SIOUX WARRIORS SEE INDIAN DRAMA Group of Braves Visit "The Redskin" in New York and Are Im pressed With White Man's Knowledge of Redskin Tradition EW YORK. March l2.-Speclal Cor- N rspendoncc.)-Tho principal w , .,iinn in and about the- uriral circle here is the outbreak of WHIiaw A. Brady, theatrical d tprmcr well-known actor. Mr. Bradj moved te express his opinion after U.e prodHCtlen of Donald McLarens plaj. The Redskin." -which was treated rather Merely (and not so severely as PP ll. by the critical press of New "iork. It Is Interesting, however, to know what real ludtens thought of the play. Two Stottx Indians brought to Now York from n Ovamment agency In the Indian Ter ritory tr tltc stK)rism tke Liberty Theater to witness the pro daclKH of "The Redskin." They were n fan reguM rimI formed the observed C M servers ns they sat in the third w tfm the stsBo. Afterward, when eke thHr impressions, the answers they Minrt,, rnonhl. to a considerate extent, be amtVMk-tH Justification of the play, and C Mr Hntdy. The older of tho braves n lJaga-H-Ruo-Me in other words. MWWKoRrs-Nt-tli-Forkd Lightning. Tr fWHd was White Eagle, or, accord-la- in hiftteelf. Man-Go-Lo-Tona. Hc-Wb-Fojirs-N-the-l',orked-L.lghtnins- or Nrw . Trk Critic-said that while his mmiIt do not understand plays in JtonUal. ho was very anxious to m wteat the white man thought of the -The ttdakin." mI while the play had Uulc in Mino with the life of the Cismx. Is Ml that lnawonda, the horo, 3Mf4 such a. chief as was his own Inthor He said that tho Orkotchces, -wtth wWcto tribe the play deals, holds wetnen in much higher regard than do tfcc Stonx. and for that reason he believed Mttte of the latter would have sacrificed tJHis4vos for Aduloln. as Nlatnwa did in tM ph4-. He further that among Ms poople men oo not kill each other for tk Mk of m rauaw. In the matter of rr uH. Ho stated he lutd often seen Wave flsrtat duels with knives, and that fee whx an oxnert in tlieir use himself, wiring fought dut-ls. hut never for a wwimii. "Awonc my wopl he said. wle a wnn deceives her husband k the law that she he brought before lc rwtmrfr ami condemned to death. There is no reason why her husband or r sweetheart should fight, because the -wrotig is all hers." Those points which he f oiiwd especially true to Indian life were tho wnr dance and tho duel, and also the counting. He rejoiced that he had seen, the play, and said that he would go hack to the Indian Territory aad ten hi tribe that the Americans Haow wore about the past life of the Infltnae than they would believe possible, heeaape in It he could see that they hew the Indian traditions. The younger man wac quit a interesting in his point f view, and agreed, for tho greater part, with tho ftrnt sneaker. The point of in-t-resj In te remarks of White Eagle was that he had lived most of his life according to tho while man's ideas, and nmky knew the original life as told throuch his elders. Much of this he rec ognized through the piny. The love cle ment annealed to him differently than to th old chief, because the Indian of to day Is growing to regard women more In the same light as the American. "White Kagfe said that he believed the play was true In every way. tout it told of a day that was completely gone for tho Indian. Mr. Brady pursued the very Tanark aale course of facing his audience and ttftrntng them what treatment tho play Had received at their hands. Ho became very .personal in his relations to his au dleaee and stated that he believed thoy knew whether they liked the play or not hetter than the critics, who came with pnrnoee in view except to find such ts around which they could build fine REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS WsJIor H Van ru n and wife to Kt-aivn r Rluok. H. Jots 5 and . Mwk rtt. tty $ noo CatloriH Mnrau and 1iu4hikI to It J. Mrlnnl. Ints 5 mt . block AlknM AddttioM .000 O. R. GulweHK aiHi w Ifo to A. T. mHUat tftvriT of S. IV. U of X. "K. taction 15. T. 1 fi.. It. E J.37r, Jn F. WIImhi and wife to Uewis U UwImj. lot X. blocks. Albtiia 2,100 M Ung and wlfo to Warren Joy. lotS to 15. block 3. Grnwio4l.. . 4D7 WarreH Jor to RojhiM P. Clodfoltor. UrtxO and 10. Mock 1(1. Konllwortli 4.'0 1-wta, K l.tndtHiy to Philip Jonrn, rt Hi. lot 8. block Jt. Alblna 2,25(5 Otto W. XotfMin and wif to Mercan tllo,Trn & lH'6Ftmnt Co.. lots 1 aad 2. block 107. Knet Portland... S.S00 Jko K. Harrington and -wife to NHlb t". Slavln. lot 4. block IS, Sunny.Mr 2.000 3t J. Hansen, et al., te Herman Treakman. lots t and 7. block Cnelt-a Addition 23.000 WrlRht C. Dsnlway and wife to Adetpfc Wildnian. X. 33 1-X feet lot 8. block 122. Couch's Addition. C.000 Lawrence Chrl lrrfn to Emll R. Priec. lot 18. block Sit. Scllwood... , 1.200 3J- C. Groige and wife to Clarence It. Gilbert, parcel land in block S4, CartfJe Addition. bednnlnR Inter action north line block M with veet line of alter laid out throuch block SI l.C13 Eavtncit &, Iian Society to D. E. Keasey. 