S 13 T3IE SUXDAY OREGOXIAX, PORTLAND, JANUARY 14, 1906, jj I The Meier Frank Store's Greatest Clearance Sale I J 1 Thrifty Buyers Will Find Thousands of Money-Saving Opportunities in Every Dept. j Bj Sample Madras Curtains 48c Ea. Clearance of Fine Lingerie Waists I llimilliarilllM - TO 4-00 A PA f 'kl LingerieWaists re the proper thing for dress mm j lilt JlEK&lll lllliif oreat lot of .sample Madras Curtains. ! jTBKU, 1 1 j only one curtain of a kind, light and 939 j lliwSw dark grounds, colored cross-stripes. S 4.15 WW 48c size 40 inches wide by three yards long, the entire sample line of a well-known Eastern manufacturer Only 220 cur tains in the lot so better plan to come early if you want to share in this un- usual bargain Values up to $4 pair at. each Cross-stripe madras Curtains by the pair: light and dark grounds with colored cross stripe: size 40 in. wide bv 3 vards lonir. $1.25 Curtains, per pair 98c $1-75 Curtains, per pair $1.40 $2.25 Curtains, per pair .$1.80 $3.00 Curtains, per pair $2.40 Golden oak and mahogany Indian Stools; about 50 of them; regu- aq lar $1.75 values on sale at this low. price, 98 cents each -rOC Fancy oak frame screens; 3 folds; silkoline filled, each $3.00 $3.00 double-faced tapestry tablcovcrs on sale for, each $2.38 $1.85 tapestry. Tablecovers ..$1.29 $5.00 cablet net Curtains. . .$3.15 $6.50 31aria Antoinette Lace Curtains on sale at, the pair $4.95 and evening wear -You'll find our assortment and styles the best in the city and values un equaled, made of lawns, linens and mulls, dainty embroidery and lace yokes, drawn work, tucked and hand-made effects By far the prettiest waists we've ever shown 2d Fl. Waists $ 3.55$ 6.00 Waists $ 7 Waists $ 4.85$ 8.50 Waists $ 5.65 $10 Waists $ 6.95 $12.00 Waists $ 8.25 $15 Waists $ 9.85-$16.50 Waists $10.95 $18 Waists $12.65 $20.00 Waists $13.85 Waists up to $60.00 at Clearance Sale Prices Beautiful al lover Lace "Waists, cluny, baby Irish, crochet and nets; very latest modes for dress and evening: wear. Grand values at the following nriees: $ 8.50 values. . .$5.45 $10.00 values. . .$7.25 $12.50 values. . .$8.85 $15.00 values. $11.25 $16.50 values. $12.45 $18.00 values. $13.25 $26.00 values $18.45 $35.00 values $25.50 Entire stock of line silk Petticoats on sale at exceptionally low prices. Clearance Shoe Sale at $1 Pair We place on sale promptly at 8 o'clock tomorrow morning a great special lot of women's footwear m all styles of leathers Johnson Bros.' shoes, J. &. T. Cousins' celebrated shoes About 1000 pairs all told, values ranging from $2.50 to $4 a pair If you want to share in this sen sational offering you will do well to plan to be here as early as possible Bargains like this don't last all day $2.50 to $4 values 500 pairs women's leather strap Slippers, felt Slippers and knit Slippers ; all sizes ; wonderful values tomorrow at, per pair Misses' spring-heel lace Shoes in sizes 11 to 2; regular $2 to $3 values on sale at the very low price of, the pair Children's spring-heel Shoes; lace and button styles: sizes 8Vi to 10V-; regular $2.25 values on sale at the very low price' of." Great special lot of misses' and children's Shoes; lace or button: sizes 4 to S; 2 to 5; $1.50 and $1.75 values for, the pair Entire stock of Footwear on sale at low clearance sale prices. $1 85c 95c 95c 75c Clearance Sale of Women's Underwear Women's fine ribbed .cashmere-Union Suits, high neck, long sleeves, ankle length, natural color, -well made and' finished throughout; $1.75 values for $1.39 "Women's Swiss ribbed Union' Suits, knee length, high neck, long sleeves, tf 1 AO all sizes; $2.00 values on sale at the low price of HrO Women's Swiss ribbdd 'white wool Vests, high neck and long sleeves; the QQ best $1.25 values on sale at the unusually Jow price of 7UC "Harvard Mills" Vests for women, silk and cotton mixed, high neck and QO long sleeves; $1.25 values for the special low price of 70C Women's fine jibbed Corset Covers in white only, high neck and long sleeves, (LQ all sizes; best $1.00 values for the special low price of ZrC Women's black wool Tights, fine