THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAJf, FOKTLAJTD, APJtU 8, 1906, BISHOP MORRIS PASSES BUY iDies at Midnight at His Home at Nineteenth and Everett Streets. LONG' IN - FAILING HEALTH Head of the Episcopal Church In Oregon 'Took Jo His Bed Friday .Night, but Was Conscious Almost to the Lust. - PASSING OK BISHOP MOKKJS. .Bishop Morris la dead. He pawl away at hla home on Everett street at midnight laxt night. It was known that lie had been la falling health In cident to his years for some time. Fri day nlqht. however, he partook of hi evening meal as usual and mtired to hi bed, from which he did not rise again. He retained connclousnesA until within' a short time before hl death. Kt, Rev. Benjamin "Wlsuir Morris, bishop of Oregon, and one of thebest 3nown members of the Episcopal cler pry In the United StateB, passed away it midnight last night at the family Shome, Nineteenth and Everett streets, Portland. The end came quietly and peacefully. Death was the result of continued weakness due to extreme old ciro, and was not entirely unexpected although Bishop Morris had not been suffering from any disease. Bishop Morris was fhe oldesr bishop (of the' Episcopal fnlth In America. "With The exception of Bishop Turtle, he had served more years In his' present posi tion than any otner bishop. He was $6 p ears -old and had been In the ministry CO years, and as a bishop 38 years.. Had Been Gradually Failing. Tor several months Bishop Morris wad been gradually falling and his family had entertained grave fears concerning his condition. Not until last Friday night, however, did he give evi dence of total collapse. At that time 3ie took dinner with his family and ciftorward sat In the parlor with them or some time and appeared to be no worse than he had been for some time 3ast. When he retired Friday night he deemed. to be failing rapidly and yes terday morning was unable to rise Srom Ids bed. All day yesterday the members of the family watched by his bedside and Die was" attended by Dr. Holt Wilson. .As evening approached he failed rap idly but "did not lose consciousness until half an hotr before ills death. He tippeared to be In no pain whatever. He rspokc cheerfully to those about him until he succumbed to fhe weakness of ngo and foil ItTto'y calm sleep 'and did aiot rally again. Members of Family "Willi Him. At the. time, of his death his wife and the members of his family who arc Jo . Portland were beside him. They nre aiiss Louisa Morris, of thl city; Mrs. Samuel Adair, of Astoria, and William It. Morris, of Portland. Miss Louisa Morris, a sister, was also present. The only other living child Is Benjamin AVlstar Morris. Jr., of New York City, who recently returned from a visit to Portland to his home In the East. Dr. "Wilson had left the room a short time before death came. When he first came to Oregon in 1R69 Jt was as bishop of both Oregon and Washington. The diocese was afterwards divided. No arrangements as to the time or de tails of the funeral service have yet been made. Biography of the Bishop. Benjamin wlstar Morris was bom In "Willsborough. Pa.. May 30. 1819. the son of. Samuel W. Morris, and great-grand son of Samuel Morris. Captain of the First City Troop at Philadelphia in the Revolutionary War. He graduated from the General Theological Seminary in 3S'G. He was married in 1855 to Hannah Rodney, of Lewes, Del. He was ordained as priest in 1817, and was pastor of St. Matthew's Church, Sunbury. Pa-: rector or St. David s, Manayunk; rector of St. Lukes, Germantown. and was consc crated December 3. 18C8, missionary bishop of Oregon and Washington, iris "Work in Oregon. The first work of the Episcopalian Church In the Oregon Country was super- Intended by Bishop T. F. Scott, until 1SS9, when Bishop Morris took charge On coming to the Coast following his selec tion for this Held, which Included what is now the suites of Oregon and "Washington, Bishop Morris at once took charge offi flally and personally, and was among the most able ministers and zealous Chris tian workers In the Northwest. His tire lessncss of purpose, combined with the wisdom of his administration, marked him as no ordinary man, and gave him great Influence In every part of the Oregon Country. Though the highest ecclesiastic of his church In the Northwest, he found his way like a true pioneer into the remotest settlements, rivaling the typical Itinerant preacher of other denominations In his teal., self-denial and fulfillment of his mission. Vnder his administration his church grew in strength and its Intellectual and educational interests were fostered ns well as the moral worth of its com municants preserved. Bishop Morris was also much of a publicist. His views on social and eco nomic problems have often appeared In print. So widespread was the Held of his labors that he was regarded as not only one of the leading clergymen of Oregon, but as a representative man of the state. Bishop-Coadjutor Election. June 7. 