110 Here?, except deed te J C. Alnsu-erth, beginning north line of R W. U of hectlon 1). Ihu um be4np northeapt corner of itouta half John B. Talbot and wife I. 1. C. soctloim S and V. T 1 S-. It. IE 1 H M Cake and wife to F. G. Arata. et al . parcel lots 1 ami 2. block 1. rtty. bftKlnnlnjr, northeast cor-t-r bloc-k 10S, city 16.000 Sheriff to K K. Slonn. undivided of W I lotK 5 and 0. block SI, Ilolladay'n Addition C7 WlllUrn Soulc. et al.. to K. E. Slonn. undivided of W. lots S and fi. block 01. Holladay a Addition.. 1,000 Collejfe Endomi"nt Association to Frank L. Shull. ot al.. lots 5 to 7. block OS. Ea?t Portland 13,000 M A Sales and hunband to Georce R Cethrell. 1 acre bOKliuilnj: went line and north M mln.. cant " feet from outhweat corner I'aBO Stanley 1). u C. section 4. T. 1 8 . R. 3 E 123 Oreron Co. to Angclo Maxzocco. 100x73 feet beginning at v.-est line South Fifth street, extended 84.8 feet west of tho nouthwcut corner block 72. Caruthers' Addition 2 Point View Real Eatatc Co. to Mar tcareta Buery. lota 23 and 20. blook 20. Tolnt View 160 H 1. Slater and wife to Frltr Mfttthlas. parcel land beginning northwest corner William Wethcr bee D I. C , Foction 7. T. 2 X.. R 1 W- and section 12. T. 2 X.. R. 2 W 12.730 T"red S. Morris to J. J. Wurfol. lot 1. block 10. City View Park 200 lAnd Co. to Georce Wurfel. lot 17. block IS. ftamo park 230 John Thomas and wife to John Rometsch. parcel land beginning nouth tide line of Powell's Valley Road. 10 feet west of a point "in west line James Powell D. L. C section 10. T. 1 S.. R. 3 E 1.200 Marta Zablcke to Peter Zablcke. 2 acres berlnnlng subdivision line In section 17, T. 1 S.. R. 1 E.. 300.tt0 feet west of quarter section cor ner between sections 10 and 17 J H. Deardorff and wife to Port land & Fairiew Co.. right of way 30 feet wide over parcel land be ginning 20 023 chains east of fcouthwest corner section 31, T. 1 K. R- 2 E Isaiah Buckman to same, right of way beginning center line East Ankeny stroet, extended, which. Point Is center line of a!d right of way L-dla Buckman to same, same property Chauncey Ball and wife to same, same property.... 23 K. Keasey to X A. Currey. et al.. 110 acres, except parcel land deeded to J. C Alnsworth., undi vided three-quarters of parcel land bejtinniag north line s. W. & sec tion 9, John Talbot and wife D. 1. C. sections S and 9. T. 1 S.., -R. 1 S " Medora. A. Whitfield to Elmer IVwe lot 13. block C Clnverdaln Extension '1,300 Ilenrj" . weifc ana who to Minnie Ware, lots 1, 3 and 4.. Mount Hood. rhetorical display and sarcastic flings. Mr. Brady said that he expected some such clever remark about his latest play as "the Redskin was done "brown." but the critic had even gone beyond his ex pectations and stated that "The Redskin was a cigar-store Indian." He voiced some very valuable opinions when he said that if 'the critic fulfilled bis actual mission he would be the greatest assist ant the manager could have; he would then be ablo to put a copy of the criti cism Into the hands of every actor in the company and require him to study it and to make an attempt to bring his perform ance closer to the Ideas of the critic, which, being purely artistic and abso lutely disinterested, would be x untold value. Mr. Brady Intends to pursue the policy of reading to his audiences such passages as would prove themselves prej udiced beforo a play went on. He said he would fight It to a finish, but he will stand for dignified criticism that is crit icism and not scurrilous attacks. After an actor lias enjoyed what may be-designated as a tremendous success all over the country, it is difficult for the samo playwright to furnish him with an other play that will produce similar re sults. It is thereforo doubtful that "The Earl of I'awtucket" will be forgotten In the presence of "The Embassy Ball," also written for Lawrcnco D'Orsay by Au gustus Thomas. Mr. Thomas has treated his subject with a great deal of humor, and he has worked in no end of witticisms and bright dialogue; and he has in Mr. D'Orsay a figure which he well under stands. It is often a question whether ho docs not permit the personality of his subject to swerve him from the logical working out of his ideas In order to con form moro nearly with this personality. Ono must question what sort of a young American woman it was who, needing a bicycle permit would, find . that she had signed hor name to a marriage certificate instead. Whatever American women may or may not know, they assuredly know tho difference between a bicycle permit nnd a marriage certificate. For the sake of complications then, tho Captain who signs as a witness, supposedly, finds him self In the position of her prospective hus band. ThVre is no end of trouble in sight and this, of course, has been handled with characteristic deftness. Tho week which we are Just entering will mark the last of the season of Met ropolitan Opera in Kew York. This will represent the largest financial returns In