The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 07, 1906, PART TWO, Image 13

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PA(iCS 13 TO 24
Our Great Sale Cipman, CPoffe ec, Every Article Reduced
A Progressive Clearance Sale and Its Bargains
Step by step along the laden counter you can view the attractive results of the planning of our Great Sale. We have planned ahead for every day of the Great Sale go
that not a day should pan without worthy Merchandise attractions.
Every Article in. the Store Reduced in Price The Special Feature for This Week Is a Great Lace and Embroidery Sale
A Sensational
News That Is Worth Reading
Our lace-buyer, Mr. Elkingtou, was so enthusiastic tliat lie opened the js
season with a most stupendous stock of laces and trimmings. So astonish-
iug the extreme variety and assortment that in many quarters the com-tStgp
ment was made that Lipmau, .Wolfe & Co. were hopelessly swamped with k
laces and trimmings.
A live, vigorous, active, aggressive campaign of selling distributed the
stock to thousands of pleased customers. But we -are not satisfied with
even the marvelous lace season.
We want to clean up the stock Want the quickest and most
thorough clearance of all Laces and Trimmings that was ever
known in Portland. We have cut prices and cut deeply. Here
are bargains that are of keenest interest to everyone.
mmm :
75c and 65c Laces at 37c
Irish Crochet, Vcnise and Net Allover
Lace, IS inches wide, in while and ccra.
$4 to $3 Laces at $1.67
Chantilly, Baby Irish, Point de Venise,
Allover Lace, for waists, etc., in black, while
and ecru.
$2 to $1.50 Allover Net 98c
Black Chantilly and Tosca Net, 44 inches
wide, for waists and suits.
$1.25 to 75c laces at 37c
Point de Vcnise, Net Galloons and Bands
for trimming, l1 ip 3 inches wide.
75c to 50c Laces at 19c
Ecru and While Galloons and Medallion
$17.50 Lace and Spangle Robes $7,75
Uerre Lace Robes with two ruffles, white
cream, sky, navy and black spangled robes.
8c Cotton Torchon Lace 4c
Cotton Torchon Lace and Insertion, 24
lo 32 inches wide.
12 l-2c Wash Laces at 6c
Platte Yalenciemies Wash Lace and In
sertion, 3 to 4 inches wide.
50c Silk Chiffon at 29c
Silk Chiffon, 44 inches wide, all colors; our
50c quality, for two days only 29
$1.75 to $1.35 Laces at 87c
Chantilly, Point de Vcnise and Net All
over Lace for waists, etc.. IS inches wide, in
black, white and ecru.
$7.75 to $6 Laces at $3.95
Point Gaze, Baby Irish, Point de Venise
ind Net Allover for waists, etc., IS inches
wide, in white and ecru.
$1.00 to 50c Laces at 12c
Black Silk Chantilly Lace Insertion and
Balloon, 4 to 9 inches wide.
25c and 20c Laces at 5c
Ecru Galloon and Insertion. 1 to l1:
inches wide.
35c to 25c Silk-Braid 12c
Black Silk Trimming Braid. 34 to P-i.
inches wide.
75c to 50c Val. Lace 10c
Ecru Valenciennes lace and Insertion lo
match, 1 to 2 inches wide.
5c Cotton Torchon Lace 1c
Cotton Torchon Lace and Insertion,
to 2 inches wide.
25c to 15c Wash Laces 9c .
Point de Paris Wash Lace and Insertion
to match, 4 to G inches.
In Our
New Drug Department
In offering to the public a complete stock of Proprietary Articles, we
wish to impress upon it most forcibly, that we have absolutely no prepara
tions under our own labels or brand. Everything we offer is in original
packages from the very best chemists in America and Europe. This en
ables us to guarantee every article we sell to be absolutely the best and
purest. Our prices are less than exclusive drug stores. We solicit
your patronage.
