The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, December 31, 1905, Page 6, Image 6

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M 8eeed-Clas Matter.
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(By Hstt r Kxpree.)
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The Oregonlan tomorrow -will he de
voted to certain main features of the
new development of Oregon. This de
velopment, of an industrial and com
merclal nature the two are necessary
parte of the same thing will give an
Impulse to growth which hitherto Ore
gon has not known.
The forces already planted and rooled
in -the state are powerful enough In
themselves to produce a new and ac
celerated progress; and, reinforced, as
they are now to be, with the powerful
additions outlined in the promises of
efforts newly (begun, there Is sure to be,
in the next five years, greater advance
than in any preceding ten. In the his
tory of the state.
We shall not here attempt capitula
tion of the new undertakings, which are
well assured. The -present purpose is
simply to offer remark on the new spirit
and the new energy awakening in our
own people. From this as much Is to
be expected as from the introduction
of new forces from without, and more.
To witness it is worth universal con
gratulation. All over Oregon this spirit, and the
energy that goes with It, are rising Into
notice. One of the forms of the grow
ing movement Is the co-operation oZ the
people in general, concentration of ef
fort, and the growing conception,
everywhere manifest, that "what done
for growth, advancement, progress, de
velopment, in one locality, is for the
good of all.
This spirit of progress begins to ex
pend its energies' In solid and perma
nent investment, at a rate and on a
scale hitherto unknown In our .stale.
"We shall not only have more railroads,
but more mills and factories, more and
-better agriculture, larger lumber and
mining output, more Industry of every
kind and better contentment, larger
hope and less pessimism, improvements
In educational work and better social
and political morals. The outlook is
the most cheering that Oregon has ever
Let no surprise be felt that The Ore
gonlan calls attention to the union of
the Presbyterian Church of America
with the Cumberland Presbyterian
Church, referred to in yesterday's dis
patches, as a verj noteworthy sign of
the times. The usual and approved
course had been followed. Committees
of twenty-one each from the two
churches concerned had met, debated
and come to so harmonious a conclusion
that the final resolutions for union wore
carried with only one dissentient vot?.
What remains is that this action be
ratified by the General Assemblies,
meeting on May 17, 1S0G.
Has, then, this act any deeper signifi
cance than the coming together of two
religious bodies whose representatives
had gone on record that such differ
ences as had caused one to divide it
self off and stand apart from the other.
109 years ago, had lost their acuteness
or pungency? To answer this question
let us grope a little in the records of
these bodies In 1S10. Tlie Presbyterian
Cburch of those days was standing on,
nd inside of. the ancient ways of the
Westminster Confession and Discipline.
Most of us have a more or less clear
notion of the hardness, and toJay, one
may say, of the Intolerance, of that
confession and discipline, as interpreted
toy the direct descendants in behalf of
John Calvin and John Knox. But a
wave of revival and religious enthusi
asm was sweeping over the Southern
States Kentucky and Tennessee. Un
learned men, not having received com
missions in the regular army of preach
ers, were exhorting and rousing the
congregations from their rigid and
technically bound forms of religious
creed-and observance, into a freer life.
And they were cast out, after due hear
ing, when the three stand. trd -bearers
were held to account for Irregularities
In leaching and doctrine. From that
small beginning the Cumberland Pres
byterian Church has grown and "en
dured' hardness." The churches have
lived side by side for a hundred years,
hut amalgamation was Impossible while
-original causes of difference swayed
men's minds and. actions. Thy come
together now. and the Cumberland
Presbyterian Church enters again the
fold of the Presbyterian Church of
Can they do it and abandon the
standards of liberality and individual
onscience which their fathers bore?
Yes, because the times have changed,
and w-i are, with them, changed. The
Presbyterian Church which they are
now to Join helds the confession of
faith and -discipline f their common
fathers-Mit, s revised in 1W3. That
.tells th tale. In revision are found the
powrtWttttee of wiIg and conscientious
unioa. Ar the minds ef this genera-
1mm mmtLiri la hm Mm6 whteit
4Cpe apart the men of ISM? By no
meuts. "We ge km .dearly M r fata
ersj, wt tbe 4giMece ot the 4ttfr
twes fce gotte. We Are, all ministers
as laymen alike, breathing the air of a
century -where the eccleetastica. the
churchly, the dogmatic, side of rellgliHi
has lost Its dominating power, and all
are seeking the general grs-unds of a
Christianity producing Us evidence In
Chrtetly acts, rather than In the nice
ties of technical theology. -
"Why all this ringing: of veil:
o the wild sky?' Thus reasoi
i bells
to the wild sky?" Thus reasons the
scowling cynic. "It Is comprehensible
that mankind should see the old year
slink Into his deserved oblivion with
out regret, for he has dragged every
one of the race, willing -and unwilling.
old and young, life hungry and life
sated, a long way nearer to the grave;
but why welcome the new on-? with all
this jubilation, glnce he is sure to repeat
the melancholy deeds of his predeces
sor?" So he will. The old year did Uttle lb
justify the gladness of his welcome.
