i i I itnilnn (teptttmt ll ' 1 VQI,. XXV. . PORTLAND, OREGON, SUNDAY MORNING, JANILARY 7, 19Q6.' y "THE DIFFERENT STORE" fifth, Sixth and Washington Sts. The OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Store The OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Store The Clearance Sale Reinforced by Mighty Values Monday : -A J But twenty-four days remain of the 28th Annual Clearance Sales 24 days only of the remarkable sav ing chances offered by the sweeping reduction made' on absolutely every article under our three great roofs (contract goods alone excepted). Be sure every want is filled. Shop W carefully and sj'stematically but spiritedly. Each day will bring its quota of extra specials. Be sure to scan our every announcement. Few, however, will tell of bargains great er than those printed on this page for Monday shoppers. Bear in mind that every 25c pur chase at this store entitles you to a vote in the distribution of the store's annual $2500 fund for beuevolent use. This amount, di vided in fifteen parts, graded from $750 down to $50, will be distribu ted as the public shall direct by popular vote among Portland's charitable societies, organizations or institutions, to be used by them in their individual or several chari ties in the city. The decision will be reached February 10, or in five weeks from date. Be sure your vote is used. Have a voice in the matter. "What charity do you favor most ? Thousands of Dollars' Worth of Dress Goods In the Clearance Sale Slaughter First Floor Annex, Fifth St. COLORED DRESS GOODS FOR ANNUAL CLEARANCE. EXTRA SPECIAL. Ten thousand dollars' worth of Colored Dress Goods, all this sea son's goods, in every wanted color, ranging in price from 50c to $2.50 per yard, divided in five big lots: Lotl- Ofir At, the-yard. Ut Lot2- fir At, the yard. 1 Lot 3 SQr At, the yard Lot 4 4 OS? At, the yard Lot 5- IZ.I At, the yard 1 BLACK DRESS GOODS. Five thousand dollars' worth, all good, desirable weaves; ranging in price from $Lo0 to $3.o0 per yard; divided in three bur lots: Lot 1- V At, the yard JJ Lot 2 i At, the yard xJxJ Lot 3- 0 fQ At. the vard Jf Crepe de Paris for Costumes Extra Special Clearance Sale prices on Imported Crepe de Paris all pure silk and wool fabrics, that make swagger costumes; in all evening and street colors. Regular $2.50 grade spe- Cl CQ cial,yard J1.UJ Regular $2.25 grade spe- CI Aft cial, yard I T' J Regular $2.00 grade spe- C" Jft cial, yard JI.LJ Regular $1.75 grade spe- CI 1Q cial, yard .JII J Rflonilnr 51 .SO frrjwlp snp- Ci cial, yard Bargains for Baby Every Mother Will Be Interested. Second Floor. 87c FOR INFANTS' LONG DRESSES WORTH $1.25. Infants' long Dresses, made of cambric, with round yoke of three rows of embroidery insertion be tween four clusters of five fine tucks each; embroidery edging around yoke, neck and sleeves. Our $1.25 value; special C"7 -Clearance Sale Price, each. Ol t 7c FOR BIBS WORTH 10c Oilcloth Bibs, white or colored bound with tape; our 10c value; Special Clearance Sale price, 7p each Monday Bargains THE OLDS, WORTMAN & KING Bargains Almost Women's Warm Dressy Capes Values to $ 1 5.50 for $ 1 .93 Neat, warm and good styles for elderly ladies. In lengths ranging from 31 to 42 inches; full circular styles, superior quality kersey cloth, trimmed in bands of same and neat braids. With high standing collars, splendidly adapted for traveling, carriage wear or shopping. Capes that sold at $7.50 for tbelowest price, up to 18.50-only J I 32 in the lot Monday until sold, at q I Women's $20 to $60 Coats $7.95 A drastic and determined round-up and dismissal of slop-overs. Coats that have worn out their welcome by staying too long, but sure to make friends with new owners. Only 60 m the lot, all in box effects, tight-fitting