PAGES 1 TO 12 VOL. XXV-NO. 2. PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANUARY 14, 1906. PRICE FIVE GENTS. OUR GOVERNMENT, S IT TRULY OURS? Lincoln Steflfens Pro poses to Find Out. IS IT REPRESENTATIVE? Writer Says Trail of Corruption Leads to Washington. INVESTIGATES IN CAPITAL "11 the Railroads Rule the United States, if tlio Special Interests Utile 3fy Country, I'd Like to Knotv It," He Saysr WHO IJNCOLN STEFFENS IS. Linooln StefCcns is a. noted author and journalist. He was born in San Francisco In 1S6G and was graduated from tlic Vnivcrslty oC California in 1SS9. He then studied in the Uni versities of Borlln, Heidelberg, Lelp bIc. Paris and Sprbonne. He Joined the staff of tiry. New York Evening I'Ofct, -became assistant city editor of that newspaper and later city editor of the Jfew York Commercial Adver tiser. In September. 1901, li be came managing editor of McClure's Magazine, with which he is now con nected. He is the author of "The Shame- of the Cities" and has won distinction for his fearless exposes of graft and corruption In city and state governments. WASHINGTON. D. C, Jan. 33. (Spe cial Correspondence.) I have come to Washington in the plain character, of a private citizen to find out all I can about my Government. It Is mine; or, it should he; yours, too, of courser- But I say 'mine" -with a definite thought In mind: "Our" government should represent us, H or us; not only the good citizens, hut the bad also, and not only the bad, but the good, the bad and the indifferent. For we are all sorts, and our Government hag to deal 'with us all. But my thought is that a ' representative government should stand especially for those of its citizens who don't want to get anything; out of it but fair play and fairly efficient service. Now you may be asking some fa vor for yourself or your friend oc your friend's friend; or. for your business or your party or your state or your river. It mayvbc all right for "our" Government to grant you what you want, but I have noticed that men who get what they want out of "our" Gov ernment arc disposed to judge leniently of the administration of It as a whole. On the o' hand, when men fall to get what they seek, they are inclined to condemn the whole thing:, and rather harshly. So I cannot be sure of you, as I am of myself. For I know that I have nothing to ask that everybody should not nave, nelthor an office nor a contract, neither a wrong grant nor a 'good bill"; nor yet the news. The point of my purpose lies in the fact that, though I am a reporter, nfy Interest Is personal, not professional; it is simply that of a simple citizen who seeks to un derstand simply if. and how, his Govern ment is attending to his business. Slate and City Governments Corrupt. And I really want to know this. 1 have spent all .the years of my mature life In quiring into the condition and the char acter of our state and municipal govern ment, and I know something about them. They are corrupt. Some are worse than others, but none Is very good. In a few cities and in fewer states there are move ments afoot to achieve better things. Indeed, there are signs of an awakening all over the country In cities and states. Yet the typical American Government is bad in our cities and In our states. How about the National Government? Is that any better? The average Ameri can citizen seems to think it is. In cities and in states where the good citizen has given up in despair, he will brighten up when you mention the federal establish ment. Our American optimism takes refuge in the declaration made again and again to me that "anyhow, as a Nation, wo are all right." "The National Government Is sound," wp say. Is it? The observation which trans formed me from an easy-going reporter into a concerned citizen was that the so. called political corruption of St. Louis was like that of New Tork, and that what went on In those cities went on also in Minneapolis and Pittsburg and Philadelphia and Chicago. The causes were much the same, and the prices and the forms and the effects. And the same causes were at work corrupting the states, where in Ohio and in Rhode Island, In New Jersey and Illinois and New Tork and Wisconsin these same forces working in the same way were producing the one very same result a revolutionary change in the essential na ture of our Government. . Then I noticed that the corruption of the cities spread up Into their states, and that the corrup tion of the states reached down Into the cities. Municipal reform was checked by state corruption, and state reform, was checked by municipal corruption, because, forsooth, state corruption and municipal corruption were all one astern of cor ruption. , that when we Americans .once understand our corruption we wiir throttle the'beast to death. Trall-Jjeads to; the Capital. But I found "t