J " Bib. cV,- I jiW.)m 'tanow of' Crlpafa and . 'toani f---"-- by 4. ynjfr.iteiter. of" -Wostani. 4 iBfi-mB" 4 CAptitR; J der otepUtC 2 lawnwr ot'ToHorkte. T MUM af 2ff 5? .ESS.- - r - i : b4- j W1 r: which Jt . 7 rkown jK"ttt-k'lU(:M'.-St nyi ippn9 sum. - 'tmilKr '. tho 'tMMM inaer ..- 7-the Ceottr 'jJ..i(MiHteMffli x -he proMMfwr.H naMr tot iwttle Tfie ' :wh . . Jflowornor. , Governor Xtodiin tfe iq. nwwicatiott -with tho ntaio UfiiKo Ltinrti 4 r nW ;o ;prjHftTaJCoc if tfco rime, ' v ' . , . :. - . : IL i thaws prnfcafrla ;tnat ike load- Jrr detots; xgwei" of the oMHbry; waU .k 'Mktd-ti sastd-aomo of thr mmy&, Hp:mjmm4 --tho ntate will onr a -jrreat a :rwird a tkc Governor 'mw d -lie 'h-as bow or to propose. ; aiWitcnberg- ws Gevorsor of the statef rent "Jtt7 te 1S1. 3ayr twlcejloctod. "He was Wffl InJwiT44 .yearsro and had. ben in laJ atace He left a wife and. thre oHlldren. .Gv(Ror Gooding Has Jnfr tne C&iftfcan Coaaty oSioIalK that Ike state -wIU sflr re war A "of gfe far appre heDsionOof the marAarer. ",A jeoial - train Is leaving Hrr Caldwell at 10 ''clock parrying1 the f Govern or and others -w4o to aseia.t In. ergaaJzing the worJc;8f raaingr-d"'H 'tac erlm- The laifK't Jtiformatiea frem tho oenc i ia the eaeet tbat 'tife.'.bomb whb jtHrW.v plaeed by the g&epost xnd ttif'jH-g of, .tW,sat expl&kod it When iteraoaa Twitting te 'tne spet rcatiifci theW trite man the latter Bald rwMtMjr ,J ii? "lV'he Rhet me?" lie jilm't&eMj sonathlng- abowt tarnlng Im over, bt4 e' lapsed late' vncen scWranee -at mc nd died TItaout gi1ng- any HiWm&t4a, Tne victim's jblataJng -and .his -bocb iSvere titm i -Ucrs and his Wok was terrlhir 4oii&:Btk lers -were shat- "terd 4 ttSanC' II Otot Twit, 1 " eKs&ele was feic The 'fkoefc af all oyer and broke all the irlajM.itt'M f the gteaaopberg home. Ihrety uaria jaad t or town be! hit Ssopad vi Jntreet every, lamii.L' v Xwa aa, ad aten "'lymc days and left for Jlyad in th Caear ot-the iniaia hore in of tkeat -ar 'Wainc- wlrW n rectian AtHtalpwam MpcstiatiWjtive. 'wjia -'waalt io OaW m; 40 apedal iim sends the fo!towist after yiaiUnir, the aajwa at the crime: ' ! ' 'AaaaHanas. JCjeav aIMBr'jBri The ex-ff vernor was ldHed ai o west ate; ieaotea; to. is Jmm&: jOcor at Ms home. a pat ant m. ,ssi aaamjTaaw to hahfvi no ,atvar woaW lava Mpyossd- wawli ' m t the front ante, bctitwa W haWt to itae the tMc. Tna. vtbttsa atnlnad anwrlpin'ussi abaWt 21 .nttaaaa.-- -Ke ' was ;arack dawn at M and lot -T.-hV betn'aoiiaeiottc uU ha hrapthad Ms last." , ' .1 , . , Tfctta wf snftasiuas- ae ld.''an; aeaa to wiilsssnBiaii,lait awwii to laMu He jannnnia ha haaaa anckiW M hnuasod from afar ttiaC; .would' Hunts :Mg) upon tbe daad. , . '' . He was Wr wmmded, the itfk belna; snsanV or da layaftBK' S$aVi mm INannlnnvOnfaH rj(neRM;j; ha 4Jm im$i. aaaalaanaak ovecnor rouafcowt t'strikWliCBi.-lNM ftm tntaprfnc;oc w. The"lBnc tMns i. owain K- dows M W ailiiHit-ms lerat ft l;'-vlNitiker' BJW A BuUtMHI tlB Jn mM tliat y;'w4 of rlke gyiajglM task-f !n - train ;a4 WMk t k MllL ' Th buUdlns- was lowt 'fttk dniajnli' n4 at Jeast om fnatt ms ktAd J:t)e,xjilon. The ;iulimBam tupaalmi fi tlie GNyfanMr for liinnarlinn WaaiinT "lHit tha .jrflMrs torwrjr Sorm C wiwtee and iMMMMrtiab to arareat the perauM 't-'Xim atartaa nttia acta eoacWered la- pgacMatMaT probiakived a atota f JnanHMlin adcalted PraakieAt MrlTinW iar 9e4eral trawpe, 0earal ;3a laarrtaw aupiad the distrkt and xaarOal Sfwr. A aka4c. caneaaJlr ac a 'bullpen, -was Btrniers JHtd-jtCrlke ayatpathteers vera-lmartaooad hi great numbers. A pcr rtt: ivatan) 'e eataMMied -by the artlttarr Mid' aflper wac permlted to fhk Ite'talnai who did ot ntake af JMavtt fllat --WMatbar not a. ment nar ir-'fha awin;:;ar had severed Me co awoChMi wjtk it'and would not aaia 4r. . ISbW otoaetic traaiaaant, yeanatid .kt the aAaniihaatton; oC ainanr'araanlaa- tioa J "the Oaeor 4Xic. aatd It has Wyec'-beea rt uwtaaliait a'a ' The matter Oojnffiaaaionai jiiaaanr auc' ordered. The Bepahaoaai m waiui ;;a4U .ahe ooaHatiaekm yade areort "aphrtng "Goyerwor Steu !nen4MqB altawiith a -waa' a. Democrat, amd the acttoavaC' jeAlani IfcKialey. ihir 2NaaaiaalL- eaarl laa4araMf of aaarjMaaa,L jwwniy re- 'pVataW .and Xational 2Hca- r ihelat that -.he wan,', at tha awnaat wcutebency, a! .twi Tyaayr&yihleal Union. OF DOMBSTIC TASTES StenHcnhcrg Was a Newspaper Mkh Prom- Iowa. 2Jrank Steuacnbcrs wa born in loa, .about. 