muton 48 PAGES PAGES 1 T0 12 VOL. XXV-1ST0. 3. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 31, 1906. PRICE FIVE CENTS. Bit OOSEVELT IS IGUREHEAQ President is Real Chief Executive of Nation, LEADS IN LAND OF BOSS RULE May Even Be Boss Himself, Says Lincoln Steffens. TROUBLE IN WASHINGTON Pence Is Found Only, in Corruptly Governed Cities, but at Nation's Capital Is ound Discon tent Sore and Pressing. r- UNCOLX 8TKFFUNS OX BOSSKS. "Wherever there Is a bosp. there our representative democracy has ceased to exist. When you expose the burinoss bosses back ot the political bosses, the busi ness bospes throw overboard their po litical bosses. If a boss rulep absolutely a well corrupted city, that city Is at pence. The President Is the President. Theodore Roosevelt Is no figurehead. He Is no man's man. lie may bo a boss himself; they say he is more than President, and that Is a very interesting; charge. But at least he is tho President. By IJncoln Steffens. WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. (Special Corre spondence) It is my custom when visit ing: a state or a city for the purpose of studying its government, to make my first formal call on tho head, of that govern ment. The first man you meet in the street can, usually direct you right, but he won't; not the first time. Wo Ameri cans are charter-blinded; we think our constitutions descrlbo our Government. Consequently, the first direction of the first man you meet In the street is to his Governor or the Mayor. Since my sub ject Is tho actual Government, not the paper thing I boned over In college, my Inquiry is for the actual, not the figure head of the city or tho state. And the moment that is made clear to the man In the street (almost any man in almost any street) ho will exclaim: "Oh, you mean tho boss!" Then he will emlle and name his boss. Why the smile? It is no laughing mat ter. Wherever there Is a boss, there our representative democracy has ceased to exist. Wc do not see it so. Wa call our selves a practical people, and we say there must be a boss. This is a theory and false. Leaders there must be, but our leaders do not have to be our mas ters, rulers, bosses. Do they? I think not, but I don't know. All I am sure of is that wherever there Is a boss, there a revolution has happened; slowly, grad ually, without shock of violence, perhaps; but none the less, practically, a revplu lion. And where In our cities and states has not this second' American Revolution happened? Who is tho head of your city? Who is the actual head of your state? Who is the actual head of the Govern ment of the United States? Xevv York's Boss Overtliown. Usually easy, sometimes this question Is hard to answer. What citizen of New York, for example, can toll you who Is, the head of his state government? Sena tor Thomas C. Piatt, the Republican boss. used to be. but he grew old. and In a moment of weakness and folly, he broke the cardinal rule of the boss system. He named for Governor not a "safe man," but his political lieutenant, Benjamin ,B Odell. In any state where the Governor ship controls good graft and large patron age, the Governor can be tho boss. Gov ernor Odell was boss. And if such a Gov ernor in such a state wants to be, and knows how, ho can go out of office and still be boss. Governor Odell knew how; Boss Piatt had taught him. Governor Odell choso for his successor a man who was really and truly safe. He made certain Mr. Higgins Governor, so cx-Gov-crnor Odell remained tho head of tho actual government of the State of New York. But a boss does not reprcsenfrhlm self alone, he represents tho chief sources of the corruption of his state. Big inter ests are often In conflict among them selves, and it is ever a difficult and delicate task to adjust their differences to tho satisfaction of them all." Big things were at stake in New York, and the conflict there became acute. The interests Mr. Odell failed to satisfy, appealed to Piatt. Piatt couldn't do much, but a dethroned King Is a rallying point for the enemies of a ruling Prince, so the business bosses fought hard back of their political bosses Now the force that keeps such fights within bounds is the fear of publicity. Tho Insurance scandal brought a demand for publicity. If Governor Higgins bad held out, as he expected to do against an in vestlgatlon, all might have gone welL But a safe man is a timid man, and the very weakness that makes him a "good man for Governor" in good times, renders him dangerous (to his boss) in a crisis. Gov ernor Higgins . caved before the demand for an investigation, and, as we all know. the light of publicity poured in upon the