THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, POBTLAXD, pCTOBER 22, 1905. 21 HELP W ANTE D MA LE. CANADIAN EMPLOYMENT CO.. 119 Burnside St- Main 3074. 221 Morrison St. Main 1323. WANT TODAY: Hooktender. $3 up; one, bulls $00 board; nec-ond fallcr. $2.75; 2 buckers, $2.50; 8 at S2.75. 2 rigging; rustier. $2.50; 5 at $2.75; 2 chasers. $2.75; sniper. $2.30; barkers. $2.25 up, swampers, $2.25 up; 10 ekldroad men. $2 up; 10 lor, Gray's Harbor, $2.50; 20 la borers and section men, log railroad, $2 and $2 25. 3 signal boys. $1.60; 50 mill and yard men. $2; bench hand, S. & D., $3; cabinet maker, showcases. $2.50 up; lather qn con tract, laborers, city, $2 and $2.25; teams, -rapers. $4.50. with wagone $5, haul wood r.Oc up; land clearing, $20 acre up; grubbing, SO acres, contract; 50 wood choppers, 75c and fcOr. etavebolt cutters, $1.25; potato diggers, 11 - sack; farmhands and milkers, $25 up. R. R. "WORK. EAST. Laborers and teamsters, $2.25, free pass. Plenty of other work. New orders dally. OFFICE HOURS 7 A M. to 11:30 P. M. t-ally. OPEN SUNDAY. Don't Forget Street and Number. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 2 house carpenters, B. R. depot work. $3, free faro; 2 machine drlllmen. $3: tool sharp ener, $3; head taller. $3; second. $3; buck crs. $2."75; woods laborers. $2.25; quarry drillers and laborers. $2.50; free fare; la borers, teameters, rockmen, for Eastern Ore gon, Eastern Washington and Idaho, free fare, a year's work; gold quartz miners and nrur-ioira. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. 26 North Second st., open this morning. MAX "WANTED EXPERIENCE UNNECES sary If honest, ambitious and willing to learn the real estate business thoroughly by mall and cam $300 to $500 a "month as our special representative In your own locality: write quick before territory Is covered. Fulr particulars free. National Co-operative Realty Co., 778 Athenaeum bide., Chicago. SALESMEN BEST SIDE LINE EVER OF fered, Irresistible advertising plan; argu ments enough for poor salesmen to "win out; pood salesmen clear $150 to $250 month and not Interfere with regular line. Sample case free. E. B. Lord, Dept. 90, Omaha, Neb. ALL DISEASES OF MEN 6UCCESSFULY treated; discharges positively cured In from S to 6 days; consultation free and strictly confidential; eend for our symptom blank. X-Radlum Medical Institute, 3d and Alder sts., entrance 253 Alder st.. Portland. "WANTED YOUNG MAN, 17 TO 20 YEAilS of age, in typewriter wpalrshop; roust be quick and willing to work good advance ment to right party; also three good type writer salesmen. Apply In person immediate ly, L. & M. Alexander & Co., 122 3d st. SALESMAN BY ESTABLISHED PATENT medicine Iiouee, high-grade specialty man. not only a salesman himself but capable cf training others; good bitters man con sidered, full particulars must be given con fidentially. Box 555, Chicago. W ANTED A FEW BRIGHT. EXPERI enced, energetic commercial salesmen, men who are capable of earning large salaries; ptaplo line for retail trade; old-established house, write at once. Address P. O. box 41, Minneapolis, Minn. "V NTED PERSON TO CALL ON RETAIL trade for manufacturing house, local terri tory, ralary $25. -paid weekly; expense money aivanred previous experience unnecessary. Mnerloan Housiy Star bldg., Chicago. SALESMAN GOOD MAN TO FILL OREGON vacancy, contract balance this year and next 1? sales satisfactory; commissions and $35 weekly for expenses. "W. S. Flnley Co., 630 548 Euclid ave.. Cleveland. O. "W ANTED YOUNG MAN TO TRAVEL AND organize for the new compilation of the lo caJ and Government survey sheets; pre- :ous experience as salesman not essential. A Jdress L 7. care Oregonlan. R ULWAY MAIL CLERKS FOR POSITIONS In Oregon; 10 men -wanted to prepare for lomlng examination; beginning salary $800. See at once E. O. Heynen. 12 Breeden b!dg, 253 Washington st "W VNTED TRAVELING SALESMAN, PER mcnent position, with -attractive line, carry ing unsurpassed advertising features to re tail merchants; good pay to willing work ers. Box 574, Chicago, 111. " ANTED EXPERIENCED INSURANCE so licitor for a big company with a good line of expirations; also a real estate business In connection; a fine opportunity for an active man. W 4, Oregonlan. V ANTED MEN, EVERYWHERE, GOOD pay, to dlstrtbuto circulars, adv. matter, tak slgna. etc.; no canvassing. Address National Distributing Bureau, 100 Oakland Bank bldg.. Chicago. 111. MEN AND BOYS WANTED TO EARN $5 dav: after two months Instruction: poBltlon guaranteed. Coyne Bros. Co.. Plumbing School? .New York, Cincinnati. 0 St. Louis, Mo. (Free catalogue.) 1 ANTEDTRAVELING SALESMAN FOR Eastern Oregon and Western Idaho; jnust be thoroughly familiar With rubber footwear, tic thing and mechanical goods. Address N (t, curi Oregonlan. A GENTLEMAN OF LARGE EXPERIENCE a successful traveling salesman; roust have best reference, good address, tact and en ergy, staple line; top salary to right party. M 09, Oregonlan. t WANTED TRAVELING SALESMAN. NOW engaged, to handle our goods as a side line In Oregon; high-grade staple line; liberal c -mmlsslons. The W. H. Coffin Fish Co Seattle, Wash. TRAVELING SALESMAN TO SELL SPRING Cress goods, shirtings, etc. direct Iron nail t- retail stores; good commission; proftaWe ride 'Ine. Schuylkill Mills, box 1102. Phlla de'rshla. Pa. CAPABLE SALESMAN TO COVER OREGON with staple line; high commissions, with $100 monthly advance; permanent position to right man. Jess II. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. ADVERTISING SOLICITOR'S LIBERAL commission; newspapers, magazines, pro grammes, fraternal publications, religious periodicals. 038 Chamber of Commerce. MEN and women to learn watcbmkg, ea gravlng. jewelers wk: only prat school for Jewelers; money made learn' c. Watchmkg Engrav. School, P. L bldg.. Seattle. A MAN WHO HAS ASSOCIATED WITH tramps or hoboes In Oregon, Idaho and 1 ashlnyinn. to -assist author In writing book on subject. O 4, Oregonlan. DFTETTIVES WANTED FOR PROFITABLE secret service work, to act under orders; no experience necessary. Write Webster's De tective Agency, Des Moines, la. "V ANTED SALESMEN TO SELL KEN tucky whiskies and blends, case and barrel gods. to jobbers and saloons. Address L. D Addison, Louisville. Ky. $78 PER MONTH. EXPENSES ADVANCED. ClstrlH managers to travel, leave samples and advertise our goods. Kuhlmon Co., Dept. B-10. Chicago. III. WANTED A PARTY WHO THOROUGHLY understands the oyster business to solicit -iy trade and have charge over openers. B It. care Oregonlan. W ANTED YOUNG MAN "WHO CAN IN struct In higher mathematics; one or two r ,ghts weekly; private lessons. Y 09. Ore 's isnlan. SALESMEN ADVERTISING NOVELTIES, earn $100 a week taking orders; no collect ing Shellonlte Co.. box 000, Manchester. N. H, T0 GOOD STOCK SALESMEN WITH brains and ability; local corporation; prom inent men; legitimate proposition. . F 1. Ore rorlan. INVEST $250 AND SERVICES. SECURE half interest in cash business, with salary $75 per month; no trlflenr. 617 Commercial b:,?g, WANTED FIRST CLASS CLOTHING SALES man, rood references; salary $140 per mo. 291 Morrison, room II. "V VNTED-A HUSTLER TO TAKE HALF interest In manufacturer's agency; good 'Ine. P 4. Oregonlan. WANTED A YOUNG MAN FOR DRESSING fish, packing orders; one experienced. F care Oregonlan. BOY TO GO ERRANDS AND MAKE HIM eK useful; In a wholesale house. Franklin & Co. 134 Front. GOOD APVERT1SING MEN WANTED-AP-rly M nday 0 A. M.. German Publishing Co.. 2022 Second st. YOUNG MAN FOR GROCERY: EXPBRI enced; must be honest and willing to work. J 2, Oregonlan. FIRST-CLASS BROILER AND LUNCHMAN. Address O. M. Campbell. 320 James St., Se attle, Wash. WANTED A RELIABLE MAN WHO HAS had some experience as a candymaker. E 00. Oreronlan. WANTED MAN TO LEARN BARBER trade, good chance; csome money required. D SO, Oregonlan. WANTED-COREMAKER. HEACOCK & Lawrence Iron Works. East Oth and Bel mont sis. WANTED GOOD TAILOR BY THE WEEK; steady work. Call Monday. Pierce Co., 298 Russell t- , A PORTER. PORTLAND RESTAURANT. 303 Washington street. HELP WANTED MALI. Wanted Men to learn bareer; steady practice: expert laetructlots. Writs for terms, Glllman'a Callege, S7 Clay t 8. F. WANTED HIGHEST PRICE PAID FOR men's castoff clothing, old shoes, trunks. Uncle Joe. 50 3d, nr. Pine. Phone- Paclfio 40. WASTED-SOLICITORS. $3 TO $5 PER DAY, salary or commission. Call or write W. R. Taylor & Co., room 8, Labbe bldg., Portland. California wine depot; keaaquarter bakers, cooks, waiters, bartenders. All wines &o per glass. P. LoratL 148 4th. Clay 1501 WANTED HUSTLERS TO TACK SIGNS, distribute circulars, samples, etc.; good pay. Sun Advertising Bureau. Chicago. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED AND Re liable carpet salesman. Apply at superin tendent's office. Olds, Wortman & King. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED AND RE liable carpet salesman. Apply at Superin tendent's office. Olds, Wortman King. WANTED A STRONG BOY OVER 16 YRS. old to run e!exator. Apply bet. 8 .And 9 A. M., Monday, L Gevurtz Son. 173 1st. WANTED FIRST-CLASS MEN IN PORT land and throughout state to solicit busi ness. Call or write 007 McKay bldg. SINGLE YOUNG MAN OF GOOD ADDRESS to travel and soUclt; t-eferences. Call 1 to 3 P. M.. room 14. 381 Yamhill st. WANTED STENOGRAPHER, SHOE SALES man; eee us for position wanted. Business Men's Clearlng-House, 110 2d. 50 BOLT-CUTTliRS WANTED. APPLY AT Western Cooperage Co.. room SOS, Stearns bldg., Oth and Morrison sts. BOY WANTED WELL EDUCATED, FOR office work and as messenger; with bicycle preferred. R 95. Oregonlan. LADIES' TAILOR, FIRST-CLASS COAT maker. at once. Address Anderson, Slom qulst & Co.. Boise. Idaho. WANTED FIRST-CLASS SALESMEN IN Portland and throughout state; big wages to rustlers. 206 McKay bldg. WANTED EXPERIENCED FURNITURE wagon driver. Apply 267 N. 20th St., bet. 10 and 1 o'clock. Sunday. BOY WANTED AT SHOE STORE. 270 Washington st. HELP WANTED FEM AXE. COOKS. WAITRESSES. CHAMBERMAIDS and domestics of all Hinds, city -and coun try. Set our new address. Canadian Par lore. 221 Morrison. Main 1323. LADIES WHO ARE COMPETENT TO TEACH embroidery; permanent, remunerative posi tion. Address for particulars. The Needle Craft Shop, 207 Allsky bldg. NOTICE WE HAVE MOVED OUR WOM an' department and branch office from 226 Morrlion across the street to 221 Morrison St., room 10, Main 1323. WANTED LADY CASHIER AND STENOG rapher; easy position; give references and state about what -salary expected. Address M 08. care Oregonlan. WILL EMPLOY LADY WHO UNDER stands embroidering and shading colors. Call Monday forenoon, 268 Washington, room 10. 