THIT STOOXflOr bREGONrix, POBTLANI),. OCTOBER 1 22,J 19&sl : 18 Y REUNION 4. r OF THE SOCIETY OF JAPANESE ART ADMIRERS V GRAND . MEMBERSHIP ALL JF A- Isotliiug will 13e reserved. Every article will go to the highest bidder. Any article in the exhibit put up on request and.sold. . These exhibits have been Gold-Medal winners at every iWbrJd's Fair.. ; The exhibitors will not reship their exhibits to the empire of - 4 '-; RINGS BIG CARGO Steamer Aragonia Due From Orient Tomorrow. DREDGE LADD IN DRYD0CK Iiighthouse-Tcndcr Mnnzanita Will Be Raised Steamer Roanoke to Carry Igorrotcs to San Francisco. The steamer Aragonia is due here from the. Orient, via San Francisco, tomorrow night. Ier cargo for Portland consists mainly of tea, matting and Chinese mer chandise, and she will load out of Port land with grain and flour for the Orient. She is due to sail from liere October 3L The repairs to the, Government dredgo W. S. Ladd, which went on the drydock Friday, were completed yesterday after noon, and she will be floated at 8 o'clock this morning. She will leave the harbor on Monday to complete her work on the lower river. Private advices received in Portland yesterday from J. H. Roberts, who is raising the llghthousc-tcndcr Manzanlta. STEAMER INTELLIGENCE. DueT"tv. Arrive. Steamer From. Aragonia, Orient Roanoke. San Francisco Kruger. San Francisco F. A. Kllburn. San Franclgco. Costa Rico, San' Francisco... Redondo.San Francisco..... Xlcomedia. Yokohama Due to Depart. Steamer Destination. Aurella. San Francisco....... Columbia. San Francisco Alliance, Eureka Roanoke, San Francisco Rcdondo. San Francisco...... Northland. San Francisco.... Date. Opt. 23 Oct. 23 .Oct. 23 .Oct. 20 -Oct. 20 -Oct. 30 Oct. 31 Date. ' .Oct. 22 .Oct. 23 .Oct. 24 .Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct.' 23 Oct. 20 Oct. 27 Oct. 28 -Oct. 2S Oct. 30 '.Nov. 2. -NOV.- 10 Kruger, San Francisco....... Algoa, Hongkong. F. A. Kllburn. San Francisco Costa Rica. San Francisco. . . . tAragonla. Hongkong Redondo. San Francisco ; Nlcoroedla, Orient Carrying mail. stated that the wrecking work ras pro gressing favorably, and that the ship would be raised within the next few days. Under a' contract completed yesterday, the. steamer Roanoke, when she sails for Saa Francisco on Tuesday night, will carry 45. Igorrotes, the members of the native village at the Lewis and Clark Fair. Tho Igorottes are oound for Los Angeles, where they will be a feature in the new attraction. "Venice,', near there. The Croydon is ducJn San Francisco to day, and should be in Portland ny October 0, in time to save .her charter. The French bark Touraine, underchar- flm the Oriental AS BEEN LIMITED TO 20,000,-NO MORE JOINERS WILL BE ACCEPTED-COME . ..." v. A A- - f ' ' THE $300,000.00 WORTJI OF EXHIBITS REMAINING IN ter to Balfour, Guthrie & Co., and which.; left San Francisco September 25, varrlved in Astoria yesterday. She will come to Portland to load wheat for the United Kingdom. The Carradale will shift from Banfield- Veyscy's dock to Martin's dock tomorrow .morning, and the Durbridge will take her' berth at the former dock to discharge bal last. "When the Knight Errant finishes loading at Montgomery No. 2, the Carra dale will move in there for cargo, as 'will also the Oregon now lying in the stream. The Knight Errant should finish loading at Montgomery No. 2 tomorrow, and it is understood that she will then go to Puget Sound to complete her cargo for the Orient. She will take on about 7400 tons of grain here. The