;HE SUNDAY OREG ONTAN, PORTLAND, .NOVE3IBER 5, 1905. 21 HELP WANTED MALE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO.. 240 Burnslde St. Main 3074. 221 Morrison St. Main 1323. WANT TO DAT: LOGGERS. Head faller. $3; second fuller. $3; rigging rustler. $2.75; second rigging rustler, 92.50: burkers. two at $2.50. two at $2.00, ten at $2 75; chaser J2.60, one at $2.75; spool ten der. $2.75; rollway man $2.50, one at $2.60; swampers, $2.60; section men. 5 at $2.25. 6 at $2.40; skldroad men. 15 at $2. 10 North at $2.50; ekld greaser, $1.50; signal boy, $1.60. one at $20. SAWMILLS, .-htngle packer, nonunion, 74c 1000; CO mill and yardmen. $2. , H. R. WORK. EAST. P.ockmen. $2.25 up muckera. $2.23; team sters and laborers. $2.25. .. CITY. Jwors. piecework; burtielman. $15 up; lo1..?1"' 2 100; ewer men, $2.5o; laborers, f J..'o. TEAMS TEAMS TEAMS, with wagons, $3, city; on scrapers, $4.50: haul wood, 50c and Sic. GENERAL. arpenter. framing. $4; stavebolt cutters. i ..; wood choppers. 75c to flOc; potato dig ?.r8'JtV,and !!d' farmhands and milk ers. $jo, $25 and $30; cooks, waiters, dish washers, etc. r.i& Sr&ST Jvork- opEN SUNDAY. OFFICE HOURS 7 A M. to 11:30 P. M. dally! Don t Forget Street and Number. ,AAn , WANTED. 1000 laborers and teamsters for new R. R. vork from Rlparla. Eastern Washington, to Lewieton. Idaho, along the Snake Rl'er. and FREE FARE. Two years' work. Laborers, hammermen, rockmen and sta in J- San r ELGIN. Eastern Oregon. a day up and free fare. Teamsters, east of Dalles, for Small & i.uiott. $3a and board, and free fare. 15 sawmill hands, south. $2 dav, board and room (no blankets needed). $4 a week. R. R. fares advanced. , 10 laborers, surface and underground work, Bohemia district. $2.75 a day; part fare advanced; 6 miners, south, half fare advanced; also C muckers. nigging rustlers, chasers, skidroadmen and laborers for woods: fares advanced: 2 falleis, $2 and $2.50; barger. Man and wife, cook and helper, for mine btardlng-lituse, 30 men. $90; see boss here. Ocy ltAorert, wanted. Rock foreman, $3; concrete foreman. $3: free fare. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 20 N. Second St. Near Burnslde. " ANTED NEWSPAPER AND MAGAZINE! solicitors on live publication; entirely new scheme; special Inducements; no straight, hard proposition. If you are maklnr less than $23 a week soliciting for any publica tion In Portland, we can increase your earn ings. Salary and expenses If make goodr hollcltors with average experience can make $r to $8 a day. Apply Tuesday momlng. November 7, 508 Commercial bldr., 2d and Washington Hts. The Portland Post. MANAGER WANTED. ALL SECTIONS. TO ctfi. ?.fents. .for the famous -Game o' fcklll. Played Instead of slot machine; can be operated with nickels, all year round; fills long-felt want; rented or sold on easy payments. 42.000 now In use; sample sent free. Write at once for particulars. Canadian Novelty Works. Department 134. Chicago. III., -IT. s. A SALESMEN A FEW GOOD MEN TO SELL an exceptionally fine line of advertising novelties, calendars and other specialties: services to begin January 1; very liberal contract given to men with established trade. Give age, references, and past ex perienced. Address A 42, care Lord & Thomas, Chicago. LAST CALL FOR MEN UNDER 35 YEARS to prepare for railway mall clerks; enroll ment must be in before Saturday; good paying positions; gradual promotion. Call immediately. E. O. Heynen. 12 Breeden bldg. 253V Washington st. WE WANT 4 REAL LIVE MEN AS TRAV ellng representatives in the Northwest: to the right kind this Is an exceptional open ing: the plan is new, territory virgin; established business; salary or commis sion K 42, Oregonian. SALESMEN BEST SIDE LINE EVER OF fered; irresistible advertising plan; argu ments enough for poor salesmen to win out; good salesmen clear $150 to $250 month and not interfere with regular line. Sample case free. E. B. Lord, Dept. 9. Omaha. Neb. $18 PER WEEK SALARY AND EXPENSES introducing and selling newly patented Adjustable Tension Shears. Shear-users buy at sight. Free course in salesmanship taught by mall, making experience un necessary. Ideal Shear Co.. 01, Chicago. ALL DISEASES OF MEN SUCCESSFULLY treated; discharges posltlx-cly cured in from S to 5 days; consultation free and etriotly confidential; send for our symptom blank. X Radium Medical Institute. 3d and Alder sts.. entrance 253 Alder st.. Portland. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO EARN $3 day. after two months' instruction, position guaranteed: special tuition half price, few cays only. Coyne Bros. Co.. numbing Schools. New York. Cincinnati. O.. St. Louis, Mo. iFre catalogue.) SALESMAN GOOD MAN TO COVER ORE gon, vacancy November 1; contract for this year and next, if sales satisfactory; commissions and $35 weekly advance for expenses. "W. s. Finlcy Co., 530-48 Euclid axe-, Cleveland. Ohio. SPECIALTY SALESMAN EXCLUSIVE territory; consigned goods; prompt com missions. Line worth $300 to $400 net each month. No brokers or beginners; ex perienced road man only. Maer Mfg. Co., Memphis, Tenn. WANTED 5 TRAVELING SALESMEN FOR 1906. Our line Is staple, and we offer re markable Inducements to the retail mer chant. We have places worth $3000 per year up. Department 509. 330 Dearborn st , Chicago. WANTED PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade for manufacturing house: local terri tory; salary $25. paid weekly; expense money advanced; previous experience un necessary. American House, Star bldg., Chicago. SALESMAN EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY for Al man with established patent medi cine house, marketing well-advertised line. Good bitters man considered. Give full particulars confidentially. Box 553. Chi cago. "engineers, electricians, firemen. Machinists, etc., send for new 52-page pamphlet, containing questions asked by Examining Board of Engineers: sent free. Geo. A. Zeller Book Co., 07 S. 4th. St. Louis. WANTED 10 MEN IN EACH STATE TO travel, post signs, distribute samples, and advertise our goods. Salary $78 a month, $3 a day for expenses. Expenses advanced. Kuhlman Co.. Dept. 2, Atlas blk., Chicago. WANTED TRAVELING SALESMEN; PER manent position with attractive line, car rying unsurpassed advertising features to retail merchants. Good pay to willing workers. Dept. Q. Box 574. Chicago. 