1' fl ' THE SUNDAY OREGOyiAX. PORTLAND. JANUARY 7t 1900. ' 15 . , 3531 WOODARD. CLARKE & COMPANY'S ANNUAL CLEARANCE SALE STARTS ON THE SECOND WEEK TOMORROW . Thousands of thrifty housewives have reaped a harvest of savings this last week. If you haven't been one of them, come in and become acquainted with some modern drug-store methods. If you have, come back; you missed something-. Next month you'll ,pay from one-half to one-fourth more, for the same articles. : ' 4, SAMPLE ORDERS --TELEPHONE US WHICH ONE TO SEND ORDER NO. 1- Now Save 1 "Cake Woodbury's Soap , $ .14 $ .05 1 Euthymol Toothpaste i 12 .OS 1 Bos Almond Meal 16 .09 1 Box Toile "Princesse Papetric..'. 16 .19 1 Pound Powdered Borax OS .07 1 2-lb. Bar Jersey Lily Bath Soap 13 ' .12 1 Box Talcum Powder 07 .13 3 Bottles Ammonia Water 15 .15 1 Dozen Nutmegs 03 .07 1 Glycerine and Rosewater, 2-ounce.. 06 .04 1 Pound Baking Soda 03 .07 1 Pound Bird Seed 07 .03 51.20 $1.09 ORDER NO. 5- Now Save 1 Fountain Syringe . $1.20 $ .55 1 Box Ideal Toothpicks 05 .05 1 Frost King or Queen Chest protector 2.09 " .41 1 Quart Canadian Club Whiskey 1.05 .20 1 Box Perfumed Soap, assorted odors 15 .10 1 11-Row Hairbrush . , 1.50 .50 1 Pack Bicycle Cards 19 .06 1 Box Two-tone Line Papetrie 28 .22 1 Wellerware Vase 50 .50 $7.01 $2.59 WOODARD, CLARKE THE PEOPLE gR THE GRAFTERS . A Circular Addressd to the People of Oregon Jonathan Bourne, Jr., Appeals to the People to Uphold the Primary Law in the Matter of Election of U. S. Senators kNB hundred thousand copies of the following circulars prepared and signed by Jonathan Bourne. Jr.. have been printed and are being sent through the malls to individuals throughout Ore gon. This Is an appeal for observance and enforcement of the primary law. not only In general, but also In election or the United States Senator. The argu ment is strongly stated: The coming June election will be the most important one ever held in Oregon. For years past the ordinary citizen who Jias desired good government and repre sentative servants in public office has been compelled to witness and endure in stances of flagrant jobbery and unfitness both in olltlcal contests and the public service without being able to prevent the one or resist the other. The scandal of the thing could not be hushed nor the bur den removed by legislative enactment, for the reason that the abuses were the nec essary results of "machine" rule and "bosslsm and each succeeding Legisla ture was Hie tool of the "machine or "boss.'' The direct legislation amendment to the Constitution opened the way for reform, without the Intermeddling of the machine. L or of selfish or dishonest bosses. The first use the people mude of this new power was the enactment of the direct primary nominations law. for which many of the leading citizens of the state became spon sors: .. I Mills. G. M. Orton, F. Mc Kercher and W. S. U'Rn being th of ficers, and John IT. Mitchell. II. W. Scott. W. M. Ladd. .Henry E. McGinn, Thomas G. Greene. W. II. Hllleary. H. G. Kundret. .. B. Lockwood. . Frank Williams. T. T. Geer. C S. Jackson. C. H. Gram. C. R S. "Wood. Ji. R. Lrtwton. L. T. Harris. Henry llahn. John C. Young. G. B. Thomas, George W. Riddle, J. F." Welch and Jona than -Bourne. Jr.. being the members of the executive commlttcb of the Direct Primary Nominations League of Oregon, under whose auspices, the Jaw was sub mitted td the legal electors of the state, of Oregon at the regular June election, held on the 6th day of June. 1904. At this lection there were no politics in the vote that placed the law on the statute-book, and in It there was no ma chine. It was made Into law by the free ballots of the voters of all political creeds. It may not be an absolutely and com- pletcly perfect law. It may not correct all of the abuses It alms to' correct, but It Is the high and solemn act of the sov ereign citizenship of this state, and as such is. therefore, entitled to the fairest and fullest trial that Intelligent and hon est men can give lu. Primarily, every man of the 5G.205 voting for it owes It to himself, to his own Integrity, and to his own Intelligence, to aid in its full execu tion until It Is tried out. and the com paratively few who voted against it have no more excuse for nullifying or. circum venting It than they would have for nulli fying or circumventing the law against t high treason. "Under the old system the confidence of sincere partisans was betrayed