IK ' THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAXD, JANUARY 14, 10O6. 45 - . CRATER LAKE BEAUTIFIED BY SNOW DRIFTS One of Oregon's Wonders at a Season Inaccessible to All But the Venturesome. CRATJ2R IjAKE, Oregon's most at tractive natural wonder, is always beautiful, but never more so than in the Spring or Fall, when the cliffs and peaks are partly covered with glistening enow. The accompanying pictures, were taken by State Engineer John H. L,ewis. in the month of June, after-the snow had partly melted. Mr. Lwls went to the lake by way of the road from Klamath Falls, and the road within 'several miles of the lake being hidden by . snow, he found his way by studying the topography of the country as shown by a map Is sued by the United States geological sur vey. At the rim of the "crater a com panion of Mr. Lewis stepped out toward the edge to get a better view whon glanc ing behind him he. observed a lojig crack, in the snow. He had scarcely stepped back across the crack when the bank upon which he had been standing broko MINUTE MUSINGS C Plan to Eliminate the Superfluous Givln-r of Christmas Presents. ILL NYE once proposed an inter national system of letter intro- uuruons. jus uicory was some thing like this: Suppose "William Brown was going to Brazil. lie would go to the bureau and get his letter of Introduction to the agent in Brazil, who would be instructed by private letter whether it would bo safe to trust Bill for his groceries or whether he paid for his share of the drinks. Thus everyone would be happy and no harm done. Bill Nyo wrote some sam ple letters, but the trouble seems to have been that he did not syndicate his idea and form si corporation and sell stock to the clerks and widows. Now. I have an idea, but I do not wish anyone to be alarmed over that fact, even if an idea is one of the worst symptoms of impending degeneracy. According to Dombroso and Nordeau. having an idea is pretty near as good a sign of degeneracy as having big cars or' an un symmetrical head. However, to proceed. One of the great secrets of modern business suc cess is the ability to eliminate super fluous effort, to concentrate and to or ganize the forces at your hand. One of Victor Hugo's delightful anecdotes of American life was the one of the manager of a great commercial house who was able to save the firm several barrels of ink each year by instructing the clerks not to dot their i's or cross their t's in all the correspondence of the firm. . This elimination of superfluous ef fort is most cloarly shown in the clearing-house systom of the citi banks. Instead of lugging the coin around from bank to bank to liquidate the various checks, all checks are taken to one place and after balancing up each account, only the balance is paid in coin. Now, my Idea is to have something like this to eliminate the superfluous giving of Christmas presents. There is nothing so sacred at the present time but -what it is allowable to get up a revised edition and make it con form to twentieth century methods, so Rt the risk of being considered sacri legious, I am going to tackle the Christmas problem. "We all know what an extra burden of work the Christmas season brings cn everyone. The housewife com. menccs on her sofa piU6w some time in October, and from then up to the very Jast day it Is work all the time. Then there are. the clerks in the stores and In the Postoffices, and the ex pressmen, and in fact, a little of the extra burden touches every one of us. This plan would stop all this, and Is as follows: Establish a large central clearing-house for Christmas presents at Washington, D. C. Put some of the bureau chiefs of the Pension Depart ment in charge of it, and let one of their first duties be to get up a nice system of blanks to be used by the clearing-house. The reason that I sug gest the use of pension chiefs for this work is because they have had so much experience along this same line. The blanks should go into minute personal details, for after the system got to working smoothly the data would prove a great mine for Carroll D. "Wright. He could undoubtedly deduce from them that women with moles on the side of their nose gave looking glasses oftener than any other present; or that anaemic young men had a pre dilection for ballet-girl posters.' Any way. I can guarantee that Carroll would make something out of the data. After the blanks were arranged and printed they should be sent to every citizen of the United States by the first of September. Then he or she. as the case might be. would set down and fill it out. Suppose Almira Jones, of Cor vaiiis. has one before her. She is Planning to sond a volume of will Carlcton-s poems to Cousin Sue