The new year will certainly bring sor
row to all of us In varying measure;
to some he will bring heartbj-eik and
to many, death. All the sad teaching
of experience warns us that the world
will go on for the next twelve rronths
much as it has during those now finally
slipping unregarded Into oblivion: and
yet the thousand times reputed lesson
of disillusion and dirappointment the
human race refuses to learn.
As the whirling earth swing? round
its perihelion and begins again that
enormous journey toward the vernal
equinox and the resurrection through
the black gulfs of Insentient spacs, the
bells ring just as wildly now as the
Mesopotamian watchers shouted 5000
years ago. The hope that nev"- dies
breaks now the clinging web of disillu
sion; It denies the godless" dogmas oi
despair; It asserts supremacy over
death and sorrow and Jubilantly pro
claims that life dnd the world are good
and that over all reigns the sooo God.
Once at the vernal equinox, ths New
Year's prophetic Joy was justified.
Why not again?
Hope is the voice of God in the heart
of man. When we hear It 'er and
strong the power o evil shrinks and
the race marches to its victories.- The
maxim puts It not well thit "while
there Is life there is hope"; the reverse
Is nearer true, and "while there Is hope
there Is life" Is a braver saying. Hope
dwells in the coming time. Its eye Is
fixed on the divine event which, far off
or near, is decreed In the eternity of
God to come at last. Therefore hope
rejoices In the new year and regards
not the old one.
The new year brings sorrow, but hope
gives courage to sorrow manfully. The
new year brings death, but hope gives
victory over death. Why should we not
hope to the uttermost? Who shall
fathom .the benevolence of. God? Why
may not this New Year be that cne
sung by the poets and prayed for by
the saints from the morning of t'.me
when the adamantine chains of evil law
shall be loosened and the golden reign
of love begin? .
Physical law is the statement of '..'hat
has been. -It has no power to decree
what shall be. The future abides In the
will whose workings our laws of. Na
ture hint at but do not bind. Perhaps
that Will has chosen this year of all
the years of the world to strike down
selfishness and cruel greed and found
on earth the kingdom of heaven.
The earth never traverses twice the
same tract of space in its annual revo
lutions. The sun sweeps with all the
planets yearly Into unexplored realms.
We are this day entering a portion of
the universe where we have never been
before. Perhaps we are Just beginning
to feel the radiations from some star,
new to us, which shall start the human
race upon a higher evolution.
Should our sun darken, we should de
generate and finally perish. A change
in the nature of Its ways would makf
us different and perhaps more admira
ble beings. It maj be we are approach
ing some star which emits light of a
nature strange 'and unimaginably ben
eficent. Science finds new emanations
almost every day. with properties mys
terious as the old dreams of tl? al
chemists. Suppose the world were sud
denly to plunge, as It traverses the vast
unknown, into some cosmic shower oi
life-giving corpuscles: what would be
come of your cynic then?
It is a mistake to believe that the
transformations of history are effected
slowly. The preparation for them takes
generations, It Is true, but once begun
they proceed rapidly. The rise .of
Japan, which will undoubtedly change
the whole future of the race, has oc
cupied only a few years. The greater
part of all the machinery now in use
was invented in a few decades. It can
not be doubted that we arc today upon
the verge of transformations, social and
mechanical, more wonderful than the
rise of Japan ot the Indus rial use . f
steam. ScIenceJs following clews which
seem to' lead Into marvelous sources of
available energy. The world - heaves
with spiritual forces whose direction
cannot yet be discerned, but in the New
iear we shall learn whither they trend
and unto what. Let the wild bells ring, J
power and happiness come with the
new; sorrow, bitternezs and disappoint
ment go with the old.
Younger people generally throughout
the country find difficulty In undor.
standing .why It Is that voices here
and there, especially in our Southern
States, are so extreme In their support
of the claims of state sovprpiimtv
against the authority of the United
States, in such matters as rerulatlnn nf
railways, quarantine . against epidem
ical diseases and uniform marrlaire
The other day Representative Rich
ardson, of Alabama, In the debate In
the House on the proposed National
Quarantine, said: "While no man u
more anxious to banish that dread dis
ease from the South than I am. T wuilrf
rather fight yellow fqver for ages to
come man sacrifice one of the funda
mental principles of the state In Its'
domestic and local control."
But this view Is by no means satisfac
tory to the whole people of the South;
perhaps to no. more than a small pro
portion of them. The Houston CTcxA
Post is among the protesting voices.
it says: "Judge KIchardson either
lacks comprehension, or he Is not gen
uinely In lavor of -what the public un
derstands to be the rights of a state."
But. the Post proceed to sav that
Xhe states ought not to yield to the
General Government thk- right QV-r
quarantine against each other; for It
believes -that quarantine (Interstate)
.will fee jiBore effective 1h Ike hand
ykf itM, acting In "mereifey lot
IttWt; than to the hands of tbe Govern-
mtnl at Wahbgtaa.
