The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 07, 1906, Page 7, Image 7

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Counting-Roam Mala M7
Managing Efiltor Mala 630
Sunday Editor Mala 6235
City Editor Mala 1S
Society Editor...... Mala 6283
Composlnr-Room Mala 685
Superintendent Bulldln 2826
Kan Side Office East 61
BELASCO THEATER (14th ..and Washing
ton) Will R. Walling In the comedy. "Th
La.t Mr. TompkJnu." Matinee at 2:15
P, M. TonlRht at 8;15, last performance.
BAKER THEATER 3d and Yamhill)
"Innocent Maids" Burlequ Company,
miinlcal burlesque. Openlnpr performance
at 2:15 P. M. Tonight at S:15.
EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison)
The melodrama. "At Cripple Creek." Open
ing matinee at 2:15 P. M. Tonight At 8:15.
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and. 0
P. M.
LIBERTT . THEATER (4th and Stark)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30 and 9
P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 9 P. M.
W. R. Macbeth has beea appointed agent,
from January 1. for The Oregoiflan at As
toria, and he will devote his entire time and
attention to the circulation Interests of this
paper. Irregularities in delivery will re
ceive prompt attention. OfBce with Wells,
Pargo & Co., Astoria. Phone Mala 431.
Holds Annual Meeting. Evening Star
Grande held its annual meeting for clos
ing up the year's business and installing
officers yesterday. There -was a large at
tendance, nearly 200 being present, with
many guests. After the banquet at noon,
vigorous ' resolutions were passed com
mending the appointment of State. Lec
turer Clara II. "Waldo as one of the re
gents for the Oregon Agricultural Col
lege and congratulating her on the honor
conferred on her. Mrs. E. A. Nlblln in
stalled the following ofilcers, delivering
the charges without a ritual : Master, J.
J. Johnson: overseer. "Wilda Buckman;
lecturer, Mrs. H. L.. Vail; chaplain, P.
Kelly; steward. E. J. Spooner, assistant
steward, Carl Emery: treasurer, J. W.
Brock: secretary. Julia Spooner: gate
keeper, A. Nichols; Pomona, I. Becker;
Ceres. Mrs. E. A. Niblln; Flora.
Martha Jensma: lady assistant
stevard, Mlas M. Eaton; organist.
Miss M. Butler; executive com
mittee. D. Elliott and E. V. Emery.
Ofliccrs' reports showed a membership of
255. J. J. Johnson, master, in his annual
report strongly recommended that the
farmers co-operate and buy by wholesale,
and a committee of five wae appointed to
take the matter under consideration.
Taxation was discussed during the lec
turer's hour, and the work of the County
Assessor in taxing property that had
heretofore escaped was commended. It
was the snse of the Grange that a
good start had been made toward equal
Now Occupies Eight Rooms. The
Mount Scott sehoolhouse. at Lents,
was enlarged to ten rooms laft year, and
already "ight of the rooms are occupied,
eight teachers being employed, with H. A.
Darnell as principal. The attendance last
month wan 275. At this time last year
the -attendance was 160 pupils. New
houses are springing up now in all di
rections In this district, and if the pres
ent rate of increase is maintained an
other room will be occupied this year and
the entire ten rooms will be used at the
commencement of the next school year.
Ghange Officers Installed. The fol
lowing officers of Russciviile Grange. Pa
trons of Husbandry, on the Base" Line
road, were Installed last night: Raymond
Gill, master; John Welles, overseer; Em
molt Huffman, lecturer: Charles Parmen
ter. steward; Edward Gill, assistant
steward: Mrs. M. T. Llttlefield, chaplain;
O. Pitman, treasurer: Sophie Llndberg.
secretary: John Sneer, gatekeeper; Iyy
Giles. Ceres; Elsie Lewis, Pomona; Mary
Andersen, Flora; Edena Barrell, lady
assistant steward; Julia Mlckelson, musi
cian. Has New Fostmasteu. L. Kemp Is the
new postmaster for Lents. The appoint
ment was recently announced, although
Mr. Kemp has not yet Tecelved his com
mission. He is making arrangements to
take possession of the office as soon as
he has the official authority to do so.
Mrs. I. Cauffman has been the postmis
tress for several years. The question of
changing the name of the office from
Lent? to Mount Scott is still pending. It
Is supposed that the change in postmas
ter was the outgrowth of this agitation
License Oedinance Sleeping. The
general liquor license ordinance lor St.
