t. 14 THE SUJiDAi OREGOIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 14, 1900. PROTEST IINST i SITE OF BRIDGE River Pilots Stati' Reasons in : Document to-po Before :: - Public-Rearing: WOULD PROTEGT-SH iPPI NG . Captain EmkenjSajSiPlloti Welcome , . tlic XorUifBunk- Hond, Int.Sug pest O'thcr itC3 Tor Crow- . Captain Hamr'ETnkenrxttpre?Mitnff-ih river pilots "-of.lhis port, .has drafted, a protest to ba' Wed with, tho Port 6f Port land next Tuesday aJlchiognVKircn tlrat ooay win Jiearsppjscuous iw uiu nvi'fw tioa for permission -"granting the cgfn struction of tilts ' p'rojKJScd iCorthcrn- Pa cific railroad bridge acrpss the Willam- ;ettc, near the foot of. Swan isianu. ano .protest sets forth" 1'ts grounds Jn -detail, and Captain Emkenbclicves, that even tho Northern Pacific people will ;concede tho objections to bo just.and proper.- j. " "Jn speaking for tho pilots, IwJIl'say that wo aro not opposed lo. tho construc tion of a bridge." said Captain ,Emkcn, "Wo are glad to sec the railroad enter (Portland and know that a bridge Is neres- STKAMKR INTELLIGENCE. Duo to. Arrive. Steamer From. Date. Senator. San Francisco Jan. 14 Aragonla, Orient Jan. 17 Columbia, San Francisco Jan. 19 Alliance, Eureka-Coos Say. ..Jan. 22 Northland, San Francisco.... Jan. 24 Ileanekc, San Francisco. .....Jan. 27 Due to Depart. Stcarppr Destination. Date Despatch, San Francisco Jan. 15 Nome City. San Pedro. ...... .Jan. 15 Cascade, San Francisco Jan. 10 Snnator, San Francisco Jan. 10 Columbia, San Francisco Jan. 21 Alliance. Euroka-Cees Bay. ..Jan. 21 Northland, San Pedre.- Jan. 2S Aragonia, Orient Jan. 2S Roanoke. Ls Angeles Ian. :i0 Carrying mail. sary, but care should be taken that It is rplaced where It will offer the least possi ble obstruction to shipping; Railroad and water traffic goes hand in hand, and it is far from our intention of attempting to place hindrance in the way of prog reps; but it Is ioor policy to build up one industry at the expense of another fully as important. "There are several good locations for the bridge. "VYc would much prefer to have it strung across the river between the steel bridge and the Alblna ferry, for with four bridges already across tho har bor wo may as well have live. Another good place is to be found t Linnton, where ihc river forms a deep basin ex cellently adapted fcr anchorage. JThc .protest goes on to state that the erection of any bridge acro.su the "Wil lamette between Swan Island and St. Johns would simply fence off. the lower harbor, where the greater part of tho shipping is done. It pays that "a good' channel has been secured, with the re sult that shipowners are now sending larger ships here than ever before and feel reasonably safe in so doing. Steam ers are now coming here averaging from SJO' to 450 feet in length. The steamer "Knight Errant," recently here. Is 510 feet long, and the "Imaun," recently here, left drawing 25 feet 7 Inches, and she is4o feet long. The channel from- the north pojnt of Swan Island to the pro fosed.drawbrIdge of the Portland & Seat tip Railway Company has a depth of 23 feet at low water. Said channel is a dredged channel and is only 300 feet wide, and the distance from the north point of Swan Island to the proposed bridge is 4S00 feet. The distance from the steel fridge across the Willamette River to the proposed bridge Is 'four mllee, more or less. . ' , . In this connection the protest says: Assuming that one of these large ves sels has been loaded In the harbor at Portland and has proceeded down the river, until she reaches the bend at the foot of Swan Island, where the bridge will Be first visible, the question presents it self to the master of the ship: "What are you going, to do with a 400-root ship head ing for a drawbridge in a 300-foot channel with a rapid current, if the bridge is not opened promptly in response to the ship's signal?" You cannot anchor, as there are no suitable anchor grounds available. The only means of stopping the ship would bo to let her go Into the bank of the river, thereby blocking the channel and making It necessary to lighter the ship, at a great expense, in order to gel her out. "There is a large eddy to the north and east of Swan Island light, and the current fit. the river at that point Is bad. especial ly so in the freshet season, which extends from November until May. Dur'ng that time the current from the west of Swan island sweeps