A a jttnmml pcpp4,lioa, rtry pro4
aMy Ime: yet we think there waa no
prrteet hut Summer, when the Genera!
Gererxmetit, on Invitation of Louls
ian took charge of the yellow ferer
epidemic that ww spreading from that
state into all the states arevnd It,
Tferowgh sock action hy the General
Government. In emergency, there couM
be ne "sacrifice of the fundamental
principle of the state In control of its
domestic and local affairs." Nobody
supposes, nohody foars. that the
General Government will advance from
action like, this to general control of
the local concerns of the states. The
apprehension is a curious survival of
the theoretical view of "state rights,"
which led up to secession and to the
Civil War.
In the domestic affairs of the states
the people bsve no wish that the Gen
eral Government should Interfere. But
the help of the General Government, In
flood, famine or pestilence, may be use
ful", and Indeed may become Indispensa
ble. It Is not necessary to worry over
"loss of local liberty," through such In
The charming Mrs. Fiuaimmons, -x-wlfe
of the pugilist, has broken the
silence Imposed by her attorney. Suc
cinctly stated. Mrs. Fitzslmmom has
spoken, and this Is the reasonable de
duction from her remarks: She mar
ried Bob for the fame, such as it was,
that -belonged to the champion of the
prlre ring, and when he, after the man
ner of husbands, entered her apart
ments unbidden and found some of her
friends there, she was humiliated and
mortified beyond measure at his un
couthness in speech, manner and dress.
Jn-brlef. he was not the man to whom
she was proud to introduce her friends
as her husband. She could not remain
In her elegant apartments In Paris
without Incurring the danger that he
would "run In" familiarly; she could
not no out riding with the wife of a
wealthy coal operator of Pennsylvania
who had also as her guest one Mr. Mc
Farland. without Incurring the jealousy
and anger of Bob, who, after the man
ner of his class, expressed himself un
der such circumstances by breaking the
furniture at home and creating a scene
upon the street
' She could not pose as "Mrs. Fitzslm
mons" and live In splendor from the
proceeds of Bob's many bruises aMd
bloodshed in the prize ring without hav
ing Bob around. The situation was
awkward very.
Soon the relations between the husky
prizefighter and his wife became
strained; a little later explanations
were demanded and refused, and hit
we have the spectacle of an outdated
pugilist swearing' venjejnee in iMe
round oaths of the prize ring against
the woman whom, but now, he was In
such haste to wed. while she--dear an J
willing creature tells the wo-id what a
coarse, uncultivated brute he Is.
The natural question right here is.
What did this woman expect when she
married Bob Fltzslmmons? And again.
What did Bob expect when he married
a woman with a "career" before and
a "record" behind her?
If we are to judge from her babble
she wanted a man of "artistic taste"
for a husband, and was shocked and
disgusted to find that the artistic abil
ities of FItz consisted in the ability to
paint the faces of his antagonists in the
prize ring red and purple and bluish
black, upon a distorted background.
Again, she wanted a husband who
would keep out of sight when she was
entertaining her friends; Bob was al
ways on hand. She wanted to live In
Paris; Bob felt more at home In Cork,
perhaps possibly In San Francisco.
As to Bob, he wanted a wife who was
proud of him and of his achievements
under all circumstances drunk or so
ber, boastful In victory or blubbering
in defeat a wife who, when she went
to ride with a man, would sweetly ask
Bob to be that man; a woman who
would esteem It a privilege to be known
as Bob Fltzslmmons' wife, the proud
wearer of his first wife's diamonds, the
smug companion of his coarse reve'a.
The disappointment of both as 'he re
sult of getting exactly what e-:ch did
not want seems to be very great. Each
Is expressing this disappointment in
characteristic style he In coarse accu
sations, dire threats and frantic pursuit
of the first wife's diamonds, which the
fugitive wife forgot to return to her
lord as a lure for No. 3; she in "he half
plalntlve. half-resentful tones of the
woman who makes an absurdly gross
marriage and essaj's a stupid defence
of her action.
Mrs. Fitz is the more philosophic of
the two She Is ready and determined
to repudiate her bad barc-ain Th
world is wide and Its pastures of folly
are still open to the gleaner. She pro
poses to hie her forth and try her luck
over again. But Bob, noisy and dis
gruntled. Is rending the air with Impre
cations, seemingly frantic, to abide by
his incongruous and foolish bargain.
As a matrimonial misfit the case is
not peculiar. It is only Bob's big roar
and the astonishing demand that Mrs.
Fitz made upon him for artistic taste,
gentility and good breeding., thit c.V!s
attention to it.
Thope persons in touch with condi
tions In Russia through the v.-riting?
of careful, conscientious, observant
travelers who have studied the condi
tions at close range, can hardly think
that the revolution, so long and care
fully planned, will fall to make good
Its purpose. The present uprising Is
not the result of a sudden frenzy, but
of a slow-burning hatred of despotism.
The upheaval may be suppressed by
force of arms, but the spirit of resist
ance to tyranny cannot by this means
be quenched. A latent spark, perhaps
a live coal, smothered for a time In the
ashes of desolation, will remain and
will again anti yet again speak In
tongues of fire
From hesrtx broken with Iom.
