20 THE SUNDAY OREGPXIAN. PORTEA-SP, OCTOBER 29, 1905. XEff TODAY. Investors Attention! Charles K. Henry has a number of at- tractive bargains In real estate. Including the fpllowing: SyfOAft Buys a corner, with two 4nlHl Kd dwellings thereon, TUV" bringing In J30 per month; good location, sure to keep well rented. SAC A A Buys a fine property on MrHfll 21t 8t.r near Irving, with uvvv dwening.3 thereon. Should bring in $80 per month. Good investment, as the property Is well built and attractive. PIC CftA Buys business c PIJ,3UU Food.. lmnrovem J , v location. In nor corner,, with irements: fine north part of the city, near where the rortnern Pacinc Kauroaa Company's Improvements are going In. This prop erty is bringing in on old-old-tirac rentals $162.50 per month. A bargain. CO") ft A A BuJ'B 50-foot frontage on OLL.JUU Front st-t wIth two-story v )vvv brick building thereon, near Washington st Present low rentals bring in $200 per month. This is a good investment, where a per son gets a fair return monthly, and the property is sure to increase invaiue. Buys a quarter block on the southwest corner of 5th and Flanders sts.: splendid $30,000 site for a wholesale house, as Cth sU has more good, first-class buildings from Yamhill st. north than either 6th or 7th sts. 00 AAA Buys Front-street proper OlO.UUU tv w,th four-story bulld " Ing thereon, having front age on Front st., and also running through to the river, with wnarf privi leges. This Is a choice- In vestment, beinc near the Morrison-st. bridge, having both Front-st. and river frontage. Inspect this if you want a bargain. 39 CAA FI"e lot on 5th st., near JJL.3UU stark st- adjoining fine offlce buIldInge Thls Is strictly a first-class prop erty. CQG AAA Buvs a valuable corner on JJJ, UuU SUirk st- having a front v u'vvv age of 95 feet on Stark, 91 feet on 12th. and ES feet on Burnside st Handsome property, and sure to be a money-maker. Buys a Stark-st property sure to Increase In value, and bringing a fair rate of interest, at present low rentals on the investment. Buys quarter block on 1st st, well Improved, with good buildinsr. brinsrlnr In $45,000 $60,1)00 monthly rental of $60 per month. Washington St. lngton st: well Improved and rented, and worth in vestigating. Fifth and Stark Streets Quarter block; Is In the heart of the city, with good improvements being put up all around. Investigate this. Warehouse Property One whole block, fronting on the rail road, with spur to the curb, and electric street-cars on the other side of the block. Any large firm wanting a whole block should inspect this, as It is a vers' at tractive buy. Quarter bloc on the track, ' with spur In. At a right price. Othor attractive bargains In different parts of the city for sale by CHARLES EC HENRY 273 STARK STREET. This Should Catch Your 25x100. brick building. 1st. near Morrison. 25x100. Front, near Yamhill. 100x100. 7th St.. $23,000. 3-story brick. 1st st.. 10 per cent net In vestment. 25x200. 1st. near Yamhill. -block, 3d st, 10 per cent Investment 3 business lots. Savler t Nob Hill residence. Corner. 2 houses, Flanders st.. Nob Hill. Goidsciimidt's Agency 253 1-2 Washington, cor. 3d BAST SIDE. S 1,250-Acre on Montavilla carllne, close In. 3,oOl 7-room house and lot on Clacka amas sL 5.500 1 acres on Section Line road. Improvements cost 5CO0O. 6,000-100x100 -feet, with two residences, on inside lot, 9 blocks from Steel Bridge. "WEST SIDE. $ 1.250 50x113 feet. Vaughn St.. nr. 21st st. 1,500 50x100 feet, Savier St., nr. 25th st 3.82050x100 feet, Pettygrovc. near 23d st. 2.03050x100 feet. Marshall st.. nr 21th st. 3.000-50x100 feet. Hoyt St.. nr. 22d st. 8,500100x100 feet: the Tery best on Wil lamette Heights. 6,000 8-room residence on Irving st , 7.000 11-room residence on Glisan st. ",500 8-room residence on Johnson st S.500 9-room residence on Overton st. 10.000-210x200 feet; choice site on Portland Heights. C8.000 Inside property: income 5C000 per annum, secured leases. F. . ANDREWS & CO., AGENTS. Hamilton Bldg.. 131 3d -st Tel. Main 3349. Business Property $6,500 50x70, corner on 5th st. 57,00050x100, corner on 10th st S12.000 50x55. llats on 7th st $15.000 15x100, flats on 10th st 516.500100x100. house and flats on 14th. 522,50030x100, three-story brick on 1st $23,000-25x100. three-story brick on Alder 28,O00 50x100, three-story brick on 1st SA.OOO oc90. corner on Burnside. $12,500 100x100. corner on 7th st We selected the above from our list be cause they're income-bearing and cheap. L. W. WHITING & CO.. 40S Abington Building. $24,000 Corner lot. N. 6th st This is last chance to purchase in this locality at rate of v-v,vw per quarter. CO ( A ft A Quarter block, with new J0U,UUU three-story brick: will ' pay handsome Interest and has hlsr future. Corner lot in same condi tion ns nhnvo )UUV THE HART LAND CO.. 1(2) Sherlock Bldg. Phone Main 585. Thirteenth Street Quarter block. 13th st. near Washing ton, large brick buildings going up in this locality in every direction. There Is no better proposition on the market to oay Nothing In this neighborhood can be had at such figure as we can sell this at TAFT CO.. Phone Main 156. 122-3-3-6 Abington. S10.000 -Flanders Street 19-room house, In excellent repair, mod ern and especially well arranged for en tertaining; would make first-class boarding-house; lot 60x100. VAN W. ANDERSON 201 McKay Bldg. THURMAN STREET. Nar 23d, on car line, cement walk, and gas all in. sewer 40x100, 51200. 80x100. 52400. 