by recre ant leaders in political contests and public servants who recognized the irresponsible machine instead of the electorate as the source of power to which they were re sponsible. If the enforcement of the primary' law tvIH right these wrongs then it was conceived in wisdom and born in Justice to the people, in justice to the public servant, and In justice to the par tisan. Plainly stated, the aim and purpose of the law is to destroy the irresponsible political machine and put all elective of fices in the state in direct touch with the people as the real source of responsible and intelligent power; in short, to give di rect and full force to the ballot of every individual elector in Oregon and to mini mize, if not suppress, the over-dominance of corporate and corrupting Influences in the administration of public affairs. "While the enforcement of the new law, according to its spirit and intent, will in the counties and districts of the state stop the political trading-off of candidates by irresponsible bosses for personal advan tage and Insure cleaner public service by local officers, the greater evil and abuse, and the one which threatens the enthrone ment of corporate power in the republic and the overthrow of popular rights: namely, the invulnerable intrenchment of the United States Senate as a league for special privileges, will get Its first crush ing blow '.wlien Oregon, by practically a direct vote of her people, acting iinder thisnew law, elects a. United States Sen ator. . X.ohg recognizing the fact that the ifjaltefl- State Senato must, ul timately degenerate Into a mere cabal with its ' numerous corpora " tion attorneys leagued together for the furtherance of corporate schemes and the protection and safeguarding of corporate special privileges, in effect n, National clearing-house for some of the grasping corporations whose constitution seems to consist of greed and graft, and whose by laws are deception and manipulation, the people in many of the states of the Union through their Legislatures have repeated ly demanded an amendment to the Fed eral Constitution providing for the elec tion of United States Senators by a direct vote of the people, but the cabal of cor poration attorneys and Senators elected solely through their great wealth, clothed in Senatorial toga, and with Senatorial power, havo invaYlably blocked, this popu lar demand not only in tho Interests of their clients, but as a matter of individual self-preservation, fully realizing the im possibility of their re-election by a direct voto of (he people. The principles involvcVl. therefore, in our primary elections law. and especially that feature of it which provide. in effect for the election of United States Senators by the direct vote of tho people, are of greater political lmiortaiice than any oth er law upon our statut book, or of any law upon the statute book of any othor state It points the way: It bUzr the trail to a position that must be rradKHl before the wrongful use of corporate pow ers can be dethroned, and the people re. stored to power, and lasting reform se cured. Senators elected by th influence of spe cial interests, will always b loyal to their masters and their own crib, and there fore to hope for or to expect a- reform from such as these is sheerest folly. Once on a time the p'hrase was. "the Senator from JCew York "the Senator from Pennsylvania." "the Senator .from Vall fornla." and so on through the list of states. Today the official salutation well might be ''the Senator of the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad." "the Senator of the Pennsylvania Railroad." "the Sonator of the Southern Pacific Com pany," and so on through tho list of spe cial corporate Interests safeguarded by the League of Special Privileges. The people of this state have decreed, in our direct primary elections law. that our Senators shall. Indeed, be "the Senators from Oregon." and if there Is any signifi cance In tre great majority given to Presi dent Rooravelt In this state at the list Presidential election, it means that the man who shall next be elected Senator must be a loyal and stanch supporter of the President In his administration and policy. It behoves the Republican party to give the people a "square deal" In the execution of this primary elections law in letter and in spirit. There can bo no juggling with it in safety. Every Repub lican candidate for the