-say-"- OJE SUNDAY OREGONIA2T, PORTLAND, MARCH 25, 1906.' 21 FOE SAXX FARMS. FARM . AT A SACRIFICE. 1236 ACRES on Rogue River. 10 miles from Medford, S miles from railroad station; 736 acre rolling land, 500 acres bottom roll. 225 acre under cultivation, bearing orchard, containing Pach. apricot, plum and apple trees and 100 grape vine: residence, barn and all outhouses go with place; ample supply fine oak. ah. maple, alder, sugar and yellow pine; water power alone worth price atked. The above, property must be sold at once at a big sacrifice $9 per acre; $6000 cash; terms on balance. Further particulars inquire. S1NNOTT &. E1NNOTT, 535 Chamber of Commerce. SELLAVOOD HOMES. Mlurion finish 5-room cottage, half block, from car line. Just completed. 1260. This U a very pretty home. New 5-room cottage, two blocks from car line, corner lot, $950; terms. We have a number of other houses at prices ranging from $525 up. Fine lots In Portland's prettiest suburb, at from $100 to $275, on monthly payments Of $5. SELLWOOD TOWNSITE CO., Phone East 4704. 1663 E. ISth st. WOO DOWN BUTS ONE OF THE BEST little 20-acr farms In Multnomah County; 13 acres cultivated, new 4-room house, large bam ind outbuildings; driving dis tance city; 15c fare, on creek; price $2600. Home Land Co.. 14514 First st 20 ACRES ON POWELL A'ALLBT ROAD, one mile north of Gates Crossing, on O. W. P. Ry.; must sell this week; no rea sonable offer refused. John P. Sharkey & Co.. 701 Chamber of Commerce. Phone Main 160. S3 ACRES. S CULTIVATED. CREEK. FIVB roem house, woodshed, chicken-house, barn (new), 20 young fruit trees, on county road, R. F. D.; land easily cleared; price $2700. Alvord & Alvord. 163 MorrUon st. TOU WILL FIND IT TO TOUR ADA'AN tage to look over our list before buying farm lands; we have about 300 farms In the Valley and around Portland and Vancouver. Alvord & Alvord, 183 Morrison st. $10.00 PER ACRE. IRRIGATED LAND. $10.00 Crook County, Oregon. Deed direct from State. Write for pamphlet and map. B. S. Oo'k & Co.. 251 Alder st.. Portland. Oregon. FARMS. 320 acres. In Morrow County, one mile from elevators; 300 acres In cultivation, 414.30 per acre. Commercial Investment Co.. lTVa 3d St., room A. DAIRY FARM. 170 ACRES. 100 BEST BOT tom land; 2 sets of buildings. 30 cows, all farming and dairying Implements to run 40 cowc; good Investment, easy terms. Owner, 433 Everett st. See Scottish American Farm Land Co.. for good dividend paying grain, fruit, stock, garden truck ranches. (Farmers having ranches for eale write) S. 402 Oregonlan bid. SEVERAL THOUSAND CANS OF FRUIT and vegetables, unlabeled; contents of the cans are in good condition; been In a fire; all you want at 5c per can. 209 2d st 25 ACRES. 1C CLEARED. REST EASILY cleared; house, bam; 8 miles from Port land, on Bum Line road. Call 366 7th st. $25 ACRE 370 ACRES; ONE BEST FARMS Yamhill County; one time sold $12,000. L 7S. Oregonlan. FOR RENT FARMS. 21 ACRES. ONE-THIRD UNDER CULTIVA tlon. -0 fruit trees, one acre berries, six room house, good barn, west of city, one mil to car: $12.50 a month: $30 In ad vance to bind lease. Call room 21, 2C4 Mwrlton st. FARM FOR RENT TO MAN OF FAMILY 160 acre. 10 acres apple orchard, 35 acres in cultivation, fair houses, new barns and fine.; good place for poultry: rent $50 rr vear. Inquire of Frank Uusrh, Oregron Oij, Or. DAIRY RANCH ON COLUMBIA RIVER; lock for ale. Inquire or address 265 '.i 24. room 7. FOR SALE. Horses. Vehicles and Uarne. $14H BUYS NICEST SPAN OF DRIVERS IN the city, wf.ll matched, 0 and 7 years old, weight ViO and POO. sound, gentle for any one to drive, with nice light harness; $100 takes nice liay horse, 8 years old, sound, weight 1O0O. with good business buggy, almost new. with good harness, all com plete; $45 buys giod black farm horse, weight 1130 pounds; $45 lakes gray mare, weight 12H. works any place: $125 buys a r-var-old sorrel mare, broke single and double, weight 1230. very stylish. -Call 15th and Alder Ms. Main 26. $75 BUYS SORREL HORSE, WEIGHT 1273 pounds, suitable for ranch or teaming work; one black mare, weight IKK) pounds, price $55; one set of heavy team ing harness, new. price $24.50. Call Regal Stables. 14th and Burnslde sts. AITOMOBILE, FIRST-CLASS CONDITION. Rambler, double cylinder. 10 horsepower touring car. price, $500; seats five passen gers. 414 Dekum bldg. WELL-BUILT. GENTLE BROWN MARE, 1KO poundn. guaranteed true, single or dou ble. $75; also fine riding and driving pony for $35. 300 Front st. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BT day. weak and month: special rates to business houses. 6th and Hawthorne. Tel. East 72. FOR SALE BAY HORSE BETWEEN 6 and 7 years old, sounft and gentle, drive single or double. 381 E. Pine. Call Mon day. ONE BLACK PERCH E RON STALLION, 1700 pounds, 7 years old; one farm team. W. B. Jacobs. 134 E. 34th st. Phone East 2512. HEAVY DRAFT TEAM. HARNESS AND wagon: will sell separate. Mt, Scott car to Paction Lino road. Mt. Scott Lumber Co. STORAGE GOODS. CONSISTING OF WAG ems. trucks, surreys, etc.; these rigs must be sold. 83-65-87 Union ave., near Stark. S HEAD OF 1500-POUND DRAFT HORSES for sale; also pome good delivery and drivers, by G. K. Howltt. Montaville, Or. JUST ARRIVED ANOTHER CARLOAD draft horses and mules. Freedman Bros., 12th and Flanders. FINEST FAMILY MARE IN CITY. SOUND and gentle, fine driver, safe, etc Trusty Harrin, Ocklcy Green. 2, SPRING FARM WAGON. ALMOST new. Call 48th at. and Hawthorne ave. Phone East 5440. 13 HEAD GOOD YOUNG EASTERN ORE gon horses for sale at the Farmers' Stable 310 Front st. FOR SALE GOOD-PAYING TRANSFER AND lellvery business, nmall capital required. H 72, Oregonlan. MEDIUM-SIZED FARM TEAM. WITH HAR ness. $125; also a few small horses. 211 Washington st. TAIR MATCHED DAPPLE GRAY GELD ings. $2700; also 10 other horses and mules. 2V Fourth st. TEAM OF GOOD DRIVING rONIES. WAG on and harness. Central Addition meat mar ket. HORSES FOR SALE SNAP; SPAN HORSES, harness, deliver' wagon. 551 Worcester blk. Horses and vehicles bought, sold, rented or exchanged. 211 Washington. Pacific 6B7. FOR SALE EXPRESS WAGON. TONGUE, shafts, top. Call at 4134 Everett et., room 8. We Buy. Sell. Rent. Exchange.Horses.AVageas, saddle, harness. Hubert & Hall. 366 4th. A DOUBLE-SEAT BUGGY. WITH CANOPY top Price, $40. 