1903, the convention of the .Protestant Episcopal Church, diocese of Oregon, in annual session elected Rev. Frederick E. J. Lloyd, of Union town. Pa., bishop coadjutor. This was done to relieve Bishop Morris of active duties. Protest against the confirma tion of his election was made, the alle gations being made that the election had been the result of misrepresenta tions of qualifications. Bishop Morris certified the regularity of election and Dr. Lloyd formally accepted it. Bishop Morris gave a reception to Dr. Lloyd. Later Dr. Lloyd advised the leading rectors of the diocese of Oregon that he had cancelled his acceptance. In No vember he recalled his declination. "Weeding Out Mutinous Sailors. SEVASTOPOL. Russia. April 7. Vice- Admlral Chouknln. commander of the Black Sea fleet, and the naval authorities have developed a plan to chance the personnel of the Black Sea fleet; and thus 'hope to weed outand scatter the discontented sailors connected with the mutinies. Marty of the elder officers have been retired with pensions sad a mimber of Je younger officers, with only meager prospects for advancement, have re tired vcHunt&rllr. Moet of those who re main arc being transferred to the. BeJtk: fleet, frem -which officers are core Ins .to command the Black Sea fleet. Only the latest recruits are retained here, the old sailors being dispatched to the Par East. GORKY TO JOUR AMERICA Buslsan RerolHtlonlsts Seek Aid In Struggle for Liberty. .NEW YORK. April 7. Alexis Maxlmo- vitch Peshkoff, known all over the world by his pen name of Gorky. Is expected to arrive in this city next Tuesday from Berlin. He will probably be met at the pier by Ivan Narodny and some of the other Russian revolutionary leaders and will stay at the revolution ary headquarters here. According to Mr. Narodny. -who Is In this country as the representative of the mili tary revolutionary party. Gorky Is com ing to New York as the official represent ative of the Russian Social Democratic party. "With Tohalmoffsky, the represent ative of the Russian social revolutionary party, the three principal revolutionary parties are represented in this country and will act In unison in trying to influ ence American sympathy for the revolu tionary mo'omenC In the course of an Interview today. Mr. Narodny said: I do not believe that Ituwla will ever be able to throw" off the yoke except by force. Reasoning with, the party In power only brings us :o prison. The military party -works among the army arid nary and we count that at least 40 per cent of the officers are in favor of our Bias. The most severe bww the military party suffered was the execution of Lieutenant Schmidt. The failure of thl enterprise wa entirely due to accident. "When he had made full preparations for the revolt of the Black Sea. 'fleet, he wrote letters te Cronatafit and Llbau warning the leaders of the movement among the sailors to be ready. But Just then THE LATH UT. KEY. B. WISTAR the postal strike broke out. The leaders tn those two cities did not receive his Instruc tions until some day later, and the tailor In the Black Sea who dldnot hear from us lost heart and the whole movement ended sadly In the execution of Schmidt, who was undoubtedly the best leader we had. As to tho Douma, Mr. Narodny de clared that he had very little trust In that legislative body, saying: The election are almost entirely in the hands of the government. Of course. It has been stated that the people might make up a list of candidates, but at the name time the law declared that pereons indicted for a politi cal crime could not be candidates. Whenever a person la made a candidate for election by the people and ho Is not agreeable to the government. It la very easy to -connect him with some political disturbance and. accord ing to the law, he cannot be a legal candi date any longer. The Douma. In my pinion. Is nothing but a means for the government to obtain money from foreign Investors. The gov ernment wishes to convince those foreigners that Russia ha joined the rank of the consti tutional monarchies and that it la perfectly , safe to Invest In the country. A soon as the t necessary money has been obtained there Is no doubt that the Douma will be dissolved on some pretext or other. Our next move will be more far-reacMnr and entirely different from any of the move ments