1ST-CLASS SKIRT-FITTER AND DRAPER wanted at 135 10th; good wages for rlghjL person; must understand cutting thoroughly. A RESPECTABLE UNENCUMBERED WOM an about 35 to keep house for widower and one qhlld; widow preferred. N 4. Oregonlan. WANTED FIRST-CLASS WAIST AND skirt hands. Call today and Monday morn ing, room 35, Russcl bldg.. 4th and Morrison. WANTED-BY WHOLESALE HOUSE. A young woman billing clerk, Remington ma chine; must be experienced. O fl, Oregonlan. WANTED GIRL GOING TO SCHOOL TO do light work for board. Call Sunday or mornings before 9. 520 Montgomery sC WANTED FIRST-CLASS LADY HEPRB eatatlvea In Portland and throughout state; good pay. Call or write 607 McKay bldg. WANTED-A GIRL; MUST BE A GOOD cook; wages $20; good home. Apply Thompson's ticket office. 128 3d st. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work In small family. Call 20 E. 15th at. South. Ankeny or Pine st. cam. WANTED 10 SALESLADIES, 20 TO 30 years, to travel; good wages to bright, In telligent ladles, D 100, Oregonlan. Al AUDITING CLERK FOR DEPARTMENT store work; experience and references re quired. Address A 0, Oregonlan. ELDERLY LADY TO TAKE CARE OF house; goodwhome for right party. In quire 845 lstt. after 0 P. M. WANTED NEAT. RESPECTABLE WOMAN under 40. housekeeper widower's family. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. HANSEN'S LADIES AGENCY. 43 Washington st. cor. Tib. upstairs. Phone Main 2CS2. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work. small family, good wages. 571 Jack son st. Phone Main S525. WOMAN. ENERGETIC, RELIABLE. TO take charge of Vlavl office. Call or ad dress room 23, Lewis bldg. WANTED GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work; good plain cook. Phone East 3042. Call 883 E. Taylor EL COMPETENT GIRL FOR HOUSEWORK; good cook: references required. 824 Mar shall st. Phone 1300. WANTED EXPERIENCED HOUSE-TO-house demonstrators; ralary and commis sion. 227 Pine st. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GBN eral housework. Apply 04 East 16th N. Phone East 2552. GIRLS WANTED TO FINISH PANTS. Ap ply room 210, AlUky bids-, cor. 3d and Morrison sts. WANTED WORKING HOUSEKEEPER FOR hotel rooms. Call 0 A. M., October 23. 42 N. Cth su WANTED GIRL FOR COOK AND GEN eral housework; no washing; gobd wages. 714 EvcretL WANTED EXPERIENCED WOMAN FOR general housework and second work. Call 76 W. Park. r WANTED A HOUSEKEEPER: ONE NOT over SO need not apply. M 7, care Ore gonlan. WANTED AN EXPERIENCED COOK AND a nurse maid. Apply before noon at 059 Hoyt st. DR. A. AUSPLUND. DISEASES OF women and surgery. 3d floor. Allcky bldg. WANTED-A COMPETENT GIRL AS COOK. Apply at 400 Holladay ave., corner of B. 6th. GIRL TO ASSIST WITH HOUSEWORK, small family. Apply mornings 1 North 15th. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN era! housework. Apply 575 Hoyt St.. cor. 16th. WANTED COMPETENT GIRL FOR GEN eral housework. 401 10th st., cor. Harrison. WANTEP EXPERIENCED SECOND GIRL; kuuu waset. rnone iota. 2i Y. Park. WANTED AN INTELLIGENT WOMAN TO canvas In city. Address Y 3, Oregonlan. WANTED DINING-ROOM GIRL IN PRI vate boarding-house. 340 Ankeny, cor. 7th. COMPETENT GIRL FOR GENERAL. HOUSE work. family of two. 1063 Vaughn si. GIRL TO DO COOKING AND GENERAL housework; small family. 471 Main st. WANTED MIDDLE-AGED LADY TO DO light hopsework. Apply 404 Yamhill. YOUNG GIRL TO ASSIST IN LIGHT HOUSE work. Call mornings, C02 Irving st. WANTED COMPETENT CflRL FOR GEN era! housework. 181 E. 10th st. W-ANTED-HALF-GROWN GIRL TO ASSIST In kitchen. Phone Main S&00. WANTED WOMAN OR GIRL FOR CEN eral "housework. 238 11th st, WANTED FIRST-CLASS MILLINERY MAK er. Apply 852 Morrison st. WANTED-THREE EXPERIENCED CREAM dippers. Russell & Gilbert. AA1 WANTED-GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE work at 692 Qulmby L , PLAIN COOK. FAMILY OF 3. WrASHING $25. 144 Jforth 19th st. ' WANTED-GHIL TO WORK IN KITCHEN at 10t "North 7th rt. WANTED-GIRL TO WAIT ON TABLE AT 106 North 7th st. WANTED SEWING GIRLS IN A WORK rootn. 419 Ablngton. DRESSMAKER'S APPRENTICE. 145 11TH. VALUE OF THE OREGONIAN'S CLASSIFIED COLUMNS A test of a paper's value as an advertising Biedium is found in the results obtained by advertisers who use its classified columns. The Oregonian is one of the few big papers of the United States, the "Want" columns of which ;are extremely valuable. Patrons of The Oregonian frequently express surprise oyer results received from insertion of small classified advertisements in this paper. Firms in Oregon and Washington who use the classified" columns of The Oregonian regularly, receive responses from all parts of the Pacific Coast and Middle Western States, and from the East. A xepresenta tive real estate firm of Washington, for instance, that has used The Oregonian's classified columns with surprising results, is the firm of Imus & Willoughby, of Kalama. This firm