THE SUNDAY OREGONIAX, PORTJLAXD, HARQII 25, 1906i CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGOMAX TELEPHONES. , M&'n 7070 Main 7070 Main 7070 Main 7070 Main 7070 Main 7070 .....Main 7070 , East 61 Ouiulnc-Room iUnKlnc Editor .Sunder Editor k Editor Ftvletj Editor MHtiing-Rooin . . iintndent Building.. K Side orrice AMUSEMENTS. l.AKKK THEATER M and Tamhlll) "MWk New York, Jr.," Burlesque Company; matlnc. 2:15 P. M.; tonight at 8:15. KM PIKE THEATER (12th and Morrison) Hrn Hendricks and company In "Ole Olfeon : matins 2:15 P. M.; tonight at 8:15. UKAND THEATER fPark and WashlnK- ten Continuous vaudeville, 2:30. 7:30 ana 'J P. M. PANTAOEff THEATER (4th and Stark) ('mlnuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 9 P. M. iTAU THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 9 P. M. H'iu. Take Cako of the Water. The culvert under the fill now being made by the Pacific Bridge Company on Grand avenue appears to be a failure, and the walcr from Hawthorne Springs will be rare for by being emptied Into the big hewor nt .East Alder street. A trench Is mow being dug through tho bank from the slough to the point where the sewer will be reached. The cxpenslvo failure to make the wood culvert carry the water domenst rates that the water must be taken out of the slough entirely, and tills is mow being undertaken at East Alder wtrct. There will be a considerable lake from the Grand avenue embank wtu. but It will be fresh water from Hawthorne Springs. A very small stream nw runs through the culvert under the Hit but only a fraction of the flow from iH springs Is running through the cul vert. It is expecUd that when more ma terial Is plied above the culvert it will be entKhed down so far' that all flow through it will bo shut off. It seems that Coun rttMMn Dan ICcllahcr was seemingly right when he contended that tho water from Hawthorne Springs must be carcdfor by being taken out of tho slouch. To Open Coj.d Creek Coai, Mike. Tho now loasors of the Cold Creek coal mine, in Washington, have taken prompt meas ures for beginning operations. Tho first tiling will be to clear tho mine of water, hefore any mining can bo done. A largo pump lias been secured, and will be taken to tho mine this week by It. B. Roso, member of tho company which will op erate the mine. This pump will take the jtlaee of the two small ones already there, which will be brought to Portland for re pairs. After tho mine has been pumped clear of water the smaller pumps will bo able to keep it clear. It will require sev eral weeks to pump the water out. It Ib the intention of the company to proceed t operate the mine, and it will begin to take out coal shortly after the mine Is Troed of water. Tho Coal Creek Coal & Mining Company has river boats and barges for transportation of coal. i'muDREN' Are Entertained. Tho 2i rmnll girls who form the children's sew ing class nt the Y. W. C. A., laid aside their doll clothes Saturday morning, for a party was in progress. The big reading room was filled with a crowd of small girls playing "old witch." In the small dHFKroom the children who had been con verted into pies by the old witch sat on the cutting table, all In a row. against the wail, in the middle, the domestic art di rector figured as a cherry pie. After the ramcfi were over tho children had re freshment. A peanut hunt concluded the party. As each berlbboned, short-skirted wtoo left hhe was dlrely threatened with "mow. next Saturday you must sew twice h hard to make up for tills." Uaxjo of the CoMMONrtiACE. "The Halo f tho Commonplace" Is the very sug eve topic of an address to be given at the Y. . C. A. Sunday at home this ftriion at 5:30 o'clock, by Mrs. C. M. Wm. a musical and elocutionary pro :rnw will be participated in by Miss f'jMwIla Connolly, Miss Bent and Miss lllrlle. and before the programme, at 4ctlv pamos "will entertain tho guests. The iwwl informal supper will be served i-?'r t6e party breaks up. and oppor tunity given for such a good tlmo as the V. W. C A. girls know how to have. Ut tl girls, big girls, bachelor girls, are )4joa to come and bring, their mothers, ff-'terf-. cousins and aunts. Va in- D. & R. G. Wreck. tugene E. Hfcxh. son of Patrolman HIrsch, of the PwtlaMtl Police Department, was in the wroek on the Denver & Rio Grande Rail way itt Colorado last week. Information t'Mls effect reached the young man's parents yesterday morning in a special lftrr. The lad was en route to Kansas "Ky. HMd was In a smoker of train No. 16 wben Uif terrible collision occurred. He was pinned down in the wreck, but man Rod J extricate himself just as the (tame? broke out. He sustained a severe tajwt-y t his back and spine, and lost all f tats imssHM. which burned. He is now fa Kan.'is t'ity Hospital- UvRsrc y;-At:Tnns SECt'RED. Owing to the fiirt inn; jhr precinct organization is ciMiwIrip :nd the rooms hitherto w-HI Im the folunihl building are no teas!- lars f-mu'ich. he Republican cen tral rgHMNuit:on of Multnomah County has secured a hall in the Selling-Hlrsch tHiMtthtg wi Watihingtctn street, where all ftMi-e nieetlngs will be held. The next MteeUwg f this organization will be held ext Wednesday evening at S o'clock. At the last meeting It was announced that S5 of the 0 precincts of this county were mow thoroughly organized. Arrested for I.ACENr. Alfreds Wood. aged 20 years, was arrested by Hoadquarters Detective Hartman yester day afternoon on a warrant charging her with the larceny of $100 from the room of R- R. Burnett, of Lewlston. Idaho. The yong woman has been doing chamber work at the Hotel Fremont, and Is ac cused of removing $100 In cash from Bur nett's room yesterday morning, while he was absent. He left the room, forgetting 10 take the money with him. and -when he returned, he states, the coin was miss lag. Death of Kalxjch. Joe Kalllch. pio neer, died yesterday morning at 10 o'clock nt the residence of his son Julius Kalllch. who lives at Woodlaw.n. The remains of the deceased will be buried Monday at the RJvervlew Cemetery. The funeral will leave the J. P. Finley & Son's under taking parlors at 10 o'clock Monday mom lag. Mr. Kalllch came to Oregon in 186L Tic was 79 years of age. Ho was the first man to sell natural ice in Portland, Frank L. Smith Meat Co., r A!xkr St. Clean. Healthy Meats. "FlRHTtNG THE BEEF TRUfcT." Roll Roast Beef. 10c Lb.: Veal. 10c Lb. lrr Roast Beef. 8c Ib.; Mutton. Sc Lb. Boiling Bkkf 64c. Loin Steak 12ic Lb.: These Prices for the Coming Week. Will Read an OrEN Letter. As a iw-elude to his sermon tonight. Rev. Clar ence True Wilson will read an open let ter to the Royal Arch and the Wholesale Uquor Dealers' Association, with refer once to the proposed submission to vote of an amendment to the local-option law. St. Helens mining stock for sale: 6000 shares Csscadla. 5000 shares Goat Moun tain. 14,000 shares Oregon & Washington, 5W shares Gcrmanla, 5000 shares Cali fornia Home, all for 56000. N 60. Oreg'n. This Will Remind Yon that now Is the time to have your hair mattresses tenovated and returned the same day. rhone Main 474. The. Portland -Curled Hair Factors, H. Metzger. proprietor. Dr. Douglass Htde Lecture, Mar nnam Grand Theater, Thursday evening, March 29. Sale of tickets begins Monday, 10 A. M-. at the Marquam Grand box of fice; $1. 75c, roc. 35c. 25c. " Wanted. For two years, an attractive lft-room house, Portland Heights or north or Washington and west of Nineteenth. Donald G. Woodward, Agent. Tel. Main C4S. 246 Stark utreet. EvaRT Man His Own Biographer" and "The Fighter vs. tho Shouter" are Dr. House's topics Sunday at First Con gregational Church. Dr. Lorbsnz's nerve tonic tablets at JCyMr Pharmacy, 227 Merrfsoa sb. Edel Brau. jl Pure Drink Food, . WATCH US THIS WEEK Yes, this "week will go down in history as one oE the largest Watch Sales ever offered by this store. 