across towards the east shore of the river, -making it extremely dangerous. In that a steamer would have difficulty in preventing the current from carrying her broadside upon the piers of the proposed bridge. The construction of a drawbridge at tho mouth of the harbor, as proposed, must necessarily result in" great" "hazards to shipping generally. The usual way to handle ships through bridges In the port of Portland Is to ,se oure the services of two. powerful, -tugboats to assist the ship through the bridges, -and If the proposed bridge la con structed across the mouth of the. Jowcr harbor at the point indicated, it would be Ufcessary to retain tho services of said tugboats the entire distance from Port land .to.St, Johns, about four miles, which would involve a largo additional expense, and seriously hamper shipping. Tho jjilots will also protest against the proposed extension of the harbor lines at "rwia's Point, a.t. the faot. of .Swan Isl and, for permission of which application has been made to Major S. W. Roessler, United States Engineers. . DERELICT IX STORM. Steamer "W. U. Kruger Being: Towed ; . . , to San Francisco. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 13. The steamer W. II. Kruger, in tow of the steamers Sea Foam and Brunswick, passed Point .Reyes' this morning. A heavy gale is .blowing: and it will be almost Impossible, for the vessels to. cross the harbor bar until the storm abates. - There are a number of pas sengers on the, TV. H. Kruger which is commanded by Captain Norberg, an -experienced navigator. The Kruger left Fort Bragg Thurs day for this port, became disabled yes terday and drifted ashore near Casper, on the Mendocino County coast. The Sea Foam went to the rescue and suc ceeded In pulling- her from the peril ous position. The Brunswick was also rent to the scene, and went to tho as sistance of the Sea Foam to tow the dls&bledVvessel to. this port. The "TV. IL .Krurer, J reported to "be in&. water logged condition and to have lost her deckload of lumber. How seriously she Js damaged will not be known. She belongs to the Union Lumbor Com pany. SAILOR USES IROX BAR. UAJEiJEcxdinand Hits Shipmate Over :, Head- jn Fit of Anger. -A. E. "Fpratirxnd'1 s the name of a quick tempered sallqr on .bqard the French bark Asie, and s'esterday at noon he forgot himself to the.cxtent .of striking a ship mate with an utfprojidupceable name over me Head with an iron, bar wniie the two were deep in the 'hpldLprparlng the ves sel for her cargo,. The. blow laid the scalp open for several .Inches, and It is considered remarkable thaT tho skull was ..not fractured. In the absence of a phy sician, the first o'fficcr dressed the wound. Harbormaster Ben BlgHn was notified by telephone, and he at once repaired to Ihe'iShlD" at Monteorrierv dock, and nlaced "lhedangerous man under? arrest. Assault and battery was "the charge-placed against me name ol -rsrqinana. at. ine x-oncc o ta li on, where he was looked" up. The caso will come up Monday, when it- will be up to the clenk ro-unrayer the katers of the .name of ..the sajlor vho, is -npw nursing a very- sore -hCMid. - - . , "WHEAT STEAMER DAMAGED. rAbcrgcIdlc-Fronr-l'ortlimd, Hit by Japanese Stcamgr'afYokobama. - YOKOHAMA Jan.; 33.-Tho Japanese steainer' Hbngkong. rrbko'Jrom hor moor iojgs d1jrjng.ji5.galp hcrjtpaay and collided with the'ilrltlsh stoaiper AWgdldo, from Portland, Or. Tho latter was badly dam aged but tho Hohgkolig Maru was only slightly injured. - " Tfib Abprgieldo'Ift Astoria November 14 for Yokohama and Yokoichl with 1S3.503 bushejs oC wheat, valued at The 'cargo 'Was furnished by G. "V. McNcar & Co. MM AT WIVES MERCY STOHM DUIVIJS IllG CLYDI2 I.1XER O.V SAND. PnnMciincrs and Creir Are Mint Off I-'rom Shore by IIlRb 'rn and "Wind. ATLANTIC CITY. N. J.. Jan. IX. The CO portions who comprise the passen gers and crew of the big Clyde lino steamer Cherokee, whlchvvcnt ashore early yesterday in Brlgantlne Shoal, arc completely cut oft from the out-f-ldc world tonight. Not since 4 o'clock this afternoon has there been a signal from the steamer. At this hour the captain signalled that all were well and that his vessel was lying cany, with its none atuck deep in the sund. Earlier in the day a signal hud been received from the stranded steamer asking that lighters be sent out as soon as possible. "When- this message was received, word was dispatched to the Delaware Breakwater