New York grafters, political and business too. When you expose the business bosses back of the political bosses, the business bosses throw overboard their political bosses, Just as in purely political arises, tho potttiesJ fcoow "drop" tfeek- Gorer- New York to save themselves, dropped both Piatt and Odell, and still fighting. they -could not agree on a new political head for the state. They are looking for one now. The people of the state are deeply interested In the spectacle, but they are not led to regard it as their affair, wherefore, I say, that It would not be easy to go Into the State of New York and detcrmlno Just now who Is the politi cal head of that state. . Thore are other states and cities where our question would not be easy to an- wer. The citizens of New York City have boon asking ever since tho election of last Fall whether the hoad of their government was Mayor alcClellan or J Boss Murphy. In Pennsylvania all they know is that the Governor isn't the hoad of the state; they are surer In Philadel phia, but even there I hear men express- ! ing some doubt. In Jersey they have set about finding out for themselves, this Winter. In Ohio all is clear at present, but in Cincinnati they aro fighting, quiet ly, but vigorously, to settle the question which, I have reason to think. Mayor Dompscy will answer in due course. Out In San Francisco, whoro organized labor has usurped the power of corporate capi tal, they say they have a labor Mayor, and tliey have; but is he the hoad of the actual city government? You iee, it ipn't always obvious who the real rulor ie. But let' us go back to Washington. AVho Is the Head of the Ration? How about the United Statos Govern ment? Who, or what, or where is the head of the Nation? Thoodore Rooscvejt is in the White Houpc, but is the White Houso the seat of the supreme political power of this country? Some pretty keen observers of the thing as It is point away up to the Capitol on the hill at the other end of Pennsylvania avenue and they say the Senate is the throne. Is it? We aro seeking to know of our own knowledge, romombor, so that we may not take the say-so of other men. We must find out for ourselves How? My experience of cities and snatcs has taught me to look for certain superficial signs which I find to be true guides to the truth concealed deep down below. One of thcfe flgns is trouble. If a boss rules absolutely a well-corrupted city, tliat city is at peace; Philadelphia under Boss Durham, .for example. But If tho Mayor of a city presumes to govern it. as ho should, then there is no peace but sore trouble In that town; said Phila delphia under Mayor Weaver, for exam ple. So with a state, and for Illustrations take Wisconsin under Boss Sawyer and compare It with Wisconsin under Gover nor LaFolletto; or take Now York before. and New York aflor, the ploctlon of Gov ernor Odell. Usually "this trouble means something else besides, but let us stick to the trail and go slow. How does all this boar upon our question of National gov ernment? Discontent in Washington. There is trouble in Washington. Thero is no peace there at all, at all, but only discontent sore and pressing. And if you could listen, as I have all this, my first week here, to the complaint? of all mon that complain, you would notice that all the complainants point at the White House. Borne of these complaints are serious; some of them arc only amusing. They say that "that man" plays politics; they say that ho doesn't. They say that he plays pollticp well; they say that he plays politics badly. They say that ho sacrifices public service to the interests ot his party; they say that he doesn't. They say that he interfered in Ohio and Philadelphia, and thatho thus helped de feat the Republican bosrcs and rings in those places. They say that he should have done this in other states. They say that he rides over the Constitution as he does over a fence, with 'courage and Joy A one-time civil service reformer, they say that he violates civil service laws and principles at his least convenience. He defies tho Senate, thoy say; yet they will tell you that he deals too much with It. He interferes In everything, they say; not only In the politics of the states. but in the politics of the world; and he Interferes In great private businesses. They call him a "dangerous man." Maybe he is. I have seen him do things in states that I could not understand; I have heard of his doing things since I have been here that puzzled me. Wc must ask about tlioso things. We shall have to ask to understand the basis of all these com plaints later. We must know the man well, see what he does, and