that I couldn't grasp the beast1 in-the'cltles'.and states. Wherever I followedUhe trail of -municipal -'corruption up'into-a -stale I -met' evidences of Federal corruption, and I 'have seen citi zens .who, having beaten the beast in their city, liave -proceeded against it in the state, only to encounter there what looked like a sympathetic national sys tem. What did that mean? What does It mean that wherever I have traveled the broad main highway of our commercial-political corruption, whether In a city or in a state, always the footprints of the big, successful political-- grafters have pointed off toward ..Washington? What are they doing in Washington? Did they come here to retire and Teform? Recent disclosures concerning certain depart ments and men suggest" that the lessons learned at Thome have been applied here only with the improved skill of the prac ticed expert. Is that so? Is Washington to politics what New York is to business, the Mecca of the finished rascals, or Is ft more liko Newport a sort of.A'alhalla for the grafters that are done grafting? No? Neither? Well, that is what I want to settle for myself. That is why, having turned from cities to states. I am going now from the states Into the United States. Since our bad city governments and our bad state governments are all one bad system, I'd like to know if these are but parts of a national system. And wo do not anticipate. I - have crossed, in the cities and "states, the tracks of good men. also, who have gone on up to Washington. And there are more, no doubt, of whom I never heard. The President told mo once before he was President that the character of the House of Representatives, for example, was high, very high; and that there were in that body a surprisingly large number of able, courageous men. Good. What are they doing there? How are they doing It? ll Is sometimes hard for good men to do good work In public office: what difficulties do good men encounter In Washington? I must wck out theec men and ask them. They will tell mc the truth, and I will tell you the truth. And If the President is right about the Hou6-: und If the scandals exposed in the departments are exceptional; and If the Senate has been misrepresented as much as it is accused of misrepresenting us, then the truth about Washington will be interesting and pleasant for a private citizen to know of his own knowledge. Free to "Pursue the Truth. And 1 shall know. I have a right to know what is going on, and so have you. and I mean to know; know, too. of my own knowledge, and I mean to make that knowledge yours. How? I shall ask questions, and I shall report those ques tions to you. When 1 get answers, I shall report those answers to you. And If I get no answers, I shall report that to you. But if I get no answers. I shall "gd out and answer my own questions my self. This may take time, but I- have plenty of time. It may be necessary to go hack Into the states and districts whence "our" representatives come, but I am free to travel. You see. having no news to watch for, I can pursue the truth and nail IU But tli ere should be no obstacles in the way of my quest, since all that T have to ask may be summed up In one short sen tence: "What do you represent?" That is the question to put to a repre sentative democracy: and surely that is a proper question" for a representative to answer. Whether he be the President or a Jus tice of the Supreme Court, a United States Senator or a member of the Hotue, (Concluded on page 2.) LEY CHEERED OPEN T Rebuke to Rogers for Flip pancy , and . Contempt Draws Applause. CONTEMPT CASE .ARGUED OH Magnate Accused of Inflaming Public by Ills -Manner Pierce Agrees to Testify and Volunteers Evidence. STANDARD' Oil. OX TRIAL. CONTEMPT VrtOCEEDINGSHad ! retorts that Rogers provoked sensational reports by flippancy, friv olity and contempt for Missouri Su preme Court. Crowd in u- Tork Supremo Court applauds. Decision deferred. PIERCE WILL TESTIFY" H. C. Pierce, who fled on yacht to avoW testifying, agrees to return and tes tify before Missouri Supreme Court. ROGERS VOLUNTEERS BVI DENCB Hoger voluntarily appears before Commissioner and testifies he made no deal with Pierce. MORE EVIDENCE OF MONOPOLV Several former Standard OH em ployes testify to facts confirming chanre f combination wit in tended competitor?. . 