operatic history, within Mr. Conried'a regime. One might oven go further and say that probably no operatic enterprise has made as much money for its managers as the Metropolitan Opera Company of this season. "What tho operatic condition of next year will bo Is interesting a very great number of people, sine tho Ham xnnrsteln project has become a material ized fact. That tho Metropolitan Opera has tho social following cannot bo doubt ed, tho only thing that could draw from this is tho De Rcszko faction. Tho con ductors for Hammerstein engaged so far include Leandro CampanarJ, well known In San Francisco and on the Pacific Coast, and Mascheronl, a composer not unknown in this country. Hammerstein sailed on Wednesday to conclude a number of en gagements In adidtion to those already made. Among those reported as Inter ested In his company aro the De Rcszkes, Alessandro Boncl. a great rival of Caruso, Mine. Gadski. Mme. Nordlca, Mine. Tot razz! ni and others now of the Metropoli tan forces. Tho question has been asked often whether New York could support two op eratic companies, both of which would need the support of wealth and fashion. Of courso only time will tell, tout it is more than likely that New York has enough wealth to support both enterprises, even though tho Metropolitan earnings will not he as great In the face of such View 23 William M. Kllllnj-sworth. et al.. to Samuel S. Chambers, lot 1. block 14. Walnut Park 450 Xettie Ehrmau and husband te Luli P. Beno. et al.. lot 8. block 318. Balch's Addition 1 Hurry J. Warhxmuth and wife to Hiram F. Yates, lot 1. block 10. Hawthorne First Addition 2,123 Stephen W. Gregory to Clay Rob erts. S. it lot 1 and 2, block 3, P. J. Martin Tract 400 Cora Bcldlng to Hattlc Hlldebrandt, lot it. block 11. Southern Portland. S00 Elizabeth Baumcartner. ct al.. to John BauinKartnxr. the south SO feet jiarci-l lot 7. block 07. Caruth ers Addition 1.000 Mary Regan to James J. Regan, undivided half lot 3. block 7, Tara dlse Springs 1 Eva R. Flynn to Fred Meier, parcel block 20. Caruthers Addition, be ginning west line Fifth etrcet. S. 123 feet south of south line of Caruthers street 1.300 Isaac Ham, trustee, and wlfo to S. a. crosby. lot 12. block 1. Rich mond Addition 13ft L. B. Chlpman and wife to Fred Krosel. lots 10 and 11. block 2( Chlpman's Addition 1.100 Same to same, lots 11 and 12. block 1. same addition COO Prank A. Smith and wife to same. lot 4. block 1. same addition 430 C. V. GantenbeJn and wife to Sarah Bight, lot 12. In E. Vk tract "I." M. Patton Tract 273 Albert Brlx and wife to W. M. Lan caster, lot 14, block 20, Mt. Tabor Villa 130 J. H. I-ambert to William M. Lan caster, lot 12. block 20, same ad dition 123 l.ula B. Ogden and husband to Ella i: Woodard. lots 4 and 0, blook 10. Clifford Addition 630 M. E. Swlgert to M. L. Holhrook. parcel land beginning at Intersec tion north line Jersey street with east line Charleston street 10.r.Oft M. L. Holbrook and wife to Edna R. Gates, northwest half let 7, block 2. P. T. Smith's Addition... 1.000 John J. Buckley to Albert Meier. lot 1. block 22. Alblna 00 Otto J. Kraemer to Hans Thcrkel- son, lot 6. DeLashmutt & Oat man's Little Homes Xo. 2 C-.fl B. P. CardweJl an dtvlfe to John Xllton, et al., lots 32 to 35. block 3. Hilton i Martin Schade and wife to John Robertson and wife. 0 acres begin ning 70.23 rods east of northeast corner Maria Kelly's D. L. C. sec tion 7. T. 1 S.. R. 2 E 13 George W. Brown to F. I Freeburg, lot 29. block 9. Laurel wood 100 Adam Catlln and wife to Anna K. Mace. lots 3 and 0, block 220. Hoi lady's Addition 2.473 John K. Mason to Isabel Mason, lots - IS and 14. block 4. Woodlawn... 3 Same to same, lot 13. block 4. Wood- iawn 1 l William J. Carrel and wife to Bridal veil Lumbering Co.. X. W. sec tion 20, T. 1 X.. R. C E 3,000 E. E. Morgan to E. X. Morgan, lota 23 and 24. block 0, First Electric Addition 1 Taylor Investment Co. to Malvlna Taylor, lot 9, block 2. Laurelwood Annex 1 Pacific Realty & Investment Co. to Henry Hanson, lot 18, block 3, Stewart Park 123 Total $133,CS8 Tries to Kill All in Sight. wnivKL-itr. v. va.. -March 17. in a Jealous rage, after waiting from after nightfall until midnight for his wife's re turn, Iavls Paxton, a teamster, aged 28 years, shot his wife, and, believing her ,dcad. tried -to kill his baby, his Xathcr-ln law and two police oOlcers. He ' thea 'turned tho weapon on lilmsclf and sent a bullet into his lungs, Inflicting a fatal wound. High Price for School Land. "WALLA. WALLA Wash., March 17. (Special.) Forty acres of raw state school land, lying about four miles southwest of "Walla "Walla, today brought the sum of $4605 at an auc tlon sale. There "were thYeo bidders and. for a time tho competition was lively. The land had been previously appraised by the state as worth $33 per acre, but it brought in open raarrket per opposition as It was this 'season. Those who hold boxes at the opera are tied to the performances only In a certain