that have preceded It. The have ueen mue rcvoim; inn win ot an jutocu zero- lutlon. will sweep the country and will have behind it ever, organlrMlon working for o- oil .frm. it. uitim.t i win t not a clal reform. Its ultimate goal will be not a constitutional monarchy -but a republic. A few months ago many of the liberal organlzattonn would have been satisfied with constitutional assembly and a constitution. Now we will not irtop short of the republic In the coming revolution wo place almost our chief reliance on the army. If ww could not do no. an armed uprising would b a folly. But the army la more prone to Mart a revolution than almost any party organiza tion A majority of the officers and the men In practically every Infantry and artillery regiment In -St .Petersburg and. In Northern Russia are In sympathy with our movement .now. others will be won over before Fall. The only uncertain element la the Cossacks and the cavalry regiments of the guard. But the latter km,ve been reached by our rrooa- ganoa ana the Cossacks will desert wlien the government la unable to pay them. TOTAL SHORTAGE $390,595 Experts Report on the Indiana State Auditor; Office. INDIAN APO LIS, April 7. In a final report filed with Governor Han ley to day by the committee that investigated the affairs of the State Auditor's of fice, shortage in the accounts of J. H. Rice, deceased. Auditor from l&SZ to 1887, and Bruce Carr. deceased. Audit or from 1SS7 to 1SS1, "arc alleged amounting' to $260,404. in addition to the shortages In the accounts of J..O. Henderson and A. C Dailey, making a total shortage in the office of JSSJ.BSB. The report exonerates ex-Auditors W. D. Manson. 1879 to 1SS1: P. A. Wolfe. 1881 to 1883. and W. W. Hart, from any misconduct of the office. The report is composed of a detailed statement of the affairs In the offices of the ex-Auditors already named, the affairs of ex-Auditor David E. Sherrlek now In the penitentiary: of Daniel E. Storms, ex-Secretary of State, and a long, list of recommendations concern ing the conduct of tho Auditor's office rn future. Tbe shortage alleged In Rice's ac counts comes, as In the case of others, from the alleged retention of insurance .fees and taxes, with interest on each. The total of 511.471 alleged to,Te ilue the state by ex-Auditor "ruceCarr rises from the retention -offee ad the Interest on delayed imymenta !S VIHLSrOF WRATH Apostle Answers Enemies' At tacks and Explains Wife's Desertion. WANTS TO SPANK VOLIVA "WMrcaad Son Enraged .When He Willed Estate to ZIor Polygamy Charge Dhc to Scandal Mongerlng "Woman. SAN ANTONIO. Tex., April 7. Dr. John Alexander Dowle arrived In this city today from Mexico, accompanied by a party of five Zionists. He will leave on the Mexico Special at noon tomorrow, going direct to St. Louis. From there he -will take a private car to Zipn City, arriving there next Tues day. He will at once call upon his people to gather In Shlloh Tabernacle at the Wednesday night meeting, and there, behind closed doors, he will as cend the -rostrum and will show them that he Is itttll the leader of all Zlon MORRIS. BISHOP OP OREGON. Jusc what Dr. Dowle will say he re fuses to divulge, but that he will open the vials of his wrath and hurl anath emas upon his accusers was evidenced by the grim look of determination that he wore as he detailed his plans. This meeting will be for the chosen people only. On this night all strang ers will be asked to leave the pre cincts of Zion, but Sunday afternoon a great mass meeting will be held at the tabernacle, to which the general pub lic will be invited. Vigorous and Full of Fight. Dr. Dowle and his party decided to stop over and spend Sunday In San Antonio because of religious scruples which prompted them not to travel on the Sabbath. So anxious, however, was Dr. Dowle to reach Zion that he decided to take the fast train which leaves here Sunday afternoon. He will arrive In St. Louis the following afternoon and there, after conferring with local Zlonltes who will be at the station to meet him, he will board a special car and hasten on to Zion. The physical appearance and vigor ous language of the leader dispelled ail of the rumors afloat concerning his enfeebled condition. Far from being very sick. as certain of the leadera . ... r-Al,A iw ....rHnr i , " ' j . L w 7i. 1 LT C, .. owle kerned to be both remarkably alert mentally and active physically. Press dispatches here heralded his coming, and a largo and curious crowd was at the station when he alighted from the train- Local Zlonltes were out In fore and none of the discon tent said to exist among the residents of the home city of the colony was