The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 14, 1906, PART TWO, Page 15, Image 15

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Entire Caucasus in Hands of
Anarchy and Violence Covers Rus
sian Interior While Red Flag
Gives Passport in Czar's Do
minion Towns Taken.
CHICAGO, Jan. 13. (Special.)-Thc SL
Petersburg correspondent of the Chicago
Daily News says:
A private courier of the Czar lias ar
rived' in St. Petersburg, bringing: a con
lidcntial report from the Caucasus. To
your correspondent the messenger said:
"Tiflls and the entire Caucasus are In the
hands of the revolutionists. The severe
measures practiced by the authorities in
other jiarls of Russia are inapplicable
there. The situation is more acute and
the population Is heterogenous and fren
zied, while the garrisons arc small and
politically unreliable. The supremacy of
tlic revolutionists compelled me to discard
my military uniform and to assume the
character of an agitator carrying red
flag proclamations. On arriving at Bale:
J. again donned my uniform.
Artillery Fights Sharpshooters.
"At Petrovsk I found a battle racin
)etween the Czar's artillery and a number
of revolutionist sharpshooters. The lat
tcr -wore well intrenched behind a rail
road embankment, while the former, like
tiieir comrades In Manchuria, were wast
Ing shrapnel on the desert air.
"Not knowing how otherwise to facill
tate my progress toward SL Petersburg,
crossed the lighting line of the revolution
ists on horseback. I was attacked by two
Georgians and one Tatar. They took my
papers and searched me for more Con
scious of being in a hopeless position and
liable to be shot on my arrival In St,
Petersburg for the loss of the dispatches,
in desperation I drew my revolver, killed
the man who had the dispatches in his
possession and recovered them from his
body. Then remounting. I spurred on my
horse. Finding I was pursued. I turned
in my saddle and shot another of my as
saltan ts and escaped.
Had to Don Disguise.
"On arriving at Rostov I found the town
was no longer in possession of the au
thorlties, and I was again obliged to dis
guise myself and pay tribute to the revo
lutionary leaders for a pass. I managed
with great difficulty to reach Moscow,
where the question of supremacy between
the czar and the revolutionists was be
Ing fought out in the streets. Still, the
situation there seemed tranquil compared
to that in the Caucasus. The revolution
ists refused railroad transportation and
traveling on horseback was impossible.
owing to the lawless conditions in the
districts, so T continued on to the Tver,
disguising myself as a monk. Thence
came direct to St. Petersburg. I shall
remain here two days, awaiting the Czar's
instructions, and then return to the Cau
casus, where I trust my former experi
ences win not be repeated. '
Student ncfuNC to Cbccr National An-
them :md Is Shot In Dlldst
vt Tlirong.
ST. PETERSBURG. Jan. U.-(i A. M.)
A tragedy, in which a student paid with
his life the penalty of refusing to do
honor to the old regime, took place In the
lanious restaurant. "The Bear." shortly
after midnight. The custom of watching
the old year out was observed with some
thing like the old-time festivities. The
hall was crowded and the orchestra of
Mile. Rigo. a sister of the paramour of
the Princess Chlmay, upon the stroke of
midnight, burst forth with "God Save the
The guests, with the exception of a
student named Davidoff. a member of an
artistocratie family, arose to their feet
and the officers present demanded an en
core, being determined to turn the cclc-
oration into a loyalist demonstration.
count bherometlcff. a reactionary, an-
plied an epithet to Davidoff for refusing
iu minor im- national antiicm and pulled
his chair from under him.
Hot words followed and suddenly, in the
midst of the joyous acclamations of the
new year, the guests were startled by five
shots in rapid succession, and the corpse
01 me siuaeiu lay on tne lioor. Indcscrib
able confusion followed.
Count Sherometieff. in addition to kill
ing Davidoff, wounded two women.
Three companions of Davidoff, armed
with champagne bottles, attacked the
muracrer, who, with blood' streaming
oown lils face, managed to fight his way
to the door. "Women shrieked and fainted.