Legislature must Include In his petition for nomination the statutory pledge that he "will always vote for that candidate for United Statos Senator in Congress who has received the highest number of tho people's votes for that position at the general election next preceding the election of a Senator in Congress, without regard to any individ ual preference." His failure to do so will defeat him at the polls, and his Demo cratic opponent making this pledge will be elected. Should the Republican poli ticians to to evade or ignore the spirit of this law. then law-abiding citizens will -become so Indignant that the whole slate may be turned Into the Democratic col umn in the general election In June. The direct primary nominating olections law In Its provision for the election of State Legislative candidates, reads as fol lows: "In case of an elector reeking nomina tion for the office of Senator or Repre sentative In the Legislative Assembly, he may Include one of the following two statements In his petition: but Jf he does not do so. the Secretary of State or Coun ty Clerk, as tho case may be. shall not on that account refuse to file his petition. STATEMENT NO. 1. T further Ktate to the people of Oregon, as well an to the people of my I.f KUlatlvc dis trict, that during -my -term of office I will always vote- tor that candidate for United States Senator in Contrres who hag re ceived the highest number of the jwople votes for that position at the ceneral election next preceding the election of a Senator In Congren. without regard to mj- Individual preference, (Signature of the candidate for nomination.) If the -candidate shall be unwilling to Ign the above statement, then he may nlgn the following etatrnrnt-an a part of his petition: STATEMENT NO. 2. During my term of office I shall consider the Vote of the people for United States Sen ator In Corner nothing more, than a recommendation, which" I shall b? at liberty to wholly disregard. If the rearon for doing eo seems to me to be sufficient. The refusal er failure of the State Leg ORDER NO. 2 Now Save 1 Box Eaton-Hurlburt English Hand-wove Papetrie $ .23 $ .17 1 Box English Oatmeal Soap. . XI .14 1 Bar Conti's Imported Castile Soap, 3-lb.. . .54 .21 1 Cake Williams Shaving Soap, "quick and easy" , 1 03 .07 1 Louwelsa Jardiniere 75 ;75 1 Bottle Violet Toilet Water 39 .36 1 Bath Towel .37 .38 1 Holmes Frostilla 13 .12 1 Listerated Toothpowder .. .07 .IS 1 Package Sea Salt 09 .06 1 Pint Witch Hazel 14 .n $2.85 $2J55 ORDER NO. 6 1 Box World's Fair Toothpicks 1 Alcohol Spirit Gas Lamp 1 Package precipitated Chalk. 1 Package Mothballs 1 Dozen Nutmegs 1 Japanese Cleansing Fluid 1 Brilliantine & CO., Fourth and Washington Streets islative candidate to include statement No. I. as above quoted, in his petition for nomination, must be for one of only two reasons: Hither the candidate is an In tense egotist, considering his Judgment superior to the combined Intelligence of the voters whose suffrage he Is seeking, or else he. Is a "grafter." and wants to be free to sell his vote for either office or money to the highest bidder for Unfted States Senatorial honors. Either reason must certainly defeat the candidate. Some persons may have the temerity to break personal pledges to Individuals, but after inserting statement No. 1 In his pe tition for nomination, thus virtually mak ing a pledge to and with every voter In the state, no sane man would dare break it no matter what inducement might bo offered him to do so. Public Indignation would force him to leave the state." and the shame would always follow him. ' Let the people rebuke the dangerous class, striving secretly, but all- the more effectively, for centralized power, special ized privileges, diversified graft; and elect representatives who will enact .laws giv ing the people equality, publicity, simplic ity and their resultant protection. I fehali mall a .copy of this appeal, to gether with a postal card similar to the Inclosed, to every voter In the stato whose address I can, obtain. If. therefore, you concur in the views 1 have endeavored to present herein, kindly sign th iitcloed postal card and mall the same to me. This Truest Is made solely for the moral effect it will have lit forcing Legislative candidates to insert statement No. 3 In their nominating petitions when It becomes known that many thousands of voters re fill to votp for all legislative candidates who decline to