100 We are going to sell 100 watches this week, and will have to hurry some to do it. But the prices at which they will be offered will be such induce ments as to make them move quickly. Ladies' Gold-filled Watches as low as S 9.0 Gentlemen's Gold-filled Watches as low as $10.00 Ladies' Xickel Watches $2.50 and up. Ladies' Solid Gold Watches from S15.00 up. Gentlemen's Solid Gold Watches $25.00 aud up. Gentlemen's Railroad Watches, 17 jewels, -S12.50 to $20.00. Gentlemen's Closed. Case gold-filled watches for Yerithm Watch SXo.lHJ, sold regular lor u.uu. This sale will include only first-class watches and every one sold under a positive guarantee. Have you seen the new Verithin Watch as per cut? Theyare the thinnest watch on the market and are the very finest of time vkeepers. Don't overlook this sale if you are in need of a watch. Wc are overstocked on them and our low prices will certainly offer a great inducement. JEWELERS and OPTICIANS JAEGER BROS. 290 MORRISON Near 5th St Revival Meetings in Ai.bina. The re vival meetings at the Rodney-Avenue Christian Church. Rodney avenue and Knott street, will begin today, conducted by the new pastor, F. Elmo Robinson. Rev. Mr. Robinson came to the North west three years ago, and soon after his arrival took charge of the little mission church at The Dalles. His work there was so successful that a strong, self-supporting congregation has been bulldcd up. Prospects for equally as good work con front him in his new Held. Tho offer ing for foreign missions, recently taken, was double that of any previous year. Services -will be held each evening this week. Song servico at 7:30 o'clock, preach ing at 8 o'clock. Subject today. 11 A. M., "Glorifying God In the name"; 7:30 P. M., "Lies." Scandinavian Political Clvb. The Scandinavian Political Club will call a mass meeting to be held In Drew Hall, next Saturday evening at 8 o'clock. The organization Is a Republican body and is taking an active part in the present cam paign. At tho meeting there will be speeches by O. M. Swiggum and H. J. Langoe. The local division of the Na tional Singing Society will furnish tho music Funeral of Mrs. Agnes K. Reichard. The funeral of Mrs. Agnes N. Rdchard, who died March 11. was held yesterday morning at 8:43 o'clock from the Sacred Heart Church, on Mllwaukic street, and the interment was in Mount Calvary. She was tho wifo of Charles F. Reichard, liv ing at 1741 East Eleventh street, and was a daughter of Jonathan S. Tice, of Port land. Wage-Savino Woman, the Theme. At this evening's mooting of tho People's Fo rum. In tho Solllng-Hlrsch Hall. Miss Kate Gordon, of New Orleans, and Mrs. M. R. Trumbull, of Portland, will speak on "Tho Wage-Saving Woman and Child." Following these addresses there will be an open discussion. All Interested are invited to attend. Hon-. D. P. Market, supreme com mander of the Knights of the Maccabees, will address a review of the. membership nt Iv. of P. Hall. In the Marquam build ing, on Monday evening, March L5th. All Maccabees invited. Grocert for sale will bear the closest investigation; doing $3R.OuO per year. This Is no cut-rate business. Good location. S 60, Orcgonian. Elegant floral pieces reasonable. Alfred Burkhardt. 751 GSisan. the old place. Wooster's fine goods at popular prices. Woman's Excii., 153 10th; lunch, 12 lo Paul Baumel. assnyer, 207 Alder St. Dr. Swain, dentist. 211 Dekum bldg. yesterday sued the Portland Railway Company for $230. damages for personal Injuries. He was riding on th rear end of a car crossing the Steel Bridge, on March 5 last, -when another car behind ran Into the forward car. and injured Henry Miller. The complaint states that the car on which Henry Miller was a passenger was overcrowded. The com pany will pay the claim. WHEREJ0 DINE, All the delicacies of the season at ths Portland Restaurant: fln private apart ments for parties. Open all night. 