Russian bark Fennla, chartered by George "W. McNear. will complete her cargo of 3700 tons of grain at the Irving dock tomorrow, and will sail for the United Kingdom on Wednesday. Position of Grain Ships. The position of the grain ships In the harbor last night was as follows: Load ing Knight Errant, at Montgomery No. 2: Auchenblac. at Oceanic dock; Fennla, at Irving dock. In the streamOregon, partly loaded, and Durbridge. With car go. Clan JIcFarlane, at Oceanic dock: dis charging ballast, Carradale, at Banfleld- Veysey's dock; chartered. Adolf, at O. "W. P. & R; Co. s dock, and Oceano, partly loaded, at Victoria Dolphins. The lumber schooner Ethel Zane wont down the river yesterday, in tow of the Ocklahama. The Oceano shifted from the Tortland Flouring Mills to Victoria Dolphins las night, in order to give the Algoa an op portunlty to load. The Algoa moved from the bunkers to the mills. The schooner Chas. EL Moody, from San Francisco, left up from Astoria yesterday aftornoon. under tow of the Harvest Queen. She will load for the Northwest Warehouse Company, carrying grain to San Francisco. Further definite announcement has been made that the steamer F. A. Kllburn will leave San Francisco on Monday for Port land, calling In at Eureka and Coos Bay en route. She is due to arrive Thursday, October 26, and will leave again on tho 28th. The steamer Telegraph is expected fir nave ner improvements compietea oy Tuesday, and should "go into commission on Wednesday. ' ' Carries 1unibcr Cargo. The steamer Aurolla' will sail for San Francisco this afternoon at 4 o'clock. ' She takes out a full passenger list and'a. cargo of lumber from 'the Portland Lumber Company. The schedule of the Redondo has been changed, by reason of her having been placed on the drydock in San Francisco for a general overhauling and painting. She will come oft the dock this week, and should arrive in Portland by October 23. The W. H. Kruger Is due to arrive here tomorrow, and to sail for San Pedro, by way of San Francisco, on Thursday. The steamer Columbia arrivod from San Francisco last night with a full cargo of merchandise, but with a passenger list of only 40. The officers of tho ship report a distinct falling off in the northbound travel since the close of the Exposition, The Columbia had fair weather all the way up tho coast. Shels' due to sail to morrow night with all her passenger and cargo space tRken. Tho French bark Asle. belonging to the Portland grain fleet, sailed from Hobart. Tasmania, oh September 2S, according- to advices received yesterday. The intention of having the Algoa break all former records for flonc cargoes has oeen given up. owing to Inability to secure a straight cargo of flour. The steamer will therefore take on a mixed cargo of Hour and gram The Steamer Alliance arrived at the Couch-street dock from Eureka last night. She -was brought here iby Captain Obi strom. in place of Captain Hardwlclc, re cently resigned. Captain Ohlatrom will now go to Gray's Harbor tc take com mand of the steamer Aberdeen, and the Alliance's sow master. Captain Bernard AT 10 A. M. Building, Lewis GRAND PUBLIC . JAPAN 'America gets the.benefit. If youwaut a souvenir worth - a King's ransom, go with the crowd to the OrienfalBiulding at the Exposition grounds and get a : . MEMORIAL : -Okthe greatest and grandest Pair ever known in the Occident.. Kelly, will arrive hero In tianj to take the ship out." REGULATOR STICKS OX SANDS Wheat-Laden, She Spends Twelve' Honrs Hard Aground. The river