31 THE SUNDAY OBJEGONIAX. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 22, 1905. 'You may rail at tainted money, by the soul of all that's funny, You may sneer at the old miser man or. kill him with a look; But what about the borrower who always makes us sorry, or y What about M Government Regulation of Railway Rates, by Hugo Richard Meyer, assistant professor of political economy in the University of Chi cago. $1.00. The Macmlllaa Company, New York City. Shall the United States Government regulate railway rates? Professor Meyer practically says: "No." The question Is one that affects every person in this coun try, and as It will occupy a large part of the time of Congress at the coming session, an authoritative and thorough presentation' of the subject -will be of de cided interest to readers the country over, including those who usually do not take part In discussions dealing with eco nomic matters. President Roosevelt In his character istic fashion has taken the decided stand that the Government shall regulate rail way rates, and has given his reasons for this belief. Senator Elklns, chairman of the committee on interstate commerce of the United States Senate, 6ays that the proposal for Government regulation of railway-rates is the most important leg islative problem that Congress has dealt with in 40 years. In taking the position of an individual ist when he insists that the state does not conserve the public welfare by inter vening In the regulation of railway rates. Professor Meyer states he has arrived at this conclusion after 12 years study of the question in this and other countries. Professor Meyer was born In Cincinnati, O., in 1SS6, and attended the public schools in that city, for a few years. In 1877 he went with his parents to Germany, where lie remained for five years. His father then removed to Denver, Colo., and young Meyer prepared for Harvard in the Denver High School. There he was graduated In 1881 and passed the entrance examination for Harvard In the Pall of the same year. He remained in Denver, however, and secured a position as clerk in one of the local banks. He gave up his position in 1SS8 and entered Harvard, subsequently graduating with the class of 92. He then attended the Harvard Grad uate School, "and remained there four years. His active life began as an in structor of political economy in Harvard University, in which capacity he served from 1897 until February. 1903. In that year he was appointed by Governor Bates, of Massachusetts, one of three commis sioners to report on the advisability of amending the laws of that -state govern ing the exercise of the right of eminent domain by cities in making public im provements. One of the political managers In Den ver decided, in the Fall of 1903. to circu late a series of leaflets, attempting to con vince the people that municipal owner ship was not wanted In the West. Mr. Meyer 'had studied the conditions In Eu rope, and had convinced himself that mu nicipal ownership was not likely to prove a success in this country. He undertook writing the greater part of the 32 leaflets Against municipal ownership, which ap peared weekly and extended Into March, 1904. January 1, 1903, Mr. Meyer was appointed assistant professor of political economy at tho University of Chicago, and has since remained in that position. Mr. Meyer Is among those who began the study of economics with a strong bias in favor of 'socialism, but came out with a strong belief In individualism. He has studied socialism in Australia and the working of municipal ownershp of state railways, gas and electric light plants in Great Britain. He has paid special at tention to the regulation of railway rates in the United States, Germany, France, Austria, Hungary, Prussia and Australia. In tho present book, "Government Reg ulation of Railway Rates," Professor Meyer give3 his studies of his varied ex periences In this and other countries. He argues the question to the extent of 486 pages, with a business skill not usually ascribed to what one may call a "clois tered" thinker. Reduced to a few words and eliminating a. mass of "lfs" and "buts," Professor Meyer is of the opin ion that general Federal control of rail way rates would not be beneficial, be cause In European countries where tho state has taken control or partial con trol of the - railroads, the question has largely become one of politics, and ship pers have been driven Instead to de velop waterways. He explains that one of the principal reasons which caused the Prussian government to assume tho ownership of its railways was tho com plaint of discrimination In favor of com petitive points, which Is one of the ar guments put forward for Government regulation of rates in tho United States. According to Professor Meyer the remedy in Germany has proved to be far worse than tle cure. He makes the point that the conflicts between various producing centers Intent on securing or preserving advantages in relation to common mar kets have thrown the question of railway rates Into. German politics, and that in many Instances important legislative measures for example the commercial treaty with Russia have only been passed the grouchy man 7 : WW . by paying the price of concessions la" rates to politically powerful sections of the country. He notes that the fixing of rates on distance basis has hampered the Indus trial development of Germany, notably by the fact that all heavy and bulky freight Is transported by water Instead of by rail, and that it Is possible to ship grain economically by rail only 125 miles. This is all very well In a densely populated country, where canals are numerous, but what shall we say of the condition exist ing in a new country where navigable rivers and canals are rare or unknown? In Australia the author finds