12 THE SUXUA.Y OREGONIAV PORTLAND, APRIL 8, 1906. il Grand Easter Offerings at The Meier Frank Store it New French Lingerie at Special Prices 2000 pieces of magnificent French Undermuslins inclnded in the great Annual Easter Sale which starts tomorrow Hand-made garments of the finest materials and daintiest designs June brides should anticipate their needs and profit by the splendid saving op portunities offered Sale continues through the week Second Floor rv Women's hne rrench Drawers, band embroidered, in exquisite designs; made "with fitted waistbands and "wide embroidered flounces; large as sortment; great values at these special low prices $1.50 Drawers $1.22 Pair $2.50 Drawers S1.9& Pair $3.00 Drawers $2.33 Pair $4.00 Drawers $2.98 Pair $5.00 Drawers $3.98 Pair $6.50 Drawers $4.98 Pag Beautiful French Chemise, hand-made, joi fine French percales, hand embroidered, yoke effects, edge and eyelets; the best bargains ever of fered at these unusually low prices $1.50 Chemise for $1.22 $1.75 Chemise for $1.33 $2.50 Chemise for $1.89 $3.00 Chenise for $2.10 $5.00 Chemise for $3.98 $6.50 Chemise for $4.98 French hand-made Gowns, made of fine French percales, hand-embroidered fronts, low and high neck, long and short sleeves; very large as sortment to select from; all sizes; great values at these low prices $ 6.00 Gowns $ 3.98$ 7.50 Gowns $ 5.18 $10.00. Gowns $ 7.15-$12.50 Gowns $ 9.75 $15.00 Gowns $12.50 $16.50 Gowns $14.00 "Women's French hand-mado Underskirts, wide flounces, embroidered, with and without embroidered under flounces; magnificent styles and ex traordinary values at the following special prices $ 8.00 Petticoats $ 4.98 $10.00 Petticoats $ 7.48 $25.00 Petticoats $18.50-$ 16.50 Skirts for $10.98 $2.50 French Unkttmdered Skirts $1.98 Second Floor 500 Waists $3.18 Great special Easter Sale of 500 haadsonK new lawn, linen, imull and figured waists, this season's most attractive styles in com plete assortment Trimmed with lace, embroidery and tucks, round and square fancy yokes; long and short sleeves; prettiest waists ever offered for the' money Only 500 in the lot You'll hove to come early if yog want one Yomr C 1 O choice at, each P Q 1 O No Mail or Phone Orders; 2d Fl. SilkPetticoats $4.85 Another great Easter sale of Silk Petticoats. 200 of them, made of splen did quality taffeta silk; deep flounces, with ten rows of shirring and hemstitching; made with fine bias pieces and silk dust ruffle; good assortment of colors old rose, Alice blue, reseda, black, white and navy: wonderful value at this low price PTIJ New shipment of high-grade Silk Petticoats just received. Made of the finest quality taffeta silks, accordion pleating: tucked, shirring, nich ing; has folds and flounces;Iaces and embroidered effects all the new shades; immense variety, at prices frotn....$8.00 to $40.00 Imported and domestic models in fine dress waists, silk, lace and lingerie novelties in exquisite styles the handsomest styles we have ever shown. Complete stock of new Washable Petticoats Second Floor. Tailored Suits $I2.50-$100 Our showing of Tailored Suitsissecond to none in the land Thousands and thou sands of superb Easter gar ments to select from Every new fashion, every new material in all grades Pony Suits, Eton Jacket Salts, Box and Tight-fitting Suits, Semi-fitting Soits, 3A length or long sleeves with cir cular or gored skirts Jackets are plain tailored, fancy gimp and button trim med The best efforts of the leading makers in the fashion centers of the world We guarantee yon" best vals. at $12.50 to $100 a suit. Shirtwaist Suits At prices ranging from $2.50 to $30.00. By far the greatest show ins we have ever made. Black and white checked percales, blue, gray, green and tan chambrays, wfth pleated skirts and waists to match. White lawn and linen Suits, trimmed with embroidery and Valenciennes Laces; India linen, white mull and nainsook Suits. fancy yokes and sleeves, panel fronts, flounce effect at the bottom long or short sleeves. An immense variety of new and pretty styles, at prices from $2.50 to $35.00. Second floor. Infants' Easter Apparel Infants' hand-made Dresses, made of fine nainsook and lawns, embroidered and fine tucks, feather-stitching, lace, etc.; regular .