1899, oho bf a family of several bbj'8, nearly all of whom were taught tho printer's trade. In 18S6 his brother Al bert, now a banker in Southern Idaho and Eastern Oregon, then in L.a ramie. "YVyo., was one of a company who bought tho Caldwell (Idaho) Tribune. Frank was then publisher of a weekly paper In his native state and as soon as he could sell there he Joined bis brother at Caldwell. The two made the paper a, power in the next ten years. IVhen Cleveland was re elected an effort was made to appoint "Mr. Stcuneahcrg postmaster at Caldwell, but a rival faction so opposed him that a compromise wis effected whereby Hen ry Hartley, a pioneer Democrat, whom he Jocularly $d to say was in Price's left wing, got tho postoflScc, and Frank was staled tar the State Senate. In tho Fall lie was" elected, and in the msslon that "Winter he made such an Impression that when convention time came around in 38 he was the Democratic nominee for Governor. He was elected. One term was enough, and when it was ended he ietlred to his ranch on tho edge of the city of Caldwell. Later lie went into sbecpraisiag. It was in tills stage of bis $areer that I last saw him, and a glow lib up bis face as- he told me: "So more politics for Frank." Mr. Steunepbcrg was happily married. He had a son, Julian, born in 1SSC, a (CBc)acd on psce 3.) MURDERED BY DYNAMITE JoaannBMBoaBu glhgal igi ppiif-rafnor rer I -a.' saemaar nfee Proceedings Mere His Chains LY PALACE WAS THE JAIL Ejitoient Threats Kept Her In Five Months, DtAiTH ENDS LONG SIEGE Now Millionaire's Body Hosts ia the liomciHc "Deserted, "While Prlcads . Strive for Temporary 4 Tcc Till Funeral. . -V NEW TORK. Dec SO. While the body of Charles T. Terkcs. millionaire traction magnate, is lying at his mansion at Fifth Aveane and Sixty-eighth street today, every effort Is being made to smooth over for tho brief time before tho funeral the domes-tic tangle Into which the man's queer acaso of ethics had plunged him. The body Is at tho home of his legal wid ow, but for the last three years 51 r. Terkea has not entered It. nor had the widow visited him during the last weeks of his Illness until yesterday afternoon, when she was informed, that he was dy ing. JSvae. then, it is said by some, she remained in another room until the end came. In the Fjfth avenue houe the widow for tho last five months has been a pris oner by reason oC Sir. Tcrkes desire to divorce her. She was ordered to leave tho mansion by Samuel Untcrroeycr, llr. Yerkos personal counsel, and on her re fusal. It had been threatened that gas. water and electricity would be shut off. Her own lawyers had told her -to remain In the house, warning- her that advantage might be taken of bcr absence to throw into the street "her personal effects and close the doors on her. TVhen. Mr. Tcrkes returned from Europe last August with Miss ISmllle Grtgsby, ho announced his Intention to divorce Mrs. Yerkcs. From that time until two weeks ago Mrs. Terkes was obliged to stay be hind locked doers. Many times she had been asked Tjy telephone to come to the Waldorf. On Sunday she finally consent ed. It is stated sho learned Miss Grijreby was calling on tho sick man and sho re fused to see him. Yesterday she once more left her handsome Jail and when she returned the man whose legal machina tions she feared was dead. Mrs. Yerkcs would see no reporters to day, but