. J SITUATION WANTED FESIAXE, Housekeepers. REFINED LADY WANTS POSITION AS housekeeper to refined widower or com panion to woman, and handy wJth needle; bet references. 340 Montgomery. Fort- - land. Or. Phone Main 2359. WANTED BY MIDDLE-AGED WIDOW, charge of rooming-house or housekeeper wid nwor's family; best city references. K 3", Oregonlan. Mlicellancoai. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY to take charge of roomlng-houne or to do chamber work. Addrct A 32, Oregonlan, or Toleplwne Eat 1675. TELEPHONE DRAKES FOR CHAMBER maids, waltresfee, cooks, laundry- family, curnp, housework help, Chinese, Japanese. . 20.' Washington. HIIVATE TEACHER WOULD LIKE Posi tion In refined family to instruct moraines In music. German and grammar grade ilud ies. Main 1076. MADAME ARTELLA. MODISTE CIIII. drcn's eult and costumes only. Room 2, The Melville. 2d and Market. Phone Clay 5G3. LIGHT WORK MORNINGS AND EVEN Ing In exchange for room and board; ref erences exchanged. Phone East 3564. "FLORENCE TINGLEY. DRESSMAKING AND ladles' tailoring; price reasonable. Room 501 Tourney bldg.. 2d and Taylor. COMPETENT MUSIC TEACHER GIVES BB ginners on plnno or mandolin two lessons for 75 cents. Phone Main K00. "EXPERIENCED TEACHER WILL TEACH English branches to pupils at their homes. Address W 35. Oregonlan. PRIVATE LESSONS IN GRAMMAR GRADE t-tudles. day or evening; music, use of in strument. Main J07G. LESSONS IN BOTANY. SPECIAL OR REG ular work; Saturday classes if desired. Phone East 2700. DAY WORK WANTED TO WASH. IRON OR clean offices; experienced woman. A 33, Oregonlan. MRS. STILL WISHES WORK FOR TUES riay. Wednesday. Thursday. Phone Pacific 1151. UDT WILL CARE FOR LITTLE GIRL: tee bofflc; $10 month. Majn 4014. 548 WANTED CHILD TO BOARD; LOVELY home; terms rca-onnble. Phone Union 6034. EXPERIENCED COOK DESIRES POSITION, hotel or boarding-house. M 35, Oregonlan. LACE CURTAINS WASHED AND STRETCH fid. 40c pair. 230 12th M. Main 70K. WOMAN WANTS WASHING OR HOUSE work by the day. Phone Main 382!). LACK CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND fanov ironing. Phone Main 3740. UDT WISHES A PLACE AS EXPER1 oivced cook. E 34. Oregonlan. A GIRL WANTED WORK BY DAY. Phone Eat 1332. 447 Ross st. -UERMAN WOMAN WANTS WORK BY DAY or hour. Phone East 2087. WEEKLY ENGAGEMENTS FOR WASHING. 210 Sheridan n. WANTED AGENTS. AOKNTS LEARN TO FIT GLASSES BY emMng for our free book on the eye. It wtlt t.-II you all about It; get a profession iHat jiays ou from $75 to $150 per month; Um- uHicnl profession will do it for you; BeM so pleaj-aut. profitable or so little nrk4: ih longer necessary to work for me owe olfH at a meager salary. We are lMMg out booklet free; It will tell how yom may become an optician. A postal card will bring it by return mail. Jaeknonlan Optical College. Jackson, Mich. Dept. A 30. UANTJCD SPECIAL AGENT; $5000 AN anally easily made soiitnr our popular life, kattM and accident toicr. appointing agmtt. Hx)erience unnecfvary; unique mppohUlon : continuous income; attractive itfiH; W cHtablWied company. Write Royal Fraternal Union. St. Louis, Mo. OUR REPRESENTATIVES CIRCLE THE gleWe. Greatest selling device of modern tlwe. A necessity in every home, office and factory. No competition. Big money. '4oulal Co.. 35 Wilson ave., Wcllsvllle, N. .GAS LAMPMAKES ITS OWN GAS; LIGHT equal to electricity; heater heats any room In aero weather: cooker cooks anything: all three in one at cost of 1 cent dally; agents making big money. Crown Co.. 123 Liberty Dept. 372 New York. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nursery stock. Cash advanced week ly. Wg commissions and premiums. Write today before all territory la taken In Ore gon. Washington and Idaho. Address Chlco Nursery Co.. Chlco. Cal. DETECTIVES SHREWD MEN WANTED in every community to act under our In struction; previous experience not necessary'- Send for free book of particular. Grannan's Delectlve Bureau. Cincinnati. O. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL OUR HIGH grade nunsery stock: big commissions and premiums: write today before all territory I taken In Oregon. Washington and Idaho. Address Chlco Nursery Co.. Chlco, Cal. AGENTS WANTED TO REPRESENT THE "OW Reliable Nurseries." Commissions ad vanced weekly. Write quick for choice of territory. Address the Albany Nurseries, Inc. Albany, Oregon. AGENTS WANTED NEW PATENT SPE cialty; simple, easy to show, a necessity to ever' home and person. Handsome profit to agent.. Booklet. Automatic Burglar Alarm Co.. St. Ixuis. Mo. MAN CLEARED $1182; LADY $72(1 LAST six months celling new celluloid waterproof whoe dressing; why not you? Demonstrated samples free Q. Holladay & Co.. 200 ClarK St., Chicago. WRITE US A BO IT OUR COMMON 8ENSE glove; splendid line for country stores and groceries: good money in It. Common Sense Manufacturing Co., box 31, St. Louis, Mo. RELIABLE MAN OR WOMAN TO TRAVEL, distribute samples and employ agents; local managers also; $18 a week and expenses. Zlrgler Co.. 225 Ixcust ft.. Philadelphia. WE PAY $36 A WEEK AND EXPENSES to men with rigs to introduce our poultry compound. Year's contraeL Imperial Mfg. Co.. Dept. 54. Parson. Kan. 53 TO $5 A DAY ARE EARNED BY MEN distributing circulars, samples, tacking up sign; no canvassing. Chesapeake Adver tising Co.. Baltimore. Mr. WANTED LIVE MEN CAPABLE OF Suc cessfully handling agent: $3000 to $5000 yearly easily earned. Fred. Parker. 237 Market. Chicago. IF YOU ARE A SALESMAN MAKING LESS than $300 a month, sec Ballentine, 315 Ore gonlan bldg.. city. MALE AND FEMALE. AS SOLICITORS FOR Investment brokerage company. Apply 504 Dckutn bldg. WANTED TO RENT. FURNISHED HOUSE. 5 TO S ROOMS. AT once, within walking distance of 0th and Davis tts.; rent not to exceed $35. Phone Main 5253. FURNISHED COTTAGE OR HOUSEKEEP ing rooms In suburbs; must have yard with trees; state rent, etc; no children. H 33, Oregonlan. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, by man and wife; walking dis tance; gas, bath; $10 monthly. N SC. Orc xonlan. WANTED TO RENT ONE OR MORE ACRES of land; must be near car line; with house And barn. K 33. Oregonlan. MODERN FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED S-room house, walking distance. West Sloe. ddres V 32. Oregonlan. W A NTED TO RENT LAUNCH FOR 30 day with privilege buying same. Address 512 Brooklyn st. WANTED UNFURNISHED HOUSE. C OR 8 rooms, for 4 adults; West Side preferred. B 37. Oregonlan. IN OR NEAR BUSINESS PORTION OF city, unfurnished house of 1C to 25 rooms. Phone Main 1057. WANTED BUILDING SUITABLE FOR delicatessen; good location; moderate rent. Phone Clay 942. WANTED 'BY FAMILY OF TWO. NICELY furnished cottage or flat. West Side. W 31. Oregonlan. WANTED BY FAMILY OF 2. NICELT furnished cottage or flat. West Side. C 37. Oregonlan. WANTED A SMALL FURNISHED FLAT OR housekeeping room, centrally located. D 20. Oregonlan. WANTED BY YOUNG MAN. ROOM AND dinner In private family. D 32. Oregonlan. WANTED TO "RENT FURNISHED COT tage in or near St. Jokes. H M, Oregoslan, WANTED TO KENT, WANTED TO RENT HOUSES. COTTAGES. FLATS, ROOMING-HOUSES, STORES. ETC Our rental department has been enlarged and provided with additional staff. We Invite lUUng from LANDLORDS, offer personal attention to and continues Hpervlslon over all property Intrusted to our care. PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON. S. B. Cor. 3d and Oak sts. Phon Ex. 72. BY A FAMILY OF 3 ADULTS AN UN fumlshed apartment of 4 rooms and oath or connecting room, suitable for light housekeeping; must be first-class. Portland Heights' preferred. R 3L Oregonlan. WILL PAY LIBERAL "PRICE TO RENT or lease modern house, about 8 rooms, with large grounds, fully Improved "with fruits, flowers and stable. M 34. Ore gonlan. or phone East 104. 1 WANT TO RENT AN 8 OR 10-ROOM house, completely furnished, for the Spring and Summer month, or longer; prefer West Side Address Edward L. Prescott, Cham bers bldg.. 3d and Alder. WANTED FURNISHED HOUSE OR COT tage. man and wife, close In. 5 or C rooms, modern, good location; can give best refer--cs. Write or phone John Pfeifer. Ore gon Hotel. TWO OR THREE PLEASANT UNFTR- nlMied Housekeeping rooms, moaerra, rem reasonable. Near Union and Burnslde, East X 33. Oregonlan. 10 OR 20-ROOM FLAT. CENTRALLY Lo cated, and lease obtainable: would buy it cheap, furniture In 8 or 10 rooms of same R 37. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT RANCH FROM 5 TO 15 acres: mukt be part orchard, house and good outbuildings. CSS Commercial t. T 27. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT 'J OR 10-ROOM MOD orn house, close In. West Side. L 34. WANTED TO RENT HOUSE NOT LESS 6 rooms; cheap. Phone East 3239. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. HIGHEST CASH PRICE PAID FOR TTJR slture In any quantity; also take mmo oa commission and guarantee beet result. The Portland Auction Rooms. A. Schubaca, prop. Phone Main t-rl5. 211 1st St. WANTED $7000 FOR 5 YEARS. INSIDE Improved property: money to bo used for further Improvements on same: will pay 5 , p-r cent. Address N 35. Oregonlan. WANTED A LOAN $1600 ON HOUSE AND two lots In Valley town, valued at $2200: can pay $00 month installment. Addre.-u G 20, Oregonlan. WILL BUY A GASOLINE LAUNCH IF cheap; tac price and full particulars con cerning size, make, horsepower, etc. F 33, Oregonlan. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shoes; hlghst price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. I'hone Pacific 1722. WE HAUL AWAY YOUR DEAD HORSES and cattle promptly and free of charge. Oregon Fertilizer Works. Main JOfiQ. WANTED PORTRAIT OR VIEW CAMERA. nxiK. ana Jviay multiplying jtoiuer or fiuqio outfit: state price. D 36, Oregonlan. WANTED TWO OR FOUR SMALL CUB bears, smallest variety, for training. Ells worth Animal Show. Venice. Cal. WANTED A GOOD WATCHDOG: WILL pay a good price. Call today letween 8 and 12 with dog. 673 Hancock. WANTED TO BUY FUR STUMPAGE near railroad: give full Information, includ ing price. D 8. Oregonlan. LEWIS AND CLARK BLUE SOUVENIR plates; give number and lowest cash price V 37. Oregonlan. WANTED $850( ON GRAND-AVE. PROP crty. Al security: C per cent, Addrcm X 101. Oregonlan. WE NEED FURNITURE AND WILL PAY full value. Western Salvage Co.. 027 Wash ington t. WANTED GOOD SECOND-HAND Bi cycle. Particulars and price. F 31. Ore gonlan. SELECT BOARDING SCHOOL FOR CHIl dren. For term address A 27. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phon? East 2233. WE PAT $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. II. E. Edwards. 185-191 1st nt. WANTED PARTY TO ADOPT BABY BOY 1 week old. B 30. Oregonlan. ROLLTOP DESKS AND OTHER OFFICE furniture. W 37. Oregontan. THREE FLOOR SHOWCASES. MUST BE cheap. T 37, Oregonlan. INCUBATOR GIVE SIZE. MAKE AND price. D 31. Oregonlan. WANTED A PHONOGRAPH. WHAT HAVE you? D 38, Oregonlan. FOB RENT. Rooms. THE COMMERCIAL. Nicely furnirshed roomf. single or en suite. $2 per week up; xteam heat, hot and cold water, free baths, free phone: dining-room in connection; transients solicited; open all night; best location In the city: onricc and reading-room ground floor. 48S Wabhlngton. WELL FURNISHED ALCOVE. HOT AND cold water In room; beat. gas. bath, free phone; $12, private family. 15 minutes; winglc room, $8. Phone Pacific 22. NICE, CLEAN FRONT ROOM. SEPARATE entrance; private family; $2 week. ICS W. Park; gentlemen. 1H2 13TH. NEAR YAMHILL FURNISHED sleeping room, suitable for one; heat. gas. bath, phone: $8. RYAN HOUSE. 2G9,4 FIFTH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en euite or single. Oppo site City Hall. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. HEAT, light, bath, phone; reasonable. HI 10th t. Phone 4SJS. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. MODERN West Side, close in; ladles preferred. Phone Pacific 472. 271 tt, 7TH ST. LARGE FURNISHED front room for rent; gas, bath, phone: rent reasonable TWO LIGHT. SUNNY ROOMS. STRICTLY modern. 67 20th St., near Washington; ref erences. CLOSE IN. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT room, heat, bath, phone. 407 Stark, near Tenth.. 475 TAYLOR. COR. 14TII TWO LOVELY rooms for rent; gentlemen preferred; $10 each. LARGE. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM IN modern house, $12 for 2, $10 for 1. Main 4C32. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMl WITH allconvenlences, $8 a month. Phone East 200 13TH ST. LARGE. NICELY FURNISH ed front room; rent reasonable; private fam ily. THE COSMOS Furnished, unfurnished rooms; transients solicited. 2GSVJ Morrison, cor. 4th. MODERN FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, reasonable, 395 Front and' Harrison. NICE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. 