sense. Many nights they use the box only for a few minutes before repairing to Sherry's or Delmonlco's, or to other social func tions, and many times the boxes are used to pay oft social debts when they Are turned over completely to friends. This Is one way, and a very satisfactory one. of discharging obligations, and costs much Jess than an elaborate dinner for the same number of people. Harrison Gray Flsko has made a re markable translation of one of Zola's most repulsive plays. "Therese Raquln," for which ho has Bertha Kallch In the title role. The play was "tried on" In Wash ington on Saturday afternoon. Mr. FIske will present Mme. Kallch In this play for special performances during- the rest of the season, after which be will know whether it will make a place for Itself In New York. An Interesting: exhibition held- In the galleries of the National Art rinh i h dCVOted to the Works of wnnifn art students. This exhibition may not be so significant, standing alone, but as a study in comparisons it seems to show that the quality of the work is becoming- very much more forceful, and that In all lines of art. Including figure work in oil nnd pastel, landscapes In water and oil. animal painting-, char acter delineations and miniatures, to say nothing- or the decorative side of art, women are coming- to the front. Nor is this tho case in art alone, but also In sculpture and especially in music "Whether wo Judge from art or musical compositions of tho women of this country, they reflect the serious life that most of them lead. That which makes of them breadwinners by the side of the most difficult competi tors also makes them capable of com positions which may bo measured by the sldo of their male competitors, nnd not in a class by themsclvos. Leav ing out of the question Mrs. II. IL A. Beach, Margaret Lang; and even Adele Aus der One, who Is now a resident of this country, there are many new names which, while unfamiliar, show tho tremendous forces at work. Among these are Gertrude Norman-Smith, whose songs are worthy of comparison not with Mrs. Beach or the average ballad writers, but with writers of the best form of "Lleder." Mary Turner Salter, who mado her entranco with the simple hut beautiful little song entitled "A "Water Lily," has reached In her latost. "The Cry of Rachel." a height that Is stirring nnd dramatic to a startling degree. Mrs". Eleanor J Everest Freer Is a writer of such mod ern tendencies that It Is Impossible not to sense her In the sumo class with Richard Strauss and Hugo Wolf. Her works are of extreme difficulty, and In the matter of force, virility and masculine qualities sho hns "out foxed" most of her male companions. Mngdalen Worden is a young woman who has written songs which Rlspham nnd Van Hooso have considered of sufficient merit- to include In their repertoires. Those are only a few names taken at random thero are many others. In line with the foregoing "It Is In tcresting to note that the jury of the Society of American, artists awarded on Friday afternoon the $"00 Carnegie prize to Chllde Hassaxn for his "Juno." The $300 Cobb prize went to Edward W. Redfield for his "Delaware River." and the $200 Julia A. Shaw prize went to Lydla Field Emmet. ' Ther were 413 pictures hung, and 44 pieces of sculpture. These will be on xhlbltlon at the Flue Arts Building, beginning March 17. ' EM I LIE FRANCES BAUER. acre. Tho purchaser has tho privilege of paying one-tenth down nnd the bal ance in nine equal yearly installments. Scandal in Cheyenne .Society. CHEYENNE. Wyo., March 17. A big sensation In society was caused today when Mrs. Stoll. wife of Colonel W. R. Stoll, ox-prosecuting attorney of this dis trict, and a prominent criminal lawyer, filed suit for divorce. She charges ex treme cruelty, use of obsceno language, deportion and throaLs to kill. She also says he slapped a lady caller and drove her out of his house. Vienna. John Patrick Howard tried Monday on a charge of bank robbery. He U believed to be Joseph KUIoran. a noted Amer ican crook. DAILY MKTKOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, March 17. Maximum tem perature. 43 deg.; minimum. 2S. River reading at S A. M.. 2.7 feet: change In pat 4 hours, fall of 0.3 of a foot. Total pre cipitation, S P. M. to r P. M.. none: total since September 1. 1003. .30.13 Inches; nor mal. 33.92 Inches; deficiency. 3.77 Inches. Total sunshine March 16. 1900, 11 hours and 30 minutes; possible. 