she telephoned to her friends explaining to them the reason for her failure to visit her husband. To nearly every one the news that sho bad been a prisoner In the mansion came as a sur prise. The attempt at getting a divorce last Summer had been kept secret, and very few persons were aware of tho last chapter In the millionaire's marital af fairs. At the Grigsby homo a negro but lcr said that Miss Grtsby was not in, and he did not know where she was. "She may make a statement to the press lat er," the man volunteered. TERKES ESTATE IS LARGE Famous Magnate lias Many Pen sloncrs on His List. CHICAGO, Dec SO. (Special.) Charles T. Yerkea' will Is to be probated in Cook County within the next 09 days. It Is estimated the document will disclose an BOMB AT CALDWELL HOME estate oC xajm,Wk. It In left large amounts to cbarHy nam.tn?Js stitutlons to be used by the pobHe.- y-,. Now that the famous street-railway promoter and manager 'is dead, acts of charity that he kept secret are described. It has been learned that he Bad more than. 3 pensioners ob fete books. Hos pital, art fawwaif natoatMc societies and colleges are said to "be mentioned In the wllL BODY Th" HAMPER Dead 3farnatc Carried lake Old CIoUics Secretly From Hotel. NEW YORK. Dec 3.-(Speclal.)-The bitterest enemy of Cliarles T. tcrkes could never have wished him an end as sad as that which was his. In order to prevent the guests in the hotel from real izing- that a death had occurred, his body was carried from tho place secretly and conveyed to the Fifth-avenue residence of his wife. A big wicker hamper was taken to the room la which he had died. The body was placed in this and then, with great secrecy, two of the porters. In Jeans, Jumpers and overalls, took the (Concluded ea pace 2.) CONTENTS TODAY'S PAPER The Weather. TESTE RD AY'S Maximum temperature. dev.; raJnlrasm. 38. Precipitation, 0.70 of an Inch. TODAT'S Occasional rain. Cooler. South to west wladB. Xauhu Artillery wrecks factorief filled with rebels at Moscow and UIls hundreds. I'ace 1. Reds admit failure, bat will resort to guer rilla war. i'ase 1. Rebellion breaks oat la more provinces. Page 3. Bridge blown up and hundreds of soldiers Killed, rase 3. s Forelsa. Renewed fear of war between France and Germany. Pago 3. French Catholics preparing for church sep aration. Fago 3. Reisn of terror la Barcelona. Page 3. Chinese Reform Commission coming to America. Pa 15. Morales proclaimed traitor to Santo Do- mlngro. Page. j-i. r yatleaal. Benton's demurrer overruled and he must stand trial for land frauds. Page. 13. Government has new Irrigation project at Priest Rapldsu Pag IZ. Trial of Hermann begins next month. Pare 13. Trial of Midshipman Decatur for hazing. Pare reUtio. Pollco Commissioner McAdoo condemns Mc- Clellan'a summary action. Pago 13. Bingham tells policy la managing New York ponce. Page IX Domestic. Andrew Carnegie. review of tire year. Page 1. . . Tcrkes kept wife prisoner in house. Page 1. Closing- day of insurance Inquiry. Page 2. Nation enters on New Year In state of pros perity. Para 3. J. J. Hill will oaty tctata financial manage ment or rauroaas, t-sn. - . . . Call money rates highest In six years. Page 15. I Fewer lynchings in 1905 than in -0 years. Page l. Walter "Wellman snd fc'antos-Dumont will and .North Pole with airship, rage is. Printers' strike begins In earnest Monday. Page z. Snort. O'Brien will defend championship title. Par 16. Multnomah looms up well In practice. Page 1. Pacific Coast "League will remain Intact. Page 16. Militiamen study tactics. Pago 17. Indopr sports are In full awtng-. Page IT. Jockey fame soon wanes. Page 1. Football committees tinkering rules. Tage 17. Revival In boxing at the Multnomah Club. Page 18. Percy F. Megargel describes his hardships In Arizona. Page 16. Pacific Cest. Ex-Governor Frank Steunenberg. of Idaho." murdered by dynamite bomb at Caldwell