for the lighter and they arc expected to reach the Cherokee, early tomorrow morning;. Rumorc were in circulation here to day that the crew of the Brlgantlne life-savlngr station had been lost while returning to the shore from the Cher okee, Communication with the Cher okee dispelled the fears of the friends of the life-savers w-lien it .was learned that the men were wife on. board, tho stranded vessel. Old captains who arc familiar with the coast hereabouts way there is no danger of the Cherokee going to piucea so Ions' as her bow can be kept in the soft bed of sand. The only danger, they say, would be in the wave . striking the.veascl broadside and tlirbwiitfr Jt over. Tnc wind tonight had full en to about 30 miles ui hour and hope is enter tained that before morning: the gale will have spent Its force, "WILL CHARTER STEAM 12 IS. Jlarry iToung. Leaves tor-San. Fran cisco on Important Mission. Harry Young; agent for the North. Pacific Steamshin Cnmnanv. irft for San Francisco last night In the in terest of the newly Incorporated Inde pendent Ticket Company and also Co arrange" for a steamotf to" .go on the Portland-Yaqulna Ba3ui oarjy In th-n Spring. He will endeavor to charter a vessel of 'not more than ten fotft draft but still of a capacity for not less than juo tons or freight. and about T0 pas sengers. Before hs "departure. Mr. Yhunc- rn- ceived a message from -Charles.-P-. Doe, manager of the Noriir "ParAr Krnam. ship Company, stat'n&.that 1!ie -steamer Roanoke would sail.- 4f or, Portland on me -win 01 mis month 10 rosumereg" ular service between t1f1snnrt-aha ts Angeles. Stieks in Sort 3Iud. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. Tho Me diants Exchange has received a dispatch irom i-ori uownsend stating tlwtt the American shin Elwell rfrlftbri high tide tills morning during a southeast gaic sne is reported to be fast in the soft mud about a mile west of Port Hudson. The Elwell was bound from An con to Port Towhsend in ballast. AVrccked on First Trip. VICTORIA. B. C!. Jan. IS Tho. n!m. Nell is a total wreck at Metlakatlah, having drifted on a rock off Point T?i.nr on January during a heavy gale. Tho Nell was burned a year ago and ivas re built and lengthened. She was on her first trip to Victoria when wrecked. Cap tain -Oliver and crew have abandoned the wrecK. . Eil'crlc Duo Here Tuesday. There will be a rush at the North Pa cific lumber mills for a couple of days in order to make room for ih Wp Priti.h steamer Ellcric,. .which is dic .to. arrive Tuesday from Comox to load for Aus- uiiiut. j jic iuenc is now -at the Brit ish Columbia nort and yesterday stated that she would sail Mon- oay ior tne uoiumc-ia River. Rough Bar DeIaysShipping. ASTORIA Jan. 13. The '.imr rra very rough today, with a running- and no vessels were able to cross out. The.'steamer Alliance vont down to the bar, but -was 'compelled 10 lurji uacK. Windy .on Fitget Sound, TACOMA, JatrL OZA-HeaCy. -.winds are blowing $ff the-;crfd4oh1g3it; a 25- iahii.gfe to Shipping $ q BELLINGHAM. Wash;. Jtfn. 13..So far as known no serious damage to shipping: has occurred in this vicinity in the storm blowing; over the lower' Sound since last night Launch Fox Seized by Sbcrlff. ASTORTA. fir.. .Tin. rSnli i" tu- fasoMne lauach Fox, which arrived' here 6o ,-.vire(;uMfia; jiacorna. ; The wind. -Is from- the Welft'an'dlt-"greatest velocity will " be. .across the. north' -end of the Sound. '- -.;,: z- No this morning from Portland, was seized today by Sheriff Linville under execu tion In tho case of the First National Bank vs. John Reld, to recover payment of a note for 5S70 and In the case brought by Fulton Bros, against Captain Reld to recover 5197 attorneys' fees. Jean Baptistc Leaves Up. ASTORIA. Or., Jan. 13. Special.)