ribbed, ankle length or knee length: all fl 1 1 Q sizes; best $1.50 values for the special low price of I I -7 Women's Swiss ribbed Vests, high neck and long sleeves, cream, pink C? 1 1 Q or blue in all sizes; best $1.50 values on sale for this low price tffc 1 I Entire stock of Children's Underwear at clearance sale prices Entire stock of Women's Underwear at clearance sale prices Entire stock of Boys' Underwear at clearance sale prices Entire stock of Men's Underwear at clearance sale prices. Sale of Women's High-grade Neckwear Hand-made Stocks. Linen Fagotting and Battenberg wiii ecru and cream Medallions, how and stole effects, immense variety; grand specisrvalues at ' $2.50 Neckwear... $1.69 $2.25 Neckwear... $1.39 $3.50 Neckwear... $2.20 Real Lace Stocks and Cuff Sets, point applique and -Duchess ' lace, 0 straight or pointed effects; $3.50 values at this low price ip&m&Z? Maline Boas with taffeta silk ribbon streamers, light pink, lavender, fl 1 QO liprbt blue, black and white; .$4.00 values at this low price P -70 Entire stock of French embroidered sets at special low prices. Linen scrim Cuff and Collar Sets, hand-made Hardanger work, also machine Hardanger Sets, Q", white, navy, light blue and brown; $1.30, $1.75 values for s JC Byron" Collars in large variety of styles, linen embroidered Hardanger. Ycnisc lace and pique. 2 to 3. inches wide; regular .oc, 50c and 75c values for 29 Broken Hues of washable storks, plain linen and lawn trimmed with Mechlin 1 Q and Valenciennes laces; 50c to $1.50 values for : 1 -JC Black Taffeta Stoles, trimmed in jnby niching and plaited chiffon ends fl 1 AO four styles; $3.50 (o $5.00 values on sale for H mZfO All our Ostrich Feather Boas on sale at low clearance sale prices All Boa and Muff Sets on sale at greatly reduced prices All our fine Neckwear below cost. Lace and Embroidery Specials Tomorrow Great new lot of 5000 yards of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Embroideries, Edginjrs and Insertions, dainty patterns in great assortment: val. to 33c yard 12C New Corset Cover Embroideries at clearance sale prices All grades. Handsome Black Dress Nets in plain and figured effects, 45 inches wide; grand values at $1.69 yard and C9c yard grand values. .. . '. O-C New lot of white and cream dotted and figured Nets at clearance sale prices: 59c to $1.25 the yard. Best values ever offered at the price. French Valenciennes Laees and Insertions all new patterns: values to 60c dozen yards for, dozen 25 Values to 85c for dozen yards 35c unite, cream ana ecru venise, Appliques and Hands, very best designs; values up to $1.30 yard, on sale for the low price, yard.. 5000 yards of Swiss, Nainsook and Cambric Edgings and Insertions; values up to 50c the yard on sale for the low price of. yard Entire stock of Lace and Spangled Robes at low prices New White dcrcd Robes on sale at clearance prices, A'ery latest styles, nil grades. Allover gold embroidered chiffon; $5.00 and $6.00 values at, yard 13-inch .Swiss flouncing; the best $1.30 values on sale at, yard Fancy tucked black Chiffon: a allies up to $2.00 yard at. yard Handsome allover Swiss Embroideries; values to $3.00 yard at, yard 39c 19c Embroi- $1.69 ...69i ..29C $1.98 $1.50 Silk Grenadines 59c Yd. Decided Clearance Sale reduc tions on our entire stock of black and colored Silks and. Dress Goods Splendid values 5( all along the line Best bar- j 4g gains in dress, suit and waist materials we have ever offered Special lot of 44-inch Silk Grenadines for waists, skirts and dressps. hlnrlr 1 nink lifrht bhip ami whti- t? f regular $1.30 value for. ...C Special lot of about 3000 vards Taffeta Silks in a broken line of colors: best S3c and $1.00 qualities on sale at this low price, yard 39d Four great special lots of fancy Waist and Suiting Silks, very best styles and colorings; remarkable values at 59c, C3c, 79c and 97c yard. Special lot of fancy Black Goods; $2.00 values be- ing cleaned up at this low price. 