30 Washington, near Fifth. For a nice 50c French dinner, go to the Scott Restaurant, corner Seventh and An keny, where the following menu is served dally from 12 to 8 P. M. We also serve a fine 25c merchants' lunch daily except Sunday: Qlympla Oysters, Raw. Sweet Pickles. Ollvos. Chicken Broth. Boiled Salmon. Hollandalse Sauce. Shrimp Salad. Mayonnaise. Roast Turkey or Chicken. Mashed Potatoes. Sugar Peas. Bottle Claret. English Plum Pudding or Mince Pic. Cafe Xolr. Fine chicken dinner today, 2c. at the Lewis & Clark Restaurant. 249 First sL, between Main and Madison. A chicken dinner will be served at the Perkins Restaurant today from 12 to 8 P. M. Price 35c. Louis E. Martinez. Mgr. The Empire, 192 Third street; chicken dinner, SOc; turkey, 35c; finest In city. Genuine French dinner, with wine. Eta, at 83 Fifth street, near Stark. Bcrry-Hcnrd Wedding. Frank T. Berry and Mrs. Gertrude Heard were married last night at the homo of Oglesby Young. Rev. Bruce Wolverton performed the ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Berry will reside at 427 Seventh street. Sues Street Haihvay Company. Henry Miller, a minor. 20 years old, by his father. George Miller, as guardian. COLUMBIA BESTS PORTLAND ! TJnh-crstty Defeats Academy by a Score of Ten to Seven. The Columbia University baseball team defeated the Portland Academy nine in a practice game yesterday, which was the best played and most closely contested game In which the 'varsity team has figured this season. Both teams are members of the local intcrscholastlc league and are prepar ing for their championship season which is scheduled to open next month. Teddy Corbctt's colts started off in whirlwind fashion, bagging- fonr tallies In the first Inning, after which thvv were held to one more lone tally until the ninth, when after the Academy lads had tied the score by annexing two aces, tho 'varsity came back In Its half by registering- the necessary run to win tho game. One man was out when the winning run was scored, and the game was voted by all who witnessed it as being the best rontost of the season. Albright and Barry were the stars for Columbia, whllp Reed and Brown lee for Portland Academy carried off the honors. Both pitchers worked well during the game. The score was 6 to S. The teams lined up as follows: Columbia. Position. Port In ml A. rinrk. Moore P. Houston T). Moore C. Higgtnx Albright 1 B Corbett S. McKay. 2B Brownlec Ford 3 B M. Myers Barry S.S. t P. Myers Dockstader I Clark Welsgerber C.F. Reed A. McKay. Porter. R. F.Wosrtncer. Thorne SCORE BY INNINGS. R.II.E. Portland Academy...) 0 0 0O12O 2-5 3 7 Columbia 4 0 0 1 0 0 0 6 15 7 10 Tin: hub record. 1 Hr. suppoM'd to hare bsn caused hy tpoRtaneous combustlan. broke out on the third floor ef the Breke-Cle5-building at Srcond and Stark nrret nt 7; IS o'clock last night, but was quickly extinguished on the arrival of the department- The Broke-Gley building i yet unfinished and when the fire first breke out it was thought It would be a serious ene. A chimney fire at Williams avenue and Fremont street called out the department at S o'clock last night. There was ne damage. i of Ma li. Mm TJhe Sreatesi Clothing Jfcouse. in the Tforthwest. Clothing Distinguished for Style, Fit and Quality The largest assortment of styles for Spring and Summer exhibited by any establishment in the Northwest. Models as shown by the highest class shops in New York. Cloth Patterns both rich and exclusive, not displayed by every house in the trade. Quality of materials and workmanship that is backed by our guarantee represented by this label: It has a significance representing true worth and value and is a part of every Suit and Topcoat. MEN'S SUITS, $10.00 