The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Ccuntinc-Roora .... ...Mala CG7 J
Menacing- Editor ..Main G38 j
Eunday Editor .. Main 0235 $
City Editor Main 106
Society Editor Main 02.15
Cera po tine-Room Main CS5
Superintendent Building Kod 2SV0
East Side Office East 01
BELABCO THEATER (14th and "Washington)
Matinee at 2:15 and evening at 8:15. 'White
Whittlesey in "Sheridan, or tho Maid o"f
BAKER THEATER (Third and Tamhlll)
Matinee at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15. "The
Jolly Gran Widows."
EMPIRE THEATER (12th and Morrison)
Matinee at 2:16 and tonight at 8:15. "Why
Women Sin."
GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30 to 10:30 P. M.
STAR THEATER (Park and Washington)
Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 9 P. M.
RECREATION PARK (24th and Vaughn)
At 2;30 P. M.. baseball. Portland vs. San
Francisco. .
"Want a Paid Fire Compact. At a
well-attended meeting of the Sellwood
Board of Trade Friday evening, D. M.
Donaueh Dresldlns. a. movement was
started toward getting a lire engine of
some eort and a paid company to take
charge of It. This action was taken in
response to a general demand for lire
protection beyond what la now afforded
by the volunteer company, which has a
hose-reel and hook and ladder truck. It
was reported at the meeting that the in
surance rates on all property In Sellwood
were very high. and. that the underwrit
ers had refused to make any reduction
until there was better Are protection.
Councilman A. N. Wills. E. D. Curtis and
E. A. Austin were appointed a commit
tee to put the petition for Are protection
In shape and secure the aid of the busi
ness men of Sellwood in securing a paid
Are company.
Shot in the Elbow. Mrs. Rudy, living
at 854 Grand avenue north, was shot in
the elbow Friday evening, causing a
painful but not serious Injur'. It is a
rather singular affair. Joe Kildow and
Henry Shlpplehott, toys living in Upper
Alblna, placed a cartridge on the street
car track on Union avenue, near Fall
ing street. Mrs. Rudy was passing along
the street opposite the place where the
cartridge wa3 placed a3 the street-car
came along. The cartridge exploded when
struck by the car-wheel, and the bullet
struck the woman on the elbow. The
boys did not expect any such result. They
will explain to the Juvenile Court how it
all happened.
Gbakoe Fair Closes. The fair held
under the auspices of the Mllwaukle
Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, closed
last evening with an entertainment and
uance in Woodmen of tho World Hall.
During the day the hall was visited
by large numbers, and the exhibits
were much admired. Beside the ag
ricultural display, there was a good
showing of' fine poultry. The various ar
ticles received blue and red ribbon for
excellency. The members of the Grange
worked hard to make the fair a success,
and made a good record.
Barrt Bulkley Will. Lecture.
Barry Bulkley. the gifted speaker from
Washington, D. C, who 1ms dally deliv
ered a lecture at the Government build
ing at the Fair, will make his final ap
pearance in Portland on Saturday night,
October 2S, at 8:15 o'clock, in the Mar
quam Grand. He will give a synopsis on
his new lecture, "The City of Roses.'-'
besides his Yellowstone, lecture. He will
be assisted by prominent vocalists of
Ben Ely Is Improving. Dr. E. D.
Johnson, In attendance upon Ben Ely,
declares that his "patient is improving
slowly, and that there appears no reason
for anxiety as to his Anal recovery. He
was very badly kicked and beaten, but
beyond -being in a most painful condition,
his case is not regarded as serious. He
was assaulted by Groundkeeper Jointle
Hlggins Thursday afternoon. '
Hvrt bt a, Fall. From injuries' re-;
reived in a fall of 14 .feet In the power
house of the Portland General Electric
Company, foot, of Twenty-third street,
yesterday morning, B. D. Hal!, an elec
trician, is confined to a bed in the Good
Samaritan Hospital. His left leg is frac
tured and h6 Is o'therwlse bruised.
The 560,000 picture, "Slstlne Madonna,"
n exact reproduction of Raphael's great
painting in silk embroidery work, is on
exhibition all this week at the Meier &
Frank store. It Is a wonderful piece of
art work and worth going a long way to
ree. Free to all. Hours are 10 to 12 A.
M , 2 to 5 P. M.
