CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGONTAJf TELEPHONES. CunUDg-Room .. Main "016 Xnapinir EOItur., Main 7070 Sunday dltor ilaln 7070 ; EdUor 7070 Pfi-ty Editor Main 7070 'ompotlDs-'Room ................Main 7070 Superintendent Bulldlnx Main 7070 Eart Side Office Eat 61 AMUSEMENTS. THE 1IEIUG THEATER (Uth and TVanh inrton ei. Tonlfcht at 8:J5 "clock the I'ollard Lilliputian Opera Company In the muMcttl comedy. "A Runaway Girl." BAKEK THEATER (3d and TamhlU) Tn vaudeville acts, headed, by the JatnM I 15 Comedy Sketch Company, matinee 2:1.. P. M. tonight at 8:15 P. M. Ei-H:E THEATER 12th and Morrison The Silver Darker." matinee at 2:15 r. tonight at ;15 V. 2i. Ut A,D THEATER (Hark and TVaahlnr ton) Ccntlnuoua vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and g P. jtf. PAXTAGES' THEATER th and Stark) ConMnuou vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 9 STAR THEATER (Park and "WaKhlnrton) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 9 P. It. Illustrated Lecture on sv pt v CIECO DISASTER. V Knr!i Flvnn a-MI lecture thLs afternoon at the T. M. C. A. J'roressor Flynn's subject will deal with the San Francisco earthquake and Are and will bo Illustrated by means of lantern slides. The pictures used by Pro fssor Flynn were taken a very few min utes after the second shock and during the progress of the fire. The public is foruiaiiy inviica to attend this lecture, which will take the place of the usual Sunday afternoon services. liEV. H. U Hulse Will Pukach. The Jtev. u. it. liulsc. a. clergyman of New York City, will preach at St. David's Kpiscopa.1 Church. East Twelfth and Bel mont streets, this evening at 7:30 o'clock, ilr. Hulso has been in attendance at the International Conference of Episcopal lergymen in Seattle, He will be in Port land but a few days. Putting in Klectiup Machinery. M. Gunderson. of the Snonunllmlo rciowrt,. 'ompany, of Spokane, has arrived at .ruHcana ana is superlntonulng the work of nuttilirr in the lareor n!rMr nf KlnxiHr. machinery at the O. W. I hlir mnw plant. In a few months the waters of me (.lacKanins will be under harness at this power plant, Death of Robert J. Rawlins. Robert J. Rawlins died near Linn's mill in Clackamas County at 63 years of age, April 24. The funeral was hold Friday from Zlon ChurHi. Kstnrarin. Mr r-iTi- Htif was a native of Illinois and a brother or jonn.A. uawllns. wlio was with Grant during the war and was his first Secre tary of War. Has New Librarian. Miss Quellcn is the new librarian of the Sell wood Library Association, and is able to give more time 10 the rooms than the former librarian. The association has completed Its lecture course for the past year. Dr. BliotV lec ture on "Japan" was postponed, but he will appear in the lecture for next year. 1 wish to announce to my friends and the fiubllc In general that 1 have opened optical parlors In the Columbia building. My past experience and success will be a sufficient guarantee to my future and t he future of those who entrust me with their jvatronage. The independent posi tion I will now occupy will Insure more gratifying results than hitherto possible. I have formulated a business system shortening the time in arriving at a cor rect diagnosis more in accord with ad vanced .iiientlfle knowledge and business ethics. p. S. My motto is not what I an do. but what I havo done. Blanche II. Munsell. COO Columbia building. State Sunday School' Convention. The State Sunday School Convention, to 1- held -at the First Congregational ("hurch Tuesday. Wednesday and Thurs la. May 1. 2 nd 5. will conclude with n addrcps by the Rev. John M. Dean. Pcuttle. on the subject. 'Teaching, the Gift cif the Holy Ghost." ( or Pkxdu Will Aii. Guiding Ftur- Council No. 132. Order of Pernio. M I plve a whist and dance social Fri day. May 11. , for the benellt of the un riraniate . members of that order In San Francisco. The entertainment will be at IV pw Hall. 1C2 Second street. Refresh-' lit' tits' will be served. Will Relate Experiences in San FitANCiBco. E. C. Frost, who with Mm Frcst was through the San Francisco disaster, has returned to Portland and will give an account of his experience in the earthquake and fire as a prelude to Dr. Wilson's sermon in Grace M. E. Church tonight. Will Give Whist Partt. Fidelity Lodge No. 14, Degree of Honor, will give a whist party, followed by dancing, in their liall. Logus building. Grand avenue and East Washington street, next Friday night. March 4. The proceeds will be used to assist the San Francisco suffer ers. I'oi! rood commercial printing of every d -rin ion. tine color printing, labels, mibis-dns.