THE OREG0XIA2CS TEIXmOXES. Countlng-Room Mala M? iranasrlap Editor Main 636 Sunday Editor Main C225 City Editor Mala 166 Society Editor Mala C2S3 Composing-Room Mala OSS Superintendent Building Bed 2S26 Katt Side OWce East 61 AMUSEMENTS. BAKER THEATER (3d and Tamhill)' "Alcazar Beauties" Burlesque Company, musical burlesque. Matinee, 2:15 P. M.; no night performance. EMPIRE THEATER 02th and Morrison) Th melodrama, "Her Marriage Vow." Matinee. 2:13 P. M.; tonight at 8:13. . GRAND THEATER (Parle and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2;30. 7:S0 and 9 V. M. TANTAGES THEATER (4th and StarV) Continuous audevllle, 2:20. 7:30 and 9 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and "Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 9 P. M. G ranch Officers Are Tkbtalj.ed. lents Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, held Its first annual meeting yesterday. Mrs. E. A. Nlblin installed the following offi cers for the ensuing year: Master, A, F. Miller; overseer, Mrs. Maud Darnall; lec turer, Vlda Hammond; chaplain. Miss Belled-Beard; steward, II. A. Darnall: as sistant steward, Donald Furcy: treasurer, F. O. Snuffin; secretary. Mrs. V. I. Lent; gatekeeper, W. E. Thomas; Ceres. Mrs. J5. M.. Marshall: Pomona. Mrs. Emma Snuffln; Flora, Mrs. Christie Thomas: lady assistant steward. Mrs. A. A. Miller. The membership for the year is about SO. The matter of erecting a new hall the coming year is being agitated. Iast night Hie following officers of Woodlawn Grange, No. 350. a new organization, were installed by. Mrs. E. A. NIblln: Master, D. D. Robinson: overseer. Fred Keller; lecturer. Mrs. Martha Hamman; steward, Henry E. Davis: assistant steward. Will Iec; chaplain. Miss Flora HJldreth; treas urer. James Garnctt; secretary, Clara Garnett; gatekeeper, Edgar E. 'Mllner; Pomona, Mrs. Viola Lee: Ceres, Mrs. Ada English; Flora, Mrs. Nettie Robinson; lady assistant steward. Miss Allie Jer man: musician. Mrs. Kittle Worthington. A number of visitors were present, who were entertained with a banquet and a feast of oratory. G. A. R. Post and Corps Joikt 1n pta dilation. At the joint installation of George Wright Post and Corps. G. A. R.. last Friday, S. J. Mickley was installed commander of the post, while his wife, Mrs. Delia Mickley, was Installed as pres ident of the corps. A pleasant feature of the evening was the presentation of a gold past commander's badge to F. L. Wiegand. the retiring commander, while Mrs. Helen X. Rlckard, the retiring pres ident of the corps, was presented with an elegant gold past president's badge, set wftli turquoise, and suitably engraved. The corps has had a wonderfully prosper ous year, gaining largely In membership and earning a goodly amount of money. Through this auxiliary of the Grand Army many soldiers' widows In indigent circumstances have been aided. The corps has -sent $60 to the Roseburg Soldiers' Home to aid In furnishing the cottages which have been erected for the wives of the veterans. The ladles are looking for ward to Increased usefulness and greater results for the current year. German Ladies' Relief Societt. The annual meeting of the German Ladies' Relief Society was held in tne hall at Eleventh and Morrison, last Thursday. The reports of the officers not only showed a very sound standing financially but a great deal of good work being done. The following are the names of officers elect ed' for the ensuing year: President, Mrs. E. Steblngcr: vice-president, Mrs. J. Schemer; secretary. Mrs. J. Rometsch; treasurer, Mrs. J. E. Luckel. Board of trustees: Mrs. H. Bohlman, Mrs. L. J. Gcntner, Mrs. H. Jasper. Mrs. L. Buck, Mrs. F. Kcllar. Mrs. H. Llstman. Farmers' Institute. An Institute will be held tomorrow evening at 7 o'clock, in the Grange Hall In Pleasant Valley, It will bo conducted by J. H. Rcid, W. K. Newell and some others. The addresses will be mainly on fruit-tree pests and their remedy. Mr. Reld will have his stereopticon lantern and Illustrate his talk. The hall Is a mile south from Jenne's station on the O. W. P. A large number of farmers are expected to at tend this Institute and they have been looking forward to It with much