11 hours and 30 minutes: WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for 2S hours ending at midnight. March 1: Portland and vicinity Showers. Souther ly winds. Western Oregon and Western Washington Showers. Southerly winds Increasing to strong breezo along the coast. Eastern Oregon Increasing cloudiness and warmer. Southern Idaho Fair and warmer. Eastern Washington and Xorthern Idaho Roses all the Year Round ! Bloom in cheeks once white and sunken, now plump and firm, owing to the use of Tkf Cei Oil Bmtltitm "Per RrceJlrKC." Flcsh-buildcr and Blood-maker. A true FOOD, not a nerve deadener, nor a mocking stimulant For consump tive and dyspeptics; for all who aro thin, pallid, weak and bloodless. Strengthen your grip on life by taking OZOMULSION at once. Every tis sue in your body will feeTthe benefit. At all druggists. There arc two sizes S-ox. aad 15-ox. Bottles; the ForsauU Is pirated in 7 laagaages e& exek. Ozomulsion Laboratories 96 Pino EL, New Tork. Scientific Cure for Fits. Science hat: at last discovered a cure for a dleease which has always been recarded as incurable epilepsy, cr fits. Elixir Kootne. u Its discoverer, a -well-Vnown Washington In vestigator, terms it. Is for sale In this city by our progreaslre druggist. Woodard, Clarke &. Co.. and la even cae "where it has been tried has demonstrated Its wonderful power to strengthen the nerves, feed the nervo centers with new force and stregth and. conquer epilepsy. Woodard. Clarke & Co. have o such faith la Elixir Xostse. both from what they have heard of tho cures It haa md in other cltle and the .resnarkafele. reculta following its use here la Port) and. that they gmrxetee com plete aad lasting cure or they win refund the Hioney. You run no risk In taking Elixir Ko Mne oft these Ten. ue this great remedy and once more be well aad stroaf, free from all fear of epileptic selzare-. J'rice. Sl.rvt. Mall orders ailed. The Kosln Co.. Wash ington. I. C. or Woodard, Clarke Co.. Portland, Or. Cancer IN WOMANfS BREAST ANY LUMP IS CANCER Mailed Free Hew U Cure YowseK if Cancer Is Yet Smatt No Paw. NO PAY UNTIL CUR ED GUARANTEE JUST SEND YOU NAME MRS. E.CROSTHWAITE. 154 Arllrstoa Atb., OikUnd, CU Pretldeat Golden Gto Wossia'i Club, i DearDr.Caimley IfrllliUU.ToarsaedlclM 'cured Tory Urjt caseerinsaj brent II IscfiM lonff, exteaaiac to say iao sa nspifc aaysoTer&yeinsro. tokixk u Don l cjut:, turn I aeUy. MrL A. L. Billinfe. SS Oblo Street, nejo. Calif orolB, vas cared at hosse of breaat caccer; also her motaer cured of cancer laboth breMt. "Write to The. E. J. (Lucky) uaiawin. Arcadia. CaL. -writes: Dr. uaamiey curra lanre cancer oa mjllp and two In my throatarter X-Rrt anaotaer uocwranaaiauea. wn s"" i nn-n if t f n tn mm anr cinceror tumorl treat before it poisons deep. You can't aSord to make alstakes with Cancer. Life la surely worta. sending jonr aanse. 130-paca book seat free. My alsooTery a .racino jiidu piak ex tract haa cored tbcusaadi of Cancers In from JO to 30 days, after celebrated pbjsicUna and Burgeons had declared taeni as good as dead." Addresi, Dc. and Mrs. Dr. Chamfey & Ce., 25 Third Street, San Francisco, Cal. KINDLY SEND THISTO SOMEONE WITH CANCER Cloudy and threatening, possibly followed by light rain. WEATHER CONDITION?. A wnnll disturbance has made Its appear ance near Vancouver Island and caused cloudiness In Washington and Western Ore pen and a little rain along the Washington. coast from Cape Flattery to North Head. This disturbance will move Inland during the next 21 hours and cause showers In Western Oregon and Western Washington, and a rise In teraperaturo east of the Cas cade Mountains. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. te STATIONS Baler 'lty ilSO.ooj 4XU Clear Blrmarck !TH) O.OOl fl'jfW Hloudr ni icr.o.ort; ovs'w irt. cwy. Eurrka .'.V'0.O0 fi.X iCIr I!rlnu iCO'O.OOV o'K" k'leur Kamloop. B. C..-42"-O.Oft.lO K Irinudy North H?ad T J24JMV irioudy roratello llS'O.OOJ 4.W .nar Portland IHO.OOI K'SK 'tloMdy Red BlMff "54 0.r.0l O SE jriear Rowburg 'SOiO.OO' 4'W 'Pu CWy. Sncramrnto ". to! O.001 4'S llar Salt 1-ake flty....'2S'0.or 41V iSaow Kan Francisco .V.2'0.00'l4 CCW Pt. Cldr. Spokane 4OO.00.' 4'JfW 'Cloudy Seattle '4h.00! fi'SK iCIoudy TatooMi IMand. Walla Walla... ...40O.10L18 E n,ia Rain ..ttftO.OOl 4 NK IPt. Cldy. EOWARU A- RE A US. District Forecaster. MEETING NOTICES. PORTLAXD CAMP TEAM. 107. W. O. W. will rive a dancing party Tuesday evnlnr. March 20. In the Wertern Academy of Muatc Hall, 3 and xomson sis. ANCHOR COrXCIU K. & L. OF ft. will hold their social March 27. Come and briar jour friends; remember tn date. Tuesday, March 27, at 5:30. COMMITTEE. POUTIVXD CinCLEL XO. 35. WOMBS OF WOODCRAFT, will glxe a whlft and dancing narty Tuesday ere.. March 20. in A!lky Hall. Third and Morrison sts. Admlnlon 15 onls. Including refreshment!'. COMMITTEE. A HARD TIMES HALL will be given by tho Guard of Xoroah Circle. Women of wood craft at Woodmen's Hall. Eaxt Sixth and Alder. Wednesday evening. March 21. The committee Is working hard to make a saecrit? or thin event, and an enjoyable time u prom- It"!. There will te good muMC. a grand door prize and six extra prize. ECREKA COUNCIL. NO. 201. K. AND U OF S.. will give a whin social and refrcuh- ments tomorrow evening at the Auditorium. Admission lie HALL OF PORT INDUS LODGE. NO. 37 DEGREE OF HONOR, will hold their anni versary Wednesday night. March 21. at Drew ifoii. -a xi.. near Morrison, ah member arm requested to attend; also members of Portland Lodge. No. 27. are Invited to be prent. Tou will be entertained and refreshments will be rvcd. By order of ENTERTAINMENT COMMITTEE. DffiD. FUNKHOUSER In this city. March 1 1000. at the family residence. 