And wearj- with drsKKlnc tbe crouts
Too heavy for mortal lo bear.
Humanity is sick of the echoes of the
French Revolution. But when It hopes
that the Russian revolution will fail
and those old echoes will die. It is re
buked by the humanity of a later ra
that sees In the bloofly flght the had
of human progress and the knell of
governmental corruption. The red hand
of revolution, its finger tips, dripping
oiootf, is a sight from which men of
peace turn with horror, hoping that It
will be stayed. But the gentlest among
tnem. 11 tney live long enough, or their
descendants of a century later, come
to look upon the oncerevolting slitht
as. the means hy which human llhe s ly
is wen..'
'God moves In a myslerleui way ii:
wtmakfrs to perform." Mnr WIll!a
Cow-otr, nenu hard of Iwiwty nl- of
tannM . feotfnc-In a paot age. jahKory
VmMmi tMWr.KU atone the. Hue -of Us
world's prograos; jtmt novor more plain
ly than when revotedon te the moving
force hy which the wonders. of htunen
and national development are performed.
The American people, acting upon :m
milse. are prone on occasion to be ef
fusively officious. Their misdemeanor
In this line not infrequently takeS the
form of giving or attempting to give
somebody a thing which he or she docs
not want and the tender of which cre
ates embarrassment or resentment
They have s?tup a standard of living
la America, for example, to th'ch they
strive with intermittent zeal to bring
the thriftless, and are chagrined to find
that they do not In the least appreciate
or respond to the effort
The public school system of the coun
try. In attempting to provide for the
higher education of the masses, la con
spicuous In this line, and the rebuke
the effort receives Is witnessed In the
relatively few pupils of the grammar
schools who take up work In the High
Schools, and .the still fewer graduates
of the High Schools who push on to and
through the college courses provided by
state universities.
In the zeal to promote temperance we
find men and women pressing offee
upon men who want beer, and Sunday
school entertainments upoh men who
enjoy nothing else so much as the songs
and laughter of a down-town resort.
Our good women, ransacking their
closets, bring out garments which, with
a little care and Industry in "making
over," Trould provide neat and service
able garments for the mother and chil
dren In the wretched shanty around the
corner, and are pained to leam that the
clothing did not appeal to what was.
In the eyesof the donors, an urgent
need, but was sold to buy b-;er for the
head, of the house, or a long-coveted
bull pup for the children. Everything
depends upon the point of view from
which the comforts of lire are rat fed,
and from which Individual wants are
These, however, are the litt'e sins of
ofilclousness. There are greater ones.
A few years ago the American people,
acting upon impulse, presented Admiral
Dewey with a house that he did not
need and did not want. The grizzled
old sailor found himself In an embar
rasslng situation. He did not want to
hurt the feelings of his gushing ad
mirers, of whose kindly intentions there
was no doubt, by declining the tender
of the house, nor did he fee! like ac
cepting with thanks a house which he
was amply able to buy from the pro
ceeds of the honorable and successful
work of his life. He married at this
Juncture, and, with the chivalry of a
high-class American husband, and in
order to escape from his own dilemma,
he gave the house to her.
The howl of disappointment th t fol
lowed this act reverberated from "Jer
vhy to Japan," and. dying away, was
succeeded by a silence in which the as
piration of Admiral Dewey t become
President of the United States was en
gulfed and his grand achievements as
commanding officer In the Navy uere
practically forgotten.
All of this is familiaf history. Its.
lesson was an obvious one. and some
optimistic people supposed It' would
prove lasting. Yet again the'Amencan
trait appears in announcement of a
plan to raise a marriage portion for the
daughter of President Roo3eve:t by
means of 10-cent subscriptions.
It Is well knoWn that Miss Alice
Roosevelt is the heiress. In her own
right, of the young mother who died
when she was an infant; that her
father Is amply able, and more than
willing, to provide generously for his
daughter, who is soon to go from hla
roof: that the man whom he is soon to
marry Is possessed of more thtn moder
ate means and is amply able to tupply
all the requirements of home and main
tenance. It Is. moreover, u fair pre
sumption that he prouily and affec
tionately desires to do this-.
Then where Is the extse for the
American people or the people of any
state to raise a dowry for this amply
dowered White House bride? For Kir
to decline the money would be difficult:
to accept could be scarcely. less than
humiliating to three persons the Pres
ident, his daughter and her future hus
band. Miss Alice Roosevelt will 8-o from
the home of her father to that of ner
husband attended by the good wishes
of the American people. She has cho
sen. It is said, wisely. Of this world's
goods she has an abundance; of the
pleasures and opportunities of the
world she has had a generous share.
Let us all. as Is becoming. In the sim
ple words of the old-time marriage
congratulation, "wish her much joy"
and stop at that There Is In this a
spontaneity of good feeling which
happy brides the world over appreci
ate with full hearts and minds newly
awakened to the possibilities of !!fe and
to the interpretation of the simple, ex
pressive word "Joy."