-latalogues. etc.. tall or phone Klcift & Tsi-buele. 107 Sixth street, between Wjvliicton und Stark streets." Phone Mala I'Tiil. Mull orders solicited. Write for iiiic. a:iJ prices. Onk lie i not be born with the gift of prep! vi y to (oreseo that lots on Dawron street, which extends through the center nf tliHi uipldly growing district between the rivers, and now selling for ?-'0 per from foot, will within 20 years sell for $1000 per front foot. Will give Gvmnastic Exhibition. The annual gymnastic exhibition of the Port land Social Turn Verein will take place Wednesday evening. Mav 2. at the Turn i Vcrelii gymnasium. 174 Fourth street. An elaborate programme has been arranged. Railhoad Contractok Robbed. L. c, Croyle. a railroad contractor, was. robbed of $lfi0 In a rooming-house at Sixth and Stark streets Friday night. He told the police yesterday that the money had been taken from his room during the night. Benefit for Sav Francisco Newspaper Mailers. The Portland newspaper mall, ers will give a ball at Armory Hall next Thursday evening for the benefit of the San Francisco newspaper mailers. This Will Remind You that now Is the time to have your hair mattresses reno vated and returned the same day. Phone Main 474. The Portland Curled Hair Fac tory. 11. Mctzger. pioprietor. Baseball, Baseball, Today. Todat. Twr.XTT-FIFTH AND VAUGHN. Brainard Maroons vs. Hop Gold. Admission 25c. Lodge of Workmen Will Asslt. In dustry I-odge No. S. A. O. U. W.. will meet tomorrow night for the purpose of devising means of relieving their brethren in San Francisco. For Sale. Seaside (Clatsop) cottage: new: modem: beach lot: city water; rock hlmney and fireplace; attractive and al together desirable. Apply room SOS. Ore gonlan building. Satin Cream used instead of powder. Free demonstration. 207 Macleay bldg., 2&5 Washington st. Madam Hudson, sole manufacturer. Shampooing, manicuring. For the Relief Fund. Fidelity De gree of Honor. A. O. V. W.. will give an entertainment next Friday evening. May 4. for the San Francisco relief fund. Seaside and Elk Creek Lots, also beautiful Seaside residence for sale. Ju lius Kracmer. Commercial bldg. Removed to 104 Second street, between Washington and Stark streets. Donald G. Woodward. Telephone 1436. The Brown. Family hotel, 271 Grand avenue. Pleasant rooms, good board, rates reasonable. The best lot of horses ever offered for sale will be sold at Irvlngton Race Track, May 2. 3. 4. . For Sale. Cigar-news store. Cheap rent, long lease. Owners. W 36. Oregonlan. Wanted to hire 20 teams at once. C J. Cook Company. Seventh and Davis. Beck, the Jeweler, can be found May 1 at his new store. 205 Alder street. Dr. J. R. Wetherbee has returned. Office 227 Marquam. Wooster's great fruit store. -WK Wash. Woman's Exc, 153 10th, lunch 11:30 to 2. $65 Eilcrs certificate J15. East ioZ. New j"" Our Specially Made Silver Plated Ware HOW THEY ARE MADE Every teaspoon has three places where most of the wear comes. The platiner Is worn off these points flrtt. -while the balance of the spoon wears well Indefinitely. No matter bow well plated they arc In the old way. this is bound to be the case. We overcome this by a new process of adding SO per cent, of silver to the points shown above after the standard plate has been equally distributed. The result Is the special advantage of strength given by the hard base with the "never-wear-ouf feature of our SECTIONAL. PLATE. If used constantly, they will outwear n solid silver spoon coating double the price. We have these goods In a number of handsome patterns. Tou can't tell ihem from sterling silver, and every piece Is stamped "Jaeger Bros." (Nothing- to Indicate plated ware.) Besides spoons we have the KNIVKS. FORKS and KANCV PIECKS, all made tde same way and thoroughly guaranteed by us. If you want something swell at a medium price, either for yourself or as a present, look at this ware. Tou will be delighted. We sell lots of it. and take pleasure In showing !t to our customers. Jaeger Bros. opuS'lns 290 MORRISON STREET, NEAR FIFTH So-called Cheap "Invisible" Bifocals are Imitations: lnVDnrl O Manufactured Exclusively By Us Are JVK 111 LJJVO the Only "INVISIBLES." COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. 