377 Mllwau- Kle street. John Funkhouser. aged 74 years. 2 months and 18 days. WELLER In this city. March IS. 1000. William Henry Weller. aged 44 years. C months and 12 days. Funeral announce ment later. FUNERAL SERVICES. BACON In this city. March 17. IMC. at the residence of her daughter. Mrs. George W. Weldler. 016 Lovejoy street, Clara Amanda Bacon, aged TT yearn. 11 months and 24 days. Friends are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral service, which will be held at the above residence at 2 P. M- Monday. March ID. Interment. Rlvervlew Cemetery. STEGMAXN In this city. March 17. lOOtl at iVD Hood street. Christian Stegmann. aged M years. S months and 20 days. Friends and acquaintances are respect fully invited to attend the funeral serv Ires, which will be held at Flnleys chap! at io A. M-. Monday. March 19. inter ment. Lone Fir Cemetery. O'BRIEX At the family residence. Oswego. Or.. March 17. l&Oft KaUe O'Brien, aged 34 years. Fr!nds and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral services, which will be held at the Os wego Catholic Church. Monday. March 10. at 10 a. a. interment al Oswego Ceme lery- BORDERS The funeral of Charles W. Bord era. who died In Alaska, will take nlace from AU-SalntV Church, corner 22d and Hl rta.. at 2 P. M. Sunday. March In. 1WM. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. Friends Invited. EDWARD IIOLMAX CO.. tho lead lag fBneral directors aad emhabarrs. 229 aad 222 Third street, corner Sal me a. have the flaest eetahllsameat aad the nest rcasesabla charges. We bare aa experienced lady who takes .fall charge of all lady cases. Phrae Mala M7. J. P. PIXLEY & SOX. f astral dlreolers aad embslraers. No. 281 2d cor. Madbes. Day er alght calls presptlr aiteaded. Ex- perlesced Udr assistant whea 'deIrrd. Of. flee ef Cewtr Coreacr. Pheae Msh S. DUNNING. M'ENTEE GILBAUOH. Suc- cesMrs to Duaaiaa; ft CasBplea. Badertakrrs and embabaers: mod era la every detail; 7tk asd Piae. Phase Mala 4. Xady astbtaat. F. 8. DUNNING. Uadertaker. 414 Xast Alder. Ul4t aasIsUat. Phone at 5t. ZELLEK-BYRNES CO Undertakers. Ejh tMtlsaers. 27S SasseU. ast 1HI. Lady asa't. TONSETII ft CO florists. Artktle fleral deiJcas. It3 9th at. Phase Mala 51K. NEW. TODAY. OLD GOLD. JEWBLRT. BOUOHT. MADB over, exebisced; dlaasasds. precless sieaet. jecre us asewatea; watches; jewttry, ra- patrec uacie Jtyers. Joweltr. 143 M-AUcr. FOR SALE XROOM MODERN HOUSE. FrceswaL-at 104 2 5 3 Wind. 5 3 c a a .2 Z 2. Her a ? 5 : CLASSIFIEDAD. RATES. "KMiu," "Kenu sd Keard." "HeeM kecpUs Koomi." "Sltaatlen TVaated. 35 wrd er Urn. 15 ceats: 31 tm 2t werd. 28 cchUJ 21 to 25 werd. 25 ceaU. etc No dit ceaat far addltIMl lacrtiB. UNDER ALL OTILER HEADS, erceat "New Teday." 84 ceata for 15 ward er lew: 16 to 29 weid. 48 cents: 21 to 25 wards. 59 ceat. etc flrt Iaertloa. Each addltieaal laaertios. eae-half: no farther dlaceaat Wi der ese Bioath. NEW TODAY" (ffauxe neasare axaie). 15 cents pnllae. first buertiea: 19 ceata per Uae for each addltleaal Intertloa. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad drcMd care The Ore icon Ian. aad left at thl office, ahoold always be lacIod la aealed cBTeleee. No ataiap la required ob rack letter. The Orrjroalan will sot b retpeatiale for error la ad text lie meats taken tnreajrb. the telephone. NEW TODAY. NEW 3-STOIIV BRICK READT FOR OCCC nancv - tine uteres with ptatestaa fronL. larse well-Jtshted' room in rear, suitable tor manufacturing; purposes or hotel. Cement basement under entire structure; sidewalk entrance; furntahlnic dry storage for hundred of tons. Forty Ursi rooms, wteam heat, jr and electric lUtht. hot and cold water, and closet in every room; 4 porcelain baths; large reception hall: walls tastefully tinted; linoleum laid on al! halls and stair. In quire room 1. Washington block, for terme on whole or any portion of same. INSTALLMENT HOMES EXCLVSIVELT $220 down. ?2T per month. N. 21st St.. bet. I'fMhur and Vaughn, brand-new rfx-rcom fcoase. porcelain plumblofr. attrac tive neighborhood. S2SZO J234 tlewn. 25 per month, new gray bouse. 21t and Upshur stJ.. one block irom car. all modern conveniences. Ftsemy Trust Co.. owner. 40C Commercial block. Phone Main U. WILLAMETTE HEIGHTS WILL BUILD attractive lx-nm house, porcelain plumb ing', furnace. cemnt basement, wood-fiber plaster, lot 33 t-3xiro. $3300. down, $35 per month. Fidelity Trust Company. 