how. and why, and. most important of all for whom he does them. For, our funda mental question, you remember. Is What do they represent, these, our rep resentatlves? And we want to know whether "our" President is ours. But I find it wise in such Investigations as this to begin with the A-B-C. and. for a beginning, I think it sufficient to have established to my complete satisfaction. and, I trust, to yours, this fact: Roosevelt Is Xo Figurehead. The President Is the President, Theo dore Roosevelt is no figurehead. He is no man's man. He may bo a boss him self; they say he Is more than President. And that is a very Interesting charge. But at least he Is tho President, . "That's certain Isn't it?" I ask every' body everywhere in Washington, and one man's quick answer seemed to express the -conclusion of all. "Well, you can bet your life he's the President." To that extent, then, the Constitution is intact; the description of the National Government as it was written by the Fathers is correct as to the Executive. Nothing new or wonderful about that? Perhaps not, but if you had spent as many months as I have in states where I never had to sec the Governor, you would understand what it meant to me to have to make my first formal call In Washington on the President of the United States. It wasn't very Important, that first In terview. I explained that I had come to Washington, not as a correspondent for news, but as a citizen seeking to under stand the news and the Government, And I asked him whether I had a right to know and to make that Knowledge yours He said I had. "You have a right to know everything you want to know everything." he said with all the force of his tremendous vigor. Of course mat aoesn t mean that we may know about "unfinished business' or business which It is in tho public in terest to have concealed. But that Isn the kind of Information I want. And a day or two after this Interview a subor dinate official, who could throw light on a practice, which I heard was an abuse in the department to wmcn Jie is as signed, was authorised to tell me all he know. This information Is against the Interest of one of the Interests that are supposed to fee the real rulers of tits Unitm StMMcXCppyri srJ.. .L. T BALL ABOUTF Professionalism Is Doomed in the Middle West Colleges. MUST CUT OUT BRUTALITY Rules of Game to Be Revised, Hired Conchas Barred, Players Must Study or Icavc Team, Xo Training Tabic. CHICAGO. Jan. 20. College football was dealt a stagorlng blow by the representa tives of the faculties of the "big nine" Western coUcgos, who. at the conclusion of a two days conference, recommended many changes in the conduct of football and other sports. The aim of the profes sor", apparently, is to curb, as far as pos sible, all tendencies toward professional ism In the different universities, and the various recommendations announced after the meeting adjourned have this Idea up permost It was recommended that the game of football as played at present be abolished as an Intorcolloglatc and collegiate snort In the conference colleges; that the Amer ican football rules committee make such modifications of the playfng rules as will free the game from brutality and unnec essary danger; that In the event such al terations are not sufficient the conference will delegate a committee to draw up rules of its own, and that, if a satisfactory game can established, the recom mendations today shall apply to Its con duct and management. Xo Study, Xo Football. The money ond of football was strongly condomned in a set of resolutions, and in the future tho faculty will have charge of the gate receipts. One of the new rules compels the football player to have as many recitations during the football sea son as at any other time of the year, and at the end of the school year he must be able to show a clean record to be. eligible for the team during the next playing sea son. Any man who Jtas received his bach elor dogree or other academic degree will not be eligible to play on a football team. no matter by what institution that degreo has been conferred. In tho future the coach of any team be longing to the "big nine" colleges must be a member of the faculty, the purely professional paid coach Is not to bo cm- ployed. Among the other recommenda tions wcro the following: Only Five Games a Season. The numbor of Intercollegiate games played by each university team shall be limited to five. The admission to all athletic meets shall be limited to 50 cents for students. No training table shall be maintained for the athlotes. That no one shall play for more than throe years In the aggrogatc In any inter