do so. This In not In the Interests of any Individual, but In the In terests of all persons desiring honest gov ernment and clrnn politics. Respectfully. JONATHAN BOl'RNE, Jr. S TIIIIKB Kll.I.KI) AXD TYVKNTY IX JL'ltKI) IX AVRECK. Fsihi I'nNnrRRer Meet Freight Englsc and Buries Tralauirn Under Debrin of Car CORRY, Pa.. Ja. C. As tho result of a head on collision tonight between fast passenger train No. -J of the Phil adelphia & Eric Railroad and a freight engine moving light, three trainmen were killed and 20 passongors more or less seriously injured. The accident happened during a se vere .snow storm at Horns Siding, ten miles cast of this city. The dead: Thomas Finn. Erie. Pa., engineer passenger train; Frederick Herman. Erie. Pa firoman passenger train; A. Nelll, Kane. Pa., fireman freight engine Seriously Injured:' At the Emergency Hospital, Warren, Pa Herman Hen derson, three ribs broken. head crushed, hurt internally, will die; Mrs. Henderson, "nls wife, fatally injured; Hulda, Henderson, a sister. fatally hurt: Henderson, young baby, head and body badly cut. y The Henderson famllj arrived In this country only a few days ago from Swe den and were bound for Warren. Pa., whure they were to make their future home. The passenger train loft this city 13 minutes late and wan running at 45 miles and hour when It met the freight engine hand on. The impact was ter rific, and the smoker and first day conch were telescoped. Almost every one In these two cars were burled In tho wreckage and sustained more or less serious Injuries. The trainmen were caught beneath their engines and when taken out were dead. As quickly as conditions would per mit tho injured wcro removed from the ruins and placed on relief trains, where firm medical aid was given. Quick runs were then mado to Eric, Kane. Warren and this city, where am bulances were In waiting to carry them to the hospitals. Moses Indians to Sell Laud. OREGONIAN NEWS BUREAU, Wash ington, Jan. 6. Representative Jonei to day introduced a bill giving absolute title to the Moses Indians In Eastern Wash ington to the land which has been allotted them. The bill authorizes them to sell ajl their land but SO acres. There are about 37 juch allotments scattered about Eastern iashlngton. gome embracing CSO acren The Indian OiTico recommends the bill which Mr. Jone? Introduced. Save .10 .26 .06 .05 .07 .12 .12 $ $1.12 $ .78 PROGRESS IS IDE Dairying Industry of Oregon in Good Condition. REPORT FOR DECEMBER T TT II O. T-..t : I T 1 I u. i ixuiuj. oiuiu xjuir mill r uu u Commissioner, Tells of His Work and of I'ro.-iecu-tlous He Conducted. J. W. Bailey. State Dairy and Food Commissioner. In his report for the month of December, takes up some annual sta tistics which show that there has been a mbstantlal nrogrosns In the dairying In dustry In Oregon during 'the past year. Mr. Bailey estimates the amount of butter produced In Oregon during 1303 at'6.7&),OI pounds, and the cheese produced at 2. pounds, an increase In both of from 20 to 25 per cnt. The number of regis tered creameries haa Increased from ICS to IK. and the number of . rcsuncred cheese factories from 64 to 7t. His report shows that during the year Tj5 persons were prosecuted for violations of the pure food law. and that in each caso where they stood trial convictions were secured, bringing In h revenue of JIMS which has been added to the pure food fund. During the month of Decem ber there were seven convictions under the pure food law, the fines amounting to $3J. The full report follows: During the month of December. Dairy and Food Commissioner J. W. Bailey In spected ten dairies One certificate of in spection was Issued, and one dairy was condemned. Mr. Bailey reports that the dairies furnishing the milk supply of Port land are in better condition than they have been heretofore. The stables are kept cleaner, the cows are not shut up in close quarters, and the milk Is being handled in a more cleanly manner. The new stale law regulating the Inspection is going to bring about the much-needed change. . During the month, the chemist of the commission analyzed 0 samples of food. He found less adulteration than usual. The results of his Investigations arc as follows; Adul Pure. terated. Preserves i 3 0 Jam 4 0 Milk 10 Cream S 0 Pickles 3 0 Olive oil 1 -t Shrimps 3 5 Condensed milk 2 0 Vinegar -4 1 ' Jelly 1 0 The adulterated samples of- milk con tained too much water. Not one was pre served with chemicals. The sweet jilckles contained an artificial sweetener known as saccharine, and one sample wax pre served with salicylic add. The shrimps and vinegar contained artificial coloring matter. 