49c All-wool Colored Dress Goods, 25 patterns lor cos tumes and skirts: best 50c values for, yard 25 C 2000 yards of Colored Dress Goods in. desirable patterns and color combinations; regular A.Q $1.00 and $1.25 values on sale at the'low clearance price of, yard HP-rC All our White Wool Dress Goods at clearance sale prices All Black and Colored Velvets at clearance sale prices All Black and Colored Dress Goods at clearance sale prices. $6.50 Pettic'ts $2.98 $5 Nightgowns $2.87 Special lot o-lti0 -women's hand-embroidered Underskirts of the finest quality and stj'le, white Petticoats we have been selling feguhirly at $6 and C3 Oft and $G.30each; your choice. Special -lot of '.women's hand embroidered and hand-made French Gowns, made of French -percale,' low neck, drawn with linen-tape,, beautiful styles; best $3.00 values on sale at the low price of $2.87 Women's cambric and nainsook Gowns, trimmed in laces and embroidery, tucks and beading; regular $1.50 val. for 83 50,000 pieces of dainty new Muslin Under wear on sale at clearance price 3d floor. $2.50 to $5 Corsets at $1.97 Pair- Broken lots of high-grade Corsets in black, drab, white and fancies: all the newest models in nearly all sizes; $2.50 to $5.00 values on sale for $1.97 Second Floor Sensational Bargains in Fine Ribbons Six great extra special clearance bargains in fine all-silk ribbons, values we know pos itively you cannot equal anywhere about town Anticipate your ribbon needs for many months at these prices 3000 yards of all-silk Dresden Ribbons in beautiful styles and rreat assortment- 7 to S inchos widn: regular $1.00, $1.23 and $1.30 values fqr, yard 69 Immense lot of Satin Mervuillieux, Roman striped Satin Brocades, Moires, pin stripes and small checked ribbons; 35e to S5c values on sale tT at the low price of, yard UC 3000 yards of Print-Warp Ribbons and Dolly Varden Kibbons. 5 to 7 inches wide, all silk: values from 50c to 75c yard on sale at the ridiculously low price of, yard . ..33 10.000 yards of all-silk Taffeta and Satin Taffeta Ribbons, full 5 inches wide, extra heavy quality, all the newest and most popular shades; best 33c values, yard 21p 2500 yards of hand-embroidered Ribbons, polka dots on all-silk satin, chiffon and taffeta Ribbons. Red, pink, bluf. white, green, brown, and navy; large and small dots; regular 50c and 65c values on sale at the low price of, yard .V 25 Special lot of all-silk Tab Ribbons, hand embroidered-designs, Roman strirjes. nlaids. Dresdens. nolk-n dots nnvl Wlful - effects: Nos. 9 and 12. 33c and 40e values for. vnrrl 1 2 Afnil nrl Entire stock of staple and fancy Ribbons at clearance sale prices Velvet Ribbons low priced. Sheets, Sheeting and Pillow Cases All Sizes and Grades Lowest Prices in the City Pequot Sheets, all Sizes 63x90 in....'55 81x90 in....65 Slx99 in....70 90x99 in....75 SALEM 72x90 in.... 60p 90x90 in.... 65j 72x99 in....65 Best grades. SHEETS 54x90 ...42&? 72x90 ...52V 63x90 ...47Yd 81x90 ...57 VERMONT SHEETS 72x90 ' 44c4 Slx90 45c 72x90 linen finish Sheets 39c All styles and grades cottons and white goods on sale at the lowest clearance sale prices. Mail orders promptly filled. Pequot Sheeting, all Widths 42-in., yd... 13c 50-in., yd...l6d 7-4 at yd...20? 9-4 at yd... 24? PEPPERELL 45-in., yd... 14C" 6-4 at yd.. .18c" S-4 at -yd... 22c 10-4 at yd..26d SHEETINGS 8-4 at yd... 20? at yd...22c 10-4 at yard 24 PEQUOT PILLOW CASES 4?x36 ea...l5? 45x36 ea...l7? 45x3812 ea.ISc 50x38 ca...20 SALEM SLIPS. 42x36 ea...l4c" 45x36 ea...l5c 50x36 at each 17 "Willamette" Pillow Cases, ea..9c Cut Glass and Silverware Bargains $3.50 Cut Glass Nappies $2.80 $2.00 Cut Glass Vases. S1.60 $3.00 Cut Glass Violet Bowls. .$2.40 ' $2.75 Cut Glass Vases $1.80 $1.50 Cut Glass Violet Bowls.. $1.20 $5.00 Cut Glass Bowls $4.00 $3.50 Cut Glass Vases for $2.80 $6.50 Cut Glass Bowls .-..$5.20 $7.50 Cut Glass Vases -for $6.00 $6.00 Cut Glass Vases $4.80 Cut Glass Bowls from$S.OO to $1S.73 for, each $6.40 to $15.00 $20."50 Ice Cream Sets for.. ..$16.40 f $34.00 Ice Cream Sets $27.20 $5.50 Cut Glass Water Bottles. .$4.40 : $7.50 Cut Glass Celery Dishes.. $6.00 $7.50 Water Bottles for $6.00 II $13.50 Cut Glass Celery Dishes $10.80 cwrt?n m atpt Four-piece Silver-Plated Tea Sets Low Priced 5ILVER.