The confusion culminated in a wonder
ful dramatic controversy across the bodv
of the dead student. The impassioned
spectators having ranged themselves ac
cording to their political opinions, on
either side of it, criminations and recrim
inations followed each other hotly. A
well-known courtesan, her head proudly
in the air. stamped her foot as from the
side of the loyalists she declared the
student had met his due. The climax
came when an aunt of Davidoff. who had
fainted when the boy was shot, having
regained consciousness, rushed forward
and threw herself between the disputants
and upon the body, passionately kissing
the cold, blood-stained face. A regular
panic followed.
The guests at "The Bear." manv of
whom were the most prominent society
leaders of St. Petersburg. Including a
number of diplomats, hastened away in
order to avoid being summoned as "wit
nesses. Meantime Davidoff's body" was
covered by the waiters in order to conceal
the ghastly sight, but it lay for more
than two hours and until the police ar
rived to draw up a formal complaint. A
representative of the Associated Prss.
who was present, was informed that
Shcremotieff is a retired officer of the
Scminovsky Regiment of the Guards.
Davidoff. when lie was attacked; at
tempted to draw a light rapier which stu
dents carry, but he was dead before the
blade left the scabbard.
Temporary Loan or $.10,000,000 to
Maintain Gold Standard.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 33. Confirma
tion has been received of the report that
cx-Minlster Kokovscff -has been partially
successful In his mission to Paris. A
credit of $50,000,000 has been obtained from
the French bankers, with the assurance
of an Increase in the amount, should it
prove necessary to maintain the stability
of the rouble. It Is explained, however,
that the credit is not In the nature of a
loan to ths Russian' government, but is
strictly as operation between the Suae
Bank of Russia and the French "banks,
whereby the sum stated is placed to the
credit of the State Bank as an advance,
pending the time when the government
can contract a regular loan.
The Russian papers, with their present
mania for criticising every act of the gov
ernment, even go to the extent of abus
ing Premier Wltto for trying to maintain
the gold standard, the Novoo Vremya de
claring thai it Is a senseless policy, likely
to fall in the end, and asserting that It la
far better to altogether abandon the effort
to keep paper on a par with gold and
simply decree that paper be receivable
for public and private dues and let the
value take care of itself.
lIousc-to-House Search In Riga Gives
Startling Results.
ST. PETERSBURG, Jan. 12. (Special.)
Advices from Riga give details in re
gard to a house search made there by
the police .In a hunt for arms and ammu
nition. Many bombs and- guns, as well
as other weapons were found and were
confiscated by the authorities. Advices
from the Caucasus state that the situa
tion there is Improving. Conditions at
Sochi, a town on the Black Sea, are se
Pined for Contempt "While Arguing
Greene and Gaynor Case.
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Jan. 13. The pleas In
abatement to indictments Nos. A7S and 477
against Greene and Gaynor were read this
morning soon after the convening of the
Federal Court. The pleas set up that
these bills of indictment had not been le
gally returned on the ground that the
Jurors were drawn rom among residents
of the southwestern division of the south
ern district of Georgia, whereas they
served in the eastern district, wherein
they returned the indictments against the
defendants, and that the court had no
right to appoint the two special commis
sions to prepare the special grand jury
list that had been prepared, on the order
of the court The defendants say that the
grand Jurors were therefore illegally
drawn and had no right to return Indict
ments. Special Assistant Attorney-General Mar
Ion Erwin argued the Government's de
murrer to these pleas.
When Mr. Erwln closed his argument.
A. A. Lawrence, of counsel for the ac
cused, read a written reply, which devel
oped a sensation. Mr. Lawrence charged
that in the 'appointment of special jury
commissioners the court had named W.
S. West, of Valdosta, who was a bitter
pollitcal enemy of W .W. Osborne, Law
rence's law partner. He strongly intimat
ed that this had prejudiced the case of
the defendants.
Judge Speer waited until this part of the
lawyer's argument bad been finished and
then interrupted, declaring that the law
yer's remarks were improper and con
temptuous, and he ordered the clerk to
enter a fine of 5100 against Mr. Lawrence
for contempt. Judge Speer asserted that
Mr. "West was one of the most prominent
men in Southwestern Georgia, president of
the Georgia Senate and ex-L5eutenant-Governor
of the State. Judge Specr said he
would not tolerate Innuendoes and Insult
by counsel in his presence.