Commissioner Robert Watchorn, of
the New York Immigration Bureau,
discredits the statement that the ar
rival of Immigrants in large numbers
tends to decrease the pay of American
wage-earners. This assumption he as
serts, has been disproved by the official
records of the labor departments of the
several states, wherein careful investi
gation of the subject has been made.
In support of his view he submits that
immigrants who are essentially labor
ers and wage-earners, also constitute a
market and give rise' to as much labor
as they perform.
This view is approved by the most
common experience all along- the ine,
from domestic to commercial life. The
housewife who, referring 'to nhe helpful
girl who works for her board mqrnings
and evenings, says "she makes more
work than she does," 'voices this fact
In Its simplest form. The .experience of
the man of business or trade who, find
ing It necessary to hire additional help
iq his -warehouse or store.-finds In his
Increased sales proof of the fact that
the increase In population, that ren
dered an addition tohis working force
necessary. representsn".arB,y of con
sumers as well as of jtm ploy es. Human
lahor,Tepresents mouths, te fill, bodies
to clothe and families1 uTshe'ter. Let
us remember this when we sttnd aghast
before the figures representing foreign
immigration, and on behalf of labor
and production, take .courage. 3lnce it
is a literal fact that these peoo-e "make
more work than they do."
The official ilt of building permits
Issued In this city, makes a very good
showing. For woekg it has been break
ing aH records fr a. corresponding
period, t even the satisfactory fig
ure do not fairy ronoet the exact con
dtfSoa of actaJra, Thit k doe to the pol
icy of some hottdofs hv taking out per
mits for' a stated oxpMHtw:e of ahemt
one-ftfth to one-half the cost of the
hull ding to he erected. An Instance of
this kind was shown a few days ago
when a prominent ftrm of real estate
operators took out a permit for a $3o
dwelling which, according to the arcal
t eel's plans, -will cost HM. The permit
for the Flledner building, on Washing
ton street, was for an expenditure
about one-third the cost of the struct
ure. Except In rare cases, the true
probable cost of the buildings Ij never
given. It Is said that this is due to the
fact that the parties taking out the per
mit save tl per thousand In the cost of
the permit by placing a low valuation
on the Intended structure. This has
theappcaranee of very poor economy,
especially on the part of big real estate
firms Interested in "making as good a
showing as possible for the town. There.
Is nb desire to pad or overestimate any
of the statistics In connection with
building operations, but it would seem
that Portland ought to have credit for
what It Is actually doing In the build
ing line.
Beginning with the New Year. The
Oregonlan makes a new rate for Its
daily and Sunday editions.. Heretofore
fhe daily and Sunday have been sup
plied at 20 cents a week by carrier,
which amounted to $10.40 a year; by
mail, $9 a ye3r. In Portland and at all
places where the paper Is delivered by
carrier, the new rate will be 7a. cents a
month, which will be 59 a year. By
mail to subscribers at all places. 5S a
year. For a less time than one month
the rate will be 20 cents a week, as
heretofore. The new rate will make a
reduction of over 14 per cent in the
general cost of the daily ani Sund-iy
to subscribers. Examine the new rates,
at the head of the editorial page today.
Judge Frazer is very right in his in
sistence that responsible citizen? cught
not to shirk Jury du. But most of
them will, when they can One reason
Is that so many pettv cases arc brought
before the courts, wn rem iurynien nre
bored for days together about nothing.
Contentious. litigious spiteful persons
"go to law'.' about the merest trfles; as
Menenius says. In "Coriolanus." "you
wear out a good, wholesome forenoon
In hearing a cause between an orange
wife and faucet-seller, and adjourn the
controversy of three-pence to a second
day of audience." Jurors, who have
business, or don't like to have their
time wasted. j can't easily feel it their
duty to do such service. It doesn't ap
pear to them to be a call on their citi
zenship, and they are very willing to
leave the service to the professional
juryman, who appears to like It.
A National Waterways Convention
has been called to meet In Washing
ton, January 15, 1506, for the purpose
of-taking such action at, will secure
more attention to the river -tnd . irb ir
needs of the country. The cinv- .tiou
is attracting considerable atienti'jn,
and will probably be attended by repre
sentative men from nearly ." arts of
the country where waier tra.isiwtatton
I? in use. The subject Is of special In
terest to Oregon at this time, for there
has never before been a period In our
existence when the demand for liberal
river and harbor appropriations was
more urgent Nothing has yet been
secured for the Columbia River without
hard work and the. use of even oppor
tunity for enlisting assistance. The
National Waterways Convention would
seem to offer an opportunity for the
voice of Oregon to be heard on this sub
ject, along with those of other states?.
Not even the intervention of a double
holiday prevented the New York stock
market and the Chicago wheat market
from showing strength again yesterday.
Call money was easier, but still suffi
ciently high to prevent much strength
in stocks under ordinary circumst nces.