120x100. $3000. Vi cash, balance 1 to 5 years at 6 per cent A D. MARSHALL, A sen. Room' 7, 82 3d st sew today: For Sale! GOOD $18,000 $13,500 $12,000 $11,000 REAL ESTATE A lot near the Library building; - some improve ments on same. A lot on 8th st.. between Burnside and Oak sts. A modern fireproof building being erected on the ad joining lot. N On Burnside. near 7th st. BO feet .frontage; Improved. Buys a desirable quarter block on Park St.; some Improvements on same. Choice building lot, near "West Park and Clay sts. On Park, near Harrison st 3850 $ 2650 1950 4000 2250 2750 Fractional lot between 7th and Park, on Harrison st; a 5-room house on came. On Holladay ave.. near the Steel Bridge, 66 2-3x100, witn nouee. Lot 50x100. with two cot tages, renting for $25 per montn; iortn Portland. to strictlv modern 6-room house on Williams avenue and Eugene st 444 Sherlock bldg., 83 3d st F. BRESKE, FOR SALE BY A.F.Swensson&Co. ROOM 5 253 WASHINGTON ST. Corner on Morrison st Half-block In warehouse district Corner lot on First sL. near Morrison. Flats within 10 minutes of business center. Fine quarter on Burnside st. -Tlock. best In city for apartment bid. -block on Savier St.: good income. Marshall sL 50x200 with 4 residences. Fine residence In Nob Hilt district $5000 will buy new 7-room modern house on Kearney st. on Installments. A nice corner on 6th st, close In, for $14,000; yearly Income, 51440. A quarter block inside property at a very attractive figure. Nothing else in the locality offered for sale. Collins Land Co. Stearns Building. Main 2324. FOR SALE $2350 $4500 $1450 $2350 New 5-room cottage; porcelain plumbing, full cement base ment; nice location; 5350 cash; balance monthly. New 7-room house; furnace, porcelain plumbing, cement basement and floor, gas and electric, hardwood floors; West Side; 5750 cash, bat monthly. New 5-room cottage, lot 50x100; cash 5150. balance monthly. 7-room house, lot 50x100; cash 5250, balance monthly. Houses built after your plans in any part of the city. Can pay in monthly In stallments. O. M. SMITH, "30 Chamber of Commerce. W. H. INUININ 519,000 Quarter block and four modern 9-room houses, on 18th and Irving; good income-bearing property. 54000 Full lot and old houses on Mor rison, near East 7th. 51300 Lot Willamette Heights; sewer, water and cement sidewalk. 5550 Lot on Morris, near Commercial. 5375 Lot corner Macgly and Hendricks. 5400 Lot on Going, near Cleveland. 51000 Ten acres unimproved, 3 miles east on O. R. & N. R. R. 5300 Choice lot. Piedmont W. H. NUNN. 552 Sherlock Block Young Man The way to get a good WIFE Is to find a Rood OIKL. then be a GENTLEMAN and got her consent to hire a PARSON. Buy a lot In HOLLADAY'S ADDITION, the very BEST and most SELECT residence district In the cltv. build her a home and b HAPPY ever after. A word to the wise. We hare two houses with full Improve ments for jale. or will build a house for you. Lots sold on advantageous terms to home builders. Call and get full particulars and Inspect the property. The Oregon Real Estate Co. Room 4. 88 Third Street Modern Flats Fdur 6-room flats, chose in. pas over 13 per cent THE HEALY INVESTMENT CO 210-214 Abington, 106& Third St INTERESTING . -block. JCth and Thurman. 4 houses: only cheap property In vicinity. See me for fur ther particulars. 56500 for quarter. 17th and Northrup. well adapted for business, flats or apartment house. Warehouse property. 1 lot U -block and two -blocks, all on track. 1 have made a specialty or this class of property and can fill any reasonable order at once. I can also procure construction of warehouse to order of tenant under lease. Brick building. 510,000; center of business; rents 51800. And so on, and so on. R. M. WILBUR. 806 M'KAT BLDG HOVER The new town up the Columbia, on the new N. P. R. JL. needs a general mer chandise tore, hardware store and meat market Town building fast Concessions to the right man. A great chance. For particulars, call or write HOVER LAND CO.. Hover, Benton County, Wash., or our branch office. 122V6 Cth. cor. Cth and Washington sts.. Portland. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance In All Lines. A. H. BIRRELU IK-J McKay bids.. Third mad Stark eta. For Sale or Exchange A lS-room hotel and restaurant In the best Eastern Oregon town; at a bigtbor gain. MALL & VON BORSTEL 393 E. BURNSIDE ST. TOR SAME REAL ESTATE. FOR SALE TWO LOTS. ON STH ST Highland. 5300, Call 315 Russell. Phone East 1022. FOR SALE HOUS.E AND LOT. NO. 211 12TH t Apply to J. P. Bronaugh. 14-t 4th. COTTAGE AT 220 E. 36TH ST.. ALSO ONE at N. E. cor. 43d aad E. Taylor sts Look These Up i"OK SALE KKAL iSTATJC RED-HOT INVESTMENTS. fCOOO Corner lot -room nat. t3 monthly rental, rituated 10 blocks from business cen ter, it's the snap of a. lifetime. 5550v lOuoxlOO feet ground, beautifully gardened; fruit aad shrubbery; & handsome e-room residence; swellet part Mount Ta bor. 545O0 103-acre farm. 70 acre cultivated. 60 acres heavy timber, balance pasture; place all fenced and cross-rerfced; good 6 100m residence. 2 barns, living water, fine orchard, bearing fruit, rich call, produces big crops, on good public ntgbway. :: miles' electric railway; would excaange In part lor city tealder.ee. $l2uo Very swell Colonial 9-room resi dence, furnace, gat, electric lights and all modern convenleucui; corner Jut; cloe, to. East Side. It's a beauty. 54O0O A magnificent place on Hawthorne are.. 3 full lots, hanatome grounds. Im mense 6-room dwelling. 5S0U0 Handsome b-room residence, modest convenience; a grand place; east front. It's all tight. JoW Ueautlful 6-room cottage, quarter diock. an Kinds ox roses, shrubbery and Irult; one block from Woodlawn cars. 51G50 Beau tit ul 3-joom cottage, full lot Montana ave.. 1 block cars; easy payments. 11000 Nice 5-room cottage. 3 lot. A lorely borne; 1 block St. Johns cars. 5700 A good 5-acre place In Oak Grove. fOOO 10 acres, fronting on Estacada elec tric railway; house and barn, living water. The biggest bargain of the day. It you fall to- come to us you'll wear over alls. THE DUNN-LAWItENCC COIIPANT, 149W FIRST STREET. TERMS SAME AS, RENT. 6-room bouse, modern In every way, full lot 2 blocks from car line; price 5210U; 5200 cash, balance 515 monthly. 6-room modern houae, nicely terraced cor ner lot full size. In splendid locality, and clone to good car line; cheap at 57300; terms 5400 cash, balance 120 monthly. O-room house, full lot close to car line, with splendid view of city and In good neighborhood; rare bargain at 52100; terms 5200 cash, balance 516 per month. West ern Land Co.. 248H Stark st FOR SALE 53200 The most beautiful location on Portland Heights, where city and mountains arts dis played to view; 100 feet square, on Spring st.. with cement sidewalks and all Improve ments: northerly troauute. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, 109 Third Street FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR PORT land or Oregon property, property la Se attle. For sale l-acre place clos- to R. R.; good buildings. For sale Fine farm near Hubbard. Or.. 3 acrta. For sale Beautiful S-acre home close to Hubbard. Or., a beauty. For sale Residence property In Salem. Or. For any of the above 'address. C M. CRITTENDEN. Hubbard. Or. FOR SALE 52000 Over two lots, near the head of King st This is cloee In. lies beautifully, and 1 a large piece of ground. Easily worth more money. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, 103 Third Street I 53700. A SNAP COMFORTABLE MOD ern home, close In on the East Side. 9 living-rooms, bath. etx. gas and electric ity, large basement containing laundry, two store and fuelroom; everything about the house In first-class repair; the lot Is 1&0 feet deep, contains chicken-house and yard, and number of fine fruit trees; an ideal borne for comfort and convenience. Call or address the owner, room 500. the Marquam. Phone Main 863. 3 ACRES. C ACRES OR 12 ACRES. Our land Is the cheapest between Portland and Oregon City, when quality and Im provements are considered. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. 222 Falling Bldg. 52000 Best buy In West Irvlngton; new corner 7-room house, full lot; paying over 10 per cent; good terms. 55000 8-room house. Just completed. East J5th. clw nsw Hlrh School; easy terms. 500054x100 Eaitt Morrison, fine butldlng lot; a banraln. F. O. NORTHRUP & CO.. 211 Commercial block. 2d and Washington. ACRE TRACTS WE HANDLE ACREAGE as & specialty, within city limits or outslle. Some acres with terms as low as 510 per month with water. A. C Churchill & Co.. "Inc." 110 2d at. HOUSE 10 ROOMS; NEW AND AI3SO lutely up to date; elegantly finished throughout; situated on two lots. In best portion of Wt Side; Any one desiring an Al home will do well to Investigate. Phone owner. Main 5S5. or call 109 Sherlock bldg. FOR SALE. INSTALLMENTS-TWO 5-ROOM cottages, new and strictly modern and up-to-date, between two street-car lines; will take vacant lot In good location In exchange as part payment. Empire Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Commerce. COTTAGES FOR SALE ON EASY-INSTALL-ment payments 5-room cottage, at Sunnyside. 51350. 5-room cottage, at N. Irvlngton. 51050. THE AMES MERCANTILE AGENCY, Abington Bldg. EIGHT-ROOM RESIDENCE ON BROADWAY car line. Holladay's addition. East Port land excellent neighborhood, beautiful loca tion; bargain as an investment: rouat sell; Phone East 10S1, or addreps Box 58. Port land. WI LL AM ETTE Beautifully situated this side of University, on car line. Lots 5200 each; 510 cash and 55 per month. American Investment Cc. 222 Falling bldg.. or Zygouskl. branch of fice, Willamette Station. IRVTNGTON. Lots 5&00: houses built on Installments; all Improvements. F. J. Raley. Agent. 212-213 Chamber of Commerce bldg. Phone Main 1293. Resident agent 700 Schuyler sU. cor. E. 21t. Phone E. 144. 52250-5C75 CASH. BALANCE . SMALL IN stallments, new completely furnished 5-room cottage and lot; fine location: West -Side; modern Improvements, cement basement ce ment sidewalk, street Improved. 118 Abing ton bldg. STATE LANDS FOR SALE. The State of Oregon baa for sale a limited amount of base for lieu selections. Price un til further notice 56 per acre. For particu lars address Oswald West State Land Agent Salenv Or. D-ROOM HOUSE.- BATH. GAS, ELECTRIC ugnis. i nut ana enruoDcry. large grounds. In walking distance. 55500; will take vacant lot or smaller house In part payment. Hat field & Smith. ICS 4 4th st A NEW 7-ROOM HOUSE. HARD FINISHED, concrete basement; hot and cold water, bath; lot 50x100, East Flanders and Rosemont one block Montavilla car line; easy terms. L. Malloy. 52300-LOVELT CORNER LOT AND LARGE five-room cottage in fine residence district near in. on East Side; 5900 cath. balance easy terma. Call 234 East 16th. cor. Main. FOR SALE CHOICEST HALF BLOCK LV Portland, close to business center, -one of the few bargain left Inquire Max G. Cohen. 400- Columbia bldg.. 265 Washington st. FOR SALE 2 ACRES. ON CAR LINE AND count' road, near Lents; all In fruit; house, barn and cnlcken-houoe; 5850, eaoy terms. 529 E. Davis tX. Phone East 3230. 530,000-90x90. CORNER ON BURNSIDE; ask us about this, speculators. There's 54000 profit In right on this before Christmas. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Abington bldg. 51800 BAST MAIN ST.. 2 BLOCKS FROM Hawthorne ave., handsome 8-room house, go ing for halt Its value to clom an eotate. L. W. Whiting & Co.. 408 Abington bldg. FOR SALE TWO LOTS WITH A THREE prtory building, on 23th U. at head of Up ehur st.; a bargain If taken at once. Gruber, 617 Commercial block. t FOR SALE DESIRABLE Yt BLOCK. 13TH and Pine- st., on car line: cement oldewalk; 53200. easy terms. 529 E. Davis. Phone East 323a 5325-NEW 4-ROOM COTTAGE NEAR WOOD lawn; furniture Included: large lot water, fruit; clore to car line. 118 Abington bldg. THREE ACRES ON EAST SIDE. INSIDE city limits, for 5525 per acre, for few days. Inquire B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st. SACRIFICE SALE-3 CHOICE LOTS. NEAR 32d and East Main. In Cherrydale. Sunnyside. C. W. Fallett 304-5 Fenton bldg. EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE and CHOICE CORNER lot In Holladay's addition. D. Miller, 714 Chamber of Commerce bldg. 6Q ACRES BUNCHGRASS LAND, LOCATED in rapidly developing section; would ex change. A 14, Oregnalan. 4 CHOICE LOTS IN ST. JOHNS FOR 5 ALB or exchange for house and lot clese In. V 18, Oregonlan. fOR SALE HEAL .ESTATE WE ADVERTISE- NOTHING BUT WHAT IS GOOD. A very nice new Colonial house on E. 17th at at a bargain. See us for terms. 