The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, January 07, 1906, Page 12, Image 12

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Clearance Sale of Carpets
Floor coverings of every description, Carpets, Rugs,
Mattings, Linoleums, Etc., all marked at prices which
mean a great saving to parties who intend furnishing up
or renovating their homes- -Third Floor
10.000 yards of Windsor Brus
sels Carpels; a variety of 20
patterns in the leading colors
and combinations; regular
$1.25 value; sewed, laid and
lined at low price, yd.$1.09
15,000 yards of Melrose Ingrain
Carpets, 12 patterns; neat
floral designs, in splendid
colorings; 65c values sewed,
laid and lined at, yd 44
Axminster Carpets, Velvet
Carpets, Wilton Carpets, Tapes
try Carpets, Brussels, etc., all
at reduced prices.
20 patterns of new Body Brus
sels Carpets; very best de
signs and colors; sewed, laid
and lined; wonderful values
at this low price, vd..$1.42
10,000 yards of Linen Warp Mattings, carpet designs, assortment
of colors, reg. 25c and 28c value, on sale for, yard 19
Great special clearance sale of 1000 new Axminster Hugs, floral
and Oriental designs, handsomest colorings; every rf Of
rug in the lot regular $3.00 value; your choice at. . V Oc
There isn't a home in the city but what can make good use
of a few of them, particularly when they can be bought so low.
Great Clearance Sale of Portieres
Figured Rep Portieres, with borders of embossed velour, all the leading
folors; size SO Indhcs -wide by 3 yards long Great values at
$6.50 values for, pair. .$3.50 $7.50 values, pair $4.40
Plain and figured Rep POrtiores, with tapestry borders, a great variety
of patterns and colorings. "Wonderful values at thefe low price?.
$5.00 Portieres, pair $3.95
$7.50 Portieres, pair $6.00
$6.00 Portieres, pair $4.80
$8!50 Portieres, pair $6.85
Two-tone and plain mercerized Portieres with "heavy fringed top and
bottom. Handsome styles, 50 Inches -wide, 3 yards long Grand values.
$5.00 Portieres, pair $3.95 $7.00 Portieres, pair $5.60
$7.50 Portieres, pair $6.00 $8.75 Portieres, pair $7.50
Clearance Sale of Women's Apparel
Evening Wraps, Suits, Coats, Raincoats
Special attention is called this week to the very low
prices we have made on all oar magnificent Evening
Wraps and Costumes, suitable apparel for every occa
sionA showing far superior in every way to any dis
play on the CoastHandsome imported and domestic
creations at a small fraction of their real value
A full line of Evening Coats, in tan, champagne, coral,
wine, gajnet, maroon, green, reseda, oyster, -white and hlack;
broadcloth velvets, zibelines and lace novelties; cut in full back
and empire style; faney braid and lace trimmed; all sizes;
grand assortment. These at exceptionally low clearance prices.
$22.50 values for $ I5.75-S45.00 Wraps for $3 1 .50
$28.00 values for S 19.50 $50.00 Wraps for $34.50
$34.00 values for $22.25 $72.00 Wraps for $52.00
$36.00 values for $24.50 $85.00 Wraps for $60.50
Wraps worth up to $150.00 at greatly reduced prices
Magnificent Evening Costumes: beautiful styles in silk,
lace, nets, voiles and chiffon, (iowns for theater, dinner and re
ception wear. Superb imported models in a great variety.
$27.00 Gowns for $14.50 $55.00 Gowns for $38.50
$38.00 Gowns for $28.00 $65.00 Gowns for $46.50
$42.00 Gowns for $29.50 $75.00 Gowns for $52.50
Gowns worth up to $350 all at Clearance Sale Prices
All our high-class Novelty Suits at clearance sale prices.
Handsome Lace Waists
Beautiful allover lace "Waists; cluny, baby
Irish, crochet and nets; very best novelties for
dress and evening wear. All sizes:
8.50 values, S5.45-S15.00 values, $11.25
$10.00 values, $7.25-$16.50 values, 12.45
$12.50 values, $8.S5-$18.00 values, $13.25
$26.00 vals., $18.45-$35.00 values, $25.50
Fine linen, mull and lawn Waists, hand-embroidered
and lace-trimmed effects, in long or
short sleeves. Exquisite styles in great variety.