and blouse styles, in plain and bro caded velvets, imitation Persian lamb, broadcloths, coverts and fancy mixed goods. None over 30 inches long; satin and taffeta lined and trimmed in pretty, attractive styles, with velvets, braids, stitchings, silks and buttons. Coats that have sold readily at original fair prices ranging up from $20.00 to $60.00. On sale Monday "7 OX till closed at . q .xW Phenomenal Values in Shirtwaist Suits $ 1 2.50 to $35 Values for $6.95 Tasty, smart and dressy Suits but left-overs. ends are usually from best sellers? you'll find these better values than you expect. Materials are cheviots, serges, Panamas and brilliantines, in navy, black, brown, green, etc, and a few mixtures that include neat checks and piquant plaids; trimmings of velvet, braid and buttons. Only 75 in the lot, ranging up from $12.50 to $35 Ji in value. Choice on Monday, until sold, for )J-J ALL y4rLENGTH COATS, IN TIGHT-FITTING EFFECTS, AT ONE-HALF PRICE I Above includes blacks, fancy mixed materials and coverts. IMMENSE REDUCTIONS IN SUITS, SKIRTS, FURS, "WAISTS, BATHROBES, ETC. Petticoats Bustles Monday bargains Second Floor Annex. 99c FOR BLACK SATEEN PETTICOATS WORTH $1.50. "Women's black mercerized sateen Petti coats, in many styles of flounces includ ing the deep sunburst effect Our reg ular $1.50 value; special clearance QQp sale price, each 45c TO 65c BUSTLES FOR 19c. "Women's Bustles in assorted sizes, with wire or hair filling; regular 4oc to 6oc values; special clearance sale price 1 Qr each Monday's Bargain Drives in the Linen and Domestic Aisles First Floor. TEAOLDTHS AND TABLE TOPS. A line of Richardson's linen Teacloths and Table Tops, hand embroidered and hem stitched; exquisite patterns: Regular $L50 value, special each.. 51.10 Regular $1.75 value, special, each. .1.25 Regular $2.00 value, special, each..SX.oO Regular $2.25 value, special, each.. $1.65 Regular $2.50 value, special, cach.:S1.85 Regular $2.90 value, special, each..S2.15 Regular $3.00 value, special, each.. 2.25 Regular $3.25 value, special, each.. 2.45 Regular $3.50 value, special, each.. 2.60 Regular $3.90 value, special, each.. 2. 85 DAMASK TABLECLOTHS. A lot of Damask Tablecloths, slightly soiled, and no napkins to match; extra fine grade, double damask: Regular $7.50 value, special.... 6.60 Regular $S.25 value, special.... 7.25 Regular $9.00 value, special.... ST.Oo Regular 10.00 value, special 8.00 Regular $11.50 value, special.... 8.50 Regular $13.50 value, special.... $9.50 Regular $16.50 value, special. .. .12.50 Regular $17.50 value, special $12.75 SHEETS, 49c. Extra large double-bed Sheets, spe- Aft cial, each 43L SHEETS, 46c. Heavy round-thread Sheets, 72x90, AC fine wearing quality, special, each. PILLOW OASES. 1000 dozen Pillow Cases of standard sheeting, size 36x45, divided in four lots: Lot 1 special, each 9 Lot 2 special, each lOp Lot 3 special, each 12V? Lot 4 special, each 14 Unbelievable! Investigation Proves Every Statement True! Spirited Buying Sure Tomorrow in the Women's Apparel Salons Second Floor. The only explanation of such reckless price cut ting on splendid, worthy garments is the fact that the busiest, biggest season this house has ever enjoyed is about over, leaving the fewest endmcnts and lag gards of any previous season. Like the woman.who has all her house nicely cleaned but one room, we're anxious to complete the task, making everything spic and span for Spring callers. Our buyer in this section leaves soon for the East and is anxious to have housecleaning over. If you'll help, the pay will be liberal read the tale of slaughter: However, don't 3ou know that odds and Monday Bargains Art Salons Annex, 2d Floor. FLEISHER'S 3HETLAND FLOSS. The best Yarn for making those pretty, fluffy head and shoulder shawls in black and white only; regular price is, the skein, 10c, or for box of 12 skeins, $L10. Special clearance sale price, Qftr the skein, 7c, or box of 12 skeins. . . 