today is doing perhaps as heavy a business in sale of desirable farm lands, as any real estate firm of Washington. The principal adver tising Messrs. Imus & Willoughby have done during the past two or three years, has been inserted in The Oregonian. On October 4 last, F. M. Simpson & Company, of Los Angeles, California, inserted in The Oregonian, this small advertisement to run one month, daily and Sunday issues: CALIFORNIA ORANGE GROVES EX- r ' i obanged for Eastern property. F. M. Simp- v son & Co., Los Angeles, Cal. . -. The following letter written by this firm on October 13, to The Oregonian, is evidence, sufficient in itself, of the great value of the classified columns of this paper. WESTERN UNION CODE CABLE ADDBE-5S "SIMCAPT :v " V. '. Oregonian Pablisliiivg Company, ) ;.'. ! Portland, Oregon. Ctentlemen: Ve beg to acknowledge receipt of your favor of the lOth inst. in reference to our aid, and will say that the present arrangement is more than satisfactory to us, as the replies we are receiving have more than swamped our office force and we fear that we 'could not handle them at all if a display ad were .us'ed. - . - Tours very truly . " ''' . c 4 JSnc-. - HE Lr, WANTED FEMALE. 2 SEAMSTRESSES. STORE WORK. $1 AND 51.25 day; hotel cook, country. 33; boarding- houw cook. $45: rrtaurant cook. HO treek; .altreB. chambermaid ta avtt "wait, houre girls and family cooks; colored -waltreis 120. room and board; others. Han en' Ladles' Agency, phone 2002. 313V Washington St.. cor. "th. unlalr. DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY; MA ternlty cases given special aterition. private hospital accommodation; professional lady narses In attendance. Consultation free. X-Radlum Medical Institute and Sanitarium, id and Alder, n trance 253 Alder U. Port land. LADY ASSISTANT FOR BRANCH OFFICE established business; $18 paid weekly; no In vestment required; potritlon permanent; pre vious experience not efsenllal. Address Branch Superintendent. Corao Wk., Chicago. WANTED GOOD STENOGRAPHER AND tj-pewrlter for ofllce work; must write geed hand. Address In own handwriting, statlag wages wanted, P 08, Oregonlan. LADIES-rTO DO PIECEWORK AT HOME; we furnish all materials and nay from JT to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to Royal Co., 34 E. Monroe. Chicago. LADIES HAVING FANCY WORK TO SELL; "embroideries, battenberg. drawnwork. .ulv to do order work: stamped envelope. Ladles Exchange. 3t Monroe, Chicago. PUPILS ON THE PIANO. 25c PER LES oon. 351 Water st. MATTRESS-MAKERS WANTED. 40 FRONT, corner Davis. . HELP WANTED MALE OR PEMALE. Wanted Young people to fit themselrea for bookkeepers and stenographers; our gradu ates are all employed; will place you when competent; 512.000 equipment; teachers spe cialists; reputation the best; day and night, llehnke-Walker Buslnowi College. Gth-Morr. ACTORS WANTED. QUICK GOOD SPEC lalty character man. character woman with specialties preferred; must be good; Join at once. Call for Manager. Sunday from 10 A. M. 'to noon. Esmond Hotel. 1st and Morrison sts. WANTED YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN TO take our bookkeeping and shorthand course that we may be able to fill the applications for office help; we placed over 500 rtudenu In positions laet year. Holmes Business Col lege. 2y-3L Y. M. C A bldg. WANTED ENERGETIC TRUSTWORTHY man or woman to work in Oregon represent ing large manufacturing company; salary. $40 to $1K par month, paid weekly: expenses advanced. Addrera, with Btamp, J. H. Moore. Portland. Or. EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITY. IF YOU want permanency, with future where you can build large income; no boaka nor insurance. Coll mornings only. Porter, 107 Sherlock bldg. FREE INSTRUCTION. ACTUAL STAGE EX perience. either sex. young or middle-aged, having dramatic ability; city performances, evening rehearsal. Telephone Main 2121. WAITRESSES COMBINATION CHAMBER work, cooks, housework, bakery woman; hotel cook $00 (Chinese preferred). Drake's, 205 H Washington. WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- NOVBLTT acts, sketch teams, ringers, etc. Room 32, Lewis block. Park and Morrison. SITUATION WANTED MAXX. Bookkeepers and Clerks. POSITION WANTED MAN VISITING PORT land. 12 years In ' charge of office work, bookkeeper, stenographer and typewriter; owns No. 6 Remington. C. 4. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT DESIRES position; capable of taking charge of osiee or any branch of office work; age 33; ref erences. G DO, Orcsonlan. WANTED SITUATION BY YOUNG MAN, stenographer and typewriter, 12 -years' ex perience, both railroad and commercial. Ad dre R 07, Oregonlan. POSITION WANTED BOOKKEEPER. OF flce work, cashier, ealercnan; extensive bank ing experience; good personality. B 100, Oregonlan. YOUNG ATTORNEY WANTS WORK IN . law office: best of references. Address Geo. Howard. 14S Clark st. Mount Tabor. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER, CLERK and traveling salesman: .satisfactory refer ences. F. A. IL. 75 North Park st. THOROUGHLY EXPERIENCED BOOK keeper and stenographer desires position In or out of city. V 3. Oregonlan. (TeLtPHONtrHoMC 2060 EXCHANGES EXCLUSIVELY rt1.W. HELLMAN BLHLDINS SITUATION WANTED MALE. , Bookkeepers aad Clerks. A MAN OF 40. WITH 18 YEARS' EXPERI ence in hardware and groceries and three years experience an traveling salesman, wishes a position with & hardware or grocery firm; best of references. A 100. Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. POSITION WANTED BY A MARRIED roan (German). 80 years old. strong, well educated, experienced photographer; writes a good hand; willing to do any kind of work. H 11, Oregonian. WORK WANTED COOKS. WAITERS, dishwashers, farmhands, laborers (rail roads, camps, etc.). Drake's, 205 H Wash ington. Black 1933. BY PORTO RICAN "STEADY POSITION AT anything, active and willing, speaks Span- " Uh and English; must have work. Address O 4. Oregonlan. WANTED-WORK ANY KIND. GOOD CITY references; a good man about market, gro cery or general merchandise. L &4. Ore gonian. JAPANESE LABOR ASSOCIATION CAN furnish domestic servants, fanners alto; all kinds of help. .Main 4059. 2CS Everett st. JAPANESE-CHINESE EMPLOYMENT OF flee furnishes all kinds reliable help. Henry Tahara, 267 X. Everett st. Phone Pacific 640. TWO BOYS. AGED 15 AND 17. DESIRE IN doer work where advancement can be made; start for low salary. V 100. Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN. GOOD CHARACTER AND habits, wants work mornings and evenings for board and room. Y S3, Oregonlan. PRINTER WANTS A JOB IN COUNTRY newspaper office; single man; win work for reasonable wages. V 87. Oregonlan. YOUNG MARRIED MAN WANTS WORK mornlngt and evenings in a barber shop or doing chores. Phone Main 3528. TOGO, THE JAPANESE HOUSE-CLEANINO Co.. contractors of all kinds of help. Phone Pacific 622. 2 X. 3d at. SITUATION WANTED AS MEATCUTTER; country town preferred; will go anywhere. Geo. L. Oiborn. Arlets, Or. YOUNG MAN ATTENDING BUSINESS COL lege wanus place to work for board and room. Q SI, care Oregonlan. WANTED WINDOWS AND HOUSES TO clean, loves polished, rtiewalkf," etc. Phone Main 32C0. Thos. Green. YOUNG MAN DESIRES WORK WITH wholesale hooe; position as collector pre ferred. Phone Main 2132. SITUATION WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE, housecleanlng or general Janitor work, by the day. Phone East 2SS. YOUNG MAN WISHES SITUATION AS bartender, Z years experience; willing and obliging. D 0. Oregonlan. A YOUNG MAN DESIRES A POSITION AS delivery man; well acquainted with streets. H ft. Oregonlan. GOOD JAPANESE WISHES SITUATION A3 schoolboy; understands cooking; .10 -usees. Y 5. Orexonlan. CARPENTER JOBBING HOUSE BUILD Ing or wrecking; satisfaction guaranteed. N 09. Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED MAN DESIRES POSITION on R. R. or line survey party. Address N 96, Oregonlan. EXPERIENCED ELEVATOR OPERATOR wishes a position; best of reference. P &), Oregonlan. A JAPANESE STUDENT WANTS SITUA tien in family as schoolboy. Address P. O. box C55. WANTED-BY YOUNG JAPANESE BOY. Po sition as porter or housework. X S3. Ore gonlan. HIGH SCHOOL BOY WANTS PLACE TO work for room and board. D 99. Oregonlan. YOUNG JAPANESE WANTS ANY KIND OF work In family. Address phone Black 150. WANTED 10 TO 23 ACRES TO CLEAR outside city limits. Box 32. Oswego, Or. JAPANESE BOY WANTS A SITUATION TO do general housework. Y &S. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FXM ALE. Bookkeepers and Steecrsphers. GOOD TYPIST WOULD LIKE COPYING AT home. Phone E 3005. 1 'js- - i - V? - 5 SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALZ. Bookkeepers and Stenographers. WANTED YOUNG LADY DESIRES POSN tlon as stenographer and typewriter: 24 years experience; Oliver operator. K US, Ortgonlan. YOUNG LADY. EXPERIENCED STENOG raphr. ofTlee assistant or cashier, desires position; references. Addreta G 2, Orego nlan. YOUNG LADY DESIRES PERMANENT Po sition as bookkeeper and office work: three years experience. M 100, Oregonlan. IF YOU WANT AN EXPERIENCED STE nographer who can and will do your work for f 40. address O 2, Oregonlan. COMPETENT LADY STENOGRAPHER DE rfres few hours work In the morning. Phone afternoons Main 1076. BOOKKEEPER WOULD LIKE POST.TION or office Work; references. A 03. Orego nian. or phone 4013. Norses. CASES WANTED BY TRAINED NURSE, best of references, city or country. Address N. S. Davis; Y. W. a A.. Oth and Oak. AN EXPERIENCED NURSE WOULD LIKE care of infant or invalid. Address P 5, care Oregonlan. A MIDDLE-AGED. EXPERIENCED WOMAN want work nursing confinement. Phono East 3C13. Dressmakers. LADIEf? HAVE YOUR SKIRTS MADE TO order; a saving of 25 per cent; a better skirt, better made and stitched with silk. Mrs. Llnle Kerley. 230 12th at., corner of Main. COMPETENT SEAMSTRESS WISHES En gagements; children's work a specialty; good reference. Phone East 3803. J 100, Ore gonlan. DRESSMAKING. SHIRTWAIST SUITS. $3 up: tailor suits. 0 and up; work and fit guaranteed. Phone Main 3107. 413 Main. A COMPETENT DRESSMAKER WISHES few mors engagements by day, SL50 per day. Phone Main 5925. DRESSMAKING SILK WAISTS. SI; WASH waleta, 75c; skirts, 2; suits, S4. Phono Pacific 330. 