evidenced by his followers here. They welcomed him cordially and escorcea him to a carriage. In which he was driven to the Menger Hotel, where rooms had been secured for him and the other members of his party. There he was Interviewed by a representa live of the Associated Press and had the following to say regarding exist ing conditions In Zion and tne ruiure of the colony and ot the Christian Catholic Apostolic Church: Hurt by Scandalous Stories. It hurts me much, these malicious and scandalous stories that have been spread broadcast over the world, placing me la the :hl hypocrite and a cheat. And it ! hurts me the more when I think that my boy. whom I trusud and believed to be aa honest and God-fearing man. should be the Instigator and dlesemlnator of them. Don't misunderstand, me. Vollva la a shrewd fel low. but -with all that he Is an imitator, He tried to usurp the place of John Alex ander. flrvt apostle, and that he can never do. 1 have deposed him. do yon under stand? Re is no longer an officer of the Christian Catholic Search. Dr. Dowle was asked what he Intended 1o do' to Vollva when Zion was reached. but he only smiled gravely and cald: Would Like te Thrash Vellva. "A good general on the eve of battle never exposes his plan to the enemy. I promise yoe I shall make It Interesting for him. Oh. it is hard, so hard, sot to lay hands oa such a hub, and lay them oa hard. The doctor apeke earnestly, and at times his eyes filled-with tears. "My people shall hear me." he ceatlauea, "and I know what their answer will be. Bt woe us is any who try te prevent se from n del re te Ing them. As Dowle uttered this last sentence 1m arose from hU chair, his face purple with p&seie and excitement. "I shall Ajrht, he shouted. uaUl the last vestige of strengthleaves me." Deacons Peters and Lewie, who were tn the room during the Interview; areee at this Juncture and assumed postures which expressed a wflfiagaeM te fellow their leader to a ay extremity. "1 shall call out the guard. eaM OWE P Dewie. Set the vote of a general. aaa I afcaH 4gat net heated breastwork, sntad you. hut always ea the charge. Dcalea Zte. la Bankrupt. Whe the. Seat a pottle sat down it wa et hard te hdteve that he iateaded to carry out hla plaaa te the letter. Then he resumed his eara-est. aad aiet.4emeaa or again aad took up the separate charges made agalast hum aad discussed them as fe&ewx: Tea majr say far me that the statearats that Sen ta on the Terse of a caDasM are ahse lauty falae. We ewe a UtOe erer 4ea.eod aad oar reaearcea total mare thas (39.060.060. The creditors of Zlan will he said MO ceals oet the dollar. We may he a little alow, bat I do sot think so. I waat to ateewl4ge hefere the world ometMar that I hav aeree bees wlllteg to aaaUt before, aad that to I made a mistake whea I absolutely forbade Zion to borrow. My authority for this rale was based ea that verse la. Deateroaeaiy which says. "Zion aha!! lead aad not borrow." I reallxa bow that this waa aa error of Jadgaaent upoa say part, for we are 11 flag In the 30th ceatnry aad msat meet modem ceedlUoaa. So Zkm la go !&g to borrow, asd X assure yoa that today we can get mare than we hare use for. Why Wife and Sou Desert Him. Wkat -I am aext to say alto sse with tsex: presafbto narrow, for I mast la a way speak dliparxgisgty 0f the womaa who has boras me three children aad tired with me aa a wife for over 30 yean, hat mach of this pres ent troaole has beea due to the attitude of my wife aad aoo. I might say It had it In ception about two years ago. whea I called both of tbem Into my study and told them that t had made my will. By Its term I gave to the church S6 per cent of my estate, leaving the balance to Gladstone and his mother. They were greatly laceaaed at this act upoa my part, and eves accused me of being In case. They ridiculed the Idea, that I aboold leave so much to Zion. but I was Sns with them, for I knew It was the will of God that I was obeyleg. But from, that time on they coatlaually complained. My wife wasted Parisian gowcx. and my boy. although a bright lad. had little Inclination to follow a religious career. I remember the history -of Israel aad of the sona who refased to fol low la the footsteps of their father, aad how It brought them naught but rcla aad dam nation, and I determined that this fate ssodM not everts V my boy. t allowed him aa la- come of 3009 a year, and atltl continue to do to. which I believe to enough for any youur ram. Their complelslag became so lr.jlrt ent that last April I saw that my money played too great a part In their tboegbtr. asd I told them that I had determined to tn creaxe my bequest to the church by 24 per