The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, February 18, 1906, PART TWO, Page 14, Image 14

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Fhe StoreTliat
Saves You Money -
Closed Wednesday Night
and the Judges Mr. E. C. Oliver. Mr. J. C. Roberts
-Iave Handed .Down Xheir Decision, as, Follows:
. and MrA D. Freeland-
, ' j ? "
' 7
.' 1
' : .FIRST PRIZE - - - -$5M0
Mrs. H. D. Barber
, 4 . -31i SpenwuPSt, Koatavilla
JSECpNI) PRIZE - V. - -V '$25.00
Kiss Gssevieve-Pbillipfcr.-. ?855 Wasco St.
THIRD PRIZE - -'V- .-; $15.00
Mrs.- E. Ifcvis .v . ... . -. -. 409 'Brazee St.
.FOURTH .PRIZE4. . - w-- : $10.00
F. -A. Nclsoar ;,...v282& Park St.
1 ' FIFTH PRIZE - - - - $5.00
Hl-S.-Gonfrey .4-.7;. . . .170 Front St.
J. A. Davis 290 Washington St.
William Williams.-., Missouri Avenue
H. J, .Burrows ."...581 East Eighth St.
JjeslerPelton... :....... Lents, E. F. D. 1
A. E. Cooke . 410 East Lincoln St.
B. W. Garrett. v...-. 7 Union AvenneNorth
Miss Newton 409 Brazee St.;
Mrs. L. E. Wilhoit.. General Delivery, City
D. M. Smith 138 Central Avenue
C. E. Shannon. .-...68 Tenino St., Sellwood"
W. G. Hartman East Third St. North
Mrs. J. C. Mullen ...529 Failing St.
Charles Kachold..... 583 Karl St.
A.. Cole 829 Sandy Eoad
A. Seaman 448 East Market street
Winner of First Prise.
Out of Seven Hundred and Sixty-Three Sets sent in, the ones under the following- names were especially well made, showing: that much time had
been spent in building-. These deserve honorable mention. (J Your set will be saved for you and we will be pleased to have you call for
same any time after Thursday mornings -Be sure to bring your number. Wve will return sets to out-of-town contestants by mail.
Prize Winners your checks are ready and if you will call Monday we will be pleased to give them to you
Everything to Furnish
the Home Complete
We are getting stronger
each day, .week, month
and year. The con
tinued progress of this
institution is the natural
outgrowth of an honest,
progressive and broad
business policy, which
stands for right treat
ment, right goods arid
right prices.
Mrs. D. E. Taylor City
Mrs. Brazee Efflngcr. . City
Miss Hclon Clark City
Mrs, H. C. Gates. v Orcpon City, Ore
' " F. G. "Wagley ..Napavinc, Wash.
E. A. Brings I City
L. A. AVirtz Gresham, Ore.
' Willi J. Glnder Gresham. Ore.
Leo MJ Blonlski AfS. Jefferson SU
Julia A. Mathews.. '....i.yA "Grand Ave. S.
Edith- A. Brown $M Grand Ave.
Julian Clough 514 Jefferson St.
Otto Boehi , 409 6th Su
L. R. Cansler 230U Yamhill SL
Mrs. Kenneth Evans 1206' E. Salmon
Patty Macqueen W9 Tfeylor SU
E:E. Spear 352 14th SL
Hilda M. W--cl .ia E. 22nd St.
Charles Oberg 712 Borthwick
K. J. Tcr' 225 7th SL
M. I. Russ 413 Sellwood St.
C. A. Beach lients. Ore.
lcstcr Pel ton Lents. Ore.
J. B. Gardner. Arleta. Ore.
L. H. Mnicr. 10S9 E. Morrison "SL
. . Mrs. C. A. Bass..-...1. 2 E. Sth SU
Miss Ida--M. Pqjx? Forest Grove, Ore.
Mrs. Ward A. Jacobs Lents. . Ore.
Arthur "Stafford 4 E. Yamhill
Master George Prcntlss..,.414 TL Yamhill
Llovd Head .1115 Division SL
T. J. Welin S1G E. 11th SL
Miss Lydla Johnson Lents. Ore.
A. W. Lee 13 E. 14th SL N.
LHlv Bryson...341 Hibbard SL. Montavllla
A. W. Murrow,......-.. ..Oregon City. Ore.
Elizabeth Francis 325 Sherman St.