4 NEW YORK. Jan. IS. There wan an unusual scene in the Supreme Court of the State of New York tqdny when Attorney-General Herbert S. Hadley. of Mis souri, arguing before Justice Gildarsiccve on the role to compel H. If. Rogers, of the Standard OH Company, to answer questions in the Missouri state Inquiry into certain oil companies operating there, was applauded and cheered by the crowd in the court-room as he concluded an arraignment of Mr. Rogers for the posi tion he has taken in the inquiry. A de cision was deferred until Monday. At the conclusion of the arguments, dur ing which Mr. Rogers attorneys reiter ated. lbatUie relevancy of the questions asked their client is pending before the Supreme Court of Missouri, and should not be dealt with here until a decision Is rendered by that court. Justice Gilder sleeve adjourned the matter until Mon day, at which time, it Is expected, proofs will be submitted as to the status of the oil inquiry in Missouri, of which the New York hearings are a part. William V. Rowe filed the to mm I an swer of Mr. Rogers, of which the sub stance was given In yestwday's dis patches. ImmalcrlalSays Standard Man. Frank liagerman. of Kanakas City, rep resenting the three respondent oil com panies, said the attempt to discover the stock ownership of the respondent com panies was immaterial. Mr. Hadley brought the proceedings, he said, under a statute the legality of which the re spondents challenged. The secretary ALEXANDER E. ORR, WHO HAS BEEN CHOSEN PRESIDENT OF THE NEW YORK LIFE Alexander Ector Orr, who has been elected president of the New York Life in succession to John A McCalL has long been conspicuous, financially and commercially. In New York City. Hdhas been president several times of the Produce Exchange and of the Chamber of Commerce, and has been at the Iiead" of the Board of Rapid Transit Commissioners. Mr. Orr waa born at Stra bane. County Tyrone. Ireland, March 2. ,1 31. When he first came-to. America. in-1650 it was as a visitor, but he speedily decided to remain permanently, and ilrst was employed In shipping and commission houses. In 1SG1 he became a partner of David Doi.& Co.. and rlnce that time has been one of the noted business men or the metropolis. Mr. Orr Is a director In many financial and philanthropic institution. of the Republic Oil Company was requested to bring - the stock Into the Missouri court, and the question was referred to the Missouri Supreme Court for determination. The master be fore whom the case was tried In Missouri, Mr. Hagerman said, suspended all pro ceedings there until the question whether the stock ownership and control of the companies must be disclosed could be de termined. Mr. Hadley then, according to Mr. Hagerman, came to New York, and under the New York statute, took testi mony and asked questions along the same lines as were pending In the decision In Missouri. Mr. Hagerman declared that the stock ownership is not material and cited a decision in Missouri In the tobacco trust litigation. Rather Busy With Trusts. "Your Honor may have noticed." he Bald, "that out in that country they are rather busy with what are known as trusts." Mr. Hagerman said he contended that of t5 questions asked Mr. Rogers, 23 have nothing whatever to do with the business affairs of the two alleged offending cor porations. Mr. Hadley. Mr. Hagerman declared. Ignored the Supreme Court of the State of Missouri by asking these questions, and the witness had a right to refuse pending the deci3lon of that court. William J. Curtis, of counsel for the defendants, said that the atmosphere of the examination conducted by Mr. Hadley was not dignified. Mr. Curtis asked to enter his professional protest against what he termed the-sensationalism with which the case had been conducted. What Hadley Alleges. As Mr. Hadley was about to begin his address. Justice Glldcrslecvc asked him to state the Issue in the case clearly, and added that the question of stock owner ship did not. seem very" material In prov- (Concludcd on page 3.) Tl !ay. CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. YBSTKRDAVS Maximum temperature. r.l 4eg.; minimum. 10. Precipitation, f an Inch. TODAY'S Rain.' Fresh south to wost breeae. I'orelgn. British Liberals mak Immense galme In ttc tlH and defeat ilalfour. Page 1. Germany eek harmony about Morocco I tut wty Hgnt If honor Is attacked. Page Morale arrives wounded In Porto Rico. Page Kula. Courier tell of perilous Journey through re bel Hohs provinces. Page 1... New Year" celebration In capital ends in dramatic tragedy. Page 3. National. Babeeek confers with Cannon on Hoete in surgent?. Page 2. Plan of Republican leader for tariff re taliation en" Germany. Page X Senate may refuse to confirm. Bishop a 4 Canal Commissioner. Pag-"I3.'"" " Debate on .Philippine bill ends Mond: Pago 2. llcnhann determined to take seat In House. Page l. FtU.Itles In honor of Chinese Commission. Page 14. Morlwether to be tried for hazing: rour mid dles will be eenvlcted. Page It. Politic. Lincoln Stiffen heginx new Investigation In Washington to find out who rules the United Slate?. Page 1. Domestic. - .' Hadley xigoroasly attacks" Rogers and Is applauded in court. Page 1. Court rejoetjt Mrs. 1-eargree' claim and severely condemns her. Page -. Gigantic fraud In New York discovered. Page 2. Horrible murder of woman In Chicago. Page 3. Passengesv and crew of steamer Cherokee in peril. Page 11. Pacific Coast. Jasper Jennings seems to enjoy hi trial for murder of his father at Grant' Pass. Page 4. With popcorn and tomafoes. Claude Barker. Of Salem, ends a 34-day fast. Page 5. Preliminary trial of Harry Orchard is begun at Caldwell. Idaho. Page 3. Echo Waterusers Association Is formed, with a clear track. Page 4. Development company files en Deschutes River flow for power purposes. Page 3. 