7, C. T. Peddlcord pleaded guilty to the charge of selling adulterated pickles, and paid a fine of rccember 9. R. Klssllng pleaded guilty to- a charge of using adulterated lellv In his bakery without a sign so stating, and. was fined JZj. December 9. W. J. Guy was tried In Justice Reed's court on th charge of sell ing adulterated vinegar, and MV. Guy was fined $30. December IS. William Ludwlg pleaded guilty to a charge of selling adulterated pickles, and was fined December IS. Henry Westerman pleaded guilty to a charge of Felling adulterated milk, and was fined $35. December 27. C Stein pleaded guilty to the charge of using aulterated Jelly In his oakery without a sign so stating, and was fined J5. December 27, W. J. Guy pleaded guilty to the charge of selling adulterated vine gar, and was fined J25. The fines collected during December amounted to 530). There are some cases still pending In the court, which will be settled this month. One of the great difficulties confronting tho dairymen of Oregon Is to- provide green, succulent feed for their cows dur ing the dry Summer months. Something over a year ago. Mr. Bailey decided to try an experiment with alfalfa, thinking that, perhaps, its culture might be the means of providing green feed when the pastures are dry. To every dairyman who would plant an acre Mr. Bailey offered to furnish the alfalfa seed. A number of dairymen accepted the offer, perhaps 13 dairymen residing In Washington. Marion. Linn and Lane Comitlee. The reports are now cotls in to the effect that In every Now $ .15 59 04 05 03 13 13 ORDER NO. 3- Now Save 1 Pound Powdered Borax $ .08 $ .07 1 Pound Bicarbonate Soda .. 03 .07 1 Pound Sulphur 04 .06 1 Pound Lyc 07 .03 1 Pint Ammonia .05 .05 1 Pint Witch Hazel . . .14 .11 1 Pound Epsom Salts .03 .07 1 Pound Powdered Alum .04 .06 1 Pound Phosphate Soda.-, 13 .12 1 Package Soap Bark : .'. . .04 .06 1 Dozen Nutmegs .03 .07 1 Ponnd White's Toothpowder.". 32 .IS 1 Bottle Carbolic Acid, i-ounce ,.J.. .12 .13 --, - $1.12 $1.08 ORDER NO. 7- f Now 1 Cut Glars Nappy . $1.40 $ 1 Brass Candlestick .63 1 Benares Brass Tray 75 1 Pie:e Austrian Pottery 3.75 $6.53 $3.22 We den't mean that you must buy pverything in one order to get the pther items. If you don't want them all cross them off, bring the list with you or telephone Private Exchange 11; and then don't think for a minute that these sam ple orders begin to list all the articles on sale not by a long shot. We couldn't get them all in one newspaper. By the way, just note thG amount saved runs pretty close to 50 per cent, don't it? Isn't this worth while? instance a good stand had been obtained, and the prospects are that alfalfa will grow and solve the problem of Summer dairying. On? feature of the month's work was the assistance given in farmers Institutes. One Institute at the Eastern Star Grange, one at Soda. Springs, and the annual meet ing of the Suite Dairy Association, at Forest Grove, were attended. At these meeting. the work of the Dairy and Food Commission, pure-food laws, the benefit of pure-food laws to the farmers, and the conditions and needs of the dairy Indus try were discussed. During the year 1905 36 persons have been prosecuted for violating the pure food law. In every Instance where they have stood trial they have been convict ed. The fines from the3e prosecutions amounted to J1W3. which sum goes to the pure-food fund. Mr. Bailey reports a bal ance on hand in the pure-food fund of 51044. Although It Is impossible to get accurate statistics from the creameries and cheese factories at till- early date. It can be quite safely stated, from the facts already at hand, that the dairy "id us try has made rapfd strides during the past year. The number of creameries having registered state brawl? has Increased from MS to 1. and the number of registered cheese fac tories has Increased from 64 to 79. There has been an increase of CO to 23 per cent over last years output In the matter of butter and cheese produced. The amount of creamery butter produced in 1KG is estimated at 6.7ZO.00O pounds, and the amount of cheese at 2.730.CCO pounds. There lias been at lea.t a ga In of 50 per cent in the amount of ice-cream manufactured. No ilata Is yet at