David Logan. ..407 Alder SL
Miss Laney .12 E. 22nd SL
A. R. Slagel .....E3 E. 9th SL N".
M. J. Rj-an 228 Sheridan
R. C. Geer 209 E. 33d St.
Mrs. Heinz j.v.v.w.507 E. Harrison SL
Ruth Amusbery 3 Williams Ave.
Amelia H6pfcr..... JXZ X. 16th SL
Herman Kachold..: t:A.-3S3 Carl SL
Lulu Bryson .....'Montavllla. Ore.
Mrs. Charles Adwen 725 Rodney Ave.
W. H. Curran 300 Williams Ave.
Mrs. Porter. 186 Union Ave. N.
Anna May Kecks 1041 Belmont SL
Grethen Cormany. SL Johns. Ore.
Eva Deyoe 134 Monroe SL
G. M. McAfee , 102S Garfield Ave-
Dortha Wyber.i 120 E. 32nd SL
Harey Bender..; 370- E. 7th 'SL
J. H.jCupinall...: Arleta. Ore.
W. Hanovan...... Lents. Ore.
Albert Helne'. Lents, Ore-
Mrs. Holmes' .....Woodlawn'. Ore.
Mrs; RkndaU.i.4Sl Oxford SL. Woodlftwn
ilrs. Charles "Klnzcr,. Hubbard Ore.
E, O. Glrfln, 1 349 Eugene SL
H. B. 'Bdrrowa 5S1 E. Sth .SL
E: P. Bums Xo. 2- Union Ave. N.-
J. C. Prescott.:....24 Kllllncsworth Ave.
F. TL Reeves.... ;.24 a 31st SL
William Mann. ...... 579 Umatilla Ave.
L. J. Elirott-Montavilla. R. F. D. No. 1
A. V. Nary. 721 Rodney Ave. '
L. J. Brandt Mllwaukie. Ore.
Mrs. E. Herschner Woodmere. Ore.
. MrArnold Harper...... 134 E. 33d SL
Mrs.'C. Hartnwn 350 E. 3rd sL X.
Quentin Tclloc 3S5 Victoria St.
MIssJXctty Anderson. ...The' Dalles. Ore.
Edward Blust 915 Water SL
H. M. Baxter 7 Broad SL, Montavllla
Mrs. H. Haines Forest Grove, Ore.
Clara Haines Forest Grove. Ore.
Mrs. B. F. Padrick....l3CS Union Ave. X.
lire. A. M. Roes 412 Vancouver Ave.
W. F. Small 422 OxfQrd. St..
Mary Ryan Montavllla. Ore.
Mrs. Cf, Lounsbury Pacific' Tel. Co.
Mrs. T.E. Myers'.. LIpman. Wolfe & Co.
Stantop: Wisdom 301 'Broadway
James Allison... .- ..430 E. Ankrny St.
Mrs. A. Allison ..40) E. Ankeny St.
Mrs. Millie Jacobson....9-I0 E. Couch St.
Mrs. W. G. Holmes.. ...."640 Williams 'Ave.
Mr?. J. B. Wrinkle SL Johns. Ore.
Wayne Thierjnan. ...... ,302 Tillamook St.
Pearl Taphouse -..32S E. Lincoln
Casper DIckerson ....St. Johns. Ore.
Sarah Linberg Russeilville. Or .
Merwyn B." Froyer 739 Overton SL
A. BoesI..,v,.. 22S 2d St.
lira. Sarah Weston .1SC6 Endicott St.
Mrs. C. Ev . Price. M Montuvllla
T. Masian .'.15 E. 17th St.
Martha BIrkemcier Milwaukie
Richard; S. McKay .........534 6th St.
Mr?. James Eatont 2S5iA 1st' St.
Leta Miller , Milwaukie
Clara CottlQ.-. 295 3d St.
Jennie Hayes ..2SS 3rd Stl
James Wright 433 W. Park SL
Carl Wirtz Gresham. Ore.
Margaret Osberson 346 Larrabee St.
William Flint 673 Quimby SL
Herbert "Flint i 673 Quimby SL
Mrs. .H. M. Madden....lC6a B. 7th SL X.
E. S. Brubaker -. ML Tabor
Ed Goynr 543 4th St.
E. Barrett 602 Vancouver Ave".
-Mary Sulllvan...i :22S Sheridan'SL
Mr. L. Bi.-Stane .-..233 Jefferson SU
Willie Xilard. 337 E-2d-SL
Digniiied Credit for All
Every honest man or
woman is entitled to
credit under the POW
system enables you to
furnish YOUR HOME
complete at once -and
take months to pay the
bill. You have the use
of the furniture' while
paying for it, without
care or worry. A few
ddllars down and a dol
lar or two a week will
do it. We give our ab
solute guarantee with
every purchase, and if
the goods are not the
best and prices as low
as the lowest we desire
to return your money
"The .Mcrchaut of Venice."
