THE SUNDAY OMGOXIA2C,. FOKTULTO, AP1IL 1, 1906. . 3i F0K SALE. XiceIlaB cess. SEWING MACHINES DO TOTJ NEED A first-class machine? If so. call at Stand ard Sewing Machine office. 280 Tamhltl. cor. 4th, where t have Just received a carload: a few slightly marred, will cell at a sacrifice; alto other drop-head at $15; bargains In all kinds of second-hand -machines. FOR SALE HOTEL BUS: EITHER ONE OR two-hor&e bus; new last Spring; used four roonthe; open; Mitchell. Lewis & Stavcr make; est $350; will take $300. Apply West Hotel. 51 K. Cth. FOR SALE NEW ANis SECOND-HAJD billiard and pool tables; easy payments: we rent tables, with privilege of buying: aod. era bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Colleader. 49 2d St. FOR SALE EGG S FOR HATCHING. 41 A netting; also C bene and 2 cockerels of Rhode Island Reds. Oil at cor. Mcchanlo and Kankakee at. Take "VVoodlawn car. II. Welsenbcro. LAUNCH. 50 FEET LONG. SUITABLE FOR ferry on Columbia River, for sale at a bargain; aW-o two other small launches aC bargain price?. Alvord & Alvord. 183 Morri son t FOR SALE ONE OF THE BEST 30-FOOT gasoline launches on" the river; finished in quartered oak in fine condition. Call Ma ton's boat yard, foot of East Taylor. SEND TODAY FOR BIG FREE J24-PAGB Old Trusty Incubator Catalogue and Poultry Book, contains 124 pages and 300 Illustra tions. McClanahan Co.. Eugene. Or. FOR SALE 1 SPAN HORSES. WEIGHT 2300. 0 and 7 year?, good drivers, (250. Shetland pony. $40. Team, weight $2000. 1-T.ap. at $G0. 420 East Clay st. "WOLFF-AMERICAN BICYCLES. CLOSING out; $40 bicycles at $25; $55 racers. (30 lor cash: 120 rime, too on th dollar. S. S. Eigel. 235 Morrison st. AUTOMOBILE. FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Rambler, double-cylinder, 10-borsepower touring car; price $500; treats 5 passenger. 414 Dekum bldg. FOR SALE PARTY GOING AWAY WILL sell cheap for cash, mandolin. Remington pewriter and violin cello. Q 84, care Or egonlan. MIST VACATE STORE; WILL SELL CHEAP Ahowcae and wall cast, cash register and safe. 213 Morrison st., near 1st. Phone Pa cific 271. FOR SALE BY PARTY LEAVING TOWN, two good overcoats and lot of clothes, sho-K, liatf. etc.. suitable for stout man. G 4, Oregonlan. FOR SALE! CHEAP OFFICE FURNITURE, desks, chairs, typewriter: rrnt ofTlcc if de sired. Before 10 A. M. Monday, H 3, Oiegonlan. A BARBER CHAIRS. 2 GAS HOT WATER -heaters; bargain for -country or railroad shop. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Washing ton sti COUNTERS. 14 FEET. SUITABLE FOR hotetl or restaurant; small showcase on lop. Western Salvage Co.. C27 Washing ton t.t. WARDROBE. BLACK WALNUT; 4 SIDE hoards. oak: 2 extension tables; buffet. Western Salvage Co.. (527 Washington sL GENTS' CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, shoes, showcases; must be sold in 30 days, regardless of cost. 228 1st. near Salmon. 2 ROLL-TOP DESKS. 5 FLAT-TOP desks, several office or library- tables. Western Salvage Co.. 027 Washington st. MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. GAS OUT fltfl. Alms, song alldex. etc.. for sale, bought, rented and exchanged. 145H 0th Hi., room 1. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. SHELVING, bought, sold or exchanged. Weetern Sal vage Co.. 627 Washington st. Pacific 793. FOR SALE UP-TO-DATE NEW TRAVEL Ing suit; made Eton jacket, beautifully trimmed; b1i 3. T S3, care Oregonlar. A HEYWOOD BABY BUGGY WITH RUB ber tires, adjustable body, used very lit tle. 45. 374 E. Market, cor. Union avc. 418 GO -ART. GOOD AS NEW. SUITABLE for Infant. $S. Call today before 3 P. M. 20! K. 32d. bt. Taylor and Salmon. 3 FRENCH RANGES. 1 STEEL RANGE, several cook stoves, candy furnace. West ern Salvage Co.. H27 Washington st. 75 RESTAURANT TABLES. 350 CHAIRS, nil klmU; must be sold Immediately. West ern Salvage Co.. 27 Washington st. Ef!GS .FROM THOROUGHBRED. PRIZV winning, 3old-n Habrlght Baniams. $1 for IS. 3S14 Stanton at., near Union avc. 3 LARGE AND 2 SMALL REFRIGERAT orn; must be 50ld. Western Salvage Co., r.27 Washington Rt. Paclflr 703. COW AND CALF FOR SALE; FINE COW for dairy; Mg milker; part Jersey. S31 Strong M.. Portsmouth Addition. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS, sawmills, pumps and general machinery, by H. C. Albee- Co.. 24S Grand ave. SAFE. DIEBOLD. DOUBLE DOOR, weight 2200; snap; will trade. Western Salvage Co.. f27 Washington st. 15 HUMPHREY GA8 ARC LAMPS. 12 celling clusters, pipe, wire, etc. Western Salvage Co.. i27 Washington st. EGGS THOROUGHBRED BLACK MINOR ess. $ per xKtlng. L. L. Ovaltt. IOoO C leveland avc. Phone Scott 3470. FOR EA1.B NO. REMINGTON AND NO. 2 Smith-Premier typewriters; also safe and deek. Address L 0d, Oregonlan. BAKERS OUTFIT. PORTABLE OVEN, trough, pans, candy furnace, etc. Western Ealvase Co.. 027 Washington st. JERSEY COW. GOOD MILKER. FRESH lm July. Cnll at corner IKth and Haw thorne ave.. East Portland. THOROUGHBRED BLACK MINORCA Eggs for hatching. $1 per setting. Phone Scott 627R. 1331 Mai lory ave. FOR SALE TWO OAK ROLL-TOP DESKS. lookcnno and other office furniture, cheap. 316 Chamber of Commerce. AUTO. lfl-H. P.. RAMBLER TOURING CAH. running order; rests 6. cost $1330; bargain, $300 cash. C 80. Oregonlan. SINGER MACHINE. GOOD ORDER. 410. Columbia Graphaphone. new disks, large horn; bargains. 390 Park. WANTED TO TRADE FOR C OR fi PACK ponies; must weigh SOO' to 1000 lbs. each, Addrt. D SS. Oregonlan. STEAM-HEATING TLANT. SUITABLE FOR apartment-house: snap; will take purchase price In rent. 100 4th st. FOR SALE GASOLINE LAUNCH. FAST est on riven 13-h. p. engine; new. L. B. French, 000 McKay bldg. FIGEONS. HOMER, RUNT HEN AND Large Cnwfs. Herrrosa Lofts. 411S 21th sts . San Francisco. Cal. ALMOST NEW DOUBLE-SEATED RUBBER, tired trap, tn excellent condition, cheap. 174 34th st. Phone East 273. a snap-office, central location; cheap rent; furniture at sacrifice. Address L St, care Oregonlan. FOR SALE TWO SECOND-HAND BOILERS and engine; will sell separate, are guaran teed. E3 69. Oreconlan. AUTOMOBILE FOR SALE CHEAP TWO cylinder, side entrance. Ford, flrvt-class run ning order. 1G2 22d t. LAUNCH. 31 BY 5 FT. 6 INCHES. 22 H. P apeed 18 miles. 11(100. 302 The Dekum. Telephone East 308. FOR SALE A GOOD AUTOMOBILE FOR sale cneap. inquire at eustaater Bros, tith and Stark sis. mR RAI.F1 LIGHT SPRING FARM WAflflV mowlnr machine and Incubator. 