home. Page 1. Conspiracy of Honolulu officials and servants to secure fees from siantora estate. Page 4. Sailors of "Wynerl tell terrible tale of the sea. page 4. Wealthy California, woman forced by 'second husband to alga large checK. rage 4. Commissioners to hear testimony In Ore " gon-TTashlngton boundary dispute. Page 5 CenterrlUe. Wash., man marries bis mother-in-law. Page 5. Disclosure of Eastern record caused Banker Probert to fly from Dayton, Or. Page 5. Commercial and Marine. Shortage In California orange crop reported. Page 33. Chicago wheat market strong nearly all day. Page 33. Profit-taking sales unsettle ' stock market. Page 33. Bank statement not unfavorable. Tage 33. California cured fruit market dull. Page 33. French bark drags anchor In the harbor. Page 13. French bark Jean Baptlste reaches port aft-r trying experience off tho Columbia Ttlvcr bar. Page 13. Dutch steamer collides with barge in New Tork harbor. Page 13. German tank steamer collides with British steamer off Chilean coast. Page 15. Dynamite-laden steamship crashes Into schooner la Delaware IUver. Tage 13. Portland aad Vicinity. . Lane and Bruin get even on members of police force who testified not to their liking at civil service investigation. Page S. Crime rampant In Portland during Decem ber. Page 10. Sllprbod methods of Police Department shown at hearing of charges against Kerrigan and Snow. Page 21. This year the biggest one In realty transac tions Portland ha ever seen. Page S. 'Mysterious Billy" Smith want a divorce and so does his wife. Page 8. Union of Northern and Cumberland Pres byterians pleases alL Page 10. Traveling Men's Protective Association elects officers and given banquet. Page 14. Teat are aad Departments. CdltorlaL Tage . Anna Loubct grateful to public Page 25. Society. Fagea 28-27. Dramatic. Pages 2S-23. C!aslfled advertisements. Pages 13-23. Memorial to volunteer dead- Page 30. Good-sized real estate deals, rage 31. California will welcome Portland pilgrims. Page 32. Sarcasm aad humor In cartoons. Page 33. Italy's Queen mother to tour America. Tage 34. Bernhardt a great artist at 81. Page 39. Newell Dwlght HIllls sermon. Page 37. The silent reaper's harvest of . the great. Page 38. Important happenings of 1905. Page 39. Europe's future rulers.. Page 4. , How S3 bays reached Cengrese. Page it "RemlaUcences of - Oesrge H. -Williams. Page 4L . rxaalons. Pages 42-43. Malays are afclftle and lazy. Page 44.. The new Uad af New Years. . Part 43. Beks. Page 4. Tenth's oepartmeat. Pg:47. . . ry mum to" the force the government employed, I 1 w I II1WUUIIIIUU Artillery Batters Down Their Refuges. WALLS GRUMBLE UPON THEM Doubassoff Inaugurates New Terror in Moscow. REDS HAVE LOST HEART Deplore Falling "into Trap-Set by AVIttc Government Xow Has tens Preparations for Klcc llon of Assembly. MOSCOW, Dec. 30. (6:30 P. M.) Governor-General Doubassoff today as sumed the offensive against the revolu tionary stronghold In tho northwestern or Prcsna quarter and all day the Inhab itants of the city have been listening to the thunder of cannon and the rattle of small arms. At this writing llring; is still audible but more distant, and the lurid glare in the heavens shows that many structures arc in flames. It was essentially a surprise attack. During the night artillery and machine guns moved to the streets leading to the Prcsna district, all of which were heav ily barricaded, and at 4 o'clock this morning the troops began an advance, clearing the way ruthlessly. By 10 o'clock most of the region had been cleared and the main body of the In surgents and strikers had been driven Into the ProkhaxofT cotton mills, an im mense establishment which was for tified to stand a siege. Factory Kcduccd to lluins. A smaller force of the revolutionaries held the Komsoff. another four-story factory, in Kudrinsky Place. The latter vwas bombarded and . reduced . without much difricolty. It is impossible to pen etrate the quarter as the plckots have the strictest orders to allow no ono to pass. The artillery Are was resumed at 2 o'clock this afternoon and continues. According to officers at Governor-Gen eral DoubassotTs headquarters, the ProK- haroff mill Is momentarily expected to fall and It In nssertted that it la the pro gramme to finish the revolt tonight. It Is admitted that, tho slaughter has been immense. The Scmlnovsky Itcgimcnt Is said to have distinguished Itself in many places by storming barricades and Is the heav iest-loser ou the sldo of the troops. "Workmen Bttrncd to Death. A terrible affair took place at a workman's tea house in ovaya Dorc- voya street near the Prcsna district. It was surrounded by the "Black Hun dreds," who finally nppllcd the torch and wero watching the victims Inside con sumed by the flames when Cossacks ar rived on the scene. Governor-General Doubassoff has posted an imperial ukase guaranteeing p anion 10 sinners wno nave not uacu arms. GOVERNMENT CIiAI3IS VICTORY: Rebels Are Disconsolate and TVintcr Fights Against Them. ST. PETERSBURG, Dec. 20.-(100 P. M.) The . government claims that the MAN WHO KEPT CHARLES nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn innnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnHVinnsT7 - -i ' c: v ( tlannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl nnnnnnnnnnnnnnWlnnnnaV ' - i" rM HHpf '"HPS JB- rfKnnininininin.lH .HIHI - " .n-n-fc'" 'L . H ' annnnnnB ' nnnnnB. ' JnHLnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni IsnnnnnnnnV " nnnnHaxn9& . M snnnHP rtfp' jf& ?nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnV tnnnnnWCiftr wmt?'' t-fSJmSt$a "snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl nnnWPFi' at --JH nnnnnnj:jr' . aninnnnnk.tJ4'A'ainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl nnnnnnBnV 5t r.' " 2 m'KrnkF nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl IjnHKulV ' nnnnnnV onjnHPv'Innnnnnnnnnnnnn BKSr" . ...k..: 7?&W!f snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnl O. - gBnlK Xf 'nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnni B&f ' 'tL anEinnnnnnnnnnnnV annnnnnnslinnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnTOlWnnM innnnnnnnBnnnnnnnnnnnnwa' -ilnnnnnnnnnnnnnnsiullbk a. snnnnnnnnnntl snnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnVEH nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnannnnnnnsna BnnnnnnnnnnnnBnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnBnnnnsnESk- .nnnnnnnnnnnnnY; 3snnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnjnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnMnnjnHDBj ssnnnnnnnnnnnnu ftH iwCamy to" the force the government employed, but, to a , lack of public sympathy. Si multaneously the government announces that the regulations for the elections to the -national assembly have been com pleted and will Te ' published tomorrow, arid that everything possible will be done to accelerate the meeting- of the Douma, in, which the voice of the nation and not of a single class can be heard. A member of tho Cabinet said today: "The result of the attempt of 'the revo lutionists to overthrow the government by force was never for a moment In doubt, b'ut what has occurred and what is' occurring; we t believe, . will have a salutary effect on public opinion. Revo lution will go on, but It is our purpose to confine It to peaceful channels." Rebel Chief Admits Blonder. The Associated Press tonight talked with a v prominent ' revolutionary leader who is a leading spirit In the movement to destroy the dynasty and It3 regime and for whom tho police are searching. He was unable to conceal his depression, but nevertheless he claimed that the movement had received only a tempo rary check. "We blundered badly." he said. We fell into the trap Witte set for us. Em boldened