THE SUXDAT OREGpTTIAjr, PORTLAKD, JLPBIIi 15, ltOf. 45 "Books form a narcotic. Our ancestors brewed a bowl of punch to get rid of themselves. We -moderns read the newspapers and.are, members of the nearest library. "--The Cynic. The Scarlet Empire, by David M. Tarry Illustrations In color by Hermann C. Wail. The Bobbs-Mcrrill Company. Indianapolis. Ind. 1.50. It was with marked surprise that the literary world beheld David M. Parry, the president of the National Association of Manufacturers, a man who Is known to be the sworn foe of unionism, emerge as the writer of a .powerfully drawn novel In which socialism is ridiculed until not one vestige of It remains. The title of ""this highly sensational book might irell be called. "The Social Democracy, a Novel of Ridicule." "VVe are accustomed In these latter days to think of socialism as a condition when those of us who don't have money will share alike with the wealthy, when we .shall all be brothers and pluck fruit from socialistic trees growing on sidewalks. In Ehort. a golden time, when if the labor to pluck the fruit should exhaust us, the state would gladly provide assistance in placing the aforesaid fruit in our mouths to save us unnecessary exertion. Mr. Parry has written a strong novel for strong people his message is not one for babes. So strong Is his dramatic in stinct, atr times that he fairly grips the reader" in willing thraldom. His de scriptive", imaginative style of writing is a surprise because of Its uniform excel lence. Now and then his plot is crudely woven because he is not an experienced novelist, but in imagery and brilliant coloring he works up tho story to a most tremendous Interest-compelling finish with torepdo-llke effect. His style seems patterned after the writings of Jules Verne and Edward Bellamy. Indeed, as may be supposed. "The Scarlet Empire" Is a counterblast to "Looking Backward," and' in a measure may be as epoch-making. It is what is known as a remark able book one that will be talked about because It is uncommon and will be an other feather in tho cap of its enterpris ing publishers who Issue many live books. What is the story? It opens at no given time off the shore of Coney Isl and when the hero. Cyrus J. Brown, then a starving socialist, believing in the doc trine that no one should have more of this world's goods than another, attempt ed suicide by Jumping Into the Atlantic Ocean. After experiencing a dreamy sensation ho again awoke to life, find ing himself stretched on a slab of rock and gazing at a fish-llko creature that stood leaning over him and holding in Its finny arm a knife. In short. Brown h?rE3?i ? J? the bottom of the 8Ca Jo the alr-tlght kingdom of Atlantis, then ruled as an absolute social democracy where tverybody wa8 supposed to have equal rights and where money was of no value whatever. Though the people of Atlantis did not know It. they were really governed by a edJbureaucracy. Their kingdom was enclosed In an Immense crystal dome, the light was supplied by radium, pure love between man and woman was unknown, the state compelled mismated couples to ',arJ"!, f.r tJ,rco years' whether they wished it or not, and where labor unlon- LR.nA. hleved a filing triumph by cutting the working day from eight to six and ultimately to five hours per day. Persistent criminals and traitors to -u-lantis were not shot or hanged in ortho flox fashion, but were cast through a series of folding doors Into tho sea, there to be devoured at leisure by a giant sea rerpent called the kraken. Tho people had long forgotten tho use of gunpow "rfra,nd flrearms. and had a limited H. dlnfrarm7 wh0 wer8 R"aed with Z tickets. The policemen, and there must have been over 1.000.000 were a EPecIes of walking dele-Kates-they appear In the book as ln .spectors. A sample menu In this strange KhreddedSeaweed Biscuit Salad of Chopped Sea Horie. Choice Cuts or Seadog. Lllanas (Seagreens). Bolkaa (Atlontlan Potatoes). Macs (Bread). Dopum (Atlantian Coffee). Of course. Brown meets his destiny in the shape of a young woman, who is Pretty, persecuted, friendless and whoso name is Astraea. The state commanded Brown to marry a toothless hag, and be cause ha refused, trouble began. It should bo explained that the people of Atlantis wero compelled by law to wear scarlet in season and out of season-hence the term "The Scarlet Empire." The strongest picture in the book is that de tailed in tho 38th chapter, where the story tells of 1.000.000 people in scarlet, seated In one vast amphitheater, and gleefully looking at the agonies of helpless wretches being eaten by the sea serpent. Kmc is the picture: The