100x100 and S-room bouse. West Side, close in. for 56500. One of tne nnest homes on Willamette Heights for 55500. Terms to suit. Large modem house of 8 rooms and attic Best location. West Side. 54200. New modern house, easy walking dis tance. East Side; nothing nicer on the market; 54200. easy terms. Large 7-room mooern house, full lot. nice lawn. E, Burnside st., 53000; terms. New. modern house. 7 rooms and attic, extra well nnlshed; bath, gas and elec tricity; easy walking distance; 52MW. New O-room bouse, easy walking dis tance. 52700. A very nicely located new O-room cottage, Uoiladay Parx; 52600. terms. New modern 6-room house. South Sunny tlae. 52Z5U; easy terms. Large 7-room house, good plumbing; U -biock, at University Park: 520uO. New 3-room modern cottage, iouih Sun nyalae, Jluou; very easy terms. New 5-room cottage. Hlgnland; one block from car. 5120O; a larger one for 51400. 7-room house, lot 75x100. St Johns, close In. for 51200. Good O-room cottage. Woodlawn. 51200. COLLINS LAND CO. Stearns Building. Phone Main 2324. FOR SALB54S50- In HoUadayB Add., a very comfortable 8-room house. Just completed and thorotfgn ly modem In every way. A corner lot, 50x10. with nice lawn. A good buy. 'PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, 109 Third Street MUST BE SOLD 700 CHOICE LOTS NEAR Racine. Wis., a growing manufacturing city of 35.GU0 population. Prices ridiculously law. 5200 lot for 550. 55 down, balance 93 per month. No taxta or Interest until paid. Fine location. On lnterurban and direct rail way, line between Chicago and Milwaukee. Will make beautiful homes or profitable In vestment. Further Information of Chaat.' R. Davis. Milwaukee. Wis. FOR SALE-53000 50x110 feet on Corbet t ., fronting east Good S-room modern house, with fireplace, full basement, gas and electricity, porcelain Dlumblnr: a stable on the rear of the lot. This Is the bent location on Corbett st and well worth the money. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, 109 Third Street. 525,000-3-STORY BRICK. ON WASHINGTON ext.. cheapest property on the street. 522.500 First st. property: Income 52S60. 510.500100x100. on 17th at.; good Income. 5 7,50010 flats; rent 5125 per month! 520.000 Fine 3-story brick: Income 52160. 5 7.000 Fractional lot on Washington sL 511.500 2-story brick. Front st 2 Iota on Park, near Burnside. cheap. SAHLSTROM & PATTERSON. Itttfc 4th et This will be. a fine day to take a car ride "on Hawthorne ave. and see Bungalow Glade. Get off at 30th and go one block north. Lou with cement walks. 5450 to 5500 AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. 222 Falling Bldg. EXTRA GOOD 7-ROOSI NEW. LATEST style, modern house, with wood fiber tinted walls, full cement basement; bath, hot and cold water: fine fcyxlOO fenced lot lawn, shrubbery, barn; a lovely home: only 51750; 5100 down. Home Land Co.. H5& lt st. FOR SALE LOTS 15 AND 16 AND 18 TO 24, block 2. Davis' .Highland, cheap for cash or small payment and monthly In stallments If for building: will sett for one to Ave years' time. If Interested ad dress J 23, Oregonian, or phone East 331-4. FOR SALE NEW 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE and full lot In Willamette Heights, with furniture complete; everything In first-class condition. Apply on premises. 9S8 Raleigh between 2Sth and 29th stA. Monday and Tuesday afternoons from 2 to 5 o'clock. CORNER LOT. MODERN S-ROOM HOUSE, porcelain bath, bowls, furnace, gas. elec tricity, mantle and patent grate: fashion able suburb. 20 minutes walk from center of city, 2 car lines. Address L 21. Oregon ian. FOR SALE IN MONT A VI LL A. A NEAT 5 room cottage, nearly new; 2 full-sized lots, well Improved: a good home: price 5I20O; 5200 caah, balance on easy terms. C. R. DeBurgh & Co.. 212 Abington bldg. HOOD RIVER PROPERTY TWO SIGHTLY rerldence lots, surrounded by choice homes: adjoining property offered at 5500; will sell for 5335 If taken at once. Inquire John Ice land .Henderson. Hood River. Oregon. 52600-6-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. PORCE laln bath, gas and electric lights, full base ment small lot Went Side; Income 530 per month;t halt cash. Empire Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Commerce. HOLLADAY PARK 6-ROOM COTTAGE, polished floors, fireplace, very modern, grounds 244x50: Ideal for garden and chick ens; cheap If taken at once. SIS Multnomah 6trceU FOR SALE CHEAP OR TRADE FOR HOUSE and lot one acre. 5 minutes' walk from Ar bor Lodge station. St Johns car line: good, level land, no gravel, no sand. D 18, Ore gonian. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS. 53 PER MONTH ; houses reaBy to occupy; one to eight rooms; easy payments. W. L. Green. Laurelwood. Office at' station: ML Scott .car. A BARGAIN NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE. Ex cellent neighborhood, good school, close In. East Side: part cash, balance lone time, low InteresL B 20. Oreconlan. FOR SALE EIGHT-ROOM HOUSE. EVERY thing modem and complete, convenient to care, store and schools; fine lawn. Owner, 762 E. Burnside Pt w FOR SALE WEST SIDE CHOICE RESI dence: 10 rooms, large yard, roses and shrubbery; grand view; on S car line. 9S5 Corbett st 73x100 CORNER 13TH ST., 2 FINE BIG houses. Income 585, can be Increased: ooutli Morrison; room for more Improvements; call for orice. FOR SALE NINE-ROOM HOUSE IN SOUTH Portland, walking distance: price 52000; also a full lot or fraction. Addren owner, box 217. city. FINE. NEW. MODERN 5-ROOM COTTAGE, large rooma; 52000; terms; it can't be beat for the. money; see the owner. O 23, Ore gonian. 52100 RARE CHANCE. GREAT SACRIFICE; new 5-room modern cottage, EL 11th. near Hawthorne ave., "55CO cash. H IS. Ore gonian. FOR SALE HOUSE AND TWO LOTS. Stewart's Park, one block north of station; price 5700: 5350 down, balance on time. 5-ROOM COTTAGE. BATH. GAS FOR COOK lng and lighting; corner lot 516U0. 360 E. Oak. See owner. 