2.50 PER week, side room. $2. 482H Washington ni. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED SUITE OF 3 housekeeping rooms. Inquire 229 Vi 1st st. DESIRABLE ROOM IN PRIVATE FAM lly. -walking distance Phone Pacific 412. 420 MAIN FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR two gentlemen, price $12. Phone Main 533. RICHELIEU. 3314 N. CTH ST. STEAM heat, electric lights, baths. $2 to $5 per week. FRONT ROOM FOR 2 GENTLEMEN. HEAT and light. $10 per month. 105 N. 12th. LARGE ROOM CHEAP: SUITABLE FOR 4 or 0 men. 43V4 First st.. room 19. FURNISHED ROOMS. 188 12TH ST. PHONE Main 4392. Front, modern, central. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH BATH and use' of phone. 45 X. Pth u FOR RENT FRONT BEDROOM. CLEAN, comfortable, close In. $2. 25 3d. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. ELECTRIC lights, hath, phone 310 10th st. FOR RENT ONE FURNISHED. ROOM. 209 , Columbia. Main 5511. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT 354 Hawthorne aw. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, 281 4 th. cor. Jefferson. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. 141 33TH eU, cor. Alder at. FURNISHED ROOM. 171 N. 17TH ST. THE SUNDAY OREGOMAX. PORTLAND. IJlARCH 4, 1906. FOR RENT. Rooms. THE OXFORD. CORNER CTH AND OAK Under new manasement. .Mrs. A. J. Wal ters proprietress This new and modern brick hotel haa Just been thoroughly reno vated, walls minted and refurnished en tirely new throughout; 75 elegantly furnished room and suites; team. heat, hot and cold running water, electric lights, call bell, etc: suites with private bathe; rttes reas onable. Phone Main ES. AN INNOVATION FOR GENTLEMEN AT o ntucr bu, adjoining me ruuiun New management and newly renovated throughout: elegantly furnished rooms, wltn or without board: strictly home cooking; this l the most txclusive, convenient and pleas ant quitters in the city for thooi seeking quiet and high-class surroundings; references must be furnished. THE AUDITORIUM. 20SK THIRD. BET. Taylor and Salmon ThU elegant hotel has been thoroughly renovated and Is -now on of the best and moat respectable roosalag nouaes In Portland; elrrator. steasa heat, baths, bot and cold water In rooms: we cater to the traveling public Phone Hood 966. John Gra-iatrom, proprietor. PLEASANTLY LOCATED ROOMS. BEST ivwldence portion of city; an exceptional opportunity for a couple desiring home com forts. Phone Pacific 50, or call 5S Ella st., bet, 20th and 2 lit, near Washington. SWELLEST ROOMEVO-HOUSD IN PORT land. Stone and brick bldg.; elegantly fur nished; electric lights, bot and cold water, furnace ht, porcelain baths. Hotel Ar snenlus, 410& Morrison, cor. 11th. Main &2S3. TWO SOUTH ROOMS. NICELY FURNISHED; private family, walking distance to busi ness; electric lights, bath, board If wanted; will sell furniture cheap If taken at once. Apply Sunday 3S7 E. Ankeny. N. 17TH ST. NEAR WASHINGTON Choice corner ulte and single room In new. modern flat, well furnished, morning sun. small private family; board IC desired; references. HOTEL ALEXANDER. COR. 10TH AND AL de Under new management; steam heat, nicely furnished rooms, reasonable ratea. B. N. Hlmebaugh. Prop. Main 175. HOTEL KENTON NEW. ELSGANTLT furnished rooms, gas, electric light, bot and cold water In rooms, steam heat. fre baths, lfsth and Washington. Pacific 499. NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS LOW price, by day. week or month: by the week. $2.50 and up: transient burlnw solicited. The Grand. 3S7 Yamhill . THE ANGELUS. COR. 6TH AND JEFFER wti Nicely furnUhed rooms, suitable for gentlemen, everything new and rtrictly modem; prices reasonable. FOR RENT ONE UNFURNISHED ROOM, 2d floor, bath and phone; reference required. 74 7th. or apply O. N. W. Wilson Co.. 72 Cth st. 309 1ITH. NEAR COLUMBIA NICELY FUR nlshed room for one or two gentlemen; new, modern house, bath, heat. gai phone; reas onable. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED ROOMS. $1.75 per week and tip; transient rooms. 50 cents per day and up. Hotel New Belmont. 1WHJ First. FURNISHED LARGE FRONT ROOM WITH double bed and use of tel'Vhoae. $4 per month. 374 E. Market, corner Union ave THREE VERY SWELL ROOMS. WELL FUR nUhed; also one xmall room as kitchen; will rent single or en ulte. . 453 Morrtajn. PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOMS. SINGLY or to families; very desirable and reanan aWc; on the car line. 414 5th rC. South. WANTED BY WORKING GIRL AS ROOM mate. a qHlet. refined young woman. 1S1 13th. cor. Yamhill st. Phone Main 4611. 2584 13TH ST. PRIVATE FAMILY; HLE gantly furnished room; house. nw; every convenience; gentlemen only; reasonable. LARGE. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED COR ner room, private, modern home: central; reasonable to gentleman. Main 4714. VERY DESIRABLE ROOMS FOR GENTLE men; furnace heat, electric lights, bath, free phone ICS 11th. near Morrison. NICELY FURNISHED SUITE. 12H 12TH. near Wanh.; gentlemen preferred. Apply Sun day or e-cnlngs. phone Main 2859. NICELY FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED rooms; private house, tight down town; nice residence district. SOS Salmon. NEWLY FURNISHED FRONT ALCOVE room; use of bath and kitchen: private fam ily; rent reasonable 433 Everett. PLEASANT ROOMS. GOOD BOARD AND modern conveniences: private family; easy distance. 4S7 E. Ankeny-Oth. PLEASANT ROOMS. PRIVATE FAMILY. 4 blocks south Postofflc; home comfort; breakfast If desired. 2504 Cth, FOR RENT LARGE FRONT ROOM. SUIT able for 2 men. with gas. bath and phone at 263 4 tli st near Jefferson. COMFORTABLY FURNISHED ROOM, suitable for one or two; heat, bath, phone, centrally located. 229 13th. TWO YOUNG LADIES WITH 4 -ROOM COT tage desire roommates. Eat Side; references exchanged. K 3C, Oregonlan. :i3 11TH ELEGANT LARGE FRONT FUR nlshed rooms in quiet home for gentleman; reasonable: choice location. 448 TAYLOR COZY ROOMS. SINGLE OR EN culte: C mlnute.V walk to center f city: bath. gas. phone; reasonable THE PALM. 189H 3D ST. UNDER NEW management; bedrooms, single, double week ly; tranrtent a sjeclalty. THE ALDER. CORNER OF ALDER AND 12ih Nicely furnished front room, suitable for one or two gentlemenT LARGE FRONT ROOM; AI.FO GOOD BACK room, reasonable. 