amphitheater ttss bow silent aa the tomb, co lutein e. was the 1st ere Jt- The exe cutioner la black seized the victim la white and apparently hurled him Into the sea. The white figure fell heed-rtrst come SO feet aad then lU trmi frantically beat the water. At this instant the monster appeared and a huge taatacle reached for the struggling vic tim and grasped it. I raj ipell-bbund. -with horror. There was a swaying motion of the gigantic ana and the body la iu grsjQ was lashed rapidly throsgh the water, first one war aad then the other. Then same a leaser wiag, the bright spot abet through the tea aac la a twinkling disappeared, swallowed br tke yaw-itsr snec--the -areaefal seas was Over. The assemblage had been wrought up to tbe highest pitch of excitement and now that the tension was relieved, it yelled like a million demons. By degrees. Brown and another con spirator proved to their own satisfaction that the people of Atlantis wero slaws ground by the heel of 'a cruel despotism, and that in the social upheaval, religion and soul-life wercnoL The conspirators, despairing of reforming conditions in At lantis, secretly manufactured gunpowder, placed a quantity of the exposlve under a gigantic monument erected to tho Fed eration of Labor of Atlantis, and made ready for a sea voyage a sunken submar ine vessel which had conveniently been found at the bottom of the sea near the crystal kingdom. It was a grand moment when Brown placed Astraea and his two men friends In the submarine, nd, revolver in hand, shot at tbe howling mob that strove to kill him. Upward shot the submarine un til the quartet found themselves sailing directly over the crystal dome showing the amphitheater in a blaze of light, crowded with people. Just then the sea serpent attacked the submarine, and in firing a torpedo at the monster. Brown sent tho agent ofHdestmction through tho crystal globe. Through tho smashed opening tho waters of tho ocean rushed In, and the people of Atlantis perished like drowning cats In a rain barrel. Only a dream. Mr. Parry's book Is his prophecy of the doom that awaits the Socialists' theory of equality. The Jewish Encyclopedia, volume XII and conclusion. Prepared "by more than 000 scholars and specialists, under the direc tion of an editorial board. Illustrated. Funk & "VYagnals Co.. New Torlc City. With a wealth of scholarship repre senting not only tho Jewish scholarship of the world but the most scholarly dr .cles of the Christian church without re gard to sectionalism, this great literary and patriotic undertaking, "Tho Jewish Encyclopedia," is at length completed, and Dr. Isidore Singer, the projector and managing editor, and his ablo corps of assistants, are entitled to warm congrat ulations. Tho present volume begins with "Talmud" and ends with "ZwelfeL" Think of It! In the entire production of this encyclopedia, no less than 1G.G06 general articles wero written, which treated more than 150.000 subsidiary sub jects. To do this, 9.630.211. words were penned, of which E,1GS,957 wero found ac ceptable and approved. To furnish this vast amount of matter, about 75.000 sep arate works were consulted, excluding the biblical, talmudlc and apocryphal books and their subdivisions. Tho rate at which tho volumes were produced was nearly lour a "year, U volumes having been issued between February, 1302, and December 29, 1305. Each volume exceeds TOO pages in tho aggregate, so that more than S.400 pages of typo wero set, and these were read in galley proof, pago proof, and plate proof by more than 0 persons. Tho composition of tho en cyclopedia was done by typesetting ma chines, whose operators each "played" as many as 28,000 cms per day quite a notable feat when tho technical charac ter of tho work is considered and when it is borne In mind that words from as many as seven to ten languages were In almost constant use. The presses on which this work was printed wero of the cylinder type, and four of them were oc cupied for 30 days in printing a single volume. On the completion of this work tbe most captious of critics cannot but admit that tho Funk & Wag-nails Company has "mado good" Its promise. But the task it undertook was by no means an easy one, and tho hardest part of St must have been tho obtaining of harmonious effort from 605 collaborators of more than 20 different nationalities. Especial ly difficult must have been the task when one bears in mind the national antipa thies of tho Jews of German descent toward thlr brethren of Russian de scent. The books must be invaluable to ecry Jew as well as non-Jewish scholar. Tho former, especially. If ho still cherishes his