111. WANTED-2 TRA VE LING MEN FOR LINE of ladles' goods. Experience unnecessary. Exceptional opportunity for right parties. Salary $1040 per year, expenses and com mission. Wltmer, Bay City, Mich. TRAVELING SALESMAN FOR OREGON; staple line; entirely new Inducements to trade; high .commissions; $25 weekly ad vance; permanent to right man. F. C. Far ley Co.. Detroit. Mich. WANTED ARCHITECTURAL DRAUGHTS man, first-claw man; general office work; state experience and salary expected, by mall only. Jame C Teague, Architect, C02 Colman bldg., Seattle. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER ORE gon with staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance. Permanent position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED MAN TO connect steel ranges, who thoroughly -understands repairing stoves and ranges; must be pert man. Address, ctatlng references, V 33, Oregonian. WANTED ONE FIRST-CLASS CLOTHING stock helper and 3 first-class (Schloch) clothing salesmen, one first-class shoe sales man, medium priced goods. Address W 44. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS PACK lng clothing sample trunks to assist on the road. Apply between 10 and 12 o'clock this morning. Baggage & Omnibus bldg.. room 5. TRAVELING SALESMAN BY LARGE wholesale house, selling staple line for Oregon; year contract; liberal drawing ac count. State experience. Box 750. Chi cago. SMART MESSENGER BOY. 14 TO 15VJ TRS eld, wanted for office; good wages and pros pects for promotion: must be obedient and not e-moke cigarettes. Address A 30. Ore gonian. Men and women to learn watchmaking, en graving. Jeweler work, optics. Easy terms, positions guaranteed: money made learning. Watchmaking-Engraving School. Seattle. WANTED 16 FIRST-CLASS SALESPEO ple at Keller's bankrupt sale. 229 Morrison, in the clothing, shoe, hat and furnishings departments. Apply 8:30 o'clock P. M. SALESMAN OF ABILITY. DESIRING PER xnanent employment with possibility 'of 'ad vancement, must be ambitious and of. un u cuiutlonabie character. Hi Columbia bid. KELP WANTED MA LE. WANTED GENTLEMAN. EXPERIENCED, to eell medicine on the atrect; murt have $150: 50 per cent can be cleared. Address V 44, Oregonian. I HAVE MADE $10 A DAT FOR 10 YEARS selling one article; you can do the same. , Particulars Tree. Chas. J. Bogart, 58 Ann st, New York. DRUGGIST REGISTERED IN THIS STATE: must be steady man, not over 35; only energetic man ncel apply. H 30. Orego slan. SALESMEN ADVERTISING NOVELTIES, earn $100 a 'week taking orders; no collect ing. Shellonlte Co., box 00, Manchester. N. H. . WA NTE D MANAGER, EVERY CITY; ODD hours at first; no capital; send refereneos Henry's Chem. Co., 6 3d, San Francisco. WANTED AN EXPERIICNCED YOUNG man as porter in a carpet and drapery -store; none other need apply. L 41. Oregonian. WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, samples, eta; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. California wine depot; headquarters bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines 5c per glass. P. JLoratl. 148 4th. Clay 1503. Men to learn barber trade, eight weeks secures position; wages while learning. Gillman's College, G27 Clay St.. Saa Francisso, Cal. WANTED - COMPETENT FURNISHING goods man. steady and well recommended. Apply mornings. A. B. Stelnbach Co. $150 AND SERVICES SECURES POSITION JN cash business; will pay $76 per month; young mail preferred. 017 Commercial bldr. CARPET SALESMAN. THOROUGHLY Ex perienced and reliable. Apply at superinten dent'o office. Olds. Wortman &, King. Men learn barber trade In eight weeks. The only real barber colleges in existence. Me ier's System College, Seattle. Wash. WANTED 20 STAVE AND SHINGLE-BOLT cutters. Western Cooperage Co.. room 306, Stearns bide, 0th and Morrison sts. WANTED A FIRST-CLASS MACHINIST. Ames & Harris. 27 1st st. WANTED FLOUR PACKER; MUST BE expert. A 32. Oregonian. KELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE. Wanted Young people to fit themselves for bookkeepers and stenographers; our gradu ates are all employed; will place you whoa competent; $12,000 equipment; teaohers spe cialists; reputation the best; day and night. Behnkc-Walker Business College. Cth-Morr. WANTED YOUNO MEN AND WOMEN TO take our bookkeeping and shorthand courc that we may be able to flu the applications for office help; we placed over 600 students in positions last year. Holmes Business Col lege. 29-31. Y. M. C. A. bldg. WANTED ENERGETIC. TRUSTWORTHY man or woman to work in Oregon, repre senting large manufacturing company; sal ary $40 to $00 per month. paid weekly; expanse advanced. Address, with stamp, J. H. Moore, Portland. Or. WANTED. FOR A COMMERCIAL LINE, lady or gentleman who has come knowledge of bookkeeping, collecting and soliciting; must be a hustler; give reference and ex Ir!onre. K 32, Oreganlan. MAN AND WIFE. MAN TO FIRE BOILER, woman to open delicatessen store; not much money required. Call at room 412. Mohawk bldg. WANTEDr-OOOD DELICATESSEN COOK with $500 to. invest In a good paving busi ness; woman preferred. S 42. Oregonian. WANTED EXPERIENCED PASTRY COOK Apply 420 Washington. HELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED STENO0 RA PJIElt WITH SMALL capital can secure Interest in good paying office business. Address R 42. Oregonian. WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY REPRE sentatlves in Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 007 McKay bldg. EARNEST. INTELLIGENT WOMAN TO EN gage with the Vtavi Company, one who oould leave city preferred. 23. Lewis bldg. TAILORESS TO WORK ON COATS; MUST be experienced buttonhole-maker. Colum bia Woolen Mills. 7th and Stark. HANSEN'S LADIES' AGENCY. 34SH Washington .. cor. 7th. upstairs. Phone Main 2092. GOOD GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSBU'ORK in small family; only competent help need apply. Telephone East 3810. WANTED COOK. BOARDING-HOUSE, $30, city; 1 waitress. $29, country. Pioneer La dles' Agency, 215 Morrison. WANTED STENOGRAPHER. EXPBRI enced in- lumber, city. Clerks Reglttratloa Bureau. 