Interest. Oddfeliiowk Elect Officers. Mount Scott Lodge. No. 1S8, I. O. O. F., has elect ed and installed the following officers: C! E. Kennedy, noble grand; G. E. Mont gomery, vice-grand; I. W. Stlger, treas urer; H. A. Darnall" secretary: T. I. Campbell, R. S. N. G.: Jesse Wood, L. S. N. G.: I. Lungren, R. S. V. G.; C. A. Wood. L. S. V. G.; Joseph KHncman. P. G.; George Spring. R. S. S.; George Dll-J ly. i.. s. S.: Frank Griffith, chaplain; Thomas Everyman, outside guard; G. G. Holtze, inside guard. Run aw at Bot Caught. While wander ing about In the North End district, Jesse Huhler. aged 35 years, a runaway lad from Spokane, was picked up by Patrolmen Goltz and Smith and taken to police head quarters. He was later conveyed to the detention home of the Juvenile Court, and arrangements are to be made to send him home. Will Organize a Baptist Church. The Baptists of Mount Scott will assem ble this afternoon In that suburb and or ganize a church. There will be special services, and several prominent ministers will be present. The new Baptist Church will be built at Arleta, where the denomi nation has two lots. Wilt, Speak in Februap.t. H. C. Shat tuck. National lecturer of the Loyal Tem perance Legion, will be in Portland in the early part of February, and work In the Interest of that branch of the W. C. T. U. He has some appointments for the re mainder of the month in the Willamette Valley towns. Mr. Herman Enke. proprietor of the City Steam Dye Works, and B. M. Fisch, manager, loft Thursday evening for an extended trip to the East, to look after business Interests and to obtain some of the latest Improved machinery to Install in their new plant. East Third and Ash streets. Burns A'nkiversart Concert and Dance, at Arion Hall. Friday, January 26, under the auspices of Clan Macleay. A special programme of Scottish song Is "being arranged and the best talent in the city has been secured. A. & A. S. Rite. The 13th semi-annual reunion will be held at the cathedral be ginning Thursday morning. ISth Inst..' and ending Friday evening. 19th Inst. Candi dates assemble at 9 A. M. Thursdav. By order presiding officer. " , At Temple Beth Israel. At 31:30 o'clock this morning. Judge A. L. Frazer, of the State Circuit Court, will deliver an address to the pupils of the religious school of Temple Beth Israel on "The Juvenllo Court." Will Discuss Equal Suffrage. a free and open discussion on equal suffrage -will form the feature of the meeting of the People's Forum at Elks' Hall, Marquam building, tonight. Strangers arc welcome. The Lutke Manufacturing Compant, corner Hoyt and Sixth streets, arc open for business a.t the old stand All con tracts and orders will be filled as prompt ly as possible. Lost By client. Portland water-loan bond, series 1S93. No. 20S3. $1000. Payment stopped. Liberal reward for return to Sol Bloom, 633 Chamber of Commerce. At Richards, corner Park and Alder street, Sunday, 5 to S:30 P. M. The usual full course French dinner with wine, 51.00. Classic music Candidates Petitions for primary election. Approved form. For sale by Mann & Breach, 92 Second street. Clarekont Tavern. "Northern Pacific train. 4:30 P. M., stops at Claremont. re turning 19:45 P. M. For bargains in choice business and res idence property, sec F. Abraham. 113 2nd. Whist, refreshments and dancing, Au ditorium, tomorrow night. Admission 15. Dr. Swain, dentist. 311 Dekum bid.- "' Shoe Sals. Marks Shoe Co. ' CAVI in I I THAT JAEGER BROTHERS' PLATED VIl A WARE IS BECOMING FAMOUS? First We hive it made especially for us and contains more silver than the regular plated ware. Second We have exclusive patterns which are ' impossible to tell from the sterling silver. Third Every piece is stamped with our name f iTIfIT (Jaeger Bros.) therefore you not only have, the I ftj W factory guarantee, but ours also. Ify 1 W - Fourth There is no mark on any article which 11 1 would indicate that it is plated, and as it re- sembles the solid silver so closely, many people mistake it for the genuine silver and for this I reason it lias become very popular with the public. Fifth Our prices are below the so-called plated war handled by every department storo