collogiate sport, and that this participa tion be confined to undergraduates. That no team consisting In whole or in part of college students shall play witn nign schools, academies or Independent profes sional schools. That It Is recommended to the college conference that its rule which allows the first three games of the season to be un counted In participation be eliminated. That freshmen teams and second elevens shall play only with teams from their own institutions. TRIUMPH OF REVOLUTION AliKARO ItUI.HS ECUADOR AND X'LAZA PI-EES COUNTRY. Moreno' Assumption of Presidency Cause. Riot at Guayaquil aad Arvllo Replaces Hltu. GUAYAQUIL, Jan. 20. General Al faro occupied Qultto at 3 P. M. Thurs day, A Junta of notable persons met in the Government Palace hero at P. M. today and formed a new govern ment. Vice-President Moreno assumed tha executive power, establishing- tho cap ital here and appointing a new minis try. Rioting followed. The people during the afternoon attacked the pri sons, liberated the political prisoners and afterward captured the police bar racks, where tho rioters obtained pos session of a number ot rifles and some cannon. Rifle shots later were heard In all parts of the city, and the rioters became so bold that they attacked cordon of military. Many persons were killed or wounded on both sides during- the fighting. The new ministry, however, only lasted one hour. The people rejected tho election of Moreno and proclaimed as president General Alfaro, the former president of Ecuador ana leader of the revolution, and in his absence Dr. Emlllo Arvllo assumed tho civil and military authority. A great panic prevailed here during the evonlng. and in the midst of the disorder General Plaza, minister 01 Ecuador to the United States, who ar rived here January IS and assumed chief command of the army in its oper atlons against the rebels, escaped from the city and embarked on board the Chilean steamer Loa. which leaves hero tomorrow for Panama. Later in the evening quiet was re stored. MINES T school ship Maranon joined In the re bellion. A number of revolutionists from Daule. 22 miles from here, ar rived here this morning1 and were en thusiastically received. HONOR SHOWN MR. SCOTT Becomes Thirty-Second Degree Ma ton at Temple of Supreme Council WASHINGTON, Jan. 20. (Special.) Yesterday In Washington, at the -house of the temple of the Supreme Council of Scottish Rite Masonry for the Southern district of the United States, the degrees of A. and A. S. Rite, from the 4th to tho 32d, were conferred on Harvey W. Scott, of Portland. This dis tinction was shown Mr. Scott in recog nition of his high character, his ability and the record he has made on The Orogonian as one of the great editors of the country. No citizen of Oregon has ever before been similarly honored. There aro two Jurisdictions of Scot tish Rito Masonry in the United States, the Northern and the Southern juris diction. Scottish Rite Masons in Oregon work under the Southern Jurisdiction, tho larger and tho older body of the two. The highest actlvo degreo con ferred by either of these bodies is the 32d degree. Beyond this, however. Is the 33d degree, which Is conferred only for distinguished service rendered Ma sonry, and after years ot active work In the order. The Scottish Rite bodies include among their membors the most prom inent men in all parts of the United States. Members of the Northern and Southern Jurisdictions affiliate with each other, and also with members of the Scottljh Rite order in all parts of tho world. The influence of Scottish Rite Masonry is world-wide. Exerted by these bodies for the betterment ot mankind generally. It is a factor that is recognized in nil civilized countries. CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. YESTEKDAT'S Maximum temperature. 42 dep.; minimum, 35. Precipitation. O.OtJ of an inch. TODAY'S Partly cloudy with light rain or snew at Interval. Southerly wind. Foreign. liberal victory In Britain assure Irish homo rule and radical labor laws. Page 1. Kins Edward is III. Par J3. Berlin In arm to meet Socialist. Page 13. Russian Democrats declare for universal suf frage. Page it. Revolution In Ecuador a success. Page 1. Franc acts cautiously in Venezuelan affair. Paso IS. Morocco conference dodges dangerous points. rage n. National. Fight on Joint statehood attributed to cor porate influence. Fags 11. Houc debates emergency appropriations. Page 11. Beet sugar men plan fight on Philippine bill In Senate. Page 11. Senate wants Congress to control reclama tion fund. Fage 2. Snontx answers attacks on Canal Commis sion. Page 2. Politics. Steffens writes on graft