2tS Meade! Phone raeine 375. FOR SALE BEAUTIFUL GRAY SILK dress, nevr worn, latret style, sire" 5S. D Jv. care Oregonlan. FIRST LIEUTENANTS COAT. ALMOST new. gooa tor tneaincai purposes, inquire FINE EICYCLE. BRAND-NEW G. ft J tires; cost 35. Will sell for one-third cost. 12S 7th. FOR SALE 20TH CENTURT SANITART oda fountain. Address Cmpqua Bakery, "toseburg. Or. 7 ELECTRIC FANS. 11 V.. O. E.. GOOD AS new: Duy now. western salvage. Co., 627 Washington st. rubber-tired top buggy, raddle, robes, etc THOROUGHBRED BARRED PLYMOUTH Rock eggs for setting, fine stock. Phone racinc ioo. TWO-HORSBPOWER BOILER. GOOD COX dltlon. cheap. 23d and Umatilla ave priiwooa. FOR SALE RACINE LAUNCH. 1 FT. AND boathouee. conplete, Sae outfit, R ST. Ore- FOB SALE. 'JOaoeftaaeoa. WE MAKE ANT SUIT IN THE HOUSE TO 'ORDER FOR NO MORE $25.00 NO LESS.- TJNIQUE TAILORING CO.. 309 STARK ST.. NEAR CTH. 0 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chlnes at Terr low prices: Singer. Wheeler A Wilson. Domestic White. Household. -Davit and others; to make room for new stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. E. ElgeL SS5 Morrison si.. Marauam bldg. FOR KENT riANOS. FOR RENT FINE HIGH-GRADE PIANO, must have good care; rent reasonable. M 1U Oregonlan. HELP WANTED MALE. Men. women. learn watchmaking, ecgrxvirr. Jeweler work, optics- Eaey terms, volitions guaranteed; money made learning. Watcfc-maklng-Engrev'r School. 1420 4 th av Seattle IN SIX WEEKS WE EDUCATE YOU IN salesmanship, secure you a position as' trav eling saletsman with responsible firm. Ad drees the Bradctreel System. Rochester, N. Y. HARNESS OR SADDLEMAKBRS WISHING good Jobs In the country, please oommunl catc with Chas. L. Mastirk & Co.. whole sale leather. Front and Oak rU Portland, WANTED YOUNG 2dEN; RAILROADS wanting telegraph operator; good wages; wc teach you quickly. Pacific Tt-lcgraiin Institute. 1-2 Grand Theater feMg - WANTED WORKMAN ON FARM; MDiT understand milking, good situation for the right man; also woman as houJwlai-r; Ger man preferred. II 60. Oregonlan. GOLDEN WEST HOTEL. 7TH AND EVER ett Wanted, 50 men to board and room; rooms with fir without meals; best working mcnVi hotel In city, investigate. THE MEIER & FRANK STORE REQUlUEg the services of several good bright bays. 1G to 18 years of age; good chance for advancement. Apply at ewe. THE NEW COLUMBIA MARKET, 121 N. lth st. Solicitor and driver fw groceries and meals; bring references. Call from JO to 12 today. S. S. Durkhelmcr. CHANCE MONDAY FOR AN ACTIVE MAN with 250 to get work In a rtore as iartner; pay you SIS to $25 weekly; xfertnc un necessary. Call 24S Stark m. FIRST-CLASS MASSKUEH AND NURSE who understands baths: good wages and rteady place to right man. Inquire at VJ Marauam bldg. TRAVELING SALESMAN WANTED FO It special line Winter Dry Goods: factory to retailer, liberal terms. Bryn Mawr Mills. Philadelphia. Pa. EXCEPTIONAL OPIORTUNITY FOR AD vertlslng Kollcltor; must be first-etam man. Calkins Newsjiaper Syndicate, 317 Chamber of Commerce. WANTED 1 FIRST-CLASS WAITER. 1 bellboy. 1 night watchman for the Univer sity Club. Apply 420 Failing Wag.. Sunday or Monday. OUR AGENTS MAKE 400 AND OVER PER week writing Iek and accident Insurance; men or women can do this work. 400 Ore gonlan bldg. AGENTS TO SELL MARINE WHITE LEAD; ruipie ana permanent tmsmeea. Free out fit. Consolidated White Lead Works. St,, Louis. Mo. WANTED MANAGER. TAKE CHARGE OF state agency Accident & Health Insurance Co.: must be capable and reliable. C S. Oregonlan. WANTED YOUNG MAN TO WORK IN stock; one tamuiar with tinware and hUM furnishing goods, wholesale ivemsc. P W, Oregonlan. BRIGHT OFFICE HOY. 17 TO IS YEARS oia: must ix good at figure; goor oppor tunity for advancement !f capable, U M, Otugonian. SALESMAN TlrAVELING NORTH AND fsouin oi i-oriiana to taKc a Mfletin for a oommlwlon house. Address 11 74. Oregon Ian. Men to learn barber trade Special inducement im monui; wages wnue learning. GHlman Barber College. 627 Clay st.. San Francis jo. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE TO uintiiuutv iiiEuuinii ruiifnrn. etc; no canvaartng. Universal Adv. Cw.. Chicago. WANTDD JAI' FOR GENERAL HOUSK- work; must be good cook and kiwtr EagUMi; glv telephone number. M 81. OregoalHn. CIRCULAR AND SAMPLE DISTItlUTtKS wanieo ever? wnerc; ih canvanslru:: Wv4 pay. Co-Ocrat!v Ad. Co.. N?w York. MEN EVERY WHERE; 4-K) DAH.Y; PASS t-irc-uinrn. lacn sign": no -snvrtnc; ttniily Continental Distributing rvWe. CMcAgo. WANTED FIRST-CLAPS SALESMEN IN ronima ana inroucnout ue t late; Jalg wages to rustlers. 200 McKay Wfig. YOl'NG MAN. JANITOR WORK. ABOUT I jiour . Fawi jisy. t jiii 9My after noon. 221 W. Park. oor. Salmon. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGN. ui'uiiiuir iiiLuiar,, mmpi". f-ir. ; gooa May Sun AdvcrtislBg Bureau. Chicago. BRIGHT BOY FOR WHOLESALE GRO- rtrj. Appiy net. is and l o'rtoek only. Franklin & Co.. 134 Front. LEARN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING Or A practical DouKKerpcr. juunon. me acount ant. 834 Chamber Commerce, WANTED BOY ABOUT 10 YEARS. WITH '"tt juiq aejivor pack- ages. Apply 344 Washington. WANTED SEVERAL BOYS ABOUT 10 years chq. in veneer ractory. at Multnomah Box factor', foot Bancroft. WANTED MEN FOR GENERAL WOOD- wora. ppiy at room 3"2 Faiilng Mdg. Peter Wicks, forrman. WANTED A YOUNQ MAN OR WOMAN ir onioe wora. Mate exenence attd mkiry. B SO, care Oregonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED. WELL oniicr ior Keystone maeninc. j c. Mc Kachem, Clem. Or. WANTED LADIES' TAIIXIL firtrtn wages, .ppiy ic: w armngtion. tHindny or WANTED SHOEMAKERS: ISTBRF. FAC- tory nanns prf-nrrea. Appiy cajn Shoe Co Oregon City. Or. WANTED A SECONl CAKE BAKER; must tc clean ami sooer. nutternut Bread O.. 271 Front ct. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED AX-HAN- ie intrn ana snnacr. AnaroM I", o Box 23. Dalles. Or WANTED WIDEAWAKE OFFICE 1KY. AP- Washington st. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN Addrcs G. M. Campbell. 320 James sl Se attle. Wash. WANTED A BOY- ABOUT 1R YEARS. TO help with milk busSnci. Call at S7fi Me- tana avenue. WANTED TWO CITY SALESMEN. COM m!sion and mlary. 