-The French bark Jean Baptiste. which dis charged 00 tons of coal at this port, left up the river this morning for Portland, where she will unload the balance of her cargo. Sargent Towed, to Knappton. ASTORIA, Or.. Jan. 13. Special.) The American ship C F. Sargent was towed across tho river to Knappton today. She will load lumber for New York. Marino Notes. The barkentlne Forest Home left down yestorday morning bound for San Fran cisco. Tho steam schooner Sequoia Is coming to Portland from San Francisco by way of Eureka. The steamer Asuncion arrived at the Portsmouth tanks during the night with a cargo of olL The steamer. ToKcnham has shifted to the dolphins, where she will receive lum ber from barges. Tho schooner Aurora arrived up yester day -frpm Rainier and went to. the Port land Mills to finish her lumber cargo. The French bark La Rochejaquelln wxnt to thft coal bunkers yesterday to tako a supply of fuel for her donkey engine. Captain H. Baker, of Detroit; Mich., Is expected to arrive itj Portland this week to figure on floating the steamer Geo. -"W. Elder. Tho British ship Saint Mungo sails this morning for the United Kingdom for or ders. Captain Buchan Is being congratu lated for not having lost a single sailor while in the harbor. Major Alfred Palmer has arrived from San Francisco to succeed Captain Jesse M. Baker, local Quartermaster of tho United States Army, who has been trana f erred to Seattle. Major Palmer served in Manila until recently. Commander J. P. AVerllch, who is to re lievo Captain Heilner as local Lighthouse Inspector.- will arrive Monday from "Wash ington to assume his new duties. Com mander Heilner Is In San Francisco at tending the court-martial of the ofllcers who were on the Bennington at the time sho blew up. Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA, Jan. 13. Condition f the bar at 8 A. M.. rouph; wind. suth; weather. cktHdy. Arrived down at 0 A. M-, rtewncr Alliance: arrived down at 9:15 A. M.. British bark VaR4ara and barkentisio Georgina; outftJ4e at 9 A. M.. a three-masted bark; ar rived and left up at 3 P. M- steamer Asun cion, from San Francisco; arrived down at o I. teamr Bee. New York. Jan. 13. Arrived Rotterdam, from Antwerp. Plymouth. Jan. 13. Arrived St. Iuis, from New York. DAY OF FRANKLIN'S BIRTH I'UIIMC I.IHHAltY ARRANGES DISTKIULTE HOOKS. TO HIMory of Great American Life and "Writing for the Two Hun dredth Anniversary. The Portland Public Library is taking deep interest In the approaching (200th anniversary of Benjamin Franklin's birth, and, for the convenience of the reading public,- a complete bulletin of circulating books is posted and the books conveniently at hand. "The man for whom the history of science and the history of empires con tend with each other" has had many books written concerning his life and his scienUiic'uccompllshments. The reforencc room also contains much of interest on tho subject, and even the children's room Is well supplied. On Wednesday after noon. Miss Hassler will tell the children stories of the life of Franklin, and give them some idea of what he did for the world. The county work is progressing favor ably under the supervision of Miss Fox. who has taken hold of her new duties with great enthusiasm. On January 30 a meeting was held at Linnton and a free reading-room organized. The citizens of that town .took the proposition up eagerly, and wasted no time In getting quarters for the new library. Mr. Kinsman, one of those present, volunteered to make the tables and racks for the books, and the Linnton Mills donated the necessary lum ber, this makes -it possible to open the new room next Tuesday, after which It will be open every evening at S o'clock. The officers arc: President. Mr. McCor mlck; secretary. Harry Deverel; treas urer, Mr. Johnson; librarian. Mr. Shafer. A traveling library will be sent out from the Public Library tomorrow. Gresham also has a now library, which was organized January 6, with Dr. J. W. Short as president; Mrs. W. Clanahan, vice-president; H. L. St. Clair, secretary. and D. J. Culey, treasurer. A fresh library was sent to est Portland last week, and Enginehouse No. 6 was supplied with books. The books on Franklin which can be taken from the Library are: LIFE. 90.2 K36 Brlggs. C. F. Franklin. (See Homes of American statesman, pp. 63-76.) SC3.2 B634f Bolton. Mrs. S. K. Benja min Franklin. - (See her Famous Amer ican Statesmen, pp. 3S-76.) B FS31c Ceremonies attending the un veiling of the statue of Benjamin Frank lin. B FS31F Ford, P. L. Many-sided Frank lin. B F S31 Franklin, Benjamin. Autobi ography. 80S FS31 Franklin, Benjamin. Life and correspondence. (Sec his Works, v. 7-10.) 