Johns Is sleeping for the present, and all
efforts to call It up for final vote have
been successfully defeated by Counciimen
J. H. Shields and C. D. Edwards. The lat
ter xtand.u -ready for some reason known to
himself to oppose the final disposition of
this ordinance, although that It I pend
ing before the Council Is due entirely to
himself. Consideration of the ordinance
has gone over to the next regular
John Kbnnedt "Wanted. M. V. B.
Turner, of Plattsburgh. N. T"., wants In
formation of John Kennedy, who was
last heard from at Boswel! Springs, Or.,
some six years ago. He was at work re
moving stumps with explosives at a point
about 15 miles southeast of Portland last
"Winter. Ho Is a man about f0 years of
age. Is of English parentage, and former
ly lived In Clinton County, New York.
His relatives are very anxious to locate
him. .
Mineral Springs Hotel Compant,
Lessees Amos D. St. Martins, Hot
Springs. Carson, "Wash., is without doubt
the best health resort in the Northwest.
Hot mineral baths 'for the cure of rheu
matism, stomach, liver and kidney trou
bles. Excellent table; electric lights and
steam heat. Take Regulator Line boat.
Will Have Citt Hall. Gresbam will
soon have a city hall and fire quarters.
It will contain room for meetings of the
Council and for housing the fire appar
atus. The Council has ordered a chemical
engine at a cost of $700, which is soon to
be delivered.
Miss A. L. Jorgensen will sell her cn
tltro stock of millinery, commencing
Tuesday. Somo slightly damaged by
wnoke at the recent fire, at a reduction
of from 40 to 50 per cent. 400 Washington,
corner Tenth.
Tns Massachusetts Mutual Life In
surance Compant desires to secure the
services of a reliable, energetic represent
ative In this city. References required.
JL G. Cotton, manager, 310 Chamber of
Mr. George Armstrong, for many
years identifled with the paint business of
Portland, has assumed management of
the New Era Paint & Varnish Companv
20S Front street. '
Half Block Is Sold. The College En.
dowment Association has purchased the
half of block 56, on East Yamhill, Second
and Third streets, the purchase price
being ?S,500.
Dies in Los Angeles. Mr. Finger, an
old resident of East Portland, died at Los
Angeles January 2. His wife and son.
Frank J., and daughter, Mrs. Dolan, were
with him
Jn the Yer 2000 Man-clous experi
ments In electricity tomorrow night at the'
White Temple. Fourth number Y. M. a
A. course.
Will Build an Ice Plant. The Mount
Hood Brewery, of Sellwood, Is having
plans prepared for erection of an ice
Reno B. Welbourn, wizard of electric-Itj-,
will appear on the Y. M. C. A. star
course tomorrow at the White Temple.
Wanted. A furnished house for three
or four months by reliable party; want
the best. V 34, Oregonian.
Beautifully Furnished brick resi
dence for rent. All in perfect condition.
Reasonable; 561 Irving. t
Claremont Tavern. Northers' Pacta's
train. 4:30 P. M., stops at Claresw'at, re
'uralnir 19: P. SC.
If the ettngs are loose or have become
oHt nf date, bring them to us. Don't risk
losing a nice diamond when a little- at
tention will put the setting- In good shape.
If you aro wearing a diamond that Is ob
scure on account -of an aut-of-date mount
ing, bring It In and we will show you how
to make it look Its best. Many a good stone
loses its beauty through being set In a ring1
or pin that detracts from II. The bctt arck
crown ring1 shown above Is one of our new
style that has 'many advantages over
JBWELRY REPAIRED and manufactured In our wcll-equlpped shop.
We have the latest machinery for doing the best class of work and turn
it out promptly. We buy old gold or make It Into new Jewelry. Agates
and other stones mounted Into pin, emblems, brooches, etc
EI.K TEETH made up In fancy watch charms or cuff buttons. Let us
show you some new Ideas in this line. Unmounted elk teeth, those beau
tiful dark brown ones, the kind you Cannot buy in other stores. Wo
have them and a very large selection to choose from. We make a e-
cialty of mounting elk teeth.
The Arch Crown Setting
Foresters Inbtalt, Officers. On Fri
day evening, January 3, 1905, Court Co
lumbia No. 2. Foresters of America, in
stalled the following officers for the ensu
ing term: George W. Stltt, Junior past
chief ranger; C M. Stcadman; chief ran
ger; W. E. Parker, subchlef ranger; W.
M. RIchtmycr, treasurer; G. A. Johnston,
financial secretary; A. W. J. Hinrlcksj
senior woodward: J. F. Ncitzel. junior
woodward; William Shannon, senior Bea
dle; F. A. Grass, junior Beadle; F. A.