$3.75 Waists. .$2.55-$ 6.00 Waists. .$4.15
$4.00 Waists.. $2.85 $ 9.00 Waists.. $5.95
$5.00 Waists. .$3.55 $10.00 Waists. .$6.95
Waists up to $75.00 all at clearance prices.
Women's Jacket Suits
Women's Jacket Suits. The newest and most
desirable styles in cheviots, serges, broadcloths
and mixtures fancy braid and gimp trimmed ;
all the best shades ; great special values at these
low prices. Take advantage Second Floor:
$16.50 Suits, $11.55-$20.00 Suits, $14.00
$22.50 Suits, $16.85-$28.00 Suits, $19.60
$27.00 Suits, $18.9O-$30.0O Suits, $21.00
$35.00 Suits, S24.50 $38.00 Suits, S26.60
Suits up to $90.00 all at clearance prices.
Entire stock of Coats, values from $10.00 up
to $50.00, all marked at exceptionally low clear
ance sale prices. Best values in the city.
Entire stock of Raincoats at low prices.
All Dress and Walking Skirts at low clear
ance sale prices Second Floor.
Silks at 25c Yd.
Special lot of 2000 yards o new Waist
Silks in a big assortment of good
patterns and colors: a style and
quality silk other stores ask 75c a
yard for, our price Is
yard -rJ'
All Silks at clearance prices.
All Velvets at clearance prices.
All Dress Goods reduced.
All Black Goods reduced.
Leather Goods
Special lot of "Women's Belts S tr
and Girdles. fiOc. 75c values JC
"Women's Handbags, fitted with coin
purse and card case, 50c to JO-
$1 values, on sale for .rC
Leather Glove and Handkerchief
Boxes on sale for PRICK
$1.00 Art Skins for, each...... 73c
Just received, the latest novel
ties in Women's Belts.
$1.00 Silks 63c
Great special clearance sale of
1530 vords of Chiffon Taffeta
Silks in a good assortment of
shades; regular $1 quality
for. yard OJU
1000 yards of Fancy 31oire Silks, de
Elrable for waists and shirtwaist
suits; good styles and colorings;
regular SIM values on ftlr
sale at this low price, yd vjv.
Fans Half-Price
Choose from our cnUre stock of
Fans at one-half regular prices
all the newest and prettiest styles
in lace, gauze and feathers plain,
spangled and lace-trimmed; all
grades from 25c up to 525 each;
your choice of the UoK t;
entire stock at rlall-rTlCe
All fancy goods low priced.
Mocha Gloves
Special lot of Women's Mocha
Gloves or the best quality, plain
or silk-lined, black, mode. gray,
brown, "blue, green, all sizes; every
pair In the lot standard 51.50
value. Your choice while (T 1 O "X
they last at, pair P 60
Clearance in Basement Silverware,
China, Kitchen Goods, Cutlery, Etc.
The big basement store is the mecca for economical
housekeepersEverything useftri as well as ornamental
for the home can be purchased at a saving no one can
help but appreciate Here's a few extra special offerings
No. 2 Rochester Lamps, nickled,
white dome shades $1.44
500 Japanese Teapots; values
extraordinary at, each..l0
Gray Granite-ware of the best
grade at very low prices :
No. 8 Teakettles for 72
2- quart Coffee Pots for.. 32
3- quart Coffee Pots for.. 40
1- quart Teapots for 24
2- quart Teapots for 32p
1-quart Pudding Pans. .12
2- quart Pudding Pans for 15
3- quart Pudding Pans. . .16
10-quart Dishpans for 40
14-quart Dishpans for 52
German China Dinner Sets,
blue violet decoration.
60-piece set for $12.60
100-piece set for $18.30
German China" Dinner Sets.
X'""- "-"i o .7 uv turn fciwu.
60-piece set for 14.79
100-piecc set for..:.. 19.20
Haviland China Dinner Sets,
purple and green decoration,
forget-me-not decoration with
gold border, pink decoration.
17-quart Dishpans for 60
1-quart Rice Boilers for 48
2- quart Rice Boilers for. .56
4- quart Covered Kettles. ,48
5- quart Covered Kettles. -52p
7-quart Covered Kettles. .60
3- quart Saucepans 22
ROGERS "1547"
4 ll I- II
Teaspoons, set of 6 for $1.02
Dessert Spoons, set of 6, $1.80
Tablespoons, set of 6 for $2.03
Dessert Forks, set of 6, $1.80
Medium Forks, set of 6, $2.03
Butter-knives, each 45
Sugar Shells, each 45
Sugar Shells, gilt bowl, 54f?
