The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1905, PART FOUR, Page 41, Image 41

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If. B. Wells-Sets Down His Experience With London's Bus.
System and Apartments
&crr hz&kt fzszc ess
EVERT one is familiar with New
York's favorite joke on the rural visi
tor. No one but a New Yorker ever
laushed at this Joke. Nevertheless, it
may bo very funny. The rural visitor,
about whom New Yorkers relate this New
York Joke, is supposed to notice- the great
crowds on Broadway, and to the great
glee of the New Yorker, ho (the rural
visitor) asks where the circus is.
Now when I arrived In London and
saw the crowds there, I did not expect
to have any difficulty in finding a place
to stay. I remembered the New York
Joke, and was calm. I had scorned a
number of suggestions from Harris that
I go where all the Americans went. I
wanted something dignified, yet British.
Those who have read the stories of
Sherlock Holmes will doubtless recall his
famous rooms In Baker street and his
wondrous landlady, who seemed equal to
all emergencies of domestic life, from
blacking shoes to serving ,a meal at 2
in the morning. I knew that Sherlock was
a myth, but I had been assured by Eng
lish friends that the London landlady
was not, so I started out to look for
her. To achieve satisfactory results, this
is an operation that must be conducted
with wisdom and deliberation. It there
fore became necessary to go to a hotel
in order to get a good start early -in the
morning. I went to a hotel close at hand.
There I was told by a respectful clerk,
"Sorry, but we are full up." I did not
know what "full up" meant, but as It
sounded final, I drove to another place.
It was full up also. At a third hotel, I
discovered that it, too, was "full up."
Now it was hero that I discovered the
real point to the New Y'ork Joke. The
London "season" was on, and there were
about a million extra Britishers in town
who had come in to see the show.
My list of London hotels was exhausted;
and as my hesitation became apparent,
the cabby began to offer suggestions. Now
I did not Intend to let a red-faced London
cabby dictate to me, even if he did call
me "'my lord" when we started out, so I
sternly ordered him to drive to the Hotel
Cecil. This was the place Harris told
about. I did not want to stay in a hotel
that advertised in the New York papers;
but I had to get rid of that cabby sotne
how. j
Harris was already there. To my great
sorrow I saw that ho had on a plug hat.
He noticed my look of pain and said that
he had Just bought it. He explained that
ho did not have much money to spend
and did not like to have people know he
was an American.
"Harris," I admonished him, "you
should have saved your money. You may
look like an Englishman, but the resem
blance is not conspicuous."
"Don't you know?" I askedV-I did not
know it myself, then, but I had to fix
Harris before he thought about the hotel
"Don't you know that an American
looks as much like an Englishman as a
pup looks like a lobster? You look too
intelligent, Harris. What you want is
an eyeglass, or a cricket bat. Go and
order some tea before a policeman runs
you in." I saw that' Harris was getting
excited, so I added: "No, Harris, be a
man. Take off -that plug hat, and I will
take you to a place on the Strand w,hero
we can got some Ice , water. It will do
you good.'
In the meanwhile I noticed that my
cabby was gazing at Harris with a hun
gry look, so I got a majestic hote'l porter
with a gold-ornamonted uniform, to pay
him off. I was afraid to discharge him
myself, as I did not know how much he
expected to get for thinking I was a peer
of the realm. Harris said his cabby mis
took him for a Duke and tried -to hold
him up for a half-sovereign.
It is well, when one wants to get lodg
ings in London, to go to a hotel first.
Then you are comfortable; and, besides,
what you pay at a good hotel xts as
an incentive to persistent effort In hunt
ing for something more economical. That
is what Harris said. He did not say it
in Just that way, but I gathered from
his remarks that that was what he
In the morning we started out. Harris
had discovered that "apartments" meant
the same as lodgings, and as apartments
sounded more euphonious and dignified,
that was what we looked for. Harris
had also found out Just how to do it. We
were to go around to a few addresses, se
lect what we wanted, order up our lug.
gage and then eo out and see the slchts.
Harris went along, he said, to help mo
out; but I could see that he was afraid
that I was going to get all the best apart
ments in town.