$3.50 to $4.00 values, on J 1 sale for the special low price of ...... H & $8.00 and $S.50 hand-made Dresses for $6.98 Infants' hand-made Skirts of nainsook; tucks and inser tion and feather stitching; regular $4.00 Qft values, on sale at this low price P&m3 Infants' Pique .Tackcts, hand-embroidered scallops, double-breasted, large pearl buttons; regular 07 $3.50 values, on sale at this low price C Infants' Pique Shoes, $1.00 values, at, pair 73 Daint' Lawn Bibs, trimmed in lace, insertion, beading and hand cmbroiderv grand values at these prices 1.50 val. $1.27 $2.00 vaL, $1.67 $2.50 val., $1.98 Infants hand-embroidered Hoods and Capes combined. Entire stock at greatly reduced prices Second Floor. Infants' Kimono Wrappers, faced in pink or 3t Q7 blue; regular $5.00 values for J r Infants' Kitrioiio Wrappers, kimono sleeves, crocheted edge; trimmed in feather stitching and French knots; $0.00 values at Infants' Wear of every description on sale -at the very lowest prices. Stock is complete in every detail sec ond floor Mail orders promptly filled. MISSES AND CHILDREN'S APPAREL Misses' and Children's White Dresses in net, lawns and mulls, trimmed with lace, insertion and ribbons, made with low neck and short sleeves, ages G to 14 years $6.50 to $16.50 Children's Box and Three-Quarter Length Coats in fancy grays, tans and plaids, trimmed witht braid and but ton's, ages 2 to 14 years', each $3.75 to S16.50 Infants loti :ind short Coats, In silk, cashmere ana Bedford cord, with hund-cmbroidcred collar and cuffs, very pretty style, at, each $G.r, to lB.r.n Misses' "JVtor Thompson" Suits in blue, tan and white linen, plaited skirts, trimmed hi white braid and chev rons, anes 4 to H years, all the newest and prettiest Mylex, at prices from fS.oa to Jtl4.ee 3000 Prs. "Vallier's French 99 Kid Gloves Reg. $2.50 Val. $1. 39 Pr. The Greatest Glove Purchase The Meier &. Frank Store ever participated in 3000 pairs of "VaUierV real Frencn Kid Gloves bought at a sacrifice by the largest and test retail stores in Denver. Buffalo and Portland. Oar share of 3000 pairs ready for distribn- tion at promptly 8 o'clock tomorrow morn ing at a price ridicnlously low, anility and style considered Beautiful gloves of the best fashion and a complete range of sizes Glace Kid, Pique Overseam, made with two colored Pearl clasps of novelty effect, three double rows of Paris point stitching to match clasps Shades are black, white, mode brown, champagne, cream, tan, lavender, coffee, electric, navy and bisque every pair of gloves in the lot, regular $2.50 value, on sale at Grandest Easter glove bargain ever offered. Sale will continue until further notice Mail orders will be promptly filled Order today. $1.39 Great Easter Bargains in Laces and Embroideries Another week of phenomenal bargains in Laces and Em broideries Special values of unusual merit that are keep ing business in the lace section at fever heat Read Kound-mesh Val. Laces and Insertions, 1 to 2 inches wide; very prettiest pat terns and great variety; val- CTQf ties up to $1.25 doz. yards at.. Point de Paris Lace and Insertions, in the hest styles, 2 to 5 inches wide; regular 20c values, on sale at, 1 fp this low price, yard Point de Paris and Imitation Torchon Laces in attractive patterns and great assortment, 2 to 5 inches wide; val ues up to loc a yard, on sale at -this low price, yard BABY IRISH ALLOVERS $1.42 SpeciaJ lot of white Baby Irish Allover Laces, in all the new, desirable designs, good variety; regular $2.25 values; on sale at this low price $1.42 Great Embroidery Bargains Swiss Corset Cover Embroideries in fine patterns; new lot; vat- JvQ .c- ..n tr t1 HO o n coin of tli to low rrifo V i c - i t :j .l .: to Handsome Swiss Embroidery in English designs. 