at Washington. rage 1. Governor Folk on the revolt against graft. i-age 3. Judson Harmon on rate question. Page 3. Domestic. Portland-Salera electric road financed In New York and to be hurried through, rage 1. John Mitchell scorns political office and graft. Page J. Stranded opera singers sing for their board In Mexico. Page 3. Six men killed by snowsllde In Utah. Page 3. Mr. Duke's answer to tobacco king's di vorce suit. Page 3. Few invitations to Longworth-Roosevelt wedding. Page 4. Americans In Paris bet on Rochefoucauld- Mackln lawsuit. Page import. Big nine colleges propose radical reforms In lootball. Fage 1. Jimmy Brill's review of the ring. Page 17. Percy Megargel describes his automobile trip. Page 17. Indoor sports at the Y. M. C. A. Pag 17. Gossip of the fighters. Fage 17. Athletes In line for Athens team. Page 17. MoCredle'a baseball plan. Page 10. Pacific Coast. Jasper Jennings creates a scene In trial of sister Dura at Grant's Pass. Page 4. Asphalt Company manager charged wlh urjuing ine iiayor or Jieoma. i'age o. Alaska Is In arms against the advanced rates on freight. Page 3. Eastern Washington wheatralsers would lep a minion off raUroad revenue. Page Oregon pilgrims are royally entertained at Los Angeles. Page 4. Singular fiat salary bill referred to the Ore gon referendum. Page 5. Commercial aad Marine. Eastern orders for hops continue to arrive. Page 35. Bank statement shows large Increase in cash. Page 35. Gradual upward tendency of stock market. Page 35. California prune prices advancing. Fage 35. County Commissioners decide to provide dolphins for the Alblna ferry landing. Fage as. Steamer Olympian Is ready to start for New York. Page IS. Fertlaad aad Vicinity. Republican harmony object of party con ference. Page 9,' 6am Jones wants Christians to laugh. Page 10. Jerome and Loomls greatly please their audi ence. Page 10. Class of 42 Initiated into the Mystic Shrine. Page 10. Southern Pacific will divert tourlat travel from California to Oregon In the Sum mer. Page S. Mutiny like that of the Sepoys feared by Vncle Sam from the Filipino constabulary and scouts, rage s. Realty men will form an exchange. Page 32. Mayor Lane says Richards, establishment must go. Page 24. W. W. Cotton springs legal surprise on the Portland & Seattle Road. Page 15. Save Niagara. Falls, watchword ot Civic Federation. Page IB. Chamber ot Commerce after the Alaska trade. Page 3C. Council will probe gas erlls and will grant franchise for a- competitor. Page 9. ' FratHTes and Departments. Editorial. Page 6. Church notices. Page 34. Classified advertisements. Pages 19-28. Dr. nillls rermoa. Page 37. Within the historic Kremlin at Moscow. Page 39. Carrying on Marcus whitman's work. Page 49. Judge Williams recollections.' Fage 40. The Roosevelt Bears. Page 46. Former artist's .-model trying to break into society. 'age(4. "Staunch Heart aad True," by Hugh Herd- s&aa. Fage 45. Elks soon to dedicate naadsene new home. Fage 3. Entirely a "bulU-itp cfcs4e." Page 44 KIh Tlagle'a ceklc leaf. Page-M. DtbmlUc . Fags 2&-ss. . - " MiilmL I'M. H. - . - . LESSONS TAUGHT Iff ELECTIONS Balfour's Opportunism Caused Defeat of Union ist Party. LABOR WILL GAIN DEMANDS Socialism Xot Strong in British La bor Parly,' but It Will Improve Conditions Chamberlain's Great Triumph. LONDON. Jan. M.-CSpecial.) In the mass of conflicting opinions as to the sig nificance of the Parliamentary elections, two conclusions may be drawn without much danger that they will be reversed by later events. One Is that Mr. Balfour's opportunism was the leading cause ot the Unionist disaster, and the other is that the British worklngman has taken a Ionjr stride toward the goal ot better social con dltlons. That is to say. Chumbcrialnlsm. definite, fearless and well considered has vindicated Its claim to be a better party programme than Balfourlsm; and labor. long Ignored by the Tory and old-time "Whig, has Justified the contention ot John Burns 16 years ago that "organized polit ical action on the part of tho working classes will finnlly create a party that all others will have reason to respect and some others will have reason to fear." Socialism Xot Threatened. How far the element of fear should cn tor Into the calculations of the privileged classes, now that the labor representa tives have made such remarkable gains. Is a nice calculation. The Tories ot the reactionary typo talk angrily of "fore shadowed Socialism." They pretend to see a menace to vested rights In the presence of John Bums In the Cabinet and In tho nefarious activity of communistic Keir Hardle, chief of the Independent !Labor party and soul of the labor