At noon we came back to get a fresh
start. While Harris was going down to
Buckingham Palace to see the King come
out, I went to an apartment agency to
get some more addresses. While I was
gone I saw two Dukes and a Kintr. The
King was a litle fellow, and a stranger
in London tne samo as I was. Harris
said his King came out all right enough.
but be was going so fast that he did not
get a good look at him.
The next morning Harris was mad be
cause I did not get a list of addresses
for him. "They don't cost anything,' he
said, "and you might as well have goc two
as one." JHe wouldn't go with me. but I
eoothed him by saying that if I found
anything that I thought he would like, I
would tell him where it was. ,
I was going to Highbury. A policeman
told me to take any of those busses going
down to the right. I was to get off at the
bank, take the first street to the loft, and
at the top I would find a green bus that
would take me to the 'Angol. There I
would find a bus that went to Islington
and Highbury. It was pimple enough; but
I did not go that way. I picked out a
white bus that was going my way. There
was a red bus behind it, and a blue bus
in front of it. The combination of colors
suited my American instincts. My pro
gress down the street was so Impressive
that I forgot what the policeman told me,
so when I got off the white bus I was on
I told another policeman that I wanted to
go to the Angel. I didn't know what the
Angel was; but it sounded familiar, and
was all that I could remember. He told
me the place to go, and said that I was
to take a chocolate-colored bus. I found
the place and got on to three chocolate
buses before I was convinced that it was
a groen bus that I wanted. The green bus
did in reality tako me to the Angel. When
the bus stopped at a tavern, the driver
told me that was it, so I got off. While
I was looking around for another bus to
take, the green bus started off again.
When a policeman at the Angel told me
that green bus was the very bus I wanted,
I longed for Harris, as I knew that he
would appreciate the remarks that I felt
competent to make.
In Highbury I found two ladles who
had apartments to let. One was a widow.
The deceased had been a gentleman of
independent means, but he was fond of
vVr Tnntr -ran.
riotous living, and had left his weeping
rolict to make her way by taking in
lodgera I told her that Harris might
want to stay with her, and that he would
cheer her up. The husband of the other
lady was lost in a fog ono night and
never came back. The man who told mo
about Highbury had lived In Chicago. He
ma' have liked it, but it didn't suit.
"Suit" is a word that is used quite ex
tensively in England. In af-London paper
I saw the advertisement of a man who
was looking for a position. He said that
ho was an experienced coachman, and
would?! "marry when suited."
While Harris was doing St. PauVs Cathe
dral and the Whltechapel district I found
a place in Hampstcad that I thought
would suit, and It did. Harris was in
clined to complain that the place I picked
outfor him was not ae good as mine.
Tile said, that I was a hog, and that I
always wanted to get the best there was.
He was two doors away. I thought he
would be pleased, and, besides, he had an
objectionable habit of getting hold of my
Baedeker and reading aloud from it about
what he had seen during the day.
Wo had two bedrooms and a private slt-tlng-ropro.
I had the best of Harris to the
extent of one bedroom and a butler. The
butler was tbo landlady's husband, and
didn't cost anything extra. It has been
said that If you want anything good you
have to pay for It. Now, this butler was
a distinct and shining excoption to that
rule. Besides being the butler, he was a
lot of other things. He was "the proprie
can. Harris landlady was a Londoner.
She had to say everything twice before ha
could understand her. 'He was a poor lin
guist, anyway..
In the morning we were awakened by
the "slavey," who left hot water at our
doors. It was she who blacked our shoes
aqjt did a lot of other things In a humble
and efficient manner. The landlady had
prepared breakfast, which her husband
served in our private sitting-room In an
Impressive yet respectful way. The break
fast wag a good one, but wo had never
had a butler before, and it was trying.
. After breakfast the landlady . asked
what we would have for lunch, tea, dinner
and supper. My wife said she liked her
best, as she did not sit down unless she
was asked.
With the breakfast that we had already
caton, we saw that lunch, tea, dinner and
supper counted up to flije meals a day
that wo were entitled to. I was not at
all alarmed at the prospective cost of all
this, as I had ascertained beforehand Just
how much it would be. ' Tho London sea
son was on, they said, so they would
"have to charge us 52 shillings a week."
In New York it would have been cheap
at J32. Of courso we had to pay for the
provisions that the landlady bought for
us, but we had the privilege of buying
them ourselves. If we thought we wero
being Jobbed. Tho people we" wero with
were honest so we did not have to go to
that trouble.