44 3d st.. near Ash. FR SALE DELIVERY WAGON. INQUIRE 322 1st any time Monday. Pianos. HAVE A HIGH-GRADE PIANO WILL SELL or trade (very reasonable); must leave city before March 30. Address M. Holly. Gen eral Delivery. City. ELEGANT 7 1-3-OCTAVE UPRIGHT PIANO, One tone, improved action. In perfect tune at only ,$105 if taken before Wednesday. 340 Aldef. $100 ALLEN & GILBERT CERTIFICATE for kale; make mo an offer. E. G. C. 1073 Belmont. FOR SALE PIANO CERTIFICATE; GOOD for S0; will sell for $10. Address O 6. Ore gonlan. HIGH-GRADE PIANO IN FIRST-CLASS CON dltion for sale cheap. Address H 78, Ore gonlan. FOR SALE TWO ORGANS. PAUL GEIS ler. 374 E. Oak st. LADY'S IMPERIAL WHEEL, $8. CALL 90 Xt M art. FOX SALE. $18 MAHOGANY FINISHED CHIFFONIER, with French plate mirror. 10; white maple dresser. $8.50: $20 Iron bod. cream and g6ld. $12; 3 other Iron bed. $2-25; 2 hotel dress err. $3; good cook store, $: can plate. 12-60; 2 art squares, 8x10.6, $4,243; Wilton velvet rug, 6x15. $12.50; 24 solid oak high-hack din ing chairs. POc; 2 arm rockers. $2: 2 nuns rockers. $1.25, 2 large carpets. S5c yard; lot second-hand linoleum. 20c yard: Jap anese linen warp matting. 15c yard. M. J. McGrath. 66 N. 3d. Main 20S7. BOOKS AT A BARGAIN EUGENE FIELD. 10 vols.; Dumas, limited edition, 40 vols.; Burns, limited edition, 12 vols.; Bulwer. 40. vols.; Daudet. 24 vols.? Kipling. 18 vols.; Balxac. 30 vols.; World's Best Lit erature. 46 vols.; World'a Great Classics. 60 vols.; Modern Eloquence. 10 vols. All absolutely new. Any or all at half price. R tl. Oregonlan. 50 SLIGHTLY DAMAGED SEWING MA chlse at very low prices: Singer. Wheeler . Wilson. Domestic. Whltt, Household. Davis and others; to make room .for pew stock. Wheeler & Wilson and Singers. S. B. Slgel. 335 Morrison st. Marquam bldg. PIGEONS ON ACCOUNT OF LARGE etock, limited apace and rapid Increase. I have for aale runts, runt homer and runt hen crosses, all good and some very fine stock. Call or write at once, the -Model Lofte. 021 E. Bumside st. FOR SALE ALL MY BREEDING HOMERS, runts, fantalla, etc.; 4 Lachenfelder chick ens, guinea flow, bantams. Angora cats, to make room: also 5 varieties of pheasants: birds, goldfish, etc. Portland Bird Co., 304 3d at. FOR SALE ONE PONY PLANER, 1 COM falnation aw table, belting, hangers, line shaft, pulleys and 5horepower motor; all nearly new. Call Portland Cigar Box Co., 33 Union ave.. corner E. Pine. FOR SALE NEW AKo SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables; easy payments; ws rent tables, with privilege of buying: mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick Balke-Collender, 49 2d st. FOR SALE LOT OF PARLOR AND BED room furniture, almost new. $00. or will sell separately; also fine Schumann piano, will sacrifice at $275. 1037 E. frth nr. North. SEND TODAY FOR BIG FREE 124-PAGD Old Trusty Incubator Catalogue and Poultry Book, contains 124 pages and 300 Illustra tions. McClanahan Co., Eugene. Or. FOR SALE L. C. SMITH VISIBLE TTPE wrlter. used only three months, cheap, or will trade for second-hand No. 6 Rem ington. V 72. Oregonlan. FOR SALEr-PORTABLE HOUSE. SUIT able for photograph gallery fir seaside home. Easily moved and put together. L. Scott. Montavllla, Or. WOLFF-AMERICAN EICYCLBS. CLOSING out; $40 bicycles at $25; $53 racers, $30 for caaih: 130 rlma, 50c on tb dollar. S. a ElgeL 233 Morrison at. MUST VACATE STORE: WILL SELL cheap showcases and wall cais. cash reg ister and safe. 213 Morrlaon M.. near 1st. Phone Pacific 271. HAVE A HIGH-GRADE PIANO WILL SELL or trade (very reasonable); nuK leave city before March 80. Address M. Holly. Gen eral Delivery. City. BRIDGE-BEACH COAL RANGE AND heater; also tent and platform. 12x14: all in first-class condition. Telephone Main 2213. MOVING-PICTURE MACHINES. GAS OIT flta. fllma aong slides, etc.. for ale, bought, rented and exchanged. 145J4 6th at., room 1. GENTS' CLOTHING. FURNISHING GOODS, shoes, showcases: must be sold in SO days, regardless of cost. 228ti let. near Salmon. SHOWCASES. COUNTERS. SHELVING, bought, sold or exchanged. Wtern Sal vage Co.. 627 Washington at. Pacific 783. FOR HATCHING THOROUGHBRED PLY moUth Rock eggs. $1 per setting. 1303 ftth St.. Woodlawn. Phone Scott 5145. TWO LAUNCHES FOR SALE ONE LARGE and one small, both in first-class condl tlon. Apply 502 Dekum. Phone East 304. WATSON'S RESTAURANT. 109 4TH ST furniture and fixtures must be sold; tables, linoleum, ranges, baker's oven, etc FOR SALE ONE OF BEST BUSINESS LOTS In St. Johns; price $4500. Apply to Edward B. Slmmoca & Co- 504 Dekum bldg. SAFE (DIEBOLD). DOUBLE DOOR, GOOD as new; will trade for smaller .one. West ern Salvage Co.. 027 Washington at NATIONAL CASH REGISTER NO. 73. TOTAL addr. check and tape printer. Western Salvage Co., 627 Washington st FOR SALE GOING TO MOVE; HAVE 150 pair mated homer pigeons; al 30 pair Runt homer crosses. Phone Eat 1257. FOR EALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILBRS. sawmllla. pumps and general machinery, by H. C. Alb Co.. 248 Grand ave. 3 FLAT-TOP DESKS. 1 STANDING DOUBLE library table, 2 typewriter chair. We tern Salvage Co.. 627 Washington sC BAKERS' OUTFrr. PORTABLE OVEN, trough, pans, candy furnace, etc Weatern Salvage Co., 627 Washington sL 12 GAS ARC LIGHTS. SO CQM B IN ATI ON brackets, 10 celling cluster. Western Sal vage Co.. 627 Washington st. STEAM-HEATING PLANT. SUITABLE FOR apartment-house: snap; will take purchast price in rent. 109 4th st. FOR SALE NO. 6 REMINGTON AND NO 2 Smith-Premier typewriters; also safe and deck. Address L 06. Oregonlan. WE WILL BUILD TOU A OASOLLVE launch for $160. 16x4 ft.. lH-H.-P. Smith Boat Co.. 890 E. Salmon at. FOA SA?SE-KB. VIKDSOn $75 FOLDING bed. $18; 1 walnut and 1 oak aldeboard. Paul Geislcr. 374 E. Oak. HOMER PIGEONS, FINE LOT OF breeder, cheap. Pacific Squab Co. Dr. Arnold. Vancouver Wash. 9 ELECTRIC FANS. G. E. 1I0-VOLT. Ale ternatlng. Western Salvage Co.. 627 Wath ington st. Pacific 793. FOR SA.E THOROUGHBRED BLACK Mi norca eggs. $1 per setting. 1331 Mallory ave. PhOne Scott 5278. PIGBONS. HOMER, RUNT HEN AND Large Crosnes. Hermosa Lofts 4118 24th sts, San Francisco, Ca, SMITH PREMIER TYPEWRITER, FIR8T class condlton. at a bargain. Inquire room 3. Washington bldg. WILL TRADE BRAND-NEW HIGH-GRADE piano Tor gaaollne launch or motor-boat. E 76, Oregonlan. FOR SALE WORK LAUNCH. HULL 30 ft.. 7H beam, or will leaae with 10-H P. engine. 