cent, so that Zlcn should receive STVi per cent of the estate asd my wife 2-4 per cest. Gladstone was atlll to receive his at lowance under this last arrangement, but waa not to Inherit anything except that watch his mother saw fit to leave him upon her- demise. Then the time came for me- to look around for my traccetsor. but It was very evident to roe that Gladstone could not be chosen for this oSlce. This was "another thing which greatly lacesaed htm and Incited him to aay some of the bitter thlagt which later were spread broadcast over the world. Source of- Polygamy Charge. They say that I endeavored to Inculcate the tenets of polygamy In the creed which God gave me. The charge Is not only mosstrou. but ridiculous upon Itn face, and I defy them to produce ose sdatllla of evidence to rab- tantiate the accusation. Mr life baa beea that of a student, and I can say before God that no man la purer than I In his private life. Doesn't my face tell this story? Now a to the love letters which they say wrote to Hiss Ruth Hofer aad Mlsa Har riet Ware. Let us take up the last case first. It Is an lni jort ant one. because of the scan dalous tocgoe of Mrs. Emily Wsre. the moth er of Harriet, to w boasts due this entire talk about polygamj.. Mrs. Ware i a pror music teacher tn' New York when she became a cenvert to Zion ism. When ehe Joined our colony we made her a teacher, and h was an excellent one. Bui soon 1 was made aware that she bad beta spreadlag stories which reflected en my moral character. 1 waited unty I. could secure documentary evidence asd then summoned the woman to my office asd accused her of spread ing scandal. She Ylgoroeely denied this, -but whoi I pro-. duced the-fetter she wilted--and confersed that what she had repeated was a. malicious fa!e- -hood. I then produced the statement .drawn up by my attoray. Judge Barnes, which I com pctled the woman to sign, telling her -that If she. did not do so I would immediately have warrants issued for the arrest of herself aad her daughter. She signed the statement. and I expelled her from Zion City. .The only connection which the girl had in the whole matter was that I found that she was In danger of becoming contaminated by hr muelc teacher, a brilliant young Italian, but a bad man morally. Aa to Mlrs Hofr. she was an lasocent young girl whom. I looked upon aa I would a daugh ter. She had beea greatly and wrongfully maligned, asd I fear that much of this has bees dne to the Insane Jealoasy of my wife. Xo Evidence of Insanity. They say that I aa Insane. The only evi dence of Insanity which I am willing' to ac knowledge was my act fit appointing Vollva to act as my deputy while I was away from Zion. The world will rooa have an ample opportunity to Judge my mealal condition. have been talking now for two hours asd a half, giving to the public- what will be my only and final word until I have ecraightesed out mattera la Zion City. My day began this morning at i'JXS. aad I have worked In cessantly for 15 hours without tatermUslon. Does that look like the act of a maa ia hla dotage? Why. half of this time has been taken up la reading aad answering letters and telegrams which are pouring la from all parts of the world from Zlonltes who assure me of their loyalty and offr to atalst ma In any way that I may win this 'fight. Now. to refute categorically seme of the sillier stories. I waat to say that I never gambled en Wall street, that I har not with me JIO.COO.CVO or the laws ot Moses; which. It Is said. I found somewhere down In Mex Ico; but T wast to tell you that the Mex lean project la going right ahead. We are not going to find millions down there, hat we are going to make them, asd there will not be any polygamy either. Now. I waat to aay la doting that If single man la the world can say that he ever lost a dollar by Jeha Alexander Dowle I will pay him tea. - WINNIPEG STRIKE ENDED Carrara Get Calf Demand and TJe- taJa Union Membership. WINNIPEG, April 7. Special) The "Winnipeg street railway em ploy ea reached an agreement with the company today. The men asked for an advance of 2 cents an hour, hut accepted 1 cent. Tho demands for the recognition of the ualea were refused, although the men will he allowed to retain uaJea membership. There Is no arbitration clause In the agreement. The loss te the ceropaay has seen Wl.tW); to the mea. xv.en. Chicago Tugraea oa Strike. CHICAGO. April 7. The tugmea of this city struck for an Increase of wages frem w lo per reoath and every ether night asd every other Sunday off, lastead or every third night and every third. Sun day. as is the present arrangement. Charters were made yesterday far the