925 G235-Garnctt. William. Bcn'amin Franklin. (See his Heroes of Science, pp. 3S-124.) B FS31H Hale. E. E.. and Hale. E. tl. Jr. Franklin In France, 926 HS78-HubcrU P. G. Benjamin Frank lin. fSec his Inventors, pp. 5-44.) B- FS31Mc McMastcr. J. B. Benlamln Franklin as a man of letters.' B FS31P Parton, James. Life -and times of Benjamin Franklin. WRITINGS. SIS FS31s Franklin. Bcniamln. Prefarrj. proverbs and poems. SIS FS31 Franklin, Benjamin. Poor Richard'a almanac SOS !FS3i Franklin. Bcniamln- WorV 10 volumes. SELECTIONS FROM FRANKLIN'S WR1TLNGS. S0S.S M123 Too dear for the whistle (See Lincoln literary collection.) S018 B435 v. 2 Frankllns toast. Pflmbl against persecution. Turning the grind stone, i&ee upen sesame, v. 2.) S10.S M423 Franklin, Benjamin, Letter to -Benjamin Webb. Letter to Samuel Mather. Way lo wealth, (See Master pieces of American literature) S03.S B1S1 3 Wav to make mnnor. nlonii- in every man's pocket. (See Harper's school speaker, v. 3.) Calvary Baptist Roll Call. The annual roll call and hanmiot nf Calvary Baptist Church, East Eighth and Grant streets., wan nartirJnntwi n by members of the church and congrega tion rnaay ntgnu Alter supper the pas tor. Rev. A. Lawrence Black, presided, while a programme was rendered. Includ ing nn orcan voluntary bv Mr. nnc recitation by Miss. Florence Cornell and violin solo by Miss Glcnola Scrlbncr. Out of a" membership of ISO, some 105 respond ed lo their , names, cither In person or bv letter. Deacon J. W. Howell. the charter naeaabers, save a krif hUj (Sh Fraaclco Examiner.) BREAST CANilEir KILUNQTHER Two Sisters and Uncle Cured Without Knife or Pain, Km XUnbctk HedBT lSettf Mrt! tree. Sua Tr&acbce, CiL, lost Imt mstkarl abrat a ycr t after a rurtfcal eyenUea twr a imp la Twr krMtk Urs. Ucdar feer tiaUr eaak kit a lart lorn la ar T&reatrt, wklaa keens a pelwMwg atiaj caaocr. PearlBr tiy weald die u U4 ikei asatlter Lbey rafuied f rati em. Hearlag cf Mr. Crorta-nlU'c (We Arf lixta KTacue, Oakltad, CaL) Tee triable ear -vitleat kalfe or pala ay a -vssderfol Facile Iilaad plaat extract, tick titter asd alio xa aacle hx caaoera ert4 witkia tk oae Boatk. aso, atraaiflly, irltkeat ooef taWac the other. Tkete seted" saaetr trp-' clxlUU "vks dlscerered aat ate thU reaHr, ears kandrede ef ca&can that so oae katj tli Lime elTet aad the pttleati erer kse-er, a boat. Tkey ckrrr aothlcrtaatil cared aad, 08 er If they fall. The corn are male; la the privacy of the patieat'i ova keme. Dr. aad Mrx. Dr. Coxaaley & Co. are t& ectora -who evred Mr. E. J. (Lockr) Bal4 via. Arcadia, CaL, of thre easeers jact tkree yeara axo after X-ray kad saa4e his. rack worse. Other phyiiclazj tbcsxlt ke eoald aot he cured and would die la a few aaoath. Hli teetlraony la his ova wordz Is la Dr. Chxsaley'e hook, which la the heat Ter publUhed oa ctscera, It eoatalas jrreof that aay lamp la weenan! breut U aoer, auto that any tuaor, Icaap or aara sa the Up, face or anywhere la cancer. Dr. Chamler la declared hj kit patleata to be ens ef the meat hoaett. tlEcare aad kjad-bearted doctora ther ever kcew He te the beet authority In America cs the care ef caacert,. harlnr cured xacre la thLrtj tkree yeara thaa aar other doctor Hrlag. To set the doctor bock free, wrlta to x! Third ttreef, San FraBcItco. Cal. ' tory of the church, showing Its growth from a mission in tho days of ferns and no East Side street-cars, to its prewnt proportions. Rev. James A. Clarke, edi tor of the Pad tic Baptist, spoke on the subject of the church today and its Held, emphasizing the Importance of Improving the present time. J. Homer Clark read a paper entitled. "A Dream Shall It Become a Reality?" describing a church such as Calvary might hope to become Seld Gain, the Chinese interpreter, sang "Beyond the Gates of Paradise" and after responding to an encore, the con gregation. King the "Glory Song." and dispersed with a general feeling of good fellowship. FLAWS IN PRIMARY LAW Dudley Evans Says Defects Arc Jrany, and Calls for Organization. PORTLAND, Jan. 13.-(To the Editor.) The Initiative and the direct primary have placed great power In the hands of the common people. The new methods long have been considered Ideal, but with their adoption comes realization of the duty imposed on the electors, to enable them to secure the bencfitsL Tho law Is calculated to dethrone the party "boss," and give every man a square deal before the people and to do away with slated conventions, against which no man could hope for success, no matter what his qualifications, unless- he was on the list of cligibles, as submitted by the boss. The Idea suggests Itself that the direct primary, applied to election of delegates to a convention, would accomplish the same ends as this law and afford a safer plan of representation, for example: All the precincts to select