The financial situation for the past few
weeks, however, has been my thing but
ordinary, and the short sellers m stocks
and wheat have seldom ventured far
from shore. Their timidity In the face
ot the protracted holiday Is another
tribute to the underlying strength
which Is the backbone of he present
era of speculation and high prices.
If Arizona and New Mexico shall be
erected Into one state and Oklahoma
and the Indian Territory into another,
not so many United States Senators
and state and other officials will result,
as if four states .were created Instead
of two. This fact seems to be the main
ground of opposition to the present
state-making bill. It is confined chiefly
to politicians, who want to invest In
the greatest possible number of chances
to get office. But the two-state bill
commends itself to the average sense
of a disinterested people.
"Aren't there two Republicans on the
Civil Service Commission?" asks 'Mayor
Lane, in extenuation of the methods
practiced by that body. Yes. there are
J. W. Blaln and P. L. WiMIs But
there are two Democrats, also, on the
commissionMayor Lane and TV. L.
Brewster and a secretary, O. L. Mc
Pherson. who does the bidding cf the
Mayor, in order to hold his Job. The
Mayor cannot disguise the truth that
his influence dominates the commis
sion and directs Its workings.
Mayor Lane was elected to enforce
the laws. All his pre-election pledges
came to that, and it satisfied the reform
forces which elected him. Why, :hen.
has he not enforced the Civil Service
law, which ordains that appointments
shall be made by promotion and exam
inations shall be fair and open? If
Mayor Lane expects saloonkeepers and
gamblers to respect his example, he
might teach them how to re3pert the
law. .
So it appears that Puter a,nd McHn
ley are not ''lost," but are to "turn ip
at "Washington as witnesses against
Hermann. Statements by these men
wouldn't go far with an Oregon jury.
How far with a Jury of the Dis'rict of
Columbia we shall see.
If party nominations were to be won
by the candidates that make their plat
forms the shortest and the conclsest,
the candidates would save themselves
a lot of verbiage and the people would
know more about their principle.
Mr. Patrick Bruin Is a reformer who
has worked at the trade' four or five
ntonths long . enough. Mayor Lane
thinks, to entitle him te a. share of
the profits.- ,
Wit is the overflow of a full mind.
ThatVj why a fW man thinks he's witty.
If at Srst you don't succeed, swear,
swear again.
"Wisdom for the erring: Everybody Is
struggling and making compromises.
Each compromise costs a future struggle.
The- following letter and poem were
handed la on Friday. I have omitted the
young man's name and address, because
Henneway has come In from the moun
tains to spend New Year's In Portland.
He Is a big man, and easily aroused. I
am afraid of the consequences should the
two poets come together:
Portland. Orl. Dec. 30. (To the Editor.)
I notice where you have given space In thn
columns ot your paper to what I call -cheap
poetrr " Henneway. who style himself the
"Poet of the Cascade." seems to think he
was first In the field with poetry, eulogizing:
the Kreat sorrowing "Fitz.; I have always
admired Fitz. and Immediately- after the
Kreat tragedy that robbed him of llfe'n most
precfous gift his honor I was seized with
Inspiration- and produced some verses, which
t respectfully submit herewith. I am an
Oregon home-boy. and have had the advan
tage ot city life only one year, but am am
bitious, and If I may say so. will one day
write something- that will make me famous.
Xow sound the melancholy lute.
The grief that's In us. show.
The mighty Fitz has passed away.
The champion lies low.
The pain of "laurels lost" Is keen.
One's fullest woe to rouse.
.Oh! think of this great one' who's lost
HU honor and his spouse.
Victory's badge he long had worn
Through years, with pride infessed.
The memory of this now can't soothe
The fallen king, distressed.
When Fortune smiled, his loving wife
Was always at his side.
Kissed from hi brow the horrid frown.
And soothing arts applied.
But now. while shines the evil star.
She leaves him quite alone.
And with her guilty paramour.
To a mansion rich has flown.
Then sound the 'timbrel wake the lute.
For glory'a thrill is o'er.
Let's honor one whom Fortune's smile
Won t solace any more.
I am an Oregon-born boy, and spent
threo years at college. Kindly publish
this In your paper. .1 played football with
that school. Tours, etc.
The railroads arc obliged to be careful
as regards who rides on one of their
tickets, particularly as their passenger
rates are based on weight. They do not
weigh the passenger when he buys his
ticket, but they size him up quite accu
rately. He Is either slender, medium, or
stout, and he the ticket, I .mean, is
punched accordingly. Now. If a slim man
bought a ticket, and a fat man should
get the ride, it would be manifestly un
just. When a slim man attempts to ride
on a fat man's ticket, he Is properly pre
vented from doing so. The railroads
must make a little money once In a while.
' The railroads throughout the country
probably lose as much as $5000 a year on
account of fat men riding on slim men's
tl-jkets. The millions of dollars that they
devote annually to prevent this inroad on
their receipts are exceedingly well spent.
The decision of Judge Leventriit of the
New York Supreme Court that the sale
of a railroad ticket carries with it the
purchaser's right to sign It in the name
of the man from whom it was bought is
perfectly ridiculous In view of the fact
that railway tickets distinctly say that
to do such things Is a forgery.