2G5 Morrison at. LADY OR GIRL FOR HELPING HAND IN general housework: good wages and good home. Call Main 1243. EXPERIENCED JACKET AND SKIRT hands for Its alteration dept. At H. B. Lltt's. 4th and Washington. WANTED STRONG. CAPAbKb GIRL FOR housework, good wages. &w Hoyt, near 21st. 'Phone Main 1150. WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED TAILORESS on coats; good salary. Call at Pallays tailor shop. 1704 2d st. WOMAN TO CONDUCT BOARDING. CON nection with hotel: home cooking; map. 304 N. 20th. cor. Savlrr. WOMAN OR GIRL WHO CAN SHW FOR housework; ran s4ep at borne nights if preferred. 333 Market. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSBU'ORK. small family, email house. Apply mornings, fil N. 15th t. WANTED A POSITION' AS FIRST-CLASS chambermaid or flrtt-eiass second girl. K 35. Oregonian. WANTED IMMEDIATELY. YOUNG GIRL to assist In housework; family of Call 400 Clay st , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. Call at 081 Schuyler K. or phone Scott 2482. WANTED AT ONCE. A GOOD GIRL FOR general housework; 2 In family. Call 772 Everett st. WANTED COMPETENT WOMAN OR GIRL to assist with general housework. 23S 11th t. WANTED NURSR FOR 14 MONTHS OLD child. Call bet. 10 A. M. and S P. M. 269 S. 23th st. WANTED A LADY CASHIER FOR AFTER noon and evonlngs. Apply F -14. Oregonian. WANT MIDDLE-AGED LADY FOR HOUSK keeper for rooming-house. Phone Hood 133. GIRL WANTED-TO DO HOUSEWORK IN jmall family, 489 Schuyler St., call today. WANTED G IRL FOR GENERAL HOCSE work; no children. Apply 174 Porter Bt. COOK WILLING TO DO DOWNSTAIRS work. 236 King st Phone Main 2311. WANTED MILLINERY APPRENTICES. Apply to Lowengart & Co.. 92 Front at. DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF women and eurgery. 3d floor. Allcky bldg. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSE work. 318 Hancock. Apply after 10 A. M. WANTED-A GOOD KITCHEN GIRL: ALSO 1 good dining-room girl. 340 Ankcny t. . COW FOR SALE 10 QUARTS: BIG DUR ham. 651 E. 21st fit. S. Price. $27.50. WANTED SOME GIRLS AT CIGAR BOX factory, cor. East Fine and Union ave. CASHIER AND BOOKKEEPER WANTED. The J. M. Acheron Co.. Cth and Alder. WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST IN FAMILY OF 4; no washing. 523 Market st. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK. AP ply before noon at 039 Hoyt st. , WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral housework. 190 E. 6th at- W ANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WFTH HOUSE work. Apply 209 20th at, N. EXPERIENCED GIRLS TO WORK IN candy factory at 104 N. 5th st" WANTED GIRL TO ASSIST WITH GEN eral boueework. 700 Flanderr. WANTED SALESLADIES. APPLY GOOD year Raincoat Co.. 199 3d st STUDENT TO WAIT ON TABLE FOR' board. Phone Main 1SC9. WANTED BT A DRESSMAKER. A HELP er. Call ISO Chapman ot WANTED A WOMAN TO TAKE CARE OF sick lady. 186 N. 16th st. A FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY MAKER. xrwitcd. 532 'Morrison et. KELP WANTED FEMALE. WANTED FEMALE SOLICITORS FOR NEW magazine ; can make from $3 to $3 day; easy work; new Khtmc with special Induce ments; big returns. If you have friends In Portland, so much the belter. If not. you can make big moaey any way. Call 60S Com mercial bldg., 2d and Washington sts., Tues day mornlnc. The Portland Post- DISEAEES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY: MA ternlty cases given special atentien. prlraU hospital accommodation; professional lady surses In attendance. Consultation free. X-Radlcm Medical Institute and Sanitarium. 1A and Alder, catranca 253 Aldr sr.. Port land. GOOD GIRL FOR PLAIN COOKING AND central housework In family 5; no wash ing; every convenience; good wages and permanent home for right party at 053 East Alder at. LADIES HAVING FANCY WORK TO dl. embroideries. Battenburg. drawnwerk. also to do order work. Stamped envelope. Ladies Exchange. 34 Monroe. Chicago. LADIES TO DO PIECEWORK AT HOME: we furnish all materials and pay from $7 to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co.. 34 E. Monroe. Chicago. LADY OF GOOD ADDRESS AND EXPERI ence to handle high-class artwork; big money to competent party. Call Monday 1U o'clock, room 309, McKay bdr. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS and domestics of all klndt. dry and coun try. Set- otu new address. Canadian Par lonv 221 H Merrifen. Main 1323. VALLEY FARMHAND. $20; MALE. FE male cooks, waitresses, domestics, cham bermaids (Lizzie, ticket telegraphed). Drake's. 205 Vi Washington. STENOGRAPHER AND BOOKKEEPER; must give reference; state are and salary expected. Apply In own handwriting. Ad dress E 44, Oregonian. WANTED YOUNG GIRL TO DO VERY light hourework. no washing, no cooking, sleep at home nights. Call Sunday, 669 Washington u RELIABLE. STEADY WOMAN FOR GEN eral housework: no waaalmr nor cooking; very desirable place for right person. Phone East 1627. WANTED LADY MUSICIANS ON ALL IX rfrumtnts for ladles' band; experience not Decenary. Call at 22SH Pine st., room 4. WANTED-A SCHOOL OR BUSINESS COL legeglrl to assist la housework In ex change for 'good home. Phone East 1750. HELP WANTED FOR GENERAL HOl'SE werk; woman preferred. Call mornings, 074 Washington St.. or phone Main 4098. HAIRDRESSER AND MANICURE WANT od. 30$ Washington st. GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORK. 75 N. 2Sd, cor. Everett. SITUATION WANTED MALE. Bookkeepers and Clerks. SITUATION WANTED. AFTER DECEMBER 1, with law or real estate firm in Portland by attorney with several years' npeclal prac tice before U. S. Land Office and Depart ment of Interior; notary public and use typewriter; references given. Address lock box 110, lone. Or. k BOOKKEEPER, MAN OF EXPERIENCE; can be very handy about an office or whole sale business; good at correspondence, book keeper and can do typewriting; willing to work vory cheap; must have the occupa tion. Apply Box A 41. Oregonian. WANTED BV YOUNG MAN WITH BROAD experience, posltioa as credit man." office manager, correspondent or general manager of aome businee-s; .highest references. Y 44. Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. COLLEGE EDUCATED. LAW school graduate, with three years practical experience, deflrcs posiiloa with law firm: 'jcce!!ent refereactt; begin mall alary- N 3S. Oregonian. BY YOUNG MAN. 25 YEARS OLD. AB bookkeper. office man. or any respectable work; experienced In office work. Raymond Packard. 