1 Denver, Om&h, Kass.i Cttj, Silt Laks. DilUt, Tru; PortliaJ, Orejail 133 Sixth St Successor to Walter Red Orecniaa Bid?. Great Auction Sale of Chinese and Japanese Curios OWING TO MUCH OVERDONE IN THIS LINE DURING FAIR TIME, WHICH FORCES ALL DEALERS OF THIS KIND TO MAKE AUCTION SALES. THE ONLY WAY TO MEET BUYERS' EXPECTATIONS IS BAR GAINS. NOW WE HAVE VERY LARGE SHIPMENTS OF NEW GOODS ARRIVING FROM THE ORIENT. IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM WE NOW . OFER THE PUBLIC GREAT BARGAINS AT AUCTION. Sales Commence at 2:30 and 7:30 P. M. Daily. ANDREW KAN & CO. bMIS Tub person born blind knows ol the presence of tilings he feels or hears, but can't comprehend how those who can eeo know of the approach of a thing which he cannot feel or hear. The person who cannot foresee a great city on the penin sula Is likened unto the person born blind; though he may see j-ome thlnjrs, 4ils faculty of foresight has not heen de veloped. Like the blind man, you cannot comprehend when 1 tell you I plainly foresee a prcat city betwoen the rix'crs, with hu&e business blocks alone Dawson street and cross streets and a dense pop ulation centered around University Park. Francis 1. McKenna. "University Park Station. Portland, Oregon. Kon Sake. A new home of eight rooms, nicely situated. Call at 69 E. Sixteenth .street, corner E. Washington. Auction 1 Sale op Houses. Irvlngton Kace Track. .May X 3. 4. ATLAS ASSURANCE CO. Cables from London: Air. J. L. Oppenhelmer. the local rep resentative of the Atlas Assurance Company, of London. England, "today received the following letter from the San Francisco management of the com pany: The following cable, delayed in transmission, has Just been received by the management: " 'Head office express deepest sym pathy. IVc are confident you will maintain courage and sound Judgment. Have ordered expert help from all other branches. Our head office rec ords all shipped via New York. Con vey to all agents our sympathy as American citizens on California's dis aster. Atlas will meet obligations promptly and honorably by draft on London. Have Instructed United States manager to subscribe on our be half live thousand dollars to California relief fund. Very truly. "FRAN'IC J. DEVLIN. Manager." GLENS FALLS INSURANCE Company, New York. . Word has been received from the president of this company saying that after a careful estimate of Its San Francisco losses, they will not exceed one million dollars, which will be promptly adjusted, and paid, and the Glens Falls -will still have a net sur plus of over one million live hundred thousand dollars. (Signed.) J. L. CUNNINGHAM. PrcsIdenL This "Old and Tried company Is represented in Portland, Or., by HILLINGS & FORD. 509 McKay Bldg. P1TTENGER & CARTER, 652 Sherlock Building. Portland Brewing Co. Select Beer. Edcl Brau, For sale everywhere. Phone Main 708. 'WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the sexson at th Portland Restaurant: fine private a part -zaents for parties. SOS Washington, nr. tta. The Scott Restaurant. Seventh and Ank cny. scrvca this Sunday dinner, 12 to S P. M-: Olympla Oyster Raw. Cnlcken Giblet Soup. Lottucc. Olives. Baked Salmon. Fried Chicken, Maryland style. Asparagus Points. Mashed Potatoes. California ZinfandeL Iobstcr Salad. Mayonnaise. Ice Cream. Strawberries and Cream. Oranges. Nuts and Raisins. Cafe Nolr. 75c per plate. Music 4 to 7. Sliced Bananas. The Naevc Restaurant. 12S Fifth, serves a special dinner ei-cry Sunday from 11 A. M. to P. M. Turkey dinner. 40c: chicken dinner. 50c. Everything first-class. A chicken dinner will be served at the Perkins Restaurant today from 12 to S P. M. Price Sc. Louis E. Martinez. Mgr. The Empire. 352 Third street: chicken .dinner. 30c; turkey. 