11. L. Hartampf dies at Hlllsboro of Injury received in friendly struggle. Page 4. Mrs. Nlese. infanticide, pardoned from Washington Penitentiary. Page I. Sport. Fltzsimmens plays wily trick. Page IT. New football rules agitated. Page 17. Clever dog- taught tricks. Page 17. Baseball averages announced. Page 17. Psclnc Coast League waits for Seattle's de cision. Page 17. Commercial and Marine. Heavy buyinr movement In hop market Page 35. California prune market Improving. Page 33. More public Interest In Wall street specula tion. Page 33. Chicago wheat market firm on foreign ad vices. Page 33. Bank statement shows large gain In cash. Page 33. Pilots will present vigorous protest against proposed railroad bridge near Swan Island when matter comes up for public hearing Page H. Steamer Abergeldle. from Portland, damaged In collision at Yokohama. Page II. Portland and Vicinity. Meier 4 Frank buy land and will bulid eight-story annex. Page 9. Editors decide on advertising and elect offi cers. Page 10. Galloway Democratic candidate for Congress In First District. Page S. Building or homes feature of realty for the week. Page 32. Husband has no curtsey right, 'decides Judge Cleland. Page S. Sons of Revolution will celebrate 200th an niversary of "birth of Benjamin Franklin. Page V. Patrons of Richards fear aubpenas. Page 36. Mountain Gem twice wrecked en reefs In rivtr. Page 11. Colored woman says she was drugged and robbed In Pullman car by porters. Page S. Record of a day In the Municipal Court Page 30. Feature and Department. Editorial. Page G. Church announcements. Page 3-1. Classified-advertisements. Pages 15-23. Youth' department. Page 47. Epitome of Benjamin Franklin's life. Page-35. The "Roosevelt Bears." Page 46. Frederic J. ' Haskln's letter. Page "41. Rulers In Washington's - social empire. Page 4S. ' , - Dr. Newell Dwlght -Hints' sermon. iPage 37.' Recollections of Judge George If." Williams. Page 3S. - , . j. Ireland's dream of home rule n earing reali zation. Page 39. .....- Five fables by the late -.Horace -S. Lyman. Page 39. . " - Miss Tingle's cooking lesson. rge42.. Social. Pages 2S-27. . -.- Dramatic Pages 2S-29. Musicat Page 32. -.-. Book reviews. Page 34. ; lit. KrttKk14 aad fuUra-P&KM-42.;. TIP BRftVE REBUKE Hermann- Will' Take - Oath - in House When Health Improves.' CONFERS- WITH -FULTON 'o Open -Objection Will ; Be- -Made, but Members Will Show-Itescnt- ' nicnt Family Says-Xoth-. Inp About Trial. . OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington. Jan. IX Representative Binger Hermann today went .out for the first time since "he 'arrived In-Washington a week ago last Friday. This morning shortly after breakfast hecalled on Sen ator Fulton at his 'apartments In the Portland, and after a brief talk. left, say ing he intended to call on Senator Gcarin and then return to lib home. - Mr. Gearln had left his hotel before Hermann ar rived and the two did not meet. Hermann dkl not go to the Capitol to day. He made no nttempt to .be sworn in, nor did he. call to collect hla milease. He looks little different from what he did when he was last In Washington, but Is weak because of a renewed attack of erysipelas, which centered In his logs, and he is not able to walk far, at a time. He would not submit to an interview and his son-in-law and attorney is not willing to seak for him. Determined to Invite iitth. For this reason it Is not possible to obtain any authoritative statement to Hcrnta nil's plans, but In view of the fact that he hnn written numerous letters de claring libs purpose to tuko his scat in the Hottfe and look after Oregon Interests and In view of the further fact that he came to Washington away ahead of the time when the Government will be ready to try him. it Is believed Hermann will present himmlf at the bar of the House, and ask to be sworn In just as soon as he Is physically able. It is within the power of any member of the Hou-e to object to allowing Her mann, to take the oath, but it Is doubtful If any tibjectton will be raised if he has the effrontery to go Into the Houic and ask to be rworn. Member? generally dis approve his course in coming to Washing ton, and most of them will resent his forcing his presence upon the House un der existing circumstances, but no one member likes to undertake the disagree able tak of objecting to the administra