331 Burnclde st.. opp. Hotel Scott. AN ACTIVE MAN FOR OUTSIDE WORK. The Reliable Furniture Repair Co., SOU lrt. Main 4418. GERMAN OR SCANDINAVIAN MAN TO drive delivery wagon, 450 moalh. 3 North Second St. ROOM AND BOARD. $4.30; MEALS. 20 cents. The Union Hotel, 81 N. Otis, corner Everett, WANTED BOY OR YOUNG MAN TO learn the harness trade. O'Regan, 2lfi Front. YOUTH FOR A RAILROAD OFFICE; KAL ary $30 per month. Address T SC. Oregonlan. WANTED-A GOOD COREMAKER. HKA cock & Lawerence Iron Works. 424 Belmont, WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES, highest price paid 32 34. Phone Pacific 4tt. WANTED AN ENGINEER. APPLY 372 E. Bunulde at 0 X M. Monday XI B. Rae. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN IN AD vertlslng. Addrt-aa P 4. care Oregonun. SALESMAN FOR SAFETY RAZOR; BEST ever; bonanza side line. 410 Fenlen. WANTED JAPANESE BOY FOR HOUSE work 335 Clay t cor 7th. COATMAKER FIRST-CLASS AND STEADY. E. A- Sch-fUer. Pendleton. Or. WANTED FIRST-CLASS ST1CKERMAN. Apply Oregon Planing Mills. PARTNER WANTED IN BARBER SHOP. 233 Holladay ave. BOY WANT JED MONDAY. 231 STARK. HELP WANTED MALE. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. - Open Teoay. - Marine engineer, sseall -boat. 47 X. Xound. C rough carpenters, city. 13. call today, go to work Monday. p R. n. camp blacksmith. 43; fres fare. 2 sawmill wrigbls, 43 to 450 and board, r .ratchet setters. $3; 2 trimmennen, 43-Edges-mast. 43; planer feeder. 42.50. SUcker feeder. 42.23. $20; tallyman, $2-50 Head alter, $3;" 2 seconds. 12.75. Hook tender, 4X50 to 44; book tender, horse camp. $3; 3 swampers. 4230. Car repairer. $3; 2 bridgesaen. $ZM. All round painter, 43; 8 hours. DelUery wagon driver. 412; 413 week. 2000 cords of wood to cord by contract. 41.25 a cord: close In. Man and wife for farm. 45 and bouse. Man and wife, logging camp cook and helper. 40 men. $90. Lagging camp cook. 400: railroad camp cook. 4G8; free fare Head cook. awralll company. fbO. 10 laborers, new cogging road, 4230; 3 k1d road men. $2.30. Farm teamsters. 430: milkers and cfeore JHrn. 430, general farmhand. 430. 4 laborers, city. 4225, 9 hours: nlgbt ilumlll laborers, city, 42.25; sbovelers. city. $2 Kawwlll chute boar. 42.50. city; 2 yard men. 42.25. 3 sawmill yardmen. J 2.25; beard 44. Machine -drill runner. S3. 1000 R. K. GRADERS. All aver, Oregon. Washington and Ida ha No wages leva than 42.25 a day; long Jobs. ?end camps, free fare. Office fees, II for R. it. Job, that alL Teamsterr. laborers, roekmen. trackmen. brldgemen helpers, cencrete laborers, extra gang la lrer. All free fare. 100 ABttrianf. 12 25 to 42-50; board themMrlvos. 1CM Kalian a. 4225 to 420; board them aelve. ALL KINDS OF OUTDOOR WORK, Nw rdcrs coming In hourly. If you want work fcW HANSEN'S EMPIjOYMENT OFFICE. 2 North Secoad Strt-et, Open -all day today. FIVE SASH AND DOOR MACHINE MEN. - 4tt-rry-H.-ft; band reaw man for planing mill, 42.M vt: 4 yhrXXtatysitn. tZM: chute tally men, city, f2V0;- 2 yard Ullymen. city. 12 .V: A o&Rtrmfn. 43 to 43.75. 2 ltrr, f2iad 43: 2 rarrtare men. 42.23. 42.M: 4i7.brarrtit. 42.25. T stlajirr f(-dera. 42.25; 14 mill Ani yardmen, 'ity. 92 to 12-25: dotikey fireman, f 2.: mas to cut wood for donkey rnglnc. SZM: doakcr engineer. 4S; one. 4X.58. 5 ricgtng nuUrrs. 43 and J2.7S. s caien. (Z.W to J2.75; IB bucVer. 42.7ft to 43; hoOktender. 41; 10 awamperts f2.WI. 2U oUurn. FREE FARE. 25 mill and yardmen fur large sew mill. wages t. and up. OPEN SUNDAYS. LUMBERMEN'S LABOR BUREAU. irt Flrrt Street. 255 BuraMde Strcet, MAN WANTED WE WANT A MAN IN ALL the Fm 1 1 tonus to rctcetet m. to rboa farms and other propertlt to our customers; good milao and stady Of4tlon to honest, faithful men. who are willing to learn the real estate bur4nSK and carefully handje our buyers, whir w fondsli. North American Ltnd Co.. C00 Andrus Bldg.. Minneapolis Mian. MAN WANTED IN THE REAL ESTATE iMtninews: 2fH.rtencr mne.-rvry . u nonect. aicMtlneii and witling to Wrn the builn-s tboroacMy k mall and tarn 4MO to tiMmtblr a our local trrentaUve. write lmmedfatcly for full particular. AdtreasJ Athenaewa BWg.. Chicago. WANT ANOTHER FJRST-CL.VSS Sl'E cialty HileKnan, with me for WUxxm ter ritory; high-das, new proposition: standard Mn, apical to trade: one man sold 41tKo lout weelc another $1450: exelwhe trtritory; Mmaiont: Mgh-rate comasslon. J. W. Barae. Houser BMg.. St. Louis. Me. WANTED FOUR MEN TO TRAVEL IN each Ktaie. distribute samplm and advertise ow goods; ralary. 421 per week and ex !). guaranteed; cxpens advanced: ex Krice UHBr-eirj - Address, with rtamn. KatlRg age and oecupatlss. Reeve Co;, 421 Dearttorn t-. Chicago. FIRRMlCN AND BRAKEMHN ON OREGON and other raHroadu; rxerlewre uneeenar'; sVemca. $l0: beeomr engineers and earn 43fco monthly ; brakemeH. 475, become con ductor and earn $150: jUl age. Send atamo; name position preferred. Railway Atwoeiatloa. DenarUneat 23S. 327 Market ft, San Francisco. Cal. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: dlrcbarjrrs lUvdy cored In from 3 to S days; censultatleB free and strictly coaseentlal; trad lor our aymptom blank. X.Radium Mcdlral Institute. 3d and Alder el., entrance 2S3 Alder :.. Portland. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON with a full -line of oaps. perTomf and fla vtrlr.g 4-xtrarOs: TurnlehJnc the 42 for 41 tiling plan to the retail dealer: 430 weekly adrancd for cvpcr.f . F. 1'. Cook. Sales J-cft.. uetnHt. ilch. WANTBO SALlkSMAN. BY WHOLESALE iewetry hooi-e. to dl their Hoc of Jewelry to sectoral trade In Orn. Wo ffer nelal lndtmtnents to rorchanta. Mch isakcj sales '- : nich rommlKrfon, PcrmaB'-ol position. M-AlHster-"oNkB Co.. X3 Deatbora street. WWW III. WANTED SALESMEN ON COMMISSION; mo no men n'M are new traveetng pre ferred; txreaty d4iars er morr for each open ing tork order; splendM opffortanlty for Mietimen mm aeaiers; rctereneea rr-quired. J. P. Tbomy. Salea DcpL. MA St. Sixth imc o. WANTED ENERGETIC. TRl'STWORTI I Y itmsi to ork In Orrgnn. reoretlng large MunufactMring company; salary. 