Davis, trjstee; C. E. Leltzcl, lecturer.
The installation ceremony was conducted
by Deputy Grand Chief Ranger F. W.
Ortman. Court Columbia Is one of the
largest and most progressive courts in
the city and is enjoying a rapid Increase
in membership, having Initiated IS candi
dates at the last regular meeting.
Shiloh CincLB Installation. The fol
lowing officers of Shiloh Circle No. 19,
Ladies of the G. A. R., were Installed by
Department President Mrs. Olive Van
Orden recently: Mrs. Letty Hembree,
president: Mrs. Harriet Stephens, senior
vice-president; Mrs. Melissa Powers,
junior vice-president; Mrs. Martha Cox,
chaplain; Mrs. A. W. Miller, treasurer:
Mrs. Florence Hcald, conductor, nnd
Joasic Hamilton, guard. After the in
stallation, refreshments were served and
a social time enjoyed by all present, in
cluding a number of visiting members
from Portland.
American Patriotic Club Banquet.
The annual banquet of the American Pa
triotic Club will be held at the Hotel
Portland. January 11. at 7 P. M. The
programme follows: Opening address, by
the vice-president, W. D. Wheelwright;
"To the Memory of Our Late President,
Hon. C. B. Bellinger." C. E. S. Wood;
"Alexander Hamilton." Hon. George H.
Williams: "United States Finances," A.
I. Mills: "Patriotic Societies," Rev.
Stephen S. Wise, D. D.
Linnisa Installs Officers. The Swed
ish Society Llnnea Installed officers as
follows at Its last regular meeting: Pres
ident, Edward J. 'Grahs: vice-president.
Miss Olga Olsson; recording secretary.
John A. Pearson; financial secretary. N.
Falieen; librarian, W. Llddell; assistant
librarian. Miss H. Hakanson; master of
ceremonies. H. Hakanson; trustees,
Charles Ek. C. F. Anderson and C. F.
Pearson. " t
Graduating Class Elects Officers.
The members of the February graduating
clat of the Falling .School met in their
classroom and elected the following class
officers: Florence Applcgate, president;
Frank Vincent, vice-president; Dottio
Wrenn, secretary; Benton Sawyer, treas
urer. Will Consirer Improvements. A
meeting of the people of Sellwood will
take, place at S o'clock next Tuesday night
in Fireman's Hall for the purpose of con
sidering the question of local improve
ments. The matter of street-car rvice
and other civic conditions will be dis
cussed. To Lease All or part of stores and
upper floor of building, S. E. Cor. Sixth
and Irving streets, right where street
cars start. Very best location for retail
trade near depot. Jennings &. Co., S32
Washington street.
Impaired Hearing. We are now going
to give treatments on the magic massa
con. Also have them for sale at J33, to
treat at home. 129 7th street, city.
"Called to Service" and "First Things
First." Dr. Short's subjects at Taylor
Street Methodist Church today. Great
chorus choir.
At the White Temple tomorrow night,
Reno B. Welbourn illustrates the possi
bilities of electricity In the year 2000.
Miss Edith Kellt, of Chicago, teacher
of piano, Leschctltky system. 151 Lowns
dale street. Phone Pacific S23.
Y. M. C. A. star course tomorrow night
at the White Temple. .
Dr. Swain, dentist. 311 Dekum bids.
AH the delicacies of the season at the
Portland Restaurant; fine, private apart
ments for parties. Open all night. 203
Washington, near Fifth.
The best six-course dinner with wine,
12 to 8 P. M., at Scott Restaurant, 7th and
Ankeny. Fine merchants' lunch, 23c
The Calumet, 149 Seventh street. French
dinner with wine, ?1; also a la carte.
Broiled steaks and chops a specialty.
A regular chicken dinner will bo served
at the Perkins Restaurant today. Price,
25 cents. Louis E. Martinez. Mgr.
The Empire. 192 Third street; chicken
dinner. 30c; lujk'ey, SSc finest in city.
Genuine French dinner, with wine 50c,
at 23 Fifth street, near Stark. '
Chicken dinner. 30c. at 126
street. Jas. Cutshall. Prop.
Eilers Piano House Pianola recital last
Thursday evening was attended by an en
thusiastic audience. Miss Elizabeth Har
was was the soloist and her beautiful
contralto voice charmed her listeners.
Particular Interest centered around the
pianola and, the new 52500 "Solo" orches
trclle and the results obtained from both
these instruments astonished the audience
and brought forth much applause.
