The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1905, PART FOUR, Image 37

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PAGES 37 TO 48
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J I I I I lllll I I
X;.., ;JP 'SAX'S
Gadsby Sons
Corner Washington and First Streets
. . ' ' ''''
The stylisli Princess Dresser "with
French mirror, 17x30 inch;, in
white maple or Pacific oak; worth
$22.00, will be sold at $17.50
This neat China Closet, with mirror
top and round glass ends, is 36
inches wide, 68 inches high; sells
regularly at $25.00, during ihc
sale will be sold at. .$17.50
Folding Bed, royal oak or mahog
any finished, with handsome bric-a-brac
shelves, and French mir
ror on top, has cable supported
springs; price $23.50
23 of these splendid Morris"Chairs
in solid oak, with removable
cushions; usually sold at $12.50,
will be sold at, each $9.50
Iron Enameled Bed, Colonial de
sign, always sold at $12.00; you
can get them this week at 5ut
half price $3.50
This 3-piece Parlor Suit, upholstered in green verona velour, mahogany
finished frames; sells regularly at $25.00, this week will be 'sold
at $18.00
"We have been appointed agents
for the
' i
Great Majestic Range
This is the best Range in the
"World. Grand prize at the St.
Louis Exposition Gold Medal.
Grand prize at Lewis and Clark
Exposition Two Gold Medals.
A full lino will be on exhibition
in our store Mondaj-. They are
guaranteed forever.
Wm. Gadsby & Sons.
Sideboard Bargains
6 .$30.00 Sideboards, now $22.50
20 $25.00 Sideboards, solid oak, now.- $18.00
.8 $20.00 Sideboards, in golden ash, now $14.00
1 $110.00 Sideboard reduced to .... $80.00
12 $37.00 Sideboards reduced to .i $28.00
Buffet Bargains
4 $25.00 Golden Oak Buffets, reduced to r..?18.00
7 $37.50 Buffets, 42-inch, with large mirrors. ?25. 00
8 $75.00 Buffets now reduced to $50.00
11 $42.00 Buffets reduced to ,..$29.00
1 $100.00 Buffet reduced to .$65.00
Brass and Iron Beds
1 $60.00 Brass Bed reduced to $40.00
1 $45.00 Brass Bed reduced to $35.00
1 $25.00 Brass Bed reduced to . . . . h $16.00
1 $38.00 Iron Bed reduced to $15.00
25 Iron Beds, ranging in price from $20.00 to
$25.00, your choice for .$15.00
17 Iron Beds, ranging from $11.00 to $15.00,.'
your choice for ..$9.50
300 Iron Beds, regular $6.50 kind, at .". ; $4.50
300 Beds, regular $5.00 kind, at S3.50
Heating Stoves
Baby Go-Carts
Curtains Portieres
Carpets 7-
Home Queen Steel Range, guaran
teed for 10 years j "Kith reservoir
as shown $32.50
Without reservoir $27.50
Terms, $5.00 per month.
We have Cookstoves, No. S. .$10
Cookstoves, No. 7, at $7.50
These Dining Tables; are 44 inches
in diameter when closed, they ex
tend to 6 feet, are made of genu
ine oak, are regularly sold by us
at IS.00; tomorrow they go
for $12.00
This is - a genuine oak box-seat
Dining Chair, sells regularly at
$40 each. We have too many of
s one pattern ; will close out 20 sets
during this week at, each $3.00
!1 itt At
vfli" 7.4 4
vil 1
Napoleon Beds, iin quarter-sawed
oak, beautiful creations, 35.00
to $65.00
Bookcases, 25 of them 60 inches
high, 42 inches wide, glass front,
perfectly plain, no carvings, made
-of Oregon maple, not like illus
tration, stained a rich, dark ma
hogany color; worth regularly
$15.0;0, they are going for,
each .......... $.7.50
Six Edible Mushrooms Illustrated
Second Article on This Favorite Food, Written by Professor
Albert R. Sweetser, State Biologist, University of Oregon.
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ILLUSTRATION No. Lis of the Shaggy
Mane (coprinus .comatus), descrlbed lr
our former notes, but whose character
istics may -bo briefly summarized again.
Cap nevex fully expanding, as In most
toadstools of Its sort, covered -with silky
threads, brown in the center and scat
tered patches of brown all over. Stem
firm and hollow and the last part o the
plant to disappear. The gills on the un
der side of the cap at first white, then
darkening and turning black, and even
tually the whole cap disappears, dripping
away as .an Jnky fluid. Good eatlns when
Cut Xo. 2 shows a near relative of the
Shaggy-Mane, the- Ink-Cap (coprinus -at-
ramentarius). This Is smaller and short-.
cr, but, like the former, never fully opens.
It Is brown all over the cap, sometimes
smooth and sometimes bears more or.less
abundant scale. Its gfllson-tthe under
side colorless,, but soon darken and like
wise disappear as ink. It Is very common,
occurring; on old stumps "and- roots, and
'.Is good eating. In both of these, some old
ones can usually be-found In the cluster
that arc In the Ink stage. This is char
acteristic of the - genus, and any toad
stools having this habit can be . safely
eaten if gathered before " the gills' have
The Puf-Ball3 were also referred toin
the previous article, and Cut No. 3 shows
two common forms. That on the left is
the small one so common. In the fields and
pastures; the one on the .right, while not
so common, yet when found - occurs, in
considerable .-numbers. It "Is dark brown
and broken into Irregular patches by the
light lines. All the puff-balls are excellent
eating If gathered while still white within.
Those having the tough outer coat, simi
lar to that of the right-hand variety,
should be peeled.
The Club fungi, Clavaria and its kind
are readily distinguishable from all other
forms. The white kind 13 excellent for
food. If gathered when young and free
from grubs. A good method of prepara
tion Is to boll In salted water, as one
would cook asparagus.
As a rule they prefer the shade. They
occur In a variety -of shapes and colors,
one of the most common kinds being re
produced in Illustration No. 4.
Another less common but very attract
ive representative of the Club fungi is
the" subject of our fifth reproduction. The
specimen from which this photograph was
made was collected at Fall Creek. ' It had
the following dimensions: Horizontal cir
cumference, 40 Inches: vertical circumfer
ence. 20 inches: height. S inches: weight.
8 rounds Z ounces. This would furnish, a
'.meal for a large family.
The "Satyrs Beard (hyunum enna
ceus) shown In Illustration No. 6 may be
found growing on trees and stumps, usual
ly hiding from the strong light.
It consists of long, slender, pendant
white teeth so closely massed together
as to give -the appearance of a beard. It
has several relatives which so closely re
semble It as to be mistaken for one an
other, except when examined closely.
They are all very good eating. In the
notes thus far there ha3 been an attempt
to describe a few of the striking forms
that might readily be distinguished. At
some futura time the deadly toadstool and
Its relatives will be described.
State Biologist.
University of Oregon, Eugene.
Just a Peaceful Suggestion.
Albany Democrat.
The Oregonlan should give another pic
ture. The first saw those attending the
love feast leaving their knives and re
volvero In a basket outside of the love
feast hall. The next should show them
taking, their knives and revolvers' from the
basket as they passed out of the hall.