444 to fM ler moniH. KiM weekly; eccpeaMw ad-aneed. A4drem, lth rtamp. J. H. Moore, Portland, S.MJ4SM.VN. TltAVEIJNG. FOR SPECIALTY line, en eommlKMan to dry gto4a mac soeral lorw; not aearily exelc yervtces; Mgsil Mioxt, ijulckly diMdayabte. Addrrm. In ceMMenc. dc. Box It. Station D. New SALESMAN EXPERIENCED IN ANY iMte. to - II general s-tores in Oregon; an u(M-xc-iie juKciaiiy proposiuon. Com missions nd 435 weekly for expenses. The taunentfti Jewelry Co.. Cievriaao. Ohio. WANTED SALESMAN WITH ABILITY TO earn 42 and exienss eiHng Jewelry as Mrtntenta llrcet from factories; exclusive orrgwa terrtlory pca- MannfaciiulBr Jew efct' AMiortroent Co.. Dept. it. Detroit. Mich, SUB D. R. BUDD. GENERAL EMPLOY nnt. 110 Firs nt-Tws Mfaan shovel men lr city. cnek. Cackles, black wh. toatnKiers, 410 and board, ship rall- roaa .men every aay . iree tare; ouer work. AV ANTED SALESMEN OF ABILITY AND seat sppoaraace to call on alt merchants la their terrltoo; elegant aide Jtne, eenenlent to carry, good commleMoas; strompt remit tance. Belmont Mfg. Co.. Clad Baa: 1. O. TURKIC M1KC IMMEDIATELY TO PREPARE for poattlena a Caatema laapeetors; 473 to 4125 p-r' meath; previous experlenee not neoersary; examination Mar 14. E. Heynen, 213 Columbia bMg.. 30 Waatagton st. MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER tra4e eight w-eki. Gradaales rant from 413 to f23 weekly Exirt Inttruct ors. Catalogne Tree Me4er Kjslem of College-. 35 North 4tk at.. Portland. SALESMAN WANTED-BY OLD liSTAB llshed lKtre. experienced trarellsg ealesmaa. hteii oommfrrlon. liberal dtawlng account: exeluMve territory'- Addres Sales Manager, return 22. Reed bldg.. PMUdetpisla. WANTED PHYSICIAN. REGISTERED IN State of Washington; one saving xperleac In adrertMcg practice preferred; must be sober and industrious. For particulars ad drosa P. O. Box 3bl. Seattle. Wash. WANT THREE Al MEN FOR A WINNING pretKwtUen: no fake; busdness well ettab litted: one of best rated companies In I-aHcd States: men maklag 4125 weekly; tate experience, p S3, Oregoalaa. PLASTERERS; BRICK LAYERS. CARP EN ters. pHimbera and gaffltlerr. akyHght balld era aad one who anderstaads the handling of a tiandraw aad the sawing oi brack el, etc Addrn V lf3. Orrgenlaa. WANTED MINERS Cneur DAIca Mlnea Machine men. $3.50; timber men. 44.09; min mm. fXItf): mines healthy, minis-; conditions quiet and accommodations Srrt-daas. Aj-Ply John L. Bayne. Wallace, Idaho. WANTED DENTIST DESIROUS OF LOCAT imt In Oregon toa-n. 5Vi population, thriving vurroundinc country: Just think, no compe tition. Address O. R P.. St- George Room-lsK-Heuse, room 3. city. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, hldb-grade curnery stock; complete outfit furalrbed free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Narsery Company. Sslem. Or. BIG MAIL ORDER HOUSE WANTS ASS1ST ant to oupervtse state dlstrttmtlag and pro motlag. permanent; salary to start, $14, paid weeU) . aad expense. Addreos Masagtr. 523 Dearborn. Oilcaro. WANTED A SALESMAN TO HANDLE AS a side line art novelties and fancy leather goods for aa establUhed bous with ertab IWbed tradf. Address P. O. Bex 353, Loo Angelee, CaX MAKE 410.00 DAILY SELLING OUR $20,(O Sola Fountains, collect -own cocnmltw4on; gold mine for Summer months; act quick; free particulara. Fox. 122 LaSalle St.. Chi cago. WANTED A BOY WITH A WHEEL. Ap ply at U. B. LltL 4Ut asd. AVaaaiagtsa. WANTED BOT ABOUT -17. STEADY. FAC tory work. 43 Froat, coraer Darla. HELP WJOrZS-r-XAZX. DETECnVB SHRBWD. XELLVBLK MAN waetad w every toeauty to act asjer or der); experience anntctooary. Write Web ters DetectiTe Axeacy. Dee Motoet. Iowa, GOOD SALESMEN IX THIS VICINITY TO ell our special lies acd cltoa? aaoortaaeata or crockery; strictly coaaaUwIon VlMo. The Uclrtzsal China Caw JOut LrrerpeoL. O. SAILORS WANTED FOR KS'GUSH AND American vest is boaod far Enreoe, Au stralia. OOoa and MasUa. l&qaira ax Sal Ian Hocbc. corner 3d and GMim at. WANTED A GOOD ALL-ROUND TINNER. a good aaeeUroa worker, wno U used to ralltwork preferred; top wax- Iaqalre Lcmberaea's Labor Bareaa. va 1st ac CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON with staple line, high coaunlaotomc. with 4100 monthly advance: peraaaeat posltloa to right maa. Joml H. SsUta Co.. Detroit. Mica. Aay lattllbreat person auty eara good tncosB ccrrMpoadlcs: for newsanport: oitimoi na aicesaary. Prons Syndicate, Lockport. N. T. HELP WANTED MALT OR FEMAXX. MAN AND WIFE. WTTHOCT CHILDREN. on country eeat. near ronuAO. aa larmcr sad lasadreas; permaaent pesttloa at good wage, murt hare fern I tare and references. Apply after 2 P. M. Sunday at 314 Cham ber of Commerce biir. THROUGH US. ENERGETIC MEN AND "women can seen re eapioymesi rrosa a ana that will esable them to eara tJ to 4360 per month. Information for 25c Soccesa Emplcymeat Bureau. Box 1327. Spokane. Waab, SOLICITORS. CITY OR COUNTRY. HOUSE- hold necessity: gooa saoea. quick men 231 M Alder it-, room 29. WANTED F1RST-CLAS3 PHOTO COUPON solicitor, lady or gent. Angeles Studio. 62 Goodaouch bldf. LADY OR GENTLEMAN TO TRAVEL AND appoint arrets; salary aad expenses. Room 17. Antler Hotel. - TAILOR TO WORK ON COATS. 213 ALIS- y N4g. HELP WANTED FEMALE. ONE EXPERIENCED LADY SOLICITOR TO rrprrseat a banking laatltutlon In the city; salary and cocimlwion; references required. 1' 7. Oregoalan. RESTAURANT. OTHER COOKS 4CITY. oul); 6 waitresses, up SS; dlihwaihers. chambermaid, homework. Drake's. 2053 Waahlngton. WANTED A NEAT. EXPERIENCED GIRL rer general isoctework la family of three; good salary aisi many prlrlltgra. Fhosc East 2853. WANTED A MIDDLE-AGED CHRISTIAN lady for companloa to go to beara two montbe: references. Phone East 3650. Call Monday. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radium Medical Icatltate aad Saaltaricm. Xd aad Alder: eatraaco 233 Alder iU Port laad. GOOD HOME FOR GIRL WORKING OR going to school, who would be company for lady of house. Call Sunday. 210 Clay. WANTED WOMAN WITH GIRL NOT UN- qt It j rara for hoertkeeper. small wagra. good lome to right party. R S3. Orfrgralan. A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK: good wages to competent, small family. Call fert noons. 743 East Taylor st-, cor. 23d. WANTED EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GEN- eral hoURrwork. amall.ramlly. Apply Mon day. Mm. O. E. Overbeck. 7S9 Lorejoy. WANTED TWO LADIES DESIRING Posi tions and advancement, experience tanec eKary. 141 11th iU. corner Alder. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework lc small family and asalst In care of child. Apply 200 Park at. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL housework. Call after 2 at 75 East lGlb. corner Stark, Phone East 2152. A COMPETENT GIRL TO DO SECOND work; one arcatomed to children; refer ences. Apply CV Everett at. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343H Waahlegtcn at., cor. 7 IX upaUlnu I'cona xata CHAMBERMAID FOR HOTEL AT KL.VMATH Falls, fare here, rt, Lonu Xadles Aseacy. ZZii YamhllL Main 3113. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY trimmers: none ctaerneec apply. Lowcn gart ti Co.. 32 Frost st. COOK FOR FASTIDIOUS TRADE: MUST Have tools and furnish reference. The Manlloa. 2.I St. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN OR GIRL TO DO housework for 3; small house. 110 E. 17 lb. cor. Morrison. COMPETENT GIRL. GENERAL HOUSE- itork and cooking; second girl kept. 120 itn. corner unsaa. WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL FOR IIOUSE- wonc. plain cooking, ids e. 3d st.. North. paone hast ra. WANTED L.DY STENOGIWPHER. GOOD acuna. steady cmploymeat. Addrer K SS. irrcgoniaa. WANTED HOUSEKEEPER. SMALL FAM lly. Call 30S Tillamook, or phone Eaat 1274 today. WANTED A GIRL TO DO COOKING AND gtneral housework for family of two. Sid j ucuiun n. WANTED PUF US ON THE PIANO. 23c a lessen; reierencea u dered. W 81. care urcgeaiaa. GIRL TO ASSIST IN CARE OI HOUSE and -year-id boy. Phone Main 3403 and xain HA. WANTED AT ONCE GIRL FOR FAMILY of two. light work, good heme. Apply 4IC VT" XT' I -A tlT Trt snt.trrr nnnt-nn mo . days on ralary. Room 13. Antlers Hotel. FIRSTriSS MILLINERY TRIMMER. AP Ply 37 Waahlcgton bide lib and Waaalag- WANTED EXPERD3NCED MILLINERY mierusy m. inmua JilUlneey Store. 133 WANTED MIDDLE-AGED IVOltiv wro bow. good home, small wage. V . ore- WANTED WOMAN TO CO -m nnr Horn general bonaework. Apply -tii Yam- em. WAnVeD A WOMAN TO ASSIST IN TAI- " - n aiui., oeiween ut WANTED LADY TO TEACH AND CARE -r nine gay. laoar eAai M6 alter 12, WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAIST AND sxsn. amao-'r. nora m asatagton bldg. WANTED-COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral booeworx; no waaaicg, 175 E. I6th at. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK- IV small family. -329 Johnson rt pear lfith. WANTED GOOD GIRL OR WOMAN TO As sist la general nacsework. Apply 333 H 6th, EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR GENERAL nonseworx. iaii xocsay. -iio second at. WANTED EXPERIENCED OIBL TO work In a tailor snoa. 4 SO Washington. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE- work; no cbiicren. as N. ath st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED WATT- reaa. uocan--anJ. nut st. WANTED EXPERIKNCED NURSE GIRL. 731 Kearaey sx. rooet Jtaia JMk AN EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING WO- WOMAN WANTED FOR GENERAL HOUSE GIRL- TOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK WANTED EXPERIENCED ARM WAIT - via T-frv- f. WANTED GIRL FOR GHciHRAIj HOUSS work. Jot ina " ZS ALDER-ST. GIRL WANTED "TO AS- asst SB nowon. QIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK, AP WANTED WAIST AND SKIRT FINISHERS. tt steams au. RELIABLE GIRL FOR GBNERAL HOCSS- worx. 3b iiu. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSKWORK. ysoae Base aw a. HELP WANTED AT DRESSMAKING. CALL rv. Jita. ac WA KTBO KXPERIENCED. WAIST HAND. H 13a at- . GIRL. FOR LIGHT "BOCSaWORK. nu WAJTTEaV FDtALX. HANSEN'S LAOTBK" AGKCT. rWuiaeaat waMrcoa $t;- 2 Ha- R-' rteaoa, Ke a ateel; waltreao. DaMea. ticket acre: wattroia. Daaa. : waKre,. Ceatsalla. tat, Uektt acre; waRrota. Yiln-4 leek- Saw; waetreaa. Vaacocrrar. W; wait ress. Utile Falsi. $15: 2 waMreaseS. Nertk Bead. $: S tsoartHag-ooaao waKr. $3U; 2 waltrraoaa. ii cAaacoerwork. 4W: caaaa VeraHld. $W aad. rooat: aaortorder cook. $4 aad races, $7 ao roosa: cook. JSS. Gold enaale; pantry MitU $ to $3B: waltrert. 336. sense hate!. Saaalko. tlckeu here: caok. o-st-of-town -retrtaaeaet, $40: cooav $36, T people: kltcaea helper. $30: aotsMkeeaer. $15 to $39; jaaixreae. $39; eeoks. bovaexlrtr. gtria to asaUt. For the good aUces see HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 3434 Waahtsgtcn St coraer 7th. afotalra. ATTENTIONl Al!eaaU tor all kinds at work ragUHr with aa. free at catarg. so we may leeate yo ea short as lice. HANSEN'S LADLES AGENCY. 343 H Waahlagtoa s-t-. ear. Tth. nprtalrs. LADIES TO WORK OUR RAPID HOSIERY machine at home, making- acotery ior aa to sell the trade; prerlotia exserleace unneces sary: no caarasstag; steady work; good money earMd. Write today. Sterling Co.. 213 River Port Huron. Mich. WANTED TJkDT TO LEARN DERMATOL- cxy. beauty culture, treatment of the com plexion, hair, scalp and akin; facial and scalp massage, electrolyf la. manicuring; salcadld openlnt fcr right party. Prof. CNclll. 141 11th, comer Alder. APPLT MONDAY MORNING 830 EXPERI- encea aiesrronun ror mcelin and knit under wear, shirtwaist, ribbons, lace, experi enced to fit corest and gloves, also general dry good; reference. MeAUen A McDon nell. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER WHO UN- cemaads shorthand and eaa oae typewriter. Addrcs la own hasdwritlcx. statins expert enc aad salary expected. O 81. OreronUn, LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at nome during spare time, no experience required: good ay aad sttady. Write N. C Halts. 1444 Mark it, Saa Fraadsea. LADIES TO DO PIECBW0RK AT HOME: we furnish all materials asd pur from. to J 12 weekly Scad stamped envelope to Royal Co.. 51 EL Monroe. Chicago. WANTED GIRL OR WOMAN TO ASSIST in kitchen, one who lives' with parent pre ferred. Call S A. M.. Monday. Woman Exchange. 133- lOih si. LADIES WANTED DO SEWING AT HOME. rucking sanitary belts; good wages', sttady work. Particulars stamped envelope. Lenox Ox. Dept. 112. Chicago, A COMPETENT OlRL TO DO COOKINO and assist In general housework In a small family, where two girts are kept. 275 North 24 th st. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerks. YOUNG MAN FROM NEW YORK DESIRES poMtlon. speaks English and German flu ently, well educated best of Eastern ref erences, has good address, experienced out" door salesman and order clerk; not afraid of hard work and faithful service; any work or position accepted. Address Carl Schilling. 