3KtVi Madison. Phone Main 1133. YOUNG MAN. COLLEGE EDUCATED. WITH general buslaess experience, desire position in office or mercantile house; .excellent ref renee: begin rmall salary. L 33. Oregonian. POSITION FOR PART OF DAY AS ASSIST ant bookkeeper, Mesograpaer. typewriter or general office work: thoroughly competent ; reference. Y 31, Oregonian. YOUNG MAN. 21. FAIR EDUCATION. W1LL . Ing Halfu-man. solicitor, clerk, anything, at almost any pay until I can prove ability. W 31. Oregonian. HUSTLING. EXPERIENCED EASTERN traveling salesman wants good, permanent po4tlen: reliable; witling to work. D 34. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED Br EXPERIENCED floor-walker; speak German. French and KagHrh; very highest references. O 26, Ore gonian. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN. CITY OR country, familiar with all Coast territory, desires position; references. M 28. Ore gonian. WANTED A POSITION AS RELIEF MAN la drug store Sundays and evening by reg istered druggist. Address L 29. Oregonian. POSITION AS SALESMAN MEN'S FUR nlhlng goods preferred; unexperienced, but willing; wages a living. M 33, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY CLOTHING salesman, window-trimmer and sign-writer; leak German. Q 26. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY EXPERIENCED .flour salesman; excellent references. N 2s, Oreconlan. AN EXPERIENCED OFFICE MAN WANTS position as bookkeeper or eashler. V 32. Oregonian. POSITION WANTED BY FIR8T-CLASS earpetcutter and layer. K 4f. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY WINDOW-TRIM-mer and sign-writer. Y 26. Orexoataft. Miscellaneous. WORK WANTED FOR WAITERS. COOKS, farmhands, laborers, dishwashers, porters. Joggers, railroad help. Drake, 203U Wash ington st. RELIABLE YOUNG MAN WISHES posi tion as candy helper la manufacturing plant or retail store. Address N 29. Ore gonian. YOUNG MAN. ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wants work for room and lodging; can are for horcs or eowe. F 35. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED MARINE AND KTATinv. ary engineer desir poritlea in atalionary A RUSTLER WOULD ASSOCIATE HIMSELF either as partner or employe of real estatw business. Address H 43, Oregonian. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OF flce furnishes reliable help. Henry Tahara. 27 N. Everett. Phone Pacific 540. BLACKSMITH. FIRST-CLASS HORSE shoer and Jobber; will go anywhere. Ap ply 483 Washington st room 67. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wants place to work for board and room. Q SL care Oregonian. HUMBLE JAPANESE STUDENT WANTS to work any place where he can attend rchool. V 33. Oregonian. RELIABLE GERMAN MAN WANTS HOUSE cleanlnc. office, store or .garden work br day. Phone Mela 1070. FINE. WILLING JAPANESE WANTS Po sition of schoolboy work; attend day ochooL Call phone Clay 1778. A YOUNG MAN WOULD LIKE EMPLOY ment for few hours evenings after 7 P. M. A 42. Oregonian JAPANESE SCHOOLBOY WANTS Posi tion la small family, do cooking. $3 week. Harry. 85 N. 3d. YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK AROUND meat market: lw wages start; experienced. C 84. Oregonian. STRONG YOUNG MAN WANTS WORK around wbolecale house; low wages start. B 34. Oregonian. JAPANESE DESIRES POSITION AS SALES man in More; speaks good English. W 42. Oregonian. WANTED TO BUILD FIRES MORNINGS near Jefferson and 14th sts. J Schager. 331 14th St. MAN AND WIFE. EXPERIENCED. WANT work on up-to-date farm. N 42, Oregonian. YOUNG JAPANESE BOY WANTS JOB Do ing housework or dishwashing. 244 Couch it YOUNG MAN. 17. WANTS WORK: WELL acquainted with city. B 41. Oregonian. JAPANESE experienced domestic workers, housecleaners. Japan Lodge. Clay 875. Highest prices paid for men's castoff clothing, shoe. 73 Vi N. 84. Pbona Green 42S. ' JAPANESE. FIRST-CLASS COOK. WANTS situation to do ccokl&c 45 N. Xst-at. SITUATION WANTED MAT.K. MUceHaaeoes. WANTED BY A STEADY, RELIABLE man. position as engineer or fireman. Ad dress N. C. Ten Eyck. S47 Water st. Phone Main 4331. YOUNG MAN WISHES TO WORK FOR board and room while attending school; ref erence giren. Addrw L M.. 630 Coueh it. HONEST JAPANESE WANTS SITUATION to do housework. X 42. Oregonian. GOOD jAPANEESE WANTS SITUATION AS rorter in ittloon. V 42. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION BY FIRST-CLASS xseatcutter. Phone Main 4520. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALE. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. EXPERIENCED STENOGRAPHER WISHES situation where work Is light and accuracy and reliability count for more than speed; owns machine and could do work for sev eral small firms not employing stenogra phers. J 42. Oregonian. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER by young lady; have bad several months experience. Address J. L., 912 Gantenbeln ave. Phone Scott 3313; good references. WANTED POSITION BY EXPERIENCED stenographer at once; will work for $S per week to start with; best city references. H 31. care Oregonian. YOUNG WOMAN STENOGRAPHER. FEW yearn" legal and commercial experience, de sires first-class position; beat of references. B 33, Oregonian. ' THOROUGHLY COMPETENT AND HIGHLY recommended young lady stenographer, de sire lucrative position. M 34. Oregonian. RAPID AND ACCURATE STENOGRAPHER, four yeara' experiences, well-educated, de sires position. Addrexa F 31. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY DESIRES PERMANENT PO .rttlon as bookkeeper and office work; three years experience. X 32. Oregonian. A YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPHER DE alrea position; will make hrrself generally useful In office. G 33. Oregonian. COMPETENT YOUNG LADY STENOGRAPH er desires few hours work In morning. Phone Main 1976. 243 Stark st. WANTED POSITION AS STENOGRAPHER by capable and experienced young woman. Address E 42. car Oregonian. REFINED. STYLISH LADY WITH HIGH est references desires cashier or other light employment. Box 237, city. WA NTED SITU ATION AS STENOGRAPH -er; will accept smalt salary to begin with. Address F 41, Oregonian. COMPETENT STENOGRAPHER. 