movement In Great Britain, and they assert that Sir Henry Campbell-Bannermans big battal Ions are more than half Infected with the virus of the German Social Democracy. There is much buncombe about all this. As a matter ot fact, the doctrines ot the German Social Democracy have slight footing In Great Britain. In Campbell Bannerman's following Is represented the majority of the British employers of la bor. and the latter are. no more -disposed than aro the Tory landlords to favor the communizatlon of the agencies of Indus try and the products of those agencies Taking the British population as a whola today, it contains a smaller proportion of aggressive Socialist influence than cither the German or the American. liberals Head Signs Better. What has happened Is that the Liberals have been shrewder judges than the Con servatives of the way the wind was blow ing as to economic changes. One of the grounds of Mr. Chamberlain's phenome nal strength In Birmingham Is the fact that, though for 3) years allied on other Issues with the Tories, he has steadily advocated the same betterment In social and Industrial conditions for the working classes which Lord Randolph cnurchlll. the "progressive Conservative" of 1SSI advocated when the Primrose League was young. Labor's success will not bring radical Socialism one step nearer In Kng land, but It will lead to a relaxation of laws that press too severely upon trades- unions and will facilitate a more extend ed municipalization of public utilities. Chamberlain Looms Up -Biff. Mr. Chamberlain's victory Is conceded by Liberals and Irish Nationalists to be the greatest personal triumph in the his tory of modern British politics, and bes described by the Times as "a political object-lesson of a kind that Is much needed." in any event. says a weeK-end re viewer not friendly to protection. "It Is Impossible to pretend that the fiscal Issue Is eliminated. Xo doubt we shall find it mora Insistent than ever, now that Mr. Chamberlain is absolved from all obllga tions of courtesy to a former political leader." GREAT TIDE OP LIBERALISM Labor Will Ally With Ireland and Home Hnle Is Assured. LONDON, Jan. 20. Within the last eight days the political complexion ot the United Kingdom has been completely changed by the tide of Liberalism, which even now Is higher than the most san guine Radical dared hope for. The new Parliament will be overwhelmingly Lib era!. Up to this tune the total number of members elected is 4S0, of whom 247 aro Liberals, 114 Unionists, 40 Laborltes. 78 Nationalists and one Socialist. This leaves 150 seats still vacant. The Liberals thus far have gained no less than 177 seats, counting labor gains as Liberal or government gains, and, if the same proportion is kept up for the remaining 190 scats, the Liberals will have 407 votes In the next Parliament, to which may be added those of 42 Laborltes, one Socialist and S3 Nationalists, which would give Prime Minister Campbell-Bannennan, 522 votes, against 137 for the Conserva tives. "While this ' calculation concerning the results in the ISO vacant seats Is entirely speculative. It is not Impossible of realiza tion, nor could It be more extraordinary or startling than any of the results declared during the last few days. Tory Strang holds Hazed. Ireland remain practically uaefcanged. The Xailtififtlfets have pteeked one seat, erals have broken into the Tory strong holds of Scotland, with prospects for oth er remarkable successes, while, as already noted, the great fortresses of Unionism during the last ten years have been razed before a storm of undreamed-of Liberal sentiment or ot opposition to the Unionist policy. With the exception of Birming ham, which is completely controlled by Joseph Chamberlain, all the great centers have shown a determination to change from the old order. Mr. Balfour will probably remain an outsider until he is given a chance in a bye-election, though possibly some safe Unionist seat may be relinquished In his favor before the end of next week. It Is understood several efforts In this direction f have been made, but without success. Such reports as these, it is believed, are materially weakening the prestige of the accredited leuder of the Unionist party. In the absence of Mr. Balfour, Joseph Chamberlain probably will take Ihe lead In the next Parliament; at any rate he is now acknowledged to be the strong man. and will have the greatest support of any man on the opposition benches. Labor AV111 Help Ireland. The most remarkable feature of the elections thus far is the number of La- borltes elected. The last Parliament could claim but seven Laborltc members, while up