300 3th it. WANTED MARRIED MAN. WHO IS A nrst-cujs bookkeeper and geieral office man. also experienced as clerk In jrroc-ry. cloth ing and hardware store, will accept aay position, enabling him tn support himself and family. R 93. Oregonlan. BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER. experienced lumberman from Cincinnati. Ohio, will accept anything to locate In Portland. Address Charles Rebtrt, 0223 Herman at Saa Francisco. Cal. THOROUGHLY COMPETENT SOLICITOR and collector: experienced, especially real es tate and Insurance; also expert stenographer and bookkeeper; wants opening reputable firm. V bS. OrtxonUn. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books eaiiy. maze up your statements aad take oS monthly trial balance, at small ex pense; aatlsfacUdn zturasteed. Murtoa the accocstaat. 331 Chamber Comaarce. Mais 4334. BOOKKEEPER: 3 YEARS EXPERIENCE with large establishments: have always xlv cn entire satisfaction: rcfersncea; moral, tn destrioos. young man: also stenographer. S f& Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY BRIGHT. SOBER young man, eignt years experience la gro cery and general merchandise; local and Eastern references. S 8. Oregonlan. 'WANTED POSITION BY ENERGETIC. SO- dt yoong- man. inside or rollcitlng work: ten years genral buslnem experience; -best of rtferences. T 9. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. GOOD AT FIGURES AND fair penman, desires position; is also regis tered attorney -at-taw. best of references from East. V M. Oreconlan. YOUNG MAN WITH BEST RANK REFER. encea would like position as cashier In whole sale besiness: might Invest If misfactory. S 74. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN, THOROUGHLY EXPERI- enced In the flour, feed and grain business, wants position; best references. T S3. Ore gonlan. A GENTLEMAN TRAVELING NORTH AND south would like a aide line of rrults. con fectionery, cigar or meats. O 89. OreVontan. WANTED POSITION AS GROCERY 8ALES- man. witn several years' experience; can fur nish best of references. V S2. Orerocian. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. STENOG- rapner. corresponoent ana general oilice man: high-class references. K SI. TOUNG MAN WANTS P03ITION AS SUIP- plnc clerk; two years experience. G 83. Oregcoian. MlscellaaeoBs. YOUNG MAN. MARRIED. NO CHILDREN. wunes situation aa foreman or stock farm or dairy; experienced In butter and cheso maMng; good references. Address R. Z. T.. box 43. Vancouver. Wash. SITUATION WANTED BY . PRACTICAL mason, aa an estimator os mason work, who Is thoroughly acquainted with plans and specifications: 23 years experience. Ad drrm R 62. Oregonlan. JAPANESa DOMESTIC SERVANTS, H0C3E- cieaaert and ciaer laborers furnished. The Nippon Employment Office, roosa 2. 23 N. 3d st. city. Main 3154. P. O. Box ITS. AMBITIOUS YOUNG MAN OF GOOD CHAR acirr wasu a poeiuon oi any aina waere there. Is chance of advancement: wholesale noose preferred. K 155. Oregonlan. FOR COOKS. WAITERS. FARM HANDS. porters. laborers (no 'dividing fees), dlsh- waaners. anynooy. bee uraac, 2033 Washington. WINDOW CLEANING. HOUSE CLEANING: dwelllcg.hooseo and flats especially; etovm easily polished by Thomas Green. Phone Main 3266. SITUATION AS CARETAKER. OF A HOME. by an M"rrjr man and wife, for those who wish to be assent; gocj rtfereaces. K. 82. uregoruan. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN luiua coisnuc svttuu. (smin aiso; au WANTED POSITION BY A MIDDLE-AGED man. well acquainted In the city; light work oc aay kind, u 02. orefonua. J A PANBBE-CHINESa fPLOYMHNT OT- fice faratxses reuaaU aala. Htary Taaara, -WXTrifea. Flea Paata '44&. JAPANESE: GOOD EXPERIENCED FAMILY cook, and all, kinds work. win is position is city or owiur, n cc. vntwua. YOCNO JAPANESE COUPLE WANT po sition; man as cook, wife to do hcaae- worx. Fhone Jcats "reo. GOOD JAPANESE COOK WANTS STtCA Uon In country; waxes $23 up. Name, George Takase- i sa. urexoeuaa. BOY OF 1 WHO HAS A WHEEL WOULD like- work alter acnooi nours aaa cataraays - T7 BR-DreeoalaaT - x " JAPANESE. TIRST-CLAES COOK. WANTS pesltioa la a fss&Ur: -good reftrsaces. T 8. Ortgoeiaa. A, JAPANESE WANTS ENGLISH TEACH- er fer prtvit eveaJag aehooL F 99, Ore goalaa. Men's cet-oS dothlajc, efcoee. highest prices paid. 73tr N. 3d at. Faoae Paclac 18H. MAN AND WIFE WANT POSITION AS t-rtt'. B SL Oregoalaa. STTUATIrON WANTXB TOtAXM. Bookktmna mm WIhui im iplms. GIRL WITH SOMK EXPERIENCE DE !rs st jeeltlots as MeBegrapher; wages Ttry reasoaaale. W S4, STENOGRAPHER HAVING KXPXRIKNCK deeleee peei-Uoa: eaa B4ve-rrrfereaeee.- K . WAXTato rx)rrK as seorcKavnt br . cseifHsnmn ynac lady, e .m. Ore-gialis. BCTBATHKr. WANTTB FKH A T.T. Isooili -iiiir ri aad StenooanaiAern. OOKKSXPIN I WILL POST TOCR beaks daUy. -auike no yoa-r stateaaeats and take; C ,nttMJtfy trial balance, at aaall expense; satUfactloa. gaaraataed. Murtoa tlte- TeeoeuHUSx. -534 Chaasaer Coas-sercc .WATSDjrilWeiTlbN AS STENOGRAPHER, bookkeeper or timekeeper by a young lady f gsv,t, r"rrt'". buslcesa college gradu ate.; 4-years. experience; city references. C 54. Oeataa. POSITION Bf YOUNG LADY STENOGRA pher ag advancements as knowl edge -of bookkeeping-. Addres.S 80. Ore goalaa. LADY, 24 YEARS. OWNEJG TYPBWRITER. wants pooltion as office assistant; wages reasonable. W 52, Orcgoaian. MIDDLE-AGED NURSE W.VNTS WORK: confinement cases specialty. J. S2. Ore gonlan. Dosaestlcs. TWO FINNISH GIRLS. COOK AND SECOND work in hotel or camp oul of town; aLo widow as housekeeper: one dishwasher In city. St. Louis Ladles Employment Agency. 2304 YamhllL Main 3413. YOUNG WOMAN WITH BOY WANTS ptace as housekeeper; none but responsible persons need answer. E 90. Oregonlan. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL TO DO COOK Inc and general housework at 3U7 North 22d st. WANTED PLACE TO DO COOKING IN hotel or boarding-house. 353 ltUh. st. N.. upstairs. ' Dressmakers. BE WISE SAVE TIME AND MONEY BT learning to make your ovn dresse. Kr let ter College gives Instruction fir old and young. Han 40. Allsky bldg. Elevator 2C5 Morrl!oa; booklet free. ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE BY EX neriesced party: skirts a pccta!ty: work guaranteed. SSSVJ East Washington, bet. Ualoa aad Grand avea. WANTED PLAIN SEWING AND rHIL drcn's clothes, to do at your hemes. Phone evenings, llain 4304. 201 10th. cor. Taylor. L.DIES HATS MADE TO ORDER; NEW line of Spring trimming; old material made over. 344 Flanders. Phone Paclflc 17. SHIRTWAISTS MADE TO ORDER. 