Bicarbonate of Soda, per package, special 4
Kidder's Rochcllc Salts, per package, special 9c
Wyeth's 5-grain Lithia Tablets, per bottle, special 29c
Effervescent 10-grain Lithia Tablets, per hot., spec. 24 j
Effervescent o-grain Lithia Tablets, per bottle, spec. 17
Effervescent 3-grain Lithia Tablets, per bottle, spe. 14
Charcoal Tablets, cr bottle, special 7c
Soda Mint and Charcoal Tablets, bottle, special 7
Pepsin Tablets, per bottle, special 75
Muriate Ammonia, 3-grain bottle, special 7j
Sun Cholera Mixture, per bottle, special 9
Gelatine Asafoetida Pills. 5-grain, special 14J
Iron, Quinine and Strychnine Pills, special 27
Gelatine Com. Cathartic Pills, bottle, special 19
Yichy, Kissingen, Seltzer, Salts, per bottle, special 19
Marchand's Peroxide, per bottle, special 19
Mnrchaud's Peroxide, large bottle, special 29
ColwelFs Sarsaparilla Blood Purifier, reg. $1, spec. 69p
ColweH's Bed Clover Syrup, per hot. reg. 50c; spec. 39
Colwell's Celerv Compound with Coca and Kola,
per boltle $1.00; special 69
Baby Soothing Syrup, per bottle 25c, special price.. 17
Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, per bottle $1, special 69j
Emulsion of Pure., Cod Liver Oil with hypophos-
phatcs of lime and soda ; regular price $1, special 69
5000 Cakes of Italian Olive Oil Soap, special.... 3p
3000 Cakes of Lilac and Sandalwood Soap, special .... 5c
10,000 Cakes 10c double bar Glycerine, special 5
4-pound bar Imported Castile Soap, special ..45
3-pound sacks Sea Salt, special 7c
Hunyadi Janos Water, special 24p
Apenta Water, special 22
Bed Raven Splits, special.... f.lOp
Box of 25 Quinine Pills, 5-grain, Parke Davis 12
Box of 25 Quinine Pills, 2-graiu, Parke Davis 9p
Box of 12 Quinine Capsules, 5-grain, Parke Davis 7
Box of 12 Quinine Capsules, 3-grain, Parke Davis 6
Rosewater and Glycerine, per bottle, special 6
Chloride of Lime, per can, special 9
Concentrated Lye, per can, special 9
Osborn's Arnica Salve, per package, special 14
Osborn's Carbolic Salve, per package, special 14
Osborn's Witch Hazel Salve per package, special 14
Fresh Seidlitz Powders, 3 in box, special 7
Fresh Seidlitz Powders, 10 in tin, special 18
Little Liver Pills, per package, special 7
Liebfg's Extract of Beef, 2-oz., special 39
Hypo Cod Wine, combining with the valuable curative
properties of cod liver oil the hypophosphates of
calcium, iron, potassium and sodium; regular price
$1.00, special 69?
Syrup of Horehound, Tar and Wild Cherry, per bottle
50c; special 39
Syrup of White Pine and Tar, per bottle 50c; special 39
Dr. Du Puy's Pennyroyal Pills; reg. price 50c, spec. 29j
Laxative Fig Syrup; reg. price bottle 50c, special 39
Nail Brushes, excellent bristles; regular 25c, special lOfi
Assortment of Fine Hair Brushes ; regular 65c to 75e,
special 48
5000 Fine Sponges, special 10
Linen Counter Bargains
Short lengths Bleached Table linen.
