THE SUNDAY OREGOSIAX. PORTLAND, DECEMBER 24, 1905. - "APPLIED CHRISTIANITY" USED AS WEAPON IN WARFARE ON VICE 52 .iiBigislllllllEKfi : ssssssssssssuuuuKuW ssHK:- rVSHiHVBiiBfllBtVjHBVH : HHVHBnCvvvvliBFK!. 'ubbbbsbKsT -V" 'HHUVAr," V-i 'B rfinuSm TBvPVE'wriMiKHPwrH ' KtHKjMrCllkHkkklv-. TlVrprvvBB ..l w flsssVv .AflBH .u Vssssssssssssr vlwBv Ws'fivVHEiHIBtiKHH BaMPMWBMiBT , sITy AnussssssssssuW -tnusssK nuW im sV- r- VlB ssVvJr- no -JFnuuuuuusssv. -issum- MMt.. 'rHiH0iVilH HHHmIHkk:?'7 'HBvbV' M V . 4wsr ffsrssmunu ,uw"' 'tmBKibJIk 4nuBnsu? TftfBHHMHHlB nfiuuNn MMi v v UPCsHVGKjliR ussssnBnu uuuuKii&iuuKSoM 1 : isst sssssssmE "R'BCiB H nH HP m DlnEPHB BK: B-B CftS -KflQ3lsssssssnusl SWsasnunnnnEussssslul 732r5 VMtSTMJ) GfOJ? c5f$3 jZVMTdy SCffAY THE institutional methods of church activity in the down-town districts o all large cities are receiving the unqualified approval of the public all over the country, and the work ol the institu tional department of the First Presby terian Church of Portland, known as the Men's Resort and People's Institute, sit uated at Fourth and Burnsidc streets, is an illustration of the success of such' methods. The Men's Resort was first opened ten years ago. consisting then of a fr$o reading-room, cheap reastaurant and lodging-house and gospel services. Three year later, under the superintendence- of Rev. J. F. Snyder, the old Mosburg Thea ter building was secured, the restaurant and lodging-house discontinued and he institutipnal features of public service. Sunday school, boys' brigade, gymnasium and Industrial classes were begun, while in the same quarters the Free Kindergar ten Association of Portland conducted a free dally kindergarten with two teachers In charge. For seven years the work has played an Important part in the lives of th' people of that district. Three years later the location of the Institution was again changed to Sixth street, where the work was so hampered for Sack of adequate space that steps to secure a suitable permanent location be came imperative. At this Juncture the gift oT the present Site was announced. The First Presbyterian Church immedi ately raised funds -and erected the build ing new -occupied at-Fourth and Burn side streets. Numerous branches of religious, social and industrial work arc pursued. Sit uated In the district of low-priced hotels, restaurant and" lodging-houses, tho dis trict teems with transient men. Vice ap preciates the opportunity thus afforded Jt, and saloons, brothels and suspicious lodging-houses present an environment of per Ftelcnt temptation decked in brilliant Illu nimtio and rite with the sounds xt music and revelry. There ymi deep need of some place of wholesome pastime as an alternative to. the attractions of the Inevi table saloon and brothel. This need has been met by the opening of a cheerful and spacious rending and gamerootp which occupies half of the first floor of the building. Pictures, palms, potted plants and busts of eminent men adorn and Rive the place an air of com fort and refinement. Thousands of men make use of these accommodations during leisure time every week, and acknowledge them to be a godsend. Tra-elers who have put up at cheap hotels, loggers dur ing a. lull in work, longshoremen waiting for vessels, carmen between shifts, nlght wrkmcn during waking hours of the day, farmers In town on business for a few days, and unemployed men looking for work these are the men who find the Men's Resort of the People's Institute comfortable place of profitable and whole some, pastime. Business men who need help of any kind can almost invariably find it at. the People's Institute, phone Main CSS. Besides this provision of a practical and successful substitute for the social factor of the saloon, special lec turer practical talks, and rclfgious meet ings arc held. In which the city ministers and platform speakers participate with the utmost cordiality and always leave a commendatory testimony for the work. A prominent lawyer, after addressing this audience of men upon a sociological sub ject, remarked imrpripe at the careful at tention and hearty appreciation shown, and after several times addressing similar audiences In the same place, gave it as his opinion that a more earnest and ap preciative audience could not bo found anywhere In Portland. A prominent Epis copal clergyman recently said from the platform: "Wc often play at religion in same places In our city, but this is a place where religion Is real work" A free Saturday-night entertainment for the. people is jelven t-vury week. Much or th 5t musical and literary XakMit In Ote oltr ooMrifcute vc4tt tarllr t the witkw uckcb aC Umcc entertainments. A rerflar pastoral work Is done In the district by the su perintendent and his wife and on every Sunday sight a people's religious serv ice Ja held which Is of unique and at tractive character. Illustrated hymns are sung by the audience In which they are led "by a "boys and girls vested choir. Special songs are sung by the vested chorus and a pointed gospel ad dress or stereoptlcon sermon completes the programme. X novel Sunday school named the boys' and grlrls Sunday aong and story hour Is conducted under the superin tendence' of Charles A. Dalxell every Sunday at 3 o'clock. Tne choicest hymns are taught with the help of (he stereoptlcon and Bible narratives are presented with lantern views a meth od that .never fails to 'Interest and teacn. A boya brigade, under the ef ficient management of Alex. C Rae and Captain Cuthbertson is an effective so lution of .the night street-gang boy problem. A wel-cqulpped gymnasium and a clubroom furnished with books, periodicals, games and pictures arc thrown open for the