back in Indiana, and to Aunt Ann a set of Almira one of E. P. Roe's novels, and so when an the reports get In the clerk le tl)at AImJra M;o value aPnT?r balanC Cach other ln It tho ? J' arC nromP"' notified of the fact, and thus save both on post er nUlal CSt by n0t manJtU"0 PrVe a boon to manit? as soon as I can iret som of the flner details worked out I wm vrUe,fv ThmaS LaWS" -UAltUUS W Grant's Pass, Or, as a ROBBINS, COSSACK ONLY A COWARD o Virtues Shown by Race i Jap. anese War or Present Crisis. aniw"' S8ack re bandits and they seem to have retained all the worst qualities of that disreputable class and to have lost all trace" of the, rough kindness which sometimes characterized brigands in reality as well as in ro mance, says the Philadelphia Record They have by no means always support- Sni nir8- bUt "en fou8ht gainst thorn, and it was not until 1S14 that thev uf rP .thelr ,brisandBe and became a kind of irregular horsemen, who In re- KJ fr f. Krant f land and freedom from taxation, came out to fight when called upon and brought their own horses. rSnd eu,Pment. Nothing about them resembles the smart cavalry of other Eu ropean countries, for both they and their ponies are small and insignificant, and neither Is .properly groomed. w-r rfpu.tat,on fighters was earned 2w!y .tf the NaPoleonIc Invasion. nen the French cavalry repeatedly charged them without effect Under the conditions of modern warfare they have Sel?f,s' nd s,nce ihy haye been brigaded with the regular cavalry, they have lost their chief source of strength their Irregular method of fighting In the war against Japan thev were a lamentable failure. On no occasion did they live up to their reputation or pos sessing the single virtue courage. Dur ing the present crisis the Cossacks hava only proved themselves to be bullies and cowards of the lowest kind. They resp'ect neither age nor sex. but destroy their un fortunate victims as relentlessly as a hungry tiger kills an antelope. They ap pear to pbey the orders of their officers and observo some discipline" In behavior If not in appearance, but when once set upon their deadly task, they do not ap pear td be checked until they have fin ished it. AUTOMOBILE THAT TRAVELS ON ICE Tta'SSSS:3S,,-' SKATES and Ice yachts will not fur nish a monoply. this year, of the ex citing joy that comes from rapid flight over the Ice. The "motor Iceboat." a new contriv ance, means a pport added to those that make for the pleasures of Winter. It is a development of the auto, the motor-boat and similar devices which man has lately been adapting for his business" and his diversion. It was tried last year and succeeded. The inventor discovered means of Improving and cor recting his model, and this year has a craft that will act with all the certalnty of an automobile. The scientific name of the ice motor boat is the "Pneumoslito." J. Bruce Macduff, of Brooklyn, Invented it, and the trials that proved Its capacity were made on a lake at Long Island. The motor-boat makes one think a little of an Ice yacht, save that the lat ter Is dependent entirely on the wind for Its power, while the "pneumoslito" is operated by a motor, and is always ready for its lightning flight, no matter what the climatic conditions may be. This means that It not only has great quali fications for a pleasure craft, but has valuable possibilities from a business standpoint. A machine that can go bowling over the Ice at a rate of 20 mlles'an hour and with virtual Immunity from breakdowns or de lays or any kind is an attractive business proposition, and that Is the least that can be claimed for the "pneumoslito." New Yorkers who saw the tests of the Ice motor-boat marveled not only at Its speed, but at the graceful, easy way. It gilded over the Ice. There was no more Jarring than there would have been on the bc4t-equippcd of modem railway cars. The motor-boat skimmed over the Ice like a great bird. How the Motor Works. The motor-boat looks like a sewing ma chine mounted on a platform, the latter being upheld by four sets of runners. The platform is 12 feet In length by four In width, and is made of stout wooden slats. Its runners are virtually wooden skates, with steel blades. The front ones are so arranged as to respond to the steering gear, very much as the giant coasting sled, dear to the heart of every country boy, who had a small sled In front, which he could turn In such a manner as to guide the big sled in any direction he willed. The steersman rits astride a narrow plank seat, which runs from the propeller and motor to the front end of the craft. In order to protect him from the fury of the Winter blast, there is a wind shield In front which can cover the operator completely