steamer Regulator arrived undamaged at her.'dock yesterday after noon, after having been hung on a sand. bar near Onconta Gorge for over 13 hours. The accident occurred late Friday night while the Regulator was coming down from The Dalles, loaded heavily with wheat and carrying 100 passengers. The boat was landed near Oneonta Gorge to let off some passengers. In making tho landing a strong wind coming down the canyon helped to drive her hard in tho soft, "gummy" beach, with the result that, being loaded down, she stuck fast. Word was sent to the Portland otflces" and the Joseph Kellogg was sent to Oneonta early yesterday morning to aid tne Keguiator. Efforts to pun ineMaticr off, however, were unavailing, so tho Kellogg returned to Portland with the Regulator passengers. Later in the day the Bailey Gatzert succeeded in hauling the Regulator off the sands, and she came to Portland unharmed. The Regulator discharged her wheat. brought from Lylc, at the Portland Flouring Mills yesterday afternoon. She returned to The Dalles late last night and will resume her schedule on "Monday. The up-river passengers booked for the Regulator yesterday will be taken by the Bailey Gatzert this moving. CAPTAIX HOOGHKIRK A HERO Iralda's Master Saves Mother and Son From Drowning. True heroism was shown yesterday by' Captain C. I. Hooghklrk, of the steamer Iralda. in the rescue from drowning of Mrs. Clifford. Harris and her 7-year-old son. The incident occurred near Willow Bar, about 18 miles- below Portland. The Har ris family run a dairy near tbore, and ship milk to Portland by the Iralda every morning. The cans of milk from the Harris dairy arc delivered to the Iralda in , midstream, and, as customary.- the milk was taken out to the steamer yes terday in a -small boat containing Mrs. Harris and her son, a hired man handling tho oars. As the cans were being passed front the rowboat to the steamer, however, the for mer capsized, throwing its occupants into the river and in a current that rapidly carried them away. Captain Iiooghkirk, who was standing outside tho pbt-house, saw the accident Immediately, and. with out a moment's hesitation, plunged into the river and succeeded in catching tne mother and son and holding them in safety until relief came from the steamer. Had It not been for tho prompt and cour ageous action of the Iralda's master, it' is certain that the accident would have re sulted In death. Gray's Harbor-Notes. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. 21. (Special.) The schooner Dora Bluhm has been de layed here owing to the putting in . of a new Jigger. The Llndstrom Shipbuilding Company will build a steam schooner for' the Hart Wood Mill Company. x Tup Rivalry F.nds In Blows. ABERDEEN. Wash.. Oct. 2L (Special.) As a result of a feud between tho cap tains of the harbor steamers Progress. Skookum and Fleetwood, all three were arrested and tried today on the chargo of assault w and battery. Their fines amounted to a total of 51CG. Barge Malta Missing: on Lakes. ALPENA. Mich., Oct. 21. The big steel barge Malta, with a crew of eight, and owned by the Pittsburg Steamship Com- MONDAY, OCTOBER 23 and Clafk.Fair FREE SOUVENIRS AUCTION pany, is missing. She was .in tow of the steamer William Lynn, and broke -away during the storm yesterday morning in .mid-lake. N Domestic and Foreign Ports. ASTORIA. Or.. Oct. 21. Condition of the bar at S P. M.. smooth: wind, northwest: weather, cloudy. Arrived down at 5 - and called at 3:45 A. M. Steamer Aberdeen, for