I and pawnshop. The above plated ware comes in Knives, Forks, Spoons and alj kinds of fancy flat ware patterns. NOTE Our store has established a reputation for handling only first-class goods, never misrepresenting an article, and courteous treat ment to customers, and our famous plated ware has made a great hit. Jewelers and Opticians 280 MorrlMtB Street, Nttr rifth JAEGER BROS. Lectures on Birds. W. L. Flnley who has recently returned from New York, where he lectured before the National Audubon Society, gave a. talk Friday be fore the pupils of the Allen Preparatory School Friday afternoon on Oregon bird?. He traced the development of the bird from the egg. and illustrated the life of many Oregon birds by stereopticon views showing them in their dally haunts.- The lecture was heard by the students with Intense interest. Sellwood Libkart Lecture. The fourth of the scries of lectures given by the Sellwood Library and Reading-Room Association will be held tomorrow evening at the public school auditorium. The sub ject will be "German Characteristics." delivered by Rev. A. W. ReinhardL Spe cial music will be In charge of the Mando lin Club. Canadian Societt Meeting. The an nual meeting of the Canadian Society of Oregon -will take place Wednesday eve ning at Elks' Hall, Marquam building, and all interested are cordially Invited to at tend. An attractive musical programme has been prepared under the direction of Mrs. L. H. Hurlburt-Edwards. For San Francisco and Los Angeles. Steamer Nome City sails Monday evening. San Francisco cabin J12. steerage $S: Ios Angeles cabin 5S1.S0. steerage J15: meals and berths Included. C. H. Thompson, agent. 128 Third street. Congregation Beth Israel. A special meeting of this congregation will be held Monday evening. January 15. at 8 P. M.. for the consideration of the question of electing a rabbi In succession to Rev. Dr. S. S. Wise. Federation of Women's Clubb. The Portland Federation of Women's Clubs will hold its annual meeting on Wednes day, January 37. at 4 o'clock P. M.. at the home of Mrs. Rose H. White, at the Ho-bart-Curtis. The proprietor of Chamber of Com merce Turkish Baths wishes testimonials from all patients cured by his excellent treatments. We give the best Turkish and Russian baths, 50c 525. Chamber of Com merce Wn examine and fit your eyes with glasses perfectly, scientifically. Our prices. 11.50 to STJiO: satisfaction guaranteed. 1S3 Fourth street, near Yamhill. Special Sale all week on kimonos, brasses and all Imported novelties. Fry man's, parlor C, Portland Hotel. Auto, good as new. MM. If taken this week. 212 Orcgonlan buUding Dr. Buck returned: office 3d & Burnslde. pianos! REFUSE THEATRICAL 0VFER Several Bids for the Belasco Prove Too Low. M. E. Mayer and E. L. Sackett, late manager of the Belasco Theater, left on the Southern Pacific train for San Francisco last evening. Mr. Mayer and his-agent here. David S. StearnE, declare that nothing defi nite has yet been determined relative to the ultimate disposition of the Be lasco Theater at Washington and Fourteenth streets. The sticking' point Is the rent demanded by the owners. J 200 a -week. Although proposals have been made by S. H. Frledlander o put in light opera, and offers have been pending through Tim Sullivan, of New York. John Cordrnv and others, the 1 ownera have not receded from their original stipulation as to the amount of rent, and as this is above what has been offered, no agreement has been reached. Plans are now being; completed for remodeling the building, using the lower floors for a large retail grocery store, and for renting rooms in the upper floors. In this way It Is esti mated that the property may be made to yield a sufficient revenue. There are many reasons why you should fee our pianos. They are up-to-date In every respect, are made of the very best material, and will last allfetlmc. We buy dlrect from Eastern factories and save all discounts and unnecessary expense. You will find here ten different makes to select from, and you cannot buy anywhere else as good pianos at these prices. It Is not necessary to pay more for any piano, no matter what the name, for these are as good as fan be made. We are making it an ob ject for intending purchasers to buy now. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO. Manufacturers Agent 374 Morrison St, cor. W. Park out the aid of the courts. It was claimed that Mies McLeod Influenced Mrs. Scho fleld to give her the 533 check shortly Bfter the husband's death by threatening to reveal come scandal In connection with his name. Whatever the alleged scandal was will never be known, as the entire matter has been settled by tho payment to Miss McLeod of the 51(0xdue her for professional services. ALUMNI AND POLITICS. Portland High School Graduates Dis cuss Indorsement of Candidates. ShaH the Alumni Association of the Port land High School Indorse those of the or ganization who will be candidates before the primaries for nominations for various offices? This is a question which Is both ering the Alumni Association, and prom ises many things before It Is settled. Last night there was a meeting at the High School, and, though the matter was discussed, no steps were taken. A special meeting has been called for January 24. when it Is thought a vote will be taken to decide the action of the alumni. No ballot was cast last' night, as the attend ance was small. Several of the alumni have announced themselves as candidates for nomination. Some of their friends think the alumni ought to indorse them, but there are oth ers who are of the decided opinion that the association should keep clear of poli tics. Among those who spoke against the alumni Indorsing any candidates was J. H. Upton. Several of the girls were In favor of It. The officers of the Alumni Association who were elected last night arc: F. H. Noltncr. president: Miss Helen Bennett, vice-president: Miss Elthe Smith, secre tary: Miss Johanna Cramer, treasurer: Dr. Dammasch, Miss Rcchord and Miss Siegcl. trustees. Charles L. Rybke presided at the meet ing. Committees were also appointed to insure larger attendance and to suggest means of enlivening the meetings. SIGNS BILL FOR THE SITE PERS0NALMENTI0N. S. I Goldschmldt. of the real estate j firm of Goldschmldt & Co.. will leave this I morning for Chicago and New York. He will return to Portland next month. I Mrs. I. Frohman will leave the last of i this week for Southern California points, where she will vjslt before sailing from San Francisco for Japan and other East ern countries. Mrs. Frohman expects to be In the Orient four months. Sidney Dell, the former well-known at torney, of Portland, is now located at San Pedro, the seaport of Southern California, where he is reported to be engaged In a lucrative law practice. He has Just closed up an important land case in which he received a large fee. NEW YORK. Jan. 33.-(SpecIaL)-Ore-gonlans registered today as follows: From Portland H. J. Brown, at the Windsor-Clifton. From Salem Miss Hawks and Miss Weber, at the Auditorium. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 13. Ross R. Brlttaln. of Walla Walla, Is here to take an exam ination for the consulate "at Hang Chow, China. NEW YORIC. Jan. 13. (Special.) Among the passengers arriving today in the steamship Amerika from Ham burg: and Bologne was Hon. Robert S. McCormick, United States Ambassador to France. Mayor Approves Measure Buying Ground for Forestry Building. As announced by The Oregonlan last Monday. James J. Hill, president of tho Northern Pacific and. Great Northern Railway Companies, has signified a willingness to place a concrete founda tion under the Forestry building and upon receiving official notice to this effect through President II. W. Goode, Mayor Lane yesterday attached his signature to the ordinance appropriat ing $14,000 for the purchase of ground upon which the structure stands. It Is understood the Portland Gen eral Electric Company has agreed to furnish free lights for tho building; and the street railway company may also make some sort of a donation If called upon. These considerations, coupled with a large amount of public sentiment, led the Mayor to approve the measure. Evangelist 3fartins Talks. At 10:30 o'clock this morning Evan gelist S. M. Martin, of St. Louis, will speak at the First Christian Church on the