210 7th at., 2 blocks outh of Hotel Portland. FOR RENT NICELY FURNISHED ROOM, private family, walking distance: no other roomer. B 34. Oregonlan. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PLEASANT, homelike: all convenience; reference. 40S Main. Phone Main 4927. FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE HOME; rent reasonable. Call mornings or even ing. Phone Main 5GS0. 207 6TH ST. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS with bath, gas and .phone; centrally lo cated, near Pt toff Ice. NICELT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. loT floor, beat. gas. phone; price right, 504 Taylor, corner Park. TWO DESIRABLE ROOMS. EN SUITE OR .single, for gmtlemen or couple. 4S9H Washington, flat 3. ONE NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. S07 19TH St.; rest cbeas. Rooms With Board. THE OZARK FRONT ALCOVE AND OTHER rooms with first -clans service; hot and cold water. 225 11th st. WELL FURNISHED ROOM WITH BOARD for two In private family. $45. Phone 3249, Sunday afternoon. NICE ROOMS EC MODERN HOUSE. Ex cellent board, reasonable Call and get Prices. 175 14th st. A NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM. GOOD board, private family, modern and reason able 521 Couch, THE HAWTHORNE. 221 13TH ROOMS with board; suite for two or four people; running water. SUtTE OF 2 ROOMS. NEW. MODERN. PRI vate family; best home cooking. 503 Davis. Pacific 1189. 393 6TH ST.. COR. HARRISON NICELT furnished front parlor, with board. Phone Main 5490. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM WITH or without board, all conveniences. Call 72 Wet Park. WANTED TWO MORE ROOMERS. WITH or without board; use parlor and bath, 250 Sixth st. A MODERN HOME; REFERENCES Ex changed. For particulars address F 24, Ore gonlan. THE SOUTHERN 374 YAMHILL ST. ROOMS single or en suite, with board; reasonablt rates. NICE FRONT ROOM OR SUITE FOR ONE or two, good board, private family. 395 12th. 8W MORRISON 2 LARGE FRONT ROOMS, runnier water, 1 oa 1st and 1 os 2d floor. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD, PRI vate home block M. car. 348 N. 26th it. 120 18th, corner Gllsaa DesirahlP rooms, first-clasi board; modern, private hosae THE OSARK, 238 11TR ST. ROOMS AND board; bet, coM water; lxl boarders. ROOMS WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD; MOD ern. 369 Madison st-. cor. Park. SUITE OF ROOMS, WITH BOARD, 153 18th, cor. Morrison. FOX RENT. Wmisi With Board, THE COLONIAL A SELECT FAMILT HO- teL 163 10th st.. corner Morrison; moat con venient; first-class location In city for busi ness -people, . fine rooms, nicely fcmlahed; ateara heat, porcelain baths, plenty of hot water; handsome dining-room; Eastern cook ing, with flrst-clasa table service at reason able rales to permanent people; table board ers accommodated. THE HESPERIAN. 533 MORRISON ST. A select ramily hotel, pleasant rooms wan steam heat, hot and cold running water, electric lights, free bath, fine-class table and serrlce; permanent trade .solicited: also table boarders at reasonable rates. Phone Main 139S. THE CARLETON. Ntwly and elegantly furnUhed; excslitnt ecietao and srrvlct: apartments for bach elors: attractively located at 13th aad Al der st. Phoaa Pacific 147. ELEGANTLY FURNISHED LARGE AL cove front room and fine table board In large, beautiful house: large grounds and choice neighborhood; everything strictly modern, strictly home cooking: 5 minutes walk from Oregcnlan. Phone Main 2395. THE MANITOU. 261 1ST 11 ST. HAND somely furnished steam-heated rooms, spa. clous porches and lawn, fine baths, abund ant hot water, excellent home cooking, meals well srved; table boarders solicited. THE BEVERLY. Centrally located at Park and Tamhlll. Large rooms, nicely furnished, steam heat, electric Hunts, excellent tabic and service, at reasonable rate; table boardern solicited. FLEASANTLY LOCATED ROOMS. BEST residence portion of city; an exceptional opportunity for a couple desiring home com forts. Phone Pacific MO. or call 53 Kla su. bet. 20th and 21st, near Washington. PRIVATE FAMILY OFFERS GOOD ROOMS, separate parlor, modern convenience, home cooking, for family of 4 to tt adults; walking distance; reasonable price. Phone Main 3497. FIRST-CLASS ROOM AND BOARD. FOR 2 pople. 145 per month, with all conveni ence; better look this up; aUo table board, $4 per week. Aster House. 7th and Madison. THE GLEN DORA, 1I7H AND COUCH Suites with running water, single rooms, flrst-clsas board; largs parlor. blUlsrd-rooa. cTcryihlag up to date; rates $25 and up. PORTLAND WOMEN'S UNION. 17TH TEAR; rooms with board; us of sewing-room; um of library; Women's Exchange Address Mrs. E. B. Hamlin. Supr,. 510 Flanders. IN PRIVATE FAMILY. NICE FRONT ROOM with board; bath, electric light, phone, modern: eajy walking distance 422 Jef ferson 4. I'hone Iaclflc 907. 332 10TH ST. WELL-FURNISHED ROOMS, all modern conveniences; good location: house in good condition; well heated and lighted; home cooking. ROOMS AND BOARD 549 Vi MORRISON ST.. nicely furnished room, all modern conveni ences, well heated and lighted, home cook ing. Phone Pacific 1325. WELL-FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS WITH board; one suite suitable for 3 or 4 per sons; rates reasonable: modem conven iences. 442 Jefferson. A PLEASANT FRONT ROOM WITH GOOD hoard, suitable for man and wife or two gentlemen; private family. 35 N. ISth. near Washington. THE STERLING. 1BTH AND COUCH. ONE block from Washington Very desirable rooms; hot. cold water; with board; terms reasonable. ROOM AND BOARD. REASONABLE. WITH first-das private family, near three car lines; piano, bath, electric light, heat. Phone East 2314. NICELY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; also one sleeping room. 00 ground floor, private family. 345 Burnslde t., near Seventh. WITH BOARD. ONE SUITE AND TWO single rooms, steam heat, hot and coW water. 150 11th. bet. Morrison and Alder. 195 7TH ST.. CORNER TAYLOR. THE COZY Nice large rooms with good home cook ing; also small rooms. Phone Pacific 1W. ROOM. WITH OR WITHOUT BOARD. IN private family for gentlemen. Call at 204 Park at., or phone Main 4133. 1CSH 10TH LARGE. HANDSOME FRONT rooms with adjoining room, en suite or sin gle, with board: reasonable TOURAINE." 188 7TH. NEAR HOTEL Portland Front rooms xlth board for 2, $50; table board. $4 week. GOOD BOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE family; charges reasonable. 