Mr. Lawrence concluded his argument
after the Imposition of the fine, making
no apology for the inntn ! ,v..i,...,j
Judge Speer then announced a recess to
tuusiaer me matters presented.
Ilccovery Is Retarded by Effort, of
Merchant's Mind.
NEW YORK. Jan. 14. Th nlivfofene It,
charge of Marshall Field stated early this
morning mat tney nave had great trou
ble in keeping Mr. Field's mind from his
business. His constant thought of busi
ness, they said, had led to a slight rise In
temperature. Aside from this, they sah!
there was no change In the condition of
tne patient from the Issuing of the bulle
tin at 11:50 last night.
Lr. Billings stated that there wn no
danger of death in the next IS hours.
Illness and Age Together May Win
Against Field.
NEW YORK. Jan. 13. The following
bulletin relative to the condition of Mar
shall Field, of Chicago, who is III with
pneumonia at a hotel in this city, was Is
sued at 11:33 o'clock toulght:
"Mr. Field is not feeling so well to
night. The disease has not extended, but
Mr. Field shows very much exhaustion."
The opinion about the hotel -seems to be
that Mr. Field will recover. The physi
cians, it is said, arc oulte satisfied with
the situation. Dr. Frank Rlllings. Mr.
Field's family physician, who readied
here yesterday, spent the night with the
patient, who. it is said, was crcatlv
cheered by the presence of his old friend.
Dr. Billings Is still confident that the
disease Is of the mild type and that, de
spite his age the merchant king will ul
timatcly recocr.
Henry H. Rogers, vice-president of tb
standard oil Company, called on Mr.
FicM today, remaining half an hour.
Coroner Has No Xcw Evidence The
ory Is Suicide.
NEW HAVEN. Conn.. Jan. 13. (Special.!
Coroner Mix stated tonight that lie
would have his findings in the mysterious
Edwards case ready on Monday and would
nie it in tne fauperlor Court. It would
then be made public. It will be a volu
minous document, covering all the points
of the testimony taken by the Coroner in
the mysterious death. There Is no reason
to doubt that the verdict of the Coroner
win dc in accordance with his earlier
statement, namely, that Edwards com
mitted suicide The Coroner declares he
has obtained no new evidence that would
throw any light on the strange case.
Roosevelt Discusses Politics with
Empire State Leaders.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 12. President
Roosevelt entertained at a dinner r ti
White House a number of eent
mostly New Yorkers., with whom and
with others who came after the dinner It
is understood politics in the Empire State
wcro discussed with particular reference.
It Is said, to the successor of cT.rtnvnr
Odell as chairman of the Republican State
Committee, It was said after the confer
ence that no decision In the matter had
been reached.
Efforts to Ttcscuc Entombed Miners
From Death Arc Futile.
CALUMET. Mich., Jan. 13.-Machinist
lowered to the 300-foot level of No. 2
shaft of the Tamarack mine to repair the
pumps were overcome by gas. Distress
signals attracted the shaft men, who res
cued the pump men and revived them at
the surface. Flames in No. 2 shaft have
reversed the draft, thejeurrent now being
downcast All effortj to reach the en
tombed miners &&y tkua far kea luti).
Commissioners From Orient
Banqueted at Bay City.
Sights About the City Will Be Shown,
Including the State Universi
ties at Berkeley and
San Francisco.
weather Intcrferod with today's pro
gramme for the cntcrtainmont of the
Chinese commission now In this city.
It was impossible to carry out with
oomfoit the various outdoor excursions
planned by the reception committee,
but In an Informal way the visitors
wore shown many points of Interest.
Rcar-AJmlral Goodrich. of the
United States Navy, whose flagship.
the Chicago. Is now In this harbor.
called on the commissioners this morn
Ing; He was accompanied by officers
from the Chicago and Boston and the
Mare Island Navy-yard. Shortly before
2 o'clock the commissioners were taken
In automobiles to the great building
of the Merchants Lxchange. where In
the main hall they met representatives
of many commercial bodies.