The next recital will be given Thursday
evening of this week and Mr. John Claire
Monteith, the renown baritone, will be
the soloist.
Bailey Cash Register and change maker,
absolutely correct; don't buy till you see.
404 Marquam building, Portland. Or.
The Representative Newspaper.
Baker City Democrat.
The New Year edition of The Ore
gonian is In comport with the devel
opment and expansion of the state.
It is a great publication, and Is. tne
representative newspaper of a Great
er Oregon. Inall things Oregon is ad
vancing and The Oregonlsn keeps
pace with its greatness.-
,IIIg;h-Grade Plns fer JteM
And sold e easy payments. Piano tuning
vu) retaking. M SJ&sJsAlmar. 72 TMra St.
President or the Massachusetts Mu
tual Life Insurance Co. Answers
Insurance Investigators.
President Hal Kb statement appears to
be of an admirable character, such as to
reflect credit upon the company's manage
ment and inspire confidence in the com
pany's stability. The Massachusetts Mu
tual, Judging from President Hall's state
ment, is a company -which appears to Il
lustrate that Insurance ln a company of
good character, conservatively managed,
is a benefit which the greatest number
of people possible should enjoy.
In brief, Mr. Hall's statement shows
that the company has not participated In
any syndicato agreements, has made no
political contributions, has made no pay
ments In connection with legislation In
any state, writes no deferred dividend
policies, makes no collateral loans, has no
Investments in Industrial enterprises and
that Its securities are In bonds, mortgages
and high-grade railroad stocks.
Calvary Presbyterian Church Is
Sorry to Lose Its Pastor.
Calvary Presbyterian Church gave a re
ception on Wednesday evening to Rev.
and Olrs. W. S. Gilbert. Mr. Gilbert has
been pastor of this church for more than
six yearn To the regret of many in the
congregation and throughout Portland
generally, he has accepted a call from As
toria, and begins his work there today.
At the outbreak of the war between thlj
country and Spain. Mr. Gilbert went to
Manila as chaplain of the Second Oregon
I '
J Rev. W. S. Gilbert. I j
' 4 i
January Clearance Sale
Men's Hand
Tailored Suits
' Overcoats
Youths5, Boys'
and Children's
MEs Men's and Boys'
Every department is contributing its high-grade merchandise at prices that an establishment
like this is hardly justified in making, but we are determined to reduce quantity to a minimum.
Our lines in Men's Fine Suits and Overcoats are still very complete. Every careful dresser knows
the characteristic superiority of these in style, quality and fit. See our displays for way-down prices.
Flatlron between Twenty-third street and
Lon Clavcr. president of the Central
Railway of Oregon, has perfected arrange
ments and leaves for Oregon January 7.
Charles F. Mitchell, of the Star Fire In
surance Company. Is vice-president and
president of the executive committee, nnd
Hon. Charles EL Graham, of New Haven.
Conn., is treasurer.
CHICAGO. Jan. 6. (SpeciaLi-Oregon-lans
registered today as follows:
From Portland J. A. Miller, at the
Morrison; W W. Hall, at the Kalserhot;
P. J. Jennings, at the Great 'Northern.
From Salem R. A. Montgomery, at the
Grace: L. M. Kagy. at the Great Northern.
"Kid" White laughed and joked with
acquaintances in the courtroom.
The killing of Murphy was wanton, for
the old man made no resistance when
White and John Hildcbrand. now serving
a life sentence for his share In the crime,
made the robbery of Iu Conway's Ten
derloin saloon.
Strip From Front to First Street
Is Sold.
Conn brother yesterday' sold their two
buildings, occupying a 25-foot strip from
Front to First "street, with an ell to Yam
hill street, for a combined consideration
of $2S.3X. The building facing Front and
Yamhill streets was purchased by Henry
Melster for J15.0IO. It Is a brick, partly
one i?:ory ard partly two. The one-story
portion will be raised to the height of the
remainder by the new owner and the up
per, floor fitted up for lodge purposes.
Mrs. William Jones bought the building
on First street, paying WZXXA. The sales
were made by Goldschmldt's agency.
Brutal Murderer Grins In Court. I
SEATTLE, Wash.. Jan. S.-OpcciaH
"Kid" White, murderer of Martin Mur
phy In a saloon holdup last Spring, sat
smiling at friends this morning while Su
perior Court Judge Griffin was signing the
papers that meant he would hang on
January 2x With just D) days to live, un
less some higher tribunal intervenes.
Of the very finest quality in
ten different makes and over
40 different styles.