Now. the fact that there aro people
who would do all that for 62 shillings, or
J 13 a, week. and furnish a place to do it
In, speaks well for tho patience and Chris
tian humility of those who do not belong
to the upper classes of England. That
philosophic perception did not come to
mo at first. I was too well satisfied with
the fact that I was getting my money's
worth, but after a while the idee came to
me that In a country where a man with
$13 could command the services of three
people for a whole week there was some
thing lacking. I did not know what it
was. but I was soon to find out. The
next day was a bank holiday. My land
lord, the Scotchman, told mo to go to
tor of tho house and a Scotchman. His Hampstead Heath; and that there I would
wlfo was also Scotch. They could both
Bpeak English as plainly as an Ameri-1
see something worth seeing. I did.
Grave of Sacajawea Located in Wyoming
Mrs. Eva Emery Dye Furnishes Some. Valuable Facts Concerning tho Indian AVoraan's nesting Place.
BEGON CITY. Or., Oct. 19.- (To
the Editor.) The subjoined cor
respondence accounts very satis
factorily, I think, for tho grave of
Sacajawea. Among records I found In
St Louis were lists of tho expenses of
the son of Sacajawea whilo a student
there In 1S20, under the guardianship
of Governor Clark. These accounts
were with "Toulssant Charbonncau,"
the father of tho boy. or, as I have al
ways upposed, the boy's name may
also have "been Toulssant. A letter has
come to light in which Governor Clark
speaks of "the little Baptiste." So wo
know Sacajawea had- a son Baptiste,
and this may have been his true name.
In the Journals of Captain Wyeth,
Fremont and other early explorers. In
1S32 to 1S42 and later, one Charbonncau
is mentioned as stationed a Bridger's
Fort on Ham's Fork of the Bear Jllver,
in what is now tho southwestern coun
ty of Wyoming. While in St Louis I
visited Captain William Clark Ken-
ncrly, a nephew of Governor Clark,
who. In the early 40s went hunting in
that country with Governor Clark's
youngest son, Jefferson K. Clark, and
there met Charbonneau, the son of
Sacajawea. He was then a guide, and
had been for many years, and welcomed
the son of his old guardian. Governor i
Clark. Captain Kcnnerly told mo, tho
Indians, too, recognized and hailed
Jofferson K. aa "the son of tho Rod
Head Chief," by his hair, like that of
his father.
Now, If Sacajawea' s son made hl
home at Brldgpr's Fort it Is more than
likely that ho had his mother wjth him.
and every circumstance goes to prove
that the old lady described below was
in fact our Sacajawea, and that her
grave has boon definitely located in
Another circumstantial evidence
comes to mind. When Judge Shannon,
of California, was her at the Fair, he
spent a day here at Oregon City, and
among other things took exceptions to
our pronunciation of Sacajawea. "My
father, George Shannon," ho said," al
ways -spoke of her as Saca-JAW-ea."
This is precisely what tho Shoshonos
of Wyoming say ' to this day. Still,
spoken quickly. It would naturally
glide Into the pronunciation wc aro
using, that Is not far wrong
Now, since the grave of Sacajawea
has been definitely located in Wyoming,
we, the people of Oregon, who havo
done so much to honor the memories of
Lewis and Clark and Sacajawea, would
respectfully suggest to the ' Legisla
ture of Wyoming, the propriety of
marking that historic spot as one
among many places of honor in that
This Is the conception of Sacajawea by Mrs. C IX. Gilbert of Portland, who
has made a study of Indians of the Pacific Northwest
young ana rising commonwealth. To
Wyoming belongs old Fprt Laramie,
with all Its wondrous history, the
South Pass, and the Sweetwater, fam
ous in song and story. Fort BriJgcr,
tho half-way station of the continental
route of 50 years ago, the Custer bat
tlefield, and the Yellowstone Natlonnl
Park, but around none of them lingers
more ol romanuc interest than at the
lowly mound of Sacajawea, Princess of
the bhosnones, who gnve to tho white
man the keys of her country. Wyoming,
youngest of tho sisterhood of states.
nas ner own martial history, and her
own immortal mausoleums. The Ponn
sylvania of the West, may well cherish
uie grave or iacajawea.