260 1st. NEW PIANO PLATER AND 14 ROLLS SE lect music chesp for cash or trade for lot. L 72. Oregonlan. FOR SALE 20TH CENTURY SANITARY oda fountain. Address Umpqua Bakery. Roseburg. Or. FOR SALE BARGAIN IN SEWING MA chlne taken for debt. Soulc Bros., 374 Morrison st. SHOTGUN. LONG RANGE; BREECH-LO A D er; maker. L. C. Smith. Apply 151 Grand ave. North. FOR SALE A BARGAIN GENERAL LINE of furniture, carpet, mantel bed. Inaulre 190 N. 22d. SMALL JERSEY COW. FINE MILKER AND very gentle. 55 Clifton st., Portland Height. FOR SALE 6x10 LOGGING ENGINE. RAIL way Equipment Co., 324 Chamber Cosueerce. One J. I. Case 2S-S0 Separator, good condi tion; cheap. Call room 8, Washington bldg. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS DEN6MORE typewriter, cheap. Call 4 S3 North 23d at. LARGE. NEW DOUBLE-DOOR SAFE. cncifi. f v,aii iuuy yr Aunuf, o 1 4 jBOfTlSOn. INVALID WHEEL-CHAIR. FIRST-CLASS, ONE GOOD FAMILY OR DAIRY COW, 2 good old violins. 3041 TL 30th st. North. FOR SALE NEW L. a SMITH VISIBLE typewriter; make offer. T 72. Oregonlan. GOOD) LTVE, DRY, 4-FT. FIR WOOD. Hoover. 318 Water. Phone Mala 456. FOR SALE LAUNCH H ATTIC 12-H. P.; IN flrst-claao condition. Phone East 2386. FOR SALS ROLJLTOP DEK; ALSO STEEL kitchen rang. Inquire 600 DtVuaa bWg. Donkey engine beeght. sola as4 rest. 334 Chajaber C obi mi ret, rheee Mats 3MC. S TOILETS. 2 WASH BASINS. 3000 FEET ron pipe; caii mui weK. 4 la st. FOR SALB OR EXCHANGE FINE ENGLISH BfLvy oumci, nvaaaf&giee K. 44T MAIN ST. IRISH RBTTER PUPS FOR -ale. JfJwae Faatftc 3164. XTJS SALK. WE MAXjB ANT SUIT IN THE HOtfSH TO ORDER FOR NO MORE XX.OO NO LESS. UNIQUE TAILORING CO.. 309 STARK ST., NEAR 6TH. HELP" WANTED MALE. THREE MEN IMMEDIATELY TO PREPARE for positions a Customs Inspectors: $73 to $125 ptr moath; previous experience not necessary; examination May 14. E. Heynen, 215 Columbia bldg.. 566 Washlagtoa st. WANTED MINERS Coear D'Alene Mines Machine men. $3.50: timber men. $4.00; mill men, $3.50; mines healthy, mining conditions quiet and accommodations cnt-ciaaa. Apply John L. Bayne, Wallace, Idaho. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL SUPERIOR, high-grace nursery stock; complete outfit furnished free; cash weekly; write today for choice of territory. Capital City Naraery Company, Salem, Or. WE WANT A RESPONSIBLE MAN IN every town to sell our aelf-Ilghtlng gaa man tles. Our representative average $S0 per week profit. The Osmium Light Co.. 208-7 Canal st.. Chicago. WANTED TWO FEEDERS. ONE PLANER hand, one stationary engineer and 2 help era Apply at the Oregon Planing Mills. 19th and Vaughn st3 bet. II and 12 o'clock Sunday. TRAVELING SALESMAN REACHING RE tall "trade to sell our blanketa and dress goods specialties. Valuable side line. Good commlmion. Schuylkill Mills, Box 11P2, Philadelphia. SEE D. E. BUDD. 110 1ST ST.. GENERAL employment contractor: headquarters log gers, farmers; railroad men; freo fare, wages $2.25. board, $4.50; all claatfs of labor wanted. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON with staple line. High commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess. H. Smith Co.. Detroit. Mich. IN SIX WEEKS WE EDUCATE TOU IN salesmanship, secure you a position as trav eling salesman with responsible firm. Ad dre.M the Bradetreet System. Rochester, N. T. WANT E33 BUTCHER FOR KILLINO AND sausage making In town of 5000. 89 miles from Portland; must be of sober habit and tingle. Inquire Toft & Co.. 101 Front at. Men. women, learn watcnmsJclng, engraving. Jeweler work, optics. Eaey terms, positions guaranteed; money made learning. Watch-maklng-Engravg School. 1426 4th ar Seattla SAILORS WANTED FOR ENGLISH AND American vessels bound for Europe. Au stralia. China and Manila. Inquire at Sai lors' Home, comer 24 and Gllaan 0I1. WANTED ENERGETIC YOUNG MAN with nnall capital, to manage a local of fice of a paying Eastern concern. Address Annan Co.. 50 Bible House. New York. WANTED COMPETENT, EXPERIENCED insurance producers for best fraternity ex tant; salary and cocimlsslon. F. F. Roose, president. Denver. Colo. WANTED E VER YWH ERE 1 1 USTLERS TO taclc signs, distribute circulars, camples, etc.; no canvassing; good pay. Sun Adver tising Bureau. Chicago. WANTED TWO GOOD MEN TO SOLICIT and collect. Apply Monday morning be tween S and 10. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 402 Washington st. "WANTED FOR THE COUNTRY. A STEADY tailor wtio can cut and work on bench; lib eral offer to the right man. Addreai P 72. Oregonlan. AGENTS TO SELL MARINE WHITE LEAD; staple and permanent business. Free out fit. CnolIdated White Lead Works. St.. Louis. Mo. GOOD PAY TO MEN EVERYWHERE. TO tack rtgne. distribute circulars, sample, etc. No canvassing. Universal Adr, Co.. Chi cago. Any Intelligent person may earn good In corns corresponding for newspapers; experience un necessary. Press Syndicate. Lock port. N. Y. Men to learn barber trade Special inducements this month; wages while learning. Glllman Barber College. 627 Clay st.. San Franeijro. WANTED YOUNG MAN FOR FAMILY liquor store and bar must have worked in thU line before. Addrea E 72. Oregonlsn. BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST WANTS A Job: can handle engine, either portable or stationary. Address Drawer H.. Condon, Or. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout the state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. MEN EVERYWHERE $4 DAILY: PASS CTR culars. tack signs; no canvassing; steady. Continental Distributing Co.. Chicago. THE MEIER i: FRANK STORE REQUIRES the services of bow over 16 years of age: good opportunity for adanctnnt. WANTED TWO STOUT BOTS TO LEARN a trade; com ready for work. Modern Con fectionery Co.. 13th and Hoyt sis. WANTED PANTS AND VESTMAKER and bushelman, Delerllng tc Padden, 508 510 Main st. Vancouver. Wash. LEARN PRACTICAL BOOKKEEPING OF A practical bookkeeper. Murton. the acount ant. 534 Chamber Commerce. WANTED DELIVERY BOY: MUST UN derstand the care of horses. Call Monday morning. 