subject of "Rock and Sand." This afternoon at 3:30 he will deliver a lec ture to men only at tho Marquam Grand theater on "Manhood and Home." In the evening he will dis cuss "The Communion Question" at the First Christian Church and tomor row night at the same place, will talk on "Hell." CARD OI" THANKS. Mrs. B. M. Smith and family wish to extend their heartfelt thanks to their friends and relatives who attended the funeral of their husband and father. B. M. Smith. "Virginia Fairfax" Home. Miss Ella Breyman, daughter of Mrs. E. A. Breyman, of this city, arrived here last night direct from New York and is now with her mother at the Mount Tabor residence of the latter. Under the stage name of "Virginia Fairfax," Miss Breyman achieved con siderable prominence in comic opera wiiile In the East. She is a Portland girl and left here last Fall in pur suance of a desire to further her am bitions. Her stay here Is indefinite and may extend ovr several months. Surrenders Indorsed Xote. Margaret McLeod. the trained nurse who attended Robert M. Schofield prior to his .death, has surrendered the endorsed, note for 5000 and the chock on the Ban kof California, which she secured from his 'widow. Mtes McLeod's claims were satisfied with r check for and the entire matter amicably settled with- THE PKRXIN SYSTEM OF SHORTHAND The Modern Buslnets Man's Favorite. SHORT QUICK LEGIBLE RECORD IN OUR SCHOOL: Minimum speed. 125 words a minute; Maximum speed attained. 203 to 225 words a minute. This record cannot be equaled by puplla of any other business college in the West. . If Interested call on us and Investi gate further. Bebuke-Walker Business College The School Whose Graduates Are All Employed. Elks' Bide. Seventh and Stark St. Portland. Or. DAY AND NIGHT CLASSES. CATALOGUE FOR THE ASKING. CLEAN, HIGH-GRADE MERCHANDISE IN THIS January Clearance Sale No oth en occasion (during1 the entire twelve months permits such great price reductions 9 Men's Suits and Overcoats, Hats and Furnishing Goods; Boys' and Youths' Clothing, Hats, Caps, etc.; Trunks, Bags, Valises, and all Leather Goods A most remarkable feature of this sale is the sterling values in Men's Fine Clothing the sort superior In style, quality and fit MISSES' MAN-TAILORED SUITS AND COATS AT ACTUAL COST THE GREATEST CLOTHING HOUSE IN THE NORTHWEST SOUTHWEST CORNER OF FOURTH AND mT R R I S O N I ii -fiSTMfaaaiiaMiiiiinawhaaiisSM i MAIL ORDERS SOLICITED SAMPLES TOGETHER WITH SUIT MEASUREMENTS SENT- ON APPLICATION 189 WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the reason at the Portland Restaurant; fine, private apart- I ments for parties. Open all night. 3Cu Washington, near Fifth. The best six-course dinner, with wine. 50c. 12 to 8 P. M.. at Scott Restaurant. 7th and Ankcny. Fine merchants' lunch. 25c The Calumet. 119 7th St.. nr. Morrison. French dinner, with wine. 51. Also a la carte. Broiled steaks and chops specialty. A chicken dinner will be served at the Perkins Restaurant today from 12 to S P. M. Price 35c Louis E. Martinez, Mgr. A regular chicken dinner will bo served at the Perkins Restaurant today. Price, 23 cents. Louis E. Martinez, Mgr. The Empire, 1S2 Third street; chicken dinner. 20c; turkey, 25c; finest in city. Genuine French dinner, with wine, 50c, at 3 Fifth street, near Stark. DELIGHTFUL NEWPORT. Splendid Weather at ThU Topular racWc Coat Iteort. Delightful in -even- particular fs the ! weather at Newport, and the Southern lclnc and the Corvailta & Eastern rail roads have resumed their cheap rates to this place for the Winter. Particulars by asking at Third and Washington streets. Portland. CUT-RATE CIGARS. - All popular 5c brands 7 for 25c. All two for a quarter brands. 10c straight. All leading magazines and periodicals can bo found at the Cut-Rate Cigar & News Store. F. A. Kclley, managor. 231 "Wash ington, between Fourth and Fifth. CARD OK THANKS. To the many friend who have shown us sympathy and kindness during our re cent bereavement of our beloved son and nephew. John Andrew King, wc extend our heartfelt thanks. MIL AND MRS. J. H. KING. AND THE MISSES MUGGLI. . . nicb-Grade Piano for Rent And sold on easy payments. Piano tuning and repairing. H- Slnsheimer. 