25 Lawn Robes $3.75 $11.25 Lawn Robes $7.75 $19.75 Lawn Robes $13.75 $22.75 Batiste Robes $16.75 $31.75 Batiste Robes $21.75 $37.75 Batiste Robes $26.75 $45.00 Batiste Robes $33.75 A grand selection of demi-made Robes, all this season's best and latest patterns, in white, blue, pink, Hlac, reseda, gray, ecru, black, etc., in batiste, Swiss and lawn, handsomely embroidered; just the thing at graduating time. $15.00 Linen Robes $10.95 $19.50 Linen Robes $13.75 $25.00 Linen Robes $16.75 $30.00 linen Robes $21.75 $37.50 Linen Robes $26.75 This line comprises a vast selection of choice patterns in hand-embroidered effects on linen. For the street, or at the beach, nothing is more correct,, for the warm days yet to come. $16.50 LierreNet Robes $10.75 $22.50 Lierre Net Robes $13.75 $28.00 LierreNet Robes $18.75 $32.50 LierreNet Robes $23.75 A large variety of dainty Net Demi Made Kobes, in white, blue, lavender and pink ; neatly trimmed with juby net trimming, and Valenciennes lace in sertion. These should be seen to be thoroughly appreciated. 1 'lO Valfflf innPS IPfP ARr Ofi7 7000 dozen this season's best and prettiest patterns Valenciennes Laces and i sjv laiiiiiiuiiiiJ Latca tot. v)L. Insertions in German or round mesh, and the popular French and Italian ef fects in a great variety of designs. Extra good values to $1.50 a dozen; for this great occasion, the dozen 48J The largest and best selection of Lierre Net Robes ever shown in this city. White and ecru only. For Monday's great special "ROBE DAY" at the ex ceptionally low price $7.25 Net Robes $4.68 $9.75 Net Robes $7.75 $16.00 Net Robes $13.75 $20.00 Net Robes $15.75 $32.50 Net Robes $23.75 Bargains in Ready Covert Tailor-Made Jackets,VaLto$20 $10.75 65 high-class tailor-made Jackets of fine covert cloth, in all the leading shades of tan, made in this season's most approved 21 and 23-inch lengths, in fly front, fitted and half -fitted shapes; lined with best quality taffeta silk and tailor serges ; sold regularly up to $20.00 -at $.10.75 Separate Silk Eton Jackets, $15 Values at $10.50 Separate silk Eton Jackets of fine quality black taffeta silk, strictly tailor-made; strapped, plaited and lace trimmed, with tailor-made, stitched girdle to match; collarless and elbow sleeves; all lined with white satin, at $10.50 $45, $50, $60 High-Class Novelty Tailor-Made Suits at $33.75 Novelty tailor-made Suits, in Eton, Pony jacket and novelty styles, made of finest chiffon, Panama cloth, imported fancy serges, in cream grounds and fancy stripes, imported broadcloth and fancy tweeds, in black, navy, Alice blue, rose, reseda and greens ; every gar ment new and up-to-date; made with elbow sleeves, plain and fancy trimmed with the new plaited cir cular skirts. to-Wear Garments 12.00 Silk Petticoats at $6.95 Petticoats of extra heavy fine taffeta silk, made in the new full circular shape, with four tucked. ruffles and dust ruffles; colors, black, gray .white, reseda, navy and Alice blue ; sold regularly at $12.00 $6.95 $7.50 to $8.50 Walking Skirts $4.85 Tailor-made Walking Skirts, of fine all-wool checks, plaids and stripes, in all the latest shades of gray; made in the newest plaited styles, with three graduating plaits on each gore, sloping toward back and finished on top of plait with button; sold regularly at $7.50 and $8.50, at $4.85 $3.50 Lingerie Waists $2.29 Ladies' Lingerie Waists, of fine quality white lawn; the entire front is made of allover embroidery in panel effect, with two rows of fine Valenciennes insertion and five pin-tucks be tween each row of insertion; new elbow sleeves with lace cuffs and collar to match; sold regularly at $3.50 $2.29 $7.50 White Silk Waists $4.95 Finest quality white Jap silk is used in these beautiful Waists. The front is made with three