It is a well-known principle of common
law that the rules and regulations devised
by a corporation for Its own internal gov
ernment mus,t be conformed to by the
public whether they like it or not. "The damned!" said Justice Vander
bllt. the eminent authority on corpora
tions, when the case came up to his de
pa rtmenr.
In connection with the above, it might
be well to mention the celebrated case of
the State vs. Scond. 2 Wash., 237. The
facts as they were developed In the low
er courts were as .follows, viz.:
One A. Bl Scond. of Brush Prairie, ex
treasurer of .the Alaska Glacier & Iceberg
Investment Company, was arrested and
brought to trial before Judge Treecent of
the Municipal Court of Vancouver,
charged with assaulting a brakeman In
the employ of the Vancouver, Klickitat &
Yakima Railroad Company.
Testimony was introduced to show that
Scond bought a ticket from Vancouver to
Brush Prairie and paid therefor the sum
of 23 cents. This ticket, according to the
testimony ot the manager, entitled him to
a first-class passage and a comfortable
seat on the front logging-truck where the
scenery was good when the weather was
clear. On Wednesday. December 27, 1S37.
It was raining hard. Just outside of the
city limits of Vancouver, beyond the Main
street crossing, while the train was run
ning. Scond climbed Into the engine to
get. in out of the wet. on the day and
year nbove mentioned.
The testimony of Richard ftumfort. the
engineer, giving the details of the alter
cation that followed, had no bearing on
the points that the Supreme Court was
called upon to adjudicate.
At Keyes Junction, R. A. Pike, the
brakeman, who lived In a house close to
the track, where the cinders from the en
gine fell dpwn Into the garden, to the
great disgust of the neighbors, whose
chickens thought they were caraway
seeds, and the eggs made the whisky
punch taste like Scotch high ball on New
Year's Eve in the saloons of Vancouver,
was called Into the engine cab to adjust
the differences of opinion that had arisen.
He (Pike) testified that he suggested that
Scond go forward and sit down where the
air was fresh, and that he gently took
him by the arm In order to show him the
way. According to the testimony of
Scond. Pike seized him by the rear of the
neck and the seat of his trousers and
fired him through the door, to his great
discomfort and hurt to his feelings. It
was then, as the evidence shows, that
Scond, in using a cant-hook to lend force
to his remarks, wielded the same in such
a manner that Pike was seriously injured.
Judge Treecent took the case under ad
visement. In a day or so he rendered
judgment to the effect that it was against
a rulo of the road for passengers to ride
on the engine; that the said rule was
posted In a conspicuous place on the
manager's desk, where all might sec and
read; also that the defendant pay the
manager's salary, which had been for
three months In arrears.
The case was taken up to the Superior
Court, Judge Gloomfeel presiding, on a
writ of restitution.
Evidence was introduced which tended
to show that the railway officials brought
undue pressure to bear while the case
was under advisement. However, as that
had no bearing on the points at issue, the
lower court was sustained.
On appeal to the Supreme Court by
Scond, the briefs of the appellant and
the state each cited abundant authorities
to show that the evidence introduced by
the other was Irreverent. Incompetent and
It was the decision of the court,, two
judges concurring, one absent, and one
dissenting that the lower court be re
versed and that the case be remandtd for"
a sew trial .
' .' ' AI. B. WELLS.
A Discourse or Interesting Posslbll-
-- i -
ltles. '
Boston Herald.
The President's activity in the politics
of his own state can be explained onno
other theory than that he desires to con
trol the party organization, with a view
to his own future. Such vgolicltude" as
he has manifested In the factional con
test In New York, the consultations he has
held and the part he has taken, are not
compatible with the state of mind of a
President who Is serving his second term
and preparing to retire at Its end. It Is
Just what would be expected of a Presi
dent, who has no Intention of going Into
obscurity as a "has been," but who pur-
poses still to take a controlling part In
public affairs.
This view of the President's activity in
party management in New York is gen
erally accepted at Washington. That he
win secure complete control of the organ
ization admits of no doubt. Senator.
Flatt no longer counts. Senator Dcpew
nas all that he can do to keep from re
signing. Ex-Governor Odell is discredited
and beaten. With the Governor, the
speaker of the assembly and the New
ork City organization In alliance with
him. or under his direct guidance, and
with the vast powers of the federal pat
ronage at his command, the President
would be a far less bold and resourceful
politician than he has shown himself to
be for twenty years If he failed to secure
the control which he Is obviouslv seeking.