128 3d. Phone C2S. 4-ROOM HOUSE IN WOODLAWN: WILL accept oiano as first payment bamce to suit, purchaser. K 20, Oresonlan. CELLWCOD LOTS. 55.00 DOWN AND 53.08 a month; from 575.00 to 5200.00. SsUwood Townslt Co. Phone East 4704. FOR SALE-ONE-HALF ACRE OF LAND AT St. Johns, with a 9-room house and ntore: 52000. F. T. Berry, 4 N. 6th. ' CHOICE RESIDENCE LOT 50x150. FACING eouih on Tillamook, bet. Rodney and Union ave. Inquire 341 Tillamook. FOR SALE S-ROOM COTTAGE; SMALL payment down, 510 per month. Inquire room C03 Fenton bids.. 84 Cth et. PORTLAND HEIGHTS-CHOICE H-ACRE. level, cultivated, near car. on county road; view. Call 470 Jefferson. 523.000 FINE THREE-STORY BRICK AND stone bmlldlng 100x100 feet corner. F. Abraham. 43 Vi 1st st. 525.O00-QUARTER BLOCK ON NORTH ,7TH st.,- the only U Jeft for the money. F. Abraham, 43H 1st st- FOR SALE SIX-ROOM SUBURBAN COT tage. first-class, ground 100x100. O. W. P. Townslte Co.. 134 Fin?L FINE U BLOCK. EAST 28TH. NEAR CLIN-ton-Kelly School, only 5500. Valley Land Co., 434 1ft near Ash. BY OWNER, LARGE SIX-ROOM COTTAGE; fruit trees, etc, 491 Montgomery, near 14th; reasonable terms. 4-ROOM COTTAGE. LOT 50x100. 2 BLOCKS from car line. 5800. Hatfield & Smith. 1C3U 4th st 5430 BUYS NEAT NEW 3-ROOM COTTAGE. East Side, close In. Andersen. 191 Mor rison. Houses built on easy payments: lots furnished if desired. 612 Commercial bldg. Main 1940. J-SfcOO BEAUTIFUL HOME. DESIRABLE residence portion, easy terms. PS7 Corbett. 7-ROOM HOUSE. LOT 50x100 FT.. LV AL blna. 5109. Hatfield & Smith. 16SH 4th st rOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 53750 VERY NICE S-ROOM HOUSE, WITH attic and full baoernent fireplace, new and ready for occupancy, corner lot; nice loca tion. East Side; can glre favorable terms. 53500 Very nice 6-room modern hous, everything complete and right up to dat; ready for occupancy; E. Salmon and 20th; terms can be arranced. 52750 Nice 7-room house, full lot on East Taylor, near 25lh; terms can be arranged. 52600 Nice new 6-room house, full lot. nice la every way; East Salmon, near 27th. 52250 Nice 6-room house on Union afce. N., near Tillamook su; easy terms. 51800 4-room new cottage, everything con plete. ready for occunanev: $300 cash, bal- l ance 520 month; E. 20th. near Oregon. Jia)r oiaer good nargsjes usrougnout tn city. Call and see my list. P. W. TORGLBR, 100 Sherlock bldg. FINE 3-STORY BRICK. LOT 73x100. RENTS, 5225 per month, well located, west Side. 530.000; will moke terms. Fine 5-acre tract. In city; lies well for platting. 55000; 52C00 cash. Fine 5-acre tract near Holladay's Park, lies fine for platting. 5CO0O; 5150U cash. Beautiful new 7-room house, corner lot. East Side, close In. S4O00; 51500 cash. Fine lot 20th and Stark, cement sidewalk. 51100; 5200 cash. Good 5-room house, brick basement lot 60x100. on car line, lota of fruit. 51150; 5150 cash, balance 512.50 per month. CHARLE30N &. NETLL, 310 AI!o!cy Bldg. Phone West 361. 5S5.000 FULL LOT AND 4-STORY BRICK building. In Al condition; good location; income 7 per cent net 510,500 Will buy a good thing, closo In. near Washington. If taken Monday; pays about 8 per cent . net . 23300 Desirable lot West Side. 512.500 Al modern houre and fine quarter block. West Side, 550U0 Lot and 2 cottages on 14th st. 5C0C0 10-room house and full lot. 8 blocks from Portland Hotel. DAVIDSON. WARD & CO., 403 Chamber of Commerce. FOR SALE $1700 A moat beautiful building rite on Corbett St.. in South Portland. An unobstructed view of river and mountains; its alze la 60x170 feet and street and sewer Improve ments are all made. PORTLAND TRUST CO. OF OREGON, 109 Third Street Wanted 100 mountain ash trees for parked streets of Bungalow Glade. AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO.. 222 Falling Bldg. IRVINGTON. 8-room house, best part of Irvlngton. 1 block from car. modern In every way. ce ment walks, nice lawn, all up In splendid condition, and the price only 53200; very easy terms. TAFT & CO.. Main 156. 123 Abington bide. A REAL ESTATE BARGAIN ONE OF THE best values In the Willamette Valley: 230 acres. 160 cultivated, running water, beau tifully located, ono mile from good rail road town. 25 miles from Portland; price. 539 per acre. F. V. Andrews, 131 Jd st. Portland. . .. RESIDENCE LOT ON E. TAYLOR St.; all Improvements made and paid: lot large enough for 2 cottages. If desired. Owner wants some quick money. Price 511.50. See T. J. Hammer, 616 Commer cial blk. EAST SIDE 4IOMES THREE 7-ROOM AND one S-room house on E. Third and Multno mah sts.; new. beautifully finished; fine lo cation; convenient to 3 car lines; easy terms. Parish & Gourlay. owners. 349 Multnomah. FINE NEW -6-ROOM HOUSE. WALKING distance; two car lines; strictly modern, all conveniences: occupied by owner 3 months; fractional lot: gilt-edge Investment. Call 490 E. Burnside. ONLY 52350 FOR S LOTS. CLOSE IN. EAST Side. 4 blocks to cars; cheap; house and barn: abundance fruit: easy terma -Van-duyn & Walton. 270 Washington st FOR SALE NEW. MODERN 7-ROOM HOUSE on Nob I1III. lot 50x50; price 54000: half cash, balance 6 per cent. RAND & BRANT, room 40. Hamilton bldg. FOR SALE 5 ACRES. GOOD HOUSE AND barn, orchard, quarter mite from school and railroad station. 9 miles from Portland; 51300. O 24, Oregonian. RAND & BRANT. ROOM 40. HAMILTON bldg. Real estate, farms, rooming-houses, business chances of all kinds; Hood River lots and farms. BARGAIN 6-ROOM MODERN NEW HOUSE, lot 50x100. close In. on Sunnyside car line; 52250. easy terms. E. J. Gelser, 22la Mor rison st FOR SALE NEW C-ROOM HOUSE. MOD crn. small payment balance to suit. Ap ply owner. STS E. Davis. Phone East 3052. 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. EAST 31ST and Taylor. 51900. Rand & Brant, room 40. Hamilton bldg. 51600 GOOD S-ROOM HOUSEL EAST SIDE; Income 521B. Owner, room 37. 163 4th stl HALF LOT IMPROVED ON NORTH 7TH St.. cheap: F. Abraham; 43 1st st FINE SUBURBAN PLACE. CHOICE FRUIT and berrle. 51 10. Oregonian. FOR SALE FARMS. 060 ACRE EASTERN OREGON WHEAT or alfalfa land to desirable tenant with teams, tools and seed; will rent for two years with privilege of buying and take labor for part rent: with small outlay sev eral hundred acres can be Irrigated and produce large crops of alfalfa; If tenant will buy 150 cattle. 