silk-embroidered panels and four rows of Valenciennes lace insertion. The yoke is made with clusters of fine pin tucking and lace insertion. The collars and cuffs are of double rows of Valenciennes inser. tion, in long and elbow sleeves; at $4.95 Gastleton Waists Highest Class Lingerie Waists New Express Shipments Just Received oust nccciveu VJ&4 xa6HP g Prices from $TB $7.50 to $40.00 ;kss May Sale of Curtains Newest Cluny, Renaissance, Irish Point, Bat- and Cable Net Lace Curtains; all at re duced prices. $1.25- Curtains. . .98c V $lo' Curtains. $1.10 $2.00 Curtains. $1.63 $2.50 Curtains. $1.98 $3.00 Curtains. $2.33 $4.00 Curtains. $3.15 $3.00 Curtains. $3.89 $6.00 Curtains. $4.68 7 -50 .Curtains. $5.98 $10.00 Curtains.$7.89 1; ifll.W Curta1ns.99.0s mmi fill y Great Sale of Flowers 39c Monday w e place on sale at our Millinery Sundry Counter a great assortment of flowers, including roses, lilacs, poppies, marguerites and numerous other flowers that are now quite the thing for trimming the Summer Hat; excep tional values at .39 Hat Braids and Wire Hat Frames for the Home Milliner Xew Hat Braids, full 12-yard pieces; silk straw and Hair Braids; also many new Cuban and Tuscan straws; all the desirable colors; at 25S 50S 75, $1 and $1.95 apiece. Silk-covered wire Hat Frames; no matter what style or shape you are look ing for, we can supply you. We carry all styles, including bonnets, small, medium and large frames. "White or black. " - 5000 Pictures by American Artists on Sale Here Tomorrow Pictures by Christy, Gibson, Pierce, Fisher, .Hutt, Jessie Wilcox Smith and other American artists, in colors; all matted. .These pictures sell regularly at 60c, 75c, $1.00, $1.23; our price, special 18 Cents Great Sale of Colored, White and Black Spring Dress Goods Every yard of Dress Goods offered in this sale is entirely fabrics that are most in demand at present. 50c English Mohair Brilliantines, new polka dot effects; for suits and shirtwaists; all colors and cream; sale price 39 $1.25 Queen Grays at cut prices; 20 pieces new gray Dress Goods, 56-in., all-wool, tailor suitings, 48-in., Panamas and 42-in. Vigoreaux, bieges, etc., in plaids, stripes and plain gray, regular $1.25 and $1.35 values; sale price .98 $175 and $2.00 Queen Gray Dress Goods, including ; 56-in. all-wool English tweeds, in invisible plaids and stripes, all-wool Panamas, homespuns, vigor eaux and novelties, 48-in. to 56-in.; regular $1.75 to $2.00 values; sale price, yard $1.39 $1.50 and $1.75 56-in. English Coverts, for natty Spring Coats; sale price, yard $1.29 new this season and embrace many of the choicest 50c quality all-wool Albatross and Nun's Veiling, 38 in. wide, all colors and cream in this lot ; sale price, yard 39 $1.00 all-wool Cream Serge, Cream Mohair Sicilians and Brilliantines, French wool taffetas, granites, voiles and tropical Panamas; all this season's newest weaves; sale price, yard 79 60c 44-in. black mohair Sicilians; also 38-in. all-wool taffeta; sale price, yard 43i $1.25 Lupin's Black French Voile, 43-in. wide; new wire finish, at, yard 89 $1.50 and $1.25 silk-warp Henriettas, erepe d 'Paris, -silk and wool Etamines, French Voiles, all-wool Taffetas, shadow check Voiles, tropical Panamas, etc.; sale price, yard 97 Stout Women's Convention BEGINNING MONDAY, MAY 7th, for One Week For the Purpose of Demonstrating the Great Merits of the NEW MEMO Self-Reducing Corset There is good reason for this "Stout Women's Convention." "We wish to give special prominence and our . personal indorsement and approval to this remarkable and in every way satisfactory new corset invention. We have made special arrangements in our Corset Department to demonstrate and fit this Corset, free of charge.. All Stout Women who are anxious to reduce their figures, should