.28 THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX, PQRTiN'b, DECEMBER - -Si; ItOS., uxsssw& re wc Y3jm I 111 I I I If . , ! -.i ' SII n . Mil 1 I U-. I l I i .rt -HE new year will be ushered In to : I find Portland besieged with comic opera. It has long been contended that this is- the order of attraction which alone Jd assured of libera! patronage in the Oregon metropolis. Just how much of It we can assimilate the week will reveal, for never before lias so much musical comedy and comic opera been spread before the local public in one week. Monday afternoon and night "Johnny Will Come Marching Home" at the Marciuam. Tuesday and Wednesday "The Yankee Consul" will have an In ning. Thursday the Roaclans will be nn hand with three cood old-timers. Thuja- i night "El Capltan" will be the offering: j Friday night "The Bohemian Girl.' and j Saturday "The Mikado." 1 While the theatrical Christmas tree was j well bedecked with attractions, there was j nothing out of the ordinary upon It. j "Buster Brown," a combination of mu sical comedy and vaudeville, played at the Marquam ail week. The Belasco put on the pretty comedy drama "Blue Jeans" which was 'well "ommmsfsmmfsmmn C9 of which was provided by Alfred G. Robyn. will be the attraction at the Mar quam Grand Theater next .Tuesday and Wednesday nights. January 2 and 3. with a special matinee Wednesday. Miss Vera Michelena, the beautiful prima donna of "The Yankee Consul" Company, Is a warm favorite on the Pa cific Coast and has a legion of ardent friends in this city who will cordially wel come hef- return. Miss Michelena Is a Californian by birth and her early child hood was spent in the city of her nativ ity, San Francisco. She is tne daughter " of Slgnor Michelena. the celebrated tenor. whose fame Is world wide, and who sup ported Emma Abbott and other noted op eratic stars. Nothing more beautiful than the scenic Investiture of "The Yankee Consul" may be found In the modern comic opera, for. while "The Yankee Consul" is distinctly a modem comic opera, it takes the fol ' lowers of this form of amusement back to the earlier days of real comic opera. ana on mis us reputation nas occn buiided. Aside from the remarkable sonsistency of the story of the opera, the whlstleauto WKm Jir. ? dJtczLT-av Zrassssy " sis Vm v mi ought to be ddnc away with. Generally an Irritated look from romp of the vic tims of tbffc brand of revelry tend to quiet the disturbance, but there remain those of such phlegmatic temperament that nothing short of violence might put the quietus on them. Where if there a theatergoer who has had. not one. but a dozen, performances spoiled by some wordy boor near by? Those who are the culprit. will earn undying gratitude by making tbo objectionable habit the sub ject of a New Year's resolution. swrtt zxzwi handled by, the stock company. The Balier had a good burlesque show, and the 'Empire had a good run with twp comedies, "Jerry From Kerry" and "An Editor'R Troubles." The Belasco's offering for the ensuing week Is a laughable little comedy. "The lte Mi. Tompkins." The Baker will have the "Dreamland" Burlesque Com pany, and "A Fight for Millions." melo drama. Mill be the bill at the Empire. THE Belasco Is to suspend operations after next week. Lack of patron Rge has brought on this end. Belasro & Mayer have been conducting the theater for the past 22 weeks on a losing bap!?, and have announced that they will keep it up no longer. The members of the com pany received notice of their dismissal as a Christina.? present, and it caused general regret among them, as all have become attached to Portland. To many it Is a matter of regret that the delightful stock productions will be discontinued. The Belasco Company ha? served up In delectable form a Jarge num ber of excellent plays that otherwise might never have jsenetrated to the Coast. A cret.b4e standard was maintained tu prwj!tlng there plays. Mency and pains were nt spared la scenery and settings. The effort to win the patron age of Portland theatergoers was ear nest, and that it failed is probably due to the obscure location of the theater, seven or eight blocks from the business center of the city. Just what mill be done with the theater has mot yt been announced. There wat a disposition at flm to believe It would go to the Inde pendents, but this Is denied by Mr. Mayer, who insists he will lock the door for the time being. Fortunately the Ill-fortune of in thea ter has not manifested itself upon the members of the company, and- while the season Is the very worst for Joss of em ployment, the various members of the troupe are said to have provided well for a rainy day. NOW that New Year" Is at hand, there's an excellent field for resolu tions on the part of a not too scanty set of theatergoers who have formed n habit of becoming a general nuisance to every one about them. "WKcther superinduced by thoughtlessness, lack of breeding or a thonmgh disregard for the right and feeling t einent, the type of perana wh tastets v&on dicuft4i private nfCatrs or venting epfntefuj; of thing 111 general tHir. wg tne ,cum of . ntay n pm tba LOTTIE GILSON. Uie "Little Magnet" who has been ill and practically with out means at a local hospital for the past month. Is to be taken to New York and, given the most scientific of medical attention, according to advises received from New York. Mark A, Mayer, of tnat j city, has taken up the task of. raiding a J subscription, which has been growing j xapiciy. DREAMLAND BUI1LESQCERS. Novel Offerlnrr for New Year's Week at the Baker Begins Today. Starting with today's matinee the New Year's week offering at the Baker will be the famous Dreamland Burlesquers. Seldom. If ever, doe a burlesque show attempt to offer anything so novel and thoroughly perfect as that of the Dream land Burlesquers- programme. It is not only one of the largest but Is. perhaps, the highest-salaried organization