Gray's Harbor. Arrived at O and left up at S A. il. Steamer Alliance, from Cock Bay and Eureka. Arrived at 7 and let: up at Jl A. JL Steamer Columbia, from. San Fran cisco. Sailed at S A. M. Schooner Virginia. for San Francisco. Arrived down at 8 A. M. German bar Ellbek. Arrived at 12 noon Steamer Kim ore. from Tillamook. Sailed at 1:30 P. 11. Schooner Oakland, for Ean Fran dico. Left up at 3 P. 31. American ship Chaa. E. Moody. Arrived at 3 P. M; Fpech baric Touraine. from San Francisco Sm Franca co, Oct. 21. Sailed Bark Gene vieve, for Molonos. Irwlch; steamer San Juan, for Ancon: .steamer Coptic, for Honc kong; ahlp. Port Logan, for Port Townsend; Kteamer Coronado, for Gray's Harbor; atearaer G. C. Undauer, for Gray's Harbor; steamer Navarro, Jacobs captain, fcr Eureka. Arrived Steamer Centralis. Erick?on captain, 68 hours from Gray's Harbor, bound south, put in to land passengers. Arrived Steamer Costa. Rica, from Portland; schooner W. F. Jewett. from Columbia River; schooner Ivy. from Coom Bay; steamer Santa Monica, from Gray's Harbor. Hobart. Oct. 2I.-Salled Sept. 2S, French bark Arte, for Portland. . Spoken September 19. latitude 57 south, longitude 76 west. French bark Admiral Cour bet. from Barry, for San Francisco. October 2. latitude 14 north, longitude 26 west, Brit ish ship Australasia, front Antwerp, for San Francisco. DUwMer Schooner Seven Sisters was blown ashore two miles north of Nome, and will be a total loss. DAILY CITY STATISTICS Marriace Uc?ae. JABOUR-ltOirTRAX-Georxe Jabour. 31; Julia Moutran. 21. THOMPSON-HAG EXT Herman II. Thomp son. 2S, 01 East Twenty-second street; Anna. Prudence Haiceny. 19. M'1'HERSOX-CAUE.DER-Gordon B. McPher on. 32; Mary Elsie Caulder. 24. ARXAUD-ZAOXIE Tony Arnaud. 49, Fourth and Everett streets; Rous Zaonle, 2tf. JOHXSON-MULLER-Per Johnson, 27, lone; OIra Muller. 27. Births. CHIN LOUIE At 65 Second street. October IS. to the wife of Chin Louie, a son. VIGGERS At S50 East Clinton reet. Oc tober L. to tho wife of Joshua. Vlcaers, a daughter. , M'CLOSKET At 4&S Everett street. October 19, to the wife of Joseph McCloskey, a son. FUL.LERTOX At 327 East Seventh street, October 20. to the wtfa of William Henry Fnllerton, aT son. - WILKINS-At 332 East Fifteenth street North, September 24. to tho wife of Kelby Wllklnjt, & daughter. FULliNER At 392 Fairbanks avenue. Oc tober 19, to the wife of Herman Fullner, a ion. Deaths. GALE At 894 East Couch street. October 19. "James O. Gile. a native of Massachusetts, axed 71 years, 4 months and 9 days. KI.DREDGE At St. -Vincent's Hospital. Oo- tober 19. John Eldredge, a native of Enrlacd. aced SO years. Bulldlag Permits. ADAM W1EG ANT Dwelling. Morrta street; X 100. J. E. BOTDSTOX Dwelling. Garfield street, between .Shaver and Mason; $1500. J. E. BOTDSTOX Dwelling. Garfield street, between Shaver and Mason; J 1500. HAMBLET & GOSSUX Flat. Columbia street; between Seventh and Park; J4000." HAMBLET & GOs'SMX Flat, Columbia street, between Seventh and Park; $4000. W. A. BARTON Dwelling, East Davis street, between East Twenty-ninth and East Thirtieth: SI S00. BEX WEST Repair of dwelling on East Morrison street, between Union and Grand avenues; 5100. MRS. MINNIE RAI.PH-rRepaIr.oC dwelling at 793 East Seventh street North: 3200. OTTO KLEBMAN Swelling, East Ash etreet, between Sast Ttreaty-elshth and East Session Continues" All Day THE JAPANESE SECTION WILL BE building. Y. YTJMAJI, Manager,. FAST'TRI FOR NEW LINE OMAHA-LOS ANGELES HOUTE SERV ICE IS PLANNED. Ualoa Pacific Abbobhccs