320 acres will be added to proposition; two good crops should near ly pay for the ranch. For full Information inquire B. S. Cook Sl Co.. 231 Alder st. FOR SALE FINE 354-ACRE VALLEY farm, about 200 acres bottom land, about 160 In cultivation, balance nearly level, partly cleared and In grass; good buildings, fencea and orchard: ?ome beaverdam; about 150O cords flr and ash timber: electric light and telephone; close to rail, churches and schools: 26 mllcti to Portland; 545 per acre, or will sell part; terms. B 75. Oregonian. 160 ACRES IMPROVED IRRIGATED LAND. 40 acres In timothy, the remainder In culti vation; deep black loam (.ill. 6-room house, lumber for barn, fenced, living stream through place: will pay 10 per cent on 575 per acre to Investor. Price 531.25 per acre: 43000 cash. Free circular on resources of tVallowa County. Enterprise Realty Co., Enterprise. Or. ANOTHER SNAP IN SO-ACRE FAR3I; 50 In cultivation; bouse, barn, orchard, vine yard; 20 acres more ready to plow; fine outlook, with all our snow peaks In view and lovely rural landscape, with growing towns in the foreground: running water; price 52500. B. S. Cook fc Co.. 251 Al der st SO-ACRE FARM. NEW 9-ROOM HOUSE, sew barn: 30 acres cultivated. 10 acres the best of onion land In cultivation; 2 nines of R. R. station; running stream, fine for sub-Irrigation: Is worth double the amount asked; you will buy If you se this: quick at 52500. B. S. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder st. 91 ACRES WITHIN 9 MILES OF THE CITY, and one mile of railroad. 43 acres In cultiva tion and all Al soli: 2 houses, running water, farm Implements, stock and crops. 56500. F. Abraham. 43 First street FOR SALE. OR WILL EXCHANGE FOR suitable city property. ICO acre stock ranch, running waUr year around; 9 miles from Washougall. Wash. Call evenings, 70S Hood re. S. Portland. FOR. SALE 42VJ-ACRE MODEL, LEVEL farm; furniture, stock and Implements; good road: 3 miles Oregon City; $3000. a. L. Brltting, R. F. D. No. 2. Oregon City. SEVENTY ACRES. PRJCE 521C0 S ACRES des red. bouse and outbuildings. 8 miles north of Exposition on good county road: terms. Write E 58. Oregonian. 5300 FIVE-EIGHTHS ACRE WHICH CAN be made Into a valuable home, or 5550 with good 3-room house. Inquire grocery west of Tremont Station. FOR SALE MILK ROUTE. WITH 35 COWS, horses, wagon, cans and everythlnk com plete, on a rented farm clone to Portland. F. T. Berry. 4 North Sixth. A 20-ACRE FARM ALL IN CULTIVATION; 8 miles from C H.. 1 mile from O. "W, P. & Ry. Co.. 52750; terms to suit Jno. P. Sharkey. 701 a of t GARDEN. POULTRY AND BERRY. 6 ACRES near city limits, orchard, barn, 5-room house: will cell cheap; easy terms. Home Land Co.. 145 1st st TEN ACRES. 2 MILES FROM MILWAU- kle. all clear; no stone or gravel, house, bam; for sale by owner; price 52150. E 22. Oregonian. FOR SALE OR TRADE.. 160 ACRES. AT Buxton. 10 acrea cleared, box house and barn, on new railroad. S 23. Oregonian. SOUTHERN OREGON FARM FOR SALE 70 acres, good Improvements. Further In formation address E 23. Oregonian. IMPROVED FARMS. ALL SIZES SEE U3 before buying. Alexander Land Co., 183 Morrison. FOR SALE FARMS. CLARK COUNTY BARGAINS. A Widow's Sacrifice. 80 acres level land, rich soil, no rocks; 30 acres cleared; 40 acre fenced: two houses, barn, stone dairy, fam ily orchard; close to railroad, school and small town. Only 51750. 100 acres. 3 miles northeast of Ridgefield, railroad and boat; 30 acres almost cleared. 30 acres more easily cleared. 30 acres tim ber: creek. 52000; terms. Will trade. A Magnificent Farm 160 acres, rich noil, almost level, no rocks: fiO acre oleannlr 2ii acres half cleared; 10 acres slashed; 140 crc3 icncea; low rrult trees; 40 tons fine hay; 5 acres good wheat: 20 acres oats: 2 acres potatoes; 20 head cattle; young span marts and colt; implements; sheep, hogs, poultry; large barn; large, elegant O-room house. In verv slehtlv IfUfiHrm? fruit drtrt excellent well water: living creek; close to school, small town and 5 miles from rail road. Only 55500. James J. O'Keane, ChrUt block. Vancouver. Wash. CLARK COUNTY BARGAINS. A Widow's SaerlfW firt arns IwvM land rich SOIL no looks- an arm rlmnd! M j.r-r fenced; two houses: barn; stone dairy: farn- orciiaru; close to railroad, school and small town. Only 51750. A Magnificent Fnrm 1A arm rtrh ant almost level, no rocks; 60 acres cleared; 20 acrea half cleared: 10 acre slashed: 140 acres fenced; 1000 fruit trees; 40 tons fine hay; 5 acres good wheat: 20 acres oats: 2 acres potato; zo head cattle; young span mares and colt: Implements; sheep; hogs; poultry; large barn: large, elegent 6-room house m very sightly location: fruit drier; excellent well water: living creek: close to school, small town, and 5 miles from rail road. Only 53300. Jas. J. O'Keane. Christ lock. Vancouver. Wash. LARGE RANGE AND FARMING TRACT. 21.000 acres. Inclosed by a good fence and divided Into thre distinct pastures, abun dant water eupply; south slope produce grass very early In Spring: the timbered area for midsummer, and the north slope for late Fall range; estimated 30.000.000 feet merchantable timber (yellow pine, flr and oak); small area now In hops. hay. fruit and other products: 12,000 acrea can be bought for ?6 per acre, located in the fa- . mo us Yakima country. Inquire B. 3. Cook & Co.. 231 Alder st 525.000 1000-ACRE FARM. 40 MILES FROM Portland. locality second to none In Willam ette Valley: If sold soon, liberal discount for cash; will divide to 4 good farms. 5GO00 (5 acres, near Portland; Investigate this soon. 50000420 acres, all fenced, fair buildings. 120 acres In cultivation: farm Implements, . team, hay and grain; a great bargain. DAVIDSON. WARD & CO.. 408 Chamber of Commerce. 122 ACRES. 40 ACRES BEAVERDAM. ON river, only 5S50. Inquire 504 Goldsmith St.. Alblna. 200-ACRE POLK CO. FARM: 100 CLEARED; 53200; snap. C. A. Ball. 96 East 14th st. SO ACRES WILLAMETTE VALLEY LAND 5300. Call 163 Morrison, near' bridge. FARM. 40 ACRES. FOR RENT OR SALE. 1SS N. llth st. TO EXCHANGE. 