shipment to Buffalo of l.m.m bushels of grain and today shippers were la the market for the shipment of X.m hush- e more, hut set a charter ceuM he nude. Decaue ia veaseimes could uet cuaran tee whea the boats weald be aMe te reach the elevator. Bryan Will That Husaia. LINCOLN. XeV. April 7. In a prrrata letter received today frsca W. J. Sryaa. written at Calcutta. Is, Mr. Sryaa says ae expects te return homo aheut the midie of September. His itinerary hi dudes a steamer trie frem Bambar. tedia. te Caire. Sgypt: a Journey to the W Laua. thence to Ceieitlc4e aad frem there te S-t Petersburg; ret eh lag te Kasatea capital about the thse the new Tegfeu In itevenMseutal aftTaJrs ha beea Inaugurated. A PRETTY MATRON OWES HEALTH MRS. ANNA X. KAISER, Two Rivers. WUt. was a suffefer from pelvic catarrh to such an extent that she could scarcely do her own work. In de scribing her symptoms she wrote: "I have such terrible backaches and pains below my shoulder blades, way down my back and across my hlps. and at times pains In the pelvic organs, so that I am not able to He down or sleep. I also have Dalns through ray left side and am. afraid I may be getting heart trouble." After taking Peruna. and following Dr. Hartman's Instructions for several weeks. Mrs. Kaiser reported aa follows: I feel much stronger and do not get nervous as I used to. The pain Is entire ly gone, except when 1 work a little too hard. The medicine has done me wonder ful good. I am taking Peruna and Mana- lln. My bowels are also In good condi tion." Report Her Cure. After continuing the treatment a short time longer Mrs. Kaiser reports her cure as follows: TARIFF TIE ISSUE Williams Accepts Challerme Made by. Speaker Cannon. PREDICTS EARLY REVISION Declares Democrats Will Act If Re publicans Do Xot Business and Government Mnsl Iks Divorced. WASHINGTON. April 7. In reply to the challenge of Speaker Cannon to the Democrats to mako the tariff the Issue In the coming Congressional campaign. Representative John Sharp Williams, the minority leader, today accepted the "defl" and predicted an early revision ot the tariff. He made It plain that the business Instability during the enactment of tariff legisla tion was due to the influence of the special Interests and corporations which guide the committees In fram ing larlff'laws and Congress In pass ing them. His remedy Is to divorce the Government from private business and make the tariff receipts meet the needs of the public Mr. Williams said j The tariff I going to be retrfned. If th Re publican party has sertm enough and courage enough to revlsejt on right llnea It will very materially aid them In staying In power. They may not Jtay even then, because It ! felt that there la a check needed upon them In other directions. Revision "Up to Republicans. If they do not revise It on right lines some ether party win. It Is Important la the In terest of the stability of tariff rates that the proper principle of tariff revision should be recognised aad acted upon. That proper prin ciple la the adapting of tariff receipts. like other revenue, to the needs of the public, and sot to the needs of trusts aad edal tn teres ts. Aa long as tbre Is a dash between Individ uals or ladustrlea. each striving for some advaataga coafrrred by tarts! laws. User can. Ia the very nature of thing, be so esd of tar iff agitation. Divorce GoverkiacBt aad Business. It is only when buMaesa Is divorced from government ' government wtll b di vorced from hualseaa asd from coastsst later fereace with It. Bualsess will never he di vorced from government so long as the assi ses Interests of Individuals or corporations la the rule whereby committees are guided la fraaslac tarlS lawjt and whereby Congress Is galded la enacting them. The tariff Is going to he revised, (la case there la so tariff revlson at thi time there will be. la my oplalon. a DesBocratie Hoasa aad .there- wul he a Democratic tariff bill. There wQl sot be aa ideal Democratic tariff, because we most to some exteat he guided by act sal cosdttloaa surrouBdlag ns. which will make as swtrva to some exteat from the Ideal, bat It- will be aa approximation to It. IMPERILED BY EDITOR'S GREED Des Moines Capital Refuses te Pub lish New Xewa Laws. DES MOINES. Iowa, April 7v Prac tically the entire wark of the leva Legislature will he rendered void by the refusal of the Dee Melaea Capital to publish the laws paseed unless paid at double the legal rate. There Is no appropriation fer the purpose, and aa the Legislature adjourned slae die. the state I in a plight. Half the laws passed carried a clause which required that they should he published 1r the paper edited by