70c quality, 2 yards for 98d
S5c quality, 2 yards for $1.35
75c qualitv, yards for. ...$1.25
90c quality, yards for $1.48
3000 yards of 72 inches wide Bleached
Linen Table Damask 25 different
beautiful patterns to select from;
.$1.25 and $1.35 quality at.. $1.00
Three-quarter Napkins to match the
table linen: reg. $3.50 at $2.75
21x45-iii'h Bleached Honeycomb
Towels; regular 15c each 9
I9x3b'-inch Bleached Hemstitched
Huck Towels; reg. 20c each 11
lUx3!)-inch Bleached Linen Huck
Towels; reg. 25c each 16
20-iuch all-linen Bleached Napkins;
regular $2.00 dozen $1.27
Full-size Crochet Bedspreads; regu
lar $1.50 each 98
30x30-inch Union Linen Squares,
hemstitched; regular 50c 25
18x50-inch Union Linen Scarfs, hem
stitched; regular 50c 25
White Carnival
Our new Muslin. Underwear Store,
on the Second Floor, is overflowing
with great masses of daintiest and
best Domestic Muslin Underwear and
French and Italian Lingerie. Prices
are lowest ever known.
CORSET COVERS in endless assort
ments. Great bargains at 25c, 29c,
39c, 49c, 59c, 69c, 79c. flSc and up.
GOWNS of cambric, lawn and muslin.
Great bargains at 59c, 79c, 98c,
$L39, $L59, $L9S and up.
DRAWERS Great bargains at 39c,
49c, 69c, 9Sc, $1.39, $L9S, etc
SKIRTS of muslin and cambric, with
lawn flounces and ruffles. Great
bargains at 79c, DSc, $L35, $L45,
$1.65, $1.9S, $2.75 and up.
CHEMISE in short and combination
styles. Great bargains at 49c, 59c,
79c, 98c, $L35 and $L98.
23,000 Yards of Embroidery
Look at This Be Here
Early Tomorrow
20c Embroidery at 11c
Heavy Cambric Embroidery and Iuscrtion to match em
broidery, 6 to S inches wide; insertion 2 to 3 inches wide.
30c to 25c Embroideries at ...12c
40c to 35c Embroideries at .. 19c
75c to 50c Embroideries at 33c
$1.25 to 85c Embroideries at 48c
All our fine Swiss and Nainsook Embroidery Sets and
Corset Cover Embroidery have been marked to one-half
and less than one-half regular price.
Spring 1906 Lingerie Waists
Save money by buying your Spring waists now at Clearance
Sale Prices. Two thousand 1906 new Spring Lingerie Waists
just received and placed on sale as low or lower than is asked
elsewhere for old waists.
Spring 1906 Lingerie Waists, embroidered and lace and cm
broidery trimmed, tucked back and front; all made with the
new sleeve.
A particularly attractive lot of Waists, regular price $2. ( o, is
offered at $1.08
Other Splendid Bargains at
$1.38, $1.57, $1.80, $1.98, $2.17, $2.36, $2.82
$3.61 up to $6.45
$17.50 and $18.50 Silk Petticoats $10.75
Highest class Silk Petticoats made in the most approved and newest shapes in black
and colors; regular $17.50 and $18.30 at $10.75
Bargains in Blankets, Comforters
5-Pound Gray Wool Blankets at A... 53.68
5-Pound 11-4 Silver Gray Wool Blankets at i $4.98
10- 4 White Wool Blankets at $4.39
11- 4 White Wool Blankets at $5.29
ll-4AU-Wool White Blankets at $5.95
11- 4 All-Wool While Blankets at..'. $7.29
12- 4 All-Wool mite Blankets at -.....$8.39
o-Pound Silkoline Comforts, filled with the finest quality white laminated
cotton, covered with good quality silkoline in daintv patterns re
duced to T $1.68
5-Pound Laminated Cotton Pilled Sateen Comforts of finest quality re
duced io $2.49
All Eiderdown Comforts greatly reduced in price.
Great Lace Curtain Bargains
Nottingham, Cable Net, Brussels Net, Corded Arabian and Scotch Lace,
Renaissance, Irish Point Lace Curtains:
$L00 Lace Curtains at.
$L2o Lace Curtains at.
$1.50 Lace Curtains at...
$2.00 Lace Curtains at...
$2.50 Lace Curtains at...
$3.00 Lace Curtains at. . .
