DpmaivCUoffe "Our Great Sale" Is the Once-a-Year Opportunity When Every Personal or Home Need Can Be Filled at Most Substantial Savings. Every Article Reduced Our Great Sale I, a The Parting Signal for All Seasonable Merchandise Stock-taking time is here. All lines of Seasonable Merchandise are sorted up for instant clearance. Prices are cut sharply, relentlessly. . Better that they should auicklv seeK, as tney are sure to nna, new owners, man mat tney snouia tarry here to hamper us on our plans for th rnmin tMtm 0&6 Substantial Price-Cutting in Women's Ready-to-Wear Garments $4.25 Walking Skirts $2.69 25 Walking Skirts of fine Melton elotk in black, navy and gray; tailor-made; strapped and trimmed with, buttons. $8.50 Silk Petticoats $4.45 35 silk Petticoats of fine taf feta silk in black and col ors; regular price, $8.50 and $7.50 at $4.45 Values to $50, Silk Tailor Made Suits at $12.75 10 silk tailor-made Suits of finest quality taffeta silk in navy, gray, brown and green. $8.50 Short Jackets $3.90 IS Short Kersey Jackets of fine quality all-wool Ker sey in castor and black: all lined with satin. Values to $45, Long. Silk Coats at $9.85 20 long Silk Coats, made in 'the popular Redingote st.vles in black and colors. Opera Capes For Calve concert. Never in any scason were Opera Capes priced so favorably for contemplating purchasers.. S37.50. $40.00. $45.00, $50.00 at $29.75, S31.S0, $36.75, $39.-85. Colored Dress Goods 50c onaliiv XnvplK- SmtTntrc dn;iT, ,J-1- .t :l anp, 36-inch light and dark plaids, checks and ovcrplaids at, .yard 39 (ioc quality new Scotch Plaids Gray wool suitings and light checks and ovcrplaid novelties at, yard 47 $1.50 to $1.00 Novelty Dress Goods 65c Novelty Dress Goods Mixtures, cloaking, tailor suitings, Panamas, mistrals, voiles, etc., odd pieces; to close out, choice at, yard 65i $L25 qualities English mohairs, Sicilians and brillian tines, plain colors and novelties, 44 inches wide in grays, resedas, navy, myrtle and brown; choice 89 .$1.25 and $1.50 qualities New gray suitings, Panamas, mixed broadcloths, 54-inch dark mixed cheviots, serges, silk and wool I repe de Pans, etc., m all colors, yd. 98p $1.75 Fine Black Dress Goods 98c EXTRA SPECIAL $1.73 quality, silk embroidered crepo de Paris, polka dot and ring effects, silk stripe crepe, etc, at, 3'ard 98 $1.25 quality Chiffon Panamas, 30-inch Granites, Prunellas. Storm Serges and Cheviots, yard. .98 In Our New Drugstore Useful Everyday Articles at a Great Saving 20-Mule Team Borax, per package 3 20-Mule Team Borax, large package 7 Best quality Norwegian Cod Liver Oil.. 39 Frostilla. per bottle 13 Espey'- Cream, per bottle., 16 Improved Bronchial Lozenges 10 Bicarbonate of Soda, per package 4 Rochelle Salts, per package 9 Thespian Cold Cream, the best cream on sale: 25c size, special. 18 Effervescent Headache Broma, large S- ounee bottle, special .. 19 Effervescent Citrate Lithium and Citrate Caffeine. S-ounre bottle; '-special's. Little Liver Pills, special -v. .- 7 Tint.ure of Arnica, bottle 15 Aromatic Spirits Ammonia, .bottle 19 Powdered Alum, per package 5j Precipitated Chalk, per package 5 Pot. Chlorate, per package." 10 'Spirits of Camphor, per bottle.... 15 Powdered Pumice -Stone, per package 10 Dental Plaster, per package.. S 5 Powdered Sulphur, per package 5 75c Picture Frames 38c Another shipment of those fine Picture Frames in ebony and carbon brown in two sizes. 5000 Sheet Pictures A very fine assort ment of over 50 fine pictures; regular price 25c, special 10 i $1.00 to 85c Handbags 39c 500 Leather Bags, all new. assorted: prices 75c. 85c and $1.00, your choice at 39 3500 Black and Colored Belts, folded, plaited and stitched; regular price -25c, special 15c 50c Writing Paper 33c An exceptional value- in fine Writing Paper Box containing CO sheets of fine linen cambric paper with DO envelopes. MUSIO STORE. All the music from the very popular "Yankee Consul," special. 