25c: finest In city. Genuine French dinner, with wise 59s. at Fifth streeL near Stark. NOTICE. Advices- received from No. 47 Tenth strceu Oakland, by special agent of the Niagara Fire Insurance Company state that the losses of the company In San Francisco will be promptly adjusted and paid, and that the company will continue business with (department) branch head quarters in San Francisco as oon as suitable office can be obtained there THOMAS A. JORDAN. AgenL CONCORDIA CLUB. The members are hereby notified that the new clubhouse, corner Sixteenth and Morrison, is now open for occu pancy and are cordially invited to visit same. By order of the PrcsIdenL IXHTIS RAU. Secretary. WE WANT To buy Cascadla. Coppcro polls. Dixie Meadows. Golconda. Standard Con.. Ore gon Securities. Highland. Hurst Switch. DeFoffcst Wireless. Marconi Wireless and all other active stocks. Get our prices before buying. You will save money. Call or write. Lafayette building. Sixth and Washington. Standard Securities Company. Hbxb-Grade PUho for RcsL And sold on easy payment. Piano tunlnc and repairing. 6. Slnahelmer. 72 Third if Representation of Fashionable Summer Habit This Topcoat, illustration of which is taken from life, we are showing in new weaves and beautiful cloth pat terns. It is an ultra-swell overgar ment for Summer wear. Full line of Toppers in shorter lengths. Vopcoais S0 to $35 Three-garment Summer Suits, superior in style, quality and fit Hundreds of the most careful dressers are coming to us in pref erence to their custom tailor. They get the same high-class garment without paying the exorbitant price. Lines now complete Three-Garment Suits $ 1 0to $35 Outing Suits $10 to $25 Order your Summer Suit by maiL Ask us to send you our new Fashion Booklet, together with samples and self-measurements. State whether for .men, youths or boys JUST A FEW Of the Bargains We Have In Second-Hand Pianos. Stelnway Grand. u?cd 1 year 9650 Stclnway I'prlght, used 1 year...2MOO Emerson I'prighL used 6 months. S200 Stan UprighL UKed IS months... X250 Richmond Upright, used 3 iaonths.8225 Thayer Upright. ued 1 year $200 All tfcc above Pianos cannot be told from new. We have a number of others in Squares and Upright, which range In price from $25 to $150. Organs good ones S20 to 55-10. All new Pianos at prices that are sure to sell- them. Our present stock will not last long, so if you want a high grade Piano at a minimum figure call at once. KASIEST TKUMS. DUNDORE PIANO CO. Stclnway and Ten Other Makes. 134 SIXTH S-TItKKT. Oppoftlte Oregealas, TftallalBir. Victor Talking Machines. Sheet Music. Steel vs. Wood M SPECIAL TODAY REBE'S FINE ICE CREAM Phone Maun 1701 SOON RE-OCCUPY BUILDINOS. Steel Structures Only Hid Inner Wood work Burned Oat. SAX FRANCISCO. April 12. Toil r pt.g;n Em txtt hid 13 crt-amatrr to hsprct tarn si tkdr botdiari. ia a Bant to uccrnfat ht Jux? t Twra door. TH nw modsrs enl te&fcsfi rrc faead to be tlacu bucx. Ia rrcry istsiace It irrmed tfc! t&e eaiwle tu.4 net dim tfi tm. Th uI tune wrrr ia perfect plumb ad wxeac ' nrr. Ceraim aad Uacy trio farv IcS or butud. aa) Cut ai aO. Etto wfcni tl brr rpc t&roirx tiro. on)y the vtxxi-ork wis cirttrojtt. Tbc Firaoat itrtrl ra NeS lid Q Ut mlr) to comotrtiaa ; IV- CIiM Sprnkln baiWiar ea i'.lt-k-t ud ThM ttiftu iH t ecrppferl UMa a fr cUtu Ib Unk Trnt tnlldlar a MoatfBrr aad Marxtt Kmts Tut eatr lent tLc Int-rior wrxxi wk. Thr Sc. FnacH lletrl h In t&e ut- ca!e trr. aad tar wetk at rrplxiar tin- voadea Interior tiR woa t camaicacrd. Aa ratparctisa el the OH fcc&J!as itTUrd aad Market ltrtru dbdawd Hut tict that seraal 5r wrrr la- zooA cofnlirla and ceall. afcrr tUrAt rrpab. be ssed at formerly. TTe e Mnnidaotk. en Uarkrt ttrert ant to ti ratter lletrl. u bud to be la rttlw ceratl taea. rrra ictae ei ta otrk ia the istertar be be btact. Tar owser. Herbert E Lav. aaaooacrd Ualzht tta fcUa tea dart be moaU be mania eocrt n tats Bniuiar. tae MeaadaecK tf a larxt I ttracatrr e4 ttrtl aad fcrkk absott cetsplrad vara tae rr came. Large Line of Steel Goods Carried in Stock for Im mediate Delivery Schilling's Best, so far as it goes, means comfort and ease and economy. Money back; at yemr grocer's. fichyjah Printi?jg Co. tztr wojtr. xzjxoxjttLz rxicxs S4TK STARK STJlT "All must be fireproof or nothing will be fireproof" Have you learned the Lessson of the San Francisco Fire or will you await