0" BATTENBERG PATTERNS FOR 5c Battenberg Patterns, in an endless variety of doilies, centerpieces, scarfs, tie ends, collars, handkerchiefs, curtains, edgings, etc; regular values to "35c; special Kp clearance sale price, each Now Buy Embroideries! Take time by the "forelock" you'll need the dainty trimmings. A great sale opens Monday First Floor. We offer during, this sale thousands of yards of cambric, nainsook and Swiss Em broideries, at about One-half their actual value. The Spring of 1906 will be the greatest white season ever known, and never before has the embroidery department had such a prosperous outlook, white embroi deries will be used so extensively you should not miss this saving opportunity. Six and onc-half-yard strips; price, C "I OQ the strip Four and one-half-yard strips; price, CQp fht cfrin OJL ........ Millinery Half Price! Second Floor Annex. Choose an you wish and choosing is better here than elsewhere, for you select from larger assortments of newer Hats. The constant stream of buyers who favor this store with their patronage enables us to keep the workrooms busy thro' a nat urally dull season. "We take advantage of every good "buy" from manufacturers. Wc don't care for any earning in January from millinery. These facts all combined help us to sell you hats at half their regular price this week. A complete new, fresh showing Monday new hats, new designs, spic-span new and all at HALF PRICE 1 A Monster Sole of Matchless Silks THIS WEEK, IN THE ANNEX SALONS Fifth Street First Floor. Time and silks both considered, here is the grandest aggregation of silk values we've ever offered. The need time is nigh for their wearing. Have them made up now, while there's a lull in dressmaking work. .Have them ready for donning time. The silks are new the bargains are unprecedented. Be sure, the silk section is on ydui calling list to morrow. In five great lots, as follows: Lot 1 Consists of neat dotted foulards, liberty satins and swell suit silks, at the .7p low price of, yard '' Lot 2 Consists of new plaid silks, new peau de cygnes, new poiritclle suit silks 7p and new Boman striped silks; also plain taffetas, at the low price of, yard Jl L Lot 3 Consists of new suiting silks, new plaid silks, in a large color line, etc.; CQp at the low price of, yard UJL Lot 4 Similar to above, but a finer, more expensive quality, at the low price of, 7Cp yard ut Lot 5 Consists of swell chiffon, embroidered Hoire. new embroidered and jacquard chif fon taffetas, new changeable peau de cygne, black Bengalines, satin duchesse, OQp etc, at the low price of, yard vJUL The entire assortment of Bonnet's celebrated black silks are all reduced during clear ance sale. UNUSUAL BARGAINS IN MONDAY'S QUOTA FROM THE Women's Knit Underwear Shops First Floor. $1-48-FOR WOMEN'S SILK AND LISLE VESTS WORTH $1.75. Women's silk and lisle Vests, in white, pink or blue Swiss ribbed, long sleeves; CI 4fi our $1.75 value, special clearance sale price, each PI0 $2.42 FOR SILK VESTS WORTH 2.75. Women's white silk Vests with long sleeves, Swiss ribbed; splendid $2.75 value. CO AJ Special clearance sale price, each ....v $2.64 FOR UNION SUITS WORTH $3.00. Women's vega silk Union Suits, long sleeves, ankle length; in white, pink or CO CA blue. Our $3.00 value; special clearance sale price, the suit J)LUt $2.49 FOR UNION SUITS WORTH $3.50. Women's silk and wool Union Suits, Swiss ribbed, long sleeves, ankle length, in CO Aft pink only. Our $3.50 value, special clearance sale price, each pLJ WOMEN'S "STUTTGARTER" VESTS, PORTED ALL-WOOL OR PART-WOOL SALE PRICES. $3.50 WOOL