The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 07, 1906, PART TWO, Page 17, Image 17

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Boxing, Tumbling, Water Polo, Basketball
and Baseball Are Popular Sports
iHrail if 'Txrl
. 7- i - f- i
Albert M. Grilles-, the new associate
physical director at the Y. M. C A.,
will take up his duties at the local In
Ktitution tomorrow. Professor Grilley
has been engaged in association work
since 3895, when he took charge of the
Salem branch, and has been an active
worker, especially in the athletic de-
partmcnt. ever since. Grilley remained
with the Salem organization until 1899.
when he. accepted a call to Oregon City.
, where he remained one year, leaving
there to assume charge of the physical
department of the Uilco Geneva branch
of the Y. M. C. A. Davenport, la., se
cured his services In 1301, and the fol
lowing year he went to Boise, Idaho,
where he remained until summoned to
the Portland branch..
James Mackie and Dr. XewMl Smith,
the recently appointed aquatic commit
tee, have arranged for an aquatic night .the local association, which will
consist of swimming races, diving con
tests, llfesavlng and water polo games.
The Junior llfesavlnrr oliiu' line ln.n
recently organized, and has for its ob-
ject the Instruction of the members
in the modes of rescuing and resusci
tating of drowning persons. The class
has a large membership, arid tho in
structors expect to accomplish much
rood by thefr xystom. The class elect
ed the following officers: W, Ross,
-"-osident; R. Hale, vice-president; H.
Hale, secretary, and I Tibbetts, secre
tary, and the following, were enrolled
as members: w. Alien! Georgo Mur
ray. H. Scott. G. Phelps. H. Warren, C.
Bristow. A. Harr. D. Warner. V. Ed
dings. H. Word. W. Pfaender.-R. Mc
Donnoll. D. Jlinsinger. J. Havely, John
Mock, Winston Mack. Goorgo Prentice,
G. Wyld. Xorton Smlthson. 1L Dwel
lers. Garner Knox. David I-cchc. Otto
Schnauffer. Gilbert McLonnon. Eniest
Paute. W. Jaokson. Gus Mankertz. V.
Brown, Eddie Kahlcr and Georgo
The date for the watfer polo games
and other aquatic sports arranged by
the committee is set for January 16,
and preparations are being made to ac
commodate a limited audioncc in the
swimming court
Corps of Two-Year-olds Carry Xamcs
or W'cII-Kiiown 3Icn.
Baniey Oihreiber. the denial Gwroan
from MlEsouri, who Is racing big stables,
both at the Oakland race .track and at
Los Angeles, has Just named his corps
of two-year-olds, in christening the
babies that will carry his colors during
the season of 190C. Schreibcr has named
several of them for well-known men on
the One he has named Fred Mul
holland. who was for the past two raclns
seasons in Portland, starter at Irvlngton.
Mr. Mulholland is also oac of the stew
ards ofthe New California. Jockey Club
and the race editor of the San Francisco
CalL Van Loan, sporting editor of the
Los Angeles Examiner has also been
honored by 8chreiber. Tho big-hearted
Southern California writer of sports has a
Bannockburn Xora Ives chestnut colt
named after him.
Schrclber In naming Jits colts has not
only named them after his newspaper
friends, but he lias honored several
Senators and one ho has named after
Zlzk Abrams. a well-known San Fran
ciscan. Chesbro, the famous baseball
pitcher Is also remembered.
The full list of Schrelber's babies follow:
Dr. Coleman, br. c. by Sain Minnie El
kins. Senator Warner, br. c by Sain Wln-3-ah.
Johnny Lyons, b. c.. by Sain La Rella.
Otto Price, br. c, by Sain Canages.
Tony Bonero. br. a. by Sain America.
Tony FausL br. a. by Saln-St. Rose.
Dr. Wentker. br. l. by Sain AstoiaL
Jack Atkln. br. c. by Sain El Salado.'
Herr Fueger. br. c, by Sain St Anna.
Walter Ecklos, br. c. by Sain Virale D.
Fleldwlck, b. c, by Sain Grand Lady.
Edwin H.. b. a. by Sain Free Pass.
Our Anna. br. f.. by Sain Appolonia.
Anglesea, b. f., by Sain Merlda.
Blanche C. b. f.. by Sain Malaise.
Louise Fitxsibbon, br. f.. by Sain Grand
Trlnta. b. f., by Sain MIrs Mayma,
Sainzcllo. b. L. by Sain Elhclwinda,
Grace Van S..'b. f.. by Sain Saloniea. '
H1b T? H f. hv Clnni.-v.