at the seeming paralysis of the government, we proclaimed broadcast our intention of preparing an armed revolu tion for January or February- Wc vir tually threw our cards on the table then. Witte challenged and we rashly accept ed before cither organization was per fected or plans matured. It was all too sudden and Ill-timed. The workmen were worn out by the recent strikes, and the holidays wore at hand, and, be sides, we obtained neither active co-operation 'from the populace, on which we had counted, nor from the troops, among whom we know wo have support. It is a bad reverse. Our most skillful lead ers have been arrested and the supplies of arms which wc laboriously collected have been seized. "But the situation has also Its bright side, for It is the first time the prole tariat has fought In the open against the bayonets and cannon of the govern ment. That Is a great victors'. The government must not Hatter Itself that it has dealt a decisive blow. We have dedicated our lives to tho work, "We are fighting not only for the emancipation of Russia, but for the social revolution of the world." The elements are nqw fighting on tho side of the government, as they did In the days of Napoleon. The Northern Winter with all Its rigor has set in and the upper half of the Empire is locked in snow and Ice and it would be dlfll cult for the proletariat to build and de rend barricades in"thc streets and fight a "Wlntorcampalgn. In St. Petersburg to night the temperaturo is 18 degrees be low zero, and everywhere fires are burn ing in the streets to keep the homeless from freezing. The attempt of "Black Hundreds" to march into Moscow and wreak vengeance on the revolutionaries and strikers only tends to confirm the fears that the final collapse of the revolt will be followed by an awful massacre, and. although Governor-General Doubassoff succeeded In preventing their entry into the city to day and will take stern measures In the future, it will be difficult to restrain the lower classes, who regard the rcvolu tlonaries as enemies of the Emperor and the country. Already rowdies are tak ing advantage of the situation to plunder on a large scale. Loss of Life nt MoScow. Governor-General Doubassoff has not yet given the figures of the losses during the fighting at Moscow, saying that.it is impossible at present to more than make a guess. However, he places the outside limit at 30CO. The troops and police did not suffer nearly so heavily, and It Is re ported that up to Thursday night there were less than 50 casualties among them everywhere. Throughout Russia, Im mediately on the appearance of disorders. the authorities are declaring martial law, making wholesale arrests and contlscat ing arms. The general strike seems to ba going to pieces. It was declared off at Riga to day and at Odessa It Is breaking- up, and many railroads are resuming operations. The result of the call for an armed up rising In Poland tomorrow is awaited with anxiety. HIS WIFE PRISONER TVSON VBRKES. Wk u 1 'n' ' 1 s' ff - . . Important in History of Progress, END OF SANGUINARY WAR Americans Had Great Victory Oven Corruption. VALUE OF SPOTLESS NAME IiCsson of Trust Placed in Cleveland. Hope of Russian Tjibcrty Hagw Tribunal to Keep the Na tions at Peace; BY" ANDREW CARNEGEE. (Copyright, 1003, by Central NeW3 & Press Exchange.) NEW TORKT, Dec. 30. It gives mc great pleasure to subscribe a brief review of the great events, both at home and abroad, that have transpired during the year 1005. Since there have been few, if any, single years ao overwhelmingly important to the dual cause of progress and civilization as the one now ended, it is not only a pleas ure but a privilego to review somo of the many vital Issues that have arisen and been courageously met. First, of course, in order of importance, has been the re-establishment of peace ful relations between Japan and