60-piece sets for $29.42,
$29.25 and $21.60.
100-piece sete $43.20 and
Semi-Porcelain Dinner Sets
at greatly reduced prices.
6-piece Toilet Sets; assorted de
corations: great values for
the low price of, set. .$1.70
10-piece Toilet Sets, asortcd de
corations; great vals..$2.35
Cold-Meat Forks, 68, 90
Chip-Beef Forks, 54, 77c
Gravy Ladles. . .81c, $1.13
Cream Ladles 68, 90
Pie Servers, each $1.58
Soup Ladles, each $2.12
Bouillon Spoons, set. .$2.25
Salad Forks, set $2.48
Nickel Baking Dishes, $3.19
All our beautiful -Cut Glass
at low clearance prices.
All Sterling Silver at low
clearance sale prices.
All Cutlery at low prices.
All fancy Nickelware at low
clearance sale prices.
Clearance Sale' Men's Furnishings
Mens extra-quality heavy-fleeced
Underwear; shirts and drawers
well made and finished; all
sizes ; extraordinary jn
values at this low price. ,50C
Another great special lot of men's
Four-in-Hand Ties, made re
versible, light and dark pat
terns in great variety; 25c val
ues on sale at. ...2 for 25f?
Men's Madras and Oxford Golf
Shirts, light and dark colorings,
splendid patterns, cuffs to
match ; all sizes; $1.00 values, at this low price, each 59
All lines of men's Underwear at clearance prices.
Men's lisle and web Suspenders, made with reinforced q
kid cuds; regular 25c and 35c values on sale for, pair. . 1 -7 C
Men's white cambric Handkerchiefs; the best 15c val- Q I
ues on sale at this extraordinary low price of, cachO3
All our men's $1.00 Golf Shirts on sale at low price, cacrj. .79
All our men's $1.50 Shirts on sale at this low price, each, $1.19
Men's $2.50 gloria-silk Umbrellas at, each $1.79
Men's 25c and 35c fancy Half Hose at low price of, pair. ,17
Men's Gloves at low clearance sale prices.
Clearance Sale of Lace Curtains
Scotch Madras, light and dark
grounds. floral, art novaau and
fcroll designs. Largest and best
display In the city. AH at clear
ance prices.
50c quality yard..... 43c
J1.00 quality, yadr &9c
51.50 quality, yard SI IS
$1.75 Scotch Madras, yard....SL3S
52.00 Scotch Madras, yard $1.48
Plain jute Rep for inexpensive
draperies, furniture. cushions.
coverings, etc., SO inches wide.
green, red. blue, brown, AAr
tan; 51 values for yard....''
All Curtain Materials and Cur
tain Fixtures on sale at clearance
sale prices Third Floor.
Heal Arabian Xaee Curtains
made on the best French Nets.
with real Arabian edges and In
serting; beautiful styles
510.50 values .x 846
J 1 1.50 values 9.30
515.00 values SUSS
530.00 values J22.75
313.50 values
51 3.5 values 914.84
521.50 values S17.Se
535.00 values S3C56
51 Nottingham Lace Curtains. .75c
51.25 Scotch Xct Curtains at. .82c
5150 Nottingham Curtains. .S1.13
51.75 Nottingham Curtains. .SI
52 Madras-weave Curtains. . .$i.'4S
1 Imported Cretonnes. English and
, French makes, light grounds.
floral patterns. 32 inches wide;
j best 50c value, at the IoWM
price of, yard .05C
Table and Bed Linens
Housewives, hotel and boarding
house keepers are alike Inter
ested in this great Annual Clear
ance Sale of Table and Bed Lin-
72-inch bleached satin Damask Table 'I
Linen; the $1.15 grade for q
the low price of, per yard. ."UC jl
Bleached satin Damask Table Linen ; 3
best patterns; reg. $1.25 nn
value on sale at, per yard. .
Bleached satin Damask Table Linen ;
the reg. $1.50 grade tf OR
on sale for, yard. .r 0
Bleached satin Damask Table Linen ;
81 inches wide; reg
ular $1.75, for, yard.
All grades of Table Damask
marked at the lowest clearance sale
prices. All Napkins at clearance prices. All Doilies, Traycloths
and Table Sets at low clearance sale prices.