Charles K. Henrt has this week sold
for tho Elijah Corbett estate a four
story brick on Front street between
Stark and Oak streets, to the wholesale
Arm of Beno & Ballls, and has also
sold to R. W. Lewis an Income property
comprising a quarter block on North
Sixth street,
The O. Andreonl collection marble stat
uary will be sold at the Foreign build
ing tomorrow, Monday, at 10 A. M. Each
piece will he sold positively without any
-cserve. Catalogues at time of sale. S.
L. N. Gilman, auctioneer.
Members of Congregation Beth Israel
a'e kindly requested to attend their
annual meeting this afternoon at 2 P. M.
at the veEtry of the temple. A full and
punctual attendance is desired. By order,
cf the board of officers.
We Are Headquarters for Ane roses.
Stock healthy, strong and true. Now
Is the time to plant. Catalogue free. The
Slbson Rosa Nurseries, 1180 Mllwaukle
avenue. Portland, Or. Tel. East 13S.
Take Sellwood car. .
A Graito Bazaar and social will be
given for the beneAt of the Second" Ger
man Reform Church at Woodlawn Hall,
November L The doors will open at 10
A. M. Liglii refreshments will be
served. "
Oln'lt a Few Days Left. Steamer Tele
phone Is the only excursion steamer now
leaving Portland. See the Columbia Gorge
in its Autumn dress. From Oak-street
dock, 8:30 A. M.; Sunday at 9 A. M.
Thb Jewish Women Endeavor Society
will hold a rummage sale at 289 First
street between Jefferson and Columbia,
beginning Monday morning, October 23,
1905. Tel. Main 53SL
Mrs. M. B. Chambers, of 951 Rodney
avenue, and Miss E. Baldwin, formerly
with Spencer Co., have opened shirtwaist
parlors at SOI Allsky bldg., 3d and Mor.
Party owning lot 55x100 on Sixth street
between Morrison and Alder will build In
early Spring; want good tenant; lease. See
Jennings & Co., 3324 Washington street.
Last Week op Sale. Cut prices on an
palms and plants; also boxwood and gar
den shrubs. L. G. Pfunder, florist, 427
Washington street. Phone Main 454.
Last Week of Sale. Cut prices on all
palms and plants; also boxwood and. gar
den shrubs. L. G. Pfunder, florist, 427
Washington street. Phone Main 454.
Great Auction Sale. Tuesday. Octo
ber 24, at 10 A. M., all palms -and plants
must be sold on account of movingT L.
G. Pfunder. florist, 427 Washington sL
F. R Beach & Co., the Pioneer Paint
Co., agents for Berry Bros. varnishes,
and selling the best things made in
paints; window glass 'and glazing.
The Lewis and, Clark Exposition ward
ed J J. Buteer, the seedsman, 1SS Front
street, two gold medals for Fordhook,
flnest lawn grass and sweet peas.
Magnificent View. The great moun
tains are now at their best at this sea
'on. Lewis and Clark Observatory. Open
The famous painting by the American
artist, "Baroness de Beste." is now on
exhibition at 410 Morrison. Admission 25c.
Claremont Tavern. Northern Paclflc
train. 4:30 P. M., stops at Claremont re
turning 10:45 P. M. . .
French Dinner with wine. . on Sun
days, from 2-8 F. M. Kruse's. 4th-Star;
Bargains in paints, enamels, varnishes,
etc, new, at fire sale, 145 First sL
C. C Newcastle, dentist 412 Mohawk bk.
Dr. G, E. Watts, 212 Oregonian Bldg.
. People's. .FonnM Lectures. The work
of tho 'People's Forum for this year
w" wsw us evening at i mo
Elks HalL Marquam building, "jiunu
cjpal Ownership," with some special ref-
ererices to EnirllBh exDerlments. will be
the subject- of all address to be given
by Professor Charles Zueblln. of he
University of Chicago. The address wfll
be followed by a free and open discus
sion of the subject of municipal owner
ship. The plans of the Forum for the
year Include the Sunday night meetings.
to be devoted to thhe consideration of
civics, economics and social themes. On
week-day evenings there will he several
feries of lectures on art. science and lit
erature, to bo given by Rev. A- W. Mar
tin, of Seattle; President D. S. Jordan,
of Loland Stanford University, and Dr.
C. H. Chapman, ex-presldent of the Uni
versity of Oregon, respectively. Admis
sions are free at all meetings.