-PL ATED $12.50 Sets for. . . .$10.00 $15.00 Sets for. . . .$12.00 WARE S26-50 Sets for. . . .$21.20 $30.00 Sets for. . . .$24.00 4-piece Coffee Sets, $12.00 values for S9.60 3-pc. Water Sets, $10.00 values $8.00 j $6.00 Fruit Baskets for $4.80 $4.00 Cake Stands $3.20 $3.50 Bread Trays for $2.80 Bon-Bon -Dishes, $3.00 values.. $2.40 $4.00 values for, each $3.20 $5.00 Fern Dishes $4.00 J $11.50 Baking Dishes for, each $9.20 THE GEISWOLD JOOD OHOPPERS-ALL SIZES. $L00 size for 64c" $1-25 size for 87c" $L50 size for. 99d Nickel Alcohol Lamps, very handy for tourists; $1.50 value $1.05 All our Chafing Dishes at one-fourth off regular prices 5 o'clock teas, chafing dishes etc., at clearance sale prices "Wallace silverware, sterling silverware at clearance prices. Great Clearance Sale of Kugs All Sizes All Grades Largest Variety All-wool reversible smyrna Rugs in the hest designs and color combinations. 18x36 inches... 62c 21x45 inches... S3c 30x60 inches. $1.47 36x72 inches. $2.10 Fiber Rugs in all sizes: artistic designs; a most satisfactory rug for bedrooms. 36x72 in $1.85 36x60 in $1.35 6x9 feet.... $5.95 74x104 ft... $8.45 9x12 feet. $10.65 Third Floor. Austrian Wilton Rugs, 8 ft. 3 in.xll ft. 6 in.; high-class designs and colorings. $13.50 Empire Brussels Rugs, 9x12 feet; Oriental and floral designs; thehest inexpensive rug on the market; reg.$20 val. .$16.20 $30 Body Brussels Rugs. 9x12 ft.; neat allover CO CO designs in Oriental colorings; special value $40.00 Bigelow Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet: beautiful 5 e Oriental color combinations; grand value tpO 1 OKj $33.50 high art Axminster Rugs, 9x12 feet : Orientals in exquisite colorings; exact copies of real Turkish rugs, at $27.15 tire stock of Carpets, Rugs and Linoleums on sale at special clearance sale prices. Largest display in 'the city. Blankets, Comforters, Pillows, Etc. 3d Floor 3!4-lb. goose feather Pillows, covered with fancy striped ticking; $2 values. .$1.67 10- 4 dark' gray wool Blankets; splendid weight; reg. $3.50 val. for, pair. .$2.70 11- 4 Oregon gray, alMvool Blankets; fancy colored border; $5:50 val., pr. $4.45 Great clearance sale of all Comforters;, matchless values at $1.09, $1.29, $1.67, $L87 arid $2.15 Beds, Springs and Mattresses at . clearance . prices. Porjtieres, Couch Covers,' Couches, etc., at greatly reduced prices. Third Floor. 5fc2-.fr Em Dress Trimmings at Clearance Sale Prices Latest novelty knife-plaited taffeta: one inch wide: white, cream, light blue, brown, navy, green, red and black: great special value at, yard... 21c" Cream fiber bands, plain and fancy brilliant silk braids, suitable for evening wraps and wool suits: values up. to 75c yard; on sale for, yard 17 Separate braid ornaments, suitable for wrap and skirt trimming' iucluding the best styles in soutache braids and ornaments: white, tan, golden brown, red, green, light blue, etc.; values up to 50c : on sale yard 5c" Our entire stock of Dress Trimmings on sale at exceptionally low clear ance sale prices. Take advantage of this sale. Clearance 100 Men's Fine Suits $20.00 to $25.00 Values for $14.65 Extra special Clearance Sale offering of 100 men's high-grade snits The best product of such cele brated manufacturers as Stein-Bloch Co.t Hart, Schaffner (Sb Marx and the Washington Co. All desirable styles and materials in single and double breasted coats, suits we have been selling regularly at $20, $22.50 and $25 each Your choice tomorrow at only Special lot of 25 men's tan covert Top Corfts: well made and finished; very best cut; all sizes; $15 val. . .$8.10 "Priestley's" genuine cravenette Raincoats in tans and Oxfords at clearance sale prices. Second Floor. $12.50 Raincoats $ 9.65 $15 Raincoats $10.85 $18.00 Raincoats $14.15 $20 Raincoats $14.69 $22.50 Raincoats $16.15 $25 Raincoats $18.85 $30.00 Raincoats $24.15 $35 Raincoats $26.15 Great clearance sale reductions on all onr Snits. Ovnr. coats, Trousers, Fancy Vests, Smoking Jackets, Bath and v jLOungmg wooes; Doys ana young men s clothing. 2d floor. $14.65 - it m i 1 j