36 THE SUNDAY OKJKliOiVIAX. POUTI-AIvD, OpTOBER 22, 1905. Bernard Shaw Writes New Play "JekR Ball's Other Islxad." Pro daccd la Jicvr York, Jfew a Topic ot Muck DlCHBsIoa. NEW YORK, Oct. 16. (Special Corre spondence.) The interest of the -week, as may well be understood, centered in "John Bull's Other Island," Bernard Shaw's latest offspring:. It is only fair to say that it was discussed In ali cir cles, both literate and Illiterate, all of which demonstrates what Lt means to be a fad. There Is no possible doubt that some of us are sorely disappointed at the idea that Shaw should become a fad, but such is the case. In short, he has grained the public ear, and now he Is 50 lng to put in his spare time exploiting alj sorts of theories, both reasonable and unreasonable, if for no other purpose than to keep that public car busy. Of Shaw it has Dccn said that his principal falling is insincerity,' the falling: of many bril liant men, who place the iridescent hues of the fountain of their intellects beyond the more sterling: trait of blunt honesty. It .Is not always fair to judge a man of Shaw's characteristics thus. Ho should rather be given the benefit of being a creature of emotional temperament, to whom the moment is everything, and to contradict himself, the privilege which Is his by divine right. After seeing his new play, which held a large, representative, first-night audience for three hours and a half, lt is hardly possible to refrain from wondering wheth er he was perpetrating- a joke upon the public or whether he was really divided in . his opinions on a great many subjects, because it is certain that every time he put up one good argument bo offset it with another, equally sound. In fact, never was anything more positively proven than that every question has two sides, one of which is as fair as the other If only properly presented. As far as plot Is concerned there was little to talk about, and it is not from this side that Shaw expected to score. Avowedly and frankly, he only wanted an oppor tunity to give vent to some of his elec trical and electrifying showers of words and opinions ancnt politics, religion, so ciology, and every other ology and ism conceivable. In the first place everybody was put into a bad humor by having been com pelled to stand until after the first act, because It is almost certain that over half the house did not arrive at S, accord ing to the demand of Mr. Daly. And It 1 may be for that reason there was such a general atmosphere of discontent. Per haps It will hbld because It is Shaw, but lt Is safe to predict that "Man and Super man," "Candida," "You Never Can Tell," and a good many others of Shaw's really brilliant plays will bo running when "John Bull's Other Island" will have gone where all bad little plays go. Miss Crystal Herne had an Impossible part as ICora Rellly, and Mr. Daly, of course, had the leading role. Mr. FIndley and Joseph Sparks lent some farce-comedy to the situation, and Dodson Mitchell had enough monologues to run an entertain ment bureau of his own. In the world of musical comedy, per haps, the palm will be yielded to the new work of Reginald DeKoven on a book by Frederick Ranken, with DeWolf Hopper as the center of the stage. There is no more lavish production than "Happy land," now running in New York, and it must be said that there is much of the old-time attractiveness about the De Koven music. To say that DeKoven has reached the level of himself in "Robin Hood" would hardly be correct; at the same time, he has certainly surpassed himself in his more recent efforts. "Happyland" is comic opera of a far higher standard than the laughter-provoking bits of vulgarity and flashy .colors that are from time to time produced on Broadway, and the part written for Hop per is calculated to keep him out of the ruts from which he never seemed able to' get away. For this" alone we have reason to be thankful, because there were many moments when he was really funny. The chorus Is not only good-looking, but the, voices are really musical and unusually good for a production of this kind. Mar guerite Clark was perfectly delightful in her role, which gave her a great many opportunities. She won no end of en cores and her songs richly deserved them. Ada Deaves, who Is one of the cleverest character actresses on the stage, brought every laugh that the playwright expected her to, and a great many on her own score. This play is on at the Lyric, and it is filling the house nightly. The plot has the charm of novelty in a certain sense, and deals with the misery of King Ecstatlcus, who is bored to death be cause every one living in his kingdom is so uncompromisingly happy. And when this state of affairs Is no longer endura ble he issues an edict by which he mar ries them all according to his views. That he runs the play Into numerous complications