or be brought only to the knees. The apparatus which steen the motor boat is very similar to that of an auto mobile. The levers for controlling the sparking plug, the mixture and clutch, are readily within his reach, and with a handle rfmilar to that of a bicycle he can in an instant whirl the fast flying ma chine In any direction. The propeller is four feet in diameter. It looks even big ger, this queer wheel, and connects with the motor by a sprocket wheel and chain. That which gives the machine ito dis tinctive feature Is the arrangement and equipment of the blades. by which the motor boat Is carried skimming over the Ice. These blades are enclosed by a flat rim of their own width, riveted to them. The outer rim, the shape of the blades and the pitch of the screw, are features on which Mr. Macduff put his most careful work, and to this construction he owes the success of the machine. Not a par ticle of power Is lost, and the arrange ment so lessens the friction that even in going over rough places the action of the motor differs hardly appreciably from Its conduct when navigating the smoothest of Ice. There is no jerking motion either when stopping or starting. At the beginning, of a run the motor Is set In motion, the clutch thrown in. and the propeller be gins to revolve at a slow speed. The sled opens up gradually, and gaining in speed almost unappreciably. Is soon flying over the ice at a lightning gait, but there Is nothing In Its motions to tell the passen ger tne difference between top speed and an ordinary gait. The motor which Mr. Macduff uses is operated by gasoline, but this is not im perative. To his model most any kind of power could be adapted with equal suc cess. There is nothing that.a skilled chauffeur cannot do with the "pneumoslito." He can put it through all the gyrations that are possible to the accomplished skater. He can steer in circles and figures, run against and across the wind, slow up to let off passengers or freight, and dis charge his cargo without coming to a full stop. More remarkable still, he can go just as fast against the wind as with It, the power of the motor being so great that the opposition of a strong current of air makes no difference whatever. The steel bearings are so perfectly ad justed and so free of friction that it makes no difference In the speed of the Ice motor boat whether one. two or thrco men are riding. .It goes along at just tho same rate of speed. The" success of the "pneumoslito" wifl result in many adaptations. Already the inventor is experimenting with skeletons of racing, cabin vehicles for pleasure, with steering turret added for military or postal purpose?. Such an auto is also going to have possibilities for use in arctic exploration. SLIGHTEST TOUCH IS ALI, THAT IS NEKDXD TO STOP OR START ICE AUTO. CHAKFEUK GUIDING HIS BOAT OVER TJUS ICR AT A TREMENDOUS SPEED. SAVING UP THE GOLD DUSTi Precautions Taken in tho Manufao turing Jeweler's Shop Washing machines seem all right dnough In a laundry, but they would scarcely be looked for in the establish ment of a manufacturing jeweler. Yet they play an important part In such a. plant. In a washing machine are washed daily all the aprons and all the blouses worn by the workers employed in the manufac ture of articles of gold. Then the water in which these things have, been washed is piped to a room where the gold con tained in It Is extracted and saved. Particles of gold adhere to the hands and faces of the workers in the precious metal, and even get into their hair. Twice a day all the operatives wash their hands and faces and the water, like that from the washing machine, is piped to the extractlng-room. Here there lo installed a big filter, with, its filtering section made of canvas and resembling outwardly the pleated section of a giant square concertina, as it would look partly drawn out. All the water from the washing machine and irom the wash bowls in the factory is forced through this filter, and at regular Inter vals the filtering section Is taken out and! tho cold removed from it. All the floors In the factory are cov ered with tar paper, which catches and holds all the gold particles that fall upon It. From time to time a new paper cov ering is laid on the floors, the old being burned for the gold contained in it. By these means there are saved in si. factory annually thousands of dollars' j worth of gold, which, without such pre-' cautions, would Inevitably be lost. New ' York Sun. Pompadour and Wealth. Atchison Globe. The higher a woman's pompadour, ths less money she has In her pocketbook. The wad Is in the hosiery of the woman who hasher hair combed down so tightly that she lofcks as if she had been scalped, l