760 Thurman M., between 23d and 2Ub. LARGE FRONT ROOM. HOME PRIVI leges. good heme cooking, two preferred. $20, Phone East 1403. SUITE OF ROOMS. RUNNING WATER, sas. use phone; homo cooking. 395 Sal mon. Phone Main 1500. ROOMS WITH BOARD. SERVED FAMILY style, borne cooking; transient solicited. 120 Alder. 76 West Park: "THE ELLA," THE MOST SELECT FAMILY boardlnr house In the city; rales reason able. C55 Washington. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH FIRST class board: rate very reasonable. The Ella. 655 Washington. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH GOOD TABLE board. 213 13th. Flats. FOR RENT LOWER FLAT. 4 ROOMS, bath and laundry: newly fixed over; rent $30. 7th and Oak. Apply G. N. W. Wil son Co.. 72 6tb. 551 WASHINGTON ST. FLAT B FURNISH- ed or unfurnished, reasonable to good tenant. Inquire Dr. Templcton. Hamilton bldg. FOR RENT MODERN C-ROOM LOWER flat near High School. 190 17th at., near Yamhill. Inquire 1S9 16th sL. nsar Tay lor. FOR RENT 6-ROOM MODERN FLAT. CEN trally located. $30 to responsible parties; no children. Inquire No. 66 N. 15th st. VERY DESIRABLE MODERN FLATS, bright. Urge, tinted rooms. Isnndry and basement; very reasonable. 349Vj Cth. MODERN. 6- ROOM FLAT. COMPLETELY furnlrbed. light, airy. Phon Main 3519. 32S I4th St., between Clay and Market. C-ROOM MODERN FLAT. 850 CORBETT. $12.50: C-room modem flat. 607 Marshall. $25. L. E. Thompson A Co.. 228 3d. MODERN FLAT OF 5 ROOMS. IN HEART of city, fine piano, bath. gas. phone, com pletely furnished. 145 11th, FURNITURE OF 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT for sale; entirely new; Cat for rent, reas onable Phone Main 0037. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. INCLUDING steel range and window ahadtn. 203 Halsey st. Inquire 258 Larrabee. FURNISHED 5-ROOM FLAT. WEST BIDE, very central. Phone East 209 Monday fore noon; adults; references. CENTRALLY LOCATED. COMPLETELY furnished modem 3-room Sat with bath. In quire 1G3 W. Park st. LOWER FLAT. PARTLY FURNISHED: NO children references. Phone Main 1030 or Hood 533. 263 7th. MODERN 5-ROOM FLAT. TWO BLOCKS north of Steel bridge, fronting river. In quire 283 Larrabee. 5-ROOM FURNISHED BASEMENT FLAT. S E. 11th ot-. near Washington; walking distance: $12. THREE-ROOM FLAT FOR HOUSEKEEP Ing. Inquire flat D, 225 Market su Phono Main 516. 2315 N. 17. COR. COUCH MODERN NEW Cat. well furnished rooms, with or with out board. , NEW FLAT. S BRIGHT ROOMS AND AL cove gas. bath, central. Weal Side Fhas PadSc frO. S'ICDLT FURNISHED SIX-ROOM LOWER Sat, reasonable; gas. bath, phone 326 14th street. LOWER MODERN FLAT. ON 18TH ST.. bet. Hoyt and Gllsan. See owner, phone Pa cific 6S5. FOR RENT 4-ROOM FLAT. ALL CONVENI ences, or ra'.te of 3. 4S7 Clay. Phone Main 220. MODERN 6-ROOM UPPER FLAT. 37014 13th. Call 455 Market. Phone Main 5503. FOR RENT TWO MODERN FLATS. 604 Lovejoy. $25 each. Dooly & Co.. 3d. FOR RENT DESIRABLE 5-ROOM FLAT. South Portland. $10. laqalre 642 1st. 5-ROOM FLAT. ITS GREEN AVE., NEAR 23 aad WaafclRgtea. alee grove. TWO S-ROOM FLATS. WB6T SIDE; CLOSH la. I4lre ream 6, 372 1st mC TOR RENT. Fiats. THE GARLAND. 621 Washington; unfurnished flat. 5 rooms. Including bath. heat, hot and cold water. Janitor. $30. Adults. References. Phone Main 4740. THOROUGHLY MODERN AND NEW UP per flat. 5 rooms, tinted walls, furnace and fireplace, very swell. Montgomery, near Iark. M6rgan & Flledner. 213 Ahlngton. NEW 7-ROOM FLAT: MODERN; ALL OR part of furniture for sale: West Side; convenient- to car; easy walking distance. Phone Main 5487. M 31. Oregonlan. FOR RENT 5-ROOM MODERN FLAT WITH gas range and water heater Installed. 30 Vi E. Sth st. Apply pbocs Mala 201. Page Jt on. 120 Front st. FOR RENT A NEWLY WELL-FURNISHED fiat, bath, piano; $16. 595 Jeffenon su. cor. Stout. $10.0 4-room flat, ground floor. Cor. Fargo and Rodney ave Hoasekeeplag Rooms. SOOlj 4TH PLEASANT FRONT HOUSE keeplng suite of two; gas and wood range; reasonable; respectable; investigate. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. ALL FRONT; also housekeeping roomn; hcuse changed hands, new management. 74 4th, FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSEKEEPING. ALL conveniences; ground floor; nice yard, ad Joining Lyric Theater. 349 Alder. 314 MILL. COR, CTH COMPLETELY FUR nlhd housekeeping suite, running water, choice location; rent reasonable. TWO HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. WITH AT tlc, basement, water and Ian. MS Bel mont st,; take Sunnyside car. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplng; gas. phone and water, on Mont gomery car line 3&I 1 1th st. THREE FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, with private entrance; no children; all new. Phone Main 4709. TWO FURNISHED ALCOVE HOUSEKEEP Ing roomn. 2 beds, free phone. $15. 2C9 Hall, between 3d and 4th sts. C41 SIXTH ST. THREE VERY DESIRABLE rooms, completely furnished for housekeep ing, with every convenience. 313 14TH ST. SUITE OF THREE NEATLY furnished rooms for housekeeping; also two rooms with bath and phone. 4S7 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED front cult. 2d floor, new dwelling, furnace heat; modem conveniences. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms: bath, phone. 327 Gllsan st.. between 6th and 7th. NICELY FURNISHED MODERN HOUSE keeplng room, gas. heat. Sne location. 195 N. 13th, corner Kearney. HOUSEKEEPING SUITES AND ROOMS, ckwe In; new building and furniture. Thone. gs. bath. 32i) 2d ft. FOR RENT SUITE OF FURNISHED housekeeping room In modern flat; no children, 95 N. 17th. FOR RENT 3 HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with all modem conveniences. $12.50 per month, 319 12th 3 NICE. CLEAN HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, fine home, private family; bath. ga. phone. 4ee East Oak. TWO NICELY FURNISHED HOUSBKEEP Ing rooms with bay window, 3 blocks from Postofflce. 235 Sth st. ONE ALCOVE ROOM. FURNISHED FOR light housekeeping; clean, light: bath, phone 348 Clay st. ISO 13TH DESIRABLE FRONT ALCOVE rooms.. also kitchen, completely furnished; modern; adult only. FRONT ALCOVE AND ADJOINING ROOM, furnished for housekeeping. Phone Main 48rt. 32 N. 11th sU $lft TWO COZT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; water, bath; West Side, closo in. Q 35. Oregonlan. 