Shylock, f. .Mr. Hanfprd
Duke of AenVcx;" '. .'.' . r.M.'.TC Sfonc'
Antonio. ...Alexander 'MacKenzie-,
Bassanio. Thomas F.-Mullpan
Gratiano.... .....'.. ...Erank ilenninp
Lorenzo.. , ... .". .4. .-. .John' M. Kline .
Laffhcelot Gobbo . . Caryl GUHn
Old Gobbo..... ...i.. ....Robert Owen
Jessica MIr.j Blanche Kendall
PortJa . . ..... -V ,. . rMiss "Drofriafi
' - ' - - "InKomar.'
Ingo'mar. .
Alasltir. f.v. (,. .'. .'
Timarch .
Myron... ;-xZ.
Polydo,.v.w, ,
Actea.. . ... .- . -Miss Katheryn .Roth.
Parthetia". v . . .'. . . t. ..MJIsji Prjafnah.
.'.t-.Mr.- Hanfortf.
. ..;Frank -Hennrp -.John
31. 'Kline -.
'An4rejv Ji. Tombes
.T,..:.A- .MacKensle :
WlTli '"Th6 Merchant y)C Venice" in
the "afternoon "aVd nomaf 'in
the eve"n,f-nff, the 'HuiVford' t:o"m"
pany cdnclutTed its .engagement at' tiio
Marquam,Tbeater yesterday. As at itift
two pr'cVIoQiT'perormances", attendrinVe
was slight and so far as the Shiikes
pcarcan offerings are conc6rned, pdrr
haps it it, just a well. There are thWe
who will argue that the man who puts
on Shakaapeare and brings it out fn
Ihe great SKojstJs.doing.a, commendable
thing; that is the medium tnrough
which thousands of people are intro
duced to", the beneficial Shakespeare,
who otherwise 'might never meet him.
Possibly -so.- But it is not altogether
without foundation to conclude that
tcqualrttances. thus made will be easily
broken. To. thctse. .who. can .relish
Shakespeare his presence' is bound t(
seek them' but early In "life .and Hold'
them fast; Ndw to tlie point: Is" any
tage suJ,tablp,to tfte' represbntatidn 6'
ihtse great-characters other than ihv
ftage of fancy?-. Do -we. not prefer to
fceep oyr Shakcspwtrean acquaintances
ts we have met;thern "he.tween the ppet
pages? Well, inaybc not so, but 'ar
least wc do not wish them entrusted
io the stage -where hopeless mediocrity
b at Jarge. Illuminate them with the
:ouch of genius or let them remain the
creatures of our fancy, that would
probably be the verdict of the theater
goers, could a poll be taken.
One of the most delightful of Shake
ipeure's comedies is "The Merchant of
Venice." There is a kind of magic In
the very name and magic Jn plenty is
llffused through the whole. Mr. Han
tord and his assistants fared some bet
:er with the play than they did with
'Othello," yet It must be admitted they
fell short of realizing a satisfactory
r adequate representation of the piece.
To the credit of Mr. Hanford though,
t can be said that his efforts are con
Hentious and dignified. JCot once does
hp seek to touch the tightly-drawn and
ever-ready chord of superficial ap
jilause by grotesque, mannerisms of
-pj-onunclailoiil Ho l8-"carnestvarid sin
cere1 but- Avu wish- jnore 'than that
when it is - offered?- in the ifuM of
Shakespeare.- A2orltfl, 'Tib. fau'lJchn be
found, with MissHanford JShe.iis'cpmc
ly. .gracjous, refined. oT manner and
.broad enough to carry the'rol'e ks -wcll
as the various other,. rpXca that have
eQii assigned her. Sir. i-fening, too,
rises about to th ordinary run' of. me
diocrity and the rest of. the support Is
goidas "supports" run, " . V
In ""Ingomar" the"icompanjj--was even
JJsff satisfactory. It. -woul4to?m 'to re
quire vjrile .strength.andTjespurcesiun-,-lim.Ited,
to.'inukc the yvld iphtras.t bp
tween civilization and, barbarjsm and
the, ltaal. blending of the twp.lnffuejices
In jpnie man. Yawning' voids were -left
''in -tHeXrneanJng 4as-.-cvTrii.ngan3,.the
JinesweJti xherelj'frfcHcd'. T,he arbar
' ian .'followers of ''iJr'gqmM,, Ver - over
tioisj.' and their emotions so strangely
'Sijnuiaioa as io scum .rjaietypu ow
r-aniJ .tnn, th'erc wap a ' strong jscenc. a
m'aste,rlV J.rok'e'but,(twas xhe'excep
;ibnafJf .not the rule ..J.jD.