After a inception at the St. Francis
Hotel tins afternoon, the commission
ers and the members of their suite
were guests of honor at a banquet
glvn by the Chinese Consul and Vice
Consul. In signed statements both of
the -Imperial commissioners have ex
pressed their gratification at their cor
dial welcome. Tauan Fang added the
"Our mission to America's shores is
not political in any sense of Che word.
"Ve will not Interest ourselves In the
Chinese immigration problem, which
wllf be taken care of by the proper au
thorities." The Ministers will visit Stanford
University tomorrow and Monday will
go to the University of California. Ac
cording to the present schedule, the
party will leave for the East Monday
night, stopping over three days at Chi
cago and a day each at Pittsburg and
Niagara Falls before reaching Wash
Only Hope of Modernizing China Is
Opinion or Haynshi.
LONDON. Jan. 12. (SpccJaL)-The pub
lication of the Chinese-Japanese treaty Is
an Important event, supplementing the
treaty of Portsmouth. Viscount Hayashi.
the Japanese Ambassador to the court of
SL James, said to a correspondent:
"The chlcr object of Japan in this sup
plementary treaty was to open all ports
of Manchuria to foreign trade and so get
all the powers interested In the continued
independence of this part of the Chinese
Empire. China herself will be unable for
many years, perhaps centuries, to protect
her own Interests. I do not believe the
glowing reports of the new military devel
opment in China. Such reports have
cropped up frequently during the last 30
years, but have never been realized. Re
member that the Manchu dynasty depends
for its existence upon the obliteration of
military spirit among the Chinese. If that
spirit took root, the dynasty would in
stantly be destroyed. Therefore, what
ever outward steps may be taken, the
Manchu government will always oppose
real military reform.
"China's only possibility of becoming a
Mrong military power lies in the abolition
of the Manchu dynasty, and there is rea
son to suppose that this will happen in
the near future. In other respects the
v.niucsc remain impervious to western
thought. For example. Wu Tine- Fiintr-r.
turned from Washington full of Western
Ideas and became secretary of the Wa Wu
Pu, or new Foreign Office, at Pekln. but It
was soon discovered that ho was too pro
foreign and he was removed to the crim
inal department.
mere is nothing new In the recent
antl-forelgn outbreak at Shanghai. The
uoycoti oi American goods Is the natural
outcome of the Immigration laws in Amer
ica, and nothing can be done to prevent
It except an alteration of the Immigration
laws. Any idea of the United States using
"" uic ooycott is absurd."
Missionaries Say Chinese Arc Carry
ing on Negative "War.
OAKLAND. Jan. 13. The Rev. Arthur
Smith, a missionary' in China who re
turned yesterday on the Siberia. Is visit
ing mends in this city. The missionary
said last night:
anc strong anu-rorelgn feeling in
t hlna is due In a large part to the de
feat of Russia by Japan. The Chinese
are awakening to the fact they arc not a
subject people.
"The feeling against the United States
is very bitter because .of the exclusion
act. xnis reeling Is heightened by Imag
inary wrongs and exaggerated descrip
tions of Indignities heaped on Chinese in
this country, as sent home b- the Chi
nese in the United States.
"But China as a whole lias come to the
oeuei mat it is easier and cheaper to
carry on a negative war against the
I nlted States than to attack missions and
kill missionaries. The country has learned
that where there Is no violence there Is
no punishment to folio;?. This feeling is
confined to the coast cities, however, and
I do not believe that It would be irafo
for an American to venture into the in
terior provinces.
"What the more Intelligent Chinese
want Is that the exclusion act shall be
Intelligently interpreted, and shall be en
forced only against those classes whom It
Is meant to affect."
Windy City Will Wine and Dine
Chinese Mission.
CHICAGO. Jan. 13. Extensive plans
are being made by the citizens' commit
tee, consisting of 164 Chicago business
men. appointed by Mayor Dunne, to en
tertain the Chinese emissaries, who will
spend several days In Chicago next week
on their way to Washington. According
to present plaps. the foreign visitors will
be given a banquet at the Auditorium
Hotel next Saturday night and 400 repre
sentatives of the commercial and social
Clubs of the city will be present.