41 North 14th et WANTED A BLACKSMITH TO DO GEN eral repairing, and a practical boraeshoer, at Montavllla Livery Bam. BOOTBLACK TO RENT SPACE FINE Lo cation; rent reaaonable. For particulars call 506 Washington st. WANTED 10 BRICKLAYERS. UNION wagea and hours: long Job. Apply Wilson & Flynn. Portland. Or. NOTICE WANTED. YOUNG MAN TO IN vest $75 and services; can make $23 per week. R 6$, Oregonlan. PARTNER IN GROCERT AND FEE D.STO R E Good location, cheap rent; Just atartlng. 551 Worcester block. BOY FOR COLLECTING: MUST HAVE GOOD city reference; state age and salary expect ed. N 70, Oregonlan. WANTED MEN TO, CLEAR ABOUT 23 acres of land. Wrlto at once to George P. Dekum. Aurora, Or. MUSICIANS WANTED ORCHESTRA FOUR, for 2 evenings weekly. Write H. H. Lane. 206 McKay bldg. BOTS WANTED TO WORK IN CANDY FAC tory. Apply Pacific Coast Biscuit Co., 12th and Davis street. WANTED TWO GOOD MOLDERS, STEADY eroploym'nU Apply to Douglas Bro-L. Ab erdeen. Wash. BOTS OVER 16 TEARS OLD TO WORK AT Cordage Company. Apply at factory. 14th and Northrop. SOLICITORS FOR SAFETY RAZOR, CITY and country, eaay teller, big wages. Apply 410 Fentoq bMg. vv ' FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LTNCHMAN Addraos O. M. Campbell. 236 James t. attic Wash. BOY 17 TO LEARN THE FLORIST'S Busi ness; strong and reepectable. 22d and East Morrison. WANTED EXPERIENCED AMALGAMATOR and mill man; also a battery sas. C ss, Oregonlan. WANTED TRICE CLERK; MUST BE CAP able aad experienced. Address M 72, Ora gonian. WANTED TWO EXPERIENCED CANVAE5 ers: our Beat offer a winner. Rembrandt. 108 3d. BOY WANTED MUST BE WELL RECOM a ended; good wages. Apply 386 37th at. THREE COATMAKERS WANTED; PRICE $8.50 and up. AI Andrews; La Grande. Or. WANTBD FIRST-CLASS COATMAKER. Telegraph Lewletos Tailors, Lewi ton, Idaho. WANTED MEN'S OLD CLOTHING. SHOES. highest prtct paid. 12 3d. Phase Padfie 46! BOY OR TOUNO MAN WHO HAS WORKED at the hat-neat trass. O'Rsgaa'a, 243 jcvoat. SEVERAL ,3K)TS ABOUT 16 TEARS OLD AT Multnomah Bex Factory, foot Bancroft at. WANTED CARPENTERS AT 16TH AND Harrison sts. Call Sunday aad Mtwday. WANTED DOT ABOUT 16. STEADY FAC tery work. 44) Front, comer Dam. COATMAKW FIRST-CLASS AND STEADY. K. A. Schlffler. Peadletee. Or. WANTED A MAN TO WORK OX FARM. In (3 aire 836 AMngtem bMg. A GENERAL TAILOR WANTED. VaHlGtN. tas Taller, S7 Sorter u ; HELP WANTED MAXX. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. OPKN TODAY. 560 laborers, teamsters, roclcmes, wages nothing less than $2.25 a day; railroad cos traction In Orsgon aad Washington; free fare: office fee (1. that's all. Bridge carpBttrs. railroad company work. $2.73: free fare, long Job. Edgeiman. $3: tr lam ens an. $2.30; ratchet setters. $2.50; sawmill, yardmen, city and country mills. $2.2; farm team sters, milkers and general hands. $30 and found. Sash and door machine helper, $3; sash and door frame maker. $3.50. 4 millwrights. $3.50: 4 rough carpenters. $3; alab aolder, $3.25; ditch and sewer laborer. Donkey engineer, $3; 3 rigging sting ers. $2.75. 4 backers. $2.75; 3 swampers. $2-54. 6 woods laborers. $2.23; signal boy. $22 and board. SEE BOSS HERE. Many new and good Jobs, city and coun try, coming in all dar long. SEE US FOR WORK OR MEN. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North Second Street. ( MEN AND WOMEN TO LEARN BARBER trade la 8 weeks: the Moler system of col It res hare opened cs of their faaaou bar ber school la Portland. Graduates earm from 18 to $36 per week. Oaly reliable barber college In United States. Spaclal terms to 9ctR 26t8de&l. Be llTtly asd get pedal rates. MOLER SYSTEM COLLEGES. 3ft N. Fourth St. Portland. 3 ROUGH CARPENTERS. $3.30; 4 TALLY men. $2.23 to $2.50: 1 lumber graders. -$2.23; 2 sash and stock cutters. $2.50; tenoner. $2.75; 5 boys to work In box fac tory. $1.50; ratchet setters. $2.73: car riage men. $335-$2.50; 2 log deck men. $2.50; tinner. $4. We have 100 new Jobs dally. Others. Lumbermen's Labor Bureau. 150 1st st; 285 Burnslde st. FIREMEN AND BRAKEMEN ON OREGON and other railroads; experience unnecet ary; firemen. $100 monthly: brakemen. $o0; promotion to positions paying double; state age. position preferred. Send stamp. Railway Association, Department 290, 927 Market st. San Fraccitco. WANTED SALESMAN BT WHOLESALE Jewelry house, to sell their line of Jewelry to general trade In Oregon. We offer spe cial Inducements to merchants which makes sales eaay. High commlaslons, permanent petition. McAlluter-Coman Co., 356 Dear born it. Chicago, 111. WANTED MEN AND BOYS TO SELL OUR new household necessity: 2.000.000 jwld; resell to the same people; our new plan sells the goods; costs 7 cents, sells for 23 cents; you can make $5 to $13 per day; out fit prepaid. 10 cents. Domestic Mfg. Co.. Minneapolis, Minn. 1 ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated: discharges positively cured In from 2 to 5 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute. 3d and Alder l.. entrance 253 Alder at. Portland. WE WILL SELL THE EXCLUSIVE RIGHT to manufacture and tell our household gar bage burner In the State of Oregon to the right psrtlea. For price. Information and description of device apply to Domestic Gar bsge Burner Company, Kalamazoo, Mich. WANTED CABINET MAKERS. $2.50 TO $3; machine nun for woodahop, $2.75; ahod dymaa. $2.50; helpers for woodshop, mat tress makers, first-clans upholsterers, band saw flltr. Washington Mattress Jt Furni ture Company. Seattle. Wash. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON with a full line of soap, perfumra and fla voring extracts; furnishing the $2 fcr $1 Ailing plan to the retail dealer; $20 weekly advanced for expenses. F. F. Cook. Sales Dept., Detroit, Mich. WANTED CANVASSER OR TRAVELER jo nave exclusive control of our products for Portland and eurroundlng territory. Write a.l?2c- Commercial Binder Company, Head Office. 31 W. 19th St. New York City. Capital $1,000,000. WANTED A YOUNG MAN. WITH SOME EX- -iz-uTirce in canning, to taxe cnarge or bank In a small, but booming town; 50 miles from Portland: must have aume mesne. A fine opening for good man. W 60. Ore gonlan. W'ANTED SALESMAN WITH ABILITY TO earn $2000 and expenses selling Jewelry aa eortroenta direct from factories. Exclusive Oregon territory open. Manufacturing Jew Unf Assortment Co., Dept. B., Detroit. BIO MAIL ORDER HOUSE WANTS As sistant to supervts rtate distributing and promoting. Permanent. Salary to start. $18. paid weekly and expenses. Address Ad-ertUlng Manager. 