boys use three nights In the week. Their enthusiastic attendance expresses their full appre ciation of such an opportunity. Through the generosity of a friend guns and uniforms are being provided for t,he boys brigade In both of Its senior and junior departments. During the Sum mer such time as the "boys can take from their employment Is given to out ings and camps. Drill and gymnastics are supplemented with short practical talks upon themes attractive and profit able to the boys. . An Important adjunct of the general work of the Men's Resort fully as im portant to women and children as the main Institution Is to men Is the In stitute Club. Tnie Is a large club of woe& wale a teas undertaken the sup port an waHkgfMt of a free Oally Vlnrfcrgmrten, tastes trial ad physical culture classes for girls and small boys, and which co-operates with the general work of the Men's Resort and People's Institute. Miss Valentine Prltchard is the able, superintendent of this club, and many of the prominent women of Portland persaaally Interest themselves in the actual operation of the club work. There Is a. xVaaace. a women's and a children's department, each presided over by a cHalrmaa and the work -is done by many cemmHtee. Many young ladles of social a at church prominence take personal supervision of classes, Koing IB the clufc's rooms three times cack week ttwtsack little children who aro wse for vtirlea cm to at teni i be pvWflc schools. Tr services are; volunteered.- the very large attend ance making It Impractical to engage salaried professional teachers. The as sistants, together with four paid teachers, now number 42. and Miss Prltchard states that Is due to their enthusiasm, cheerfulness and unflag ging Interest in the work that much of the great success of the year Is due. The classes have grown from a kinder gditen of 13 children, opened one year ago. to as Industrial school -of 14 classes will au enrollment of 5(5 for the year. The daily kindergarten now hag a dally average attendance of X and an enroll ment of 42. Children living too far from, tho Institute to come afcme are hrougnt by the .assistant teachers. The hours spent then; each' day are uadouhtodtr the happiest o their liven, and they are always reluctant to go home. A. garnet and playroom is kept open dally from 3 to 5, In charge of volunteer helpers. This was originally started as a reading-room, but it was found that games and plays were more attractive to the children. The children have attended in such numbers this season that there Is a lack of proper room and for this reason this work has had to be restricted to a degree. A spe cial "free playroom, open every afternoon for children who cannot be accommodat ed in classes or who have no place to go after the public schools arc dismissed, is much desired by the management, and It Is hoped to have it another year. -V children's chorus rehearses every Monday, and, aside from the chorus work there Is a- vested choir of boys and girls. The children love this work and feel very proud to be members of the choir. The basket work class Is an interesting one, having 46 members from 6 to It years old. There are gymnasium "classes for both boys and girls, through which much wholesome physical culture is being ob tained. The boys are taken by their teacher. Mr. .Myers, to the Y. M. C. A. swimming pool several times each month, a trip they always anticipate with much joy. The sewing school is an important department for girls, and has an en rollment of SB- The Pratt Institute meth od is nsed. a complete system of sewing h4ng taught. Diplomas will be given and students enabled to secure paid posi tions In dressmaking shops on finishing. Under the head of kitchen garden work 1 a eiass which Iff more deeply inter ested m its work than any other. The members number :4, with a waiting list of that rmuiK more, and are all under 13 yean C ane. Their kurtruetion includes all Mhos oC housework, such as waohing; Srenfctg, sweepiif. dotting; making- beds. setting' tables, washing: dishe. "We just love lhl3 class best of all." was the remark of a very young mem ber the other day. which is said to echo the general sentiment of the entire class. In addition to all these classes there Is a children's study hour, a boys club, a kindergarten training school and a class for deficient children. A. bathroom which- was opened this Fall has proved most attractive to the patrons of the Institute. A nurse from the Visiting Nurse Association is In attendance one morning during the week, and volunteers have assisted in giving baths at other times. The bathroom is also open twice a week for the use of mothers and their little ones. During the year 1073 articles of clothing were received and 573 dis tributed. Co-operative work of various kinds in looking after individual cases and families Is carried on with the Trav elers Aid. Visiting Nurses. T. W. C A.. Flower Mission, Juvenile Court and Civic Improvement Associations. The last or ganization last Spring furnished a stere optlcon lecture and 300 packages of flower seeds for free distribution. "The year's work has been one of un Iooked for and astonishing growth," stat ed Miss Prltchard. ""Plans which we out lined at first have been laid aside In some instances, and others urt nought of car ried out. "We have simply studied the needs and tried to meet the demand. Vfe have aimed to lay the foundation for a work which would not need to be undone, and one broad enough to meet future needs. "We hear much in these days of ap plied arts, applied sciences, applied psy chology, and so on. hut It seems to me the workw have to da in thte partic ular held ie a work of applied Christ!- anltgr,"