The Mayor will be toastrnastcr and be
sides many prominent citizens and
speakers who will respond to toasts the
Chinese Ambassador at Washington. Sir
Sheng Tung Liang, who will come to
Chicago to take part In the welcome to
his countrymen, will also address h
Xchraska Will Entertain Them.
LINCOLN, Neb.. .Jan. 13.-The party
of distinguished Chinese, -which 1
SlfSLi ? yterdy. win Thurs-
day next be the .guests In Lincoln of Gov- I
crnor Mickey and Chancellor Andrews, of
the .University ot Nebraska. Lcarnbur i
that the party would pass through Lin
coln, the Governor and Dr. Andrews sent
an invitation to make a stop here and to
night received a telegram of acceptance.
A luncheon and other entertainment will
be provided.
Imperial Decree Meets Approbation
of State Department.
WASHINGTON. Jan. J3. Advices from
China to the State Department arc to the
effect that very slowly but surely the
antl-Amcrlcau boycott movement is being
crushed out by the Chinese authorities.
Today's mall brought from Minister Rock
hlU the full text of the decree enjoining
the provincial officials to stamp out the
boycott. The department Is well satis
fied with the terms of the decree, regard
ing It as evidence of an earnest desire on
the part of the imperial government to
meet our wishes.
Secretary Root now has some hope that
legislation may be had at the present ses
sion of Congress liberalizing the present
Chinese exclusion act to an extent that
will suit the Chinese population.
" Amsdcn Dies of Injuries.
MINNEAPOLIS. Jan. 13. W. S. Amsdf n.
superintendent of the Plllsbury-Washblrn
Company's system of elevators, who was
so badly Injured In the West Hotel fire
last Wednesday, died this afternoon. His
death Is the tenth as the result of the fire.
Within a few hours of the time Mr. Ams
dcn received his fatal Injuries In the hotel
fire, his mother. Mrs. S. S. Amsdcn, died
In Los Angeles, Cal. The news was kept
from him. however.
Committees Form and "Will Adopt
Plans to Amend Game.
NEW YORK. Jan. 13. The two football
rules committees which amalgamated here
last night decided today that the Joint
committee should bo known officially as
the American Intercollegiate Football
committee. -
At all meetings eight members will con
stitute a quorum, and eight of the total
of H votes shall constitute the official
vote of the committee as a whole.
Professor Dennis, of Cornell, chairman of
the new committee, announced today four
subcommittees, who will report a meet
ing of the committee In this city January
. The subcommittees arc:
On provisions for eliminating brutalltj-
and foul play: on suggestions looking for
ward to the opening of the game: on sug
gestions as to the ways and means of ap
pointing a central board of football offi
cials: on propositions looking forward to
a field laboratory at which suggestions of
the playing rules should be practically
Tabernacles to Remain Closed to the
French Authorities.
PARIS. Jan. 13. Cardinal Richard. Arch
bishop of Paris, has addressed a circular
letter to the priests of this city, in which
he declares that he will never potfmlt the
tabernacles to he opened for the agents
charged with making inventories of
church goods, and instructing them to
declare, on their words of honor as
priests, the manner and value of sacred
vessels, but on no account to open taber
nacles. Nearly all of the bishops, including the
most moderate of them, have Issued let
ters similar to that of Cardinal Richard.
Bank Examiners Did Not Inspect In
stitutions at All.
BOSTON. Jan. 13. After a conference
with Governor Guild. Warren E. Locke
and James O. Oils, two of three savings
bank commissioners of this state, sent
their resignations to the Chief Executive
late today. Governor Guild accepted them
in a letter in which he said that the two
commissioners had frankly admitted that
until last September they had neglected
to Inspect such corporations, through mis
construction of the law affecting the
Provident Securities & Banking Company,
of this city.
Louis Hccht, Banker, Boj-ton.
B03TON, Jan. is. Louis Hccht. Sc.. a
well-known Jewish banker and philan
thropist, died at his hohic In Brookllne
last night. He was born In Hcrnstadt,
Prussia, In 1SJ7, and, while a boy. came to
to this country. In ISO he went to Cali
fornia, where he organized tlifirm of
Hocht Bros., wholesale shoejobbers,
with branches in Boston and Baltimore.