religion and wishes to transmit It to his children will treasure in his house 1 a work which will not only keep up the ' ImnirlailM V. TIVI. . TT.V iu wwvub. wi m siuic, ui xiearsw liter ature and of Jewish history among his family, but that will also strengthen their religious feeling by presenting to tho mind thousands of Illustrations and pic tures describing tho quaint religious scenes of ills ancestors In the old coun try. Probably no other encyclopedia In existence covers the ground so com pletely as this ese. Among the list ef -eairona are noticed the names of these Portland people: Dr. Stephen S. "Wise, Dr. J. Bloch. Rev. Rob ert Abrahasison. Mrs; Lorls Altaian. Mrs. JulfG H. Bauer. Mrs. Soloma Hirsch. Mrs. A. J. Meier. Aaolphe 'Wolfe. A, B. Stelnbach. J. Behnaan, Alexander Bern stein. Louis Bluraaaer. Aaron Fox, Isaac Kaufman, I Samuel. Sigmund Slchel and Lc-a!B "rVetesteto. Whistler: 7Bttrtly. Was. Wt. aa Master ef the Arts EaJcaaa, by HalsaaeMectaU. Illustrated. 73 cents. John W. Lsce at Co.. Boston. Mass. Stamped with the merit of rare origin ality, this book: of W ps-ces terms No. 1 of the "Spirit ef the Age" series. The cerer is of blue, with fettUerfll-es scattered over it, && tin tn til Uci .acs fear: "Ijl Prlncesse du pays de las porcelalne"; "Carlyle"; "The Fur Jacket" and "The Thames in Ice" The whole Is In loving, appreciative memory of a great but bit terly abused Anglo-American artist. James Abbott McNeil "Whistler, born at Lowell, Mass., July 1L 1S3I. and died In England. July 17, IMS. Mr. Macfall writes with delightful charm and frankness, and where ocea- won warrants It does not spare his -subject. There is not a dull page in the book a picture seems to be painted that ever allures. The book starts this way: "In the Gospel of St. Patrick to the Irish It Is written: 'Whensoever you shall see a head, for the love of . hit It. " It may be explained that Whistler was pos sessed of Anglo-Irish forefathers. "Whistler's flirt rebus was his first high auecuB." -writes Msrftll. "It Is been wittily raid of Whlitler that should be be denied en trance to heaven, he was sot of the mean spirits that would sro lower down ha would net up a splendid beavea of his own opposll to Peter's gate, and the trouble would be that all the beet people would go there. "Whistler painted his picture so that the ob ject appeared bathed la the same depth of atmoschere within the frame, a the object was bitted 'In from the eye. 2a doing co, he set himself the most difficult task In mint ing; and his trtnaaph' wast coaplet. Cosnaeso lng on a neutral gray ground, he sketched la his echeme In black aa a decorative whole. and thenceforth painted orer Jth whole can vas at every painting, to that at each stage tne pietare was advanced aa a complete whole up to that tage. He never painted In patches. He Tequlred many sittings. He held truly that It Is the province of art to Interpret not to Imitate. "At the opening of the Grosveaor gallery Whistler showed his "Irving a Philip H of Spain' and a number of 'Nocturnes." Rufcln. who was then clouding the National Intellect, wrote at to these pictures as follows: 'For Mr. "Whistler's own scJce, so leas than for the srotectlon of the psrehaser. Sir Cosils Lindsay ought sot to hare admitted works Into the gallery In which tha Ul-eduoated con ceit of the artlet so nearly approached the aspect of willful Imposture. I have seen and heard much of Cockney Impudence before sow. but sever expected to hear a coxcomb aak 300 guineas for In ring a pot of paint In the public's faoe. "It was exactly In his coaf csios of art with beactv that Whistler fell abort of the vast seBsea. But at least one of the greater sase was given to him In abundance the aesae of mystery. He sever -sucked ideas dry. HIa splendid Instinct told him that suggestion waa the soul of craftsmanship, and he -sever over stated the details of life. Out of the mystlo twilight he caught the haunting aesae of ita half revelation and Its eluslreseas with an ex quisite emotional use of color; and la seeing he caught a glimpse of the hem of the gar meat of God." Enigmas ef Psychical Research, by Professor James H. Hyslop. SL&O. Herbert T. Turner & Co.. Boston. Mass. To those who wish to keep well in formed as to the foremost movements of the day in relation to such subjects as psychical phenomena, crystal gaxing, tel epathy, dreams, apparitions, premonitions, clairvoyance, acdiumlstlc revelations, etc. this book of 427 pages, and written from a scientific basis, will prove of un doubted Interest. Tbe author, who waa formerly professor of ethics and logic n Columbia University, has illustrated