The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1905, PART THREE, Page 31, Image 31

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Sunday Services in the Portland Churches
First, the White Temple, comer Twelfth
and Taylcfr streets. Rev. J. Whitcomb
Brougher, D. D., pastor Mornlnjr service.
10:20 o'clock, brief address by Rev. O. R.
Miller and sermon by Dr. Brougher on
"Doing the Impossible"; Bible school,
12:10; bright exercises. Interesting classes;
Young People's service, 8:30; leaders. P. B.
Van Nice- and Milton Runyan; popular
evening service, 7:30, Dr, Broughcr's topic,
"Paying the Fiddler." Special organ se
lections by Miss Grace Elizabeth Kemp.
The Temple Quartet, also choir and cho
rus, under the direction of Mr. Belcher,
will furnish special music Service will be
opened with baptism. .
St. Lawrence Churchy Third and Sher
man, Rev. J. C. Hughes, rector Masses,
7 and 9 A. M.; high mass, 10:30 A. M.; ves
pers and benediction, 7:30 P. M.
First, corner Park and Columbia streets,
E. S. Muckley, minister State Secretary
I E. Billlngton will speak at 10:30 A. M.
and 7:30 P. M.; Bible school at 12:15 P. JL;
Christian Endeavor at 6:30 P. M.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ, Scientist, Mor
rison and Lownsdale streets Services, 11
A. M. and S P. M.; subject of sermon,
"Everlasting Punishment"; Sunday school
at close of morning service.
Second Church of Christ. Scientist, Au
ditorium building, Third, beetween Taylor
and Salmon streets Sunday services. 11
A. M. and 8 P. M.; subject. "Everlasting
Punishment"; Sunday school 11 A. M., In
the reading-rooms; Wednesday meeting,
8 P.M. "
Christian Socialists.
Meet every Sunday at 3 P. M. at 162
Second street; subject. "Will Socialism
Destroy Holy Incentive?" Rev. J.florv.
Wells will speak. Free comment or criti
cism to follow.
First. Madison and Park streets, E.
It. House, D. D., pastor 10:30 A. M., ser
mon on subject "An Ancient Giant";
7:33 P. M., sermon on subject "Let Her
Drive"; 12:15 P. M., Sunday school, C
O. MIkle, superintendent; 6:30 P. M., Y.
P. S. C. E., Miss Ada Doernbecker,
leader. Miss X. Fisher choir director
and organist.
Dlvlrib Truth Center.
Divine Truth Chapel, hall 201 Allsky
building:, corner Third and Morrison
streets Services, 11 A. M., Thaddeus M.
Mlnard, pastor; Thursday, at 8 P. M.,
services at the home 383 Eleventh
Trinity, Nineteenth and Everett
streets. Dr. A, A. Morrison, rector
Holy communion, 8 A. M.; Sunday
school, 9:30 A. M.; morning prayer, 11
o'clock: evening- (the people's service),
7:30 o'clock, consisting' of an organ re
cital by Carl Deakon, speclaj choruses
by the choir and congregational sing
ing. All scats free. Everybody welcome.
Dr. Morrison -will preach.
St. Stephens' Chapel, Thirteenth and
Clay streets, Rev. H. M. Ramsey, priest
in charge Holy communion, 7:30 A. M.;
Sunday school, 9:45 A. M.; morning:
service, 11 o'clock; evening sqrvice,
7:30 o'clock. -On Fridays Litany service
at 4 P. M.
St. Mark's, corner Nineteenth and
QUImby streets. Rev. J. E. H. Simpson,
roctor Holy communion, 8 A. M.;. .holy
communion and sermon, 11 A. Mr; .eve
ning prayer and sermon, 7:30 o'clock;
"Sunday school. 10 A. M.
Chapel of the Transfiguration, For
esters Hall, 326 Washington street
hear Sixth Rev. W. R. Powell, chap
lain 'Service anil. sermon, 11 A. M.
St. Matthews First - and Caruthers
streets. Rev. W. A. M. Breck in charge
Holy communion, 7 :30 A. M.; service
and sermon', 11 A M.; Sunday school,
9.43 A. M. - v
Evangelical Association. "
First German, corner Tenth and Clay
streets, Thco. Schauer, pastor J. C.
Luckel Sunday school superintendent
Sunday school, 9:30 A. M.; worship and
sermon 10:45 A, M. and 7:45 P. M.; Y.
P. A., 7 P. M. ,
Iiatter-Day Saints.
The Reorganized Church of Jesus
Christ of Latter Day Saints meets in
Woodward Hall, ground floor Sab
bath school, 10 A. M.; preaching 11 A.