Unitarian Woman's Alliance. At the
the regular weekly meeting of the Uni
tarian Alliance, Mra C. A. Coburn gave
an informal talk about Alice and Phebe
Carey. Mrs. Coburn gave a comprehen
sive description of the habits of those
two gifted, sisters, whoso lives were so
closely connected: brelfly speaking of
their early struggles and tho heart-to-
heart sympathy which their writing had
inspired in so many of their readera. Mrs.
Coburn, while talking of both, dwelt es
pecially upon the works of Alice Carey.,
reading many quaint and appropriate se
lections in order to better Illustrate her
conception xf these two wonderful
women. At this same meeting prelimi
nary arrangements were made for the
annual bazaar which the alliance has
made so famous, fixing the time for the
second week in December.
Accused of Theft. Frank Fleher. 17
years old. was arrested last night by De
tectives Snow and Kerrigan, charged
with robbing the Security Loan Office,
at 31 North Third street, Friday night.
B. Garish, manager of the loan office,
notified thoN police yesterday morning
that his place had been broken open and
two revolvers, eight cheap watches;
three fob chains, and six compasses,
taken. Fisher will -be held pending an
investigation "by tho detectives.
TnoLLEY Trips on O. W. P. Todat. To
Oregon City and Gresham, 25 cents; Bor
ing, Eagle Creek and Estacada, 50 cents
round trip. "Dinner at Hotel Estacada,
75 cents. Cars leave First and Alder
streets for Oregon City on the odd hour
and every 40 minutes; for Estacada, 7:30,
9:30, 11:30, 1:30, 3:30, 5:44. 7:15.
Robbed by a Friend. A. T. Scott, of
'269 Salmon street, is loser by $23 by tak
ing a companion to his room for the
night. Scott accuses a former friend of
robbing him. of the money, faying the
man works In Oregon City. The money
Is said to have been taken Friday night.
Death of Mrs. A. Welch. Mrs. A.
Welch, wife of A. Welch, manager of
the Salem street railway syrtem. died, at
St Vincent's Hospital yesterday after
noon after an Illness of a few weeks. Her
remains will be sent to her home this
At Richards' Hotel, corner Park and
Alder streets. Let the pleasant feature of
y'our Sunday bo one of those French
dinners, with wine. SI per cover, served
from 5 to 8:30 P. -M. in the main dining
"Hunters " Special Rates Todat.
To Gresham, 25 cents; Boring, Eagle
Creek and Estacada, 50 cents round trip.
Cars lea-e First and Alder streets 7:30,
9:30. 11:30, 1:30, 3:30. 5:44. 7:15.
For San Francibco. The steamer
"Northland" sails dlryct Wednesday, Oc
tober 25, at 4 P. M.; cabin. $12; steerage,
$8, including meals and berth. C. JL
Thompson, agent. No. 12S Third st,
Baker's Hot Vanilla Chocolate,
with whipped cream, and delicious eating
chocolate, at 127 Seventh street Try
Dr. jl' H. Tjottle. dentist, lias returned
and will be found jat his office, C03 Colum
bia building, cor. West Park and Wash.
Do Tour Calcimining now, buy- at ad
juster's price. 45c on the dollar," at Aro
sale. 145 First street
For Inside- "lrieome-bearlng real estate
see E. J. Daly.. 222-223-224 Failing bldg.
Dr. Swain,-- dentist 311' Dekum bldg.
Of '-the Free School.
The ladies who have failed to attend
Mrs. Haffner's lectures should do so this
week, "every day at 2:30. Hundreds
have expressed themselves as being
highly pleased with her work Everybody
welcome. Honeyman Hardwaro Com
pany, corner Fourth and Alder.
All the delicacies of the season at
the Portland Restaurant fine, private
apartments for parties. Open all night
305 Washington, near Fifth.
Under new. management. Messrs, Alla
dlo and Sargousse, the present proprie
tors, are both well-known chefs, and
promise patrons the best "meals in the
city for the money. Try their Sunday din
ner, 149 Seventh street, between Alder
and Morrison.
A regular chicken dinner will be served
at the Perkins . Restaurant today. Price,
25 cents. D. M. Watson.
Finest chicken dinner. 192
l& St
Genuine French dinner, with wine, 50c,
at 93 Fifth street, near Stark.
yNow that the Exposition Is over let's
all go t6 Collins Hot Springs for a good
rest and enjoy the hot mineral baths
and drink the mineral water that is ex
cellent for ' rheumatism, kidney and
liver troubles. An excellent blood purl
Aer. Open all Winter. C T. Belcher, the
proprietor, will welcome you. You can
come by boat or rail, Spokane flyer.