Mr. Hccht later returned to Boston and
carried on a banking business, from which
he retired a few years ago owing to ill
a Robert M. Irwin.
SAYBROOK. Conn.. Jan. 12. (Spe
cial.) Robert M. Irwin, cx-prcsldcnt of
the Atlantic Coast Line Company,
dropped dead in the woods near here
today while looking over some land
which he was thinking of buying in
connection with a game preserve.
Heart trouble was the cause of death.
Portland Bishop in Home.
ROME. Jan. 13. Right Rev. William J I.
O'Connell. bishop of Portland. Me., the
special envdy of Pope Plus to the Em
peror of Japan, arrived here today. He is
enthusiastic over his reception in Japan
and the progress of that country. Mgr.
O'Connell declined to speak of his mis
sion except to say that it had been emi
nently successful.
Lexlncton. Ky. Staler of William Gocbel
and Henry Clay are proposed for Kentucky
representation In the Hall of Katne In the
("apltol at Washington In a hl'l Introduced In
the Kentucky legislature' yertenlay, An ap
propriation of 51U.OUO- Is provided..
Rheumatism docs not come on in a day; the n KUnuCOl
causes that produce it work silently in the system for years. This insidious
disease becomes intrenched in the blood, and some exposure to cold or damp
weather, or slight indiscretion brings on an attack. Poor digestion, stomach,
troubles, weak Kidneys, torpid Liver, and a general sluggish condition of
the system are responsible for Rheumatism. Food souring in the stomach
poisons the blood, the failure of the Kidneys and Liver to act properly leaves
waste matter and impurities in the system, which, coming in contact with,
the natural acids of the body, form uric acid. This is absorbed by the blood,
and as it penetrates to the muscles, nerves and bones produces the terrible
pains and aches and other disagreeable symptoms of Rheumatism. Life is
madea torture by its excruciating pains, nerves are shattered, the health un
dermined, andif the disease is not checked it breaks down the strongest con
stitution. It will not do to depend on plasters, liniments, etc.; such, treatment
is helpful in easing the pain and reducing the inflammation, but does not
reach the blood where the real trouble is located. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism
and builds up the entire health. S.
or chronic, and the cure is thorough and lasting-. Book.dh Rheumatism
and av medical advice Wrv fTinf- M,. 1
7 Mcoicai aavice aesirea WltUout cnarge.
XMF M WMFM' JMCKK CO.. MTW mjttm cm v
Meriwether, Branch's Slayer,
Faces New Charge.
Man Xow Serving Sentence of One
Year for Fatal Fight to Be
Tried for Other Viola
tions of Kulcs.
ANNAPOLIS. Jan. 13. The sensation of
the present wries of trials of alleged
hazcrs appeared this morning when It be
came known that the next case to be
brought before the court would be that
of Midshipman Minor Meriwether, Jr..
of Lafayette. La., the third classman,
whose trial on. charges connected with
a rtstfight with Midshipman James R.
Branch, after which the latter died, at
tracted much attention.
Meriwether Is now serving confinement
of a yar In the Naval Academy, to
i Y?h e was silenced In connection
with the Branch mattor.
All the offenses charged against him
are alleged to have occurred during Sep
tember last.
No offenTO of any kind has been charged
!gain&t Meriwether since the sad affair
wan young Branch. The charge against
mm is or hazing, under the act of 1S74.
and there is no charge of "encouraging
or countenancing hazing" under the act
of There are six specifications,
which run the whole gamut of the hazing
practice?, and each specification alleges
the hazing of a different midshipman of
the fourth class. The trial of Midship
man Meriwether will immediately fellow
that of the case now on trial, Midshipman
John P. Miller.
Kentucky Midshipman Makes Fight
for His Vindication.
ANNAPOLIS. Md.. Jan. 13. The court
martial which took up the case of Mid
shipman John Paul Miller, of Lancaster.