M. and 7:30 1 M.. by Elder W. S. Pen
der; Zlon's Religio-Llterary Society
convenes at 6:15 P. M. All are cordially,
invited to .attend these meetings.
St. James' English Lutheran, West
Park and aenerson streets, J. A. Leas,
pastor Services at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P.
M.; special music by the choir, under di
rection of Dr. J. B. Keefer; Sunday
school at 10 A. M.; Luther League, 7
P. M.
Norwegian Lutheran, 45 North Four
teenth street. Rev. J. M. Nervig, pastor
Services at 11 A. M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday
school meets at 9:45 A. M.; the Ladies'
Mission Society will meet Wednesday
afternoon with Mrs. Thora Tonseth,
Hunter Station. Mount Tabor.
Methodist Episcopal.
Taylor-Street Methodist, Dr. Francis
Burgette Short, pastor Classes,. 9:30 A.
M.; morning sermon, 10:30 A. M.; sub
ject, "The -True Dignity of Man"; Sun
day school, 12:15 P. M.; Ep worth League,
6:30 P. M.; Evening sermon, 7:30 P. M.;
subject, "Prayer," special music by the
great chorus.
Grace M. E., Twelfth and Taylor
streets, Clarence True Wilson, D. D.,
pastor Class meeting at 9:30 A. M.; pub
lic worship at 10:30 and 7:30; Sunday
school at 12:15 and Epworth League ves
per meeting at 6:30 - P. M. " The quartet
will conduct the morning music and
Quartet and chorus under the direction
of Professor William M. Wilder will
furnish the evening musical programme,
the new Methodist hymnal -will be used.
Professor Wentz will Interpret to the
deaf at the morning service.
Epworth Methodist Episcopal, Twenty
third and Irving streets, Henry T. Atkin
son, pastor Sunday school. 10 A. M.;
sermon, 11 A. M., "Fidelity to Trust";
Epworth League, 6:30 P. M.: sermon,
7:30, "Faith's Foundation"; all welcome.
3rethodist, South.
First Methodist Episcopal, South, 171
Second street, corner Yamhill, Rev. Em
ery H. Mowre, pastor Sunday school, 10
A M ; preaching, 11 A. M.. by Rev. C. L.
McCausland, presiding elder; Epworth
League, 7 P. M.; preaching, 8 P. M., Rev.
C. L. McCausland.
Millennial Dawn.
G. A. R. Hall, Second -and Morrison
streets Services at 2:30 P. M.
Calvary Presbyterian. Eleventh and
Clay-The pastor, Rev. William S. Gil
bert, will preach morning and evening;
10:30. "Ownership": 7:30, "The One Thing
Needful"; quartet choir; H. V. Mllligan,
organist and director.
The First Spiritual Society meets in
Artisans' Hall, Third street near Wash
ington; conference at 11 A. M.; Young
People's Club at 2:30 P. M.; at 8 P. M.
N. F. Raviln will lecture on the "Per
sonal Devil of Theology, and Why Does
Not God Kill Him. or Shut Him Up. so
He Can No Longer Deceive the Nations
of the Earth."
Bible Spiritualist Society. 309 Alder
street Conference at II A. M.; Mrs. Lll-
Han Naglo Foster will lecture at 8 P. M.
and B. F. Foster will give demonstra
tions of psychical phenomena.
Portland New Church Society Sunday
school, 10:30 A. M.; lay services, 11:30 A.
M.. Mulkcy building, second and Morrison
There will be a lecture at Allskv build
ing. Hall 300, Sunday evening.- Subject.
"Telepathy and Mind Cure." A cordial
invitation extended to all.
First, Yamhill and Seventh Rev. George
Crosswell Cressey, D. D., pastor Service,
with discourse on "The Great Practical
Doctrine of Christianity." U A. 2I4 Sun
day school, 12:30 P. M.
y. ar. c a.
Association Auditorium. 167 Fourth
-street Sunday, 3:30 P. M.. address by
iroiessor unarlcs Zueblin, of the Univer
sity of Chicago, on "Justice." Walter J.
Gill, tenor, will sing. All men aro cor
dially Invited. Scats free.
The class for the study of the Sunday
school lessons which has met at the
Young Mens Christian Association on
Saturday at noon for a number of years
Is to be resumed today. Dr. Clarence
Truo Wilson, pastor of Grace Methodist
Episcopal Church, has been secured to
teach this class. Each Saturday the les
son for the next day Is studied. The
class has been very popular In the past,
and at a meeting of the Sunday school
superintendents and officers last Wednes
day it was decided to make 4t larger this
year than ever before. The class meets
from 12:15 to 1 o'clock each Saturday
noon. There is no charge, and it is open
to men and women;
Christian Catholic Apostolic Church in
Zion.. Alisky building, Morrison, near
xnira, itev. jonn Alexander Dowie. first
apostle. Rev. Charles A. Hoy, elder in
charge 2 P. M., "Chalk Talk" at hall en
trance, on street: 3 P. M.. "Joy Derived
From the Most Glorious Employment of
Man"; 7:30 P. M., "Thy Speech Betrayeth
Thee; or, One Voico but Two Meanings."