to the present no less than 10 of them have secured seats, and. with the pros pects ot further gains. It is not at all Im possible that labor will have a represen tation of 50 membcre In the new Parlia ment. This undoubtedly will have a tre mendous effect on future legislation in England, as the Itboritcs are almost cer tain to get the support of the homorrulers In any reasonable measure introduced by them. One of the most prominent politi cians In England said to the Associated Press: Parliament at Dublin. It is useless to minimize the presant revo lution and we might as well begin to take a new view of the situation. In my opinion a Parliament sitting at Dublin may be looked ror witmn the next two years. .Assureaiy John Redmond, leader of the Nationalist party, and Prime Minister Campbell-Banner- man have reached a working agreement and It Is Inconceivable that Mr. Redmond would be content with anything less than an Irish Parliament. I have no Idea, that such a Parliament would mean separation and have good reasons to believe that a plan Is now under consideration by which the religious question can be eliminated from the deliber ations of such a Parliament, which would act under the Imperial Parliament and at least try the experiment of administering Irish affairs under the conditions which' have changed in the last century. The elections will be over before the end ot next week, the last contest being set for January 2$, but, so far as the Liberal government Is concerned. Its life will now be meusured, not. as was predicted prior to the elections, by months or a few years, hut by limitations of the septen nial act. k The Liberals take Woodstock, where tho Marlborough Influence did not suffice to stem the anti-Cohservatlve flood. Among the Unionists who lost their seats is Sir "William Hart-Dyke. Conservative, ex member for the Dartford Division ot Kent. who was President ot the Council from 1ES7 to 1SS2. Lieutenant-Colonel Arthur H. Lee, Con servatlve, former Civil Lord of the Ad mlralty, who was British military attache at Washington, and later attache with the American Army during the Spanish- American "War. has been re-elected for South Hampshire by a greatly reduced majority. Xintest Election lloturns. LONDON", Jan. 21. (Special.) Returns from only eight elections were announced last night. Of eight seats thus filled the Liberals captured seven by increased ma jorities. The Conservatives gained a vic tory In the subdivision of St. Andrews. Edinburgh, but this was more than offset by the Liberal successes elsewhere. The most Important contest was In the Carnar von district, where Lloyd George, presi dent of the Board of Trade and leader of the Welsh party, was triumphantly re elected by an increased majority. CHINESE VIEW INDUSTRIES Visiting Commissioners "Watch Pack ers Handle Heef In Yards. CHICAGO, Jan. 20. The Imperial Chi nese Commissioners, Tuan Fang and Tal Nun Tzu, entered promptly upon the pro gramme outlined for their second day In Chicago. A special trajn carried the vis itors to tho stockyards today. The usual plan of inspecting the methods of killing and packing were followed, the vWltors following an animal from the time It was Introduced into the packing-house alive until It was hanging In sections In the cooling-rooms. They displayed the great est Interest in all they saw". Luncheon was served In one of the largest ot the packing-houses. Tho Commissioners were then taken to the Mc'Cormlck harvester plant. A banquet "was tendered to the Commls sloners tonight at the Auditorium, Mayor Dunne and 100 men prominent In the po liticai and mercantile life ot the city belnj present. There were a few speeches, the Mayor welcoming the guests of the eve ning In a felicitous address. Tuan Fang proposed, the health of the President ot the United States, and Judge P. S. Gross cup, ot the Federal Judiciary, replied. J number of impromptu speeches were made by other guests. The Commissioners will devote toraor row to the automobile, having made an especial request that they be given two fast rides around the city. They will leave for Washington Monday noon. ALL STATES SHOULD ACT Insurance Commissioners Want Re form Adopted Without Delay. NEW VORK, Jan. 20. A general decla Ion that insurance reforms should be In augurated Immediately by State Legisla tures throughout the country was ar rived at by the Insurance commissioners ot several states who conferred today with .the New lork legislative committee which Investigated the matter. Confer ences between this committee and the state commies! oners have covered period of two days. Senator Armstrong, chairman ot the New York committee, said, that there would probably be ao more conferences He said that the committee's report would be ready for the Legie4.ture la MONEY TO BUILD Fill TO SALEM New York Bankers Are Now Building. FAST TRAINS TO CAPITAL CITY Build From Both Ends When Portland Gives Right. MANY MILLIONS BEHIND IT Men Backing the Willamette Valley Traction Come Forward First Class Hoad to Be Built AVithout Dollar of Debt. BROOKLYN, N. Y.. Jan. 20.