323 Dearborn. Chicago. SALESMAN EXPERIENCED IN ANT LINE to U general stores In Oregon. An unex celled specialty propoeltlon. Commissions and $35 weekly for expenes. The Contl nental Jewelry Company. Cleveland, Ohio. WANTED SALESMEN OF ABILITY AND neat appearance to call on all merchants In their territory: elegant aide line, convenient to carry: good commissions: prompt remit tance. Belmont Mfg. Co.. Cincinnati. O. TEAMSTER WANTED $1 A DAY AND board. Tel. East 530S. WANTED-A GOOD COATMAKER. J. S. Jensen. The Dalle. Or. PI;I.-,MSES; WANTED. ROBERT OILLAX. 413 Morrison at. HKLP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN OR girl for general housework, small family. Call 541 Sherrett ave.. Sellwood. WANTED GIRL TO DO GENERAL housework in small famllr and assist In care of child- Appry 200 Park st. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 242H Wesfclngton st. ccr. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 292. WANTED A GIRL TO ASSIST AT HOUSE work, with privilege of attending school. Address & 70. Oregonlan. W'ANTED MIDDLE-AGED GERMAN WOM an to do houMwork for family of two. In quire at 397 Tillamook at. STENOGRAPHER. INVEST $500; LESS IF competent: interest; salary $43; give tele phone. A 70. Oregonlan. WILL GIVE ROOM AND BOARD TO GIRL over $13 to assist light housework. Ad dress L CO. Oregonlan. A GOOD GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework, family of two, good, place, good wages. D 76, Oregonlan. GIRL WANTED TO ASSIST IN HOU3E work and care of children. Phone East 3170. 06 Tillamook. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: good wage: two In family. 605 E. Main, comer 16th. WANTED A COMPETENT GIRL FOR OSN eral housework, small family. Call after 9 A. M.. 777 Johnson. GIRL ATTENDING SCHOOL CAN HAVE home, private family, in return for help. Phone East 5359. HOTEL HEAD WAITRESS. BXPERIBNCED. 10. Hansen's. 343ft Washington rt. cor ner 7th. upatalr. NEAT. CLEAN GIRL TO ASSIST. FAMILY of two; moderate wages. East 4960. 3S4 East Yamhill. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOU8E work. family: 'of three. 567 Spring st. Pfco&e Main 2437. $3.50 PER DAT PAID TO CITT AND CO UN try solicitors. Room 17. Antler Hotel. Room 17. WANTED LADY TO TEACH BOY AND DO plain housework. Phone evening after 6. Eaac 5306. WANTED PLAIN COOK. FAMILY OF 3; wages $36; washing. Call 144 N. 19th. Thursday. WANTED AN OFFICE GIRL. EXPERI ence unnecessary; low wage. Call at 243 Stark t. WANTED 6 SALESLADIES APRIL 1. TO travel for 6 months; good pay. P 70. Ore gonlan. WANTED WELL-APPEARING LADIES, ages 30 to 35. for outsMe work. Apply 168 Fifth. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. 6J6 Sprlag street. Portland Heights. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work: no washing. T14 Everett, cor. Tt4. GIRL TO COOK AND GENERAL HOUSE wsrk. Apply at oaee. 396 Jackson et. EXPERIENCED GIRL FOR FOLDING, perforating, etc. Alvln S. Hawk Co. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE werk. 60S Hancock st. Irriagton. DRESSMAKER WANTS EXFZRIBKC3SD skirt hand. Call 436 Tlliajuok st. WANTED EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM girl at 166 N. 7th. at act. MIDDLE-AGED COLORED COOK. OUT OF dty. Call 214 N. 3d as. WANTED EXPERIENCED DINING-ROOM girt. lHm 71!i,K. MM. HELP WANTED FEMALE. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 343H Washington it. cor: 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 262. Experienced head wattrese. permanent, out of town. $50 and room and. board. 2 restaurant waitresses, $7 and $6: 2 boardlng-housa waitresses, dty, $18; one country, $18. Short-order cook. $10 a week: kitchen girl. $6 a week; 2 boarding-house cooks. $43 and $40. 3 family cooks. $33 and $30; second girl. $23: chambermaid. $30. Woman for housework for 3 ladles and 3 children at beach. $1 day: houseglrls and glrU to assist, $12 to $23. For these positions call early Morfsy. CAPABLS WOMBN WANTED. If you work, why not earn mere than a living? Be intiepeadsct. Xo good.. Th Vtavl Coaepany already employs over 12.000 worsen. The work covers twenty-three countries of the world. W will entertain applications from capa ble women. Not caaraalsg. hut a helpful, dignified work. Address by mall only. THE VIAVI COMPANY. Lewis 'Building. Portland. Or. WANTED LADIE3 TO LEARN DBRMATOL ogy, beauty culture, the scientific treatment of the complexion, hair, scalp and skin: the removal of facial blemishes, racial miaeage. electrolysis, etc; partial or complete couiou given: position guaranteed when competent; terms reasonable; references given, Prot. O'Neill, 111 nth St.. corner Alder. ATTENTION! Applicants far all kinds ot work register with us. free of charge, sa we may locate yog on short notice. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY, 3434 Washington st. cor. 7th. upstairs. WANTED INTELLIGENT. MOTHERLY woman to take full charge as working housekeeper In family of 4; parents in business; must be permanent; no laundry; good wages assured. Call Sunday, 314 -Oth. cor. Laurel. Portland Height. LADY WANTED IMMEDIATELY TO REP resent ua In Oregon. Washington aad Ida ho; previous experience not essential. Ad drees Eastern Novelty Company, Box 2S3, Los Angeles. Cal. LADIES EMPLOYED TO DO FANCY WORK at home during spar time; so erperiese required: good pay and steady. Writ N. C Hulls. 1344 Market. San Frasclsce. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT HOME: we will furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope, to Rojal Co.. 84 E. Monroe. Chicago. LADIES WANTED TO DO SEWING AT home, making Sanitary Belts; good wages; ateady work. Particular?, stamped envelope. Lenox Co.. Dept. 42. Chicago. LADY FOR OFFICE IN RETAIL STORE, ntenographer and fair bookkeeper; also act as cashier. Address, own handwriting. B 69. Oregonlan. WANTED RELIABLE GIRL FOR LIGHT housework: only 3 In family; good wages. Call Monday. 32S Margin st- foot of Mc Mlllen st. WANTED A NEAT. EXPERIENCED GIRL for general housework In a smalt family; a good salary for a good girL Call 650 Tilla mook st. ELDERLY WIDOW IN WEST SIDE COT tage wants woman companion; share 'ex pense; reasonable: reference. N 72. Ore gonlan. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY X Radium Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 3d and Alder; entranc 233 Alder at. Port land. YOUNG LADY. HIGHLY RESPECTABLE, for florist's business; one with a knowledge of the trade preferred. 22d and East Morri son. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE reutatlve In Portland and throughout state: good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. HELP HOUSEKEEPER FOR COUNTRY; so objection to child. St. Louts Ladles Em ployment Agency. 2304 YamhllL Main 5413. STENOGRAPHER. MUST HAVE PRACTI cal office experience and some knowledge of bookkeeping. Address P. O. 118. city. STEADY WOMAN FOR LIGHT WORK IN small family; no washing nor cooking; good wages and pleasant room. M 70. Oregonlan. WANTBD HOUSEKEEPERS. WAITERS, cooks, chambermaids, general workers. St. Louis Agency. 230H YamhllL Main 5413. HELP. SECOND GIRL FOR HOTEL. Klamath Falls; fare here. St. Loula La dles' Agency. 230'i Tamhlll. Main 5413. WANTED YOUNG GIRL FOR LIGHT housework at once In new flat: home privi leges. 244 N. 10th St.. near Burnslde. WANTED TWO LADIES TO ACCEPT pleasant, profitable ponltlon. experience un neceatary. HI Illh t.. cor. Alder. WANTED EXPERIENCED FAMILY COOK and second girl, best wages: Swedish pre ferred. 230H Yamhill. Main 5413. WANTBD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOCSB work. 300 North 24th at. WANTED WAITRESSES AT HOBART Curtls. Hth and Jefferson. WANTED A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. Call 58 Ella et. WANTED GIRL TO WORK IN PAPER box factory. 6S4 1st at. WANTED EXPERIENCED SKIRT HAND Apply 208 7th st. GIRL FOR GENERAL Phone East 4153. HOUSEWORK. HELP IT ANT ED MA LE OR FEMALE. WANTED GENTLEMAN OR LADY WITH good reference to travel for firm of $250,000 capital; salary $1072 per year and expenses: ealary paid weekly, and expenses advanced. Address, with sump. J. A. Alexander. Port land, Oregon. WAITRESSES. CITT; 4 HOTEL. EAST (fares). $25- chambermaids. domestics, cooks, bar porter (Sells), kitchen help, wait ers, laborers, Drake's. 203f Washington. WANTED BT ELDERLY GENTLEMAN. Slavonian or German lady between 40 and 50 as housekeeper with view to marriage If suited. C 73. care Oregonlan. WANTED A GOOD LOT-SELLER. MALE OR female; good commission and easy lots to sell; on car line. Room 37, 163H 4th et. $21 A WEEK AND EXPENSES PAID TO man or woman to travel and establish agen cies Room 17. Antler Hotel, first floor. WANTED FOREMAN OR FORELADT FOR stitcmng room; must t Brat-class. Stllson Kellogg Shoe Co.. Tacoma. Wash. ESTABLISHED ADVERTISING FIRM DE i1rt office assistant to Invest $1000; Inter jit; salary $70. W 70. Oregonlan. WANTED MAN AND WIFE ON RANCH In Eastern Oregon; nq children. Call Mon day, 416 Larrabee it 3XYHY3JJV OOOO JO NYKOAV HO NVK to collect for Eastern firm; small cash bond. C 72. Oregonlan. WANTED INSTRUCTOR MANDOLIN AND guuar; you u co. Aearess p T4. Oregonlan. 8HEREWOOD A BOTT. 303 V4 MORRISON ST. aisj ana nmsie nep. r"nono Main 4182. SITUATION W ANTE D MALE. Bookkeepers aad Clerks. FIRST-CLASS. UP-TO-DATE BOOKKEEPER over four years; available 1st of April, or earlier. If daalied. J 3$. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS OFFICE MAN. cmpoia ui iuibs iuii cnrge Ol OOOKKeep- lng and corresposdesca; flrst-clasa references F 66. Oregonlan. WANT POSITION WITH SOME WHOLE sale house; have had experience as (ales man; can give ths best of references. Box 352. Portland. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER. STSNOG rapher and general office man, thoroughly coDijtm.i, nia-uj references. 11 ,1, vrcgoniao. SALESMAN FOR THE ROAD. OB EN FOR engagement with good house; 6 years ex perience; oei oi reiereeces. . ji. Orego nlan. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER young man. Q 91. Orrgeelan. POSITION BY SXPBRTXNCSD BOOKKEHP- er ana stenograpner; taerewgniy reiiabl and competent. X 69. OregssUB. BY FIRST-CLASS MACHINERY SALESMAN w)ui i imm rc-icTBvccs; eo oejecuse to travel. J 67. OregacUas. FURNITURE S ALMSMAN OPEN FOR EN- gaxemeni eimer in store or oa toe read. Address R 72, Ore goal n. WANTED A POSITION A3 BOOKKEEPER. coiiTCin- mjta uhi wage v per Taestfi. G 1. OregoBlaa. BY A FIRST-CLASS DRUGGIST: BB8T OF city rKerMs. jr 73, oragawaa. SITUATION WANTED MALX. Bookkeepers aad Clerks. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books daRy. make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small ex peete: satisfaction guaranteed. Muiieo the accountant, 634 Chamber Commerce. Main 4S66. WANTED BY AN ENERGETIC YOUNG man. a position with an established Teal estate firm; have had a year's experience; email salary and commission preferred. Ad dress "Real Estate. C 69. Oregonlan." BOOKKEEPER AND STENOGRAPHER, experienced lumberman from Cincinnati. Ohio, will accept anything to locate In Portland. Address Charles Rebert. 622 h Herman st. San Francisco. CaL Al BOOKKEEPER. WIDE EXPERIENCE.' modern systems, accurate, rapid and pains taking, guarantee genuine service; references furnished on interview; young married man. P 73. Oregonlan. ? Miscellaneous. A MAN 36 YEARS OF AGE WITH GOOD references, speaks and writes English. Ger man and French, looking for engagement a agent, collector, cashier, overseer or any other responsible position; best chance for a good house to get a reliable and steady man. S 69. Oregonlan. WANTED BY AN HONEST. STRICTLY temperate young man. a position affording some time tor study; some experience In real estate and notarial worx; good local refer enda. Address N., room II. The Roycresi, Portland. Or. WANTED A SITUATION DRIVING A D fi ll very wagon by a man who Is well ac quainted In the city: Ut steady and temper ate In his habits and can furnish good ref erences. G 74, Oresonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY PRACTICAL maaon, a an estimator on mason work, who Is thoroughly acquainted with plans and specifications. 25 years experience. Ad dress P 54, Oregonlan. JAPANESE DOMESTIC SERVANTS. HOUSE deaners and other laborers furnished. The Nippon Employment Office, room 2. 29 N. 3d st, dty. Main 5154. P. O. Box 175. MARRIED MAN OF 27 WITH Al REFER encea would like a position as painter, p perhanger. upholsterer, draper or any out door work. H 73 Oregonlan. TELEPHONE DRAKE'S FOR CAMP. Ho tel, restaurant, mill. farm, dairy help. Chi nese. Japanese, negro.. 