TO $35.00 TOPCOATS, $10.00 TO $35.00 I Hiii) i it - - You can do satisfactory mail-order buying. Ask us to send you our new catalogue, together with samples and self-measurements. PERSONALMENTION. Mrs. Frank Moore, daughter of Mrs. R. Sherlock, of Twenty-second and Wnshinc ton streets, lias just returned from an ex tended trip In California and Old Mexico. She also visited the Grand Canyon in Arizona. CHICAGO. March 21. (Special. )-Ore-ponians rcRistered today as follows: From Portland E. Trenhnft. at the Palmer House: H. W. Kenyon. at the Great Northern: F. A. McKlnnon. at the Majestic: R. Balentlne, at the Kalserhof. From Salem Mr?. C. Hull, at the Sherman. RUN OUT- THE JAPANESE Disgruntled White Ktuplnycs Threat ' en Asiatics With Dynamite. BAKERSFIELD. Cal.. March 24. (Spe cial.) A special to the Callfornlan from Kernvlllc relates that Wednesday nine Japanese, employes of theEdlson Electric Company, were run out of the town by a gans of transient laborers, under threats of being blown up with dynamite. A part of the camp utensils were destroyed, the tent was carried away and the Japanese were ordered to leave. They started for the railroad, 40 miles distant, and are now at Caliente, awaiting Instructions from the company. The Japanese were employed to do the preliminary work of constructing a third power plant for the company on the Kern River. Their presence aroused the ire of a number of former employes of the Edi son and Kern River Companies, and these men, whose names are not known, agreed that the Japanese must go. Tho visit lo the camp followed, but no force was found necessary to send tho Asiatics hur rying to the railroad. The officials of the Edison Company say they propose to send the Asiatics hack to the works, and will demand protection. MRS. MARIEJJ. ZEITFUCHS Washington street, between West Park and Tenth street. New samples of Imported Spring goods for Perfect-fitting man-tailored gown?. Fancy gowns and suits. A full assortment of the "Gossard" Cor sets. "They lace in front." Swimming Itccord Is Broken. ST. LOUIS, March 21. The swimmers of the New York Athletic Club again dem onstrated their superiority tonight by making a clean sweep of all the scratch rvrnts in the final races of the dual ariuatic meet with the Missouri Athletic Club. C. M. Daniel clipped one-fifth of a second from the American 50-yard record, his lime being 0:25 1-5. LATEST 1NMILLINERY. The exhibit In our millinery department l the largest we have ever shown and contains examples of the very latest nov elties to be found in Ihe market. Lo Pal ais Royal, corner Washington and West Park streets. COAT AND SUIT NOVELTIES ladles coats, suits, skirts and waists are selling at very moderate prices at Le Palais Royal, corner Washington and Wost park streets. FIRST STRAWBERRIES Of the season can be secured today at the Hazelwood Cream Co., 3S4 Wash ington street. 1T1.V.r:. tnmmnm tar Ytoat I And sold on easy payments. Piano tuning and repatnnc. H- Slnshelmer. 72 Third st. The Three World Leaders STEIN WAY PIANOS ANOELIS PIANO PLAYERS VICTOR TALKING MACHINES SOLD BY Dundore Piano Co. IS4 SIXTH STREET OppoHe Orrgoalaa Bldp. We carry a large stock of Sheet Music. Music Books. Musical Mer chandise of all kinds. String In struments and a complete list of Victor Records. 15 makes of standard high-grade Pianos for you to select from. Lowest Prices. Easiest Terms Sewing Classes For young girls, to meet on Saturday mornings, will be organized March 31st, at Keister's Tailoring College, Hall 400, Alisky Bldg. Elevator 265 Morrison. Send your daughter. 