. . . ; . .. . ? J
.'SJewalkw ef. "ew Yrk;'..
Horace Grngage. Ddbblnfi...i..
i.f. ........ -Mack sV(n-
Clarence Douglas' ....... F. B.raiinlng.
Hubert Dougli:altes-ChaTlfr5kFleijr-
mlng '.'..".v Berths. "Trpnk
John Douglu. rj;.1. 1. , .IVIlHanr fa'cjc
Mr. Marks. . .VL-pviniani Hutcliln'sffh
Louis Xesfcr llb'ard
Mr. Su John.V.'.i.'.lc;'lD.,HWtiaf
Jason ...ry?..2r C, tV'rJght
James Bert .Brighton
ItoWter ......3.r...l. Ben Hanli
jGtace'bciugJ6 ...(..-Dorothy Fairfax
MrpJ Marlca .1 Colllnr
Stella-. .rA...,.s.i.,... ?ils BrJjthiOR-.
KtbcJ DovgikR..,. CcraXJK?: Swain,
TueSde walks! 6t N'ewYorl' ,failei to
snugly ane gaiierj' ooa wno Aucaaea ,in
EShplrc Tiisalcr last-night. .For 'tufo long
weeks those who love good, old-fashioned
melodrama have been patiently waiting
for a play that would chill and warm their
hearts in turn. In "The Sidewalks of New
York they expected a show that would
be so thrilling and replete with so many
exciting climaxes as to make up for the
time lost while the Pollards were at the
But, alas! they were sadly disappointed;
tnerc was only one murder. And to make
the matter all the worse and even out
rageous from the standpoint of the cal-
lery gods, not once did the report from
some murderous pistol ring out last night;
ine one lonesome murder was accom
plished by the medium of a knife.
Otherwise the show at the Emoire last
night was good. Enough comedy was in
troduces! to Keep the gallery gods from
leaving in disgust. This fell to Urce
Greengage Dobbins, just from the coun-
try. Tvno reauy caused many hearty
laughs. ThJs part was played by Mack
Swain. Dobbins was a green farm hand
who wnt to New York and won both
fame and a -fair lady. He outwitted the
bunco men at every stage of the gatne
and did much to clear the name of the
heroine Cora Swain, as Ethel Douglas,
was good, as was Dorothy Fairfax as
Grace Douglas. The other characters were
fairly well taken.
baugh. 25. gt. Johns; Annie E. Calklns. fl.
Burnnldc street; Harrietts "La. Vene Mad
den. 21.
CARUSOK-JOHXSOX Charles E. Carlson.
54. Astoria; TllUe Jo?inon, $4. . '
WOOD-ELLIOT David R. TTood. 23, 4S
East Pine street; Edith C, Elliot. 21.
WOOD At 548 East Twentieth street.
February 15. to the wife or E C "Wood, a
BRAMAN At 945 Vancouver avenue. Feb
ruary 13, to the wife of Grant C. Bram&n.
a son. X
BETTS At" Good ' SamaYiUn ,HqpItal.
February 14. John Belts, aged SO years.
MILLER At 745 East Hawthorne avenue.
February J7.-Rv.Ca.leb A. Miller, a native
of Illinois, aged 70 years. 1 month and 12
days. Remains taken to Hlllsboro, Or., for
Interment.. -
SMALL Killed by. caring earth at Thir
tieth and Clinton streets. February 13. "Ed
die, son of Mr. and Mrs. Zenas D. Small.
a native of Omaba, Neb., a'ged 7 years. 3
months and 26 'days.
KuIldlBjc JVrmlts.
J. J. PRICE Repair of dwelling. 525 East
Sixteenth street North, J 200.
JOHN ANDERSON Dwelling. iJcMlIlen.
street, between Benton and Ross. S1200.
MISS M. H. EDDY Repair of store. First
Jitrett. between Columbia aad Jefferson; $500.
bikerj. Division strett, between East Third'
and East Fourth. $250. 4
A. H. JCEVILL .CO. Repair of warehouse.
Belmont street, between -East First and
East Second, $100.