5 YEARS experience, desire position; best of refer ences. Phone Main 0637. SITUATION WANTED lir STENOGRAPHER Experienced, reference; willing to leave city, P 31, Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG LADY stenographer In office of some kind. Address N 34, Oregonian. LADY STENOGRAPHER DESIRES I-OSI-ttoo as copyist and addressing envelopes. F 33. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WANTS TYPEWRITING work evcnlnss, home or office. Main 4333. WANTED BY A STENOGRAPHER WORK for the afternoons. O 33. Oregonian. Dressmakers. MRS. EMMA THOMAS HAS OPENED dressmaking parlors at rooms 57-53. Wash ington bWg.. and will be pleased to see all old customer, and can accommodate many new one. Phone Pacific 74. LADIES HAVE YOUR SKIRTS MADE TO order; a saving of 23 per, cent; a better skirt, better made and stitched with sUk. Mrs. Llzxla Kerley, 230 12tb sc. corner of Main. DRESSMAKING AND TAILORING FOR LA die and children done la and out of house; work guaranteed. Phone Pacific 330. 447 Main. COMPETENT SEAMSTRESS DESIRES FEW more engagements; children' work spe , clalty; best references. Phone East 3800. WANTED-BY COMPETENT DRESSMAKER, work by the day. For particular phone Pa cific 74S. or address 48s Everett st. WANTED SEWING OUT BY THE DAY. Phone Pacific 305. Or addrm the Monarch. 303 Stark St., room 4. DRESSMAKING AND REMODELING AT your heme. $1.30 per day. Phone after 1 P. M. Main 5925. DRESSMAKING WASH WAISTS. 73c: SILK waists. $1; suits, $4. Phone Pacific 630. 326 Park at. LADIES HATS REMADE AND RETRIM med; hats made to order. Phone Main 4078. LADIES TAILORING AND FASHIONABLE dressmaking. 209 Hall st. Phone Pacific 78. Domestics. A HIGHLY REFINED. JAPANESE GIRL, producing best references, desires position in small family; speaks English; moderate wsges In good home. O 34. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED - FAMILY COOK, where second girl kept, by experienced Swed ish woman; wages $33 to $40. 230H Yam hill. Main 5413. WANTED-POSITION. BY AN EDUCATED middle-aged German woman to take care of children or light housework. Address V 31. Oregonian. SITUATION WANTED EXPERIENCED colored girl, family eook or hoardtng-houtfe. with references. 230H Yamhill. Main 8413. A YOUNG GIRL WANTS POSITION IN family to work for room and board and go to school; small wages. A 34. Oregonian. A SITUATION WANTED BY A COLORED waman a chambermaid or cook. Bet. Ankeny and Burnslde on th at. Tel. Main 6T74. SITUATION WANTED IMMEDIATELY Ex perienced German girl, family second work, wages $25. 2SJVj Yamhill. Mala 6413. YOUNG WOMAN DESIRES SITUATION housework, home nights, near East Salmon preferred. 230 Yamhill. Mala 6413. 2 GERMAN GIRLS WOULD LIKE OEN eral housework or upstair work. P 24, care Oregonian. WOMAN WITH GIRL AGED 3 WANTS place to assist In light housework. N 32. Oregonian. 13-YEAR-OLD SCHOOLGIRL WANTS PLACE to work for board. R 34. Orexonlan. ure. CAPABLE MIDDLE-AGED LADY DESIRES rltuatlon mining, seml-lnvalld. children or companion to lady: rood references. 239? Yamhill. Phorw Main 64 IX A FEW ENGAGEMENTS WANTED BY A trained curse. Call at 514 Jefferson st.. or phone 6432. NURSE WISHES CONFINEMENT OR ANY other kind of case. O 31. Oregonian. Hoasekeepera. A CULTURED YOUNG WIDOW. ACCUS tomrd to genteel cnrlronmcnta. understand ing thoroughly the art of home-making, de alrea portion aa managing hocoekeeper in business home; children no objection. W 04 Oregonian. NICE-LOOKING WIDOW LADY. 39 YEARS of age, would like housekeeper's position in widower's family; no objection to children. Pioneer Ladies Employment. 215 Morrison st. CAPABLE EXPERIENCED WOMAN (NO Incumbrance) withes position In gentle man's home as housekeeper; good cook and manager. O 30. Oregonian. WANTED-TO LOOK AFTER SELECT rooming-house for 3 months for parties who wish to take a rest; best references exchanged. C 45. Oregonian. WORK WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS. 14 year girl) others, chambermaids, wait resses 1 anywhere), cooks. everybody. Drake's. 203 H Washington st SITUATION WANTED REFINED, RESPEC table woman, girl 6. housekeeper, widower's family. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5411 REFINED WIDOW WOULD LIKE! POSITION as housekeeper In widower's home or as housekeeper in a. hotel. C 41. Oregonian. ELDERLY LADY WANTS TO HOU8EKEEP for widower, working couple or small fam ily; good cook. R 36. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED WOMAN WITH BOY OF 4 wiehu position aa housekeeper; no objection to leaving city. R -44. Oregonian. A REFINED WIDOW WOULD LIKE A Po sition aa housekeeper for widower" family. G 33. Oregonian. MIscellaaeoaa. REFINED LADY. HIGHEST REFERENCES would manage furnished rooms on cocnlj rSoa; state particulars, Sox 237. city. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMAXJS. MJatceilanroBS. REFINED MIDDLE-AGED LADY, PLEAS lng appearance, experienced and references, desires situation as chaperon to younc or elderly well-to-do lady. 230& Yamhill. Phona Main 6413. MIDDLE-AGED 1ST-CLASS COOK WANTS petition hotel, restaurant, boarding-houde or camp; oat of town no objection. C. 193 St. Clair st. Phone Main 3S18. PRIVATE PUPILS WANTED IN COMMON school or higher branches by Eastern uni versity graduate. D 20. Oregonian. LADY WISHES PLAIN SEWING; CHIL dren'd and infants wardrobes a specialty. Mrs. Smith. Phone Scott 3002. COMPETENT PIANOTEACHER WITH good references gives two lessons for 73 cents. L 42. Oregonian. HOME LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS. Scott 3e4C Call evenings after 3 P. M. and mornings before 9 A. M. "WOMAN WANTS WORK TUESDAYS. WED nesdays and Thursdays, washing. Ironing, houseeleanlng. East 2039. RAINED. EDUCATED YOUNG LADY DE slres home aa companion, light services. Y 29. Oregonian. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS work by day. washing or cleaning. Miss G. T. CCS Front st. WANTED COM FORTS TO TACK; RATE. 50c each. Address Ladles' Aid. 420 Grove St.. Montavllla. Or. EXPERIENCED PIANOTEACHER WILL exchange lessons for good dressmaking. L 42. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY WISHES POSITION AS Pi anist: classical or popular music P 29. Ore gonian. WORK BY THE DAT; WASHING. 