Second, East Seventh and Ankony
streets. Rev. Stanton C. Lapham, pastor
Theme at 10:30 A. M.. "An Eternal' En
couragement": Roll day exercises will be
held by the Bible school at noon; Young
People's Union at 6:30; subject at 7:30,
"God's Way."
University Park Ray Palmer, D. D.,
who will in a few days start for the East
to join Dr. Wilbur Chapman in his evan
gelistic campaign for the coming season,
will preach at the University Park Bap
tist Church Sunday morning.
Calvary, East Eighth and East Grant
streets. A. Lawrence Black, pastor 10 A.
M., Bible school, with classes for all ages'.
J. W. Howell, superintendent; 11 A. M.,
divine worship, "The Secret of Christian
Perfection"; 6:30 P. M., Young People's
meeting. George Howard, leader: 7:30- di
vine worship, "The Evils of a One-Man's
umirch. and How to Remedy Them."
Baptist Church at St. Johns Services In
Advcntlst Church; Sunday school, 10 A.
m.; preaching by Rev. E. A. Leonard,
11 A. M.
Central, East Twentieth and Salmon
Rev. J. F. Ghormley, D. D.. will speak
at 11 A. M. on "Supreme Authority In
tne churcn"; 7:fr p. M., theme "Out of
Bondage"; Tevivul services; Sunday
school, 10 A. M.; Junior Endeavor, 3:30
P. M-: Senior Endeavor. 6:30 P. M.:
special music, -Mrs, McP.herson Gale,
chorister; Miss Eva Ryan, organist.
Rodney Avenue, corner. Rodney ave
nue and street. Rev. E. M Pat
terson, .minister Theme. 11 A. "The
Benefits of Prayer," and at 7:30 P. L,
- vjnucism ana the Goicen Rule"; Sun
day school at 10 A. M. and Christian
Endeavor at 0:30 P. M.; good music:
strangers welcome.
Church of God.
Church of God Chapel. 430 Haw
thorne avenue Sunday services, 2:30
and 7:30 P. M.; Sunday school, 1 P. M.;
prayer meeting, Wednesday, 7:30 P. M.
All are invited.
Sunnyslde Congregational, corner of
East Taylor and East Thirty-fourth
streets. Rev. J. J. Staub. pastor Morn
ing service at 11 o'clock with sermon
on "The Servant as His Master"; even
ing service at 7:30 o'clock, topic, "A
Sermon to Young Women"; Sunday
'school at 10 A. M.. S. C. Pier, superin
tendent; Junior Christian Endeavor. 3
P. !., Miss Edith Roe, superintendent;
Senior Christian Endeavor. 6:13 P. M.
Highland, cornerPrescott and East
Sixth street North, Rev. Arden M.
Rockwood. pastor Services Sunday,
October 22: Sunday school, 10 A. M.;
morning- service, 11 o'clock, sermon by
the pastor, "A Blessing for the Man
Who Is Down"; Junior Endeavor, 3 P.
M., Avis Ogderi; leader; evening serv
ice, 7:30 o'clock, sermon by the pastor,
"A Go'd' Who Is. a God."
MlsslsslppI-Avenue Congregational,
corner Mississippi avenue and Fre
mont, William L. -Upshaw. .pastor
Sunday school, 10 A. M., M. E. Thomp
son, superintendent; preaching by the
pastor at 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M..
morning subject, "Ideal Manhood";
evening, "The Greatest Sentence That
"Was Ever Written"; 1 Christian En
deavor meets at 6:30. subject, "Sacred
Songs That Have Helped."
Hassalo-Street Congregational, East
Seventh'Btreet North and Hassalo. Rev.
Charles E. Chase, pastor Services,
-with sermon, at 10:30 A. M.; 'Sunday
school at 12, W. H. Morrow, superin
tendent; Christian Endeavor at 6:30
P. M.; service, -with sermon, at 7:30
P. M.
v University tPark Congregational,
Artisan's Temple, Portsmouth, Rev. D.
B. Gray, pastor At 11 A.' M. supply;
Sunday school, 10 A. M.
Laurelwood Congregational, Axleta
Hall Preaching at 7:30 P. M. by Rev.
D. B. Gray.
Good Shepherd, Sellwood street and
Vancouver avenue, Alblna, Rev. John
Dawson, rector Sunday school, 10 A.
M.; morning prayer, 11 A. M.; evening
prayer, 7:30 P. M.
St. David's Episcopal, East Twelfth
and Belmont streets. Rev. George B.
Van 'Waters, D. D. rector Morning
prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock; even
ing prayer, 7:30; Sunday school, 9:45
A. M.
St. John's Memorial, Sellwood, Rev.
W. R. Powell in charge Service and
sermon at 3:45 -P. M.; Sunday school at
2.45 P. M. .
St. Paul's, Woodmere, C. L. Parke,
lay missionary Service and sermon at
3 P. M.
Free Methodist.
Free Methodist Church, corner of East
Ninth and Mill, John Glen. pastor
Preaching at 11 A. M., followed by testi
mony meeting.
William J. Sham. Christian Endoavnr
field secretary of Oregon and Washington.
win speais. in ine rnejias c;nurcn at
Runnvslde. corner of Thlrtv-flfth ami
Main, this evening, October 2L Admission
is freeT
Norwegian Synod, corner East Tenth
and Grant streets. O.- Hagoes, pastor
Services in Norwegian at 11 A. M.; even
ing services In English -at 7: CO; Sunduy
school at 9:30 A. M. - Y. P. S., Thursday
evening at &
" Bcthanla Danish Lutheran Church, cor
ner Union avenue and Morris street, Gud
mund Grillr pastor Sunday service, 8 P.
M. Sunday school, 12:15 P. M.
Centenary, corner East Pine and Ninth
streets, William H. Heppe, DAD., pastor
Theme at 10:30 A. 2L, "Identlficatfcn
With Christ Through the Cross"; evening
second sermon on "Doubts: Causes and
Removal"; morning class, 9:20; Sunday
school, 12:15; juniors 'and Jntermedlates.
4 P. M.; Epworth devotional, 6U5 P. M.
Music by chorus choir.
Trinity, East Tenth and Grant, Rev.
Harold Oberg, pastor Service with sermon
at 11 A. M theme' "Tho Friends of
Christ"; service with sermon at 7:30 P. M..
theme "Knights of tho White Feather";
Sunday school at 10-A. M., superintend
ent Miss Townsend; Epworth League at
6:30 P. M. Take Sellwood car to East
Grant, or Woodstock car to East Tenth.
Sunnyslde Methodist Episcopal Church,
on Yamhill, between Thirty-fifth and Thirty-sixth
streets, T. B. Ford, pastor; par
sonage, 1S5 East Thirty-fifth street; pastor
at homo every forenoon- except Monday,
and Thursday afternoons. Services Sunday
as follows: 10 A. M., Sunday school,
Charles A. Gatzka, superintendent: 11 A.
M., Tsermon by tho pastor; 13 M.; class
meeting. J. B. Kelly, leader; : P. M.,
Junior League and children's classes,
Mary Shaver, superintendent and leader;
6:15, -devotional meeting of tho Epworth
League, Hugh C. Krum. president, and
Miss Yoe. leader; 7:30 P. M.. preaching
services by the pastor. Strangers arc cor
dially Invited- to all our services. Mid
week service, Thursday, 7:30 P. M.
Sellwood Methodist Episcopal Church
Sunday school. 10 A. M-; preaching by C.
A. Lewis, 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.; Ep
worth League. 6:45 P. M., Miss Delia
Qampbell, president.
First Cumberland, cornor Twelfth And
East Taylor streets. Rev. E Nelson Allen,
pastor 1030 A. m., sermon on 'The Battle
Royal of tho -Angels and the Demons for
the Soul of Jean Valjean"; 12 M., Sunday
school; 6:30 P. M., musical service by tho
choir and instrumental talent.
United Evangelical. .
Second Church, corner Fargo and Kerby
streets. Rev. J. Bowersox, pastor Proaoh
Ing, 11 A. M. and 750 P. M.: "Sunday
school, 10 A. M.; Junior Endeavor, 5 P. M.;
K.LC.E.7P. M.
First, corner East Tenth and Sherman
streets. Rev- A. A. Winter, pastor 10 A.
M.. Sunday school, with special rally day
exercises; 11 A. M.. "The Relation of Par
ents to the Sunday School": 6:30 P. M.,
IC L. of C E. meeting; 7:30 P..M., an
nual rally day celebration; select pro
pramnie arranged for this service.
United Evangelical, at Ockley Green
Sunday school at 2:30 P. M.; preaching.
3:30 P. M.. by Rev.-.V A. Winter.
The United Evangelical Church, corner
of John and Ivanhoe streets. St. Johns,
E. E. McVlckor. pastor Subject. 11 A.
M., "The Trinity of the Godhead"; 7:30
P. M., lecture, "Tho Priests and Levites,
Who Are They?" Sunday school. 10 A.
M.; Junior K. L. a E.. 2:30 P. M.; Senior
IC L. C. E., 6:30 P. M.
First. East Couch and East Eighth
W. F. Small, pastor. 11 A. M- sermon.
"Has the Unlversnlist Church Lost Its
Job?" 10 A, M.. Sunday school.
NEWbooks aXthe Library are as fol
lows: . 4 .
Clement, W. Christianity In modern :
Japan, .J1. .'. .... ..Z52 C625
Comstock. -GL C.: Text-book of field
astronomy for engineers (19C3)...S22 C739
Gelkie, Sir Archibald. Scenery of
Scotland in connection with Its
physical geology (1901) 551.1 G312
Campbell. Mrs. H. S. Easiest way in
housekeeping and cooking 640 CISOe
Godfrey, C How to mix paints (IXC).
- 09S.1 G5S3
Kinealy. J. H. Centrifugal fans (IMS).
61.6 K51
(Including Amusements.)
Blashfleld, E. H., and Mrs. E. W.
Italian cities 709.15 B6
Davis, R. H. Miss Civilization.. 73 D264
Geffroy, Gustavo. National gallery.
. , R703.2 G299
Gibson. L. H. Beautiful houses..72SG413b
Longfellow. W. P. P. (ed.). Cyclo
paedia of works of architecture in
" Italy, Greece and the Lcvant.R720JI LS
Lynch. R. L Book of the Iris.. 716.2 L3S7
Newman. Ernest. Musical studies.TSO N55S
Romney, George. Romney. by T. IL
Ward and William Roberts
RB753.2 R7CSW
Brown, Alice. By oak and thorn,.!..
. 911.2 BS77
McGary. L. V. American girl in
Mexico J17.2 M115
McLaln, J. S. Alaska and the Klon
dike 1.917.9S M161
Bain, R. N. Scandinavia; a political
history , 91s B162
Allabcn, Frank. Concerning genealo
gies 329 A11S
McCarthy, Justin. British politioal
portraits 93 M123
Balzac Honore de. Honorc de Balzac
by M. F. Sandars BB1SS Sa
Erasmus. Desidcrlus. Erasmus, by
E. F. H. Capey BE63 C
Gladstone. W. E. Life of William
Ewarb Gladstone, by H. W. Paul
BG543 P
Jackson. Andrew, 7th President of the
United States. General Jackson, "by
James Parton BJ13 Pg
THOMAS, G. H. General Thomas, bv
Henry Coppce .....BT456 C
v , - FICTION.
At the sign of the fox, by Barbara.. ASSla.
uoj-escn. ti. tu i-xiiconDerg B791f
Cholmondeley, Mary. Danvcrs Jewels.
Fraser. Mrs. M. (C). Maid of Japan;
Mason, A. E. W. Courtship of Mor-- .
rice Buckler M33Sc
Sedgwick. Paths of judgment SllSp
Abbot. W. J. Battle fields of 6L
J973.7 AT23ba
Goose. Mother. Mother Goose: . or
National nursery rhymes, set to
music bv J. V. Elliott itki rra
"Grant, U. S. Reminiscences by per
sonal friends of General U. S.
Grant: comp. by J. L. Post JBG763P
Huntington. Fayc, pseud. Stories of
great men -. J920 H949
Shakcspt-are. William .'Story of the
tempest; retold by A. S. Hoffman..
tu JSU7h
Prorcssor Zueblin "Will Speak.
Charles Zueblin, professor of sociology
at the University of Chicago, will give an
address, for men only, at the Young
Men's Christian' Association this. after
noon. His topic -will be "Justice." The
meeting tills afternoon will be at 3:30
o'clock and will be without charge, but
for men only. Walter J. Gill will sing a
tenor solo and Professor Wilder will have
charge of a song service.
Balance of Power Convention.
With the Indorsement of the Portland
Ministerial Association and the State
Anti-Saloon League, a "Balance of
Power Convention" has been called for
Monday night, at the T. M. C A. audi
torium, lta promoters. Jiave Issued the
following statements as to its objects:
"It will be a. non-partisan mass con
vention for the purpose of organizing
for the nomination and election of the
In Laundry and Kitchen s
Soft, White Hands and Hygienkally Clean Clothes
Borax Is the World's Greatest Cleapser
best available candidate? for the county
and state offices to be filled at the
coming election. A. F. Flegel. Miller
Murdock and Dr. E. JP. Hill , have been
secured to speak upon corruption In 'ma
chine politics. clean government and
law enforcement. This Is a movement
which has already planted itself In
Union. Umatilla. Lane and Linn counties,
and the other counties ofthe state will
be organized as rapidly as possible. Its
promoters believe It to be the harblngor
of a better order of things, v A state
Senator said: 'It will give you the con
trol of the entire state. "
How tlic Gelatine Proposes to Visit
Mirny Cities.
To draw a speedy conclusion, one would
naturally believe that everything in the
way of .traveling shows from the mon
strous circus with its multitudinous at
tractions down to the wandering gypsy
camp had been conceived and" realized. !
But It Is not so.' Here In Portland a new
schome has broken upon the minds of
Aeronaut George T. Towllnson. owner of
the famous airship Gelatine, and his
backer In the new project. A. K. Knox,
and but a few weeks will elapse before
the realization.
Tomllnson left last night for Syracuse.
N. Y., whernja new motor Is being man
ufactured that, according to Aeronaut
Tomlinson. will revolutionize the- pattern 1
or motors ror airship work. It Is there
in Syracuse that a complete outfit, con
sisting of an oiled silk" bag, 17 lect In
diameter., carriage or body, gas plant and
tenting wljrbe purchased. In preparation
for the carrying out of this novel scheme.
Speaking of the scheme. Tomllnson said
yesterday: "We realize that it is an .un
tried, proposition, but feel sure that It
will succeed both financially and educa
tlonally. Yes, we hope foiymore than a
We Give Our Patients the Benefit of the -Latest
Discoveries In Medicine and Surgery
We cure all curable complaints in the shortest time. "We perforin all
necessary surgical operations; but avoid the Ifnife whenever possible. Our
institute is the oldest as well as the best known in the Northwest. No ex
pense will be spared' in giving our patients the best treatment known in
their several diseasc5. ' ,
Latest improved batteries used by a specialist, who can tell at once if
Electricity will beneSt.
We treat successfully all private, nervous and 'chronic diseases, also
blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles We cure all con
I'mled diseases by a new method "in a week." The doctors of this institute
arc all regular graduates; have had mapy years' experience, have a reputa
tion to maintain, and will undertake no case unless certain a cure can be
effected. If you are doubtful deposit, fee and pay when cured. Thousands
cured by mail. t
Consultation free.' Letters confidential. - '
lf.y6u cannot call,. write for question blank. . LiSfructiva book for men
mailed free, sealed in plain wrapper on application. '
9 A. 31. to 5 P. M. aad 7 to S i;. 3f.
Dr. W. Morton
Offices In Van
The Only
Sold By: AH Grocers
dollar-and-cent success what we want is
to have tho American public see what wc
have and become firm believers In the
future posbllltlcs of the dirigible air
ship. We will start from Los Angeles
about a month hence for a few months'
sail, as It were, across the states, reach
ing New. Orleans In-time to give an ex
hibitionduring the Mardl Gras Jubilee. I
admit that It will appear as a circus In
character, but "people of intelligence arc
bound to be .Interested, and they are the
ones and .the sole ones we desire. Our
exhibition will create interest In the edu
cated mind, and that Is what means the
success of the whole thing, the birth of a
desire among the public ior successful
solving of the practical airship problem.
If wo but pay expenses and do create this
Interest we will be satisfied. This is a
thing that Is to be done: our 'hot air is
all inside the silk bag. Yes, it Is true we
depend on Uiot air for the success of this
worthy undertaking."
Farewell Reception to Pastor.
A delightful farewell reception was
given by Grace Baptist Church. Monta
villa. Friday evoning to its retiring pas
tor and wife. Rev. and Mrs. G. A. Learn.
The meeting was under the auspices of
the Young People's Society. Miss Alice
Pfckthorn gracefully presiding.
An excellent literary and musical pro
gramme was given, followed by brief ad
dresses by Rev. J. W. Brougher. Rev. E.
M. Bliss. Rev. Ray4 Palrer und Superin
tendent Smith of the Sunday school. .AH
spoke warmly of the splendid home and
church life of Mr. and Mrs. Learn.
During the four years of Mr. Learn's
pastorate the church house has been en
larged and beautified and many have been
added to the church. After the pro
gramme 'refreshments were served and a
social hour spent.
Mr. and Mrs. Learn go tbvtake up their
new work at Sellwood. followed by the
love and good will of hundreds of friends.
Merino Eye Rtcsedy Cures Eye: Makes Weak
Cfe Stronr. Soothe Ky Pain: Doesn't Smart.
Saadnjn aad IIoIIdayM 16 to 13 A. 3t
Davis & Co.
Noy Hotel '
A Voyage to Japan and China
Best made via the
Great Norton Steamship Company
Shortest and most comfortable route to
the Orient.