The purpose of this control Is" variously
interpreted. There are plenty of politi
cians who think the President could be
forced" to accept a renomlnation In
spite of his election night disavowal of
any such ambition or willingness. The
Herald Is not among those who think
there will be any overpowering popular
aemand for a third term for Mr. Roose
velt. We think It more likely that the
Republican party and other citizens,
whose votes helped to elebt him in mi.
will have had quite enough of him as
President before IMS. There Is a sugges
tion In a. Washington dispatch to the New
York World whloh has some color of prob
ability. The President, it says, has no in
tention of retiring; "that is most repug
nant to him." "What he has In mind
now." it Is declared, "is a United States
Senatorshlp at the conclusion of his pres
ent term." He has It "strongly In mind,
too," it Is added, and a cabinet officer
said: "I was there when It was first sug
gested to Roosevelt that it would be a
good thing for him to go into the United
States Senate. He Jumped at It like a?
trout at a fly. 'I would like that.' he
said, if It could be brought about.' "
It could probably be "brought about" if
the President has his heart set on It.
Senator Piatt's term will expire in 1909.
The legislative apportionment ot New
York State has been so gerrymandered in
the constitution that nothing short of a,
political earthquake and landslide com
bined can give to the Democrats control
of the Senate or a majority on Joint bal
lot. With the power in his hands as
President, with the alliances he Is mak
ing and In view of the death, decay or
downfall of all the other state Republican
leaders. Mr. Roosevelt could, without
much doubt, bring about his own cfection
to the Senate. That this was the ultimate
goal of his ambition when he entered
politics and sought office in New York
City was well known to his intimate
friends, the Herald has stated. That he
should prefer this office to any other on
his retirement from the presidency Is nat
ural to a man of his temperamental ac
tivity and love for the center ot the
As a Senator, Mr. Roosevelt would eas
ily outrank In native ability, forcefulncss
and knowledge of public affairs, any man
New York has sent to the upper house ot
Congress since Seward's time, with the
exception of Roscoe Conkllng. As a means
of adding to the public Interest In the
proceedings of that body. Mr. Roosevelt's
election to the Senate would ba a great
thing. He would again be In a position
where his opponents can "talk back,"
Fancy the entertainment that would '.Vc
afforded when Senator Bailey set out $o
give Senator Roosevelt a few easy lessons
In constitutional law. or when Tlllnfa'rf
poised his pitchfork against Roosevelt's
"big stick" In the senatorial, arena! No
stories of the encounters ot our redouht
able presidential Nlmrod with bobcats,
wolves or grizzly bears- would equal in in
terest in the reports of proceedings in the
Senate when Theodore Roosevelt shall
take the seat of either of the "senile old.
men" who now so feebly represent ths
Empire state. Therefore do we heartily
wish the President success in his long'
range ambition and wish 1S0S were even
Article Under This Head Dedicated
"To Whom It May Concern."
Portland New Age.
It Is amusing and even astonishing to
notice how many country papers and some
little people take every possible occasion
to find fault with and censure unreason
ably The Oregonlan and Its cditor-ln-chief.
Perfectly proper, true and even
good-natured remarks of that great news
paper are distorted Into expressions of
malevolent Ill-will, and broad-minded and
clear-headed criticisms of sham, hypoc
risy, cant, subterfuge and sophistry are
made the basis of vulgar and virulent
attacks. The simple fact is that while In
matters political The Oregonlan may
sometimes show inconsistency, and on oc
casions bias and where is the dally news
paper that does not? It Is, as It has al
ways been, the most courageous, as well
as the ablest exponent of truth in regard
to all sorts of things and thoughts and
projects, propagandas and "waves." and
movements and trends in this part of the
country. If-not In the whole country.
For example, because The Oregonlan
commended the good work of a fruit in
spector and some fruitraisers in one coun
ty to the attention and imitation of those
of another county, a paper of the latter,
county accuses The Oregonlan of spite
and malice and misrepresentation. Or
again, if with unanswerable logic and
reason The Oregonlan exposes the shal
low sophistry and flatulent ignorance ot
some seventeenth-rate pulpiteer, he gen
erally responds not with anything in real,
support of his nonsensical theories or his
theological balderdash, but with a labored
screed vulgarly vituperative of The Ore
gonlan, whose editor knows more than" a
thousand like him rolled Into one could
learn In a thousand years.
But the great newspaper pursues the
even tenor of Its high, broad way. and If
not always absolutely right on every prop
osition, is a great instructor and illumi
nator within Its field, as It has been for
half a century.
Abuse of Heney Is Abuse of Itooscvclt
Pendleton East Oregonlan.
Francis J. Heney, the land-fraud
prosecutor, who has done more good
for Oregon In the past year than all
the dishonest politicians who ever held
public office in the state, is a friend
and confidant of the President and was
sent to clean out Oregon at the direc
tion ot the President. The abuse cf
Heney which is now being prlniec in
certain little partisan papers may In
dicate how fervently these little sheets
love the President. Abuse of Heney for
doing his duty is abuse of the fearless'
President wno sent .him to Oregon and
will perhaps be considered as such by
.the President.
The Primary Law.
Sherman County Observer.
The disposition of the intelligent cla.ssest
appears to be to give this law a, decent
show, to demonstrate whether -it has any
merit beyond overworking county official?
and heaping -unnecessary expenses upen
taxpayers. Everyone Ls convinced of the
necessity of trying out the hoodoo, giving
the theorists who brought It Into being
ooDortunitv to lirove its practicability..