The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, April 08, 1906, PART THREE, Image 25

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PAGES 25 TO 3f
NO. 14.
77ie 'STYLE S TORE'S" Fascinating Pre-Easter Week
fJsn .in f s4"-s'V Tells an Interesting. TaleToday of Easter Sales of Most Unusual Importance.
I TvUu -ICllCf The Whole Store Refit
The Whole Store Reflects the Attractiveness of the Season and Bids You Welcome!
A Unique Group of Style and Quality Expositions
May she be ever, as now,
Queen Rose of the World
Made In Oregon 3 '
May it be a revelation to
the world! A mighty dem
onstration of OREGON'S
GREA TNESS in creating
Quality Products. Port
land, May 19th to 26th
Extra Saleswomen
At once. Thoroughly experi
enced salesfolk for Millin
ery and Women's Suits,
Wraps, etc., etc. Apply in
morning to Mr Bell, Supt.
Office, First Floor.
Children's white Cambric Waistu, with 3
Inch heavy drill -vralstband and with
neck and armholes embroidery trimmed.
Our COc value; special at. each jQr
(2d floor, near Annex Entrance) T&c
Store Opens 8 A. M. "THE DIFFERENT STORE" Store Closes 6 P. M.
A Mighty Congress of Surpassing Specialty Shops
toiutt soArs.
Box contalalR? 3 cakes oC
choice perfumed Toilet
Soap: regular prlctv 10c
the cuke: special, for
box of three 7 77
cakes .'
Ready in Easter Salons of Dress
The Grand Easter Shows a Revelation of Magnifi
cent Apparel for Women Unequaled and
Without Parallel in the Annals of Portland
Storekeeping :
An inspiring collection, indeed! This
great Easter convention of fashion and of
beauty in women's dress, ready-to-don.
Here's a gathering of -women's stylish,
handsome tailored suits, smart coats and
"snappy" jackets, swell gowns and superb
costumes, that offers a world of suggestions
to Easter buyers. And the low prices make
one enthusiastic Xever in the history of
Portland merchandising lias there been
brought together such a splendid showing
of smart Easter garments io sell at such
low prices. And to further enhance their
value and their attraction, they are all new,
late arrivals, and confined to this house ex
clusively in this city. Every new and ap
proved whim of fashion is here. In tailored
suits the Eton, Bolero, Pony and half-fitted
jacket effects have the "pole" in favor. A
wide price range in the selection $25.00
to $73.00
Sensational Sale of Skirts!
With the bare exception of White Wool, Linen and Wash Skirts,
we shall offer on Monday
Absolutely Every Walking Skirt in the
House at l Off Regular Prices!
The immense variety almost precludes any description. Portland women
know the immensity of our stocks too well to call for even a word of detail.
Every wanted material is embraced imported Panama, serges, fine cheviots,
mohairs, granite cloths, canvas cloths and smart tweedish mixtures. In plain col
orings including blacks, blues, browns; tans, greens, grays, "Alice blues' etc
In the mixtures checks, plaids, stripes, London smoke," diagonals and mannish
mixed goods vie with each other in the assortments for your favor. Tailored with
best workmanship, built in plain gored styles, plaited effects, circular and circular
gored models. Best regular values at from 4.50 to $45.00 m the city. Monday
you may deduct one fourth from the price of any and pay us the balance you
become the new owner of the skirt you choose ONE-FOURTH OFF.
There's Mastery of Markets Shown in
This Wonderful Easter Sale of
40c and 50c Embroideries
and Insertions for 15c
First Floor.
A fine assortment -of cambric, nainsoook and Swiss
embroideries and insertions in wide, .narrow and
medium widths every piece in the lot a big bar-
Embroideries are used for the -trimming of. waists,
skirts and underwear more extensively this season
than over before.