12 to 18 inches Af wide; values up to $1.25 yard, on sale at this low price WWW 5000 vards of Cambric Embroidery ami Insertion, 2 to 6 inches 5c wide: values up to 15 cents a yard, on sale at, yard Swiss and Cambric Embroidery in attractive patterns, 5 to 12 Cl inches wide; values up to S5c a yard, for, yard Great Easter Stationery Sale XXX Cream Wove Envelopes, ox6-inch; regular 10c C value, on sale at this low price, per package J Fountain Pens, 14-K. gold pen; every pen guaran- FQf teed satisfactory or your money back; special Visiting Cards, Announcements, Wedding invitations printed or engraved at tlie very lowest prices here. Latest styles. Memorandum Books in complete variety 5 to $1.00 Faber fine lead Pencils, 5c value, two for 5c Burnt Leather Souvenir Post Cards, special, each 5 New Box Stationery in all grades; lowest prices. Easter Sale of Toilet Articles Colgate's Dental Powder in glass bottles and metal 1 -boxes: great value at this special low price -rC Free with every box of the above, a cake of Cashmere Bouquet Soap. The genuine article take advantage. New stock of Sponges, at prices from.,. l to 3.00 Scissors and Shears, guaranteed, all sizes, pair 390s Special lot of Pocket Knives at this low price, cach....39 "Hard Rubber and Celluloid Dressing Combs, special.... 33 -3 -row imported Tooth Brushes, special, each 8 Special lot of Rubber Sponges, grand value at 23 Easter Cut Glass Specials .$1.50 Cut Glass Nappies, with handle, each S1.23 .2.75 Cut Glass Olive Dishes and Spoon Trays $2.23 $2.75 Cut Glass Vases, 6-inch, special, each $2.23 $4.00 Cut Glass Vases, 6-incb, special, each $3.19 $3.75 Cut Glass Vases, 10-inch, special each S7.19 $6.00 Cut Glass Bowls, fancy cut, special, each 54.77 $SJ0 Cut Glass Bowls, on sale at, special, each $6.78 $9.00 Cut Glass Rose Bowls for this low price $7.18 $15.00 Cut Glass Flower Centers for low price of $11.97 Easter Vases iu great variety all prices. 45c and 50c Handkerchiefs at 25c Easter sale of 50 dozen fine Swiss embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, hemstitched and scalloped edges, all choice new patterns; regular 45e and 50c values, on sale at this low price. New Wash and Gold Belts, at, each 35 to $1.00 Special lot of new white and gilt check and plaid Belts, in all Alfs sizes, round or square buckles, at this low price H? JC Special lot of women's Handbags, in black, brown, tan, seal Qftf and walrus leather, $1.50 values for this low price The new Parasols are ready complete stock. New Gray Dress Fabrics latest styles. 2000 Prs. Women's Oxfords At $1.96 a Pair i f Stupendous Easter Sale of 2000 pairs Women's Low Shoes This season's footwear, the product of one of the largest and best factor ies in New England; Oxfords of rec ognized style and quality, in pat ent leather, vici kid patent tip, tan and chocolate leathers, lace or blucher cat, heavy or light soles Every pair standard $3.00 values, all sizes and widths Supply your summer wants To- 1 QZL morrow only, at. . . I -TO Boys' Easter Clothing SECOND FLOOR Little boys' Eton Suits, in all-wool tweeds, cheviots and gray mixtures; neat, serviceable styles for boys 4so fl years of age, prices from $3.00 to $5.00 Boys' Sailor Suits in gray cheviots, tweeds, cassimeres and worsteds; blue, brown and red serges; ages 5 to 10 years, prices from $5.00 to $12.50 Little boys' Russian Suits, in royal blue and navy blue serges, gray mixed worsteds and cheviots; ages 2 to 6 years; best values at. . . .4.00, $4.50 and $5700 Boys' all-wool 2-piece Suits, in neat gray and "brown mix tures; ages S to 15 3'ears; regular $3.75 val- Q R. ues. on sale at this low price, each w70 Boys' Norfolk Suits, in brown and gray plaids and mix tures; ages S to 15 years; straight or 1 f knickcrbocker pants, $5.00 value V Immense showing of new Wash Suits for boys of all ages, every new style and material to select from, in ages 2iA to 9 years; prices from, suit $1.25 to $10.00 Damasks and Napkins The Easter dinner table must he the pink of per fection to please the particular housewife If there's a need in Table Damask and Napkins it can be supplied here at a big saving 50 patterns in bleached