435 MAIN. CORNER I2TH FURNISHED housekeeping room from $10 to $10: goa, bath, phone, central. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING AND sleeping rooms, close In, $1 week up; bath. 86 10th. niar Stark. TWO FRpNT ROOMS. FURNISHED FOR housekeeping: cheap rent to right parties; modem. 555 Sth st. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN PRI vatc family, suitable for family or two gen tlemen. 3P0 1st st. SUITE OF 2 UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, with gaa stove. $1.22 per week. 3S2 E. Yamhill it. 2 OR 3 NEATLY FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng room: gas. bath, .phone; no chil dren. 4CS Jefferson. 328 MAIN. BET. CTH AND 7TH NEATLY furnished housekeeping rooms, single or en suite; very central. PLEASANT ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMILT with of kitchen; all conveniences, close in. 230& Cth. 215 I0TII FOUR CONNECTING ROOMS, nkcly furnished for housekeeping; two beds; water In kitchen. FROM $1 PER WEEK UP FURNISHED housekeeping room?, modem conveniences. 127 Lownsdalc st. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms; electric lights, hath and phone. 2S6 Clay sL UPPER FLOOR. PRIVATE RESIDENCE, three rooms and alcove, furnished. 205 11th. Call 10 to 12. 471 ALDER LARGE ROOM FOR HOUSE keeplng. bath, phone, close to business; reasonable price. TWO NEWLY FURNISHED HOUSEKEBP Ing room for $12; ground floor, large yard. 400 E. Ash st. ONE SUITE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, very reasonable; bath, heat and phone 543 Morrison st. TWO FURNISHED LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING rooms, gas. bath and phone. 135 14th st.. comer Alder. NICELY AND COMPLETELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, private house. 227 Montr ornery. THE NEWCASTLE. 402fc 3D HOUSEKEEP Ing roomy; also single room; heat, light antl phone. TWO. THREE OR FOUR HOUSEKEEPING rooms, brick Cat. modern. 565 Irving st., near 17th. 412 ALDER. CORNER 11TH TWO ROOMS (upstairs), furnished complete for house keeping. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM. DOWNSTAIRS, for light housekeeping, furnished; rent cheap. 421 Cth. FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED HOU3B keeplng rooms. Inquire at room 6, 372 1st st. HOUSEKEEPING SUITE OF 3 ROOMS. ALL modern, southeast comer 2d and Grant, New Grant. FIVE WELL FURNISHED ROOMS. BATH, piano, flno grounds, with fruit. Phone East 3319. TWO LAROE CORNER ROOMS. WITH AL cove. furnished for housekeeping. 3614 3d. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS. GROUND floor, unny and convenient. 64 East 0th st. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, fresh painted and cleaned. 347 Taylor et. THREE UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; new fiat; walking distance 426 4th. TWO ROOMS. COMPLETE FOR HOUSE keeping. 151 N. 12th ft.; $12 per month. 3 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING. EN suite; ga. bath and phone. 190 12th st. FURNISHED ROOMS. LARGE AND CON venlent, moderate rent, at 392 4th su NICE. NEWLT PAPERED UNFURNISHED suite. 223 Pine tU Phone 3363. FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS FOR HOUSE keeplng or single 440 Jefferson. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOM3 The Jefferson. Sth and JeCftrsoe, 195 7TH ST. SUITE OF NEAT. CONVENI est rooms. Phone Pacific 1964. 382 IITH ST. 3 NICE FURNISHED housekeeping rooms for rent. FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, with phone 164 N. loth st. FOUR NICELT FURNISHED ROOMS. MOD ern. 230 2d, Mala 4492. TWO NICE ROOMS. CALL AFTERNOONS. 2T Weac Park si. FURNISHED ROOMS MODBBN" CONVBNI. eaeea. 269 14th, FOR RENT. Ho-asekeenlng Rooms. THE HOWLAND APARTMENTS. 631 Washington st.. cor. 20th Nicely furnlsbsd housekeeping rooms; gas ranges, hot water, free bath, free phone on both floors, nlco sunny aultes for $10 and $12 per month: the very best rooms In tns city for tha money. TWO FINE. CLEAN FURNISHED ROOMS for housekeeping, close In on East Side, easy walking distance: also near all car line, tine private residence, modem con veniences, electric light, furnace heat. bath, telephone; no children. Phone East 1316. THE- ONEONTA. 187 17TH ST.. NEAR YAM htli New house, elegantly furnished apart ments, in suites of 2. 3 and 4 room; hot and 0ld water; gas range In each kitchen; steam heat, baths, free phone on each floor. FOR RENT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEP- ing rooms In bet brick block on East Side; gas ranges, bath, etc; no transients; prices moderate. Logan block, lOSVi Union ave, comer Ea3t Alder. Phone East 4624. THREE ROOMS COMPLETELY FURNISH ed for housekeeping; two beds; use of basement, yard and fruit; close in; no children: rent $16. including water: refer ences exchanged. B 31. Oregonlan. THE JEFFERSONIAN. 514 JEFFERSON ST. strictly modem 2 and 3-room furnished housekeeping apartments, free phone, fur nace heat, plenty hot water, elegant porce lain bathtubs; outside rooms. HOUSE. 111-113 NORTH 9TH ST.. HAS changed hands Rooms, furnished and un furnished, for housekeeping; also furnished for day, week or month; all reasonable prices. Phone Faclflc 019. TWO. THREE OR SIX FURNISHED CON- ncctcd housekeeping rooms, alcove, fronts two streets, pleasant and reasonable: bath. Phone Main 4363. 533 Yamhill, comer I7th otreet. FOR RENT NICE SUITE OF HOUSEKEEP Ing rooms, closo In. for $7.50 per month, with use of bath and phone, to married cou ple without dogs or children. Box 637. city. 26S-270 MONTGOMERY FOUR FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, suitable for 2 couple?. $12.50 each: bath, gas, central: bay win dow, flne view, adults. Main 4469. THE TALE. 29H.J GRAND AVE. NEWLT lumunra nouKKeeping rooms, eingie or en suite; gas or wood stoves; walking distance; good car service. Phone East 4361. FURNISHED ROOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSE keeplngt ga range, light and furnace heat. Swell location. East Side, near car line. No children. Phone East 5430. NICELY FURNISHED. BAY-WINDOW, housekeeping suite; bath, gas, phone: every convenience; reasonable. Phone Main 5531. Call 421 7th st. LOWER FLOOR. 3 LARGE. FRONT. NICE ly furnished modern housekeeping rooms; water In sink: private residence; best lo cation: $25. 