Autnor of "The Conquest" "McLough
Jin anu uiu urcgon, etc
Correspondence "With Judge J. Q. A.
Department of the Interior. United State
Indian Service. Shoshone Agency. Wyoming.
August ii. 1803.-J. Q. A. Bowlby, Astoria.
Oregon Sir: I am In receipt of yours of the
8th instant relative to the Shoshona womnn
Sacajawea, who accompanied the Lewfe and
wjnr expeamon to tfto Coast from this
country. This woman was a member of the
Shoshone tribe located In this Tlclnltr. was
captured by the Mandan Sloax and tsbun t
their country In Montana, at which placo
sbo was married to a French trapper and
accompanied the Lewis and Clfcrk expedi
tion to tho coast, after which she returned
to her people here, spent the balance of her
life at this place and Is burled near this
agencr. The name Sacajawea Is a pure
anosnone name, composed, or the two
woras. "Sac." meaning a boat, and "Jawea.
to push. Her name, therefore, means "the
ono who pushes qiT or launches the boat.'
In other words, "boat launcher." It has
been claimed by some people In the North
that the name Is a Mandan Sioux word
ana means "Dira woman." xnis Is very
certainly a mistake, as her people all testify.
xnese two words which composed her name
are still In common use among tho Sho-
snones at the present time.
The spelling is Sac-a-Ja-ve-a. It Is pro
nounces by the Shoshones Sahk'-ah-Jah'
we-ah. This la the pronunciation that has
always been used by the Shoshone people.
Sacajawea. at the time of her death In
1SS4, at this place, was about 100 years old.
Her Identity was established for several
rears before her death, beyond Question, not
only by her conversations with parties here
regarding her trip to the coast and return
with Lowls and Clark, but her son. Baptiste,
and his descendants were located here for
years and her grandchildren are still living
here. If I can be of further service to you
I will be very glad to be advised to tha
effect, very respectfully,
Supt. & SpU Dlsb. Agent
Department of the Interior. XTnlfed States
Indian Service, Shoshone Agency. Wyoming.
August 26. 1&05. Mr. J. Q A. Bewlby. At
torney-at-Law. Astoria, Or. Sir: Replying
to 'yours of the 6th Instant asking for In
. formation regarding Fort Klatsop, X will say
that there are persons hero who heard Saca
Jawea mention Fort Klatsop as tha place
where they spent the Winter, still no one
heard her give any description or the place.
If I am able later to secure any o the In
formation asked for I will be very much
pleased to supply you with the same. Very
respectfully, H. b. wadswoktm.
Supt & SpL Dlsb. Agent
Lander. Wro- Aug. 3. 1003. Mr. J. Q. A.
Bowlby, Astoria, Or. Dear Sir: In reply to
your Inoulnr of the 24th ult. I have to
say that tho squaw. Sacajawea. Is well re
membered here. She died about the year.
1884, as you state, at the supposed age of
125 years, and was burled near the ispiscopal
Mission at the Shoshone Agency, xnejinaian
agent Harry E. Wadsw'orth. has gathered
quite, a lot of curious information about her
which you may doubtless obtain -by writing
to him at Shoshone Agency. Wyoming.
Her name Is pronounced by the Shoshone
Indians 'ah-kah-jah -wea." or "Sah-kah
zah-we-ah": the accent appears to be fceav
ler on the third syllable, though nearly thej
Sometime ago I had. a sore to come on, my foot, and
Seing DOrn Wltn. an linnealtny blOOd. -worse and eat deeper into tho surrounding flesh all the
time, and gavo me a great deal of 'worry and trouble.
I applied most everything I could hear of In the -way
of salves, etc, and was getting very much discouraged
when I heard of S.S. S., and commenoad its use. In a
short time I began to Jlmprove and was so muoh en
couraged that I continued the medicine until my foot
was entirely cured. S. S. S. also toned up my entire
system and thoroughly purified my blood.
442 9th Ave., New York, N. Y. DAVID O. MILLER.
The deep, nndexlying cause for every old sore is a bad condition of the- blood. This
vifcal fluid is not pure and healthy, but has become infected with some germ or poison which
prevents the place from healing. These poisons in the blood may be the result of an in
active or sluggish condition of the system, leaving the refuse matters in the body to be ab
sorbed into the circulation, instead of throwing them of? through the usual channels of nature.