205H Washington. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, farmers also; all kinds of help. Main 4630. 268 Everett. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OF flce furnishes reliable help. Henry Tahara. 27 N. Everett. Phone Pacific 540. YOUNG MAN GOING TO SCHOOL WANTS place to work for board, or work after school hours. Q 74, Oregonlan. WINDOWS AND HOUSECLEANING A SPE ctalty; stoves neatly polished by Thos. Green. Phone Main 3266. PAINTER WOULD LIKE WORK; HAD some, experience In paperhanglng. Address F 74, Oregonlan. COMPETENT ILVNDY MAN. ACQUAINTED with city, wishes employment. Addreea O 75. Oregonlan. JAPANESE BOY WANTS POSITION TO DO housework In family; speaks English good. X 72. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS GARDENER IN private family; steady or part time. IC 76. Oregonlan. AN AMERICAN OF 45 WANTS TO WORK as Janitor or In private family. J 75. Ore gonlan. Men's cast-off clothing, shoes, highest prices paid. 736 N. 3d st. Phone Padflc 1691. A JAPANESE GIRL AND BOY WANT GBN eral housework. Q 59. Oresonlan. SITUATION WANTED FE3IAXE. Bookkeepers aad Steaoograpbers. BOOKKEEPING I WILL POST YOUR books dally, make up your statements and take off monthly trial balance, at small expeme; satisfaction guaranteed. Murton the accountant, 534 Chamber Commerce. Main 4686. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED double-entry bookkeeper as assistant with first-class firm: Al Eastern and Western references. J 71. Oregonlan. NEAT. REFINED YOUNG LADY. EXPERI enced. capable, best references, wishes posi tion as cashier; only first-class places con sidered. W 74. Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BY THOROUGHLY first-class bookkeeper, capable taking en tire charge of office. E 71. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER WOULD like dictation or copy work several hours dally. Address J 60. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY WITH VERY LITTLE EXPE rtence wants position as Kenogrphcr. Ad drers B 73. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED LADY STENOGRAPHER desires position; good references furnished. T 71. Oregonlan. YOUNG lVDY WISHES POSITION AS cashier In restaurant; has experience. X 73. Oregonlan. STENOGRAPHER HAVING EXPERIENCE desires position; can give reference. Phone East 3452. SITUATION WANTED STENOGRAPHER. S years experience; references. 31 71. Oregoniin. WANTBD POSITION BY COMPETENT AND experienced stenographer. Address A 73. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS BOOKKEEPER by conscientious young lady. G 69, Ore gonlan. STENOGRAPHER WITH SOME EXPERt ence wants position. C 63. Oregonlan. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION IN general office work. K 73. Oregonlan. AN EXPERIENCED SALESWOMAN DE clres position. T 73. Oregonlan. D re s i makers. ALL KINDS OF SEWING DONE BY Ex perienced party: skirts a t-peclalty; work guaranteed. 3854 East Washington, bet. Union and Grand ave. SITUATION WANTED BY COMPETENT nurse as care of invalid or any sickness; 15 years' experience. R 75. Oregonlan. LADIES HATS REMADE AND RE t rimmed; order work a specialty. Mrs. Wcst phal. 211 12th. Main 7151. DRESSMAKING. WASH WAISTS 75c. SILK waists $1. skirts $2. suits $4. 328 Park at. Phone Padflc 530. AN EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER WISHES a few more engagements In families. 360 Beech ft. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE PLAIN SBW lng to do at borne. Phone Pacific 1349. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND fancy ironing. Telephone Main 3740. MILLINERY HATS RBTRIMMED. MADE tn order. Pacific 12S8. 352 2d st. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND STRETCH ed. 40c pair. Phone Main 7014. Housekeepers. EASTERN LADY WISHES POSITION AS housekeeper, or can take charge, of lodging house; nothing but first-class position de sired. Address C 73, Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION BY WOMAN 35 AS working housekeeper: good cook and neat; wages $4 per week. Address W 71. Orego nlan. SITUATION REFINED YOUNG WIDOW, housekeeper: good references. St. Louis La dles" Agency. 2304 YamhllL Main 5413. A YOUNG WOMAN WITH BOY WANTS A place as housekeeper: none but reponsibIe people neel apply. D 73. Oregonlan. IMPOSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY REFINED T .......... will. 1 1,, t. .I.t t .1 J -ry 78. Oregonlan. Domestic. COMPETENT WOMAN WISHES SITUATION as cook; capable and reliable. Phone Main 2437. WANTED SITUATION AS NURSE GIRL: experienced: references;. A 71. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED MIDDLE-AGED LADY nurse wishes nursing, care or invalid or children- Phone Pacific 1618. EXPERIENCED NURSE WANTS WORK BY day or weeK. r&oae Main i&2. aOaeelkuirfflM. WANTED ADDRESSING TO DO AT home, or qfflce work. C 71. Oregonlan. LADY PRINTER WOULD LIKT9 POSITION at j-eo or aewssaper warx. Maui 3787. HELP WA NT ED MALE OR FEMAL3E. Miscellaneous. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED HOME LAUN dress Shirtwaists, also small washings for clerks and waitresses;, reasonable: laundry called for and delivered. East 1254. YOUNG LADY DESIRES ANY KIND OF flce position, or as cashier, or exchange op erator; also has limited experience as sten ographer. Address F 69. Oregonlan. TELEPHONE DRAKE'S FOR CHAMBER nialds. waitresses, cooks, store, factory, oakery, family, camp, nurse help. 205 Va Washington. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WISHES HOUSE work. plain cooking, for adults, city or country: no objections to widower. F 71. Oregonlan. LADIES" HATS MADE TO ORDER. NEW line of Spring trimmings; old material re ado over. 544 Flanders. Phone Pacific 107. PUPILS ASSISTED WITH GRAMMAR grade studies at home. If desired; German lessons given. Main 1076. YOUNG LADY WOULD LIKE POSITION IN aIIor shop, small wages while learning. V 6. OregoiWan. WANTED BY EXPERIENCED. TRUST East 4-T0n5an' Wr!C by the da" Paon WOMAN WANTS CHAMBER WORK OR. 4280 k,tchen- boarding-house. Phone Main WANTED CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY room; terms reasonable. Phone Union 6034- LADY WANTS AVASHING AND HOUSE cleaning by the day. Phone Main 6625. P9.SIJ?2 AS RECEPTION-ROOM GIRL OR light office work. R 73. Oregonlan. WANTED CARE OF CHIDREN AT HOME I references. Call 275 Woods st. A WOMAN WOULD LIKE WASHING AT home. 207 N. 11th st. GERM AN WpMAN WANTS WORK BY THB hour. Phono East 2687. W?c5I.BT,THE OAT GOOD REFERENCES. 