hand whereby the amount of condensed milk produced can b estimated. The nw state dalrv law has driven "ail renovated butter front the market. J. W. BAILEY. Orcson College Dcbatln?: Dates. NEWBKRG. Or.. Jan. (SpeVlal.) Friday the executive committeu of the Collegiate Debating1 league of Oregon met In Ncwberpr. represented by R. W. Roes, Pacific College, presi dent; Gilbert Tilbury. McMlnnville College, vice-president: M. C. Sturgill. Oregon S:ute Normal School, secre tary; A. C. Mursters, Albany College, treasurer. The question selected for debate was: "Resolved. That the Interstate Commerce Commission Should Be Em ployed to Regulate Railroad Rates. A Feast of Bargains IN ODR CARPET DEPARTMENT ' - - Note the Following- Prices Closely Extra. Axniinster, reg. $1.70, spl. $1.28 Saxony Axminster, reg. $1.60, spl. $1.20 Wool Velvet, reg. $1.60, special. .$1.20 Printed Velvet, reg. $1.15, special. .84? Koxbury Carpet reg. $1.35, sp'l..$1.00 Best Tapestry, reg. $1.20, special. . .S8 Sea Display and Prices in Our South Window. A Splendid Opportunity to Buy a Carpet for a Small Room at Your, Own Figure. Also Clean-Up Sale of Odd Crockery Pieces Covell 184-186 -.1. ORDER NO. 4- 1 Piano Duster, red or blue 1 Alarm Clock 1 Framed Picture : 1 Whisk Broom 1 Quart Port Wine . . . 1 Quart Sherry 1 Quart Sautcrne 1 Ladies' Handbag ':..".. 1 Lilac Toilet Water...4 1 Toothbrush .' 1 Save .60 .62 .75 1.25 ORDER NO. S Now Save 1 Cake Oatmeal Soap $ .05 $ .65 1 Cake Sapolio Soap 06 .04 1 Cake Elderflower Bath Soap 05 .05 1-Pound Bar Bernaldo Castile H .14 1-Pound Bar Jersey Lily Bath Soap 13 .12 $ .40$ .40 MODERN DRUGGISTS CANADIAN MONEY TAKEN Subject to Revision Only by the High er Courts." . March 15 the Oregon State Normal School meets Albany at Albany, the former taking the affirmative and the latter the negative. The same night McMlnnville meets Pacific at Ncwberg-. the former taking: the affirmative, and the latter the negative. April 27 the winning team in the Albany-Monmouth debate will have a tryont with the winning team In the McMInnville-Pacific debate. HIS Deals In Timber Lands. MONTESANO. Wash.. Jan. 6. (Special.) Edward Lowe, of Grand Rapids. Mich., purchased from Cllfl M. Weatherwax about a section of timber land on the Humptulips. The purchase price was $t0, OcO. or about 552 pen acre. The Poison Logging Company filed deeds M B! M No woman's happir WW mMmMM&MMM lgP without children; it Niahtmmn pure. The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must pass, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, suffering and danger, that the very thought of it fills her with apprehension and horror. There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful or dangerous. The use of Mother's Friend so prepares the system for the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger. This great and wonderful remedy is always applied externally , and has carried thousands Mot of women through the trying crisis without suffering. Send for free boor containing information of priceless valua to all expectant mothers. Tie Bradfield ReQuIator Co., Atlanta Ga. and Compare Them Smith's Tapestry, reg. $1.05, sp'i..76 Star Tapestry, reg. 90c, special 73 All-wool Ingrain, reg. 95c, special.. 69 Half-wool Ingrain, reg. 75c, special, 52 Union Ingrain, reg. 53c, special 34 Granite, reg. 47c, special 29? Carpet Remnants At Absolute Cost Prices! Furniture Co. First and 185 Front Now Save . $ .29 $ .21 !,....:...... .SI .44 48 .47 14 .11 ". 25 .25 25 .25 36 .14 98 1.02 T: 39 .36 : 14 .11 $4.09 $3.36 POPULAR PRICES AT FULL VALUE to 12 claims in townships 20. 21 and 10. giving them possession of a large quan Ity of valuable timber. C. fl. Jones, president of the North western Lumber Company, bought 33 acres of land lying five miles north f here for $13,000. being about 544 per acr.-. Timber is rapidly advancing in price as the mill companies appropriate It. Will Work in Coal Vein. EUGENE. Or.. Jan. 6. (Special.) C. F. Mitchell and Wilbur Zimmerman, of this city, have secured a two-year option on a tract of land belonging to K. Hansen, on Spencer Creek, ten miles from Eu gene, where they hope to open up a pay ing bed o"f coal. It has been known for years that coal existed in that locality and once a tunnel was started on th" Hansen ranch and a small vein wa.i struck, but was not worked. is her nature to love and want them as much so as it is to love the beautiful and fien If llf d