Ky.. charged with hazing, resumed Its
sessions this morning. The specifications,
the lack of proper form In which caused
the postponement of the case yesterday,
had been corrected at the office of the Su
pcrltnendent. and the case proceeded. Mil
ler introduced as his counsel Colonel
Charles H. Lauchheimer. IT. S. M. C. and
Mr. Theall. of Washington. D. C.
It Is alleged that Miller hazed Stanley
R. Canine, of Llano. Tex.; Henrv G.
Cooper. Jr.. of Oxford. N. C: Max B.
Demott. of NUes. Mich., and John F. Don
elson. of Pawnee. Okla.. by compelling
tlichi to perform' No. 16 together. Miller,
if he Is acquitted, will graduate February
12. and his scholastic standing will not be
below No. 3 In the class of over ICO.
. On being arraigned. Miller stated that
he wished to plead through his counsel,
and Colonel Lauchheimer then interposed
a demurrer on the ground that the facts
alleged under the charge do not constitute
hazing. Colonel Lauchheimer addressed
the court on this contention. He occu
pied about one hour In his argument to
show that maltreatment In a physical
sense was the grave feature of hazing,
and that, as this was not alleged In the
specifications, the demurrer should be
granted. The court overruled the demur
rer, holding, as bad been held In other
cases, that any molestation or annoyance
of a fourth-class man by an upper class
man was hazing. Miller pleaded riot
guilty to the charges and specifications.
The first witness was Demott. He said
he had been Ifi Miller's room one night,
having been told to go there Imitating an
automobile, with Canine. Cooper and Don
clson. Canine was the headlight. Cooper
was a chauffeur, and Oonclson was the
horn and Demott the exhaust. "Cooper
was supposed to twist Donelson's ear to
stop, but he fell down, and we went
around the room several times. Miller
then told us to do the 'IS. and we did it.
He told us to go and report at Boyd's
room at 5:30. Several times after that we
were In his room and had to do the '16 "
The first hazing, he said, took place short
ly after the West Point game, December
. 1S05. ,
At the conclusion of Dcmott's testi
mony, the court complimented him on the
manly and straightforward manner In j
Hincii no nan given nis testimony.
Cooper and Canine corroborated the
testimony of Demott.
At the request of Miller's counsel, who
said they had two witnesses for the de
fense, the trlul was continued tH Mon
day. Eour Convictions Certain.
The prosecution has made out a strong
case against Miller, and there seems to be
no doubt that he will be convicted. Mil
ler Is the fourth first-class man that has
been tried. It Is now consldeerd absolute
ly certain that Worth Wrlghter Foster,
of New Albany. Ind.. and Patterson B.
MarzonI, of Pensacola. Fla., have been
convicted or their charges. The records
In their cases are now with the Navy De
partment for a final review. Although
provlously stated to the contrary. It is
now intimated that Stephen Decatur. Jr.,
of Portsmouth. N. H.. whose second trial
was completed yesterday, has also been
convicted, and will be dismissed with the
other men.
Proposes Bonaparte Send House Pro
ceedings in Trials.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 13.-(SpecIaI.)
Representative Mudd. of Maryland, a
tut? CTnnvrrcT
by purifying and invigorating the thin, acrid
blood, driving out all impurities and poisons and
sending a. stream of strong, rich blood to wash,
out all irritating particles that are causing the
pain and inflammation. S. S. S. stimulates the
orgaas to better action, tones up the
and dicresHon. rtngf mtt
S. cures TTwnmaHcm vhti. unf&
1 T
Mr. Robert G. Morrow has announced that he will be a candidate
for the Republican nomination for Circuit Judge in this county at the
approaching- primary election. Mr. Morrow has practiced law in Port
land for 20 years, and elnce 1S92 has been editor of the Reports of
the Supreme Court of Oregon. He is recognized as a lawyer of abil
ity and integrity, and the announcement of his candidacy has been
received with favor by his wide circle of friends, among both lawyers
and laymen.
member of the Naval affairs committee.
Introduced In the House a resolution re
questing the Secretary of the Navy, to
transmit to the House a complete- re
port of the proceedings. Including the
evidence. In the recent trials by court
martial of Midshipmen Meriwether. Cof
fin. Decatur, Foster and MarzonI at the
Naval Academy, and to transmit a sim
ilar statement as to the other trials upon
charges of hazing which are to be held
at the Academy pending investigation.