the destruction of your Banking Room, Business Office and Valuable Papers before realizing and acting upon it Avoid Disaster by using All Counters, Partitions (Door and Window Trim) Shelving OLCvJ. Cabinets, Librarians' Cases, Ornamental Book Cases, Let ter File Cabinets, Steel Vertical Files, Desks, Tables, Wardrobes, Lockers, Roll Top Desks, Typewriter Desks, Newspaper Racks, Periodical Racks, Museum Cases, Cases for Art Books, Display Stands for Plates, in short, Cabinet Work of all kinds. "ANY San Francisco Bankers to-day Wish their Banking Rooms and Vaults had been equipped with all steel devices, similar to construction put in for the Western National Bank by the Art Metal Construction Co. Is this evidence enough that Steel Construction is the only kind worth having: The Western Union Telegraph Company XVCUCIYCU PORTLAND. OBC. 160 SK. JS. 24. Paid. Jamestown w. Y. Apl. 25, 1906. Glass & Pradbomme Co. Portland, Ore. The following unsolicited telegram received -today dated Oakland: "Your steel fixtures in vault and baaJrinz room uninjured. Congratulation. Signed The Western National Bank San Francisco ' ' Art Metal Construction Co. 1.58 p.m. THE product has been exten sively adopted for Court Houses, City Halls, Banks and large Financial Institutions. These adoptions have embraced the entire fittings from basement to roof and are striking examples of one of the developments in the greatest of American products that of Steel C Complete equipments for Banking Rooms, Business Offices t and Vault Interiors in Bronze, Marble and Steel Manu factured by Art Metal Construction Co.; Works: Jamestown, N. Y.; St. Louis, Mo. Glass & Prudhomme Company, General Agents 123-125 First Street PORTLAND, OREGON HOMEOPATHIC YT3MT.IWTK ComptaU ttock. reodmta prim. Kail order aoUclUJ. Cstalecs frc. WOODAKD. ct..wit. M CO. TertlmMi. Oz. 1 YOU'LL WONDER WHY ::: i ' People pay $30 to $40 for suits when you see our Spring: lines of Smart Clothes. PRICES: $10 to $25. FABRICS: Larger and better assortment MODELS: From conservative to the ultra-fashionable. TAILORING: Improved to such a degree that it seems as though we've reached the "Top Notch." PRICES: Compare for yourself ! INDIGESTION distress after meals, fermentation, heartburn, sour stomach, water brashjwfllbepromptly relieved if you Me Tarranf s Seltzer Aperient (Tndt-nujic Xcfistexsd) It rids the stomach of undigested food, cleanses the bowels and re lieves the clogged system of poison ous waste matter. Siziy yezrs of ' cures. XX yoar dragxlsts or 07 sail Ires TSAe Tarrant Co. 44 HiiMa Slmt Xyf York FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. sSSNAND SUMMER RESORTS. LOCKS LEY HALL SEASIDE'S FAMOUS HOTEL Now Open Uader New M&aagement. Special S as day Diaaers aad Pri vate Dining-room for Parties. FREE 'BUS HARRY T. BUTTERWORTH MANAGER. Evtry Wimm It fcaaawstMrntrtfeO . Uami(ittot-iM. It ttm W raairaartwaa4rveMts- m K. 3S4 tT., SKW TSRX. Teeart. Clark- fc Co- FMtiul Or. When Reading Do you And It necessary to hold the book away off, flrst to one side, then to the other, then rub your eyes and com plain of bad lights, etc? Do you realize that you are straining your eyes and they are maklnjc urgent demands for help In the way of glasses? Come and let us examine your eyes. We have unequaled facilities for making examinations. Free. DR. HAYNES With A. N. WRIGHT THE IOWA JEWELER 293 Morrison St., near Fifth The Heig-ht of Fashion IF you have not already paid us a visit and examined our beautiful stock of Ladies Belts, Buckles and Back Combs we woma advise you to do so at once, before the stock is too well picked over. "We have just received these goods and they are absolutely the very latest and all the rage In the East. SasrrnctSL k.f &WJFACTUMNG-CPTICtArtS- 1 ACTURtNG- CPTICUHS- PSftTUNftOflEOi 2S4 iVfu&Iastoa bet. 4th. aad. 5th. mm me. w. A. HW. "Do It Now" That's a well-worn phrase", but It ap plies more to teeth than to anything else. A delay of a few weeks days, perhaps and yeu absolutely require twice as much work as would have been necessary had you seen to It that the defect was prompt ly remedied. WISE BROS., Dentisl Falling Bldx., 3d and Washington. S M. to 8 P. M. Sundays. 3 to 12. Main 2 A. 2025. ur. X. T. WlML w. m mm mi . rTnmi.