that the system of government regulation has centralized trade to a remarkable degree In three large cities of the country. In stead of developing tho trade of every section, as has largely been the case in this country After reviewing the course of govern ment regulation abroad. Professor Meyer takes up the question In relation tothc United States. In an Interesting review of the decisions of the Interstate Com merce, Commission he shows that these decisions If they had been enforced, would have brought about results similar to those found abroad. Onlv thr. limltntinne of the law and its strict interpretation by the Rlinrr-mo fmirf Vi .r.. .A .1. ... w -V" u. k dikVJ IUC kserlous retardation of trade la the past. Jiaa the railway of the United States been under effective control of the Federal Government in the 70s and tho early 80s, writes Professor Meyer, we should nave had each one of the sevoral groups of Sen ators and Representatives from New Tork, Pennsylvania and Maryland making- different demands upon the Federal administration; and we should have had them making their support of administrative measures and pol icy conditional upon tho recognition of their claims with regard to the differentials Tho extraordinarily difficult situation In which the administration would have been placed Is apparent. New York would have demanded unconditional abolition of the dif ferentials,. Pennsylvania would have de manded one set of differential, and Mary land would have Insisted upon another. In Continental Europe the regulation of railway rates by public authority has re duced the railway manager largely to a man who sits in his office and orders his sub ordinates to run tralnB back and forth. In America the absence of restriction upon the railway manager beyond that imposed by the common law has allowed the American railway manager to become the most power ful single factor In our National' life for the discovery and the development of the re sources of our country, and tho promotion of trade and Industry. To promote the settle ment of vast stretches of unoccupied lands, and to find ever new resources to develop within the territory already occupied, has for half a century been tho main business of the American railway manager. Tho Imagination displayed by the American rail way manager in discovering potentialities of industry and trade, and In converting those potentalltiesMnto actualities, has been equal to the highest flights of imagination of the great inventors and scientists; while tho boldness with which he has sought to realize his "visions" has rivalled that of tho great soldiers and statesmen. What, in short, does Professor Meyer say as to the outlook? He thinks that Government regulation of railroads should bo limited to tho exercise of what may ho called police powers. That is: to tho pre vention of unfair discrimination and tho disregard of tho safety or tho rights of Individuals and communities. One rmay or may not agree with the author's sweeping condemnation, of gov ernment rate-making, but everyone who asplresMo a clear understanding of this difficult question will admire tho schol arly skill with which Professor Meyer has presented his side of te case. His book is largely a review of conditions, and In addition we should have liked to have had a real message as to what should actually be done to remedy exist ing evils In tho dispute between tho rail roads and the plain people. If not gov ernment regulation, what? President Roosevelt has said: I believe with equal firmness that it is out of tho question for the Government not to exercise a supervisory and regulatory right over the railroads; for It Is vital to tho well-being of tho public that they should be managed in a spirit of Xalrners and Justice toward all the public . . . But n my judgment the most important thing to do- is to give this administrative body power to make Its findings effective, and this can be done only by giving It power, when complaint Is made of a given rate as being unjust or unreasonable. If it finds the complaint proper, then Itself to fix a maxi mum rate which it regards as Just and rea sonable, this rate to go into effect practically at once, that Is, within a reasonable time, and to stay in effect unless reversed by tho courts. S. M. M. The Age of the Reformation, being volume XI of "A History ot All Nations," In 24 volumes, by 2artln Phlllppson. Ph. D., formerly professor In the Universities of Bonn and Brussels. Lea Brothers &. Co., Philadelphia. ' So long as the clergy alone knew how to guide Intellectual weapons; tho so called kingly knight flgHtlng In his mall clad suit alone decided tho Issue of bat tles; and bo long as classical literature who won't return a 3S-g? lay as dormant as the hopes of the com mon people to rise In their might to bo something higher than their plcbclasr fathers ground under the Iron heel of &, robber aristocracy the dawning of that world-wide event, when liberty pT" con science began and called tho Reforma tion, was well-nigh hopeless. But with the application of gunpowder, the creation of Infantry which taught the world that the days of the mailed knight had gone, the eventful changes mado by the Crusades, the discovery of America, the Invention of printing and the trans lation of the Bible and New Testament, came the reign of blood from which emerged liberty and two different kinds of ihcology. The Reformation began, and the reformers mado their mistakes, such as killing the wrong people, and often de-v stroying beautiful abbeys and cathedrals for the mere sake of destruction, but, to say the leasf, their work has received the stamp of approval from many millions of human beings. It is natural that thoso theologians opposed to the spirit of tho Reformation . should denounce it is a crime. Taking