East Ntnth and Marion streets. $2500.
MARY. A. " FINNEGAX Repair of 'dwell
ing. Cook street and Vancouver -avenue, $100.
Morris Wood Three-Time Winner.
XEW YORK: Vftt 17 Tt,. .o.i .i
. . ... .- imuuiiai
amateur speed skating championship of
me uniico aiaies ana uanada at die
lances of three miles, one mile and one
half mile was decided In" the Rrmv
day, and Morris Wood, of Xew YorH, wo
an cm uv. aits umc nt cacn event loliows;
Half mile, 1:22; mile, 3:0S 2-5; three miles
10:12 4-5.
IVttlla "Walla Boy Confcs.cs Barglary.
WALLA WAT.LA. Wash, Febv 17.
peciai.i orociL unggs, a lV3rear-old
"bo-i today pleaded guilty, to the charge
or burglary In-connecUon with a recent
looting of a local bicycle store, and was
Ordered aenl to the Reform School at
cnenaits The Grisres familv fnm.Hv
1 livd at Elgls, Or,
Renslasr Mass-Meeting In Held la Hood".
RlVer for Cler Relation
' With Portland.
HOOD RIVER, Or., Feb. 17. (Spe
cial.)' A big mas meeting was held
this afternoon In the opera-house to
take action on the proposal to divide
Wasco County with a county scat at
Hood River- Judge Henderson was
made chairman of the meeting and
Councilman" McDonald secretary. The
meeting was unanimously In favor of
county division and Indorsed A. A.
Jayne Tor nomination for Representa
tive to present the bill. If elected.
TWo proposals were before the meet
ing' iboklng to the creation of the now
county. One Is that the boundary line
be put between Moslef and The Dalles;
and the other that It be placed this
side of The "Dalles and extended down
to the Big Sandy River In Multnomah
County, provided the matter could be
Illustrating the Effect of Food.
The remarkable adaptability of Grape
Xuts food to stomachs so disordered that
they will reject everything else, is Illus
trated by the case of Mrs. H , of Ra
cine. W-ls.
"Two years ago," she says. "I was at
tacked by a stomach trouble so serious
that for jl Ipng time I could not take
much of any sort of food. Even the vari
ous kinds -prescribed Jby-thc doctor pro
duced most acute pain.
"We then got some Grape-Nuts food,
and you may Imagine my surprise- "and
delight when I fouhjl "that I" could." eat it
with p. relfsh.and without the slightest
distress. . ' .,.
"When the doctor heard of It he told
me to tike. .several small portions- each
day, because he feared 1 would grow
'tired of it, as I had of .all .other food.
"But. , to his astonishment (and that of
everybody else). J .did not tire of Grape
Nuts, and became better day by day, till
after some weeks, my stomachy entirely
recovered and. I was able to eat anything
my appetite craved.
"My nerves, which had become so
weakened that I feared I would become
Insane, were also restored by the Grnpe,
Xutfc food In connection with Poatum.
Coffee which has become our table bev
erage. 1 'knnreclate most cratefnllv and
thankfully the good that your food" pre
sisuoin oayc vpnp inc. una s"uj oe giao
to answer any letters Inquiring as to my
experience." Name given by Postum
Co.. Battle Creek. Mich.
There's a reason. Read the" little book.
Ike "Read to .WeUvIlle," In packages.
satisfactorily arranged with the citi
zens and authorities of that county.
Judge Henderson, In a ringing speech
said that Hood River should be more
closely Identified with Multnomah than
Wasco, as Its Interests are nearer
those of the former than -the latter and
It was time to break away from
Wasco and organize a county more in
touch with the progressive ideas of
After discussion it was decided to
let the . Mosler people determine
whether they would be in the old
county or the new 'one. There Is In-'
tense Interest here In the matter. Hen
derson and McDonald "were elcted per
manent president and secretary- of the
Cascade County Association, formed
for' the purpose of creating- the new
county. -
Price Reduced
The Daily Oregonian, Sunday included, delivered by earner to
one address to any part of the city is
75 Cents a Month
This rate is good in all places where a delivery service is main
tained. Order through your local agent or phone Main 7070.
M ! t flit f t !
(I In a few days more " '
We will throw open the door to
A .Bonanza for Women
i-' ft We have purchased the
, v entire $50,000 stock of .
And will sell it to Oregon's
- appreciative shoppers at
50c on the dollar
f til f It I t I !