Full size white Marseilles pattern Bedspreads; reg
ular $1.75 grade on sale at the low price of, eaeh.
Full-size white Marseilles pattern Bedspreads; beau
tiful patterns; regular $2.00 grade one sale for, ea.
Fringed white Marseilles pattern Bedspreads ; the rt
regular $2.00 grades on sale at this low price, each. . P wO
$2.75 white Marseilles Spreads for low price of, each $2.16
$3.25 white Marseilles Spreads for low price of, each $2.48
14c Union Linen Huck Towels for the low price of, each 9p
30c hemstitched all-linen Huek Towels for the low price of. .2l
40c bleached Turkish Bath Towels for the low price of, each.29
All Towels and Towelings at very low clearance sale prices.
All Sheets, Pillow Cases and Cottons at low clearance prices.
A Clearance Sale of Wash Goods
100 liandsome white Persian Lawn "Waist Patterns ; em
broidered; splendid styles; $1.50 values on sale for
100 pieces of fancy Japanese Kimono Crepes, in beautiful
patterns and colors; great values for this sale at, yard. .
50 pieces fine silk warp printed Dress Crepes; the best 50c
values on sale at this exceptionally low price, per yard. .
50 pieces fine printed Dress Nets; oOc to 75c values, yard.
50 pieces heavy mixed cotton Suitings; 25c values, yard..
All grades of C4inghams and Percales at clearance
All White Goods, Lawns, Nainsooks, etc., at clearance
Umbrellas $ 1 .23
Special lot of Women's 24-Inch TJm
bre'las, silk, taffeta and gloria cov
erings; big assortment of desirable
handles; regular values from J2 to
$3.50 each; your choice while they
last at the remarkably (1 O i
low price of : H
Good Umbrellas for small women
and misses, at less than hi value.
Great odd lot of Dress Trimminss,
black bands, fagotting in all colors,
black and gold trimmings, Persian
and Dresden braids; c:
values up to T5e yd. for. yd
Lot 2 Persian Bands, l&-lnch wide,
appliques, wide linen bands, wide
black braids, medallions, fancy
trimmings; values up to ."Xr
51.50 yd. for, yd J3
$2.50 to $4 Shoes $1.48
500 pairs of women's Shoes; broken
lines of well-known makes; patent
leather, vici kid and box calf;
heavy or light soles; lace and but
ton styles; nearly all tf Art
sizes; vals. to $4, rft..pc0
Women's fancy leather strap Slip
pers; parent leather and
kid; $2, $2.50 values for.."Ov
Three styles of women's patent
leather and kid strap Slippers ; all
sizes; great values at, pair, 1.4S
Women's fancy party Slippers, in
patent leather and kid; plain or
Knarlnrl - li a n A .cnn-nrl . am
i f fesg 5'00 v.lues for' pah'-' vO
M i 3KWpjBl Broken lines of women's fine Shoes,
ft 'mt in patent leather, vici kid and ve-
wui tau, lulus uuu wuiib, jiu&vy
and light soles, French, Cuban and
military heels; $3.00, $3.50, $4.00,
$5.00, $6.00 values for, pr., $1.98
Johnson Brothers' famous Shoes for women; kid and box calf
lace shoes, with spring heels and vici kid, button shoes
with regular heel, light or heavy soles, at low price of.
350 pairs misses' spring heel lace Shoes, in sizes 11 to 2;
$2.00 to $3.00 values on sale at this low price of, pair.
200 pairs misses' Shoes, spring heels, lace styles; sizes 2J2
to 6 ; regular $2.50 values for the very low price of, pair.
400 pairs children's spring-heel Shoes, lace and button
styles; 8Yz to 10 V ; values up to $2.25, for this sale, pair.
Special lot of children 's button and lace Shoes ; sizes 4 to f w
8 and 2 to 5; $1.50, $1.75 values, on sale at, per pair. . C
Chiffon Hat Drapes, with striped borders, white, navy, brown and 12
black. Best 50c values on sale for. each
Special lot of chiffon Hat Drapes in plain and polka dots, navy, green
brown and black. Regular 51.23 and $1.50 values, on sale at the OQ-
special price jozfC
5008 yards Tuxedo Mesh Veiling with dots, brown, black, navy, green. 1 C
tan, etc. cut In regular veil lengths. 50c values on sale for
All Neckwear. Handkerchiefs, Gloves and Ribbons at clearance sale prices.
I HIli