the period of 1450-1519 as a start. Dr. Phlllppson writes of the Reformation In a most liberal and just spirit. Yet ho calls a spade ts spade, and there must be those who disagree with his teaching. But this is the penalty awaiting all historians. The latter must write truth as they see It. The present volume of 482 pages Is in every way equal In point of value to its distinguished predecessors. It has the same ripe scholarship, wealth of accurate information, and pictures of historic and priceless" documents. It will add luster to any library, whether or not tho whole set of 24 volumes be taken. In Germany, curiously enough, as Dr. Phlllppson shows, the work -of tho Refor mation was rather the work of tho com mon, people than any one King, while In England It received Its greatest im petus from King Henry VIII and Queen Elizabeth. In fact. If Henry had not been sharply reproved by Rome as to the num ber of his wives, the cause of the Refor mation in England would 'probably have been held In check for a number of years. Tho author shows that TGuther was the logical outcome of centuries of religious, literary and popular opposition to Catholi cism, and that Philip II bore the chief part in Catholic reaction. In short, the different periods of the great strugglo are treated In two divisions: the Reformation under Charles V, and Calvinism and the Counter-Reformation. Pages of powerful, writing are those which describe the massacre of SL Bar tholomew and the destruction of tho Spanish Armada which latter, by the way. was not so much caused by Eliza beth's navy as by the hurricanes of the Almighty and wretched Spanish seaman ship. To Queen Elizabeth, Dr. Phlllpp son thinks, is due the fact that tho two great Protestant powers "England and tho Netherlands took their place beside the great Catholic states of France and Spain, and that tho Protestant element assumed a preponderating position In gen eral European politics. Of "the magnlrt ccnt postical, dramatic and scientific lit erature which flourished in her reign, and that of her successor, he speaks In terms of proper admiration. Shakespeare ho ac knowledges as the greatest dramatist cf all times, and Francis Bacon as the father of modern scientific methods. Hero is Dr. Phlllppson's tribute to Spain: The support of large aeets and armies and the wasteful wars she caried on In all parfa of tho world, drained Spain more and more of her gold and population. Thecampaign In the Netherlands alone, up to Philip's death, had cost the Spanish treasury over 110,000,000 ducats, equivalent to $20,000,000. -nore than four times the treasures brought antiually from Mexico and Peru. Twice In-1675 and 1590 the state was actually bankrupt and the King arbitrarily lowered tho rate of Interest on tho public debt nearly one-half. Self-government and Puritanism are the two elements one of which. English freedom wa formed. This is an Interesting side-light on tho Stuart dynasty in Great Britain: James, the first of the Stuart line In Eng land, was quick to anger, easily lost his pelf control and then cursed and swore in a most unroyal manner. He was not fond of state affairs, and readily left the management of them to his favorites. Englishmen felt that their King had no sympathy with the religious and political aspirations cf the immense ma jority of his subjects. Here Is the key to the understanding of the whole destiny of the Stuart dynasty In England. All Its represen tatives always preferred their own advantar to that of the nation. To secure their slight est personal alms the Stuarts never hesitated tb enter into treasonable relations with the hereditary enemies of England, first with the Spaniards, and then with the French. Yet at first It seemed as if those Stuarts were called to do great things for Europe. It was wise of Dr. Phlllppson to write "thoso Stuarts." The late Queen Victoria was as much a Stuart as James II or "Bonnie Prince Charlie," and she proved to be one of the wisest rulers this world has ever known. Her son. King Edward, also a Stuart by descent, will do well If he largely follows his mother's footsteps. The earlier Stuarts erred because they be lieved In the divine right of kings. This hook?"-Seiected I period In the world has passed, notwith standing Emperor William of Germany. Prom the Yala to Port Arthur, by Lieutenant-Colonel Oliver Ellsworth "Wood, United States Artillery, and late American mili tary attache. Toklo. With mass. Franklin Hudson Publishing Company, Kansas Cltr. Mo., and the J. K. Gill Co., Tnlrd and Alder streets, city. A distinguished contribution to the mili tary annals of the United States Army, showing that our soldiers when occasion arises can write as skillfully as they can fight. The author. Uoutcnanl-Coloncl "Wood, returned from Japan last May, and since that period has been assigned to duty at Vancouver Barracks. Tho publishers of this purely military history of 252 pages, tho Franklin Hudson Publishing Company, aro the largest publishers of military books In this country. For a period of nearly four years, "Lieutenant Colonel "Wood was the American Military Attacho at Toklo. and prior to tho out break of the Russo-Japaneso war had unusual opportunities for observing mili tary conditions in Japan and her prepar edness for war. As the world well knows. It was at the closo of the China-Japan war in 1SS3 when, at tho Instance of Russia and other jealous European pow ers, Japan was compelled to relinquish her grip on Port Arthur and then began to prepare secretly, quietly and syste matically to seek vengeance on Russia, her chief enemy. It should be pointed out at tho outset that "From the Yalu to Port Arthur" Is merely an epitome of the first period of tho great strugglo which has Just closed in the Far East, and Is to a degree tho