Another cause is the weakening or polluting of this life stream by the remains of some consti
tutional trouble, or the effects of a long spell of sickness.
When thd blood is in this condition, a great running sore or deep offensive ulcer may
develop from a slight scratch, bruise or pimple; a harmless looking wart or mole, roughly
handled, often becomes an'ulcerating spot which may degenerate into Cancer dangerous and de
structive. Persons with inherited blood taint
are also apt to be afflicted with' sores and ul
Supply, the different parts of the body are ?me ffn5 Save me a great deal of -worry and trouble
rr -v ,, . , -,r , i -,J .1 applied most everything I could hear of in the wat
never xuiiy nounsnea, ana wnen illicitae jue
is reached or passed, the tissues in some weak
point break down and a chronic sore is formed,
and kept open by the poisons in the blood.
How aggravating and stubborn these
sores and ulcers are is best known, bythose
who have treated and nursed one for years, applying salves, lotions, plasters, etc., with no
good results. The place remains and continues its work of destruction by eating deeper
into" the surrounding flesh; festering, discharging, requiring constant attention, and under
mining the general health by its action on the system. One of the most common evidences
of impure blood is dry sores, which are usually on the face. These continue sometimes for
years with apparently no change, the scab dropping off and re-forming at intervals; but when
the vital energies begin to weaken, the place grows red and tender, a slight discharge com
mences, it takes on an angry, inflamed appearance, and usually terminates in Cancer.
It is a waste of valuable time to treat these places with external applications and ex
pect a cure. True these keep the parts clean and are beneficial in this way, but they do not
reach the real trouble. You may glaze the surface over with them for awhile, but the poison
is at work deeper down, and constantly eating nearer the vital parts and damaging the en
tire health. The practice of cutting out the diseased parts and scraping the bone is often
resorted to, but even these severe measures do no good. The sore may be removed, and for
a time heal over, but the same poison which produced it the first time is still in the blood,
and it will return, because THE BLOOD CAN MOT BE CUT A WAY.
The onty treatment that can do any good is a competent blood purifier one that goes to the
very root and removes the cause, and for this purpose nothing equals S. S. S. It begins at
tne iountain-neaa ana anves out an poisonous
matter and germs; freshens and strengthens the
deteriorated blood and makes a lasting cure. As
soon as the system gets under the influence of
S. S. S. the sore begins to improve, the inflam
mation gradually leaves, the discharge grows less
and less, the flesh takes on healthy color, a scab
forms, and- when it drops off the place is per
manently healed. S. S.S. is purely vegetable, and
while cleansing the blood, it builds up the entire system by its fine tonic effect. If afflicted
with an old sore or ulcer, do not waste time with experimental remedies and risk its becoming
a Cancer, but get the poison out of your blood with S. S. S. Write for our special book on
Sores and Ulcers, and any medical advice desired, will be furnished by ur physicians,
same on tho first three; "weh-ah" Is
The name signifies "boat launcher." or.
rather, "she who pushes off the boat."
She was a remarkable character among
both Indians and whites. Her descendants
are now on the Shoshone reservation here.
I myself havs seen her ana I knew her son.
who was called "Old BazlL" Very truly
yours. NEWTON If. BIOWN. P. M.
Shonshon? Mission School. Shoshone
Agency. Wyoming, August 1003. J. Q. A.
Bowlby. Eoq. Dear Sir: Your letter Just
received on my return home. Sae-a-jawea
would now be the word used by Shoshones
to denote canoe launcher. "Sac." or aec
canoe, boat; "a. the "Jawea," launcher,
pronounced Sak-a-Ja-we-a: "a" pronounced
as In far; the last "a" Is not pronounced
at all except, perhaps. In a low, under-
breath; "J" Is used In Shoshone as can ne
seen on pages 3. 4. etc., of the little book
of Instruction I mall. The pronounclatlon
today Is Identical with that of 100 years ago.
The old lady, Sacajawea. In her latter days
spoko as her people around her. Her de
scendants know nothing of the fort you men
tion. Their pames for the different livers,
mountains and old forts are not. the same
as ours.