tion of the oath to another member. But. If Hermann is sworn in. he will be made to feel the resentment of his colleagues after he takes his seat. It will be a silent but effective rebuke that would stun any but a thick-skinned man. One experienced member of the House said today that, while he regrets that Hermann intends to take hi? scat, he himself would not like to ralae an ob jection, but he added that if this mat tor could be submitted to a secret ballot the House would vote almost unanimous ly to exclude Hermann. Hermann and his friends and relatives are still mum as to the course he . will pursue in regard to the trial- which the Government hay planned .to. take, place the last week in March. No .official move has been made and, -so -far as the court Is advised, it is not known whether Her mann will face trial when opportunity is offered or claim Immunity under the con stitution until Congress adjourns. The opinion Is growing that he will evade trial as long as possible. Herniann Is extremely incensed at the newspapers for what they have "printed about him. and declares with much feel ing that he has been, unjustly treated. His criticism is aimed especially at The Oregonlan and Washington Post. If he Is able to go-out on Monday, it Is quite probable-he will go to the House, ask to .have theroatti administered and take his seat. unless objection .is raised." If he does not. appear Monday, he will put in an appearance as soon thereafter- as he is able. He Is still under the doctor's care. PATENTS OX OHEGOX- CLAIMS Gearln Gets Assurance That Hitch cock Will Recall Suspension. OREGONIAN NEWS 'BUREAU. Wash ington. 'Jan. 13. On behalf of the miners and homesteaders of Oregon. Senator Gearln has requested the Interior Depart ment to withdraw Its order of last March suspending patents on mineral and home stead entries in that state. The Senator is especially interested in having patents issued on mineral entries where proof is complete. Assurance Is given .that, when Secretary Hitchcock returns, he will direct that pat ents Issue on perfected mineral claims, and it is quite probable that the restric tions on homesteads will be removed In cases where proof Is satisfactory. Pension, far McKinley's Xcphcw. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Jan. 13. The Senate has passed Dubois' bill granting a pension of 5100 a month to Russell A. McKinlcy. Jr., of Boise, nephew of President McKInley. sight In both eyes was destroyed while serving in Cuba. The bill I3 certain to become a law this Winter. Grazing on Forest llcscrvcs. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington, Jan. 13. -Permission was today granted for grazing 7230 head of cattle. and COCO sheep on the. Washington forest re serve next Summer, a tax of 7 ecnt bein- i Imposed on each sheep and 25 cents on I cattle. Perrrit5tfnii tl-ou ntest n-ini rr. cattle. Permission was also granted for grazing 2C0O cattle m the Maury. Mountain reserve. Oregon, at 25 cents per head. Wcnatcbce Bridge Bill Passed. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Jan.' 13. The House of Represent atives, on motion of Jones, tonight passed the .Senaicbill authorizing the Washing ton Bridge Company to construct a br ge across the Columbia River at Wenatchee to provide for wagon and foot passen gers, trolley cars and also to carry an Irrigation and power flume. The bill now lacks only the signature of the President to make It a law. Another Carrier far Yakima. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU. Wash ington. Jan. 13. The postmaster of North Yakima has been authorized to employ one additional lettercarrier after Feb ruary 1. Female Fraud Behind Bars. I t I rnr.lTMRfa n Inn in Snota 1 Mrs. Cai-sie I. Chadwlck, the Cleveland woman of frenzied finance, spent the first day of her ten-year prison term in the penitentiary hospital. When she re covers her strength she will be placed t at work In the prison laundry. No fa vors will be given her. All the ceils in Jhe women's department are occupied, and when she leaves the, hospital she will slcev on a cot In the corridor. SIR M. E. GRANT DUFF, NOTED MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT, IS DEAD -.1 The .ntelUgence. in yesterday's telegrams, of theWeath. In England, or Sir ilountstuart E?phlnatone Grant Duff came as a painful surprise to our English and Scotch readers, and to many others who knew him from his "Diary." For 25 years consecutively he represented the "Elgin Burghs' (In north of Scot land) In the House of Commons. He was then appointed Governor of the Province of Madras. India, filling the position for seven years. During his term of office Bunnah was added to the British possessions. On his return to Eng land he was knighted, the honor carrying with It a seat In the House of Lords. During- one of Mr. Gladstone's, terms