Laiaxette Toung be fore they become effective. Teung demanded dating the sees-ion that the law he a me steed te permit the pay meat of a higher scale, as he could not afford te accept the work ax the ale legal rate. The amendment failed te pas both hou-so. anela Mil petmlt- X Had Sujfcrcd Severely From. Pelvic CafrrhCmxit Praise Peruna X 6 Too Highly Read Her Letter, 6 TO PE-RU-NA. "I must drop you a line to let you know that I am well now and cured with your medicine. I must thank you for the advice you gave. me. "The medicine is something wonderful. I cannot praise It enough for the good it has done for me. and I hope many others will be freed from theln; suffcrtng- "I have advised others- who are suffer ing as I did to consult you. and many are taking my advice. If ever I need medi cine again I know that Peruna will help me." Revised' Formula. "For a number of years requests have come to me from a multitude of grateful friends, urging that Peruna be given a slight laxative quality. I' have been ex perimenting with a lajssssbe addition for quite a length of time, and now feel grat ified to announce to the friends ot Pe-ru-na that I have Incorporated such a qual ity In the medicine, which. In my opinion, can only enhance Us well-known beneficial- character. "S. B. HARTilAN. M..D." ting publication In other papers was defeated by Young's friends. A special session may be necessary to romedy the situation. The most Important measure Imperiled is the law providing for an Investigation of the' Iowa Insurance companic?. HEAPS CURSES ON ENEMIES (Contiriuc'd From Page 1.1 stands little chance of receiving very great assistance in Zion City unless there is- a .decided change of sentiment In hfer behalf after his arrival In Illinois, as he was repudiated tonight by a majority 6l the crcdltors"of Zion. who met In Shlloh Tcmplo at the call of Mr. Vollva. The call for the meeting Invited all the land holders. Investors In Zion industries and creditors of the place to meet in the tab ernacle and discuss what plans should be carried out. It was responded to by 639 persons, all Zlonltes. no Chicago creditors being In attendance. Mr. vollva. in ad dressing the meeting, asked support In the expected struggle with Dowle for control of Zion, and that all who would support him in the coming contest sign a pledge to that effect. Copies of the pledge were distributed, and 632 out of the 639 creditors present agreed to stand with the new power and to follow In any steps taken against Dowle. HIS ORIENTAL PHINCESS. Dowle Played Blind Man's Buff. Badly Needed Steam Hammer. CHICAGO. April 7. (SpeciaLV-The Zion University Glee Club has Joined the Voli van forces, and several members have agreetl to tell all they know of the first apostle. In their sworn charges they say: The first apostle was entertaining an Oriental Princess during- Mrs. Dowie's absence In Eufope. and he asked a mem ber of the choir to arrange that a sere- nado be given outside Shlloh House after dinner had been served. There were four women in the house and the doctor had the dining-room arranged as a conserva tory. All Inhabitants had been told that the apostle dealscd people to retire early, aa special services were to be held at his home. The Princess proposed games, and blind man's butt was played until the early hours ot the morning. Tbe first apostle took an active part in all the games. He sang "Sallie in Our Alley" without accompaniment, and amused his guests by telling of the adventures of a friend he once had named Mackay. An amusing circumstance in connec tion with Dowie's Stock exchange trans actions Is the fact that on a certain occa sion he had to And $10,000 In a hurry, and all his available capital was tied up. He called a meeting of the church, and after prayers. harangued, on the necessity of Zion City's purchasing a steam hammer. "We must have one." he shrieked. We want It In our business. "We must com mence to build the new tabernacle. Those who will contribute for the purpose of a steaur hammer, stand up." Five thousand worshipers answered the call and Ill.SeS was thrown into a barrel. The hammer duly arrived. It was draped ia colored fabrics and consecrated, when the barrel was again put Into use. A document In the Zion vaults shows that oa the Monday following the collec tion for the hammer tlO.WQ was wired to a "Wall-street flna. " STILL FAITHFUL- TO DOW1E. Elijah's Adherents in Europe Dis believe Rebellion Stories. BERLIN. April 7. John Alexander Dowie's European adherents still belong to Elijah HI, according to the Rev. Jean Kradolfer. chief of the, German branch of Zlen, who states that the faithful in Eu rope discredit