UNION Women's "Munsing" all-wool Union Suits, open front; our $3.o0 value; extra special Stirring Bargains Special Monday LrUiareiVS 85c for Women's $1.00 Hose Women's fine black Cashmere Hose, full finished and shaped; our $1 value; special clear- fip ance sale price, the pair , OJL 42c for Woaen's BQc Black Hose Women's ' fine ribbed black Cashmere Hose; splen did 50c value; special clearance sale Al price, the pair 21c for Women's 25c Hose Women's plain black worsted Hose, seamless; our 2oc value; special clearance sale price, 91 r tlii tin ir MONDAY BARGAINS FOR Housekeepers Fourth Floor. $24.90 SEWING MACHINES FOR $22.00. "Olds, Wortman & King" Sewing Ma chines, with swell front oak cabinet, drop head, automatic lift, high arm, ball bear ing, five drawers; guaranteed for ten years. Our $24.90 value; spe-00 ftft cial clearance sale price, each.. v'UU Same as above, but hand lift; our $24.90 value; special clearance sale Hf) price, each 4LL.UU RUFFLED NET LACE CURTAINS, With lace edge and insertion 7-inch ruffle. Our $4.00 value; special clearance CO 7C price, the pair t.lJ Our $5.00 value; special clearance (TO OC price, the pair JdLJ Our $S.50 value; special clearance CC ftft price, the pair 4J.UU Our $15 value; special clearance fi0 price, the, pair $7.50 COUCH COVERS FOR $5.25. Heavy Tapestry Couch Covers, in Oriental designs, fringed on four sides; 60 inches wide; very handsome. Our $7.50 val ues; special clearance sale price CC OC each J.LJ HEAVY APPLIQUE AND BORDERED PORTIERES. Our $1630 value; special clear- C" A OC ance sale price, the pair ' J Our $25.00 value; special clear- J OC ance sale price, the pair. ....'..v'"' HEAVY SILK PORTIERES. Cord edge, reversible; our $35.00 value; special clearance sale price, e22 00 $7.50 NAVAJO BLANKETS FOR $4.65. All-wool Navajo Blankets, genuine Pendle ton make; our $7.50 value; spe- CJ, cial clearance sale price, each....' ""vl $3.50 DOWNAUNE COMFORTERS, $2.75. Real Downaline Comforters, extra larga size, covered with best quality silkoline; light, fluffy and warm; our $350 ffO 7C value; sp'l. clearance sale price. J $1.52 DOWNALINE BATTS FOR $1.05. Downaline Batts, just enough for the mak ing of one comforter in each roll; all in one piece. Our $152 value; spe- CI HC cial clearance sale price, each. . . .v v J SPECIAL CLEARANCE SALE REDUC TIONS IN ALL CARPETS, RUGS, MAT TINGS, LINOLEUMS, ETC. PANTS AND UNION SUITS FINE IM GOODS. ALL AT SPECIAL CLEARANCE SUITS FOR $2.25. in silver gray, Winter weight; half- CO OC clearance sale price, the suit in Women's and HOSierV Special Monday Women's 50c Hose for 35c A big lot of women's black and fancy Hose; our 50c value; special clearance sale price, QKp the pair . , . . . JJL Children's 35c "Hose for 19c Children's black Cashmere Hose, seamless; our 35c value; special clearance sale price, IQp the pair I L Children's 40c to 48c Hose for 26c Chil dren's black Cashmere Hose, seamless; our 40c to 48c values; special clear- 9Cp ance sale price, the pair LXjk, M Great Sole Ribbons Ready Monday First Floor. 25c, 30c and 35c RIBBONS FOR 18c Tomorrow we offer a lot of fine all-silk satin taffeta and all-silk taffeta Ribbons, 4 to 5 inches wide; soft, pretty ribbons, in all the wanted shades and colors, suitable for belts and girdles, fancy bows, neckwear, etc. Our 25c, 30c and 35c values; 10p special clearance sale price, the yd.. ' SPECIAL MONDAY, Ostrich Boas First Floor. Ladies' black, white and colored Ostrich Feather Boas the best of their kind : Our $15.00 value, special, each.. $12.00 Our $1S.50 value, special, each.. $15.50 Our $20.00 value, special, each.. $16.95 Our $22.50 value, special, each..S17.50 Our $25.00 value, special, each.. $18.50 Our $27.50 value, special, each.. $20.50 Our $2S.OO value, special, each.. $22.00 