-(Sicctal.- The Oregonlan is authorized to state that the Portland-Salcrn Electric Railway syn dicate has completed all financial arrange ments and Is supplied with large funds to push the road. Moffatt & White, bank ers, of New York, have formed this syn dicate, which is composed of men of un doubted strength. Their aggregate wealth runs Into hundreds of millions of dollars. Moffatt & White, well-known members of the New York Stock Exchange, of large means, are Interested In a'varictv of enterprises, including the development of the Washington power properties in Spokane. This new Salem road will be about 30 miles long, will have 70-pound rails. and be constructed in the best possible man ner to carry heavy freight and passenger trains at high speed. The bridge over the Willamette River will be a heavy steel structure of the standard required to carry 100-ton locomotives. Construc tion of the road will be entirely in charge of Barstow & Chambers, . engineers,, of Portland and New York. Awaits Portland Franchise. An arrangement has been, made with the Portland General Electric Company to supply power to operate the railroad. Construction has commenced, and gradr ing. Including, the laying of ties, has progressed from Salem as far north as Chemawa. Woodburn will be reached In the near future. Franchises have been secured in Salem and all the towns along the line, and as soon as a franchise in Portland Is secured, construction will be gin from both ends ot the line and be pushed as rapidly as possible. Tho appli cation for a franchise by the Willamette Valley Traction Company is In the In terest of this enterprise. As all the money has been raised, the managers of the syn dicate only await a satisfactory fran chise in Portland to push work vigorous ly. It Is not considered advisable to con-. struct the whole property until the fran chise matter in Portland Is settled satis factorily. A new company will be in corporated in Oregon, but a name has not been selected yet. To Salem In Hour and Half. Provision has been made to build ex tensions and branches from time to time, aa business may require. No expense is to be spared to make the line a flrst-ciass electric road In all respects, and it is In tended that regular trains shall make the trip between Portland and Salem In two hours, and It Is hoped that through trains will make the trip in one hour and a lnilf. This Is an entirely independent road, backed by people of great wealth, and the report that Philadelphia people were behind the enterprise Is entirely without foundation. The syndicate believes the road has a good future and has arranged the financing in such a way that the syn dicate will meet the whole cost Itself, and no securities win be disposed of until the road is In operation and has proved that It Is a success. , COXSTRUCTIOX GOES RAPIDLY; Five 3111es ot Grade Completed. Ready for State Fair. SALEM. Or., Jan. 23. (Special.) Construction work on the.. Portl'and Salem electric line has been pushed rapidly from the day the work began and In such a manner that the people of Salem never had a doubt of the good faith of the managers. A good grade has. been constructed nearly to Chemawa, a distance ot five miles, and ties have been laid and distanced ready for the rails, which will arrive in Salem in three or four days. A construction engine haa been pur chased and Is now In Portland. It will be brought to Salem as soon as the rails arrive and then the work will be pushed with much greater rapidity. Superintendent P. Welch says that It Is the Intention to have cars running be tween Salem and Portland when the State Fair opens early next September. As soon as the roadhas been com pleted to Chemawa, the remainder of the construction work will be let by subcontract and three or four con-j tractors given charge of portions of the road. By this means the work wilL be expedited. A large gang- of bridge builders will be put at work Monday on, a large bridge across the lake or the Bonhaaa ranch, north of Salem, and 30 tearng will be engaged in mak ing cuts and-. Alls. All. the work is be ing done in a. flrt-elass manner and 1 the rails to be used will be 79-pound, m iftPG5 rrVlfc2t!N HxH4eyix Pei