Russia; the ceasing for a time on earth of men slaying- each other like wild beasts in battle, which leads us to hope that the day is not far distant when such utter savagery is to cease forever. Roosevelt Great Pacificator. We can congratulate ourselves that an American President was the great pacifi cator; that he placed this country in its proper attitude the advocate of peace as becomea a great Industrial, Jntclllgent Republic with aims-higher "thaH'Tnose of military or naval so-called glory. The time I3 not so long past since every able-bodied man went armed, just as did every tribe of standing. It i3 not so very Ionff since war was the ordinary occupa tion of mankind. Even contemporary his tory recites instances where warfare was tho only occupation worthy of gentlemen. Only women were earnest advocates of peace. But we may be thankful that tho Russo Japanese conflict, deplorable as It was. brought vividly before the world the utter savagery and horror of war, with the result that a resort to arms is becoming more and more discountenanced. And it Is my hope and belief that the year 1005 will be recorded In history as the date of tho last great war between the peoples of the earth. Tribunal to Keep Peace. It was a pleasure to note the other day that the Attorney-General for Great Brit ain indorsed International arbitration as the safest, sanest and most practical remedy for war, In the following words: "It used to be said, that war is the game of Kings. Perhaps the greatest danger to peace is that, it thero is prolonged con troversy over some matter, however in significant in itself, the feelings and na tional pride of the people of each coun try may be involved to such an extent as to render peaceful solution difficult or Im possible. "When national animosities have been awakened, any spark may kindle a conflagration. The task of the statesman in averting war Is Immensely facilitated It he finds ready to his hand the machin ery" for peaceful settlement." How many wars might Iiavo been averted if there had always been in. exist ence, by the common consent of nations, such a tribunal as that of The Hague, whose open portals invite arbitatlon? May wo not hope, therefore, that the existence of this great instrument of peaco may re move occasions for war, and that nations will more and more recognize the truth of the weighty words of the great Scotcn jurist who said that Kings and states ought not to be both Judges and parties when others can bc had? Victories Over Corruption. But while war has had its victories for the Japanese tho victories of peace, which have been won in this country, are hardly less noteworthy as matters for which the American people may be thankful. In deed, there Is cause for profound congrat ulation upon the result of recent appeals to the people which have overthrown nu merous corrupt gangs pursuing public life for private plunder. Their overthrow, their repudiation, gives us renewed faith In democracy. And It Is worthy of recording- that whenever the masses are stirred by corrupt practices brought to light, or other sins of public commission, their verdict may be depended upon not as an outgrowth of hysteria, but as a vin dication of the popular conception of Jus tice. There is nothing so salutary as the purifying breath of public opinion. It re quires great abuses of publfc confidence and startling revelations to arouse It, but, once aroused, the verdict of the peo ple makes the axiom true .that the voice of the people is the voice of God, In that it demands righteous conduct. Riches Do Not Mean Happiness. As a corollary to this revolt, the con science of the people has been widely aroused to lax business standards. The exposures which have shocked the coun try will, let us sincerely hope, purify the institutlons c6ncerned and Implicated. And Mss aJi nmWaaae j (CoBCluded oa Page 5.) X i 4 107 5