18c Lucy Linda Lad', special 3.8 My Lady of Laces and Graces, special 18 ROYAL VOCAL POLIO. Containing 30 vocal gems by favorite com posers. This folio sells always at 75c; 1000 on sale tomorrow, special 12 Sensational Silk Offerings iooo ards fancv Silks for sepa rate waists and shirtwaist suits in new check Louisencs, 85c and Si. 00 values at, yard.49 2000 yards high-class fancr Silks I lor shirtwaist suits, in a wide range of colors and combina tions. Regular S1.25 and S1.50 qualities at. yard 69 1500 yards one-yard wide guaran teed black Taffct'a. Regular St. "50 quality at 1.19 3000 yards plain and changeable imported mescalines and chiffon Taffetas, just the thing for your? spring shirtwaist suits, shown in a wide range of color combi nations; same quality von will have to pay Si. 25 a yard for Will be sold at tlic extremely low price of, yard.!. ..79p Kimono Flannelettes 18c Quality at 10c Soft, fleecy Persian Flannelettes suitable for kimonos and wrappers in a variety of pretty designs at the above sharp reduc tion. ALSO 2000 yards of striped and checked Outing Flannel in dark and light colors, suitable for nightgowns at 4 1500 Yards of Japanese Crepe 15c Plain colors, pink. blue, green, tan. white, navy blue in stripes. We h'avc blue and white, tan, white, gray and pink. 36-inch Sateen for comforter covering, bright colors, special....:., 122 Quilt-size Batting in heavy sheets; reduced to. each . ... . .95 . Pillow Cases 45x30 Pillow Cases, read- for use: reduced to. each 1...10d $1.75 Kimonos 78c Fancy Persian stripe Flannelette Long Kimonos, with wide solid color band. $1.50 Flannelette Underpetticoats for 89c Fancy pink and blue stripe Flan nelette Cnderpetticoats, double ruf fles, embroidered edges. $1.35 Marseilles Underpetticoats for 89c Fancy white Marseilles fleece-lined Underpetticoats with scalloped edges. 50c Shetland Wool Squares for 39c Shetland "Wool Squares with fancy knit borders, black, white, pink, blue, cardinal. Our entire stock of Infants' colored and cream Silk Caps at Half Price. Bargains In The Art Store Mount Hood Pillow Tops: rcenlar 50c, at 25 75c LUNCH CLOTH 45c. 50c Traycloths ..25 75c Bureau Scarfs 45 p 39c Centerpieces . .25 85c Buffet Scarfs 69 25c Centerpieces 19 All supplies and materials for art embroidery at greatly reduced prices. All Pyrograpliy supplies at" re duced prices. Pine assortment Cluny Lace and Byzantine Scarfs and Centerpieces at reduced prices. Free lessons in art embroidery and Pyrograpliy every day. Hosiery Bargains Children s fine-grade ribbed Cotton Hose, double heels aud toes and knees; full regu lar made; 30c quality 1 Ladies ribbed wool Stockings, merino heel and toe. full length, seamless; 30c quality, per pair 18 Ladies' fine k Cashmere Hose, full regular made, merino tipped heels and toes ; GOc quality,. reduced to 40 Children's black ribbed Cotton Stockings, double heel and toe and '.double kneor-15c quality, reduced to 10 Children's black ribbed "Wool Stockings, merino heel and toe, 2x1 ribbed; 35c quality .... 23 Underwear Bargains Ladies' fleeced Vests, high. neck, long slcoves, silk trimmed neck, drawers to match; 63c quality, reduced to 42 Ladies "fine-grade ribbed Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, silk taped; $1.50 quality reduced to $1.05 Hundreds of New Records Victor Talking Machines HIS i ASTERS VOICE Hundreds of new records in both 10-inch and 12-inch sizes just in.: Also the new January records. Victor records now 60 cents. Buv the best they cost no more than inferior rec--ords. Victor Talking Machines, 1.00 down, balance easy weekly payments. Bargains for Men Men's cambric hemstitched Handker chiefs, full size; 12Vie quality, 100 Men's pure Irish linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs; 20c quality reduced to three for 500 Men's pure Irish linen hemstitched Handkerchiefs; 25c quality, each 195 Men's muslin Nightshirts, beautifully trimmed; made large and roonvy; 63o quality, each .470 MenVfine grade flannelette Nightshirts, made large and well finished; trimmed in a variety of colors; $1.00 quality reduced to 890 All .our $1.50 Manhattan Shirts made oC madras or percale and all new, fresh goods, no" old-timers in lot. reduced to. .'