satin damask Table Linen, full 72 inches wide, newest designs; regular 90c grade, on f sale all the week at this low price, yard dC 100 patterns, Sl-in. bleached satin Damask Table 1 7LCL Linen, beautiful designs; reg. $1.75 value, yd. JO Half-bleached satin damask Table Linen, 100 pat- terns to select from; reg. 65c grade, on sale at. yd . . OC Bleached satin damask Table Napkins, in handsome pat terns; the best $2 quality, on sale at this low price. $1.48 Bleached satin damask Table Napkins, in most C 1 ft desirable patterns: regular $250 grade, doz... A very complete stock of fine Table Sets. Tray Cloths, Doi lies, Hemstitched Center Pieces, etc., in all sizes and grades. Easter Groceries and Provisions 16-ounce bottle Queen Olives 25c 5-ounce bottle Queen Olives 10c S-ounce bottle Stuffed Olives 16c Jell-O Ice Cream Powders for 10 4- pound can Baker's Cocoa 2c 2 cans Amazon Table Peaches 35c 2 cans Alpha Corn for 3&c 3 -packages Seeded Raisins 25c Trepan French Sardines, can tec 3 cans Rosebud French Sardines ...35c KiB-Prune or Postum Cereal 2c C bars Gasene Soap for 36c 3 cans Griffin's Assorted Soups ......S5c 3 1-lb. cans Griffin's Pork and Beans'... ace 1 pound Curtice Bros Jam ae 1 quart MacXally's Olive Oil for 7 5c Quart bottle C & B. Lucca Oil 85c 5- pound pail ML. Hood Lard 65c J-i-pound ran I,OTiHCj' Cocoa for .............. 36c 1 -pound run I,oTrncj" Cocoa for ....4r 1 sound Bnkrfi L BUTvc-rt ened Chocolate. ..... .33c 1 pound tiakerK Cocoa for. 4e Wm. II. Baker I'nuv eclrucd Chocolate, lb. ...39c 1 Ration Log Cabin Maple Syrup ,...S1JH( 3 cans Carnation Cream for 36c 2 cans Pioneer Cream for ..3Be ls-lb. can ripe Olives for 3c IS pound dry Granulated Saicar ..SIJ69 Meier A Frank" Fataeua 3iocha and Java CelTce. pound CfT, Celebrated Victor Flour, sack SI.10 1-pound can Shrimps. iec; 2-pound cans 3e 3-lb. ran Table Blackberries ISc 3 packages Jell-O for ...36c Quart Bottle ef Bluelair fr lie Blue Label Catsup, bottle see 1 -quart bottle C & B. Vinegar 36c Van Camp's Catsup, bottle. ........ ....3e Durkee's Salad Dressing ..lc, 36c Walnuts at. per pound lSe Quart Cooper's Olive Oil. for Il-f 2 package Force for . 36c 2 packages Malta Vita for 36c IJbby Ham or Veal Loaf tftc 2 Jars McLaren's Cheexe 36c Sapollo. 7c; Bon Ami. 3 for 3tc Libbey's Lunch Tongue . . 39c. 36c 2 1-pound cans Corn Beef for 36c S-pourad Jar Heinz Apple Butter 4c Easter Sale of Men's Spring Shirts Fonr gr t lots AU thk season's tot styles from reputable makers Economic! men will look to their Easter and Sqm mer Shift needs and profit by these offerings. 200 dozen H3enTs pleated and plain-bosom Golf Shirts, in madras and per cales; made coat style a wonderful variety of new patterns f 1 1Q and co fo rings; $L50 values, all sizes and sleeve lengths, each W Men's fine quality white pleated bosom Golf Shirts, all sizes,; regu- jQf Jar $1.00 values for this sale at this low price Great sale of 500 dozen men's new Spring Golf Shirts, light and dark color ings, made of ssadras cloth, all sizes; $1.00 values, at this low price. 69 Men's fine quality madras Golf Shirts, in pin stripes, polka dots 1 OQ and figures, all light grounds, all sizes; 2 prs. cuffs; $1.75 val.. . la Easter Neckwear in great profusion 25c to $2.00 Easter Hats, Derbys and Telescopes S2.O0 to $5.00 each Easter Gloves, Canes, Vests, Hosiery, etc Children's Hats Novelty headgear for children in Milan straw braids, Tam O'Shanters, caps, fez caps, Napoleon hats; magnificent showing at prices from $1.50 to $6.98 Misses' and Children's Dress Hats in em broideries and fancy braids at prices from $1.98 to $12.95 Handsome line of "children's sailors, trim med with ribbon streamers and bows; prices ....49 to $2.95 Infants' Bonnets in grand array, all prices Greatest showing of children's hats we ever made. MILL1NER.Y DEPARTMENT Is overrun with Easter business Portland's handsomest display of headgear Is attract ing the greatest millinery business we ever enjoyed. For something out of the ordinary in headgear you have to look this way. Sec ond floor.