320 Park st. PLAIN SEWING DONE NEATLY AT REA sonable prices. Call at SO N. 14tb St.. bet. 4 P. M. and f P. M. Wanted plai n sewing to do by the day; also renovating; prices reasonable. M. M.. SOS Thurman st. DRESSMAKING OF ALL KINDS LADIES suits and children's garments neatly done. 42S 13th st. PLAIN SEWING BY DAY OR TAKE SEW Ing home; table linen a specialty. Phone Pa cine 529. EXPERIENCED. DRESSMAKER WOULD like few more engagements by the day. R l, Oregonlan. ALL KINDS OF KNITTING AND CROCHET work done to order; lessons given. A OS, Oregonlan. LADIES HATS REMADE AD TRIMMED hats made to order. Phone. Main 4078. DRESSMAKER WISHES SEWING BY THE day. 331 3th it Pacific 521. FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING. 873 GRAND ave. North, near Mason. DefsesUcs. RELIABLE GIRL WISHES SITUATION AS second girl or downstairs work; under stands plain cooking; can give references: for two days phone Monday and Tuesday Main 1032. or F 4. care Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY WOMAN COOK, neat, competent and experienced; only' first class places need answer; only highest wages considered. Address R 5. Oregonlan. SITUATIONS WANTED STRONG. CAPA ble girl, chambermaid; pastry cook; dish washer: kitchen helper. 230ft Yamhill. Main 5413. FIRST-CLASS COOK WISHES POSITION IN private family. $30 month; no washing; ref erences given. Y 6. Oregonlan. SITUATION WANTED BY YOUNG GIRL to do second or upstairs work; references. N 3, Oregonlan. Xettsek eepers. POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER BY YOUNG woman. H 6. Oregonian. SITUATIONS WANTED FEMALZ. Housekeepers. "AS COOK-HOUSEKEEPER IN SMALL HO- tel. town or country, or widower or bach elor: experienced. Carmichael. 4114 Haw thorne ave.. East Portland. Phone East S00. MIDDLE-AGED WOMAN WITH GIRL 8, DE slres situation housekeeper widower's fam ily. 230 Yamhill. Phone Main 5413. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER by pilddte-aged widow with one child. Ad dress N OS. Oregonlan. WANTED POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER or governess; can glvo best of references. Phone Main 4349. A POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER OR CARE for the sick. Call or address Mrs W.. 12S E. Cth sf. city. YOUNG WOMAN AS HOUSEKEEPER FOR refined middle-aged man; reference. F 100, Oregonlan. Miscellaneous. WORK WANTED HOUSEKEEPERS (with, without children); chambermaids, waitresses, cooks, nurses, domestic any body. Drake's. 203 Washington. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN WITH REFER ences would like care of house durlms ab sence dy owners, or care of Invalid; small compensation. B 4, Oregonlan. SITUATION AS GOVERNESS. HOU3EKEEP er or take charge of first-class rooming house; best reference given and required. Phone Main 1049. SALESWOMAN FROM EAST WANTS Posi tion in cloak or suit department; references of. a first-class Eastern house. Address D OS. Oregonian. SITUATION BY MIDDLE-AGED LADY, cook. In boarding-house or private family, city or country; good baker. W 3, Orego nlan. EXPERIENCED MASSACHUSETTS NORM al graduate desires private puplla In lower grade studies. Room 81. The GIenlora. EXPERIENCED GIRL. BEST REFERENCES, desires situation children's nurse or govern ess. 2304 Yamhill. Phone ilaliv 5413. , PRIVATE PUPILS WANTED IN COMMON school or higher branches by Eastern uni versity graduate. J 96. Oregonlan. WANTED DOLLS TO DRESS; SATISFAC tlon assured: will call. Address I. Ketch urn, general delivery. Portland. LADY. EXPERIENCED MAIN TELEPHONE exchange, wishes position In private ex change. P 90. .Oregonlan. RESPONSIBLE WOMAN WOULD CARE for children afternoons and evening?; refer ences. D 3. Oregonlan. LADY WOULD LIKE CARE OF LITTLE girl, aulet home. $10 month. Phone Main 4014. 54S Mill at. WANTED WASHING AND HOUSEWORK by the day. by competent woman. Ad drew B OS. Oregonlan. MIDDLE-AGED LADY AS NURSE AND housekeeper; reference given. Main 1040. 1S2 17th. EXPERIENCED COOK WANTS POSITION Srivate boarding-house; references. M 94. re son Ian. EXPERIENCED YOUNG LADY DESIRES position as cashlcr or office work. V 5. Oregonlan. PIANO LESSONS GIVEN BY COMPETENT teacher; terms very reasonable. 414 Tour ney bldg. EXPERIENCED LAUNDRESS WANTS work by day. Miss G. Telllfsen, C71 2d st.. city. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AT HOME, first-class work. Ida Haeblen. Phone Union 2030. WANTED WORK BY DAY; WASHING, ironing, housecleanlng. etc. East 2050. HOME-LAUNDERED LACE CURTAINS. Phone Scott 3840. Mrs. S. M. Scott. LACE CURTAINS LAUNDERED AND FAN cy ironing. Phone Main 3740. LADY WANTS DAY WORK. MISS PETERS, 68 Park st. WANTED AGENTS. WE CAN MAKE A MOST ATTRACTIVE offer to energetic men and women to be come our permanent representatives In their own localities; prefer those who can devote' their whole time, with a view to managing branches for us after January 1; no capital required: we manufacture a staple line of merchandise for which there Is a universal demand. Raymond. Hill St Co.. 185 Klnzle st.. Chicago. 