his subject with many examples taken from cases carefully investigated by scientific men, composing the Council of the So ciety for Psychical Research. The pres entation of the clearly stated facts, like tho merciless, stern speech of a. Judge to a Jury, will doubtless have a multi tude of readers, and taken altogether, the book is raoet Important in its special branch of teaching and literature. Al though, If Professor Hyslop had written his view of the case say less than SCO years ago he would have perished as a teacher of witchcraft. His conclusions are those of a trained investigator. Still, the opinions here advanced, as for Instance, with respect to the value of re ligion as a living reality affecting; men's lives In lifting them up to tho spiritual, win have many doughty opponents. "The great religious forces of the past dr. lltzatloa are dissolving Into polite forms and rituals, and the passionate Interest of men Is turning either to c!ace or to Illusion and folly for guidance. writes Professor Hyslop. "Science has obtained the mantle and heritage of Tellgton for the education and direction of human belief -and the soon r It takes op Its duties In that field the more Important Its message to mas. The church haa had a fatal genius for allying Itself with decadent causes. It took up a violent opposition to Coperslcaa astronomy and lost. It regarded Newtonian gravita tion ft atheelstlc and had finally to accept It. It lost the battle ahost the six days creation, waged with theology. It attached Tarwlnlanlsm and SpeBcerlan evolution with more virulence than ever, and accepted peace with It aa the only alternative to annihila tion. It trjed to save the Inerrancy of the Old Testament narratives aad had to sur render to the higher criticism. 1 The ministry does not know what cre&.Mt 1 rafe to believe cr assert, and the churches hare to become social clubs sad talk about the poor as as excuse for aa existence that, to far aa social efficiency u concerned, can as well he supplied by llleratcre and art." Professor HyaJop notwithstanding, the majority of sane thinkers thank good nessdo not believe In ghosts or appari tions, unless on occastou when these thinkers visions are j-sterlally assisted by the xnasnifylnc la&ruence of the Jnlce ef the grape, with alcohol adeVsd ad lib. The Stry f the CeaseJtftUesi ef the rtte4 Htatet. by Resetter Johaaeo. I. I D. XL. William Xltchlcv New Tork City. , Strange as it may sees, the average citisyi of this country, however familiar he may be with the provisions contahied lh tht Coostltatioe. le not latins at ely ao sjniVsissd wRh tfee tsrjr f Ml fonnatiss. This highly Itwtruatirc.Tseek oC 3H paces tells In condensed farm how the Ceastl tutleR waa ae. glVe the Barnes of tha fathers who matte It. aBd especially those fathers waa from consoles. Uew Lives were at. that Meae Its better cyjwtcats. . Formerly, the exteaded Mor? "was ts be fouad miy 4a ess scattered thrssgk asany "bosks and ocwaeotx. t te sev. very cca vesMit ts Sad la a" single vd sse all that a atudeat or dtlxoa wants. Is Ssm or Shasta: IMims. by Lota Morgan buu u. Mairev : . isrstRers. rew Tork City. Tho gifted aHthoress of this JitUe hook can bo congratulated on havlsr' prese ated a high-class col lection of pseas f heart Interest, pare la eatlraeet.-deop la pathos and with a merry JlBgle In the rhyme. Her work is past the "oral nary In poesy, aad la the years- that are to cotae -nft shall expect something xaere araWUous of her than the few-verso poenu this volume ef 235 pages contains. Several of the con tributions have already appeared in Har per's Msgs sine. Harper's Weekly, the Century, the North American Review, uuuook; and xtew xorx sun. Here are "tws choice verses from the collection, a4dreeMo X Child": I think, to make sseh eetsr-dreached orbs Two violets came, aad modestly did pray To he this eye. The vlalet, they say. la a -most geatie rlowar. that lee g absorb Proat ass. tress sew, Irsjta isyfcyra at their piy. Seme rare, ethereal esstsce from the day. Then warm ape-n thy cheeks two rose blsaaed: Of all the rotas they. Indeed, asset fair. "With wsadrsBs ttets e as.trea chetceot eare; Aad from their hearts the deep rtneetion Hotbed Thy earring Hps. Ahers, within thy hair. The snbeaass gathered, swsrs. to linger there. J. M. Q. IN IilBRAKi" AND WORKSHOP "Japanese Mist Pictares" la worth while the Overland Monthly. Tha article la f-r artlsUc. McClare-PhllllBs are hrtaglag cot their Im portant "Life of Paataer." by R. Vallery Rasot, la a single volume edition, at a popular prlce. "Seeping Outdoors." "Drag Medication." "Muscles and Their Uses" and "Is Sugar