400 Commercial block. Auction Sales By J. T. Wilson AUCTIONEER. Monday's Sale At Salesroom 210-214 Front Street, Corner Salmon. At 10 A. H. Our list on sale this day comprises all the different nattorn dres.scrH: commodes: I' fold In ir mantels and iron beds: sprine anu mattresses; neaaini?: uavenpans; sicei bed couches; rockers nnd chairs; carpets and niR; dining-room effects: kitchen fur- nlshlnKs; ranges, stores and other useful lots too numerous to mention, inciuuin; Pctaluma incubator, capacity 200 eggs. Wednesday's Sale Corner Front and Salmon, 210- 214 Front Street. At 10 A. M. HOUSE FCRNISHINGS. CARPETS AND STOVKS. This day's sale comprises parlor, dining- room, bedroom and kitchen equipments. A large and well-assorted lot ot furnishings. Friday's Sale At Salesroom 210-214 Front Street, Corner Salmon. At 10 A. M. Tou will find on sale a fine assortment of house furnishings, carpet-", stoves and housekeeping outfits, etc. note. un weineso:ay. at it a. m.. we will sell this list of choice fruit trees. The apple trees comprise limberts. Sat- suma. uaii'i. muz. i i-iimv i ruiinirriu. Siberians. Red Astmchnn: Forest Rose plums; Bartlelt pears: Gregg s currant hushes: Black Klnjr raspberries; Concord traocs: California freestone peaches, etc. Phone Main lb If you haye anything to sell. i. ti-r.. vnviiuinci. Henry E. Reed 107 . SIXTH STREET. 24000 Fine home In favorite East Side residence district. J 4 130 Splendid buy on Powell street. House and barn. 14300 7-room residence on Everett street. One-third cash. $3000 Lot and S-room house on S. Sixth street, well wortn investigation. Front Street, 50x1 00 Between Yamhill and Washington TOR PRICE CALL AT OUR OFFICE Edwards, Harris Lamont Realty Go. 1074 SIXTH STREET. A SNAP! Elecant corner In Piedmont. 2 lots, fac ing east and south; between the two car lines; only 3ou. W. W. PAYNE 1200 Williams ave. East 344. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELU tZ-Z McKay hid- Third aad Utark aft. iHoyt St. bet. 23d and 24th fiiin 33 wxiw icer. ocautuui buiid- L I (III lnS alte tn nno location; will - buna to suit purchaser l de sired. MORGAN & FLIEDNER Suite 213 Abineton Bide;. GOOD INVESTMENT fir AAA uood business corner. Wt 1 1 1 1 1 1 brlntfng- ll per cent net on v'"rvv investment; i.x cash balance 6 per cenL F. FUCHS. HSi First St. GEORGE BLACK, PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT, 3IS "Worcester Building-. Phone Pacific 1S07. WAREHOUSE PROPERTY Corner East 3d and Oak sts., 100x100: no flIL C. E. FIELDS & CO. Phono Main 4007. Rooms 422 and 421, Ablngton Bldjr. $10500 .oOxlOO. on N. Park, near Davis, with large house. RUSSELL & BLYTH. S2& Third. $6500 That'll all It takes In cash to buv feet on Second sL. a stone's throw from Washington; gooa income. WHITING & ItOITNTREE, 419 Ablngton Bldg. On Clay Street 171(1 30 fect frontage, with S-roem IUU house; the irround alone la worth mori money. F. BRESKEL HI anertucK utag. NEW TODAY. Portland Auction Rooms A. SCHUBACH, PROP. AUCTION SALES NEW FURNITURE At Reidence, 222 Crosby St., Tomorrow At 10 A.M We sell for Mrs. Martin all the new fur nishings of 35 ROOMS: oak extension ta ble and' chairs; fine chiffonier: glass-front kitcnen cupooara; au-wooi ingrain irar txtsr bedroom suites: fancy brass-trimmed iron beds; 3-ply springs and -wool top mattresses: Drettv dressers and com modes: center stands; rockers: toilet sets; wool blankets; goose-reatner puiows. etc.. etc Everything new. bright and clean. Sale at 222 Crosbv St.. cor. Holladay ave.. at end of Steel Bridge: take 1 car; 10 A. M. tomorrow. C. Ij. FORD, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE CHOICE FURNISHINGS At Residence, 408 Salmon St, Tuesday Next at 10 A. M. Wo fn fftr Mrs. Iji.uranee all her al most new carpets; 9x12 Brussels rugs: oak bedroom suits; odd dressers; pretty cnu fonlcr; Iron beds; springs: mattresses and bedding; extension table: ECLIPSE STEEL. RANGE; Rogers Bros, silver ware; rockers: chairs: stands; lace cur tains: portieres, etc. etc. feale io A. m. Tuesday next. C. L. FORD, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE CHOICE FURNISHINGS At Residence, No.87 N. 10th St. Thursday Next At 10 A. M. Wc sell for Mrs. Ganten all her fine fur niture and carpets, etc: a Grand steel ranee: tan-warmlnir closet nnd reservoir: 5 fffiin Turkish pattern over stuffed settee In bro caded silk; Madras lac curtains; disc graphophone, perfect order, and 12 rec ords: unhol5tered easy chairs: rockers: couches, etc.. and everything necessary to mako a cozy and comfortable home. Sale 10 A. M., Thursday next, at S7 North win at. c. L. foul). Auctioneer. AUCTION SALES AT 211 FIRST STREET Sales 2 P. M. Every Day Except Saturday On Tuesday, at 2 P. M.. we positively sell one high-grade piano, one organ. Eclipse steel range and other household goods too numerous to mention, fc-very- tlilng without reserve at 2U 1st st. L .u. tuKU. Auctioneer. GILMAiN Auction & Commission Co. S. L. N. GILMAN, Auctioneer. Extensive and attractive auction sale of valuable furniture, old mahogany, carpets. uesday, March 20th ,at 10 o'CIock A. M. The list includes a very old solid mahbe- any bureau: Davenports; sewfng table from anrevoport. j-u: a complete, eian- orate solid weathered oak dining-room suite: the finest W llton carpets: rugs: Iso an extensive line of rockers: dining chairs: Iron