. $1.19 Men's. fine percale Shirts, made specially forLipman, Wolfe & Co., all new, neat patterns; reduced to, each. 890 Ladies' Cambric Drawers, deep-hemstitched ruffle and cluster tucks; buy - all you Avant tomorrow at.. ...190 French hand-embroidered and hand-made Chemise, fine, sheer material with fine embroidered edge, ej'elets and ribbon; real value $3.50, at $2.25 Ladies' Muslin Gowns, high or V-shape neck, embroidered insertion and cluster tucked yoke, ruffle edge: regular 65c, re duced to 490 CORSET COVERS in endless assortments. Great bargains at 25c, 29c, 39c, 49c, 59c, 69c. 79c, 98c and up. GOWNS of cambric, lawn and muslin. Great bargains at 59c, 79c, 9Sc, $1.39, $1.59, $1.9S and up. DRAWERS Great bargains at 39c. 49c, 69c, 98e, $1.39. $1.9S, etc. SKIRTS of muslin and cambric, with lawn flounces and ruffles. Great bargains -at 79c, 9Sc, $1.35, $1.45, $1.65, $1.9S, $2.75 and up. CHEMISE in short and combination styles. Great bargains at 49c, 59c, 79c, 9Sc, $1.35 and $1.9S. Bargains in the Linen Store 2000 25c Scarfs and Squares at 14c Your choice at the above price4 of an enormous assortment 30x30-inch Tambour Squares and 1 8x50-inch Tambour Scarfs $1.25 Fuli-Size Crochet Bed spreads at 85c Every shrewd housekeeper in Portland and vicinity should be on hand to get a share of these great, Bedspread bargains On sale near Third street entrance. Bargains in Turkish and Honey comb Towels 20x3S Bleached Turkish Towels, hemmed on ends; 25c quality at 180 19x36 Bleached Honeycomb Towels, hemmed on ends; 15c quality . g Short lengths Bleached Table Linen 70c quality, 2 yards for .......980 S5c quality, 2 yards for..". $1.35 75c quality, 2y2 yards for $1.25 90c qualitj 2A yards for 51.48 3000 yards of 72 inches wide Bleached Linen Table Damask 25 different beautiful patterns to select from; $1.25 and $1.35 quality at 51.O0 Three-quarter Napkins Jo jnatch the table linen; regular $3.50 at $2.75 Great Lace-Curtairi Bargains , Cable Net, Brussels Xet, Corded Arabian and Scotch Lace. : Nottingham lenberg, Irish Point Lace Curtains: $LO0 Lace Curtains at $ .77 $1.25 Lace Curtains at .93 $L50 Lace Curtains at $1.15 $2.00 Lace Curtains at $1.48 $2.50 Lace Curtains at S1.89 $3.00 Lace Curtains at $2.33 $12.50 Lace Curtains t $9.59 $20.00 Lace Curtains at $15.49 $30.00 Lace Curtains at $23.19 Renaissance, Bat- $3.50 Lace Curtains at S2.68 $4.00 Lace Curtains at...'. 53.15 $5.00 Lace Curtains at...... '...S3.89 $G.O0 Lace Curtains at.. 54.79 $7.50 Lace Curtains at.'.'..7... S5.79 $10.00 Lace Curtains at.i $7.59 $15.00 Lace Curtains aU 5X1.49 $25.00 Lace Curtains at 519.39 $35.00 Lace Curtains at... $27.09 Great Portiere Bargains Portion's n .plain and combination color ings In frinped: corded vclour and tapestry bordcred pattern, in alL colors. An Immense assortment to select from. Regular X 3.50 Portieres at S 2.SS Regular 7 4.00 Portieres at 3.1 r, nebular t A.ZQ Portieres at : 3"9 Regular $ -5.00 Portieres at 9 3JS Rcpu.lar$ 6.00 Portieres at 9 4.78 Regular S 7.50 Portieres at S n-SS Regular 512.00 Portieres at 3 Regular I15.?0 Portieres at 911.49 .Couch-Cover Bargains "itiO Oriental striped Couch Covers. SO inches wide, 3 yards long, fringed. Reduced to Sc. Heavy, reversible Oriental Couch Covers in a large variety .of patterns, in anv color rorabirntion desired; full CO inches wide, 3 yards long. Regular. S2.03. Couch Covers at st.58 Regular J2.50 Couch. Covers at SI.M Regular Couch Covers at 92.6S Regular U.QO Couch- Covers at... iai.l. Regular Zi.oO Couch Covers at Regular 35.50 Couch Covers at 94J& Regular JS.00 Couch Covenf at 4.7J .Regular 37.36 Couch Covers at ?3.5 Bargains in Blankets, Comforters 5-Pound Gray "Wool Blankets at.. , S3.68 5-Pound 11-4 Silver Gray Wool Blankets at...- 54.98 10- 4 White Wool Blankets at , $4.39 11- 4 White Wool Blankets at $5.29 11-4 All-Wool White Blankets at ; .55.95 11- 4 All-Wool White Blankets at $7.29 12- 4 Ail-Wool White Blankets at $8.39 5-Pound Silkolinc Comforts, filled with the finest,- quality white laminated cotton, covered with good quality silkoline in .dainty patterns reduced to ........ .s $1.68 5-Pound Laminated Cotton Filled Sateen Comforts of finest quality, re duced to : $2.49 All Eiderdown Comforts greatly reduced in price. 'Kerchiefs Scalloped and hemstitched embroidered Haudkerchiefs for ladies: 12c and 15c values, each 9d 100 dozen scalloped anthem stitched embroidered Hand kerchiefs; 25c values 14 100 dozen all-linen embroi dered hemstitched Hand kerchiefs, demi-laundered; 35c values for 19 5000 ladies' plain white hem stitched Handkerchiefs, 131-; inches square; 7c values, each 4 All Neckwear Reduced , 25c- at 19 35c at 27 50c at 37 .65c at 47 75e at 57 S5c at...... 67 $i".xrt:...78ii And all others in $1.25 at. .5 .98 $1.35 at.. 51.12 $1.50 at. .51.27 $1.75 at.. 51.47 $1.S5 at. .51.63 $2.00 at. .51.73 $2.25 at. ,51.87 like jitoportion.