5173 TO $320 PER MONTH STRAIGHT SAL ary; you need no previous experience: wo will send you free samples, with our terms and instructions to procure a $12.00 outfit, eptirely free; this offer will only be open until w procure a representative for your territory; we therefore advise that you writs us at once. Braham Co., C93S, Cincinnati. O. AGENTS CHANCE OF YOUR LIVES: handle the only copy (framing 21x33). of Styka'a wonderful masterpiece, "Golgotha" (The Crucifixion), art nensatlon of the age; every Christian home wants it; picture outfit 20c Hyland Sc. Co.. publishers. Chicago. WANTED SPECIAL. AGENT. WRITE LIFE, health, accident policies, appoint agents; $75 weekly and expenses easily made; unique proposition: experience unnecessary. Write Oscar Bkman, 1700 Summit ave., Seattle, Wash. MANAGER WANTED, EVERY CITY AND county, to handle best-paying business known: legitimate, new; exclusive control: no Insurance or book canvassing. Address Charles Halstead. 84 W. 28th ., New York. LADY AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS FOR Sahlln ''Perfect Form and Corset Combined $25 a week easily made; outfit prepaid? write for catalogue and terms. Women'ayAp parel Supply Co., Chicago, HI. AGENTS MAKE $10 PER DAY SELLING our "Mendarlp": It eows. It rivets; our "Farmers Standby." 8 tools In one. good aide line with It; most all farmers buy them. J. Foote Co., Los Angeles, Cal. AGENTS WANTED TO SELL NURSERY stock; cosh weekly; new plan; outfit fre; choice territory: write Immediately, giving references. Address Chlco Nursery Co., 011 East Couch St., Portland, Or. AGENTS TO HANDLE COMIC SOUVENIR post cards; sell on sight; big money to hustlers; this let a chance of a lifetime. Write for particulars to Henry Brum I & Co., ' 93 Liberty St.. New York. SALESMEN" WANTED CASH ADVANCED weekly: sood territory open: outfit free. Some are making J10O to $150 per month. Why not you? Address Washington Nursery Company. Toppenish. Wash. AGENTS DROP EVERYTHING AND WRITE us for special terms on our latest office specialty: sells Itself; greatest money-maker In years. Address American Lock-Crank Co.. Milwaukee. Wis. WANTED-AN AGENT. EITHER SEX. IN each town to sell shirtwaist goods and la dles fwltlngs by the yard, also men's made-to-measure shirts. Address Direct Cloth Co., St. Louis, Mo. AGENTS MAKE $20 PER DAY; EVERY body orders their photographs on ircstals; samples and particulars free. Tallman-Har-vey Co.. Ozden place and Paulina st., Chi cago. 111. AGENTS-MAKE $3 TO $10 A DAY FITTING glasses; big profits; our 24-page free eye book tells how: wzlte today. Jacksonlan Op tical College. College Place. Jackson. Mich. WE PAY $30 A WEEK AND EXPENSES to men. with rigs ta introduce our poultry compound. Year's contract. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept. 54, Parsons. Kan. WANTED-AN AGENT IN EACH TOWN TO sell made-to-measure shirts and underwear; liberal profit. Buckley Shirt &. Underwear Co.. St. Louis. Mo. TEN CENTS FOR OUR BIG SEVEN-CAKE dollar box soap; $3 to $15 dally easily earned anywhere. Parker Chemical Co.. ' Chicago, WANTED TO RENT. A .GENTLEMAN WANTS A NICE FUR nlshed room, all conveniences. In private family: no other roomers; close in. J 93, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT UNFURNISHED FLAT or cottage; stato location and rent. A 93. Oregonlan. Q OR 7-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN IMPROVE ments; direct from owner; West Side. P 2, Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT. 9 TO 12-ROOM house, close In. on West Side. Main 4593. WANTED 15 OR 20-ROOM HOUSE, TJNFUR nlshed, November 1. R 3, Oregonlan. 4-ROOM COTTAGE OR FLAT; STATE pricer reasonable. K I, Oregonlan. COUPLE WISHES MODERN 4 OR 5-ROOM flat, furnished. A 5. Oregonlan. UNFURNISHED HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS. Address G 99. Oregonlan. WANTED TO KENT. MAN AND WIPE WANT MODERN HOU3E keeplng suite, 3 or 4 rooms, nicely fur nished; must be convenient; close In. gas. heat, well appointed: can use two flats or one larger flat suitable for two famll!.. Phone 40S0: Sunday from 10 to 12 or 2 to 4. WANTED OFFICE ROOM EVENINGS BY lady with own machine to do extra work for October. November and December: must have light and heat; Oregonian bldg. preferred: will pay liberal compensation. Address W 01. care Oregonian. WANTED PERMANENTLY BY 2 YOUNCJ gentlemen, board only, in a neat and respect able private family. Must be on West Sld and within 5 mlnntes walk from Tho Orego nian building. B 0. Oregonlan. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE. NO CHIL dren. city reference, a furnished house, to ocupy and take good care of for the Winter i will pay moderate rent if location suits. P 6. Oregonlan. BY FAMILY WITHOUT CHILDREN. house with 0 well-lighted rooms; modern, conveniences; good basement; West Side; moderate rent; permanent tenants. E 0, Oregonlan. THREE OR FOUR NICELY FURNISHED room or small furnished cottage, each on West Side, till about June 1; terms muft be reasonable; references. Address A 3. Oregonlan. WANTED BY GENTLEMAN AND WIFE. 2 furnished rooms and board In private fam ily, with modern conveniences; references exchanged; permanent. N 3, Oregonlan. YOUNG MAN DESIRES ROOM AND BOARD. West Side. In private family: within 15 minutes walk of The Oregonlan; no board ing house need apply. L 95, Oregonlan. WANTED BY MAN AND WIFE. ONE OR two furnished rooms, furnace heat within 10 blocks of P. O. ; permanent. Address W 83, Oregonlan. WANTED IN PRIVATE FAMILY. TWO furnished housekeeping rooms, either side oS river. Call or address Anschutz. 