delegates- to a convention, along the lines as now pro posed, for candidates for nomination. However, we have the present system and the question remains: How most intelli gently to carry out its provisions, without sacrificing party lines entirely at the gen eral elections? It is a well-known fact that the ordi nary voter, be he laborer or merchant. Is busy with his own struggle for existence. yet he can hardly expect the direct pri mary matter to work out Its own destiny with no attempt at organized efforL If no system of voluntary organization Is effected, the poor man cannot hope to be selected as a party candidate, against one with means at his command to put up a machine or his own. What chance has a poor man to receive the nomination or recommendation for United States Sen ator, If the X0 or more newspapers of this state take no Interest In pointing out his merIU? He that can afford to exploit his candidacy through their advertising col umns will have an advantage not to be denied. The present law. to fulfill Its crand nos- sibilltles, makes It incumbent on volun tary organizations to select, by fair and honest methods, the best men and make recommendations for their nomination. Under the law, without such organiza tions, there are no means of making a campaign except by personal effort and paid newspaper exploitation: no commit tee on meetings, no public speakers, noth ing to get a man's candidacy before the public except the newspapers, and at so much a line at that. Does' It not leave the primary at the mercy of a compara tively few men. to set them ud and shut out all others than their favorites from the use of the party name even If Che vote cast should be small at the- primary? At tne primary,, the plan is to elect committeemen to constitute a party or ganization to manage the campaign "of the party candidates. This method has both Its good and Its bad side from my point of view. In the first place, any one that can secure a 2 per cent signature to a petition may become a candidate, but m the absence of an organized effort. how Is the average voter to tell which ones represent the best Interests of the party or who possesses tho best qualifica tions for office? Then, too, the candi dates must express themselves on the ballot In not more than 12 words as to their principles. This seems a number wholly Inadequate to cover the ground In many Instances, yet the candidate cannot be allowed much If any more, owing to the great numoer or canaldatee on tha ballot. One good feature Is that the small per cent of signers required will allow all qualified electors, who wish to .serve In an elective public office, equal opportu nities to becoma candidates. But- that throws down the bars arid with no guid ing organization, the fittest jSen or even fit men may not be selected In many In stances. If a candidate wishes to make a stump campaign who is to set up the meetings, and attend to the countless details nec esiary If there be no organization? Tho rich man can pay for such work but what about the poor man? Then there Is the great work of regis txatk-to ka -lkad altar. Alkrw, rl Powers' January Sale This week, a great effort will be made to break all former selling records. Our floors are filled with the World's best in Furniture, Carpets and Housefurnishings all at prices that assure you savings way out of the ordinary. Installment Credit, as practiced by this establishment, is the modern method of relieving: the wage-earners' burden. No salary-worker can furnish a home AT ONCE if he has to pay cash for his furniture and household goods. It is a matter of months, and often years, of pinching- and saving. By our plan, he can furnish A HOME COMPLETE IN 24 HOURS, and he can take" months to pay the bill. He uses his furniture while paying for it He has no cares and worries. He doesn't have to deny himself or family anything and it doesn't interfere with his living expenses. We give our absolute guarantee with every pur chase, and if goods are not as represented, we return your money. We. issue series No. 4 in our Furniture-Building Contest .Be sure and COME DOWN TO THE STORE and get your dia gram. On account of our JANUARY SALE rush we will be un able to award prizes until Feb. 10 instead of Feb. 3, as advertised. REMEMBER, $125 IN GOLD TO THE WINNER FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS say that if the press and public do not