469 E. Burnsld,e. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS LEARN TO FIT GLASSES BY sending for our free book on the eye. IC will tell you all about It; get a profession, that pays you from $73 to $150 per month; the optical profession will do It for you; no field so pleasant, profitable or so llttlo worked; no longer necessarv to work for some one else at a meager salary. We ara sending our booklet free; It will tell how you may become an optician. A postal card will bring It by return mall. Jack sonlan Optical College. Dept. A 30. Jack son. Mich. fSOOO YEARLY POSITIVELY MADB INTRO duclng and appointing sub-agents for our Just patented fir extinguishers. S. WW.. Cincinnati, made $500 In one week. Experi ence unnecessary. AVe give agents exclu sive territory, co-operate with them In every way, extend credit and offer a grand oppor tunity to eecure a fortune. Eagle Tool Co., B 596. Cincinnati. O. WANTED SPECIAL AGENT; $5000 AN nually easily made selling our popular Life. Health and Accident Policies, appointing agents. Experience unnecessary; unique proposition, continuous Income, attractive plan, old established company. Write Roy al Fraternal Union. St. Louis. Mo. GAS LAMP. AVITH COMBINATION HEATER and cooker: makes Its gaj. equals electric ity, heater heats room, cooker cooks any thing. Three combined cost 1 cent dally to operate. Agents coining money. Crown Company. 123 Liberty St.. New York. AGENTS AVANTED TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery stock. Cash advanced week ly, big commissions and premiums. AVrlto today before all territory Is taken In Ore gon. Washington and Idaho. Address Chlco Nursery Co.. Chlco. Cal. $23 WEEKLY EASILY EARNED BY LADY agents taking orders for us; outfit pre paid; we start you in business and make you Independent; write for circular and terms. AVoman's Apparel Supply Co.. Chicago. FREE NEW BOOKLET. TELLING HOW you can make several thousand dollars year ly handling agents. Full of new Ideas; valuable Information. Free. Postpaid. Write F. Parker. 237 Market St.. Chicago. $6 DAILY SELLING POSITIATE TENSION shears. Newly-patented device, makes them self-sharpening. Never on market before. Big profits, exclusive territory, outfit free. Thoma Shears Co.. 1284 Dayton. Ohio. AGENTS. SOMETHING NEW CIGARETTE smokers save 30O per cent using Imperial Pocket Cigarette Machine; retails. 50 cents. Exclusive territory. Columbia Machine Worka. 127 AVcst 32d St.. New York. "CAN'T BE LOST" MEN AND WOMEN to sell the Ideal Shopping Purse for ladle; a new invention: great seller: exclusive ter ritory to hustlers. Ideal Purse Mfg. Co., 1206 Market st.. San Francteco. Cal. LIVE AGENTS TO HANDLE OUR LINE OF advertising novelties; strictly new and up to date: quick sellers: big money-makerr; appreciated soon as seen. Knoxvllle Prlnt lngr& Box Co.. Knoxvllle, Tenn. AGENTS WANTED TO RBP RESENT TBS "Old Reliable Nurseries." Commissions ad vanced meekly. Write quick for cholc ot territory. Address th Albany Nurseries, Inc. Albany. Oregon. AGENTS SELF-LIGHTING GAS MANTLES; ell on sight, big profits, chemical, everlast ing, good proposition; sample, 20c: wrlto quick. Dept. N. Matchless Lighter Co., De troit. Mich. AGENrS $40 WEEKLY AND EXPENSES if you work. Needed In every shop, store and house. Write now before your territory Is taken. Appliance Co., Spltzer, Toledo, O. AA'ANTED AGENTS TO SELL BEST $20 soda fountains made. Commissions largo and collected by the agent himself. J. B. Fox & Co., 132 LaSalle St.. Chicago. $100 PER MONTH AND TRAVELING Ex penses paid salesmen to place our goods with dealers; experience unnecessary. Defiance Co.. Dept. 25. Parsons. Kan. WE PAY $36 A WEEK AND EXPENSES to men with rigs to introduce our poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 54. Parsons. Kan. WANTED AGENTS MEN OR WOMEN. TO sell a good staple article; extraordinary In ducement?: exclusive territory. Addresa Box 114. Indianapolis. Ind. AGENTS AA'ANTED TO HANDLE OUR LAT est patented skirt supporter. Mast practical ever made. Geo. N. Sceets. 1303 Grace St., Chicago. WANTBD AGENTS FOR HINKLE9 stand-up carpet stretcher. Sample stretcher, $1. J. N HInkle Co.. Columbus, Ohio. SOLICITOR WANTBD BY INVESTMENT, brokerage and real estate company. Apply 504 Dekum bldg., dty. WANTED AGENTS TO SOLICIT FOR OLD reliable concern: liberal commission. Call Savoy. 126 10th st GENTLEMEN AGENTS IN CITY AND throughout state; big wages. Apply 410 Fenton bldg. WANTED TO RENT. RESPONSIBLE FAMILY OF 4 WOULD LIKE to rent furnished house or fiat for two or three months; must be In desirable neigh borhood. Telephone Main 325. 7-ROOM 3IODERN HOUSE. BY NICB FAM lly. In Holladay's Addition, near Broadway preferred: will take- lease for one- or more years. G 70, Oregonlan. WANTED FURNISHED OR T7NFUR nlshed apartment, three or four rooms, with bath, centrally located. AVest Side; no children- W 72. Oregonlan. ROOM AND BOARD WANTED BY WORK Ingman; prefer N. W. part of city or cool, hilly district for hot weather. II 76. Ore gonlan. WANTBD 6 OR 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN, central. West Side; steady and careful ten ant: rent not to exceed $23. V 75. Ore gonlan. WANTED FURNISHED ROOM FOR ONE or two gentlemen: piano to turn In as pay ment. Address W. A. Hollenbeck. 373 Alder. WANTBD ROOMING-HOUSE. 25 TO .13 rooms: would rent from owner Intending" to build. Address G 76, Oregonlan. AVANTED TO RBNT 8 OR 10-ROOM MOD- crn house, close In. Weet Side. Address Mrs. Chittenden. 160 10th at., city. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS college wants place to work for board and room. A 76,. Oregonlan. A 7-ROOM HOUSE. FURNISHED, STRICTLY" modern, west side, in good locality. Ad dresa M 73. Oregonlan. WANTED QUIET. STEADY GIRL OR MID- Uie-afcCU nvtuftu, uuuiqiiao fcwttcc, mux laAlj alone. L 71, Oregonlan. 7 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE. CLOSB IN, GOOD neignoorneoa: no cniiaren. L 75, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT SMALL FURNISHED hawse. V to, Oregonlan ESS