Dally Limited Trnln Via Salt Lake to South ern California. OMAHA. Neb., Oct. 21. (Special.) Business is so greatly on the increase with the Union Pacillc that an entirely new dally train is announced today to make the run from Omaha to Southern California. This will be no slow train but a. second Overland Limited with time equal to that now made by the San Francisco overland. The train will be put in operation nbbut December 1. but it has not been determined as yet whether It will leave Omaha in the morning- or evening. This unnamed limited train will run to Salt Lake and thence to Los Angeles over the new San Pvedro, Los Angeles & Salt Lake line. It will be the most modern train that money can buy, elec tric lighted, with observation car." and high class in all equipment particu lars. Tho Union Pacific Is at present operating; tourist cars over the San Pedro line, which is owned Jointly by E. H. Ilarriman and Senator "W. A. Clark, of Montana. These will be con tinued in addition to the thoroughly first-class train which will be put tn service as soon as the equipment can be secured. Bigamist Blows Off Ills Head. AITKIN. Minn.. Oct. 21. Dr. W. C. Arons. the bonescttcr, convicted of bigamy and srand larceny, and yester day sentenced by Judge Spooner to six years in the penitentiary at Stillwater. committed suicide in his pell this morninp at 9 o'clock, blowing; the top of his head completely off with, a Colt revolver. DAILY METEOROLOGICAL REPORT. PORTLAND, Oct. 21. Maximum tempera ture. 02 deg.; minimum, 3S. River reading at 11 A. M.. 2 feet; change In past 24 hour. falL 0.2 of a foot. Totat precipita tion. T. P M. to 5 P. M.. none; total, since September 1. 1905. 7.25 Inches; normal .4.25 inches; excess. 3 Inches. Total sunshine October 20, 10 hours and 42 mlnutesr pos sible, 10 hours and 42 mlirates. PACIFIC COAST WEATHER. Wind. 4 STATIONS. Up :?5 Baekr City Bismarck........ Boise Eureka Helena K&mloop. B. C. North Head . Pocatello. ....... Portland Red Bluff Roseburg Sacramento. Salt Lake City.. San Francisco. . . Spokane Seattle Tatoosh Istond. . WalU "Walla . 52O.00l 4N 4NW 4INW 4jW 4fSW ..I Clear Cloudy Clar Clear Clear Cloudy . 5410.00 . - CO 0.00 42 0.00 . 46 0.00 GOO.OOUSlNW Pt. C'ldy. Clear Clear Clear Clear I aoo 4iv rclo.oo 52 0.00 8IN 154(0.001 41W !7:0.00 4:N J52 0.00 4JW .fGocoolierw .150 0.00 4ISW .!50l0.00( 8 N .!54!o.O0l 61E 52!0.00f 4(NW ear lear Clear Pt. Cldv. 'Cloudy Clear Clear "WEATHER COXD1TIOXS. Clouds are beginning to gather along the Washington coast and In the Sound Country as a result of the eastward movement of the high pressure area that has been central for the last few days over Idaho and West ern Montana. No rain has fallen anywhere west of the Rocky Mountains and. the tera MONDAY AND GET YOUR 25c ON THE DOLLAR Or less, has been the reigning price during the auction sales' held the past week in the Japanese Section of the Oriental peratures are. generally slightly higher than they were yesterday. The Indications are for Increasing cloudi ness Sunday In Western Oregon and West ern Washington with showers near the coast and lower temperatures In the Interior. In Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington, and Idaho fair weather will continue with slow ly rising temperatures. WEATHER FORECASTS. Forecasts made at Portland for the 23 hours ending at midnight. October 22: Portland and vicinity Increasing cloudi ness with slightly lower temperature dur ing the afternoon. Southeasterly winds. Wesiwrn Oregon and Western Washington Increasing cloudiness with showers near coast. Cooler interior. Easterly winus. Eastern Oregon. Eastern Washington and Idaho Fair with slowly rising temperatures. EDWARD A. BEAL8. District Forecaster. AMUSEMENTS. BASEBALL RECREATION PARK Corner Vaughn and Twenty-fourth PORTLAND VS. SAN FRANCISCO ADMISSION. 