help there will he a woeful lack of inter est. Who Is to circulate the petitions for state offices In at least one-tenth of the precincts In at least seven counties? It means practically three campaigns cir culation of petition, primary election and general election. All this means 'great expense and hard work and the result to be fenred is a disinclination of the best man. If he hap. pens to be poor to Incur the expense with out the assistance of an organization. Who will watch his count In the hun dreds of precincts of this state? It seems to me almost hopeless for a poor man. especially If he be new to the public, to attempt nomination. Of course, the old and well-known office-holder will havo a machine of his own. by virtue of being tho incumbent, but what chance has the new man? Space forbids the setting forth of tho many other objections that could be sug gested. We must organize, and there must be a turning out of the representa tive members of all parties If that Is nec essary to effect the organization, or all party lines will be disregarded. I have failed to find In the primary law any provision for the election of Presiden tial electors. In the samplo ballot ac companying the primary law there is no mention of Presidential electors and we must therefore consider that the intention Is to hold a state convention under the old system. But docs It not seem that this is a mistake and that it will necessitate a special election for delegates to a state convention? If so, under whose man agement Is that to be held? DUDLEY EVANS. City Committeeman for Precinct 23. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriage IJceBM. CAiTPBELINEFP Gny Campbell. 21; Cora KefT. 20. B I SB EE-MAC HAIE R. M. Blsbee. 36. Forest Grove; Anna T. MacHal. 21. RAGLIONE-COLANGELO Gaetano Ragll one. 25. COO Sixth street; Florento Colan gelo. SO. ROBERTSON-M'DONALD A. M. Robert son. 25, Dawson City; Helen McDonald. 27. JEFFERT-PRICE Robert T. Jeffery. 32. Astoria; Ida. Price. 28. Births. DJXLEY At 03 East Thlrtr-flfth street. January 11. to tha wife or Clarence M. DH ley, a daughter. CODY At 262 East Thirty-seventh street. January 10, to the wife of Edward F. Cody, a daughter. . . FOSTER At 212 East Thirty-sixth street, to the wife of Ellbert J. Foster, a daughter. Deaths. FLODIN At St. Vincent's Hospital. Janu ary 13. Marlcis Flodin. a native of Norway, aaed 23 years. OSMOK At Butte. Mont. January 9, Miss May Osmoa. a native of Minnesota, aged 23 years. Remains brought here for interment. FO H RER-A t Salem, Or.. January 12. tr.n. r.hM. - i Dignified Credit to All TOMORROW KIG At 561 East Burnside street. Janu ary 10. John Andrew King, a native of Min nesota, aged 20 years, 8 months and 2 days. LARSOX At 510 North Twenty-fourth street. January 12. Clarence Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. X.ouia Larson, a native of Oregon, aged 4 months and 14 days. GOODRICH7 At 330 Belmont street, Janu ary 13, Cuthbert Aldan. Infant son of Mr. und Mrs. Frederick M. Goodrich, a native of Portland, aged 2 days. SAB EL Drowned In "Willamette. River, foot of Jefferson street, January. 12, Joseph Sabel, a native of New York City, aged 52 years. 2 months and 4 days. LADD At 202 Couch street, January 7, Dennis O. Ladd, aged 75 years. KNOBLOCK At St. Vincent's. Hospital. January 12, Axel Knoblockt a native of Sweden, aged 25 years. Remains removed to Astoria. Or., for interment. Bulldlnc Permits. WILLIAM SPEGEL Dwelling. Killings worth avenue and Kankakee street. $1600. MRS. SPEGEL Dwelling. Manhattan street, near Union avenue. 21000. T. W. SHAUKLAN'D Dwelling. East Twenty-fourth and East Ash streets. $1500. GEORGE "W. OLIVER Dwelling. Emerson street, between Garfield street and Union avenue. $2000. Ileal Estate Transfers. Larkin J. Shell and wife to William W. Wing, lot 0, block 75. SeHwood-.X 225 L Everett Fenton to C M. Alden, lot S. block 1. Byrney Add 2,973 A- XV. Lambert, trustee, to Ed -Campbell, parcel land, beginning 3S4.4 Xeet X. of SV cor. Van Schuyver.D. L. C. section 7. T- 1 X., R. 1 E. 10 T. T. Morgan to Ed Campbell, blocks 3, . 4 and E. 100 feet block 5. Milton Add ' io Ellen M. Hughes and husband to II. J. Morrlaoa. W. lota 1. 4, block 149, Couch's Add .... 