In jurious; are a few of the helpful articles la Health Culture. i a The Book of Tea." by Okakura-Kakcxo to he published In May by Yet. Dnffleld A Co., will have an Introduction by John La Parge, to whom the volsme la dedicated. "The Only Saiat America. .Has Produced ts tbe nas&e of aa article in Current Literature. teUlcg abosl Miss Jaae Ad As-fit, of the Hull House. Chicago. The usual readable literary and world review of events are also given. W. S. Harwood's forthcoralsg book. The New Earth." ts described- ai an account of the remarkable progress which haa been made In the past two generations In all that pertains to the cultivation of the earth. The 2facmlllan. Company will soon Issue Mr. Har wood's book, with si any Illustrations. At this reason of the year when so many people are thinking of having built for thesa permanent and seaside hoptey, several articles la the Interior Decoration r-.sgnlne. notably those on "Tbe Making of a Den." "A Seaside Cottage." "The Furnishing o the Porch" aad "The Awkward Fireplace," will ho of more than ordinary Interest. The relstroductlon of the Gregorian chant to a place of real Importance In the maxla of the Roman Catholic Church Is preasated la an explanatory light by Justine Bayard "Ward In the Atlantic Monthly, the tlUe of the ar ticle being "Tbe Reform In Church Music." TjVIllani Giles Parsons writes sensibly oa, "Making Education Hit the Mark," Carl Schcrx account in the April Mc C!ures of how he rescued his friend Kink el from Spaadan Jail. Is way ahead of any ro mantic fiction that haa been cnhUshed In a SCROFULAS Erety one has a hereditary right to a pure blood supply, -which insures a strong, healthy body; but how many do "we see who have inherited that greatest of all misfortunes, Scrofula, and are straggling tinder a legacy of disease and mffering? Scrofula is a constitutional trouble handed down from parent to child, a curse from generation to generation as long as the scrofulous matter is allowed to remain in the family blood. As the very foundation of the blood is diseased we see this- awful affliction manifested in many ways, such as enlarged glands or tumors about the neck, which often burst and become discharging ulcers, weal; eyes, chronic Catarrh of the head, glda diseases, etc This blighting disease being so firmly intrenched in the blood often attacks the bones, resulting in White Swelling, or hip disease, while a jjallid, waxey appearance of the skin, loss of strength, and often lung" affections show that the disease is entirely destroying the rich, nutritive qualities of the blood. There is but one way to cure Scrofula and that is to purify the blood and rid it purpose nothing; equals S. S. S. Its PI1RPL Y VEGETABLE, medicine, made from roots, "herbs and barks runtui iuuuinui.6. Md abfiolate by young or old. It so thoroughly removes the poison from the blood that no signs of it are ever seca again aad posterity is blessed witk a pure blood supply. Book on the blood and any medical advice desired without charge THE SWIFT SPECKIC CO., ATLAHTA GA WE CURE m m We care akla diseases, Slsed PeUea, Varicocele. Stricture, Xerraas Decline, "fVeskaess, Piles, Klstala aad Dlseasea ef the Kldaeys, Bladder aad Prostate. Prirate Diseases Newly contracted and chronic cases cured. All Sural br; Itching; aad Inflammation stepped la 24 hours; cures effected in seven days. If you have violated the Jaws of health and are conscious of a constant drain which Is HBdersslalns your system, come to us before you become a nervous and physical wreck. If you are weak, gloomy and despondent, have had dreams, depressed, lack ambition and energy, anablo to concen trate your thoughts, lack vha. vlor asd vitality, come to us at once, oar treatment will step all drains and overcome all weaknesses and positively restore yea to strenjrth and health. We save cured thousands of weak men. TH05K WHO HAYB BTSTCX SISAPPOnCTKD BY UN SKILLED SPE CIALISTS ARE KABJnMTtVT KBTJESTKD TQ IXVESTIGATH OTJR METHODS A5D TER3CS "WITHOUT DELAY, WHICH HAD THEY DOSE ix the BBccernro, WOULD have saved THEM time asd moxey. Oar saetaeda are aa-te. date aad areIadorsed by' the highest sa'esseal . authorities ef Kstrepe aad Aaaericsu Heaee ear saccess la the treatsseat ef Mea's Diseases. Reaaeaaaer, ear speotalty la limited ta the diseases of HEX, aa StKX emly. Our offer is to yea, fa eieij eae. oaly S13.S3 for a care, payable at -your convenience, la such sums as yoaxtaa spare. Coald an offer bs snore aes cress f avatter what your trouble Is if you suffer from a e gleet, trosa waat ef atoaey or from unskillful practice here is aa opportunity to get the 'services ef a skilled soeeiaitst. a graduate physician, witk years of ripe experience in treating- eowpllcxted and special disorders of Bsea oaly It will cost as thins Xfi talk t us, and rsay be the aaeaaa of rectorlas' yea -ta health asd happiness. Why not call today? Our cSces are very private. Tea see only the doetar If yea can net call, write for Telaaks, as- we extend the sasse liberal offer to those who eaaaat calL la act. there Is ae excuse far betas; .disordered or sick while this liberal offer ressalas. It is a mttt of priceless -raise, within the reach ot alL Re seeaBer. oaly SXXM far aay disease, IX yea eaaaot eall, wxtte zor aryasa teas bleaks. ' HOURS 9 to "3, 7 ts S dally: Saadays. 