33c. OCTOBER 17. 18, 19. 20. 21. Z2. GRANDSTAND, 23c CHILDREN. 13c Box tickets and reserved seats on sale at box office. Dally. 3:15: Sunday. 2:30. FUNERAL NOTICES. THANEM In this city. October 17, 1903. Helen J. Thanem. aged 49 years. 9 months and 9 days. Friends are respectfully In vited to attend the funeral services, rhlch will be held at Holman's Chanel, corner 3d and Salmon st.. Sunday. October 22. 1903, at 2 P. M. Interment Rlvervlew cemetery. GALE At the residence of his daughter. Mrs. J. C. Prltchard. 890 East Couch street. Oc tober 19. 1003. James O. Gale, aged 71 years. 4 months and 9 days. Funeral will take place today. October 22. at 2 P. M.. from . S. Dunnlngs chapel, comer of East Alder and East Sixth streets. Friends Invited. PRICHARD At the residence of her sori. 710 Smith, street. Montavllla. October 20. 1903. firMr,. PrJphard. aced 57 year. 1 month and 1 day. Funeral will take place today, Oeto-- toer at 3 i . il., irom uie v.nurcn ui Precious Blood, at Montavllla. Friends In vited. ROWLAND At Pendleton. Or.. Octeber 20. Margaret Jane Rowland, wife of R. P Rowland. formerly of Mount Tabor. Funeral day. October 23. at 10 o'clock. Friends and acquaintances are rcspecnuuj- i attend. 1UHN-Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited to attend tne runerai ser vices of Clarlnda M. Rahn. which will be held nt Flnley's chapel at 10 A. M.. today. Interment Lone Fir. HEXDRICKSOX Friends and acquaintances are respectfully Invited to attend the funeral rvlcs or Charles J. Hendrlckson. which will be held at the Swedish Mission, comer 17th and Gllnan sts.. at 2 P. M. today. In terment Columbia cemetery. JOHXSTOX In this city. October 21. 1005, at the family, residence, S54 Powell t., Wil liam C Johnston, aged 27 years. 10 months and 0 days. The funeral servlceM will be held nt the above residence at 2:30 P. If. today. Friends Invited. Interment Lone Fir Cemetery. LUND The funeral ervlces of William Lund will be held at Flnleys chapel at 3 P. M. today. Frleflda Invited. Interment Lone Fir. WALLACE Friends and acquaintances are re spectfully Invited -to attend the funeral serv ice of Esther May. wife of Elmer J. Wal lace, which will be held at the family resi dence. 357 Ivy St.. today. Sunday. October 22. at 2 P. M. Services at the grave private. r BALDWIN In this city. October 21, 1005. at 371 North Nineteenth street, Frank Baldwin, aged 32 years. 3 months and 7 days. The funeral services wltl be held at the above residence at 2 P. M-. Monday. October 23. Friends invited. Interment. Lone Fir. DUNNING. M'KNTEE & GILBAUGH. Suc cessors to Dunatng & Campion, undertakers and embalfHrrs; modem la erery detail; 7th and Pkie. Phase Mala 439. Lady assistant. EDWARD nOLKAN COn Undertakers rind emb aimers, have sored to their new build leg. Third aad SaJmoa. Lady assbtaat. Telephone No. 607. J. P. nNLEY it SON. Faaeral Directors, eer. Sd aad Madlta. Office of County Cor oner. JJlAj assistant. Telephone No. 9. F. S. DUNNING, Undertaker. 