compilation of the official reports of movements and operations which wero dally Issued by tho Imperial Japanese "War Department, together with other reliable Information obtained from various sources. Through tho courtesy of tho Japanese military authorities, Lieutenant-Colonel Wood was enabled to reach Dalny before the surrender of Port Arthur, and was the first foreign officer to enter that city after the capitu lation. The maps In this book are tho work of an expert Japanese cartographer who did not understand a word of the English language. Some Idea of the labor in this connection may be appre ciated from the fact that tho names of places, etc, originally In Japanese, Ko rean. Chinese or Russian, were first translated Into English and properly spelled, and then back Into Japanese so that the patient Japanese cartographer could place them properly on the map, but with English selling. It Is a wonder ful achievement. The carefully arranged chronological tables, at tho beginning- of the book, enable the reader at & glanco to find tho date of any operation or en gagement. Other writers, notably "O," havo at tended to .the lurid, word painting of tho campaign, a stylo more or less familiar to magazine and newspaper readers. It iias been reserved for Lieutenant-Colonel "Wood to write this admirable war history. Intended for military students, but in such shape as to attract tho gen eral reader. It is a calm, scholarly, dis passionate account, such as a soldier would writ with the purpose of treating both combatants with absolute fairness. After reading fragmentary accounts of tho war. from day to day, it Is a pleas ure to become acquainted with such an abld military history. Those of us who Intimately know books written by staff officers on tho Franco-German and Brit-lsh-Boer wars, rejoice to meet with an equally able book in "Tho Yalu to Port Arthur." It has long been a complaint In this country that tho art of military history lias been too much neglected by officers serving In the United States Army perhaps "Washington, D. C, has bean largely to blame but hero is a striking Instance of literary talent In a purely military man. put to good use. It Is one of tho notable books of a busy season and ought to be largely bought. "Tho naval history of tho Russo-Japanese war should bo written by a naval roan," very sensibly states Lreutenant Colonel "Wood, and this Is so. Ho there fore confines his records to a specified center of land operations, but makes ref erence to naval operations when land and sea forces co-operated. Here are a few extracts: The conclusions drawn are that today the Japanese army has no superior In many vital points. The discipline Is superb, and the men render absolute. Instant obedience to their officers; who are studious, well Informed, and keenly observant in regard to all details. No contusion In an emergency, no boisterous commands, or unnecessary speech mark their every action. They are each a part of a great and complete system, well organized and well administered. Every Japanese, in uniform, from the Field Marshal to the new est conscript In the ranks, exhibit an un questioned loyalty and devotion to Emperor and country that la marvelous to contemplate, and this Is the keynote of discipline. There la but one conclusion such men with such j officers are invincible. Cossacks: It Is Interesting to hear the first Japanese appreciation of the Cossacks. An officer of rank is reported as saying that la their habits Cossacks differ from any Other i people he ever met. They live more like sav ages than civilized beings. They prefer to ; blrouao In the open to sleep under cover, and their power of endurance" In covering long distances la remarkable. It is with regard to Intelligence and courage that this officer denies them any praise. At Chong-Ju. they had all the advantages of position, but they, made no attempts to utilize them. They are far from being courageous, as has been repeat edly proved. Llaoyang: It was. an Immense achievement to capture this position under such conditions an achievement which establishes beyond all question the superiority of the Japanese sol dier to the Russian. But it was an achieve ment which could not have been accomDllshed by any signal results like those accomplished at Sedan, when the French were taken by surprise and exposed to the attack of a greatly rutxrlor enemy In tho unfortified open. The defeat at Llaoyang Is crushing as It stands. The Russians have absolutely no excuse. Here Is a lemon to profit by and the whole management of the Investment of Port Ar thur br the JimnM in ft tit n.r .vt i. tons. Our textbooks on strategy and the art of war .will have to be re-wrltten If wo are to gain anything from the Russo-Japanese "War. Since the days of Sevastopol no other siege of like magnitude has occurred, and the elego of Port Arthur will go down to history as the greatest the world has ever seen. Every step taken by the Japan cm was a bloody one. cost ing many gallant lives (chall we ever know how many.p, but the pre-arranged plans were carried out, regardless of losses. They knew what they had to do end did it. The one singular thing was that the Japanese gunners never once saw their target at Port Arthur, their fire having been directed from observa tion polnta far away. Never before In the history of the world has such target-practlca been witnessed. - love, a Mosaic Essay, complied by Paul El der. 00 cents. Paul Elder & Co;, San Francisco. Issued in an oblong: format, tho page being set in large-faced Caslon old style, and printed in mass with rubri cated captions, this little book of 16 pages 13 most welcomo with Its geh'tlo message of peace, love and home. Tho frontlspleco shows a detail of "Mother and Child?' a study of wonderful, rapt beauty, after Toulraduche. The