And Is equipped with all modern devices
for the comfort and safety of a large
number of passengers. All cabins outside
rooms and amidships. This is the season
of the year for an excursion to Oriental
ports. The entire round voyage can be
made on the same ship. Remember our
steamers are fast and commodious and
afford passengers unexcelled service.
For further Information apply to any
railroad ticket asentror to:
A. D. CHARLTON. 225 Morrison st.
H. DICKSON, 122 Third sL
W. W. KING. General Passenger Asent.
Seattle. U. S. A.
Portland, The Dalles Route
Regulator Line Steamers
Leave Portland and The Dalles daily
except Sunday 7 A. M., connecting
with Columbia River & Northern
Railway for Klickitat Valley Points.
Direct line for Moffets, Mineral;
St. Martin's and Collins Hot Springs.
Landing and' wharf at foot of Alder
'Phone Main 914.
Cltr Ticket Offlce. 122 Third St Phone 680.
The Tlyer and the Fast Mall.
S:30 A. M.
.11 J P. M.
7:00 A. M.
8:50 P. M
Via Seattle
C:13P. M.
Via Spokane f 8:00 A.M.
(O. It. & N. Co.)
SalUnsH from Seattle.
6. S. Mlaaenota. Nov. S; S. S. Dakota. Dec. 1C
for span and China Ports and Manila.
(Japan Mall Steamship Co.)
Sails lYom Seattle tor Japan. China and AH
Anlatic Ports Abont October 24.
For tickets, rates, berth reservations, etc.,
call on or address
II. DICKSONV C. P. & T. A.. Portland. Or.
North Pacific S. S. Co.'s
Steamship Roanoke
2500 TONS
! Sails for San. Francisco and.' Los
Angeles, calling at Eureka en route,
Tuesday, October 24, at 8 P. M., from.
Columbia Dock No. 1. Ticket office
251 Washington St. Phone M. 1314. !
H. YOUNG Agent.
Leave Oak-SL Dock, 2 blocks north of
Washington St, dally. Cascade Locks
and return, round trip $1. 8:30 A. M.
Sundays, 9 A. M.
"Jefferson.' Oct. 10, 20. 30, 0 P. 31.
"Dolphin," Oct. 5. 15. 23, 3 P. 31.
HAINES. SKAGWAY. Cohnectir with
AV. P. & 1. route for Atlln. Dawson.
Tanana. Nome, etc.
On excursion trips steamer calls at
Sitka. Metlakahtla. Glacier, Wranget.
etc. In addition to regular ports of
Call or send for "Trip to Wonderful
Alaska." 'Indian Basketry," "Totem
Frank Woolsey Co.. Agents.
252 Oak St. Portland. Or.
S.F. & Portland Steamship Co.
Operating- the Only Pawwaser Steamers for
. Saa Francisce Direct.
Sailing Dates From Portland October 23,
2S; November 2. 7, 12. 17. 22,-27"'
From Atnsworth Dock (End of ad st.) at
S P. M.
Berth .aad 3feal Included.
Phase Mala 28. 21$ Wasalairtoa St.
Throush Pullman UniUxd ana touru:
leeploc-cars dally to Omaha. Cblcaxo dpa
kane; tourist leeplnc-car dally to Kansa
City; tbroush Pullman tourist alceplnjj-ca?
pcrconsllr conducted) weekjy tf Cblcaro
RecUnins chair-car (seats :rt) to jz
.Leave, j Arrive.
Fi CAU O-PO KTU.V.N U ;0:15 .
vIMJunHniwn. '"'
I Dally. I Dally.
For Eaatera Washington. Walla Waltx.
Lewiston. Coeur eTAlenn aad Great Xorthera
foe the- Uiat vl Hunt- 3-15Sl V'
:13 A. M.
FOR ASTORIA" andS:0o P. ii.
3;0U P.
ay points, conneUn;
wun steamer lor Hwa
co and North Byaclw
ateanier Hassalo. Ash
it. doc (tcater. per.)
0:00 P. M.
FOr. DAYTON. Orr-7:00 A.
can City and Yamhill Dally.
Klver points, Aan-st.' except
dock (water per.) i Sunday.
o:u P. X
For Lew 18 tan. Idaho, and way point Xroca
Hi carta. Wajh.
Leave JtlpSrla 5;40 A. M. or upon arrival
train No. 4. Sunday. Tuesdav and Thursday.
"Arrive Hiparia -1 P. IL. Monday. Wednes
day and Sa.urday.
Ticket OZflce. Third and Washington.
Telephone Mala ?1J. C. XV. Stlnser. City
Ticket Agt.i A. L. CraJ-, Gen. passenxer Ajt.