414 East Alder. Lady a I tlx t a at. Telephone East 53. ZELLER-B YRNES CO.. Usdertakers. Em fcausertf, 273 Bwell : East 1K8. Lady a'U SOLD AT CHAS. H. O'CONNER, y Auctioneer, Los Angeles and New York. CLASSIFfEDAD. RATES. "Rooms, "Rooms nd Board." "House keeping Hooni, "Situations Wanted." IS words or less, 15 cents; 18 to 20 words, 20 cents; 21 to 25 words, 25 cents, etc No dis count for additional Insertions. UNDER ALL OTHER HEADS, except "New Today," 30 cents for 15 words or less; 16 to 20 words, 40 cents; 21 to 25 words, 5S cents, etc first lnertloa. Each additional Insertion, one-half; no further dlscouat un der one month. "NEW TODAY" (gauge measure agate), 15 cents per line, first insertion: 10 cents per line for each additional Insertion. ANSWERS TO ADVERTISEMENTS, ad dressed care The Oregoman, and left at this office should always be Inclosed la scaled envelopes. No stamp Is required oa such letters. The Oregonlan will not be responsible for errors In advertisements takes through the telephone. MEETING NOTICES. COURT SCANDIA. NO. 7.. F. OF A A!l members are requested to meet at Foresters Hall. Sunday. October 22. 2 P. II.. In order to attend the funeral -of our late brother. William Lund. All courts Invited. By order i Z C. R. AXEL E. SCHWARTZ. Secretary PORTLAND TEAM. XO. 107. W. O. AV. will give a military whist party Wednesday eventng. October 25. In Selllng-Hlrsch bids . Tenth and Washington sts. Admission, 15 . Refreshments. GEO. WRIGHT RELIEF CORPS Prorrrss Ive whist social Friday eve.. Oct- 27. Hall. 3d floor northeast comer 2d and Morrison, admission 10 cents. THE SOCIAL DAXCE to be given by Pros pect Camp next Thursday evening In th? r hall. Selllng-Hlrsch building, will be fec ti members and their friends. COMMITTEE ABD-THL-ATEF TEMPLE, D. O. K K Special 5em-Zem convention Thursday even ing. October 2i. S o'clock, at K. I Ha'l. Marquam building. MUNZ. Royal Vizier DIED. SULLIVAN In this city. October 21. 100.1. Mary E. Sullivan, aged 04 years. The de ceased left the following children to mourn her loss: Kate, William and John Sullivan, of this city; Mrs. C. H. Logus. of Th Dalles. Or., and Mrs. G. Mortimer, of San Francisco. Cal. Remains at Flnley's chapel" Funeral notice hereafter. NEW TODAT. RELIABLE PARTY WANTS TO LESB large hall, eultable for teaching and dan.' lng purposes. Strictly flrst-cla? only, I ! rebuild to suit If necessary. Addrefs L H Druby. 470 Miller ave.. city. OLD GOLD. JEWELRY. BOUGHT. MADE over, exchanged: diamonds, precious stones loose and mounted; watches. Jewelry re paired. Uncle Myers. Jeweler. 143 3d-Alder. FOR SALE CHOICE QUARTER BLOCK OR single lot. 25th and Notthrup. easy terms. C. W. Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg. SACRIFICE SALE. S1325-3 LOTS. NEAR 32d and E: MaVon In Sunnyside. C W Pallett. 304 Fenton bldg. Mortgage Loans 5, Upwards. Real Estate City and Farm. Insurance ?n AH Lines. A. H. B1RRELL. 202-3 McKay bldg.. Third and Stark sts. 927 ACRE Farm and stock ranch. In Valley; ITS acres cultivated land, good orchard, good 7-room. house, 5 barns and other buildings. 2 creeks through place; R. F. D. mall; 7t$ miles from county seat; 250 head of stock; good farming implements. Price. 515,000; terms. Mrs. H. F. Ball, owner. .Corvallis. Or. Rural Route No. L Holladay's Addition For sale A new 5-room cottage, all con veniences, full cement basement; rtreew different and better than anything In the city; fully Improved; a very desirable lo cation; convenient to two trolley lines. See the. modern, complete, unique, eight-room resi dence, comer 15th and Clackamas sts. Ready October 15. Lots sold on advantageous term to homebullders. The Oregon Real Estate Co. 06 y- Third St . oom 4.