la toto the stories of re beUfon recssUyoahted. "We .recognise no domtoatkw hut that of .the eeuntpeieat flrat apeetle said Kradolfer today. "Nobody in Zteu has the power te dethrone Mm. Everything staade la hie name. If any one has ucurpes Ma authority; we are sure that per jo a will not be able te exercise it," Will Spend Sunday In Resting. SAX ANTONIO, Tex April 7. Fa- f Uguea frem hie trto Jehu Alexander Dowle arrived here at 1 P. 34. teday. He wHi stay here- ever Sunday and wfH re sume Ms jeuney uerthwanl. He refueed PERFECTLY DELICIOUS POSTTTVELT BENEFICIAL In Sozodont Tooth Paste are combined the antiseptic, alkaline and astringentproperties of Sozo dont Liquid and the smoothness of Sozodont Powder.- Will not harden in the tube or decom pose. Is positively free from acid and grit. Will not tarnish or scratch the enamel or gold work of the teeth. Sold in col lapsible tubes at all stores. ' - Sejct Faxz: "Alice Revisits Won derland, an amusing and attractive little story for the children. Halt. & Rccxxi, New York Cjty. Si Which will you have tee creass, saerbet, aa ice or frozea custard? Vnnr -Hnti-. nhanv tven fl.ivnrs can tie made at one freezing only in the AmMvu-an Twin Frursr. Less effort than ordinarily, required to- make one flavor, because an easily rociceu lever does away with tiresome turning. n;;4st fin r-;fa rinahV rlaiUterrailtowa two flavors to be made side tyrsHe with-. c .t ' lasuiiK t uiuti; His. la adJItlcn. tS ImercreraesSs irbfch &s mil I Include In their Cimoas I if htaing. Gem aad BKxsnd Freeier durable pH band wfth etraric vtUed wfae beep which casaot cam e off. caa vtth drawiy stl tottoci which cannot tall Oct and automatic scxapen which produce extra smooth. Tclrety cream. Your dealer wCl gladly show It to you. t Bookld."Froxen Saxclt." hi Ma. Ro nr. FREE. Karth Bros. Mfg. Co., PhilaieJpkl 1 to receive anybody on arrival, but was reported as being in good health. Systematic Fight on. Fruit Pests. 'ASTORIA, Or.. April 7. (Special) The Clatsop County Horticultural So ciety held a meeting here this after noon and decided to recommend -John Rist. of Young's River, for appoint ment as fruit Inspector for Clatsop County. A petition to that effect will be sent to District Commissioner.Reed and upon the hitter's recommendation the County Court will, in accordance with the law. make the appointment. The main object In securing the ap pointment of a fruit Inspector Is to begin systematic work in ridding the orchards of the numerous pests which do such a vast amount of damage to the fruit each year. Kaiser's Delegates Fooled Him. LONDON", April 8. (Special.) The cor respondent sot the Observer at St, Peters burg wires that diplomats say that Kai ser "Wllhelm is greatly annoyed because his representatives encouraged the belief thit the German scheme for Moroccan reforms would obtain support at the Alge ciras conference. It Is reported that the Kaiser contemplates recalling two of his Ambassadors for this reason. 6 77 S9 Dr. Humphreys' Seventy Seven breaks up Colds and At DrugRlsts. " cents, or mailed. CyDoctors Book mailed free. Humphreys' Homeo. Medicine Co., Cor. William and John Streets. New York. Epileptic Fits Cured. Both sexes and all ages arc liable to epi leptic fits, but no matter how serious the case nor of how long standing. Elixir Koslne, the discovery of a famous "Washington scientist, will cure the dread disease. Woodard, Clarke & Co. obtained the local agency for this scl entlilc remedy aa soon aa they heard ot it. Elixir Kcslne Is positively guaranteed by It" discoverer to cure epileptic fits and all nervous and spasmodic twltchlngs and affec tions. So confident la he that It will do this that he Has Instructed "Woodard. Clarke & Co. to sell It under a positive guarantee that the money will be refunded should It fall. You run no risk tn buylns Elixir Koslne. as one of the best drug Crnw absolutely agrees to return your money If It does not cure. Price J 1.50. Mall orders filled. The Koslne Co.. Washington D. C, or Woodard, Clarke it Co.. Portland. Or. Eftry Woman Mxaiereswa asa asoaia aaow aboat ta woaderfal MARVEL ttMrKfl? Spray ib new- Tie syriar. Jnltc noaana outturn, uesc sas. est if oat CesTealeat. ItCkaaM lutuUy. Utjm rsruwktfcelt. If He eaaBocsaoBly the MAKVlwb. aeeeet no es&er.Bat psad stassp fr r tllasmted book wM. It strea raU earUealars aad fttrjetHHs is. Tslaaato to ladles. M KVKi. ce., -a k. aa sr., xxir yusk. tTeodard. CUrko k Cc Portland.. Oreaoa. a. O. SUdmora Cw lil 3d. Portlaad. CHiCHEsmtni Msuesj L fcr CHZCHXSTZR'S XXOLKS a jub iu M Buta&fa bsta. fe Jal sw&m vv j m out. m rnm OW,ft,.;...ST earn Sal lutMtUtr. sjs a Tn Hi mad tmi.