Regulator line or steamer. Spencer.
Of Domestic Science.
We have secured the services of Mrs,
Bertha Haffner to give a free course of
lectures at our store In cooking and
kitchen furnishings. These lectures will
be given dally at 2:30 P. M. Everyone is
cordially invited.
The flnest product of the scappcrnoag,
the native Nor,th Carolina grape. A de
licious, refreshing white Avlne. Moderate
ly sweet a ladies' wine. W. J. Van
Sehuyver & Co.. Inc.. distributors.
Goodyear machine. Better than hand
work. Best material used. Scbwind &
Bauer. 269 Yamhill, between Third and
Fourth, j
Aid for Miss Loubct.
The Vancouver Humane Society has sent
$5 to The Oregonian for the relief of Miss
Loubct,' who, is suffering with a broken
back at St Vincent's Hospital. ,
A friend In Holladay sent In J5.
',"i.4he oddest Is a tenancy at Brookhouw, in
Yorkshire, wnere tne rental Is one snow
ball In June and a red rose In December.
The rose is easily arranged and the snow
ball Is now made of shaved Ice.
' 'i
beauties from $5.00 up.
DUTCH CLOCKS. Do you want an odd clock for
the hall or den7 Our line of Dutch novelties is just
the thing and prices you all can afiord. Some beauties
at $4.00, $5.00 up to $10.00. They are .entirely different
styles than the regular run of clocks.
Do you want a first-class alarm clock? "We have them.
Paint Fire Sale
Oregon Savings "Will Move to
Vial Building.
By March 1 Financlnl Institution
"Will Be- Located In New Home
at Northeast Corner Wash
" Ington and Sixth.
The Oregon Savings Bank has leased
the Louis P: Vial property on the
northeast corner of Washington and
Sixth streets, for term of 15 years.
and. will spend from 517,000 to 20,000
In making it one of the most modern
and up-to-date bank headquarters to
be found In the City of Portland or on
.the Coast. In addition to the amount
to be spent by the bank, the owners of
The property will spend at least (10.000
in remodeling the building to make it
roady for the use of the bank. The up
per floor will also be converted Into
an up-to-date office building.-
The property which win be used by
the bank has a frontage of 40 feet on
Washington street and of SO feet on
Sixth. It Is at present occupied by the
cigar store of Wlttschen & Cameron,
the O. K. barber shop, the Wlckham
restaurant and the saloon of Jacob
Hahn. The present tenants have leases
which will expire on January 1, and at
that time the work 'of rcmodollng will
be commenced. It Is estimated that
the work will require about 40 days.
so that the bank management expects
to be In the new quarters by March 1
at the latest.
The flrst floor of the building will be
entirely remodeled and will be finished
atter the style of the old California
mission architecture. The entire front
will be built of glass, and the building
will be made as modern as Is possible.
It is the Intention of the bank to put
In a safety-deposit vault and to In
stall .flxtures second to none In the city
In point of completeness and con
venience. '
W. C. Morris, tne cashier of the bank.
left last night forSan Francisco, where
he will spend a couple of weeks In ex
amining the Interior arrangements and
safety-deposit features of the leading
banks. As soon as he has determined
which will be the most serviceable for
the use of the Oregon 1 Savings Bank,
either W. H. Moore, the president of
the institution, or Leo Frlede. one of
the "directors, will go to San Francisco,
and there, with Mr. Morris, will mako
arrangements for the purchase and in
stallation of a Uk system In the bank
It is expected that the work of re
modoling the building on Washington
street will be commenced the first
week after the beginning of the new
Some of the newest and prettiest designs
in clocks that have ever been shown in this
city, from the very small one in gilt for the
bedroom (ranging in price from $2J30 to
$7.50) to the beautiful eight-day parlor clock
in iron, onyx and enameled wood prices from
$6.00 up.
Our good, reliable Jritchen clock for $3.50
cannot be duplicated in the city.
Cuckoo Clocks. Yes, we import them direct
from Switzerland. They are the genuine
article and the large number we sell enables
us to get the prices way down. TVe have some
OPTICIANS 290 Morrison St.
year, and that the bank will be. In its
new home before March 1. ,
Head the Thora.
At the Talmud Thora Synagogue. Sixth
and Hall streets last night, services
were held celebrating the conclusion of
the reading of the Thora or law. After
preliminary -services In charge of Dr. J.
Shapiro, addresses were made by Dr.