bedsteads, etc.: M) hulf-boxeu dining chairs In oak: 200 pretty rockers; matting: gas range, etc. sale Tuesday, 10 A. M. S. U N. GILMAN. Auctioneer. X. B- We advance money upon goods for sale. Anr-fJnn QoIqc Household Furniture THURSDAY andFRIDAY March 22d and 23d, Each Day at 10 o'CIock. Buyers of household furniture can save moncr by attending sales. s. L. r. uilman. Auctioneer. (6. BaK.ra Cot IMPORTANT AUCTION OF FINE FUR NITURE FROM PRIVATE RES IDENCE. ON TUESDAY NEXT We are favored with Instruction to sell bv auction at BAKER'S AUCTION lOUSE. corner Alder and Park, the fol lowing excellent household goods and fur nlshlnes. removed, for convenience of DHb He sale, comprising nrst-ciass Roxbury carpets: Axmlnster and Wilton rugs; cost ly automatic .Morns cnairs: leatner rocK ers: odd chairs In weathered oak: mahog any parlor tables; rattan and oak rockers: library tables m goiuen oajc; secretary with bookcase: portieres: DROP-HEAD SEWING MACHINE: rattan eo-cart: S- foot massive oak dlnln? table: pretty buf fet, with cathedral glass front, set of chairs to match; XXth century ALL- BRASS BEDS: handsome Iron beds: also oak folding bed; mantel beds; all com plete, with tne hkst rcur and SILK FLOSS mattresses: springs: goose-feather nlllows and bedding: large dressers in oak and white maple; chiffonier and commodes en suite; toilet sets; coucnes: Davenport: bed lounges: massive halltree in oak and large French plate: Scottish Dody Brus sels rues. 12x18 feet; HIGH-PRICED STEEL RANGE; heaters; radiators: Kitchen Queen; tables; wringer; window shades and gas fixtures throughout the house. On view Monday. Parties furnishing will find this a golden opportunity to buy fine goods. The auctioneers solicit punc tual attendance Rt the hour of 10 o'clock, as the lots are numerous. GEORGE BAKER & SON, The Reliable Auctioneers. ON THURSDAY Our usual weekly sale for housekeepers having surplus furniture, for mortgagees who want to close out their mortgages; stocks for money-lenders and others who want to realize prompt cash at BAKER'S AUCTION-HOUSE. Sale at 10 o'clock. GEO. BAKER & SON, Auctioneers. Modern Eight-Room House No. 8 E. 20th St Built for heme, but now vacant, very desirable house; excellent location. "WaKefield, Fries &i Co. - 229 StrK St. auction NEW TODAY. STRUCK H ON GOOD INVESTMENTS. We fee Them Second st. property: income 51 W: Jlo.000. Yamhill st., fractional lot and two story building. Quarter blocks on 5th. 6th and 7th sts.; $35.MO. .0C0. ' Washington and Morrison st. property.. For Small IiYCsteieits Second at., quarter block and large res idence: 5MC0. 50xi0 and Improvements, ath st. South. 50x100. Mill St.. and house; 00. Sixth st.. 50x100. two good houses; $S300. 30x100. 2 houses. Hall St., corner: 7th st.. corner. 5100 per month: $11,000. 7th st.. lot. 2 houses; J650O. Flanders st., Nob Hill, residence; J12, 000. Two new. stylish residences. 20th andf Myrtle: SiXO. W5C0. 56000 Quarter block, two houses. 532,000 Fine quarter block. GOlBSCIiM'SAGMCY BUSINESS, INDUSTRIAL RESIDENCE PROPERTY 253 Washington, Corner 3d St. Lots, blocks and aero tracts favorably situated. LOIS IN "I The new Addition on the "Heights." FROM $250 10 $500 D.E.KEASEY&C0. Exclusive dealers in Portland. Heights property. Office opposite tho Observatory on the Heights. Phone Pacific 437. CHOICE REALTY For one of the very best location in the city. For quarter block, near Washington st. For corner lot, Morrison st. S75 000 S7U 000 Quarter Block Near Terminal Station:" brings 7 per cent net on price asked. For quarter block on 7th st. $35 000 $35 000 $30 000 For quarter block on 5th st. For corner lot on "Washing ton st. . ,. For Quarter on Park st. . cok nnn A. F. SWENSSON & CO. ' 253 i Washington Street. 0WNE1S F ACREAGE Suitably located can find a ready sale at. good values by our methods of subdivision. See us about it. GOLDSCHMIDrSAGMCT 253 Washington, Corner 3d St. ' f?7nn Modern 3-room house, on 12th .hULI st.. near Montgomery; this is the best bargain In the city. i17nn 50x100-foot lot, with 3-room htlUU house, modern conveniences, on 17th st., near Marshall; a good buy. Annnn Modern 6-room house, on Tilla uUU mook St., bet. E. 10th and 11th sts., cement smewaiK anu street ail im proved. SQKfl Sightly lot on Portland Heights, SOU three blocks from street-car line. Sncn -A- nice building lot. 51x104 feet. 00 U one block from 23d and Thur man. This Is the cheapest lot in city. Also have a number of other good buys. C. C. SMITH Room 226, Chamber of Commerce Bldg. Telephone Main 872. 7th and Flanders 100x100 feet on this very desirable corner; franchise for car line' on 7th st. will be granted soon and will double the value of this piece. ROUNTREE & DIAMOND 211 Stark St.. Comer Second. R. M. WILBUR Has office space to rent on ground floor. 210 Second Street Near Washington and within 2 blocks oC 9 bank. PORTLAND HEIGHTS PROPERTY 2" ij . . . . A SsIIesIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII.