I THE SUNDAY OBEGOXIAX, POKTIAKD, OOTOBKK XX, ltfUJT. 33 SHIPPING WHEAT FROM PORTLAND DOCKS THIS PORT LEADS THE WORLD IN THE VOLUME OF ITS EXPORT OF THIS CEREAL. sZZfi. 3B55SS3 -e. I I sr- zsxi. mma , TrTWX 2-ZECmrC COfVZYtt JN OFZKATIOl- From the time of sowing: until 1d final consumption 'wheat has an en chantment peculiarly Its own, and Its witchery has formed the groundwork for both romance and tragedy- Not the feast of Its fascination is its ship ment, and to see a steady stream of the golden cereal pouring into the hold of a vessel is ever alluring. Many factors enter into the process of transportation of the wheat from tho producer to the consumer, and the "pit," the railroads, the ocean, with all their side lines of labor, play the prominent part. Portland's foreign distribution of wheat requires a yearly average of something like 100 vessels the num ber sometimes going up to 150 and the loading of these ships is the final chapter in a story of sowing and reap ing, buying and selling. In the trans portation of the wheat the railroads are first utilized, and the wheat is brought to the docks by the train loads. Although examined and 'grad ed when bought, its arrival at the dock means a repetition of such exam ining and grading before it is loaded into the ships. The actual shipment of wheat for foreign ports begins with the sale of a cargo and the charter of a vessel. After the vessel is chartered and ar rives at the dock, the first work is to "line" her, which means the sheath ing of the hold with rough lumber, the latter covered with burlap or cheap cloth. This lining is done for the purpose of protecting tho grain cargo from dirt and dampness, and is performed by contractors engaged In this work, and commonly called liners." When the ship is lined the actual loading begins, in this work two distinct bodies are employed the longshoremen and the grainhandlers and there is in addition a Government inspector. Tho grainhandlers, -with their trucks, .form the first link in the cimin or loading. In a continuous procession they receive on their trucks 17 and 18 sacks of wheat from the piles In the docks, take them on the scales for weighing, pass the Gov ernment Inspector and deliver them either at the electric conveyor or to the chute. As in all other things, the labor and time-saving appliance has entered into grain loading; A few years ago when wheat was loaded into a vessel, the deck of which, owing to the stage of wafer, was lighter than tho dock, it was handled and lowered Into the hatch by means of slings, a slow method at best. Now electrical force has been brought into uset and the electric conveyor, by means of an endless belt, receives the sack of grain, carries it up the In clined plane and drops It into the hold as easily and quickly as it is thrown down the chute, as is done with lower vessels. In the transferring of the grain to tho conveyor or chute 50 and CO men withHrucks are employed. Two men take sacks off the truck and place them on the conveyor or chute, at the end of which there is a gang of '20 men to receive tho wheat and store it in the hold of tho ship. Such a crew can load from 600 to 700 tons of wheat dally. When the gralnhandler re ceives his ruckload of wheat on the dock he first takes it to the Scales, where it is weighed and branded with the consignee's distinctive mark. Passing from there, and before reach ing the ship,., each sack comes under tho careful scrutiny of a customs in spector, this Inspection being held In order- to confirm the bagmaker's claim for rebate. The material from which grain bags Is commonly made is prin cipally imported from Calcutta or some other foreign port, and under tho customs laws when this importod ma terial is exported in manufactured form a drawback is allowed- on the duty paid. Each bagmaklng firm places a distinctive mark on Its sacks, commonly a colored circle around the bag, and the customs inspector's duty a( the loading of a grain vessel ts to keep correct account of -the various marked sacks exported, so as to ver ify the lator claim for rebate by the bagmakers. After passing tho inspector the sacks of wheat are placed on either the conveyor or chute and dumped into the hatch of the ship. Below-thls hatch there is a crew of 20 longshore men, whose work Is to take the wheat into the hold.' When the last sack has been placed In the hold the hatch Is battered down and the transfer of the wh.eat to its far-off market begins with the sailing of the ship. THREE BOYS RUN AWAY Parents TJnablo to Find Tbcni Are Much Distressed. Efforts of the police to locate Harry Jones .Willie Baird and Basil Ray, miss ing since last Monday morning, have met with failure to date, and much anxiety. Is felt by the parents of the lads. They are aged 12. 13 and 10 yars. respectfully. Basil is the son of Mrs. S. C Ray, of 291 Second street- Harry is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Jones, SOS Third street, and Willie lives at Second and Clay streets. It is thought they all went, away together. The police are of tho be-' lief that they are on a trip through tho country, possibly bound for Seattle, where the mother of the Baird boy resides. Tho officials at Seattle have not located them yet, however, although asked to do so by the' local police. Harry Jones persisted in smoking ciga rettes last Sunday, and received a whip ping from his father. He was-ln a surly mood afterwards, and refused to go to school. He .arid Willie Baird were pupils In tho Shattuck School, while Basil Ray went to the North Central. It is thought too other boys, being older than he, coaxed him to accompany them on a tri; pf adventure. Harry Jones (s large enough to pass for 16 years of age. Both he and Willie Baird. have blue eyes; Basil has brown eyes. All wore knee trousers and caps. NOW FOR GREATER OREGON 3Iayor Wilkins Says Seed Has Been Sown for Great Harvest. EUGENE, Or., Oct. 20. (To the Edi tor.) Upon my arrival home I found your letter and telegram awaiting an answer. I regret not being able to com ply with your request to send In com munication for the Issue of October 13. but at this late date want to say, with out fear of contradiction, that Oregon is a bigger and better state for having held the Exposition; her people think more than ever of Its present and future greatness, and no one who visited this unique and boiled-down Fair will ever regret the money put Into It. While In Lane County, as In a other outlying districts, we have received but little direct benefit during the Summer, it was perfectly natural that we shouldn't, as the people were seeing tho Pair, and In order to do so. strict econ omy had to be practiced In many In stances, consequently the retail trade has suffered a loss of business. But It's only temporary, and the seed has been sown for a greater Oregon, and the harvest is Just as sure as. that the Exposition Is now closed. More than all else this great Fair has been an inspiration to the youth and manhood of the state, a comfort and pleasure to the pioneer, who laid the foundation for it all, and out of It will come the greatest good to one of the best states in the Union. F. M. WILKINS. Mayor, Eugene. ncsccrss items. If nabr la Cuttlax Teeth E ur and aan that old and well-tried rata djr. llrs. TVlrulow. Soothing Syrup, tor chil dren testhlnc It .ooth th child. ioJta th rum?, allay til rutin, cum wind coU t cud btarrbo.