Stephen S. Wise, Dr. J. Bloch and Isaac
Swett. A distribution of gifts occurred
at the conclusion of the evening. The
congregation presented a gold medal to
Its president. D. Neraerovsky, In recog
nition of his efficient services. Gifts were
also presented to the children present
and watches wero given the choir boys.
The speakers of the evening presented
the needs of the Jewish Free Loan So
clty. an organization which loans money
to needy persons without charging Inter
est Its object Is to do philanthropic
work without pauperizing.
Meetings In behalf of the same organi
zation were held last night at the Con
sregatlonrAhavai Sholom and the ortho
dox synagogue-at First and Hall streets
Michigan Society to Entertain. .
The Michigan Society, of Portland, will
give a reception and dance to all the
other state societies In the city in Con
cordia Hall next Tuesday evening: Be
sides dancing, a mock auction and other
entertainment 111 be provided for the
guests. The patronesses are Mrs. W. H.
Taft. Mrs. F. H: Adrlch. Mrs. C S. Rus.
sel. Mrs. F. A. Ballln. Mnu Katherlne
Transhall, Mrs, McLean, and Mrs Hohen
ahell, Tho states having organizations In
Portland are Nebraska. Illinois. Ohio.
New York. Minnesota, Indiana, Pennsyl
'vanla and ""Iowa. Besides these, there are
the New England and Dixie Societies.
Found Dead In His Cabin.
OREGON CITY. Or., Oct. 21. Spe-
lal.Y Tho ' lrtK iTunnmnneitJ n ln -
W. C. LIchtenthaler, a German bachelor I
agea &i years, were found this morning
at his cabin about two miles from Wll
sonvilie. this county. Coroner Holman
made an investigation that went to show
that the deceased came to his death from
natural causea. No Inquest was consid
ered necessary. LIchtenthaler was last
seen alive about ten days ago.
State Congress of Mothers.
The Oregon State Congress of Mothers
recently organized In Portland will hold
its first regular meeting In the assembly
room at the High School next Friday
ovcnlng at 7:45 o'clock. Mr?. C M. Wood,
the president, will deliver an address
setting forth, the purposes of the organ
ization. An address will also be made by
Judge M. C George upon the subject.
"Relation of the Home and School." and
by Mra B. H. Trumbull upon "The Ju
venile Court Work." There will be no
The Lima Loco. &Mach. Co.. of Lima,
Ohio, of which W. D. Hoflns & Co., of
Portland and Seattle, are Northwestern
agents, were awarded a gold medal by
the Jury of awards, on their 45-ton logging
type of Shay geared locomotive, which
was purchased by the Doty Lumber &
Shingle Company, of Doty. Wash. This
company received gold medals at Buffalo,
Chicago, Philadelphia and St. Louis. Up
wards of ICO of this type of locomotivo
aro In use on logging railroads on this
Coast M. F. Brady is the Portland agent.
Ha nfl Wnrk In a garment is the
iAailUYYUia same thing as mor
tar to a brick wall It makes the material
stay in shape-The best of cloth poorly
sewed together will
make -a poor garment.
Ours are the best built
Suits and Overcoats ever
sold at popular prices You
can suit yourself in selecting.
Will show you the $15 grade
if you want it, or the $J8, $20
and $25 kind if you like the
Famous CHingCo.
The "Salsbury" $2.50 Hat
Ask to See
Peer of All $3.00
h i
admission charge and all Interested in
the Mothers Congress are Invited to
From the moderate-priced Instruments
to those that tho greatest artists use for
their concert"' work, you And them all at
Meyer's. My new methodyf doing busi
ness enables 'me to make prices. such as
you can not duplicate.' even In the East.
Pianos selling at. other places "for $230.00
go here for $123.00, and the best SG0O.GO
piano sells for J3jQ.'50." " ' Are you justified
in paying more. If you can have the very
best here at thnt-figure? Ample capital
enables me to give, terms to sujt every
body. Last month 30 pianos were sold
without any assistance-of -salesmen: Can
any other hous&'show such results? You
will sec the cause of this if you examine
my pianos and get my prices.
Ladies' Tailoring
Just what your mother needed,
what you havo longed for. and your
daughter can take advantage of a
firactlcal course In dress-cutting and
adles' tailoring. Courses from 5 op.
202 and 400 Alisky Bldg.
Although the increase of our clothing sales,
owing to the large number of visitors and a
marvelous growth of local trade, has been
enormous, we have, by freely resorting to
the wires and express services, kept our
stock full and complete.