No matter how exacting you
may be, yon can surely -find
something here to please you
as vre are offering special in
ducements. SOULE BROS. PIANO CO.
Manufacturers' Agents
374 Morrison St., co'r. W. Park
chwab Printi?ig Co
The Same Old Story
What shall I buy? Well, just call on us and we will assist you. It will
be well worth your while to come and
beautiful things in sold and gems,
whether you want to buy them or not.
This short list will give you an'idea of
the variety: Rings, Brooches, Lockets,
Necklaces, Pendants, Ear-Rings, Brace
lets, Lorgnette Chains, Watch Fobs,
Watches, Scarf Pins, Studs, Cuff Links,
Etc., Etc
see our showcases full of fine and
Scientific &
Portland i0re&
284 Washington Street, Between Fourth and Fifth
Bifocals arc double-lens spectacles en
abling those who need glasses for distance
as well as reading to use a single pair.
There are two varieties the "old fofrv"
variet with an awkward dividing line that make's you appear aged, aiid
up-to-date "Kryptok" invisibles that make you look young. We are in
ventors and sole manufacturers of the latter varietv.
cDenver, Omaha, Kansas City, Salt Lake, Dallas, Texas; Portland, Oregon :
133 Sixth St Successor to Walter Reed Oregonian Bldg,
itoclc. moderate price. Mall orders oUelted.
CO.. 1'urtUsi Or.
Volunteers, and earned the widest popu
larity among the soldiers for his fraternal
assistance to all with whom he came In
contact physical as well as spiritual. He
bears the distinction of. having been the
first Protestant minister to preach In tho
Philippines. Addresses wcro delivered at
the reception by Dr. E. P. Hill, in behalf
of the Presbyterian churches on the West
Side, and by Rev. A. J. Montgomery, for
those on the East Side. C. Henri Iabbe,
in the name of the congregation, present
ed Rev. Mr. Gilbert with a purse, sub
stantially filled, and Mrs. Glbcrt was re
membered with a handsomo cut-glass
vase. Ice cream and" other refreshments
were served, and a very enjoyable evening
was passed, though -tempered by the pain
ful realization that It was saying good
bye to, a pastor who has endeared himself
by his close, friendly sympathy with his
people. Resolutions, passed at a meeting
of the session, -were presented to Mr. Gil
bert, regretting his departure.
Mrs. R. C. Rohrabaoher and little
daughter. Marie, remained over In the city
Friday to visit Mrs. JL. Smith, of Thir
teenth street.
NEW YORK. Jan. 6.-(Speclal.)-WlllIam
Bittlc Wells, of the Paclllc Monthly. Port
land, called at The Oregonlan's Eastern
headquarters today. He says his publica
tlon has opened a New York office In the
All this week we shall offer extra
inducements on'our entire stock of
the 'Stelnway," the king of Instru
ments. Several second-hand pianos awful
ly cheap, and on small monthly
Begin the New Year right by buy
ing a first-class piano and enjoy
your investment for years after.
Sheet music and small "musical
instruments, Victor talking ma
lit Mm St.. Oppose Orfgsalaw BWlg.
For the Coming: Week in Our
Men's Clothing- Department
see .
$12.50 grades now $ 9.40
$lo.00 grades now , $11.40
$18.00 grades "now S14.25
$20.00 grades now S16.25
$25.00 grades now 919125
See Our Window' Display for &
Feast f Bargains
Dr. W. A. W2e.
And doing dental work all the time
that Is the record of Dr. W. A. Wiso.
In our establishment are expert den
tists who are competent to perform the
most important dental operations. No
matter the nature of the work, there Is
a man here to do it.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Dr. H. A. Sturdevant. specialist on chil
dren's teeth and regulating.
Falling Bldg.. Third ana Washington. S
A. M. to 9 P. M. Sundays. 9 to 12. Main C029.
Dr. 1
'. P. Wise.
universal popular approval. Oldest and most famous in the .
world. Best for all uses. Sold by leading dealers everywhere.
Twenty Years of Success
In tho treatment of chronic diseases, such as liver,
kidney and stomach disorders, constipation, diar
rhoea, dropsical swellings, BrlgM's disease, etc.
Chronic Diseases of Men and Women
Dr. Walker's methods are regular and aclentlflc.
He uses no patent nostrums or ready-made prep
arations, but cures the disease by thorough medi
cal treatment. His new pamphlet on private dis
eases sent free ta all men who describe their
reasonable. All letters answered In plain envelope
Consultation free and sacredly confidential Call on
or address "
IB. mm, 131 First Strut. Cxmt Taaftf . PirfeM, 9rN