Alexandria, br. .. by Sain Belle Sh6L j
je wircy. o. c. ,oy xB.aaocsDurn iiias
Mark Gumbcrtz. b. c. by Bannockburn
Ucd Bill, ch. c, by Bannockburn Prima
Horace E., ch. c. by Banockburn Miss
Urban, br. a. by" Bannockburn High
Senator Stone ch. a. by Bannockburn
Van Toan, ch. c. by Bannockburn
Nora Ives.
ChMbro, b. c.,. by Bannockburn Xancc
Sam Barber, ch. c. by Bannockburn
Laura AgneF.
Fred Mulholland. blk. c. byr Bannock
burn Miss Baker.
Susanardcttc. ch. f.. by Rubicon Scbas
tiana. Banlado. b. f.. by Bannockburn Estcl
ado. Sec Saw. ch. f., by Bannockburn Minnie
Banellen. ch. f.. by Bannockburn Ellen.
Schaeferin, b. f.. by Bannockburn High
land. May Amelia, br. f., by Bannockburn
Rebecca. Panlque.
B. G. Sargent, b. a. by Sir Hercules
Hattle a
Bartholdt, b. c. by Sir Hercules May
flower. John WJethaupt. ch. c., by Sir Hercule
Hym Wolf, b, c by Sir Hercules Miss
Brunei!. .
Anno. Sco;t, b. f.. by Sir Hercules Proposal.
iviay uracc. u. i., oy sir iterouias iiar- i
Evran. b. c b7 BalgowRn Miaa Adel. j
Baby Kclfe. b. f., by B3lsov.-an Lady '
Mrs. Maihewj. ch. (., by Balgowan
Yantlr. ' .
Ro;c Marlcn, b. f.. Baisow'an Sinfl."
Tyburnia. b. f.. by'Balgowan Waburga
Bf sic Wynn; b. f., by Balgowan An
upodc. " '
Dr. Soule, br. c, by Foul Shot Hoff.
.Helmuth. b. c, by Foul Shot Instar.
Wynta, b. f.. by Foul Shot Luclllt
TAbby. b. f.. by Foul Shot-The Kitten.
RIncon, b. f.. by Foul Shot Bcttle Scl
The Composer. 1. c. by Service Chan
inade. '
Skelly. b. c. by Service Can 'Rememboi
Ziek Abrams, b. c., bv Balgowan Ken
nessaw Belle. -
Malltuh. ch. f., , by Balgowan Lad-
Maud. .
Lanzo, b. f., by Picquari Lillian ''Reed
Tu? of War Contest.
The. Portland International Amateur
Tujf-or-War League, which was. re
cently qrgantzed. will start a . strie.i
of contests to take place at the
Armory, beginning Friday. January
26:' The Schedule Includes matches on
the opening night and the following
dates: January 26,. 27, 23, 31 and Feb
ruary 1, 2 and 3.
The . following team's.- with! the
names of the. .captains., have entered
tho cjcfnttit: Amerjrt. J. F. Rsnnl?k;
Germany. A V. Clutch; Scotland.
Alex Donalitn; Ireland. John E.
Kelly. Sweden. Churles Applegreon;
Finland. A. Leswlg: Denmark. Ciirl3
Oizen. and Norway. Joe Llback.
Championship medals will be 3arU-
ed tht members of the winning team,
and the pulla will be under the rules
of Manager A. M. Planck
Woodmcu of the World Installs.
! the world. Inst week, by Past Council
' Commander William Reidt, of Vebfoot
; Ciiap. No. ST,: 'Sunnyalde Camp,
oeorge Washington Camp. Mount Ta
oor Cuatp aud Vebfoot Camp.
TfcQ following camps wjjl be ln-
j stalled by Council Commander Reidt
jthlrj month: Portland Degree Camp.
1st. Johns Camp, Gaston Camp and
Troutdale Camp.
Queen Mnrrherlf n nf ftnW
, play, at which. iiie has been working for over
Yu jiarr. ii wm oc puoiisncu unCer a com
oe plume. It la to be represented on th
atCRC. however, and Duse will be the heroine.
It la already exciting" BTeat Interest In the
JtalUn theatrical world. It Is (houxht that
U may rtpressnt phases of her luMb&ad
lle IncludipK his 'tragic death, under a
sym4 names, pf coursp.