AH the best models and patterns have been
replenished and the very newest concep
tions for Winter have been secured.
Suits $10 to $35
Overcoats $10 to $55
Cravenettes $10 to $35
pi m in 1 1 i w i 1 1 1 iiiii i m 'i i Mil i mm hi
The Greatest Clothing House in
The Heard Suction Eyeglass
A hoon to a long-suffering, vision
afflicted public.
This n.ew eyeglass will fit any nose,
is comfortable, convenient, simple,
durable and the most economical. We
guarantee to replace any one of them
within two years "with an entirely new
mounting, in case of breakage.
Crowsfeet, Wrinkles and Scowls
Follow Strained Vision. Have Your Eyes J
Fitted With Needed Glasses and Lengthen Youth S
Kansas City.
133 Sixth Street
W Co crown aafl fcrldnework wlt&ont pain.
Out If fttLrsT cxptrle&c In plats work
nablts na to fit your mouth comfortable.
Ur. "W. A. Wlsa b&s found a taf war ta
extract tctth abjolutetr -without pain. Or.
T. P. T7!s Lj an expert at sold fllllaz
tad crown and brl dee work- Extracting; In
vken pUt cr brldjcta are ordered.
WISE BROS., Dentists
Falllnr Bolldlni. cor. Third and Wash. Sta.
Open eTenlcce till S o'clock. Sundays from
B to 12. Or Main 2023.
OB. W. A. irxss.
The Demand
Every year the demand for HIGH
GRADE pianos Increases.
The selling: of cheap and unreliable
pianos by soma dealers (Just becauso
they can make more profit on that
clKss of goods) makes It all the better
In the end for those of us who handle
only strictly hlgh-grado and reliable
pianos. Better, for Jha-reason that It
does 'not take long for people to learn
that to buy a piano that will last but
a. few years la as "throwing money
StHHTvsy aad .Other PIhbo.
233 Washington St
How to Cure Epileptic Fits.
Miraculous as It may seem, we have found
a way to cure epilepsy or faJllns nt. it Is
Elixir Koelne. the discovery of & well-known
"Wafihlngton eclentltt. and we have eo much
faith In It that we guarantee to return .the
patient's money If It does not cure this dis
ease, which hitherto has been considered In
curable. Elixir Koilne glyes Instant relief from the
terrible epileptic fits and spasms, and maxes
an absolute and last in r cure, no matter how
severe the case or how many doctor have
pronounced !t Incurable.
Do not despair. Elixir Koslne Is a scientific
remedy for the cure o epilepsy or fits. It is
not recommended for any other disease, but
Is guaranteed to cure this terrible affliction.
Price JI.50. Mall orders filled. The Koslne
Co.. "fVaflftlapton. D. a. or Woodard, Clarke
jk Co.. Portland. Or.
SHIRTS Stiff front, in coat
styles with two pairs of cuffs.
New, snappy styles $1.50. N
CRAVATS New shapes in
elegant, two -toned effects.
Each 50c
wimiiw ii
the Northwest.
Exclusively controlled
2S4 Waafalastoa Street,
netvreca Fourth and Fifth.
Salt Liki.
DsJ'.aj. Tex.
Portland. Or.
Oregonian Building
These are the only deaftsts In Portlaad wan
know and use the American system of paln
less dentUtry.
FILLINGS BOc, 75c and S1.0O
BRIDGE WORi:. 22k $3.00
Boston Painless Dentists
ZOiVt Morrison St.. Opp. Meier 5: Frank
aad Postofflee.
HOCUS 8:80 A. 31. to I P. M. Soaday.
8:30 A. 31. to 12:39 P. M.
CURIOS. Antiquities, Boogitt asi Soli.
Indian Stope Knives, Relics, Carrinzs and Idols in
Ivory. Stone. Brome. eic. War Clubs. Spcin. Saws.
Masks. Bask. Bolos, Mats, Skulls of all Nation.
HEABS aai HORNS of Aalmals, War Metals.
Retire Body Ornaments and Drew, Andest flint
Guns and Piitolj. Coins, Shield. Antique Silver and
Armor, Shells. Send for Photos. Wholesales Dealer.
$chwab Printing Co.
stock, moderate prices. Mall' orders solicited.
Catalogue free. "VTOODAKD. CI 5P &
Cn 1art!iut. Or.
DK, 7. P. WX3Z.
ii"0 Paji1