If I can give you any further informa
tion I shall be only too glad to do so. There
Is nothing to roarlc the heroine's grave hero
excopt the usual mound and a small boulder.
Very truly yours. J. ROBERTS.
India rubber tres. which are tapped every
other day. continue to yield sap for more
than 20 years; and it Is a curious fact that
the oldest and most frequently tapped trees
produce the richest saTX
Colossal Human Figure on Heroic
Xilnes Cut on Hock.
London Mall.
An Interesting survival of prehistoric
England Is threatened -with destruction
owing to neglect. This Is the "Cerne
GIint," a colossal human figure cut on the
side of a lofty hill that overlooks the
plcturesquo village of Cerne Abbas, eight
miles north of Dorchester.
It is several years since the furrows
which outline the giant's figure ware
scoured and rellned with chalk. Gradually
the latter has been washed away by the
Winter rains, and It Is now barely visible.
Grass has so encroached on the channel
that, seen from a distance, the details of
the gigantic figure aro hard to trace,
though the uncouth human form is still
recognizable. The cost of renovating the
giant Is estimated at about 12, but no
one in the locality knows where the
money is to come from.
Tho "old man," as he Is styled by the
natives of Cerne Abbas (tho "Abbot's Cer
nol" of Hardy's Wessex novels). Is built
on truly heroic lines. He stands ISO feet
high, and his right hand grasps a knot
ted club lil iect long. The unknown artist
had his own notions of the Just propor
tions of the human frame, as will be
seen from the following measurement:
Length of body, 77 feet; legs. SO feet:
head. 22 feet: right arm, 100 feet; nose. 6
feet; diameter of eyes, 21 feet.
The antiquity of the figure is accepted
by all archaeologists. Most authorities as
cribe it to the Celtic period, while some
have held that it represents an Idol onco
worshipped by the Pagan Wost Saxons.
Another view is that it was the work of
tho monks of tho then newly found
Benedictine Abbey of Cerne. Some coIqt
Is given to this theory by the existence
of a similar figure at Wilmington, hi
Sussex, whore once stood a Benedictln
Bad Form of Milton Youth.
Milton Eagle.
Doubtless it Is more thoughtlessness r.
the part of those who Indulge In It, bu
would It not be better for the boys and
young men who congregate outside th
church doors Sunday evening . to not
crowd quite so close and thick that per
sons on tho Inside have hard work get
ting out? In other words, they ought to
come inside and wait for the girls. If
a boy docs not have too much of it, th'
company of such girls as we have In
Milton is ono of the best things ho can
have; they are tho finest thlng3 In the
world to wait for (with due apologies to
tho girls for the word "things,") but they
ought to bo waited for In places that
will not discommode other people. A word
to the wise Is sufficient, so this Is all:
Come Inside.
5036 rorrestrlllo ATe CHICAGO.
Kiss Henry says: BcforeIbegaanaIngDanderine
my hair was falling1 oat In great handaful. and I am
pleased to aay that Dandorlno not only stopped It at
once, but has made my hair grow more than twice
aa lonsr aa It ever was.'
Mrs. Elolso Atherton. UtUo Bock. Ark., says: "It
is surely remarkable tho way Danderine Improves
the hair. It has made my hair grow tea Inches long
er in five months and It Is getting thicker and longer
all tha time. I belie vo In rlvlnr praise where It Is
due, and you can uso my namo as reference If you
bo desire?
Ago 6 years,
2X5 Mohawk Street, CHICAGO.
Since It has become generally known
that Danderine causes hair to grow lost
asaoundantly on tho heads otchliarenas
ltd oca onthoseof matured perBons. many
truly marvelous cases are coming to our
notice. Little MlssBussell. whose photo
graph appears above. Is certainly one of
the remarkable ones. Her beautiful hair
Is over thirty Inches long and her mother
3728 2f ertfa. 43d Court, CHICAGO.
Mlai Hassel says: "ily hair would not
reach oelow my waist when I began using
your Danderine. It was also faded and split
ting at the ends. Now It is over -H feet
longer than It ever was and it has regained
its original rich blond color. I used tho tonia
about four months all together."
DANDERINE is to tha hair -what fresh, showers of rain and sunshine are to vegetation. It goes right to the
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