1RON Ing or sweeping. Mrs. J. H. Hill, Main 0162. WANTED TO CARE FOR LODGING rooms for rent of roomo. Call or address. 313 2d et. WANTED BY WOMAN. ANY KIND OF work by day or hour. M 33. Oregonian. MILLINER TO MAKE NEW OR OLD HATS to order. Phone Front 602. 332 2d st. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WANstS DAY work of any kind. Phono Pacific 7S3. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND FAN cy lronlnr- Phone Main 3740. A LADY WISHES A COUPLE OF OFFICES to clean. G 45. Oregonian. WASHING AND IRONING DONE AT . home. Phone Front 3S4. WANTED PRIVATE JAPANESE DAY PU pll. Tel. Main 1004. YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSITION IN OF ficc G 34. Oregonian. SEWING IN FAMILIES BY THE DAY. $1. N 44. Oregonian. A LADY WISHES TO GET HOURS' WORK. F 43, Oregonian. WOMAN WANTS CHAMBERWORK. J 44. Oregonian. WANTED AGENTS. AGENTS. MEN AND WOMEN. My experience covers 17 year in the. agency business. I started at the bottom. I bow control two large companies, and negotiating for a third. Every honest person who reads this can secure a good paying position from me; willingness to work is the only capital needed. If you want to make an honest living, with op portunities of realising more and more money, don't fall to write me today. A postal card will do. No previous experi ence necessary. I will teach you the busi ness. Do not confound this offer with flaring advertisements promising $75. $100 and $150 a week, which do not materialize No schemes or fakes, only good, straight forward, honest work. R. A. BYRNE. 40-42-44 North 4th st.. Philadelphia. Pa. WANTED SPECIAL AGENT WRITE life, health, accident policies; appoint agents. $73 weekly and expenses easily made; unique proposition; experience unnecessary- Write Oscar Ekman. 1700 Summit ave.. Seattle. Wash. MANAGER WANTED EVERY CITY AND county, handle best-paying business known legitimate, new. exclusive control: no In surance or book canvassing. Address Chas. Halstead. 34 West 20th st.. New Tork. $23 WEEKLY EARNED BY LADY AGENTS taking orders for us. We start you in business and make you Independent. Out fit prepaid. Write for circulars and terms. Woman's Apparel Supply Co.. Chicago. SALESMEN WANTED CASH ADVANCED weekly: rood territory open: outfit free. Some are making 3100 to $150 per month. Why not you? Addrer Washington Nursery Company. Toppenlsh. Wash. WANTED-AN AGENT. EITHER SEX. IN each town to sell shirtwaist goods and la dles" millings by the yard, also men's made-to-measure shirts. Address Direct Cloth Co., St- Louts, Mo. FORTRAIT AGENTS GET YOUR WORK en the Coast. Crayon, sepia and pastel our specialty. Chicago and San Francisco Por trait Co.. 738 Mission St.. San Francisco, CaL AGENTS BOTH SEXES; 130 PER CENT profit. Entirely new proposition. Every housewife buys. Particulars for stamp. Swift. 753 Monndnock. Chicago. WE PAT $36 A WEEK AND EXPENSES to men with rigs to introduce our poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Personal. Kan. SOAP AGENTS SOMETHING. NEW-BIG 7 Cake Dollar Soap and Large Dollar Pic ture, both for 13 cents. Parker Chemical Co.. Dept. P. Chicago. $Si PBR WEEK SELLING NEW PATENTS. Free camples guaranteed agents answering this advertisement at once. Braham Co.. 6044. Cincinnati. O. WANTED-AN AGENT IN EACH TOWN TO sell made-to-measure shirts and underwear; liberal profit. Buckley Shirt & Underwear Co.. St. Louis. Mo. WANTED TO RENT. WANTED 3 OR -t-ROOM FLAT OR HOUSE-keeplag-roomsv well furnished; no children: permanent If satisfactory. T 44. Oregonian. WANTED LARGE UNFURNISHED. SUN ny room la modern house, neat, light, bath; state prlee and location. Q 33. Oregonian. LADY OF REFINEMENT WANTS 2 UNFUR nlshed rooms, modern conveniences and walk ing distance. R 43. Oregonian. YOUNG LADY EMPLOYED WANTS ROOM and two meals; terms reasonable; West Side, by Nov. 10. B 43, Oregonian. COUPLE WISH MODERN FURNISHED cottage or housekeeplnr rooms; no children; stale rent. Q 41. Oregonian. 3 OR 4 FURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING rooms; cloe In; ground floor preferred; rea sonable. S 31. Oregonian. DANCING TEACHER WANTS TO RENT hall or hear of any opportunity to open school. V 30. Oregonian. PHYSICIAN WISHES ROOM WITH PRI vate family In good locality; Irvlngton pro ferred. H 22. Oregonian. SMALTu FURNISHED COTTAGE. FLAT OR housekeeplnr roonv man and wife; state price. P. O. box 503. WANTED ROOM AND BOARD BY.YOUNG lady; central location; not to exceed $20. E 43. care Oregonian. WANTED ELDERLY LADY TO BOARD 2 school children. Call at front basement door. 90S 13th st. WANTED BOARD AND ROOM' NEAR CEN tral School for boy 10 years old. H 43, Oregonian. 5-ROOM COTTAGE OR FLAT. CLOSE. IN. West Sldei rent not to exceed $20. W -II. Oregonian. 7-ROOM HOUSE. 10 YEARS: PRIVILEGE of buytnsr. bet. E. 12th and 20th. O 29. Oreaonian. HOUSE WANTED 6 OR 7-ROOJI HOUSE, close In; state location and price. D 35. Oregonian. BOARD IN , PRIVATE FAMILY NEAR Doernbecaer furniture factory. L 44. Ore gonian. WANTED A 11 OR 1 5-ROOM HOUSE. ON West Side; walking distance. J 33. Ore gonian. WANTED BY 4 ADULTS A HOUSE; WALK Ing distance: long lease. Q 32. Oregonian. WANT TO RKNT A ROOM FOR MACHIN3 shop In Portland. T 41. Oregonian. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Addreso G S3. Oregonian. .FIRST-CLASS ROOM. AND BOARD. 700 rUadars. WANTED TO RENT. FOR RENT WELL FURNISHED HOUSE keeplng rooms In modem private house; suitable for 2 or -1 persons: excellent loca tion; reasonable. PbOne Main 3620. WANTED TO RENT 10-ROOM FURNISH cd house on West Side. December 1; se lect neighborhood; not over $43 per month; best references. B 45. Oregonian. MODERN 8 OR 0-ROOM HOUSE: WELL heated; within easy distance bualnesw dis trict, for family of adults; rent must be reasonable. B 32. Oregonian. BY YOUNG LADY. 18. DESIRABLE BOARD and room In exchange for services morning and evening; references furnished. Q 44. Oregonian. . L'SE OF PARLOR AND PIANO IN PRIVATE residence, centrally located, on West Side; afternoons and Saturday mornings. A 31. Oregonian. WANTED COTTAGE OF 5 OR 6 ROOMS, furnished or unfurnished, for family of 3 adults; will lease for terra of years. C 30. Orecenlan. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED WINNING SPECIALTIES FOR Southern California. Arizona and New Mex ico; manufacturers only answer. Pacific Brokerage Co.. Los Angeles. Cal. WANTED MEN'S CAST-OFF CLOTHING and shees; highest priee paid. Call at ths "Fair Deal." 62 N. 3d. Phone Hood 517. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR FURNI ture; We will give you full value for It. Ring up Main 504. ask for Mr. Oke. I WANT $1000 TO $1S00 FOR 3 TO 3 years at 8 per cent; first mortgage Im proved city property. O 45. Oregonian. WANTED HORSE FOR HIS FBED AND rare through Winter; light work about once a week; good care. T 31, Oregonian. COMPETENT BUSINESS WOMAN DE slrea to hear of a first-class business oppor tunity. Address W 30, Oregonian. PROPERTY-OWNER ON E. ASH ST. WILL build a house or cottage to suit buyer at moderato price. Phone East 1786. EXPERIENCED TEACHER. COLLEGE graduate, desires pupils for private lessons in mathematics. G 42. Oregonian. WANTED GOOD HORSE. 110 TO 1200. NOT over 7 years old; must be true, sound and city broke. Q 31, Oreaonktn. MILK WANT SOME RELIABLE MAN TO ship me milk under yearly contract. Ad dress A 43. Oregonian. COFFEE MILL. SCALES. COFFEE AND spke cans, smalt showcase, refrigerator. Ad dress K 44, Oregontan. ORDERS TAKEN NOW FOR SOFA PIL . lows, table scarfs. etc. In new embroidery painting. Main 1070. HOME WANTED FOR BRIGHT. COMPAN lonable girl of 13; Park district preferred. Phone Main 6307. WE WILL BUY. SELL OR TRADE ANY old thing. Western Salvage Co.. 027 and 029 Washington st. WANTED TO ADOPT INFANT: NO QUES tton asked; everything private. Address L 35. Oreganlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND KINDEROAR ten songbooks and supplies. F 43. care Oregonian. AVANTED COTTON BELLINGER'S CODE of Oregon. Swensson A Co., 2534 Washing ton st. WANTED MAP OF MULTNOMAH COUNTT. Swensson &. Co., 2337 Washington, corner 3d st. WANTED A SECOND-HAND 1902 MAP OF the City of Portland. Address M 30. Ore gonian. HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR MEN'S CAPT oC clothing, shoes, bicycles. Phone Green 428. JIILK ROUTE I WANT TO BUY A SMALL milk route. Address Y 42. Oregonian. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tle of all kinds. Phone East 2233. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 183-191 1st st. WANTED LARGE ROLL-TOP DESK. 43H 1st st.. room 21. FOR RENT. Rooms. HOTEL AVALON (EUROPEAN). 413 Washington st.. -I block's wast of Imperial , Hotel Newly furnished rooms, single or en suite; hot and cold water, steam heat, electric light, bath and all modern con veniences; permanent roomers and tourists solicited. NEATLY FURNISHED ROOM WITH large dressing-room, suitable for two; all modern conveniences. 64 N. 20th, near Washington. MODERN FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED TO suit; private porch, fine view; excellent lo cation; refined person. Mala 3508. 408 TAYLOR ST. NICELY FURNISHED front and- side rooms; modern conveniences; furnace heat; rent reasonable. THE OCKLEY. 3S0H MORRISON AND 10TH st. A few single rooms for permanent roomers at reasonable prices. NICE PARLOR ROOM. $8 PER MO. 2 NICE ly furnished housekeeping rooms; bath. $10 per month. 631 Columbia st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM. GAS. furnace heat and porcelain bath. 633 Flan ders. Phone Pacific 709. NICELY FURNISHED LARGE ALCOVE room. 6 bloeks from Postofflce; reasonable. j -11 litn st. Main mij. FRONT ROOM. 12.50 PER WEEK. 2 WIN dows; furnace heat, phone, private family; central. 394 Yamhill. NICELY FURNISHED .LARGE FRONT room with alcove, bath. gas. $10. 543 Tay lor. Phone Main 4873. FURNISHED ROOMS: RENT REASON able. $7 up. Phone Main 2315. 375 Tay lor st.. cor. W. Park. PLEASANT ROOMS. SUITABLE FOR TWO If desired, furnace heat. bath, reasonable. Main 3503. 262 14th. FOR RENT FURNISHED nOOM IN PRI vate family. 203 16th St., near Taylor. Phone Main 1754. PLEASANT ROOM FOR ONE GENTLBMAN. modern house. 3Vi bloeks from Postofflce. 24Sfe 6ta st. 194 7TH. CORNER 7TH AND TAYLOR Nicely furnished front rooms; heat, modern conveniences. 79 PARK. NEAR OAK. NICE LIGHT, cheerful rooms, both large and small, bath and phone. THE KARO. 171 W. PARK-NICELY FUR ntshed front room; also stderoom. Phone Clay 716. RYAN HOUSE. 260i 5TH ELEGANTLY furnished rooms, en suite, or single. Opposite City Hall. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM. SUITABLE for two; nlo single room; rent reasonable. 231 6th. THE ILLINOIS. 16S4 10TH LARGE FRONT and side rooms, with or without board, table board. JO PER MONTH NICELY FURNISHED room. heat. gas. bath, phone. 671 E. Mor rison st. 433 YAMHILL FURNISHED ROOMS, SIN gle or en suite; heat, bath and phone. Main 0301. LARGE ALCOVE ROOM; ONE SMALLER; very reasonable. 260 Park st. Mala 6390. Monastes, 1st and Jefferson Housekeeping, 32.30 up; sleeping. $L50; transient. 23c, 50c CLIFTON. COR. 1ST AND COLUMBIA Single and housekeeping rooms; reasonable. Hotel Tennessee, fronting City Hall and Plaxa park. 4th Madison; new. prices reasonable. LARGE FRONT ROOM. FURNISHED OR unfurnished. 432 East Pine, near 7th. NICE SUNNY ROOMS ONE BLOCK FROM Postofflce. $1.50 up. 283 Alder st. 41 ELLA ST. FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS, bath, Kir. furnace heat and phone.. NEWLY FURNISHED LARGE FRONT room, with alcove. 630 Couch st. 290 COLUMBIA NEATLY FURNISHED room, use of bath; price $7. LARGE COMFORTABLE ROOMS FOR RENT cheap at 2S5U 3d at. LARGE WELL FURNISHED FRONT ROOM, reasonable. 144 11th. FOR RENT 3 FURNISHED ROOMS. 310 Columbia st. 1 FURNISHED ROOM. $1.25 A WEEK. 323 2- NICE FURNISHED BOOMS. 3M 2D. FOR RENT. Rooms. LARGE. LIGHT. NICELY FURNISHED room, suitable for one or two; ga. elettr! light, telephone, porcelain bath, hot and cold water, furnace heat, very reasonable private family. Phono Pacific 3W5. FOR RENT A NICE FURNISHED ROOM modern In every respect, with private bat. furnace heat, private piano; on Morrlscn St.. 3 minutes walk from Postofflce VI 43. care Oregonian. BEAUTIFULLY SITUATED. COMMPDIol new six-room flat to rent, walking tUstan. to center of city, car line In ft . In quire 307 Grant. Phone Pacific 262. WARM PRETTY ROOMS WITH PRIVTE family, near Hobart-Curtls; modern ior. ences; central to business. 