Thousands Pay Last Tribute to Pres
ident Harper's Memory.
CHICAGO. Jan. 13. (Special.) The body
of William Raincy Harper, late president
of the University of Chicago." was . re
moved this afternoon from the Harper
home to Haskell Hall, escorted by the
deans of the university in cap and gown.
Hundreds of students and citizens were
grouped along the line of march. The
body will lie In state in Haskell Hall until
12:30 P. M. Sunday. From 10:20 today until
9 o'clock this evening, when the doors
were closed, many thousands of people
Mad filed past the casket.
John D. Rockefeller. Jr.. accompanied
by his father's secretary of charities.
Fred W. Gates, arrived In Chicago today
to attend the funeral services tomorrow.
Mr. Rockefeller paid a long call at the
Harper residence. Later, In reply to ques
tions as to future benefactions of his
No misleading statements or deceptive propositions to the afflicted.
An honest doctor of recognized ability does not resort to such meth
ods. I guarantee a complete, .safe and lasting cure in the quickest
possible time, at the lowest cost possible for honest, skjllful and
successful treatment. I cure Catarrh, Asthma, Lung, Throat, Rheu
matism, Nervousness, Stomach, Liver, Kidney, Female Troubles and
all private diseases, ily remedies are composed of powerful Oriental
roots, herbs, buds, vegetables and barks, that are entirely unknown
(many of them) to medical science in this country.
Drugs or poisons are not used in our famous remedies.
The C. Gee Wo Chinese Medicine Company
Pleas mention tills paper.
We guarantee a cure In every case we undertake or charge no fee. Consultation free.
Letters confidential. Instructive BOOK FOR
, We cure the worst cases of piles In two or
If you cannot call at office, write for question blank. Home treatment successful.
Office hours. 9 to 5 and 7 to 8; Sundays and holidays. 10 to 12.
Dr. W. Norton Davis & Co.
Qlltta lxO'as-Nay Httl, RH Third
father in connection with the university,
he said he was In Chicago to pay respect
to the departed, and would consider it the
height of bad taste to discuss the other
Ethel Yerkes Has No Will.
NEW YORK. Jan. 13. (Special.) Miss
Ethel Yerkes. grandniece and protege of
the late traction magnate. Charles T..
Yerkes. returned from Europe tonight on
the steamer Amerika and with her moth
er went at once to an uptown hotel. She
declared that the story that she had in
her possession a later will of the dead
magnate than that filed In Chicago was
untrue and even affected not to know
that in that document she was be
queathed 5100.COO.
Xeeds of Hallway Mull Clerks.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13. The annual re
port' of the general superintendent or
Railway Mall Service for the fiscal year
1205 shows the total number of miles of
service by railroad, electric, cable and
steamboat lines to have been 37t5,oS4.03T.
An urgent plea is made for a retirement
and superannuation fund for the benefit of
clerks disabled In line of duty or worn
out through long and faithful service.
Hcrr Klchmct a Delegate.
PARIS. Jan. 14. The Eclalr's Algcciraa
correspondent says that Germany will
name as the fourth delegate to the Alge
clras conference Herr Klehmet, Counscl
or of Legation of the Foreign Office.
The Great Chinese Doctor
Entrance 161 1-2 FIRST STREET
Corner Morrison
Vr'c treat successfully all private nervous
and chronic diseases of men. also blood,
stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat
troubles. We cure SYPHILIS (without mer
cury) to stay cured forever. "We remov
STRICTURE without operation or pain. In
15 days.
"We stop drains, night losses and sper
matorrhoea by a new method. In a. short
time. We can restore the sexual vigor of
any man under 50 by means ot local treat
ment peculiar to ourselves.
We Cure Gonorrhoea
in a Week
The doctors of this Institute are all regular
irraduates. have had many years' experience,
have been known In Portland for 15 years,
have a. reputaUon to maintain, and will un
dertake no case unless certain cure can ba
MEN mailed free in plain wrapper.
three treatments, without operation. Cure
.Cor. Pis Portlaad, Or.