as Premier. Mr. Grant Duff held the. post In his cabinet or Under Secretary of State for the Colonies. From the day he entered college, as a young man. he began a diary, which he continued closely till a few years ago. The work covers over halt a century of a most mo mentous period In the history' of Great Britain and of the world., A year or two ago it was published in New Tork: and attracted .wide attention. Sir M. E. Grant Duff was In his 76th year. CRUSHING GLU GIVEN BALFOUR Liberals Make Great Gains in Britain. EX-PREMIER IS DEFEATED Weak Candidate Gets Large Majority Over Him. NO HOPE FOR PROTECTION Result in SO Constituencies Shows Liberals Gain 18 Scats in Par liament Free-Traders Arc , Mobbed In Birmingham. , THE IATE PARLIAMENT. The result of the election held In September and October, 1000. was: Conservatives ...................S3t Liberal Unionists ................. W Liberals ...18 Irish Nationalists c Total ..670 Ministerial majority ...... ......13t The Mlsterial majority had been considerably reduced, before Parlia ment was dissolved. Liberals havln? gained a number of seats at bye elcctlonn. The seats are divided among the king doms a follows: England 465. Wales SO. Scotland 72. Ireland 103. LONDON. Jan. 13. The political map of England today underwent a striking change as the result of Parliamentary elections held in 39 constituencies in widely scattered but important centers. In which the Liberals gained IS seats. The Laboritcs. who are counted among the Liberal gains, secured -four new seats against Unionist candidates. In the east division of Manchester Arthur J. Balfour, the ex-Prime Minister was defeated by T. G. Horridge, Liberal, who was conceded even by the Liberals to be a weak candidate against such a person as Mr. Balfour. Mr. Horridge secured the remarkable majority of 19S0. Tnls victory, notwithstanding the Liberal predictions, was a decidedly sensational outcome of the day's polling and will. It is believed, enormously effect the elec tions, which will continue for a fort night. Winston Churchill. Liberal and Free Trader, won the scat for the northwest division of Manchester from W. Johnson Hicks. Conservative, by a majority of 1241. Liberals Gain Immensely. Everywhere the Liberal majorities were increased and the net result of the first day's contest between the great political parties was overwhelmingly in favor of the present government. Although only 66 seats are now filled out of the 670 re quired for the new Parliament, which will meet at Westminster February 15. the composition of the House as shown by the results received up to midnight, is as follows: Liberals 39. Unionists It. Laboritcs 6, Nationalists 7. This includes 24 candi dates who were unopposed and the two candidates elected at Ipswich Friday. Little disorder attended the polling at any place. The excitement at Manches ter was intense and the candidates and their constituents worked with feverish activity, especially in the district Mr. Balfour was contesting, when reports were circulated late In the afternoon that! Mr. Balfour was in danger of defeat. Majority Will Be Overwhelming. Political clubs received the returns by special wires and' everywhere the defeat of Mr. Balfour was received as a most complete surprise. Then, as Liberal gain was added to Liberal gain until the re markable total of 22 seats, counting the Laborltes. out of 39 constituencies wan reached. It was agreed that the Liberal majority Jn the next Parliament would show the overwhelming decision of the country Dispatches received from Manchester say that the excitement there tonight was Indescribable. Great crowds swarmed the streets cheering and dem onstrating with the utmost enthusiasm. Balfaur Will Try Again. Mr. Balfour tonight addressed a gath ering at the Conservative Club. He acknowledged the gravity of the disas ter, but predicted short life for the Lib eral government. He urged the Union ists to continue to work for the party and the future reversal of today's results. Of course Mr. Balfour will find an other safe seat before the elections are over by one of the Unionist candidates retiring In his favor. Up to the pres ent, however, there is no Indication where the former Premier will find this place where he can secure a ma jority which will enable him to take his seat as a leader on the front op position bench. Among the Unionists who saved their seats in the general landslide were Sir Gilbert Parker at Gravesend. with a majority of 800 over J. Mac pherson. the Labor and Liberal candi date. George Wyndham. former Chief Secretary for Ireland, the Unionist candidate for Dover, also retained his seat over R. J. Bryce. Liberal and Free Trader. Five of the six divisions of 3Ian chester were won by the Liberals, the jCCoBcluded, os saga 3.) PcwriKisUc? Net & it I believe i.'.'.'f t