may be easily realized, but all are as nothing in the face of the fact that 18 years ago he promised to give his son in marriage to the daughter of the King of Altruria, a neighboring kingdom. Evidently the chickens were counted be fore they were hatched, for not only did Ecstatlcus have no son, "but Altlmus has no daughter. He comes forward, 'how ever, bringing a daughter borrowed for the occasion. Meanwhile, Sylvia, daugh ter of the first King, runs away and suc ceeds In adding to the complications, to unravel which would take a Chicago law yeror at least one from South Dakota. The cast was as follows: Ecstatlcus ......... Ephlnxus AlUraus ........... Fortunatua Appollus .......... Pedro Adonis Xayenna The Lady Patricia . The- Lady Alicia . . . Sylvia , De "Wolf Hopper William Wolff ,.. "William Panforth Joseph Phillips .... John Dunsmuirc ....... Frank Casey Carl Haydn ........ Ada Deaves . . Estelle "Wentworth Bertha Shalek ... Marguerite Clark THE EXPOSITION IS CLOSED Visitors Have Gone Home NOW YOU WILL HAVE TIME TO HAVE YOUR TEETH ATTENDED TO BE FORE COLD WEATHER AND ATTEND ING ACHES SET IN. Good teeth mean good health , and a happy home. We have every facility backed by the greatest skill, which is a 'guarantee of the most satisfactory work. It is not an experiment when you entrust me with your work, but assurance of receiving all of the best in skill and appliances that are known to high-class modern dentists. I don't want a fortune; only a reasonable fee for the best possible service. Crown and Bridge Work A PERFECTED SCIENCE AT THIS OFFICE &-3issssssssss9IIsssBk JLrlssssa &'lsSSSSSSMw8r, f'-M IHIiaaaaaK MsSlrlssssssssssssssW issssssssssssssisaiffcilXtViisssr DR. B. E. WRIGHT SPECIAL OX ARTIFICIAL TEETH. Regular ,$10 set of teeth on 'rubber plate for f5M Best teeth on best rubber plate, regu lar $15. for ....... $s.w TEETH EXTRACTED EXEE. . Absolutely -without 'palU every Monday morn Ins: from 9 A. 2d. to 12 M. DR. B. E. WRIGHT THE PAINLESS DENTIST- ; 342 1-2 WASHINGTON STREET, CORNER SEVENTH OFFICE HOURS : 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. 7:30 P. M. TO 8:30 P. M. SUNDAYS 9 TO 1 PHONE MAIN 2119 their names may bo entirely strange as herewith appended: , Dr. Gustav Landtmann Curt Weber KmMe Marlon Ohla Vlnzenz Knickebcln ....Gustav v. Seytferiltx Apollonla Georglne ICeuendorf Felix Jacques Horwltz Berta Marlesa Varena Baron von Crolso Otto Meyer Ida - ...... . Jo Hegyl HUdebrandt . Edmund Ioee Maler Franz Erlau Max Annltta. Herbert Wlndel .., Lucie B artels Dietrich ..................... Arthur Bauer Hallwlfr- ...i..r.....Otto Boedecker HannI .................... Llna Abarbanell Nazi "Willy Frey Dannnauser Karl Knaacu Musically speaking: it Is almost Impos sible to measure the season we arc about to enter. The orchestral concerts alone would be enough to keep the entire pop ulation of New York furnished with mu sic Prom those announced It Is positive that we will have over 100 orchestral con certs. This does not, mean anything ex cept such concerts as are given in regu lar scrips, as there. Is no telling how many appearances the different, artists may make with orchestra, and o'f these, with the exception of one or two opening concerts, we can have nd record. Among the first concerts announced, la one November 2i by Miss Minnie Coons, an American girl just returning from a 12-years' course of study in Europe. With her .will be heard the New York Sym phony Orchestra -under "Walter Damrosch. November 6k another American girl, for tunate enough tp hai'e married a Rus sian by the name of Samaroff, will bo heard at Carnegie Hall in conjunction with the Philadelphia Orchestra under Fritz ScheeL Madame Samaroff, who is born a HIckenlooper, of Cincinnati, has -also studied abroad for many years. As may well be understood, these young wo men have a nard climb before them ana in a season which holds so many gigantic planistic stars, they are wise to take time by the forelock before the arrival of Bauer, Pugno. Relsenauer, Aus Der Ohe. to ,-say nothing of Joseffy, from whom we are promised a number of appearances. Slgismund Stojowki, Rudolph Ganz. and very many others. It is also a .master stroke to have engaged Fritz Scheel and his magnificent orchestra before the on slaught of orchestral concerts, because It is certain that there Is no more Inter esting man on the Continent than this, talented musician for whom San Francis co became 'too small a field. He has made a great reputation for The German constituency of New York nas doublo opportunities. It may enjoy musical comedy of American construction and then it may hie Itself to the German theater of which Heinrlch Conried is the manager, and enjoy typical German op eretta. Last week the light opera season at the Irving Place Theater opened with a charming operetta entitled "Spring Breezes." The music