EAST via
Piccsa -i.ltAi.Sd
'or ale. Kunt
3urc. AsUmuu.
SuK.iuisentt, tfji
a'u, snu. n rouLir
i;ic, cl Pmi,
Nc. oricj
tn a-C
iloiuiu Irate
.'uuuecu at- v !
liuru uali cicty.
:uuuuy vvxth iia.l.
lur Atuunt Ani,
SliVtt.wu. IStuiVUJ.
iiugeno . pasaense;
connects tft V'oud
auru with ilu Aa
el una aiivrtu3
arvallls pajv-ngfr
Sheridan puacnr
Forest Grov.
8:t3 P. M.
.2i A. H.
8:30 A. M.
3:55 P, UL
6;CO P. iL
10:33 A. ii.
TM) a; it.
0 P. M.
5:3n p. ii
a. Jfc
.1:50 P. M-
tI0: P. iL
Dally. JDally except Sunday.
Depot. Foot or Jefferson Street.
Leave Portland dally tot Oswego at 7:33
A. M.; 1:2:30, :u5. 4. 5:ao. U:U0, 7:45. 10:lu.
11:30 P. M.. Dally except Sunday. 3:30. 0:3V.
:33, I0:S3 A. M. Sunday only. 0 A. M.
Raturnlny from Oovveuo, arrive Portland,
dally. 8:30 A. M.; 1:53, 3:03. 4:53. C:UW. 7:3-.
U:55. 11:10 P. M., 12:33 A. JJ. Dally xcept
Sunday. 0:23. 7:23, 0:30, 11:43 A. M. Sunday
only. 10 A. M. -
LeAve rrom same depot tor Dallas and la.
termedlate points, dally. 0:00 P. M, Arrtv
Portland. 10:10 A. 21.
The lndependense-Moumouth Motor Lln
nnrat dally to Monmouth and Alrlle. con.
nectlnc with S. P. Co4 trains at Dallas aui
Flrst-dlasa faro from Portland to Sacra
mento and San Francisco, $20. Berth, $3.
Second-class tare, $15. Second-cIas4 ber.n.
Tickets tQ Eastern points and Europe; alsj
Japan. China. Honolulu and Australia.
CITTl TICKET OFFICE, corner Third and
Washington streets. Phono ilaln 71-.
City Ticket Acent. Gen. Pass. Agt.
Dcsart. Arrira.:
Tallowstone Park-Kansas
City, St. Louis Special
tor Chehalls. Centralla.
Olympla. Gray' a Harbor.
South Bend. Tacoma
Seattle, Spokane. Law- i
iaton. Butts, Billings.
Denver, Omaha. Kan
sas City. St. Louis and
fioutbeaat 8:30 a a 4:30 y a
North Coast Limited,
electric Jlchted. for Ta- ".
coma. Seattle. Spokane.
Butte. Minneapolis. St.
Paul aijd tu East.... 2:00 pm 7:00 a
Pueet Sound Limited for
Chehalls. Centralla. Ta- . '
coma and tieattl only. 4:30 pm 10:33 p a
Twin City Express for
Tscoma. Seattle. Spo- ' '
kane. Helena, Butte,
Yellowstone Park. Min
neapolis. St. Paul and
ib Bait 11:45 p m. 8:33 pa
A. D. Charlton. Assistant General Passen
ger Asent. 253 Morrison st., corner Third.
Portland. Or.
Astoria and Columbia
River Railroad Co.
Leaves. UNION DEPOT; j Ayrlvi.
UtiUy. For Msygers. italnler. -Daily,
Claukunle. Westport.
Cllftua. Aktorlo. War- .
reman, Flaval. Ham
(:00 A.M. mond. Fort Stevoas. 1 1 ;20 A. il.
Gearhart Park. SWa
tlde. Astoria and dra.
Express Dally.
7.00 P. M AstqrU Expff ji. fl:5o p. M-
I Dally.
Coutn'l Aet.. 243 Alder it. G. F. P. A.
PbonavMatn 'JOS.
For South Eastern Alaska
Steamers leave. Seattle U i'r ii.
. s. Humboldt, s. s. city
tof Seattle. S. S. Cotta Clt.
October lu. 13. 17. 21. 2a. 27.
I For San Francisco direct
Qutn. City of I'urbla, Ca.
Portland Office. 24'J Washington Main 221
San Fr4actco.
Steamers Altona and Oregona
For Oregon City. Buttevttle, Champo.
Netvbere. Salem and way landings. Leavs
Taylor street. B:45 A. M. dally, except Sun
day. Oregon city Transportation Co.. Phone
Mala 40.