731 Kearney. 333 12TH SUITE OF LARGE. LIGHT. COM pletely furnished housekeeping rooms; pri vate residence: walking distance; bath. gas. furnace. Phone Main 3753. 2 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS, modern. $10; also 2 light unfurnished base ment rooms, new. for sewing or housekeep ing. $8. 873 E. Couch st. COMPLETELY FURNISHED" HOUSEKEEP Ing suite. 3 rooms: porch, gas. phone, wat ,er: $16. S car south. 1017 Corbett st. Phone Pacific 91. FURNITURE OF NICELY FURNISHED suite In Toumey block; suitable for light housekeeping; rent reasonable: a bargain. Phone Main 90. THREE UNFURNISHED AND TWO NICE ly furnished housekeeping rooms. 068 Wat er st.. South Portland; bath arid phone Main 4 .Vio. THREE NICELY FURNISHED HOU5E keeping rooms for two months; private house, steam heat, piano; cheap. 724 E. Burnside. FOR RENT BASEMENT OF 3 ROOMS and laundry; newly fixed up; rent $12.50. 7th and Oak. Apply G. N. W. Wilson Co.. 72 Cth. 191 CTH. ! BLOCK SOUTH HOTEL PORT Iand Cozy single room. $7; also nice front housekeeping suite; modern conveniences; no children. PLEASANT FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING and sleeping-rooms, one block south of Washington and St. Clair sts. Phone Main 3S16. TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS FORvIIOUSE keeplng; gas. bath, hot and cold water. Call mornings, 547 Morrison, or phone Main 4401. $1.50 A WEEK UP CLEAN. FURNISHED housekeeping rooms, with yard, parlor, laun dry, bath, furnace. 203 Stanton. U car. UNFURNISHED AND FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng suites, cheap, newly renovated, ev ery convenience, walking distance. 403 4th. TWO NEATLY FURNISHED MODERN housekeeping rooms; private residence; best location: $11 month. 731 Kearney. 2 VERT NICE HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. $14 per month; also large front alcove room, suitable for 2 persons. 309 Jefferson sr. . TWO ROOMS. NICE AND CLEAN. FURNISH ed housekeeping: modem convenience; pri vate hocre; walking distance 390 Park. 308 13TH SMALL SUITE, $S PER MONTH: also single housekeeping room. SG; third floor: ga bath and phone. Call Monday. THE RUTLAND. 310i 1ST ST. NEATLT furnished housekeeping rooms, en suite or single, and sleeping rooms; reasonable. $1.75 PER WEEK LARGE. CLEAN FUR nlshed housekeeping rooms: laundry and bath, 1S4 Sherman. South Portland. 3 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOSIS for housekeeping, ground floor; gas. bath; reasonable. 2 Union ave.. S. E. tor. CONNECTING ROOMS. PLEASANT AND completely furnished; gas. bath, phone, private family, close in. 331 14th. HOTEL NORTHERN FINE FURNISHED housekeeping suites. $10 and up. Comer 12th and Marshall sts. Main 1439. HOUSEKEEPING AND SLEEPING R0O5I5 at 2SS; 3d st. Houses. FOR RENT 4-ROOM COTTAGE AND yard; four fruit trees. 449 11 tb. Inquire 383 11th st. 0-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 681 2D ST.. $22. Inquire 405 Chamber of Commerce Main 5563. FOR RENT MODERN C-ROOM FLAT. 420 Rodney ave; rent reasonable Phone East 907. FOR RENT MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE close In. Apply 72 E. 7th North; no children. GOOD 8-ROOM HOUSE, 518 CLAY ST.; VERY reasonable rent. See M. E. Lee. 93$i 6th st. $1S MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE: NEWLY tinted. 168 Porter st. Inquire at grocery- TWO NEW MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSES AT E 13th and" Division 'sts.: rent reasonable. FIVE-ROOM COTTAGE. WEST SIDE. CLOSE In. Call at 329 MIR. Phone 5Iain 5044. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM CORNER house, bath, attic Inquire 87 E. 17th st. SEVEN-ROOM HOUSE WITH BATH. GAS and stationary tubs. 614 Petty grove. 402 4TH FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms, walking distance; reasonable. SIX-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN: 31 E. ISTH St.. South. Inquire 127 E. 18th t. FOR SALE OR RENT HOUSE-SCOW, foot of E. Slain st. N. Mathersen. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. S. E. COR. 1st and Meade. Inquire 706 First. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. ELECTRIC lights, bath, phone. 310 10th st. S3 E. STH ST. N- MODERN NEW C-ROOM house; gas. Phone Main 3279. FOUR ROOMS FOR $8 PER MONTH. WAT er Included. 417 Russell st. COTTAGE OF 6 ROOMS AND BATH. 731 Hoyt st. Inquire 132 6th st. FOR RENT S-ROOM HOUSE. PHONE MAIN 4145. 249 Caruthers st. NEW. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 163 B. 14th, Belmont-Yamhill. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 449 E. YAMHILL. BET. E. 7h and Sth. $18. 7-ROOM HOUSE. 710 FRONT ST. PHONE Main 6801. 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. 766 B. BURN slde: $30. COTTAGE. 446 6TH APPLY 502 COMMER clal bldg. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. PHONE SCOTT 6131. FOR RENT S-ROOM COTTAGE. STHtEAST Aider. FOR RENT 7-ROOM HOUSE. INQUIRE 109 2d st. Fallay. FOR RENT, Houses. H." EL EDWARDS. " . ' Housefurnlfiher. RENTAL DEPARTMENT. If you contemplate moving, call ViTnd ice us, as we have the most , complete, list of vacant houses In the city for rent. Follow ing la a sartlal Itet; WEST SIDE. 5-room house, basement.... ...?9.0i 2 rooms, central; ter, light,. heat in cluded $14,00 5-room cottage, good condition...... $14.04 5-room cottage $14.00 7-room house, bath. gas. v S15.0O 7-room house, good condition.... ...$15.00 3-room flat. bath. gas. water Included.. $1600 7-room houpe. bath. gas.,. $17.50 5-room flat. bath. gas. 4th st...'. $18.00 3-room flat. bath. gas. 17th st. ....... ..520.00 5-room cottage, ga. close in. ......... .$25.00 5-room flat. bath. gas. new..... ....... $25.00 5-room flat. bath. gas. Cth pt -.525.00 7-room house, bath. gas... .'527. DO 7-room house, bath. gas. furnace....; -,.$30.00 ' EAST SIDE. 5-room cottage, on car line ....$10.00 5-room cottage, bath $14.00 5- room cottage, new. bath, gas, e.Iec- . . trlclty ; $15V00 6- room house, bath. gas. ''Tamhlll at.... $15.00 7- room house, bath. Taylor at ..$15.00 6-room house, bath. gas. Sacramento st.S15.00 6-room cottage, bath. gas............t.$16.DO 6-room house, bath, gas. Stark st $16.00 6-room house, new. batH. gaa $16.00 6-room flat. new. bath. gas..... ........ $18.00 6-room house, new. bath, gas ..$22.50 5- room house, new. modem, close in.. $27.50 6- room house, new modem. Ash bt....