3 to 12. COXSULTATieX : iSt. Louis COIL SECOM AND YAMHILL STS, FORTLAM), OIL leog fiaae. There are aafrTsceesXh escapes, leag chances aad a dartsg break, for lfbarty at the end. Asthesy Jssp er Cetisn Doyle coaUa't hare test c Urea a bstter story OC ad venture, ass' It is ail tree. . "Oassaxd the- Brave" is a tale. weR- writ-' tes.- frost the gee ,ars ef eM whea we cssM sisy -tmr assesses It we wers. stress eaeagh. wMaeat frssvsf aa eetiese poass sres er a hsogaty Ja sin's arjaaetlss. The story is ey rreomek orta Baruett sad K leads la Sr, NlcaeUs. It ts of a sUrrmc sword Sght, aad seght ts please all hoys. Tha ether JavesJls aeasa Is ap to scaasard. e Agaes and Egertsa Castle have again col laborated la a rest sic, which the Mac aattlan Compaay will pesllsa .seder ths al luring title. If .Touch But .Xnewf la charm, spirit aad atmssphetwXMtas story eables The Prldeof Jessies' mere than the author's other Itsoka, It is freely Illus trated, la Use aad half-tose, by Lancelot Speed. -- ? v A. C- Season's axe: ef "WaterO'ater" Is apasaaced by the MacmtllaaCempaay far sxly Issue la the English MSn of Letters series. Mr. Hessoa. who wrote the exeelleat life of "Rossettr la the same series, has la the abuses: of axy official biography of Pater, collected the Information aa to the areata of the life from Pater's relatives and friend. "A GllarBss of ths EagllsH" "TSashtsgton Country." by "William Dean Howella. tells of ths scenes loved best In England by the an cestors of tha first president ct the United States. This article Is fousid tn Harpera Monthly, as also "Dickeas la Switzerland." a rattling- whalers yarn, asd other fare well worth ths money. "Gamesters of tha Wllder aess." being a story of the Hodsoa's Bay Com pany aad the Preach raiders, lSTO-les?, la of rsedal latereat. " Stewart Saward "White, a Ether of "The Mouatalas." "Ths Forest." etc. Is. of coarse, associated by his readers with each natural aad prhaltlre mesas of lecesaotlea as horses, casosa and shank's aura Bat the sophlstlsa tlca ef stty people has fallaa apea him some what, too. aad he Is new as achnowledged vie' tlm of ths lTrtsw sells crass. His most prised possession Is a little runabout, la which . he whlmes up aad down California roads, "walla the faithful horses which hare carried him ever the mow-eevertd trails sad alosg diary precipties look eat dejectedly from ths stasis windows, Ths Syrens' Island (CsprO" is the title of a faactnat&g. Illustrated article la The "World Today. Arthur D. Coulter writes most Interestingly oa "The American Manufac turer la Chios," aad treata of British sad Asertcaa trade resalts la Shaaghal sad Hoag kosr. A splendidly Illustrated article, "New Tori's Greet Bridges." written by Thomas Hastings, leads In the Metropolitan. tSome Curl Sun Easter Obterrasces In Euros." "A Real Coetlo Opera," telling about Pritzl Scheff. and Arthur Train's gem. "A Broadway Vil lain" are other attractions m this xasgST'ne Owen "Wlster. the suthor of "Lady Balti more" asd The Virginian." waa Born In Philadelphia in 1S60. and graduated from Harvard In 1952. He was admitted to the bar la his native city some years later, hut he has devoted himself chiefly to literary work, varied by loss sojourns la the Par "West. In addition to the two novels above mentioned, he Is ths anther of "Philosophy Pour." an amusing and unpretentious skit on undergraduate Ufa at Harvard, famous the country over among Harvard men. His new novel. "Lady Baltimore." is illustrated with deUghtful pen-and-tnk drawings In the text, aa well aa with half-tones. Big: Policies In Xcw York:. "World's Work. New Tork naturally has more heav ily insured men than any other city. Among; those with large policies are: James C Colgate. 51.500,000; George "W. Vanderbllt, Jl.000.000; August Bel mont. JSOO.000; Richard A. Mc Curdy, 1300,000; General Francis V. Greene, 2500.000: John D. Crlmmlns.5300.ea0; Pliny FIsk. $00.000 Cthe total on the rFisk family is $3,000,000: Chauncey M. Depew, 3500.000 P. F. CoHler. $350,009: Edward Lauterbacfi. $300,600; George TV. Perkins, $300,000; Gage E- Tarbell. $500.000; E. E. Breathers. $335.090, INHERITED MISFORTUNE of the germs of disease, and for this purifying and building-up properties raai-cicme iar reraeay lor iicrolula. 5.5.S. searches out and destroys all poisons and germs, gives strength, richness and vizor to the weak, polluted blood and cures Scrofula permanently. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable MEN FOR : $12.50 I ESTABLISHED 36 YEARS IS PORTLAIOJ. 1 We wOi treat say slaf Ie wcaraplicateel ailment for $1230 fertke fee. UNDER ABSOLUTE GUARANTEE NO PAY UNLESS CURED Dispensary I TS TSV-UBTT aSSTl AS t HEADACHES Tltoarjwao suSer fro, headaches, wbfXWpicx, wsrvous or Bewalfpc - sa c i ctusotacsmea to An srffsiresceat, saline dneeht "Which qares headache brinoviBf; mh; It sIcstlt:soinach, corrects aodity, clears the brain. Co510? no bromides or heart depKir drugs- a- Sirty ytmnraf At year drserists tx by mail trosa T5h TarrantC. aew Ysck CHlSHtTsrrTHsi vstswjaat U KZ ul CU atom Waa. mM Mm SaleeSiwie '-Mr MiS. ' - A7Z BBafwrjflXa 1A, THE COMFORTABLE WAY. TWO 0 VEIL AND TRAINS DAILY The OKXEXTAL T.nnTgn The rest Mall VIA SEATTLE OR SPOKANE. Dally. Leave. Portland Time Scaedsle. Dslly. Arrtre. J To and. from See cane. St. Paul. 3ala. 7:00 am ll:i3rffl'neapollj. Dnlath sad Ail Pomu Stat via Seattle. To and from St. Pan. MinneapoUa, Duluth aad All 6US pes! S:0O am PolnU East Via Spokane. Great Xorthera Steaatshlp Co. SsIIIbc from Seattle tor Japan and' China ports and Manila, carry la -passeasers and fre'shr, 8. 8. SCtaaeseta April 39. 8. 8. Dakots. Jane 7. ' XTPPOX YUSEX tCATRWA CJapan Mall Steamship Co.) 8. S. 6HINANO MARU will sail from Seattle abent May IS far Ja pan and China ports, carry In a: pas sessers and frelxnt- For tickets, rates, berth reserra tisna. tc call on or address 8. DICKSON, C. P. T. A. 122, Third St.. Portland. Or. Pheas' Mala See. Time rinrw sat OF TRAINS XJAILT. Tellowstoae Park-Kansas Clty-St. Lonts SpecUl for Cbehalls. Centralis. Olympla, Cray's Harbor, South Besd. Tacoma, Eeattle. Spokane. Lew lstoa. Butte. Bllllnr, Denver. Omaha. Kan ass City. 8L Louis and South tiit 8:39 am e-Sftpm Korth Coast Ltcilted. electric lighted, for Ta csrna. Seattle. Spokane. Butte. Minneapolis. St. Paul and the East 2:00 pas. 7:00 aa Puret Sound Limited for Claremont. Chahtllt. Centralis, Tacoma and Seattle only :20pm 10:53 per Wte City Express tor Ta coma, Seattle. Spokane. Helena. Butte. St. Paul, Minneapolis. Lincoln. Omaha, Sr. Joseph. St. IuW. Kansas City, without cbanxe of cars. Street connections tor all points East and South east ..ll:5ptn 6:50 pm A. O. Charlton. Assistant General Passen ger Ase&t. 233 Morrison i.. cornsr Third, Portias i. Or. S.S. "MINNESOTA" Sailing: From Seattle Apr. 29 Shortest Rente ta the Orient. Great Korthera Steamship Co. Oper atise New Twin-Screw Steamships "MINNESOTA" aad "DAKOTA" Length. 630 feet. "Width. 73.S feet. , Tons. 2S.0OO. 'Between Seattle, aad Japea. China, Manila Low Xxearslea Kates. From Portland to Hongkoax and re tarn. S337.SO: 30day trip: 26 days roond-trlp to Yokohama and 4-1 days "In Japan. China and Asiatic waters. Optional rail trip in Japan without ex tra charge. "Unusually large and eo in tertable berths, electric reading lights above each berth; every conceivable comfort no crowding. For folders, rates and complete In formation apply to A. D. CHARLTON. Assistant General Passenger Agent, 233 Morrison St.. Portland, Or. h. dickson; City Passeagr Agent. 123 Third St., Portland. Or. W. VT. KUG General Passenger Agent, Seattle. "Wash. NOME ROUTE S.S. SENATOR Jmifil Secare Tickets Now 5 OTJTHEASTER?f ALASKA ROUTE From Seattle at 9 P. M. for Ketchi kan, Jeneau, Ska sway. White Horse, Dawson and Fairbanks. 8. S. City ef Seattle. April "21. a S. Hamholdt. April 15-25. S .S. Cottage City (via Sitka) April 20. ALASKA EXCTTRSIOXS. S. S. Spokane, June 7-21; July 5-20; Augnist 2, FOR SAX KRAX CISCO DIRECT From Seattle at 9 A. M.; UiaaUlla. April 2-184; Queea, April 8-23; Senator, April 28. Fartteael Ossee, M -rV'sshlaartsa st. acaha aae. G. X. LKK, Faae. rt. AVt C D. DtWAXJ, G. P. X, t 18 MczJtet ai Sam FraacJsee. O-soraaaaj IS Passoa;ar Steejaors for SAN FRANCISCO aaal Los Aaoles saract. M ilaiy sorrica Cahia $12 Siaorac U Maals ami. Berths laelmled. C H. THOMPSON. Aral MeTarranfs ' sssaCKBSsl i eaasas'a US slM-Mrasjt: 'TXAtaiflaTiw'' Guriix. jfaTam LsUJ'a Sa ieB M'uBSV aaavaaaV ''aaaaaaar eaaaaaVflLaV 4 asBssssT sssslgV1 bPbV sil-BBsa-TKaFV kBlfciar.BL aa. jidHfi A Union Pacific L 3 TRAINS TO THE EAST DAILX Throurh Pallmart ijin1r. .nu,.. slseplagara daUy to Omaha. Chicago. Spo- jusci uiuui sieepiBg'car a ally to Kansas City. Recllatsg chair-ears (seaU free) to TJNION Pgpqt. Xesves. Arrives. CHICAGO-PORTLAND 0:13 A. Mr 5:23 P. M. SPECIAL tor the East Sally. Dally. via HaaUagtSB. ' ' SPOKANE FLTER. I8'11- jDalTy For Eastern Washington. "Walla Walla, Lewetea.-Coear d'AIese sad Great Korthera points. ATLANTIC EXPRESS 0., t T-1S A. 3t Sgtea! YU HunU ESV Caliy RIVER SCHEDULE. FOR ASTORIA aSdt 8:00 P.M. 5:00 P.M. way .points, connecting Dally, Dally, with steamer tor Ilwa- except except es sad North Beach. Sunday. Bui: day. steamer Hassalo. Ash Saturday st. dock 10-00 P. M. FOR DATTOK. Ore- TrOO AM. 3:SO P. M. sen City and Tamhlll Dally. Dally, River points, Ash-st. except except 4ock (wstsr per.) Sunday.- Sunday. For Lewistes, Idaho, and way points from Rlparla. Wash. Leave Rlparla 8:40 A. M. or npoa, arrival train. No. dally except Saturday. Arrive Rlparla. 4 P. M. daily except Fri day. Tieket 'Office, Third aad Wsaklagtoa Teleaaoae Mala 712. C W. Stinger. City Xleket Agt-t A. IV Craig. Gea. Pass. Agt. SOUTH Leaves. I UNION DEPOT. I Arrtvea. OVERLAND EX PRESS TRAINS for Kfl'tTH. Rose-, burg. Ashland. Sacramento; Og den. San Fran cisco. Stockton, Los Angeles St Paso,. New Or leans and the East. Morning train ' conn acta at. Woodbum dally except Sunday with trains fcr Mt. Angel. 8! verton. Browns ville. Springfield. Wendltng and Natron. Eugene passenger connects at Woodbum with Mt. Angel and BUverton local Corvallls passen ger. Sheridan passen ger. Forest Grove Passenger. aosp.M "7:23 A. if t-JO A. M 5:55 P. M 10:35 A. M 5:30 P.M. 8:25 A M. 81:30 P. M. :1SP.M T:80 A M. :30 P.M. 110:43 P. M. Dally. Dally except Sunday. PORTLAND-OSWEGO SUBURB AJ4 SERVICE AND TAMHILXi DIVISION. Depot. Foot ef Jefferson Street. Leave Portland dally for Oswego at T:3a A. M.: 12:30. 2:05. 4. 5:20. 8:23. 3:30. 10:10. 11:30 P. M. Dally except Sunday. 5:80. 8:30, 8:33. 105 A. M. Sunday only. 9 AM. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portland dally. 8:30 A. 1:33. 3:03. 3:05. 6:15. 7:33. 9:33, 11:10 P. M.: 12:23vA. M. Dally except Sunday. 8:25. 7:2 J. 9:30. 11:45 A. M. Sun day only, 10 A.M. Leave from same depot for Dallas and In termediate points dally. 4:15 P. M. Arrive Portland. 10:15 A M. . , The Independence-Monmouth Motor ZJns operates dally to Monmouth and Alrlla. con necting with S. P. Co-'x trains at Dallas anet Independence. First-class fare from Portland to Sacra mento snd San Francisco. 320; berth. S3. Secoad-dass fare. S15; second-class berth J2.80- Tickets to Eastern points snd Europe also Japan. China, Honolulu and Australia. CITY TICKET OFFICE. Corner Third asd Washlagtea Sts. Pheas Mala 712. . C. W. STINGER, A." L. CRAIG, CRy Ticket Ageax, Gea. Pass. Agt. Astoria and Columbia River Railroad Co. Leaves. UNION DEPOT. Arrives. Daily. For May 5 era, Rainier. Clatskanle. Westport. Clifton. Astoria, War renton. FlaveL Ham mond. Fort Stevens. Gear hart Park. Sea side. Astoria and Sea Dally. 11:20 A. M, 8:00 A M shore. 7:00 P. M Express Dslly. Astoria. Express. Dally 9:50 P. Ml C. A. STEWART. J. C. MAYO. Cean'l Agt. 248 Alder St. O. F. tt P., A. Phone Main 908. San Francisco & Portland Steamship Co. Oaersthtg the Only Passenger Steamers ies Saa Fraaclaco Direct. S. 8. COLUMBIA. April 21, May 1 8. 8. COSTA RICA April 16 aad 28 Excursion to Los Angeles and return. May 1, J38 round trip, including rail San Fran cisco to Los Angeles and back to Portland. JAS. H. DEWSON, Agt, Pheae Mala 288. 248 rVashiagtoa St. Steamer Chas. R.Spencer , FAST TIME. Tjn the Columbia, the finest river trip la the United States. r leaves Oak-street dock 7 A. M., Mon days. Wednesdays and Fridays, arrlvins at The Dalles, 4 P. M. Leaves The Dalles 7 A. M., Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, arriving" Port land. !P. M. Office and wharf foot Oak street. Phone Main 2960- CHARLE3 E. STEELS MTTH. Aseat. WILLAMETTE RIVER. ROUTE Steamers for Salem. Independence and AI tasay lesve 8:43 A. M. dally (ecept Sunday). Steamers, for Corvallls snd way points Icsvc 8:45 A. M. Tuesday. Thursday asd Ssturdsy. OREGON CIT I TRANSPORTATION CO Offies aad dock, foot Taylor St. ALASKA FAST AND POPULAR STEAMSHIPS LEAVE SEATTLE "Jeenes." April 17, 27. 9. P. M.. via WrsageL . . "DelehlaJ April 22. JDttfceAprlI 26. CHEAP EXCURSION SATB8. On excaraloa trips steamer calls at' SMks. MetlskahUa, Glacier. Wrasgsi. -sts.. la addition to regular porta ot caH. 'Can or seed for Trip to WoateV fal Alaska." "ladlaa 3ssketry," "Tstasa Psfos. , TXE ALASKA S. 8. CO. Trsak Wselssy Co.. Agent. SsC Oak. WU Portia. Or.. v