72 Third St. CARD OF THANKS. We de3lre to express our heartfelt thanks to our many kind friends for the tender sympathy and kindness extended us during our recent affliction In .the death of our loving daughter and sister, May Osmon. MR. AND MRS. S. H. OSMON AND FAMILY. THE WORLD'S LEADERS STEINWAY A. B. CHASE ESTEY EMERSON And other high-grade pianos. Angela iMaao Player, Abk lux PIhho. Electric Plaaox, Victor Talklajc Machine. Strlnsr and WIad Instruments, Sheet Manic. And Musical Merchandise of all kinds. Everything at low prices and on easy terms. DUNDORE PIANO CO. STEINWAY DEALERS. 334 8th St., Op- Orejconlaa Bid. 3tf DO YOUR GLASSES FIT? 90 OmaMH HBOO 20re O ci a wn la. ma. sn.. -t You may be able to sec, both for far and near work, and still suffer from eye strain, clue to many different causes astigmatism, myopia, mus cle Insufficiency which can be corrected by properly fitted glasses. Our optician. DR. IIAYNES. will give you a free examination and tell you if you need glasses. A. N. WRIGHT, THE IOWA JEWELER 293 Morrison Street, Near Fifth WE ARE SPECIAL AGENTS FOR THE Kryptok Invisibly Bifocal Lenses Heard Suction Eyeglass Mountings For comfort and satisfac tion to the wearer, they are unsurpassable. uall and we will explain Scrrrjck. their merits. i Manufacturing' CpziciahS' "2M Wasfalnrtoa t.. bet. -4th and 5th. ADVANCE STYLES OF SPRING HATS, 1906 W A L D O R F S $4.00 s A ' L S B U R Y S $2.50 . NEWS OF NEW HATS H If you like to be among the early birds, fly in now. I New soft bats just in, and they look more nobby than ever. (J This is the best time to select yours. J Don't hope to better their value 'cause you can't. Famous Clothing Co. Corner MORRISON and SECOND Streets EYE CHAT NO. 13 YEARS OF STUDY AND EX PERIENCE ARE REQUIRED TO ENABLE AN OPTICIAN TO SUCCESSFULLY DIAGNOSE VISUAL DEFECTS AND PRE SCRIBE PROPER' LENSES. ONLY REFRACTIONISTS OF KNOWN SJCILL AND ABILITY ARE EMPLOYED BY US. COLUMBIAN OPTICAL CO. (Denver, Omaha, Kansu City, Salt Lake, Dallaa, Texas; Portland, Oregon) 133 Sixth St Successor to Walter Reed Oregonian Bldg. Sr. W. A. ?(1e. A GOLD FILLING will last longer than the tooth when prop erly applied. Often a tooth can be backed with gold so that nothing but the natural white enamel shows in front, yet the tooth is saved, and will never give trouble again. We are proud of our gold fillings. WISE BROS., Dentists Falling Building, Third and "Washington. 8 A. 31. to 9 P. M. Sundays, 9 to 12. 3Iain 2029. Dr. T. P. Wise. Twenty Years of Success In Jhe treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver, kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diar rhoea, dropsical swellings, Bright's disease, etc Chronic Diseases of Men and Women Dr. Walker's methods are regular and scientific. He uses no patent nostrums or ready-mado prep arations, but cures the disease by thorough medi cal treatment. His new pamphlet on private dis eases sent free to all men who describe their trouble. PATIEXTS CURED AT HOME. Terms reasonable. All letters answered In plain envelope. Consultation free and sacredly confidential. Call on or address DR. WALKER, 131 First Street, Corner Taihi, PaiUaatf, OragH Great Fire Sale Consisting of Ladles' and Children's white zoods, hosiery, corsets, lace, embroidery and fancy goods; custom-made ladles' silk un dergarments, wraps, waists, etc Everything at Cost Price L. MING & BROS.. 88 OTH ST. chwab Printing Co. tXST fTOXK. XZjfSONjttLZ TXJCXS STAR.K STRUT CURIOS, Antiaties, lomtktaBdSelc. Indian Stone Kmve. Relics, Carvinj and Idols ia Ivory, Stone. Bronze, etc. War duns. Spears. Bows. INJ IAN 518 NE AMOW AK1 S?AS POINTS iMasVs, Baskets. Bolos, Mats, Skulls of all Nation. HEASS aai HOIKS f Amlauris, WarMefels. Native Body Ornasaests and Dress, And eat flint .Guns and Pistols. Coins, Shields. Anttoue Stiver and Armor, Shells. Send for Photos. Wholesale Dealer. hTatkaiJeseiiJW4MerckaatSt.?S.F.C HOMEOPATHIC XEMEDIXS CasM teck. moderate prtee. MaU curd era t-llnHwt. CmtetosrM tne. WOODAXD, CLAMXX CO, FmrtfaukU Or. " rsEfustiitmrr. mm 1 TTMwr ni i csv ii il 1 1 In I I HI Mil II CTJU,&HigAWssssssssssllsllsssssBiss3lssslsBsllsisslislssl