11 ACRES AT WHEATLAND, OR.: ALL level land with 700 full bearing apple trees of different varifttles; 500 feet water-front with docks on land; S acres ready to put in strawberries; deep black soli, no gravel or rocks: will exchange for vacant lata In Portland, or house and the same value. Em pire Investment Co., 227 Chamber of Com merce. FOR SALE OR TRADEA COUNTRY STORE building, ground 200x260 feet; the only store In place, 10 miles from Vancouver, Wash.; price 5500; rented at present for 510O per annum; could bring 3 times as much. Apply to S. L. Brown. ,135 4th at., city. HOTEL. COMPLETELY FURNISHED AND In operation, feed stable and three lota In thriving country town, valued at 54000; would exchange for city property or farm lands; owner going East Inquire B. S. Cook & Co.. 251 Alder st IDEAL FARM. 26 ACRES, ALL WELL IM proved. oa Base Line road. 12 miles out; no gravel, good water; price 54000; would trade for Improved city property. Call on premises or address owner, Frank Michel. Troutdale. SPLENDID IMPROVED 20 ACRES. 21 MILES out. good building, large bearing orcharu; will trade for house and lot; pay or take difference; mle price 51750. Home Land Co.. 145 1st st. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR INCOME- eanng property, an elegant suburban home, 3 acres; large, modern house, fruit, shrub bery, etc., close In. Owner. M 21, Ore gonian. WILL EXCHANGE OUT-OF-TOWN REAL estate at assessed value for a business or real estate In Portland. Address Box 2Js2, Portland. Or. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENT STORE IN Eastern Oregon, clears 510,000 year, sell or exchange for Portland property or farm. K 21, Oregonian. WILL EXCHANGE GUARANTEED 6 PER cent net gold bonds for Improved city prop erty; Investigate this now. Porter. Box 441. IDAHO FRUIT ORCHARDS AND ALFALFA farms to exchange for Improved city prop erty. Russell Carrier, 309 5th. Main 522S. 18 ACRES. NEAR THRIVING TOWN. TO exchange for rooming-house, value 51000; will pay cash difference. F 25. Oregonian. FOR TRADE-80 ACRES OF LAND, UNIM- provea. worm jhw. wnat nave you? F. T. Berry. Hood 1635, or Sixth. CALIFORNIA ORANGE GROVE3 Ex changed for Eastern property. F. M. Slmp oa 4 Co.. Los Angeles. Cat PORTLAND PROPBRT1 FOR TILLABLE land or equity in Income-bearing property anywhere. V 60, Oregonian. TO EXCHANGE 80 ACRES UNniPROVBD land to exchange for a city lot; West Side. ?r.l Hooker st. WILL MAKE CLOTHES FOR GRAIN OR hay. Merchant tailor. Y 20. Oregonian. MERCHANT TAILOR WILL MAKE clothes for wood. R 20. Oregonian. WANTED REAL ESTATE. COLLINS LAND CO. (INC.) WE BRING buyer and seller together; list your property with us. We are doing considerable adver tising and will extend It further. Our fa cilities arc exceptional. Bank references. Stearns bldg. Phone Main 2324. IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR WEST S'.de property, we have the buyers. We want business property, modern residences and gsod building lots, from 52000 up. F. O. Northrup & Co.. 211 Commercial blk. NOTICE. Persona having property for sale or rent will please call on. or address Campbell & McMillan. 275 5th st. Portland. I'hono Pa cific 534. IF YOU HAVE LISTED YOUR PROPERTY with others and they failed to sell It. Just bring your list to Smith Bros., 122 6th St., cor. Washington, and watch the results. WANT TO BUY A -BLOCK BETWEEN Flanders and Kearney and 14th and 22d. State price and location. M 15, Oregonian. WANTED 7 OR 8-ROOM HOUSE; MUST BE new. strictly modern. In good location and cheaD for cash. Phone East 1004. WANTED ABOUT 3 ACRES WITH HOUSK on or near car line, on Peninsula. B 23, Oregonian. 5 TO 10 ACRES. ON OR NEAR CAR LINE, suitable for suburban home. B 18. Ore gonian. WANTED FRACTIONAL LOT IN KING OR Couch Addition. 46 Concord block. 2d and Stark. WANTED WEST SIDE PROPERTY. WE have the buyers. Hatfield & Smith. 165 4th at- FOR HALE TIMBER tSDS. FOR SALE LOGGING CAMP. 1,500.000 feet green timber, 75.000 feet choice piling, roadways, ekldways, chutes and bridges. cookhouw. bunkhouses. stables; everything complete: big demand for logs and piling; north fork Lewis River Wash ington; might exchange for city property. Call or addresa EMPIRE INVESTMENT CO.. 227 Chamber of Commerce. ONE TIMBER CLAIM. 7.000.000 FEET per acre. In Clackamas County; another carrying 4.300,000 feet- In Lane County; cheap for cash, or will exchange for Port land property, giving bonus 1 necessary. XXX. Oregonian. WE KNOW OF .ABOUT 100 FINE TIMBER claims or homesteads that have been over looked, close to tidewater. Full particulars. H. Henker. 127 7th st. DOUBLE YOUR MONEY ON 70.000.000 FEET of fine timber In five years. 504 Goldsmith Alblna. ' 14,000.000 FEET OF TIMBER WITH RIGHT of way to Columbia River. 504 Goldsmith street FOR SALE LAND SCRIP. LAND SCRIPS OF ALL KINDS. GUARAN teed, mineral lands titled, public land prac tice. Collins Land Co.. Stearns bldg. FOR RENT FARMS. FOR RENT 160 . ACRES. 33 CLEARED, good buildings, team. 7 cowh. rent cheap; will take part in work, best of soil. 15 miles from Vancouver. 253 Washington St.. room 9. SEVEN ACRES NEAR MONTAVILLA. house, barn, berries, tree fruits, hotbed; good for gardening, chickens, dairying; near car line. Home Land Co.. 143 hit st. FOR RENT 247-ACRE DAIRY FARM. ON Columbia River; stock for sale. Inquire 2CV-, 2d st WANTED yo RENT FARMS. WANTED TO LEASE FOR TERM OF years ranch, hay preferred, cf not Wo thes 100 acres: references. H 19. Oresonlan. FOR SALE. Horses, Vehicles, Etc. FOR SALE OR RENT HORSES AND VE hlcles by the day. week or month: harnesw. saddles and 2w new and second-hand rigs for sale or exchange. Tomllnson at Caeslday. 211 Washington st. WANTED: HORSES TO PASTURE LARGE commsdlous barn for protection against Inclement weather. Best pasturage in the county; rate reasonable. Call Main 4569. SPAN PONIES. 