1 J. J. Jonaeon and wife to O. B. Olin, lots 37, 42, Arleta Park '225 William Morginson and wife to Viola C. Tell. 00x40 feet, lot 3. block 7, Dolan'a Add 2,800 Alico Schug and husband to H. Gordon, lot 17. block 36. Sellwood 275 Sunnyside land & Improvement Co. to Ruth Simpson, let 14. block 40, Sun nyslde C50 Gcorgo F. Rogers and wife to "YV. O. "Vood. undivided lot 8 and "V. 14 feet fractional lot 0, block 85, Ral eigh's Add.. x Bophlo Ohler and husband to Clara B. King. lot 9. block 7, Stewart Park.. 1- J. H. Meyer and wife to D. J. Finn, un divided K lots 8, 9. 10, block 11. Mc Klnley Park l Jasper C McGrew and wife to Mary Meyer, lot 9. Mt. Scott Acres...... 450 Sarah J. Buckman to came, lot 8, Mr, Scott Acres qqq Mary Meyer and husband to D. J. Finn. lots 8, 9. Mt. Scott Acres 1 Emma. Luclle" McKercher to Frank Bruhn, lota 5, 6, block 221. Holladay Add .... ...... .................. 500 Emll Bloesfeldt and wife to Oscar Falic- " enbertr. 10 acres, beginning N'E. cor. SE. ' of KB. i. Section 25, T. 2 3f.. R. 2" W. , 200 Amy E. MacMaster and husband to Fred A. Schoppe. Is. H lot T. block 113. city, and other property... 1 John F. Wilson" and wife to Reta Yo hann. TV. H lot 4, block 31. Central Alblna i .. .. 700 Reta Jobann aad husband to Dr. H. B. Biersdorf. X. H lot 4, block 31, Cen tral Alblna ....... Woodard. Clark & Co.. to Clarke Wood- waro utvz t-o. 101 1, 4, Block 115,- Couch. Add v... l nnie Powers and husband to Minnie L. Fsrtcrv Iota 1 to 5. aad lot "V," block f, Sreefclaa Se&rJtts .,,,, OJSS FIRST AND TAYLOR STREETS Addle Harman et al. to Portland Wool en Mills, lot 4, block 15. city 1 Oak Lumber Co. to Portland Woolen Mills, lots 1 to 5, 7, 8. block 5, North ern Hill 1 College Endowment association to same. lots 34. 35. 36, block 14. College Place 1 Portland Woolen Mills to M. L. Hol brook. lots 34. 35. 36. block 14. College Place; lots 1 to 5. 7. S.'block 5. .North ern Hill; lot 4, block 15, Goodmornlng Add 1 Industrial Land Co. to Columbia Arm ' Investment Co.. 34 acres in SE. cor. of D. S. Southmayd D. L. C. in SW. cor. Section 6, T. 1 X.. R. 1 E.. and 96 acres C. and P. Stump D. L. C. Section 6. T. IX.. R. 1 E. 65.wv Sheriff to May Jenks. parcel land begin ning intersection 20th and W. exten sion Clay, city 3.000 Livingston Jenks and wife to L. O. Ral- tfton, parcel land same property...... 1.650 Portland Lone Fir Cemetery Company to A. Welche, lot 39. block 19, Ceme tery 6 Merchants' Investment Sz Trust Com pany to G. W. Bever, lot 9. amended plat lots 10 to IS. 23. Mt. Scott Acres 2T.7 Percy H. BIyth and wife to Robert E. Davis, lots 3. 4. block 28. Willamette Heights Add 3.5v Sycamore Real Estate Company to Val- ' entine Sl'ttel and wife, lots 27. 23. block 6. Kern Park K,o Joste- Flynn and husband to J. E. M. Black, lots 15. 16. block 36. Piedmont 7i-0 C. L. Wilson to C. H. Korell. lots 9. 12. block 306. Couch's Add 1 J. A. Reed to J. J. Kadderly, lots 5, 6. block 103. East Portland 67 Edward E. Moore et al. to H. D. Win ters, lots 7, 8. block 115. East Port Made Victim of Silly Hoax. After messenger boys, ice-cream ven dors, doctors, and. to cap the climax, a clergyman to marry her daughter to a stranger, had called at the residence of Mrs. Francis Sealy, at 371 Second street Friday night. In response to hurried calls over the telephone, the mistress of tho house called In the aid of the police to protect her from further molestation and notified the captains of the department that the perpetrator of such practical jokes should be run to earth. Mrs. Sealy told the messenger boy po litely that sho had not called for one. The Ice-cream man was sent away from the residence with assurance that January was a poor time of the year for such delicacies. When the physician 'called In response to an urgent message Mrs. Sealy became worried. But when a clergyman knocked at the door and announced that he was ready to marry Mrs. Sealy"s daughter to a prospective bridegroom, Mrs. Sealy could no nothing else than form the idea that her daughter was engaged. Some friend of the family is supposed to have caused all the trouble. No efforts of the police, however, have been availing in running down the culprit pay Returning "Without Prisoner. Detective Joe Day. who left Portland for Goldhelds. Xevada, to capture C. G Vlckery on a charge of larceny., is re turning without tho fugitive. A telegram was received by Chief Gritzmacher last night from Day saying that Vickery had made- his escape through gross careless ness on the part of Goldflelds authorities. Day left Goldflclds yesterday and is ex. pacie to arriva- hare Tuesday