.S .77
.8 .93
$3.50 Lace Curtains at... $2.68
$4.00 Lace Curtains at... $3.15
$5.00 Lace Curtains at... $3.89
$6.00 Lace Curtains at... $4.79
$7.50 Lace Curtains at... $5.79
$10.00 Lace Curtains at.. $7. 59
100 pairs q manufacturers' samples of Lace Curtains in Irish Point,
Swiss Point. Marie Antoinette and Brussels Net Effects. Just tie
curtain for flats and short windows, 12-3 yards long. 50 inches wide;
the est part of curtains that sell from $5.00 to $15.00 a pair, at,
pair. , $1.39, $1.96, $2.39
Silk Bargains
$1.25 Black Taffeta at 95c
3G-inch black Taffeta; regular $1.25
quality at 95
Crown Taffeta, equal to any $1 qual
ity, shown in over 100 different
shades, at 73
20-inch imported Messaline. plain and
changeable, and chameleon Louis
jnes, in a large variety of colors, for
street and evening wear; best $1.25
values, at 87
5000 yards fancy Silks for shirtwaist
suits, in best color combinations, in
a wide range of patterns; just the
silk needed for Spring wear; $1.50
and $1.25 values at 69
$2 UMBRELLAS $1.45
Umbrellas in both ladies' and men's
sizes. They are made of tape-edged
black silk gloria, tight roll, best
paragon frames, absolutely fast
black, princess, horn and boxwood
handler, plain and trimmed: regular
price $2.00, at, $1.45
$1.75 to $1.25 Dress Goods at 65c
Suitings, 50 inches to 54 inches wide, Scotch tweeds, homespuns, plaids,
zibelincs and cloakings; to close out at, yard 65
60c ami 65c values in Scotch plaids, shepherd checks, gray Suitings, nov
elties, etc.. all colors, at, yard : 47
Priestley's Cravcnettes, 54 inches to 60 inches wide; regular prices $2.00
lo $2.50 yard, stripes, plaids, mixtures and plain weaves; all colors,
at. yard $1.48
Imported Novelties Odd pieces in French Voiles, Crepe de Paris, Mis
trals. Etamincs. Panamas, Granites, Twines, in all colors; regular
values $1.25 to $1.75, to close at, yard 69p
$1.25 French Henriettas, 45 inches wide, in the latest colors plum,
amethyst, wine, dark red, cardinal, coral, cream, light gray, cham
pagne, purple, etc; sale price, yard 98
Black Novelty Dress Goods, $1.50 and $2.00 quality, silk and wool Crepe,
Mohair and Wool Novelties, figured Soliels and fancy Jacquards 69
Silk-embroidered Crepe, polka-dot embroidered Crepe de Paris, silk and
wool crepe novelties, mohair novelties, Priestley's silk and wool nov
elties, at $1.48
REMNANTS Waist and Skirt lengths of black and colored Dress
Goods plain colors and novelty weaves of even.' description at one
half former prices. v
Bargains in the Art Store
.Mount Hood Pillow Tops; regu
lar 50c, at 25c
75c LUNCH CLOTH 45c.
Special designs in violets for
Pillow Tops; regular 50c.
at 25
1 50c Traycloths . . . .' 25
50c Tapestry Tops 25p
75c Bureau Scarfs 45
39c Centerpieces 25
85c Buffet Scarfs 69
2oc Centerpieces 19
All supplies and materials for
art embroidery at greatly re;
duced prices.
All Pyrography supplies at re
duced prices.
Fine assortment Cluny Lace
and Byzantine Scarfs and Cen
terpieces at reduced prices.
Free lessons in art embroidery and Pyrography every day.
Ready-made Sheets ready for use; no seams in the center of our
sheets every one perfect and of good quality.
72x90 Sheets, bargain price 55
SlxOO Sheets, bargain price 60
45x36 Pillow Cases , 17
50x3S Pillow Cases 18
54x3S Pillow Cases f . ...19
45x36 Pillow Cases, hemstitched 25