7 YEARS OLD. 13 HANDS high, fine drivers, utyllsh; will eell or le' careful party use them for their board. Phone Pacific 315. HORSES AND BUGGIES FOR RENT BY day, week and month; special rates to busi ness houses. Cth and Hawthorne. TeU East 72. FOR SALS ONE BAY MARE; GENTLE, weight 1200 pounds; also new rubber-tire buggy and cowboy saddle. 23o Jefferson at. USEFUL 1200-POUND HORSE. SUITABLE for expressman or huckster; very cheap. 470 Flint st. near Rus&ell. Upper Alblna. FOR SALE CANADIAN CLYDE STALLION, sound and right: or will trade for heavy work horse. 623 Hawthorne ave. FOR SALE HEAVY BUGGY AND HAR ness. nearly new, cheap. Anderson Bros., 3d and Madison sts. FOR SALE ONE STUDEBAKER SIDE spring rubber-tire buggy In prime, condition. Call Main 4569. WANTED-GOOD. SOUND HEAVY DELIV ery horse. E. B. Colwell, cor. 3d and Jef ferson. HORSES AND VEHICLES FOR SALE. RENT or exchange, Hubert & Hall. 266 Fourth. FOR SALE CHEAP A GOOD GENTLE horse. Call at 421 3Iorris st. Pianos. ONE KNABE. STYLE "M," ROSEWOOD case piano; cost 51000; will sell at sacrifice. Call 365 3d st. Portland. Or. UPRIGHT KINGSBURY PIANO FOR 3ALE. slightly used; cheap If taken at once. 321 Salmon st. , Miscellaneous. WE MAKE ANY SUIT IN THE HOUSE TO order for No more. 525.00. No loss. The largest stock In the city to select from. Unique Tailoring Co.. 347 Washington t., near 7th. TYPEWRITERS ALL MAKES. NEW OR partly used, and second-hand; prices and terms to suit purchaser: office furniture, typewriter and office supplies for all makes of typewriters: printing and stationary: flrst clas? typewriter repairing at reasonable prices, any make of typewriter: all work guaranteed. The Portland Typewriter Ex change. S4 Third st., phones Main 6307 and Main 2043. DOES YOUR ROOF LEAK? Cover It with Mastic roofing. In rolls, easy to lay; needs no painting or coating: good over old Iron, tin or shingles; for new roofs there is nothing better: guaranteed: Mastic -roof paint and cement will stop small leaks. National Mastic Roofing Co.. room 2. Ham ilton Bldg. EDISON PHONOGRAPH & RECORDS. AT factory prices, delivered free anywhere on receipt of full amount of retail price; largest stock of Edison records west of the Rockies. Send for circulars. Peter Bacagalupl. whole sale and retalL 7S6 Mission St.. San Fran cisco. 1 LARGE DESK (STANDING). 30 DRAW ers, 6 compartments, double; 1 Globe letter file case. 30 drawers; 1 small safe (key): 1 desk (standing), single; Inkwells, etc., etc. William A. Haley, old Weldler milt office, foot of Savier st. FOR SALE NEW AND SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables, easy payments; we rent tables, with privilege of buying; mod ern bar fixtures; cheap prices. Brunswick-Balke-Collender. 40 3d st M. BARDE & SON HAVE ON HAND ALL kinds of second-hand machinery, pipe, tubes, rails, boilers, etc.. at prices to suit buyer. Write for Information on anything. Sth and Glisan sts.. city. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICE OF NEW and al) makes of second-hand machines In ordet to 'majroom for new car. Standard Sewing MajjE Co.. H. D. Jones. 2S0 Yam hill. FOR SAsraPMSOQD COMBINATION GUN and IridhfcWater spaniel dog. good for pheasants,fan"d'ducka Owner disabled fcr hutlng. "PXCHMEaat 3758. 106 Fargo st 53 MATTRESSES 51: BLANKETS. QUILTS, spreads, sheets, pillows, chain etc.. all new goods, cheap. Sale every afternoon this week. Forestry Inn. 25th and Upshur et. COAL. COAL. COAL I WILL FURNISH good llgtatc coal by car lots to consumers; correspondence solicited: references required. W. G. Gibson. Box 661. Centralia. Wash. BED ROOM SUITE. COMPLETE. JIANTEL bed. kitchen range, good order; dining-room table, chairs, etc. for sale cheap. Call forenoons after Sunday. 435 Everett at. FARM FOR SALE A THOROUGHLY equipped and stocked poultry and fruit farm. 4 miles from Courthouse. Address C. Lelner. Hillsdale. Or. PRINTER'S OPPORTUNITY AN 8x12 JOR prese. In first-claw condition. for ealn cheap. Call at room 26. Labbe bldg,. 2r and Washington sts. FOR SALE UNIVERSAL RANGE. 2S yards linoleum, and other furniture, nearly new. Call today. 14 E. llth. corner Ash. Phone East 1803. FOR SALE APPLE TREES, LARGE stock yellow Newton and Spltzenbergw. Ad dress Mllwaukle Nurseries. Mllwaukle, Or. MEGSON DOUGHNUT AND CRULLER OUT flt cheap; good as new. Call or write. J. Assman. 846 Michigan ave., Portland, Or. SAFES 2 NEW FIREPROOF SAFES (NOT of our manufacture) very cheap; 5 second hand safes. Portland Safo Co.. 70 6th st. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS LOT standard pipe, good as new, from 1 to 6-Inch Inclusive. M. Barde & Son. city. FOR SALE 300 FEET 8 AND 9-INCH standard guaranteed pipe, practically new. at half price. M. Barde Sc. Son., city". WALL AND COUNTER SHOWCASES. -TA- blet. chairs, desks, carpets. Western Sal vage Co., 627 and 629 Washington st. FOR SALE 2D-HAND ENGINES. BOILERS. sawmills, pumps and general machinery, oy H. C. Albee Co.. 248 Grand ave. FOR SALE FIFTY CASES WINE AND Olive on; alio aispiay stanos ana taoirs, at the California bldg.; bargains. BIRDS' BIRDS! BIRDS! FINE SINGERS. Canaries 51-30 each. Guaranteed. 534 Mill st Phone Main 1178. FOR SALE 230 YARDS LINOLEU3L 200 chairs, quantities to suit United States Hotel. 6th and Burnside. FOR SALE 3 COWS. 1 HEIFER AND I bull. Inquire at stable on 2d st., between Salmon and Main sts. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN COMPLETE set tinner's tools and machines. Address Box 137. Portland. Or. FOR SALE 12-H. P. WEBER GASOLINE engine; Al condition and a bargain. - 524 Chamber of Commerce. MILK GOATS FOR SALE FOR CONSUMP tives, babies, old and week stomachs. 304 Goldsmith St., Alblna. TROMBONE. SLIDE. GENUINE Utrt-rx-tois; sole-leather case, $30. 13 E. 12th. Phone East 2198. ONE 8-INCH SMITH STICKER. ONE ARM sander. one 2-spIndle shaper; belts and pul leys. 204 4tb st ONE GOOD OVERCOAT. LADY'S VELVET Jacket, baby buggy, steel range, etc., cheap. Phone Main 4727. THREE FRESH COWS FOR SALE. IN quire at red house, Fulton. South Portland; take Fulton car. A S30O- SET OF J. C. DEAGAN ALUMINUM chimes foe sale, 5100. Seth J. Story. 351 Washington st-