take advantage of this opportunity to have this remarkable Corset explained and fitted. We have sold a large quantity of the Xew Nemo Self-Reducing Corset and every pair proved a boon to the Stout Woman. To those who are not wearing the Corset as yet, this Convention offers the chance to find what they have been looking for a Corset that actually reduces the figure without the slightest discomfort. And to women who are physically weak and. to those who stand and walk a great deal, it will be an occasion' to obtain immediate relief. The patented features of the new Corset give effective and healthful support. There is no necessity for a stout woman to worry any longer about how to reduce her. figure. The remedy has been.found. The oppor tunity is given now'to restore her graceful lines, which are the basis of feminine charm. Take advantage of this Convention and call at our Corset Department at the earliest possible moment. This Corset will give the stout woman the best shape she ever had, It is unequaled for durability. It produces results not heretofore possible in other Corsets. It is inexpensive and within the reach of all classes. Prices $3.50 and $5.50 CutRateDrugs Lipman Wolfe &Co. For the hot days that are coming. Welch's Grape Juice, Large, 36c Welch's Grape Juice, Small, 1 6c Bicarbonate of Soda, pound. .3 Epsom Saltspound pkg 3 Roehelle Salts, pound pkg.. .l9 Rochelle Salts, half-pound . .10 Wood Alcohol, 8-oz. bottle 9 Wood Alcohol, 16-oz. bottle. 15 Seidlitz Powders, fresh, 6 for 10 Buffalo Lithia Water 49 Pluto Water, special. 24 Apenta Water 19 Red Raven Splits 9 Murine Eye-Water ..... 44 Wyeth's Effervescing Salts.. 29 Pond's Extract, small size..33J Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil 39 Large Bottle Pure Norwegian Oil 83? 10c Borated Talcum Powder, per can 4J Violet Toilet Water, 50c ; spe cial 24 75c, $1.00, $1.25 Hair Brushes ; special 50i 25c Antiseptic Tooth Powder; special . ...18 25c Aromatique Tooth Wash ; special 18 35c fine-grade Whisk Broom ; special .18J Extraordinary Bargains in Silks Suitable for Summer Wear 2500 yards guaranteed black chiffon finish Taffeta, suitable for suits and outer-garments; best 35c quality, at the extremely low price of, per yard . 73 1500 yards 24-ineh-wide guaranteed black Taffeta; regular $1.10 quality, at, per yard 79 5000 yards high-class fancy Silk, all this season's best styles; values to $1.25 at, special 85 Beautiful Cretonnes Values to 50 c at 23c The most exquisite figured Cretonnes . in French, English and American makes, suitable for living and bed room draperies, bed coverings and " decorations. These daintily designed cretonnes are suitable for many pur posesrcoiich covering, box covering, fancyv work, window hangings, etc. Values to 50c yard at . . . . .23 Scotch Madras for Curtains Values to 75c at 49c Vals. to $1.25 at 79c A great range of designs and color ings in new patterns. - Designs suitable for hall, library and living-room. Notion Store Eight styles of pretty shell Back Combs, with heavy backs and heavy teeth; regular 35c; special -. 24 Hook-on Hose Supporters, in sky, cardinal, pink, black and white; satin pad, twilled elastic, fancy buckles; special . ...27 Jewelry Store The Vogue for mounted Back Combs is firmly fixed by the Hat Styles. We have an. immense assortment of mounted combs, in rose, gold, filigree and stone sets. - Tomorrow we show a very attractive assortment of Mounted Combs, the regular values 90c, $1.00 to $1.25; special. .. .59 Have you seen the new Golf Shirt Pin for men and women? It's proper; it's English. Price . 75J Tomorrow a special in popular Pearl Collar Supporters; screw tops, regular 50c, special 35 Pretty new gold-plated Hair Barettes in a variety of stylish pat--terns;'35c, 50c and 75c