471 Jeffc.n,3. between 13th and 14th. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS IN MODERN house; furnace heat, single or en suite a. 099 Everett St.; rates reasonable Ca'. or phone Main 590S. PLEASANT ROOM. WELL FURNISHKD coueh. stove, gas. 3C04 Madison, juu b low 6th. cto?e In; home eomforta for $2. 5m per week. THE YAMHILL A FEW OF OUR NICELY furnished rooms left with steam bea e.e trie light, bath, rent reasonable. 351 Yas hin st. LARGE ROOM WITH ABSOLUTELY FA ery. modern convenience; private fmil. reasonable to permanent parties 2 r . 7th. WILL RENT TO REFINED WOMAN. EM ployed, pleasant room, new home. ISft s; , walking distance. $lo; gas. bath. Phrne 3116. DAKOTA HOUSE. Ill N. 7TH ST.-NEAT.YT furnished outside rooms, with ue of ltt!-g room; phone and bath. $1.30 per week anl uo. BEAUTIFULLY , FURNISHED ROOMS, phone, electric light and bath; $2 per weelc and up. Hotel New Belmont. 103 u 1st st. ONE OR TWO YOUNG MEN CAN IIAE nice room with home comforts. 4 blocks south of Hotel Portland. 230 4 0th SWELL FRONT ROOMS CHEAP. AT THE leader roomlng-houtte; special attent! n ' transient trade. Corner 7th and Mcrriscr LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. D Jolnlng bath, private family; references re quired and given. Phone Main 2171 NICE. NEW FURNISHED ROOMS. SI IT able for one or two: furnace heat, gas. por celain bath. 41 Jefferson St.. cor. 11th, CENTRALLY LOCATED. NICELY FX T. nteihcd front and side room, modern .;r venlenees; reasonable rent. 254 12: h WANTED YOUNC MAN ROOMMATB. downstairs parlor; bath; private home. SH 395 7th, cor. Harrison. References. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM downstairs; gas. heat; convenient to .en. ter t.f city; reasonable. 3S8 Taylor NICE FURNISHED ROOMS. BEAIT1KI L grounds, house furnace heated; reasonable. 40 2d. cor. Harrison. Mrs. Albce. CLOSE IN. ONE BLOCK FROM WASH Ington. 403 Stark, near 10th. large altsc room; all modern conveniences. WELL - FURNISHED ROOM. PRIVATE family; electric light, bath, phone: reason able. 1S8 E. Cth. near Yamhill. NICE FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family; privilege of bath: good locatun, reasonable price. 534 Taylor. NICE. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOM FOR one or two. modern; $10 a month. Rlnc Clark bell. 21 Washington st. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM ITIl alcove, suitable for two, closo In. S3 N. Park st. Phono Main 6037. 258 11TH NICELY FURNISHED FRONT alcove room, modern In every respect, private family; gentlemen. SUITE OF FRONT ROOMS; LIGHT ANl clean: suitable for 3 or 4 gentlemen l'"J E. Salmon, near Grand ave. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS. EN Sl'ITF rent together or separate, flreplaee. 163 13ti near Morrison: references. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PLEASANT homelike, all conveniences; references. 40? Main. Phone Main 4027. TWO UNFURNISHED OR PARTLY FI V. nlshed rooms; large, light. conenicn bath. 410 4th. West 944. FOR RENT FURNISHED FRONT ROOM IN modern fiat, close In. suitable for two g'n tlemen. 31 41. Oregonian. TWO CONNECTING ROOMS FOR 3 OR 4 men: private bath. ;as. running water, cheap rent. 30H N. Sth. THE ANGELUS. COR. CTH AND JEFFER son Beautifully furnished rooms, central.y located, new and modem. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS, FIRST-CL83 table, heat. bath. gas. reasonable, private family. Phone East 918. 193 0TH ST. NEWLY RENOVATED FRONT alcove furnished rooms; reasonable rent. I block Portland Hotel. LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. $12 PER. month. In family residence; gas and bath. Call 23 N. 6th st. 367 WEIDLER ST. NEWLY FURNISHED front room, private home, gas, bath anl phone. Scott 3934. 1 COZY FRONT ROOM. $7 PER MONTH one large bay-window" room, with u. of kitchen. 429 3d. 347 II A LI VERY DESIRABLE FRONT room, newly furnished; pleasant location: reasonable rent. FOR RENT TWO NICELY FURNISHED housekeeping rooms: bath, gas and phone. 203 Hth. st. NICELY FURNISHED ROOM WITH USE of kitchen. 223 7th st.. 3 blocks from, Por.Iand Hotel. FURNISHED ROOMS. WITH OR WITHOUT board: bas. gas, phone, heat. 471 Taylor, near 14th. 334 CLAY FURNISHED AND UNFURNISH ed rooms: no children. Call today. Phono Hood 1655. NICE FRONT SUITE; ALSO OTHER rooms: rent reasonable; fine location. 34S Main st. THE SHERMAN, 123 12TH NICELY FTR nlshed rooms by day. week or month: bath, and phone. 20 N. 17TII ST. NEW HOUSE. MODERN conveniences, strictly first-class. Phono Main 0530. THREE UNFURNISHED ROOMS IN HEART of city, reasonable. 243 Ash. room 9. phone? Main 2371. $8 NICELY FURNISHED ROOM; GAS, phone, bath, good location; gentleman only. 400 7th. NICELY FURNISHED R003I3. USE OF phone, bath, gas end heat; reawnable. 213 13th t. 274 4TH ST.-rNICELY FURNISHED FRONT rooms; free bath and phone: reasonablo rates. NEW FURNISHED ROOM IN PRIVATE family. 211 Holssy st.: gas. bath, phone East 4605. 755 IRVING STREET FURNISHED ROOMS, heat, light, bath. $S and $12: take 'W" car. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOM BATH, gas and furnace heat 141 13th. cor. Alder. NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS. CENTRAL ly located; prices reasonable. SH 6th st. ONE LARGE FRONT ROOM FOR RENT; alro one email room. $6 per month. 2S1 4th.. FOR RENT FURNISHED OOM TO - steady tenant, only $6. 160 Chapman st. NICE LARGE FRONT ROOM. 809 WASHING ton st.. opposite City Park entrance. NICE ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN. FUR nace heat, reasonable. 590 Couch c 192 13TH. NEAR TAYLOR PLEASANT sunny room, furnace heat, bath, etc. FOR RENT LARGE WKi.f FURNISHED room; 37 per month. 392 Salmon. CALL UP MAIN 2SS0 FOR NICE FURNISHED rooms, private family, on car line. FOUR NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS. PAN try. ray. bath, phone. 428 7th st. FURNISHED ROOM $3 MONTH. USE OF bath and- phone. 528 Market at. FRONT PARLOR WITH LARGE CLOSET, newly furnished. 226 Uth et. NICELY FURNISHFD ROOMS. REASON able rates. 31 N. 17th ft. TWO FRONT ROOMS. EN SUITE OR SIN gle. cheap, 66 N. Uth. WORKING GIRL WANTS ROOMMATB THB t&nw. L 54, Oresooiaa.