29t Stark. WANTED A MODERN HOUSE OR UPPER flat of 8 or 7 rooms, well furnished, good location. Address P. O. Box 111. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY. ROOM AND board within block of 23d and Hoyt or Irv ing; references. E 3, Oregonlan. WANTED A LADY WISHES TWO UNFUR nlshed "rocms for light housekeeping; East Side, close In. K G. Oregonlan. HOUSE OR FLAT. CLOSE IN. WEST SIDE; must be modern; no children; permanent. Address W 0. care Oregonlan. WANTED-SUITE OR LARGE ROOM AND alcove; two beds, and board; furnace or steam heat. P. O. box 412. WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY, NICE ROOM! with breakfast In private family; central. West SWew H 3. Orexonlan. WANTED UNFURNISHED COTTAGE ON West Side, doe In, permanent. 200 McKay bldg. Phone Main 4017. WANTED BY YOUNG LADY. PLACE TO board In private family In North Portland. N 100. Oregonlan. AVANTED TO CONFER WITH GENTLE man going to Kansas City frtnin. Address Y OS. Oregonlan. WANTED TO RENT 8 OR I0-ROOM house: central; must be reasonable. Phone Main 3870. WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED A SADDLE HORSE TO 11 K FROM 4 to 0 years old; to weigh frum 1000 to 1100 pounds; muat be gentle, perfectly sound ana well broken. Apply Western Cooperage Co.. room 306. StearnH bldg. WANTED WINNING SPECIALTIES FOR Southern California. Arizona and New Mex ico; manufacturers only answer. Pacific Brokerage Co., Loa Angeles. Cal. WANTED THREE UNFURNISHED ROOM.-? with gas range, for housekeeping. Wert Side, permanent and rent must be reasonable. E 01. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY FINE FURNISHED rooms near business distrlet; state cau price wanted and other particulars. Lux 237. city. WANTED-A NATIONAL CASH REGISTER, second hand; must be cheap for cat. .Vi ctress, stating where register can be sem. P. O. Box 458. WANTED SECOND-HAND ENGINE M'll able for pulling fir stumps and hip: Ki price and full particulars. A. O. ltser. Marshfleld. Or. GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR ANYONE VS. siring to earn Instruction on planu tr--t. acadftny teacher. Call Tuesday, 107 liu st. N. WANTED MEN'3 CAST-OFF CLOTHiN'. and shoes; highest price paid. Call at the "Fair Deal." 02 N. 3d. Phone Hood 317. MUST BE CHEAP FOR CASH WANTED. A good 24-farm wagon, complete. Call 01 write W. F. Ltndley. lOlOVi Belmont st. WANTED 2D-H AND FURNITURE AND restaurant fixtures. Universal Exchange. United States Hotel. Cth and Burnsldc. WANTED BY PERMANENT RELIABLE tenant modern house, close In. Address with particulars Y 4. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY A STEREOPTICON OUT flt; state kind, time used and prtee.. Ad dress B 09. Oreconlan. WANTED EIGHT SECOND-HAND NATION al cash registers; send description, pnee. 15 N. 7th. St. Louis. WANTED A YOUNG HORSE. WEIGHT 1400; must be young and sound. Address 308 Belmont st. WANTED BY TEACHER. UNIVERSITY graduate, studints to tutor In mathematics. Y 1. Oregonlan. WANTED TO BUY CARPETS OR RUGS FOR 3 large rooms. Phone East 1403. or address H 2. Oregonlan. WANTED LADY EMPLOYED DURING THE day and wants nice home, answer thin aa. N 2, Oregon Ian. WANTED 3 OR 4 UNFURNISHED ROOM, suitable for housekeeping; West Side. P 100, Oregonlan. WANTED SECOND-HAND SEWING MA ehlne; state make, price and condition. Y 1. Oregonlan. WANTED TO PURCHASE A DOUBLE B A fi re! shotgun: state make and price. X 6. Ore gonlan. WANTED A SMALL FIREPROOF SAFE For personal Interview addre) O SO, ore gonian. WANTED TO ADOPT A GIRL. 12 TO 4. for companion and education. Apply -J Fifth. WANTED PRIVATE PARTY TO LOAN ?2i!0. well secured, short time only. P' 7. Orego nlan. WANTED HORSE TO WORK FOR ITS feed. Phone East 1403. or F 2, Oregonlan. WANTED 13 TEAMS AT JITH AND AL Ar' Ten trf Sfl Tier dav. E- M Skinner. WANTED CIDER APPLES BY THE. TON; wilt pay $7. E. 27th and Section Line. WANTED A GOOD HYPNOTIC SUBJECT; gentleman; a snap. W 100. Oregonlan. WE CALL FOR DEAD HORSES AND CAT tie of all kds. Phone. East 2233. WANTED TO BUY A GOOD WORKHORSE. 313 Water st. Phone Main 4590. WE PAY $30.00 FOR MONARCH RANGES. H. E. Edwards. 1S3-101 1st st. WANTED TAMARACK CHESAPEAKE mining stock. E 98. Oregonlan. FOR RENT. Rooms. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT PARLORS, modern conveniences, cheap. 194 7th t. NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM; GAS, bath, phone. 109 Park, near Morrison. FURNISHED ROOM. FURNACE HEAT, IN private family. 141 13th, cor. Alder. NICE FRONT ROOM. SUITABLE FOR TWO gentteraen; modern. 392 Salmon. 274 4TH NICELY FURNISHED reasonable, free phone and bath. ROOMS. QHEAP ROOM, NEW FURNITURE, quire 104 11th st.. In rear. IN- NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS FROM $2 UP per week. 2S3Vi Alder st. VERY NICE PBONT ROOM, REASONABLE price. Phone Front 071. 500 LANDERS ST. NEATLY FURNISHED room. $5 per month. TWO FRONT ROOMS. EN SUITE-OR SIN gle. 06 N. 11th st- N1CELY FURNISHED ROOM, CENTRAL, $7 per month. 333 3d St. FINEST FURNISHED ROOMS IN CITY. 470 Taylor st. 9