Our $33.00 value, special, each.. $27.00 Our $40.00 value, special, each.. $33.00 MONDAY'5 STIRRING SPECIALS POR Mrs. Housekeeper Third Floor. LAMPS REDUCED. Decorated Lamp and 7-inch shade; KQp 90c value, special JjL Decorated Lamp and 7-inch shade; 70r $1.25 value, special IOL Brass-footed Lamp and S-inch shade; QQp value $1.60, special JOL Brass-footed Lamp, decorated shade or globe to match; Rochester burn- CI 7C er; regular $2.75 value, special. . ,JH 1 J $2.75 UMBRELLA HOLDERS $1.75. A good assortment of full glazed, large-size Umbrella Holders, shaded col- CI 7C ors, $2.75 value, clearance 4 I I J ELEGANT FRENCH CHINA DINNER SETS.' 117 -piece, rich decorated French China Din ner Sets, heavy etched gold band, gold centers; regular $235.00 CTO ftft value, special I J UU 117-piece set, Grecian border, green and gold; $210.00 value, .spe- j" QQ 117-pc set,. white and gold lace 70 ftft pattern, $115 value, clearance, Jv" STORE Monday Bargains Coreful Dressers Fiad Many Savings in The Man's Shop 1st Floor, 6th St. Annex. A Monday Bargain List Special Tomorrow: S4.00 SUITCASES S2.79. A line of leather Suiteases, size 24 inches; regular value $4j Cy 7Q clearance special, each.. pl 3 MEN'S NIGHTROBES 85c A line of men's plain and trimmed twilled muslin Nightrobes ; QC p clearance special, each.... OJL MEN'S S1.50 UNDERWEAR $1.15. Men's medium-weight worsted Un derwear, in silver gray; regular value $1.50; clearance CI 1 C special, the garment. . . . 1 I vl MEN'S $2.00 GOLF SHIRTS $L25 A fine line of Golf Shirts with at tached and detached cuffs, plain and plaited fronts; black and white, blue and white; regular value $2.00; clearance CI 1C special, each. I IJ MEN'S 25c WOOL SOCKS 18c. Men's wool Socks, in black, nat ural and Oxford gray; regular value 25c; clearance spe- "Qp cial, the pair IQ MEN'S $1.25 NIGHTROBES AND PAJAMAS 93c Men's Outing Flannel Nightrobes and Pajamas; robes with mili tary collar; regular value QQp $1.25; clearance sp'l., ea... MEN'S "MONARCH" AND 'CLUETT" SHIRTS. Colored. IA line of colored ''Monarch" Shirts, in golf and stiff-bosom styles; regular value $1; 7Cp clearance special, each.... Jv "Cluett" Shirts, our best $i.50 .value, fancy colorings and neat patterns; clearance spe- CI 1 O cial, each ) I . IJ Monday Bargains for g Everyone m A Compressed List of Wonderful Values in the Small-Wares Shons -First Floor. l!)m Sc Cube Pins, with white or Cp 10c iancy suk u-ouar oiocks, up black, white and colors, sp'l.. 31 5c spool heavy Linen Thread, Op Nos. 25 to 40, special ..J ETA 1 dL -11 O "U n I W snecial Mfll 25c box plain shell Hairpins, 1 Cp special 35c bottle Eclipse Almond OCp Cream, special JL 30c large S-oz. jar pure wmte JCr jffissfc Cold Cream, special iffjKR $1.00 bottle triple-distilled Cftn W)l Bav Rum. special JL b-ounce bottle Witch Hazel, 1Cr special I OK, 35c long handle Bath OAp Brushes, special UL 3dc xorreys isaroer owing Razor Strops, special LJL 35c box Writing Paper, linen Ofr or cloth finish, special .LVL M 19c box smooth-finish Writ- 10p ing paper, special 7c packago extra fine cream- 4p wove Envelopes, special HVjm 35c Lewis and Clark Fair lAp. Books, only few left, sp'l... Vl 7(M Prettv Calendars, clearance spe cial at HALF PRICE. WOMEN'S . tlhniilrl'r thavtrlc For Less Second Floor Annex. .HUH S2.19 FOR SHOULDER SHAWLS WORTH $2.75. Large shoulder Shawls, with deep Man xriiiu. luauc uj. 11110 iu ,y 1 It 1- t TiT f It piam oiacK or wniie, wna Dor- jJPvU aer, size o-xo- incues; our .7-. o value; special clearance CO 1Q sale price, each )! J WOMEN'S Umbrellas FOR $1.25 BARGAINS. First Floor. A fine lot of women's piece-dyed taffeta Umbrellas, with wood handles boxwood, Empress and opera crooks; special CI OC clearance price, each. . . .s fcvJ Ml K'5 "V- i