44 At Fashion's Headquarters" : A Glimpse of Men's "SMART CLOTHES" For Spring, 19Q6 The quality of workmanship, material, style and fit of our Smart Suits and Topcoats are of such excellence that we feel justified in expressing the opinion that. finer ready-for-service garments do not exist today. PRICES $10 TO $30 SELECTIONS MADE NOW WILL BE HELD TILL YOU ' ARE READY FOR THE GARMENT. FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. CORNER MORRISON AND SECOND STREETS a :t Grand Auction Sale I wish to nnnounco that my entire stock, consisting: of dia monds, watches, clocks. Jewel ry, silverware and cut slass has been placed in the auctioneer's hands to bo sold at public auc tion. This will be a rare chance to buy tho finest goods made, and my 20 years business experience In Portland will be a guarantee that the sal will be conducted on honest business methods, de void of misrepresentations. Every article will be sold solely upon Us merits, without limit or reserve. My present location will be torn down shortly to make room f6r a more modern structure. I am not going to leave Portland and will stand back of any statement made by my auction eer. Sale will commence Thurs day, March 29. at 23Q and 7:C0 P. M. and will be continued dally until all is sold. J. LESSER : Opf. rrrkla Hotel. ZW Wash. St. CUJU05, Amtiijmities, XKM&4SUt lodua Stoac Knvn, Rctiet, Ctrrisgs mad Ideh la Ire it-. Statu, BroK, etc. War Gsfes, Spears. Bew. IX11AJJ STtXE AxMW AJfl STXiX NiWTS Mulo. Bubti. Bete, Mats, SlraUs ef all Nitior. MSABS a4 HtlKS mt Amimak. WirMtJ!. Nati re Body Or&aseatt sad- Irac Asoeat 'Kat Gnns and Pikak, Cetat, Sekldi. Aatiqae Siirrr msd Ansar, Sheas. Send for Paste. WaeJesaK Dealec chwal Printing Co. tir jroxe. xzu90Hamlz rxiczs S7K STARK STRtXT HOitrorATHIU KrtMKBT Cailto tack, aaaaetata irint. XaU aritn mHHtmd CaaCe free. WOOUAJU. t.AgT 4 CV-. IWUmuC OK. PIANOS AVe buy them direct from Eastern factories. We pay no Jobbers' prof Its. We sell direct to the customer, thereby saving the expense of salesmen, commissions, etc We have no word-contest due bills out acalnat us. and OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT. Speaking of due bills, we notice that due bills for $100 have been offered for $5 CASH, and even advertised for sale at that price. How much are they actually worth? Our line of pianos is second to none In the city. See them- You will like them, and our prices will more than please you now. PI ANOS. PLANO PLAYERS AXD PLAYER PIANOS. : Soule Bros. Piano Co. 374 Morrison SU Cor. West Park. J Easter Headgear Choo3c now before the rush. Vtil ity Hats. Tailored Hats. Street Hats. Shirtwaist Hats. Suit Hats, Dress Hats, Child's, Girls', Women's Hats in endless variety. Modish, distinctive. Popular priced. FRALEY Women Hatter, Formerly Becker's. 214 Third St. Haddorf! Pianos XEVER WEAK OUT. . They are high-grade and built? to please the most exacting musician. Haddorff Pianos and the forty-five other worthy American makes are sold only by Eilers Piano House Portland. Spokane. Boise. San Francisco, Stockton. Oakland. aol All Other Important Points. Iloving CUPS For a full line and generous assortment of Loving or Prize Cups, you r yTr should not fail to look r7iiCn4 C over our stock. taSi I We tan save you money J Jr J!?L HELP TO READ These dark days bring out many Eye troubles. If you have difficulty in reading or working under artificial light, your Eyes need at tention. Eyes Examined Free. Dr. Haynes with A.- N. WRIGHT THE IOWA JEWELER 293 MORRISON ST NEAR FIFTH We Claim to Fit Eyes AND OUR PATRONS ENDORSE OUR CLAIMS COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. (Dsnrer, Osaka, Kansas City. Salt Lake, Dallai, Texa; Portlaad, Oref oa) 133 Sixth St Succewor to Walter Reed Oreg onUn Bldg. Pr. w. A. We Advertise because we believe in it. TCc have found that our work can be kept at the very highest standard of excellence at tho name time The advertising: brings ua business, keeps ua busy, keeps U3 on our mettle all the time. 2so one has a chance to guz "rusty" here. WISE BROS., Dentists Falling Bldg., 3d and Washington. 8 A. M. Dr. T. T. WIm.