Is well calculated to attract the waltz-loving German, be causo lt consists of a number of dances by Joseph Strauss, a brother of the noted "Waltz King, Johann, welded together with a plot and words supplied by Karl Llndau and J. WHhelm. However Inter estlng and however farcical the text and the situations -may be, there Is nothing to compare with the delights of the mu sic, which has the real Vienna swing and the tunefulness which is inherent to the German waltz. It is very different from everything that the American public is accustomed to seeing, and if they got the habit of attending the Irving Placet The ater during Its season of comic opera. It Is probable that most of the stuff served up to us as musical comedy on Broadway would hot be tolerated. Mr. Conried brought Xina Abardanell for this season at the Irving Place, and from there he will take her over to. the Metropolitan Opera-House. She is not only a charming singer, but a most graceful actress who breathes comedy In every movement. She may be compared to Frltzi Scheff, -while admitting that she has much more charm and more finish. All the actors are' extremely well known In Europe, notwithstanding- the fact that himself and an enviable position. To those who do not . know the name of Stojowskl. the Information will be inter esting, that he is at the head of the In stitute of Musical Art (Frank Damrosch, director), which opened" on "Wednesday with nearly SCO pupils enrolled and near ly all the time of the large corps of teachers completely filled. No comment Is necessary" other than the fact that be tween Frank Damrosch and the Knelscl Quartet, also identified with this magnifi cent institution, the people are satisfied of the standard -which will be adhered to and of the quality of the work. Another significant fact, according to a state ment by Mr. Damrosch lo me. Is that very few of these students are from out of tqw.n. So what will It be when its in fluence will have reached beyond New York? Among the faculty are Etclka Gerster, Mrs. Thomas Tapper, more widely known as Mrs. Dr. Louis Maas, Arthur Ho'ch man and Gaston Dethlcr, the noted or ganist of St. Francis Xavier. ttQ of artists from Europe, let us see wnat some ox our own important men are doing. It came as a great surprise to a large number of people that Dudley Bucki at his time 0 life, pulled up and out of old associations to make his home in Germany. Probably the reason this came la the nature of a surprise was because Mr. Buck always said he was going to do so. I know he told me his plans over eight years ago. and that be fore he had resigned from Trinity Church, where he was organist and choir master for 23 years. Mr. Buck Is now 68 years of age, and whereas he does- not expect to do such an amount of new work he has a large quantity of manu scripts of too much magnitude to interest the American publisher, because the time Is not yet ripe for many works of great dimensions. It is perfectly truo that lt cannot possibly' pay a publishing house to bring out a Jargo number of new choral works, or . orchestral scores, for the expense in America of publishing these things is enormous. The chances aro 20 to 1 In Mr. Buck's favor in Eu rope, and then there is always the chance for these works to be brought over from the other side. "We may well be proud to send a man of Mr. Buck's equipment to Europe, be cause he Is a credit to any country, and this sort of . exchange will do more for the establishment of tbo American status in the European mind that a great many of the things we talk or write about. Mr. Buck was accompanied by his wife, but his. family, consisting of two sons and one daughter, are married and settled in this country. Miss Isadora Duncan, who had half the world at ber feet, and literally at her feet It was she who danced the Beet hoven sonatas and thc-Chooin nocturnes is again a, subject of Interest to "the'' public Perhaps not the musical contin gency, but the public, nevertheless. Her movements, which have always "been the embodiments of grate, were many times likened to ttiose of the panther, and per haps here is the link which may serve to explain an almost Incredible situation. She is learning that there arc Judges In Berlin, whero she was arrested for assault and. battery committed upon a collector who presented, her with a bill. The officer had a more torrid welcome than he anticipated.. She flew into a fury and precipitated herself upon him to tear the paper from his hands, and threw it violently on the ground. As the offi cer attempted to gather his scattered papers, the charming dancer Invited him to leave without delay at the point of a revolver. Miss Duncan miscalculated the tribunal in Germany, because she appeared in the gauze of. her Greek cos tume, but she utterly filled to Impress the court with anything except the ne