of its class now touring, and Includes Mich ce lebrities as Jolly Zeb, the Dreamland Trio. Including Miss Gladys St. John. La Clede and Raymond. Marie Dodd, Palfrey and Barton, Louis Pritxkow, and as a special feature, the all-nation beauty display of thirty show girls from every clime. The costuming and scenic outfit of this organization Is the most elaborate and extensive ever presented at popular prices, and will bear comparison with any of tly-hlgher-priced productions now touring. Two absolutely new burlesques. "At the ClrcuV' and "Through the Clouds." will be presented. In spectacular form, and In which will be Introduced the entire com pany of comic and Burlesque art I is. as well as the chorus, who are on the stage In different costumes every few minutes. There will be a special holiday matinee tomorrow afternoon, and the regular bar gain day matinee will also be given "Wednesday as usual. All evening per formance start at K:15. NEW YEAR'S AT MAKQUAM "WIich Johnny CHd Marching Home' AftcrMHMt bh4 Night. Musical enmedy in wMch hiHtmnt : ers. clever "cnlln, nre(t girts. ar- 4u CMtanK and beaaittM snwtnt seen- nB " TgF.,' j jBj u j i nnMinBrfian,. Jim s jJ'r ! J5iBi'inP'l-l"ili cry predominate, form a combination for the edification or up-to-date playgoers which it would indeed be a bard task to equal; Such Is the attraction. "When Johnny Comes Marching- Home.' which will be presented at the Xarquant -Grand Thea ter tomorrow. New Year's afternoon and night. The entire production wilt be pre sented, with aH Its elaborate detail of scenery, mechaaicai and costume effects and saer cant that characterised the ten roa wMen. the ce-meny enjoyed at the New York tfceaier; in fact, the opera witt he hrynght here direct from New York. The pent hn more action, more pmtiar snac and mtore pfctwreaque nrise- ec-scene than any musical piece that has been produced In years. The music ranges from grand opera to ballads, the choruses are strong, wen voiced and keep beautiful time throughout, while an air of patriot ism pervades the entire work. The company Includes W. T. Carleton. the eminent baritone-manager: "W. P. Carleton. a splendid baritone and an able and worthy successor to his distinguished father: Miss Gertrude Vaughn. Miss Ber tha Darel. Miss Jean Salisbury, Miss Mae Slbell. Miss Florence Mills. Miss May Belding. Messrs. J. Francis, C D. Burt. Donald Mackenzie. Charles Church, Har ry A. Kelly. George Hullngs. and a large chorus of beautiful young women and handsome young men. who are also vo cally of a high order of merle Box office opens tomorrow morning at 10 o'clock. TWO PIxAYS AT THE EMPIRE "A Fight for Millions" and "When the Bella Toll" for New Year's. The Empire Theater will have two plays this week. The opening attraction this afternoon will be "A Fight for Millions." a sensational comedy drama, with plenty of vim. and acted by a company possess ing actors of more than ordinary ability. The scene of the play opens In one of the suburban cities of New York on Long Island. It tells an unusual story and In troduces seme unusual characters. For rapidity of actln there are few plays of this character that esuals this one. and for medern stage egeets there are none as up-tsdate aa "A Fight far Martens." A great metrenoHtan tunnel scene; the in terior of Sntr Sins prisons a Hudson. Riv er train inlKfJon. and a firil-eqoipped swv mcrme boat, the arst craft l this hind tn he ever tntredttcad on thei aiaae; the wiraioas tclsphoner which in a step in ad vance over the wfa iiltas telegraph, and an 1 sssae; "1 T-j-s-rJzs oceanic steamer with a megaphone are only a few Incidentals in "A Fight for Millions." The company contains some actors and actresses of well-known abil ity. Among the names are Molisc Cam pion. Nellie Guerin. David, Williams. Jane Williams and W. F. Tobin. The company Is headed by Percy Hunting, an excellent legitimate actor, seen here before with Madame Modjeska. Thomas ICeans and other star actors. VA Fight for Millions" runs until "Wednesday night, with a spe cial matinee New Year's afternoon. Beginning Thursday night, for the re mainder of the week, the same company will produce for the first lime in Port land, Travers Vale's successful play, "When the Bell Tolls," the scenes of which are laid In one of the most ro mantic spots on earth, the mountains of St. Bernard In Switzerland. And, inci dentally, the plot takes the actors to the Interior of the wonderful historical mon estry of St Bernard, where the way farer finds sanctuary and where the al most human Intelligence of the 3u Ber nard dogs Is manifested. "THE YANKEE CONSTXD." Famous Cemlc Opera Swrccss at the Marftcam Jannary 2 and 3. Henry M, Btoaeom's hrttiianc operatte satire, "The Yankee Cancwir the music songs In It attract the most attention. II has been said that every song in the pro duction Is a nil. but chlefcst anions them are "In the Days oftOld." "Ain't It Fun ny What a Difference Just a Few Hours Maker' "In Old New York." "Hola.". "My San Domingo Maid." "Cupid Has Found My Heart," "When the Hammers Go Rap. Bap. Rap." "We Were Taught to Walk Demurely," and many others. Tho company which will be seen here con tains such names as Vera Michelena. Harry Short. Alice Hosmer. Mae Bottl Bonnie Welden. J. F Ratliff. George Shields. Harry Davis, C. B. Lefferson. Queenle Burt, Margaret Flavin. James Templeton, Olga Kalnlng. a list that gives an absolute guarantee of a splendid per formance. Tickets were placed on sale yesterday morning. Box office open tomorrow. ROSC1AN OPERA COMPANY. "EI Capltan," "Bohemian Girl," "The Mikado," at the MarqHam. At the Marquam Grand a radical de parture in the amusement line Is an nounced for three nigfaUt, starting Thurs day, January . with Saturday matinee. This is the Rescian Comic Opera Com pany, a rawdcal organis&tiori new to Port land, hat one which luts, gatned unua favoraMe eommendatlen In import to