75C: shirtwaist sulta a rpecialty. 51 "Marshall. Phone Main 3103. DRESSMAKING. PLAIN SEWING. OUT BY day cr at home: reasonable prices. Phone Main 231(5. LACE CURTAINS WASHED. STRETCHED. 40c pair. Call for and deliver. Phone Main 7011. WANTED TO DO FLV1N SEWING AND mending. Sfil Taylor st. Phone Pacific 10G'. MILLINERY HATS RETRIMMED AND made to order. Pacific 12S3. 352 2d st. Hoosckeroers. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER AM COM- petent to take charge or ail tioust-nout ar falrs: no objections to children or to leav ing the city; no triflers need apply. Phone Union 500. N EXPERIENCED LADY WOULD LIKE position as worklns housekeeper tn roora-tng-house or widower's home. H SS. Oic gonlan. TOUNG WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEPER AND companion 'Or one or two people; ia montn. T S0 Oregonlan. REFINED. UNINCUMBERED LADY WISHES position as housekeeper. O ihj, U re soman. Mlfcellaaeo-os. A THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED CHA31- bermald or housekeeper wnts prition in hotel or flrst-claw roomla-hottye. Mrs. Straus. 2304 Russell st. Phjne East 34Sa. WANTED BY HOME LAUNDRESS : Shirtwaists. 10 to 30 cents- skirts. IO lr cents: lace curtains. 50e: small Individual washings. $t dozen. East 1254. FOR CHAMBERMAIDS. WAITRESSES. camp help, housekeepers, family help, neat girl", laundresses, telephone "Drake's." 203 Washington. WANTED BY TEACHER OF STATE RET utatlon. to exchange? piano lessons ior ?t lng or two meals a day. F SO. Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS SEI,ECTT.D HELP OF ALL kinds'. St. Louis LArtle Kmpioymeni Agency. 2304 Yamhill. Main 3413. LADIES' HATS REMADE AND KK- -trimmed: order work-a-ipiHity. Mrs-. ei phal. 211 12th st. Main 7131. YOUNG WOMAN WANTS EMPLOYMENT - for flv hours -r-aeh rtar; mejeraie wag. Addrea A 71. Oregonlan. WANTED BY SWEDISH WOMAN. CLKAN- Ing by th hour: best or reterences. dress 67 North Ninth. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS WANTS Po sition at once in nrst-clasa place. Alain 1SS3. room 13. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WANTS OA work on Wednesdays or Tnunways. i-none Main 4343. YOl'NG Lady Vi3he3 POSITION AS OF- flce girl or collector; competent. jsj. ure gonian. WOMAN WISHES DAY WORK SWEEPING and cleaning; no washlnsr. Phone East 4213. WANTED CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY home: terms rearonable. Phjne Union 6031. LADY WANTS WASHING AND HOUSE .cleanlng by the day. Phone Main RG25. LACK CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND fancy Ironing. Telephone Mam mo. LACE CURTAINS HOME L UNDKRED AND fancy washing. Fnone Lnion -Wj WANTED AGENTS. LEARN TO FIT GLASSES AND MAKE BIG money wnrrvrr jou tu. ow i"-r ,-jc-uwn. with full Information, sent without cost. A postal will bring It. all charges paid. Jack sonlan Optical College. College Place. A 50. Jackson. Michixan. WANTED AGENTS. $73.00 WEEKLY AND expenses easily made selling Life. Health. Accident Policies: appointing agents, con tinuous Income; experience unnecessary; old established company. Write Royal Fraternal Union. St. Lout. Mo. $23 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED BY LADY agents talcing orders for us; outfit pre paid; we start you In business and make Ton Independent: write for rtrcutar" ami ermt. Woman's Apparel Supply Co.. Chicago. FREE NEW BOOKLET TELLING HOW you can make several thousand dollars year ly tuutdllnx agents;, full of new Ideas; valu able Information: free; postpaid. Write F. Parker. 237 Market eU. (Thlcago. WANTBD BOND AND MINING MEN; SPE clal. quick, legitimate money-making prop osition: stands closest Investigation; full In formatiOB free. Writ today, Benson & Co.. Metropolitan Block. Chicago. GENERAL AGENTS MAKE FIVE TO TWEN ty dollam dally selling our goods, whole sale and retait trade: we pay salary or com mission: something new. Can Dex Mfg. Co.. St, Louis. Mo. AGENTS DROP "EVERYTHING AND WRITS us for special terms on our latest office spe cialty; sella Itself: greatest money-maker In years. Address American Lock-Crank Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL NEW AR tlcle. "Absolutely Safe Tug Holder." sella on sight, exclusive territory. Safety Trace Co.. 244 Third ave. So. Minneapolis. Minn. WANTED AGENTS TO SELL STEREO seoplc views of the White Houte wedding. $3 to $10 a day made. Dillingham Printing CO.. 315 W. 2d srTas Angeles. Cal. WANTED GOOD. LIVE MEN OR WOMEN to sell a new electric apparatus. Call or send "ror circular and particulars, 555 5th it. Phase Main 3S02. AGENTS CAN MAKE FROM J.T TO S3 PER day handling- our goods. Information and eifR .for COc Wealern- Supply Co., Box ' 13CT; Sfbkase. Wash. GNTLKXAN DESIRES R0OM.: BRELVK. fast, esp4r; aletf location, between' Broad--way- aad-Woodiawn: three- blocks .Ujitpn arc. - T , Ore-geclaa.. . GENTLEMEN AGENTS IX. FORTL-VND KSMl-thraughout state; big wages to rustl- its v-nnn Mir - - BOLrCrrOR WANTSD BY INVESTMENT, brokerage and real estate company. Apply an Dtkm bide., city. WANTED AGENTS TO SOLICIT FOR OLD rsHabie ea-acerar liberal eors suasion. Call Eavoy.- 13S Mtk st. WANTBD GOOD LOT SELLER, MAN OU wonmn: good and er sellers, on the car Use. 312 nae ec AGB94T - WANTS B CALL .AT " ROOM 7T TMmt SaaMari-saa. Jit- Taben - - - - WANTED A GaTNTS MUSHROOMS MAKE BIG 3IONET. Large demand I easily -grows tke- wholo year -wlthaui "capital- or x4rieace- A -small spacA lav. your cellar or- othet wasta place will mak orofltahle -mushroom beds. If interested, write Interstate Culture Co . Dept. 23, 373 Broadway. N. Y. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED 3ALES me to -sell dlvfdcnd-paytaf: stock -of estab lished Philadelphia company, good salary , Ct TfKfct men; state- rally qualiacattons; ex Terlence. etc., or- no r'pTy. Address L L. t D: Co.. 101 Drexel bldg.. Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED GAS LAMP WITH COM- Dinatioa neater sna cooser; makes its gas. equals electricity, heater heats room, cooker cooks anything; three combined cost 1 cent dally to operate; agents coining money. Crown Company, 123 Liberty st New York. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery stock. Cash advanced week ly, big coxmnirnlons and premiums. Write today before all territory la taken In Ore gen. Washington and Idaho. Address Chlco Nursery Co., Chlco. Cal. AGENTS $10 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES if you work. Needed In every shop, store and house. Write notv before your territory Is taken. Appliance Co.. Spltzer. Toledo, O. WANTED tO KENT. WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. FLATS. RCOMING-KOUSES. STORES. ETC Our rental department has been enlarged and provided with additional staff. We invite listing from LANDLORDS eSer personal attention to and continuous aopervlalon aver all property iatruated to out car. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. E. E. Cor. 5d aad Cak ats. Phone t.x. Zz. Fi:RNlSHED ROOM WITH OR WITHOUT board, workwoman. American. tTeicr a, cool, shady nom In N. W. part of city; abo I have some unued chattel property 1 would exchange for It if party wanted it and room wtts not near section named. N iO. OrttgCjnian WANTED BY YOUNG MAN BOARD ONLY in neat, clean and respectable private, ram- lly: must be within five or eight minutes walk of Oregonlan bldg.: references ex changed. Address C 70. Oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY OF S ADULTS desire ;l or 4 furnished housekeeping rooms and use of basement In desirable neighborhood; with owner preferred. 2? 4. Orcgonian. PRIVATE ROOMS AND BOARD WANTED by lady and gentleman with two babies: West Side: no boardlng-hoivo need apply; state term. Phone East 2S93. WANTED IMMEDIATELY HOUSES AND cottages tor rent in an pans 01 cny; cus tomers waiting. Washington bldg.. room 1. Paclflc 12SO. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD IN RE flned German family, by married couple: references exchanged. Phone Union 2122 after 2 P. M. WANTED AT ONCE HOUSES AND COT teges. East and West Side: will rent ac once. Donald G. Woodward, agent, 210 Stark st. WANTED MODERN HOUSE OR FLAT OP 6 to 8 roonib In select district for hlgh-c!a?3 tenant. The Continental Co.. 213 Stark st. HOUSE. 7 OR MORE ROOMS. WITH PLACE for cow and chlekem. close to car line. Phone Tabor i0. or addfesa J SO. Oregonlan. WANTED APRIL 10. COMPLETELY FUR nbhed house, about K rooms. West Side. Ad dress 7M East Ankeny st.. or phone East 156. BOARD WANTED BY FAMILY OF THREE . In private family in BUburbf. or rent part o furnished house. B SS. Oregonlan, WANTED TO RENT S OR 10-ROOM MOD ern house close In. West Side. Address Mrs. Chittenden. ICC 10th at. city. A SIX-ROOM MODERN HOUSE IN WALK Ing UUtancc; rent not over $20. A 83. Oregonlan. WANTED 6 OR T-ROOM FURNISHED house, with yard; walking distance. Facltlc $61. WANTED 5 OR G-ROOM MODERN HOUSE for 3 In tamlly. Address M S2. Oregonlan. STORE IN BUSINESS DISTRICT; STATU stso, price and situation. X S5. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT I OR 5.ROOM COT tage for youn? couple. A DO, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT 1 TO 20-ROOH HOUSE -In a good location. A SIS. Oregonlan. BY YOUNG LADY. ROOM. $2.50 WEEK, walklnK distance. Q 80. Ornsonian. HOARD FOR REFINED BOY OF ll IN NICE home. 512 month. X S4. Oregonlan. t WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR FUR nltnre tn any quantity: also take same on commission and guarantee best results. Ther Portland Auction floors?. A. Schubach, prop Phone Main 5635. 211 1st st. WHAT HAVE YOU TO OFFER ME FOR trout Ashing tackle (brock trout) or metallic waidilnx machines for stoves, kitchen uten stlr. etc? All unused except successful, trial of machine. L SO. Orezonlan. WANTED 2H.miO SHARES AUMEDA CON- sollitated slftck; will pay Co cents a sharo for this amount: I mean business; no triflers need answer. W 83. Oregonlan. WANTED PARTIES- TO INVEST IN proposition that will net l. per cent an nually. No fake. Will bear rigid in vestigation. CjXt. Oregonlan. WANTED GOOD MILK COW. WITH CALP. preferred:- also w or 300' hen. Plymouth. Rocks or leghorns- Address ' 83. Ore gonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes: highest , price paid. Call at the. "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Paclflc 1722; WANTED SPAN WELL-MATCH ED DRIV- Ing ponies or single driving horse: must bo gentle, so lady can handle. Phone Mala 4017, WANTED GOOD HOME FOR SMALL BOY country preferred; charges must be rea sonable. Inquire at 52 TS. Cth. cor. Oak. SECOND-HAND TIB MILL. ENGINE AND" boiler; state make, size and price and when can be seen. D St. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY STATIONERY, NOV elty or curiosity store: give particulars. J" S3. Oregonlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND INCUBATOR; state price, size and make. D. Conync Lents. Or. Dead horses, 'cattle hauled away promptly frea of charge- Oregon Fertilizer Wks. Main 1068. SELECT BOARDING SCJICOL FOR CHIL dren. For terms address A 27. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle iree of charge. Phone East 2233. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES, H. BL Edwards. 185-131 1st at. WANTED TWO GOOD WATCH DOGS FOIt a ranch. Apply 332 Clay st. WAXTE D $:it00 AT S PER CENT ON GOOD security. O 8S. Orcronian. WANTED ENGINES," 73 TO 100-HOF.SE-powcr. W 8S. Oregonlan. WANTED TWO DIAMONDS. FROM 1 TO S karats. C SS. Oregonlan. JTOU KENT. Booms. $3 MONTH NICELY FURNISHED SIDE room: also large- front room; modern house. Phone East 3230. BAY-WINDOW IfRONT R0OM. CENTRAL ly located, house clean and comfortable. See this room. ICS Hth. SLEEPING ROOMS. AIRY. LIGHT. C.EAN' and comfortable; -can glvo references. 1GS 11th. near Jlorrison. TtVO UNFURNISHED ROOMS. NEWLY PA pered. ground floor, sink, woudshed. $8. -303 2d st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH BATH, heat and light. $10 month. 2S X. lOtluat, THE PLEASANTON CHEAP OUTSIDB rooma. at 2Sa5i. 3d at. corner. Columbia. $1.50 PER WEEK NICK BOOM. HEAT. llshL iltfset- 407 Stark, near 10th. . "NISHED OR UNFURNISHED LARGE front room with alcove. 343 Clay. NEATLY" FURNISHED FRONT ROOM", stove and phone; JS. y07 Hoyt st. 433 YAMHILL. NICELY FURNISH Erf rooms; ateam. heat, gas and bath. NEW VT FTRNISHED ROOMS WITH- BATH and nse of phone. 43 N. 0th st. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.30 TO $30 per week. 1SS ftth. at. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM'S, $ MONTEfJ bath, 31 .E. 3d. L. N- - ' " - - I FOR RENT LARGE. PLEASAr FKOJI'I 1 room. 452 Salsaoa st. - - - -