cessity for a Tieavy fine. She made an , appeal, and the question has not yet been settled, because she absolutely refuses to appear. The order has been given to the police to bring her to the court by main force.' Thus do-our American girls make great careers for themselves and then? EMILIE FRANCES BAUER. BEAUTIFUL AND TALENTED YOUNG WOMAN WINS SUCCESS ON THE STAGE ALICE JOHNSON. Alice Johnson is one of the most beautiful and talented young, -women on the stase. She '"has been a great success In Eastern productions during the -past few seasons and more recently has attracted wide attentlonas a star In "A Friend of the Family," and as- leading woman with Ezra Kendall In "WcaUierbeaten Benson." More than ordinary local Interest attaches to her forthcoming ap pearance here In the stellar role of "The Marriage of Kitty' for the reason that she is a daughter of Bos Eytlnge. START ON SCOURING MILLS Promoters of the Enterprise Will Hold a -Conference Today. Work on the buildings required for the wool scouring mills at Sellwood will begin within the next two weeks, or less. Thomas Ross, of Las "Vegas, N. M-, who is the promoter and princi pal owner of the projected plant, will meet A. C Mowrey, 1621 East Eleventh street. Sellwood, and J. M. Nlckum, this forenoon- and consider the matter of forming a stock company to swing the enterprise. At this conference the cap ital stock of the concern will ,be set tled. Mr. Ross has the machinery in New Mexico, but it cannot be shipped here jntil the building Is ready to house lt direct from the Southern Pa cific cars, which will bo side-tracked at tho grounds In Sellwood. It will re quire a building 75xlS0 feet to house tho machinery, and hence Mr. Ross de sires to start work on the structure as soon as possible. It is announced (oat the plans have been prepared and tho location selected on the ground. The ! n t M r. -. . ... ... Ill ... -. I, n -1 1 (uaiu atiuLiuic " in ui nuuu. UUU Sovored with corrugated iron. The ower plant will be housed Ini a brick annex. "Ours will be the only largo scour ing mills, north of San Francisco," said Mr. Ross,, "and" the wool crop of four I states that has found its way East , and in other directions, in the grease. will be shipped fro.m Portland In the scoured state. This will reduco Its weight 70 per cent, and the saving to woolbuyers will therefore be enor- SdLDlERS "SALT HOSS" Of tea Lprvcs Him RJ Bad as "Wouaded. Army food has ruined the digestion of many good men. A veteran, speaking .of how a wise, selection of food helped him, says: "For over 33 j-ears my stomach gave me an immense amount of trouble. Every thing I nut into it seemed to'cause an in ternal (and Infernal) revolution which un-. fitted, me more or less for business. My doctors told me that tho trouble was all, brought about oy tne sau pone or salt beef (or horse) which comprised the main' part of the food supplied me by Uncle Sam 'during my three years' service m tho great Civil "War. "For many years I tried cracked wheat, oatmeal, boiled rice, and many, other things, but- my stomach kept up Its un pleasant grumblings and painful aches. "A littlo over a year ago, while In De troit on business, a friend sitting at the breakfast table with me ordered as a starter a dish of Grape-Nuts. 'Make it two, said I. It was my first experience with Grape-Nuts food, and I was delight ed to find not only that It was most pal atable, but that I had much less -of the internal commotion that usually followed my morning meal. Since then I have eaten Grape-Nuts every morning for breakfast and frequently for luncheon also. "My stomach has been toned up and is stronger than it has been since ISSi. I have no more of the old pains and uneasi ness and am better able to attend to my business. This result I attribute to the use of Grape-Nuts, as I have taken no medicines meantime." Name given by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Read the little book, 'The Road to Wellville' In every package. Busy Days m Stove Store We expected to have a few quiet days after the close of the Fair, but we have not seen them yet. It looks now as if Portland was to have a big boom. We are employing more people now than we, did in Kay and June, which all goes to show that Portland is still on the top wave of prosperity, and most of the people of Portland know that 33DWABDS has the goods they want at the prices they can afford to pay. Special Notice In next Sunday's Oregonian we hope to be able to announce the name of the person to whom a Monarch Range will be presented The Early Meal Eange is guaran teed to last as long and give as good service as any range made from, castiron with steel sides. The price of the . Early Meal Eange is less -than that of any range of eqnal quality. . As low as ,...;. $27.50 The Monarch Eange did receive two gold medals at the Lewis and Clark