$2S.0O 34-room house, new. strictly modem.. $150.00 40-room house, new. strictly modem.. $180.00 Note No information' regarding these houses can be given over "phone. H. E. EDWARDS. Housefumisher. 1S5 to 191 First St. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON Elegant flat. 7 room;, strictly modern, la good neighborhood, on Sth St., on car line. $3250. Good 6-room house. 502 Montgomery St., modem, on car line, $25. 9-room house. N. 19th st.. modem, clean . and very desirable; good yard. house finished In Spanish mahogany. $40. 9-room rceldence. 74S Johnson st., near 23d. See this and get a bargain at $37.50. Also many other good homes in different parts of the city. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, S. E. cor. 3d and Oak, Phone Exchange 72. DONALD G. WOODWARD. AGENT. 2j6 Stark street. Phone Main 345. 34'4 16th. near Wash.. 6-roora flat. ..$38.50 171 Arthur t 7 rooms . ; 17. 50 2S6 Montgomery. 3-room flat....... 20.00 383- 25th t.. N.. cottage 35.00 374 16th. cor. Thurman. hotel 40.00 273 Montgomery. 4-room flat IS. 00 467 6th st.. 5-room flat 25.00' 264 7th st., 6-room flat 35.00 324 Williams ave.. 6-room cottage 36.CO 355 Stark st.. corner store 50.00 320 7th.. ,flne comer flat 35.00 383 4th. modem 7-room flat 35:00 Mllwaukle. near Caywood. 3 rooms... 10.00 (Other vacancies not advertised.) - REDUCED RENTS. $25 Handsome, new and strictlv modern 6-room flat. 325 Mill. $20 Beautiful, new and up-to-date 7-room cottage. East 33d and Tamhlll. $16 Elegant. strictly modem 6-room hvuse. 912 Gantcnbeln avenue. $15 Nice, modem 5-room cottage, 465 East Couch. $13 80x152 feet of ground. 5 rooms, largo bam. abundance fruit, on Belmont t cast of Sunnyside. $13 Very desirable 7-room cottage,' 1S6 East. 37th. THE DUNN LAWRENCE COMPANY. 149 First Street. 5- room flat. 15th and-'LovcJoy ..$10.00 6- room flat. 222 13th. near i-ovejoy.. 13.00 6-room flat. 220 13th. cor. I-oveJoy;. 14.00 6-room flat. new. modem. 778 Kear ney 32.30 6-room house, modern. 552 Lovejoy.' near 17th ".. 27.50 9-room modem house. 617 Marshall. near 19th 37.50 The Kratz Tavern, consisting of two stores, with frontage on two etrecte, 12S 6th and 311 Alder sts. GRMDSTAFF & SCHALK. 264 Stark st. Phone Main 392 NEW ROOMING-HOUSE. ELEGANT. MOD ern. brand-new building. thoroughly equipped for rooming house- business; ltu ated in the fast-growing district on "East Side; this place must be seen to be ap preciated: lease. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON. S. E. cor. 3d and Oak. Phone Exchange 72. HATFIELD & SMITH. RENTALS. 165 Fourth St. 1-room house, furnace heat. .......$30 8-room house, bath and gas... 25 7-room house, fruit trees and lawn..... 20 7-room house, stove and gan range..... 25 4-room cottage, furnished IS 3-room cottage, furnished 20 DESIRABLE FAMILY HOUSE. 8 ROOMS, walking distance; barn. 6-room modern house, furnished for boarding; owner. MORTGAGE GUARANTEE & TRUST CO.. 00 Seventh Street. 6-ROOM HOUSE. 6S0 E. TAYLOR. $20. 8-room new house, with furnace, Han cock, near Williams ave. $23. 3-room cottage. E. 20th. near Oregon, $15. F. W. TORCLER. 106 Sherlock Bldg. FOR RENT 16 E. 16TH ST.. ONE BLOCK from Ankeny car line, cottage 7 room and bath: gas and gas fixtures: large yard loo xlOO feet, plenty fruit. The Title Guar antee & Trust Co., 240 Washington st., cor 2d FOR RENT MODERN 7 AND S-ROOM houses. 351 and 387 Ross et.. 8 blocks from Steel Bridge: $20 and $22.30. 5-room cot tage. I4th and Marehall; $15. Slnnott & Slnnott. 533 Chamber of Commerce. FOR RENT A NEW. MODERN. 6-ROOM house, lately built and up to date. AH latest Improvements, one block from car line. In quire 751 East Burnslde st. Phone East 211. TWO NEW 7-ROOM HOUSES GAS. ELEC tricity. furnace, yard, tubs, basement: mod ern 4-room house: 3-room house; all closo in. Inquire 248 Lincoln, near 3d. FOR RENT BY MARCH 15 SEVEN-ROOM cottage at 201 N. 23d. corner Kearney. In quire of F. J. Alex. Mayer. 628 Everett st., or 102 Sherlock bide. 613 E. 25TH HOUSE 5 ROOMS: BATH, boiler, stationary tubs, basement, yard. 1 block to car or school, $12. C. Blrcher, Commercial block. FOR RENT THE RESIDENCE OF THE late S. G. Reed, containing 20 rooms, bet. 1st and 2d.. Montgomery and Harrlson-sts. Apply 441 3d st. FOR RENT ONE NEW 3-ROOM" HOUSE", close In on 11th St.. rent $20. .F. .O. North rup & Co.. 211 Commercial block, .2d and AVashlngton. FOR RENT NEAT COTTAGE, 5 ROOMS, bath. gas. etc. cor. 19th and Northrup, $20 per month. C. H. Korell, 251 Washing ton st. AN UP-TO-DATE 0-ROOM HOUSE. 475;MAIN St.. with all conveniences; In first-class-condition. Apply to J. Kracmer, Commercial bldg. $25 NEW. MODERN HOUSE. M'MILLEN st-. easy walking distance. Western .Ore gon Trust Co.. 291 Stark st. Phone Pacific 693. FOR RENT A SUBSTANTIAL MODERN house In Irvlngton. $33 per mopth. 718 Chamber of Commerce Phone Main 4764. KADDBRLY TRANSFER CO.. PROMPT and reliable piano and furniture movers. Phone main 1C85. Office. 110 N. 3d st. FOR RENT VERT DESIRABLE MODERN 6-room bouse, furnace, shades, best plumb ing. 540 H. Ash. Phone East 1817. DONALD G. WOODWARD. 246 STARK ST. Rents and insurance. Phone Main 345. ADMINISTRATOR OF ESTATES. FOR RENT HOUSE AND STORE ON Umatllla ave.: good location for business. Phone East 4520. 542 Umatilla ave. GOOD 6-ROOM HOUSE. 1476 E. STH ST. N.. near Woodlawn station; rent only $10 per month. See M. E. Lee. 93U 6th st. FIVE-ROOM MODERN COTTAGE. WITH porcelain bath, newly papered. $15 month. Northeast corner 10th and Savler. MODERN 6-ROOM HOUSE. 589 KEARNET. near 19th; hot and cold water.-.gas; $20. Apply 12S 3d. Phone Main 62S. FOR RENT 6-ROOM HOUSE: ALL LATEST Improvements. Inquire at 1713 East 11th St.. Sellwood. or phone East 4744. TWO OR THREE NEATLT .-FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: private hath., electric light, phone. 101 10th. cor. Stark. FOR RENT MODERN 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 245 Adams st., near Steel bridge. The .Ore gon Real Estate Co.. 88 3d st. HOTEL CONTAINING 44 ROOMS. NEWLT, papered and painted: cheap. Inquire of Hedges & '-Griffith. Oregon City. 9-ROOM HOUSE. FINE LOCATION. WEST Side, newly furnished throughout; floors painted. -20 Commercial bldg. $15 MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE. WITH gas. E. 21st bet. Taggert and Ellsworth.