Values to 40cand 50c in the showing cut into 4V
and 6V-yard lengths; special for 1 Er
Monday's and Tuesday's selling, the yard. &C
Women's Underwear and
Hosiery Specials
Sure to Bring a Busy Monday to the Knitwear Shops
First Floor
Women's 85c Vests 59c White silk finished fiue
gauze lisle Vests, low neck, no sleeves; regular
value 85c, special, each 59
Women's 1.25 Vests or Tights 89c White mercer
ized, long-sleeve Vests, with white ankle-length
tights; regular value $L25, special, each 89
Women's 50c Vests SSc White Swiss ribbed long
sleeve Vests; regular value 50c, special, each 33
Women's 20c Vests 122c White Vests, low neck,
no sleeves, neaOy. trimmed; regular value 20c,
special, each 12l$
Women 's and Children 's Hosiery
Women's 50c Hose 35c Black all-lace lisle Hose,
imported, full finished; regular value 50c, special,
the pair 35
Women's 75c Hose 55c Fine black lace lisle Hose;
regular 75c value, special, the pair! 55
Children's 35c Hose 19c Children's black lace
Hose, sizes 6 to S1; values to 35c, special, the
pair 19
Remarkable! The Values We Offer
Monday in Petticoats
Annex Secoad Floor.
Women's mercerized Moreen Petticoats, made with
deep double flounce, three rows of strapping,
deep ruffle and dust ruffle. In a color line embrac
ong brown, tan, 'champagne, red 'arid 'green, also
black. Just the right weight for this season.
Our $1.50 value; special sale price, Q 7
each C
Women's White Cambric. Petticoats, with 20-inch
heavy embroidery flounce, and rows of "wide hem
stitched racks and dust ruffJes; oar f O 9
-$1.75 value, special a't, each F
Womea's White Cambric Petite, in style 'similar
te these described above, but with, wider flounce
and more expensive material; eur 01 Qj?
$2.7i valve, special at, each pxTO
"The Shoe Stores Along the Fair Way."
Sixth St Annex 1st Floor.
A Splendid Easter
Readiness Pervades the
Millinery Salons:
Annex Second Floor
The immense Easter millinery exposition is complete; every hat is at "Attention!"
Unquestionably Portland's biggest and best display of beautiful Spring and Summer
headwear for dressy women is here, in a variety of correct models unapproached by
any other house in the Northwest. Not only is the wonderful assortment 'pleasing,
but the price range is that wide it covers the field thoroughly, from the purse that
pickets the $1 approach to the one that guards her "Serene Highness" that sits on
the $50 throne and smiles on her humbler but perhaps fully as beautiful sisters. Every
approved model is here: charming dress bats, magnificent pattern hats, and smart
suit and street hats in almost bewildering profusion. A hat to fit every purse and be
come every face. Original creations and adaptations, all reflecting Paris ideals. Beau
tiful, artistic, becoming, PRACTICAL hats; designed by artists and made by skilled
milliaers from high-class materials. Time was when the difference between expen
sive and inexpensive hats was in the style more than the material. Style was what
you paid for. That is, of course, true still cf some of the most exclusive creations,
but as a rule you can get as good style now in the $3 to $10 hats, which we make spe
cial showings of here this week, as tho' you paid twice or three times as much. Of
course, the materials cannot be. so expensive, but every conceivable stuff in fashion
being allowed, the maker has a wide latitude of choice. Special attention will be
given the "made-to-order" hats, all work being under the. immediate supervision of our
chief designer, Miss Smith, of New York City. Extra salesfolk and every other help
will be afforded the Millinery Salons this week to do the banner business of its long
history. Be sure 16 see the special display of exquisitely beautiful Easter Hats, priced
at from $5.00 to S lO.OO.
See display in. Waaklagtoa street Show Wiadow.
A Record
Sale of
Dress Goods
Silks and
Fashionable Dress Stuffs:
Fifth St. Annex, 1st Floor.
Taf eta Pure dye;
special, at, the
86 c
It doesn't take people long to se
lect new Spring footwear at this
store not a fractional part of the
time worth figuring that it takes
this store. We have been months
preparing the great showings of
handsome shoes you may view to
morrow and Ave are splendidly
READY. Every maker of note in
the country is anxious to sell this
store. Some are satisfied to con
fine their products exclusively, so far as Portland is concerned, to
this house. Before buying, we see the samples at each price from all
over the country where shoes arc made: and we, never purchase a
single pair until we are positive it is the best that can be made for the
money. A woman buying shoes here may pay anywhere from $2 io $5
in i regular way, and men from $3.50 to $6, and know for a certainty
they are getting the very best at whatever price they pay. It's a mutual
benefit association, these shoe relations of ours. The more you buy from
us, the more value we are able to give to you. All the little newnesses
in shoes and oxfords for men and women arc to "be found here now. We
show a large and complete line of new white canvas shoes for women, at
$1.50 to $3. Buying early in the week means getting the shoes nicely
"broken in" for the Easter parade.
27-lHch Black
$1.23 value;
36-Isch Black Taffeta Our $1-23
value, special at, the yard....
36-Inch (Warranted) Black Taffeta
Our $1.50 valae, special at, f Q
the yard pl.l&
The last two numbers are very special
values, and we invite you to examine them
and compare with elsewhere showings.
Imported English Mohairs
In black- only. Every lady should Jiave a
gown made of this useful fabric in her
Our $ .50 grade, special at, yard.S .42
Our $ .75 grade, special at, yard.S .63
Our $1.00 grade, special at, yard.S .85
Our 1.25 grade, special at, yard. $1.05
Our $1.30 grade, special at, yard.S1.25
Our $1.75 grade, special at, yard. $1.48
Our $2.00 grade, special at, yaril.$l.btf
If President Roosevelt
Should Send You a Letter
Introducing a friend, would you honor that
letter? If "Bill Jones" had written the
same letter introducing the same friend,
would you honor it equally? Here then is
a moral The WORTH of a letter of intro
duction depends largely on the reputation
and position of the introducer. An adver
tisement, or announcement, may be con
sidered a letter of introduction, and the
Store that sends it forth upon its mission
the introducer. The responses this Store
receives from its announcements show
plainly we are in the Roosevelt class xof
stores from the attention paid ihem as,
compared with the "Bill Jones" shops,
(that are very good in their way) by an ap
preciative Public, who honor Initiative,
Honesty and Quality, Dependability and
authoritative Fashion in magnificent in
spiring merchandise. We believe this Store
has reached the highest pinnacle possible,
when it comes to .variety, assortment and
character of style, Certainly you would
not think of buying your Easter toggery
without first looking here. A series of
special sales of Wanted New Goods at
Poplin De Chines
Worth $1.25 and $1.50 for 98c.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we shall offer a line of Poplin de Chines
in a maguificent color assortment. This is an opportunity you can't
afford .to miss a3 this fabric has no equal for beauty and pleasing
effects for street gowns, as well as handsome evening and reception
gowns. Our $1.23 and 1.50 values; specialfoc three days' QOy
selhnp. Tincp. the vara. wC
Men's Furnishings at a Saving at
This Easter Sale
The Haherdasberie First Floor 6th St. Aaaex.
And man must needs save, for man has so much to buy at this season,
when family needs are most pressing and the new season demaads new
toggery, fitted for wear these warmer days, for himself, and those de
pendent on him. .
Men's 75c Uaderwear 49c Men's ecru ribbed balbrjggan Underwear,
medium Spring weight, extra well made and finished; best 75c value;
special, the garment 4B
Msa's $LS Gvlf Shirts 7c Men's new Golf Shirts, plaited and plaim
bosoMS. in gray, tan, blue and black and white. effects; regal i r yalse
$L56; special, each .9Tt)
Me&'s Xeckwesr 96c A line of foulard silk Fer-m-Hands, in Use aad.
white, olka dots and figures, 2Vi inches wide; special at, each.. 25"
MwVSSc Xeciery lc New faey Hosiery fee me, ia plain brown, tae,
Wack and Vie, with silk ckckg; regular value 25c; ap'L, pair.19'
Hit's SL1S Umderwear He Extra fe dUe-thred Worsted Uader-
wear. cream color, gfted frmg weight; rsprfar vale $1.26; apeml,i
the garment M. 96
Easter Sale of Superb Linens
and Pretty "Tub" Goods
For Dainty Summer Dresses and Frocks, A Bargain Event
of Unusual Magnitude and Excellence:
First Floor.
Luxury without extravagance. Rich, fine Table linen supferb designs, un
paralleled for artistic elegance in the history of damask weaving. A word to
the wise is sufficient Thrifty housekeepers will do well to take advantage of
this great money-saving sale. Prompt service in waiting upon the Monday
throngs who will seek these big values is assured by a- full force of salesfolk.
The new Wash Goods will also prove a great attraction to multitudes of shop
pers tomorrow. We can mention but a few ef the maay Bausual values:
Fine satin damask Tablecloths, with
ene dozen large-size Dinner Napkins
te match:
Sise 2x2 yards, special, set. $7.50
Siae 2x2& yards, special, set$8.25
Size 2x3 yards, special, set. $9.00
Round haBd-mbroidered Doilies:
Reg. $ 35 vale, special, each. .27
.Reg. $ JSi valve, special, eaeh..3S
Reg; $ .0 valve, special. eaeh..45
Reg. $ no, valve, special. ech..5&
Reg."$ JSS value, special, eaek..&4-
Jteg. $IM valve, special, ech..'75t
'jMfafd Peytttettt, for shirtwaist
t mks, verr reived etTeeiic; at.
TERNS, 98c
500 white India Liaon Shirtwaist Pat
terns, ia embroidered and lace ef-'
feets; special at, each"."...i ...98f
$1.75 SATIN DAMA1K1 SIM. '
Doubk-warp Satis Damasks, ia pret
ty new patterns, 2 yards wide;, reg
ular valve $1.75 ; speeial, yd.Sl.50
Sheer SOky Batistes, - with embroid
dered Sgvres, yd., 35 and 45
SQx-Fmtti Madras, Japaaese elects,
just m; yard . . . ........ 7. . . I -35ft
New Penis MvBs, Vd.lS te 40
Liacerk ITslrti , yd.SS .U 75
FrssKh Lsnm. s4. yard.a&f to 304
Whit Msrtsrmis!: Ovssfcs, Very styl
ish foe sbMwtts4vyid. I. . . .Mffr
Every Woman Will Want to Share
These Great
Easter Glove Values?
First Floor. - ,
$1.25 Kid Gloves 98c The "Hector" Kid Glove,
2-clasp, full pique glace, in full line of colors,
also black and white. Perfect fitting and splendid
w&a ring gloves : our $1.23 value, special
at, the pair...". ...,9C
SILK GLOVE S Ladies ' Silk Gloves, the best in
America; all sizes and lengths; in black, white and
colors; prices7the pair G5c, $1, $1.25 and S1.50
Ladies' Long Suede and Glace Kid Gloves in all
colors and white ; prices, pair 82.50 and 33.50
Dent's Kid Gloves Price, the pair 92.00
The "Monarch" Kid Gloves Price, pair $2.00
The "Derby" Kid Gloves Price, the pair $1.50
The "Eskay" Kid Glove Price, the pair 81.50
A Most Important Easter Sale of
Women's $2,25 to $3.50
Lace Collars and Yokes
for $1.50
First Floor.
A splendid shdwing of Lace Collars and Yokes
some V-shaped, others in the popular wide'front and.
hack effects. They are shown in assorted, patterns in
white and cream; some in Point Venise lace, some
in Baby Irish lace, combined with batiste;1 some in
fine net combined with Point v enise lace.
Ovr $25, $i50, $3.00 and $3.30 values;
special sale price, each
Big Values in Stationery
Toilet Snndriet Trimmings, mnd Net icm
Special MiUy ia Small Waxes Shsgs 1st Fiver.