book Is well termed a mosaic essay, for It Is solely mado up of extracts about love by some of tho greatest thinkers this world has ever known: Jesus, Thomas a Kempls, Emerson, Shakes peare, St. Paul, Henry Ward Beecher, Carlyle, Lew Wallace, Eugene Field. Ichter, Owen Meredith, Plato. Henry rummond. Lord Bacon. Longfellow, etc The cover and supplementary page3 display poetical selections from Byron, Scott, Tennyson and Leigh Hunt's well-known "Abou-ben-Ad-hem." The first of these little bro chures Issued was "Friendship," "Na ture," "Success," and now comes "Love," tho sale of tho series approxi mating: 100.000 copies. No time Is wasted as to what Is the noblest and best love husband and wife, mother and child, or between lovers. But all pure lovo Is represented In tho differ ent selections, which are arranged with skill. "Lovo" ought to bo In every home. Would that its Influence could be infectious, like disease! One Hundred and One Entrees, by Mae E. Southworth. Cover design by Spencer "Wright. 50 cents. Paul EIder& Co., San Francisco. The enterprising- publishers describe this cookbook as a "Gustatory classic" Webster defines the word "gustatory" as meaning- "pertaining- to or subserv ient to the taste." All the same, tho word is seldom used, but although It doesn't have a mellifluous sound, there Is no doubt that It harks back to a very necessary department, that which has to do with something- to eat. No body, was ever yet found who could get along without food and plenty of It. Those of tho race who thought differ ently generally mado the acquaintance, Booner or later, with the undertaker or cremator. This useful little book Is issued In an attractive oblong format, rubricated throughout. Those of us who dipped Into the Joys of tho "One Hundred and One Sandwiches." will give a kindly re ception to the "Ono Hundred and One Entrees." making the sixth In tho series. The classifications treated aro: Oysters, fish, meat, vegetable, game, fowl, mushroom, egg, cheese and sweet, with nn appendix for manuscript notes.' Tho book Is not a funny one. It Is really and truly a serious cookbook, and will be eminently useful, both In tho homo circle and In that wider sphere where rules the professional caterer. Tho index Is in convenient form. Heroes of Iceland, adapted by Allen French. Illustrated by E. W. D. Hamilton. J1.30. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. The rugged fighting spirit of Iceland in Mr. French's book, which Is adapted" from Sir George Webbe Dasent's translation of "The Story of Burnt NJab," the great Icelandic Saga. Twenty-four chapters are written, con sisting of as many stories telling of he roic deeds and of the change of faith from heathenism to Christianity of our Norse ancestors, for who shall dispute the fact of tho Norse or Viking strain in the Anglo Saxon blood? Many curious cus toms are described, such as the atone ment, which consisted of a well-known scale of prices for the slaying of men. from thralls and house carles up to men of position. "Two hundred In silver" was the regular fine for the killing of any man of consequence, and three times that sum for a triple killing. A dramatic point Is well told In describing tho change of religious faith, for Instance, one Thor gelr and his brethren secured converts by force and baptized them. Hero is one of Thorgelr's speeches when ho took oaths and, pledges from his con verts: This Is the beginning of our laws that all men shall be Christian here In the land and believe In one God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost: but they shall leave off all idol-worship, not expose children to per ish and not eat horseflesh. It shall be out lawry If such things aro proved against any man. The Scboolhoese la tho Woods, by A. G. Plympton. "With Illustrations from draw ings by Clara E. Atwood. Little, Brown & Co., Boston. , Children who lovo tho woods and the nature studies they teach us. and find friends in our kin In fur and feathers, will find pleasure In this little book of 272 pages relating to a picturesque country school. The schoolhouse was built on a lonely country road far from a human habita tion. Behind tho school was a delightful wood and the air around was filled with tho balsam of the pines, where the teach er took tho children Into Nature's treas-ure-hodse. Tho teacher was an Ideal ono and had the rare gift of making goodness fascinating and developing all that was good and noblo in her pupils. Two pupils shine out from tho mass, Rosalia, whose ancestors wero the aristocratic Ludlows. and Sally, who was a little colored girl and who wouldn't Join tho Look-for-tho-Good Club. Tho pictures of child life are given with remarkable sympathetic skill, reminding ono of tho purposeful "touchej of Louisa M. Alcott. Pleasaat Tragedies of Childhood, by Fanny Y. Cory. $1.30. Harper A Brothers. New York City. Sweet aro the memories of childhood, and well has It been remarked that those who do not lnt!matelknow children miss a good deal of the life that's worth liv ing. Wo wero all children, once, and It would undoubtedly bo better if some of us were big children now, and good ones at that. One of the cleverest and most gifted artists In America Is Fanny Y. Cory, and her book, made up of drawings and verso under tho title of "Pleasant Trage dies of Childhood." Ig a great credit to her sympathetic Insight of a child's char acter and artistic ability. The verses, which are most amusing and piquant, arc contributed by Burgess Johnson. Tho motif chosen for illustration Is chiefly the autobiography of a baby, from the time that his mother Inadvertently sticks a saiety-pln Into one of his legs. The little fellow's quaint observations are most amusing. Opposite each picture Is a verse. One of tho latter: It's raining raining- hard as cats an dogs. It always did when days we planned for came. I wish that we wero ducks orjlttle frogs. Then we could have our picnic jest the same. It seems zlf little children's pleasure days j Could be put off in such a lot of ways. A present of this book to one of a fam ily of children will earn the enthusiastic approval of all the children who see It. Under the Lilacs, by Louisa M. Alcott. (2. Illustrated by Alice Barber Stephens. Lit tle, Brown & Co., Boston.'-- A new illustrated edition of a girl's favorite classic, bright, wholesome and entertaining. "Under the Lilacs' Is the story of Ben Brown, who, with his per forming dog, Sancho, ran away from cir cus life and found a home with Bab and Betty In. the old house 'under. tho lilacs." The boys and girls are real flesh and blood children not mischievous Imps whose solo aim In life is to play hateful tricks. The excellent drawings of Alice Barber Stephens add to the material valuo of tho book. Ah Alphabet of History, words by "Wilbur D. Nesblt and pictures by Ellsworth Young. 75 cents. Paul Elder & Co.. San Francisco. Bound In Rhinos boards; set In art. old style type and printed with Illustrations over tint upon hard-pressed manllav thl3 amusing pictorial history book a3 a sup plementary reader, can be recommended. Historical and otherwise Important per sonages are told about from A to Z, and both pictures and verso aro excellent, Tho plan, followed Is a good one, apd young students will be aided In fixing In their minds ' Important facts of history. Here is one of the verses attached to tho picture of William Kldd. the sea rover: Oh. William K.ldd was a pirate then Three centures ago. It he should come to life again To ho, my lads, yo ho. The chances are that be would just Get out and organize a trust He knew the way to raise the dust Three centuries ago I The Seven Seas, by Rudyard Kipling. $2. Illustrated. D. Appteton & Co., New York City. A new edition of a famous book of poems, undoubtedly Issued for the Christmas market and to satisfy thd demand still alive for anything that Kipling writes. Tho present edition Is of the de luxe description with hand somely decorated cover, artistic table of contents, and full-page Illustrations usually depicting stirring action. Each page Is beautified by a study in green suggesting marine life. Aj for tho poems, they are of world-wlda reputa tion and speak for themselvo-i. A charming gift for those of artistic tastes. The Seata of the Mighty, by Sir Gilbert Parker. $2. D. Appleton & Co., New Tork City. An earlier edition of this novel tell ing of the storming of Quebec and the glory of Montcalm and Wolfe, had much to do with making increased literary reputation for this" typical Canadian author. With a cover lh blue and gold and full-page illustrations In color, this new edition Is also Issued for tho Christmas market as a gift-book, and will bo nlghly appreciated by thoso lucky enough to find It In the presents Santa Claus sends them. As a story "Tho Seats of tho Mighty" was and la an Immense favorite. Jack and Jill, by Louisa M. Alcott. $2. Little. Brown & Co.. Boston. Rarely has one of Miss Alcott's fa mous stories of boys and girls appeared In better dress than the present volume of 334 pages. In typographical appear ance, heavy paper and full-page draw ings, the book Is decidedly attractive. The Illustrations are by Harriet Roose velt Richards. Fathers and mothers of the present generation know tho high Ideal reached by the Alcott books, and thevstrong, sensible, sane views of life they teach. "Jack and Jill" Is" one of the beat and will make a valued Christ mas present fof" young folks. Shipwrecked In. Greenland, by Arthur R. Thompson. $1.30. Illustrated from photo graphs. Little. Brown & Co.. Boston. A atory of adventure on the Greenland and Labrador coasts, and which cannot fall to be popular with young people. A party of boys, with a sea captain and an older young man, find a drifting steamer, the Viola, not far from St. John's, New foundland, and set out to rescue her pas sengers, which include the members of a scientific expedition. The tale Is told In a racy. Interest-compelling manner, and one of the best word pictures is a descrip tion of a vlsl to Eskimos' villages. 'Teddy Sunbeam, by Charlotte Grace Sperry. Pictures by Albertlne Randall Wheelan. In beveled boards. SI. Paul Elder & Co., San Francisco. Nineteen alluring parables for little housekeepers, made up of short stories simply but brightly told about the famil iar articles In a home. The little book also tells of the healthful, cleansing in fluences of Teddy Sunbeam's rays, and teaches practical recipes for order and system. Teddy drying out tho spot In the silk dres3, fighting the. microbe band, on the warpath against dusty sweeping, and other lines he will be suro of an amused audience. J Q. LIBKAKY AND "WORKSHOP. "My Mamie Roso" has' Just gone Into ita fourteenth edition. "Shakespeare: The Mas." by Walter Bagehot, published by McClure-Phllllps. has been adopt ed this year as a textbk In the courses on. Shakespeare at Vassar College and Mount Hoi yoke College. Captain A T. Mahan's Important new con tribution to American history, "Sea Power in Ita Relations to the War of 1S12." has Just been published in two volumes, by Little. Brown & Co.. Boston. Captain Man an will tall for abroad later In the month. Charles Scrlbnert Sona will publish directly "Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter," by Theodore Roosevelt; "Essays in Applica tion." by Henry Van Dyke; "A History of Egypt," by James Henry Breasted, and "The Fairy Godmother-ln-law." by Oliver Herford. Mrs. Humphrey Ward has recently returned from a trip to Munich, where she has been to consult with Albert Sterner, the artist, over the Illustrations for her new novel. "Fen wtck's Career." which Is to appear serially in The Century, beginning in the November Issue. In Issuing paper editions of "The Next Great Awakening" and "The Times and Young Men." two of Br. Joslah Strong's latest books. Baker Taylor Co. announces that. 800.000 of Dr. Strong's books have been sold. The first one, "Our Country," enjoyed a tremendous run, and all of his volumes since have been In wide demand. Tho Williamsons' motor romance, "The Princess Passes,'' if anything. Is Increasing In popularity as tho months go by. Henry Holt & Co. are Just printing the eighth large edition of this book, which In Its first -seven months has sold more than five times as many as the same authors "Lightning Con ductor" did in Its first season. 4 The Century has secured the right to print photographs or the objects round In the famous discovery In Egypt made last Winter by Theodore M. Davis. The objects Include a carved golden chair, a golded chariot with shafts and pole, an exquisite golden mummy case, and many- other articles of greater value than have been found for many years In an Egyptian tomb. Henry Holt & Co. will soon issue a droll book. "The Wizards of Ryetown," by A. C. Smedley and L. A. Talbot, While this fairy story Is originally Intended for children, its humor, which the publishers readers assure them has a charm similar to that of the fa mous "Alice In Wonderland," reinforced by Miss MacGregor's quaint and amusing illus trations. Is liable to amuse children of an older growth as well. George Barr McCutcheon's "Nedra" Is going off with the same swish of popularity that greeted "Graustark." and It naturatly holds the place of honor In the Fall catalogue of Dodd. Mead & Co. It la a highly exciting story of elopement, flirtation, shipwreck, mar ital entanglements and a. happy ending. Of & much finer literary quality Is Florence Morse Xlngeley's "The Resurrection of Miss Cyn thia," It is the story of how a straight laced New England girl broke away from her narrow groove when th doctor told her she had only one year to live. The book Is said to be delightful, amusing, pathetic an.l altogether superior to the ordinary run cf fiction. Miss Helen Nlcolay. daughter of John G. Nlcolay, Joint author with John Hay of tte authorized life of Lincoln, has written a boyr life of Lincoln, which Is to appear In tt. Nich olas during the coming year. While the work Is founded on Messra. Nlcolay anl Hay's history, yet It has much new material wUloh Is of fipeclal Interest to younv fDlkx it will be fully Illustrated, and one of tho I nd.ng features of St. Nicholas during the mlng year. "The Man From Red Keg." by Eusene Thwlng. author of "The Red Kegscrs." Is another virile and wholesome story -f American country life. Amelia E Barr M on hand again with one of her nove'i o unfailing Interest, It is called "t'eclMa s Lover." and Is laid In modern New Y rk A new mystery story with a plot that wu'.d have floored Sherlock Holmes Is promise! In "The Mystery of June 13," by Melvln L. Severy. A most unusual sea tale, entitled "The Edge of Circumstance." by Edward Noble, Is said to bo a fascinating story for men. Judge Penfleld. who has been sent by Pres ident Roosevelt to South America to Investi gate our trade relations with that countri. will find his report somewhat forestalled by a Uttle book Just published, "A Comnvr-ial Traveler In South America." by Frank V iborg Two years ago, In order to straighten cut burliness tangles. Mr. "Wlborg. representing the firm of Anit x- -ivihn.-- i.t. . . oi Cincinnati, made an extended tour. takng In alt the Important cities of South Amrrl'a His aim was to make a. study of business con dltlons, and he Interviewed many buainessme The results of his trip ho has embodied In eaveral valuable chapters of his volume. A noteworthy announcement comes from M, cjure-Phllllps, who state they will swon publ sh George Edward "Woodberry's new volume. 'Tte Torch. In thia new book Tro'etcor Wood Derry appears ever, more than In the past as an Interpreter of the vital relations existing between human Ufa and literature, and o literature aa the embodiment of what Is best m lire. The brilliant essays which compos this volume were delivered first aa lectures before the Lowell Institute, and deal In th3 main with race power In literature. The underlying Idr Is that as one race brings literature to perfection and transmits t it the most vital qualities of Its civilization, that race may die. but It will find a younger and sturdier fellow ready to take the tir h of enlightenment and carry It on. The chap ters deal specifically, with "Man and the Race." "The Language of All the World' ..XheJT,lan Mth." "Spencer." "Milton." Wordsworth" and "Shelley." Helen Leah Reed has written In "Amy In Acadia." the flrrt volume of a second series of the popular "Brenda" booko. Readers oi tho latter stories will remember Amy as ono of the minor characters surrounding Brcn Ja In the new book sho Is the chief personage, although almost ati Important are two younger girls, one from Chicago, the other from PImo outh, who make the tour of Acadia wltv Amy and her mother. Acadia Itself, the pub lishers. Little. Brown & Co.. say. "Is a flr.e background for a story. Y!th Its beaut.rti! scenery and historic associations In which French and English have almost equal part; and Amy and her friends have some Interesting experiences among the descendants of the ex lied Acadlans In the romantic region of Clare " Miss Reed Is a Canadian by birth, though she has lived most of her-llfe in Boston, wene of her new girl's book Is laid partly in Annapolis County. Nova Scotia. where her grandfather held various government positions, A valuable addition to the list of volumes of sport Is John GUmar Speed's "The Horse In America." It gives an Interesting his torical account of the various breeds of anl mals characteristic of the United States anl what has been done toward their develop ment, with especial stress upon the mist famous representatives of each. The ro mance and sentiment connected with th horse have especially appealed to Mr. Speedy and his account of the careers of great heroes and heroines of the turf are not only thordugh and accurate, but charmingly and spiritedly written. There are valuable practical chapters on "How to Buy a Horse," "The Stable and Its Management." "Training vs. Breaking." "Riding and Driving." Mr Speed has spent a lifetime with horses. He Is a practical breeder and trainer, and his expert assistance has frequently been sought by the United States Government In deve! oplng, special types of horse for tho Philip pines and the Army. The novel that stands at the head of thn McClure-Phllllps list Is "My Friend the Chauffeur." by Mr. and Mrs. Williamson the authors of the "Lightning Conductor." It Is an automobile story, full of vivacious humor, with tho dramatic climax In the attempted kidnaping of a young woman by a fortune-hunting Italian count. Tho boo.c has gone Into Ita third edition In a week A more eerlous novel is "The Work of Our Hands." by Mrs. If. A. Mitchell Keary?, author of "He That Eateth Bread Wit' Me." Its underlying theme Is th respond blllty of wealth. Its heroine is a sweet young- woman who marries a millionaire and tries to make him realize that mone is to assist people with, not to use In crus Ing them. "Tho Pang Yanger." by Dr. El ma A. Travis, la a dramatic love Ptory set In a breezy Catsklll atmosphere, re: r Roseggers "I. N. R. I.: A Prisoner's St in, of the Cross." Is a curious book In which a condemned man writes hta Idea of the 11! of Christ. Longmans, Green & Co.'h only new bock of adult Action thla Fall Is Stanley J. We--man's "Starvecrow Farm. They have begun the Issue of "Tho Political History of Eng land" In 12 large volumes by as many English university professors under the editorship of Rev. William Hunt, of Trinity College. Oxford. An Important monograph by W. II. Wllklns on "Mrs. Fltsherbcrt an.l George IV." will for the first time make public all the facts concerning the marital relations of theso "Hwo persons. Andrew Lang will put forth a nclentlflc study, "The Secret of the Totem." and Rider HaggarXs reporton his recent Investigation of the Salvation Army in America and elsewhere la Just out. It Is Illustrated with phot graphs taken by Miss Angela Rider Hag gard. who acted as her father's orlvate net retary throughout the Journey. Mr. Lang's new Christmas book. "Tho Red Book of Romance," and Miss Upton's "Golllwogg's Fox Hunt" aro the only Juvenile volumes on this firm's list. Among the many solid works is a six-volume "History of Diplo macy In the International Development of Europe," by David J. Hill, minister to Swilz erland. "Commander McTurk." Cutcllffe Hyne's latest creation, whose career Is now being exploited In tho Popular Magazine, certainly meets with some fearful and wonderful ad ventureseven more Interesting to read about, perhaps, than those of Mr. Hyne's previous well-known character. Captain Ket tle. In tho November Issue McTurk holds up romo ocean greyhounds on tho high s'ay. Jiut to demonstrate how easy It I ar.:l cjmcs near being hanged as a pirate frr rli pa'ts. There Is a vast assortment of othvr reading matter In this number. "The Man Who Did Not Commit Suicide." nn exeitlr r tale of a crisis In Wall street, by Edward Marshall, and "The Law and the Lawless." the story of a tussle with tho Steel Trust, by Richmond Arundel, comprise the novel ettes, and there are five serials. Including a new one. "The Mysterious Heathwole." by Howard FItzalan. Judging from the opening chapters, this last will prove a high1, en tertaining story. B. M. Bower contributes a -tale of ranch life. W. S. FltsGerald write of the amusing efforts of an actor to "get square" with a too captious critic. Lewis E MacBrayne Is responsible for a rattling good newspaper story, and Caroline Lockhart de scribes the adventures of a sprig of British nobility in a far Western community that did not, alas! appreciate him. Edwin Carlisle Lltsey, the author of "The Raco of the Swift." a new book of stories of wild animals in their Tiaunts. published by Little. Brown & Co.. Boston, has lived all his life In his native state. Kentucky In tho Summer of 1001, shortly after the de plorable Incidents resulting In tho assassin ation of Senator Goebel, In the famous Tay lor-Gocbel gubernatorial contest, and In which a mountaineer was suspected of firing the fatal shot, he was commissioned by Leslie's Magazine to go to the heart of the feud district and learn the truth concerning Kentucky feuds and their causes. He wen' to Manchester. Clay County, then a hot-bed of trouble, and with much, difficulty pro cured what he sought. A few months later his article was printed. In June. 1002. his first book, "The Love Story of Abncr Stone," was published. He has written sho- stories and verses for the magazines, and last Fall had the good fortune to share wtt'i two others the first prize of S1300 In the "Black Cat's" story contest. A character istlc of Mr, Litsey's stories of wild animals In "The Race of the Swift" Is that aUhrnigh Intensely interesting and exciting. thy are kept strictly within the range of prot-abl! lty; and the motives of action, such a hunger, rage, and a mother's Instinctive care, are all primary and elemental, sut'i as may fairly be supposed to exist In an! mals. The descriptions of the woods, of a bird's flight, of a storm, of a drought and other phases of forest existence In "Th Race of the Swift" are vivid and graphic An Important feature of Mr. Litsey's new book is the Illustrations by pharles Living ston Bull, who excels In drawing animals