Exposition. First Por "being a3 a whole tho best family range shown there. Second For the Portable Eeser voir improvement which is far ahead of any reservoir made. Price as low as $49.00 In this climate heavy and expen sive heaters are not in general demand. Our heaters are most reasonable in price, most attrac tive in appearance and will do all the work required of them. Do not buy before glancing through the line. Price as low as $2.50 Carpets Big new stock of 'Whitall's Body Brussels, Park "Wool Ingrains, Columbia Tapestry Brussels and Axmln , . ster Carpets. Come just to see them. Cash or Credit Cash or Credit H. E. EDWARDS, HOUSEFURNISHER 185-187-189-191 FIRST STREET nous. It "will readily be seen how the Portland scouring mills are going to revolutionize the wool industry of Ore gon, Washington, Idaho and Montana. The last named state alone raises 20, 000.0.00 .pounds of wool a year. . May Have Jumped Into the JUvcr. . Detectives who are working on the case believe that- George Mitchell Papanraake. the Greek who shot Zack Pancres in the latters oyster-house, Wednesday morn ing, leaped Into the Willamette River at tho foot of Washington street to escape capture at the hands of the mob follow ing him. "That he committed suicide rath er than to submit to being arrested and locked up is their belief. The Greek Consul, who has taken a lively Interest in the case from the start, has posted a reward of $20 for information leading to the capture of the much-wanted assailant of Pangres. Papanmake Is said by fellow-countrymen to have shot Pangres because of a dispute over the sale-of a small restaurant in Astoria. He Is said to have believed Pangres was cheating him in the deal. He entered the oyster-house operated by Pangres, 192 Fourth street. Wednesday morning, a quarrel ensued and the shoot ing took place. Papanmake fled, taking a course through tho central portion of the city. He .was closely followed by a small army of officers and private citi zens, and was seen to run under the docks at the foot of Washington street. It is said that no trace of hjm has since been found. Portland's Artlessness. Thi3 satire Is by Miss Decca Lamar West, of Waco, Tex., who visited the Lewi3 and Clark Fair en route korrie from the National Convention of the Daugh ters ot the Confederacy, held in San Fran cisco. After- her departure from- Port land she sent ihese verses to her friend, Mrs. Elizabeth Cralgt Snow on the mountain peak, Blossoms in the vale. Murtc in the bandstand. Bedlam on the Trail. Rain kept a-falllng-. Everybody Vet. Portlanders said 'twas misting They boom their town, you bet. If it's dry and hot in Summer, They ears it isn't warm: If you set soaked through In Winter, "'Twon't do you any harm." They're optimists right through and through. They cannot see. a cloud. They sar it' Jast like Springtime, With the maintain In a. shroud. BUt Q all the Jars they give you. Tho worst to me. you bet. Is when It's raining sheets of rain They say It isn't wet! Sermon for Non-Catholics. Father O'Hara's discourse this evening at the Catbc-dral, corner Fifteenth and Davis streets, will be, "The Catholic Church nn Infallible Guide." This is one of a series of sermons by the Cathedral priests for the benefit of Inquiring non Cathollcs. Services will bo at 7:30 P. M. Mrs.- Rebecca Miller's Death. Mrs. Rebecca Miller, who had for lt years been a resident of this city, died at the Good Samaritan Hospital on Tues day last and was burled at Riversldo Cemetery Thursday. Her aged husband and nine daughters survive her. A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever pB. T. F&IX GOBRAUD'S ORIENTAL CREAM OR MAGICAL BEAUTIHER Removes Taa. Plnptei, Freckles, Moth Patches, Rub, and SUa DUeucfi, ana every biesu.a on beauty, mad tie. flea detection. It has stood tfcs test of 67 years, and Is so harmless we taste lt to be sore lt Is properly made. Acctpt so counter feit of similar came. Dr. L. A. Sayr said to a lady of the hict ton (a patient): "As you ladles vrlU use thea, I recommend (aaraad's Crenm' as the least harafbl of all th kla preparations." For tale by all drajreists and Taney. Goods Dealers la the United States, Canada and Europe. FEHD.T.HOPI!HSlPrcp., 37 Grtal Jcn-s Stosi HewYori. rOK 8 AXE BY. WOODABD. CXAKKE ft CO SOMETHING FOR NOTHING - SATURDAY, NEXT, AT 8 P. M WE WILL GIVE AWAY A $65 STEEL RANGE Ladies should not fail to visit our Stove Department and let us. explain this proposition at the same time "you will see the most complete -line of STEEL RANGES ..' . COOKING AND HEATING STOVES . " - To be found in the city. '' -Heaters from $2.50 Cook Stoves from $8.00 Steel Ranges from $27.50 Are- you furnishing? If so, it will pay you to see our immense line of .;- FURNITURE, CARPETS AND DRAPERIES CASH Ok CREDIT 184 AND 186 FIRST STREET COVELL'S THE BIG WHITE STORE CLEAR THROUGH THE' BLOCK