The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 22, 1905, Page 12, Image 12

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The Meier 3b Frank Store
$9.00 Lacev Waists $5.45
Special lot of fine net and lace
Waists in white and cream, trim
med with lace insertion or heavy
Venise lace yoke, waists for
dress and evening wear Waists
that -find ready sale regularly at
$9 ea. All sizes
tomorrow only P-
Silk Petticoats $4.45
100 'black Silk Petticoats, of good
quality Taffeta Silk; plaited
flounce -with ruffle and ruche; a quality Skirt qA AtZ
all stores sell at $7.50; on sale here at this low price.
$ 1 .00 Crepe de Chine at 79c Yard
Dresden figured Crepe de Chine, very beautiful designs and color
ings for waists and evening gowns; regular $1.00
quality, on sale at the unusually low price of, yard...
Two special lots of fancy Velvet Waisting in desirable styles and
colorings; grand values at, the yard 59 and 79
New plaid Silks, in attractive designs and color tf 1 rifo
combinations; extra good values at this price, yd. .. V
50-inch Tailored Suitings, very latest style materials in all weights
for shirtwaist suits, tailored suits, skirts, etc.; yard. ..$1.00
Colored Moreen Skirting, 50c value, on sale for, yard 35
Boys' Clothing, 2d Floor
Oar Great October Sale
Boys' all wool Overcoats, in dark brown
mixtures, full length, belted back, velvet
collar, ages 7 to 15 years; fC
great special value at tpHfww
Bojrs' all wool Overcoats, in gray, brown and
dark mixed plaids and mixtures; ages 8
to 16 years; regular $6.00 tiLA. A
values, on sale for this price. . PTuJ
Boys' fine all wool Overcoats, in fancy mixed
Tweeds and Cheviots; very latest styles;
ages 8 to 16 years; grand trr
values at this unusual price.. V
Boys' Raincoats in dark brown and gray
mixtures; ages 7 to 16 years, j$5, $6, $7.50.
Knickerbocker Norfolk Suits, in all the new
est styles and materials, $6.00 to $12.50.
Knickerbocker Knee Pants, Cassimeres and
fancy Tweeds, 3 to 15 yrs., $1, ,$1.25, $1.50.
Corduroy Knickerbocker Knee Pants, $1.50.
Little Boys' Overcoats and Reefers, ages 2y
to 8 years; gray and brown mixtures,
navy, royal, red, brown, ,$3.50 to $8.50 ea.
$60,000 Picture "Sistine Madonna"
On Exhibition All This Week on 3d Floor
The Meier Frank Store
"We place on free exhibition in the Upholstery Department, Third Floor, tomorrow one of the
marvels-of the Lewis and Clark Exposition. ' Raphael's "Sistine Madonna," an exact creation in
needlework by Miss Clara Ripberger, of Dresden, Germany. Miss Ripberger has executed this re
markable work from memory, yet she has preserved all of its wonderful qualities; the spell pf the
original is there, the magnificent coloring, the expression of the faces. This wonderful specimen of
art needlework was sent to the St. Louis Exposition by the German government, then transferred to
Portland. Not a brushful of paint has touched the picture, filoselle silk of various" colors being used
entirely. Viewing it at a distance, no one is prepared to say that the work is not painting; in fact,
thestatement that it is needlework is often disputed until the witness has approached and fell the
texture for himself. The picture is 7x10 feet in size. Exhibition hours, 10 to 12 M., 2 to 5 P. M. Free
to alL Come as often as you please to see it Third Floor.
Women's $25 Suits $18.45
For Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday we announce the best
suit news of the season 100 new high-grade, up-to-date tail
ored suits, in black, navy, green and brown, -cheviots, tight
fitting, three-quarter length coats, collar and cuffs, velvet
trimmed and pleated skirt, this season's most attractive gar-
ments in all sizes Every suit in the lot full
$ 1 8.45
value $25, choice 3 days only at this price
Our suit display is by far the largest ever attempted by any
Western house Magnificent variety of every new fashion
and material at prices from $20 to $ 1 00 Thousands of new
coats $10 to $75 Complete stock of Raincoats $10 to $60
New Furs at Fair Prices
"Women's Fur Coats in brown squirrel, Persian lamb, electric seal and
Astrachan, also combination Coats in beaver, mink and ermine;" all
new styles and best values at $25.00 up to $100.00 each.
Novelty Neckpieces in mink, gray or brown squirrel, beaver, chinchilla
and ermine ; largest showing of popular-priced pieces, $4.00 to $35.00.
"Women's Long Fur Boas in sable, Isabella fox, mink, wolf, opossum
"and squirrel ; very handsome pieces at $10.00 to $75.00 each.
Muffs in squirrel, mink and fox; prices range from $1$.00 to $25.00.
Complete line of Children's Furs in white Thibet and white Angora, at
prices ranging from $1.75 to $12.50. Second Floor. Take elevator.
Sale of 35c Ribbons for 18c Yard
10,000 yards of extra quality all pure silk satin Taffeta and Taffeta Ribbons ; full 5 inches wide, in
light blue, white, black, pink, Nile, reseda, -brown, red, emerald, navy, old rose and marine; chance
to supply your holiday Ribbon needs at a big saving; best 35c quality, for few da3s at, yard. 18
Tuxedo Mesh A7eiling with dotted borders, in blue,, green, brown, tan, gray, black and ej-
white; regular 50c quality; now on sale at this remarkably low price, yard
14-yard Chiffon Drapes, in blue, brown; black and white, 75c values, on sale at, each 39
Tuxedo Mesh Veiling in black and white only. 25c value for this very low price, yard. 12$
Unusual Carpet Bargains
$ 1 . 1 5 Brussels 96c Yd.
5000 yards of new Brussels Carpets, in beautiful Oriental de
signs and two-tone effects; regular $L15 grade; will be QAr
sewed, laid and lined at this exceptionally low price, yd.
5000 yards of Brussels Carpets, 15 Oriental and floral patterns to
select from; best $1.00 value; will be sewed, laid and q
lined at this special low price, yard ....... JC
1000 Axminster Rugs
1000 beautiful Axminster Rugs, in Oriental and floral de
signs; best grade, best wearing Rugs; 3 sizes at reduced prices
18x3 6-inch Axminster Rugs, $ 1 .25VIue, Each $ .89
2?x60-inch Axminster Rugs, $2.75 Value; Each $1.89
3 6x72 -inch Axminster Rugs, $4.50 Value, Each $3.40
50 Navajo Rugs, magnificent specimens, all sizes; grand colorings
and designs; your choice of the lot for one week at. . .1-4 OFF
Women's 75c Black Lisle Hose 39c
A limited quantity of women's black German Lisle Hose,
medium weight with ankles embroidered in colors, elabor
ate designs and Oriental colorings and designs, embroi
dered polka dots in red, blue, white and black, also elab
orate fforal designs Fine quality Hosiery, all sizes, best
75c value on sale while the 50 dozen last at the
very low special price of, per pair. ..
"Women's plain Lisle Hose, in the new pastel shades with embroid
ered docks; heaver, wine, Russian greeny gray, etc.; pq
all sizes; best $1.00 values, on sale at this low price, pair.fc C
"Women's lxl-rib black Cashmere Hose, in all sizes;
regular 35c grade, on sale at this low price, pair C
Boys' lxl-rib Cashmere Hose, doublp knee, gray heel and
toe; all sizes; regular 50c value, on sale for this price. . . 20C
Boys' 2xl-rib Cashmere Hose, double knee, gray heel and "lL
toe; all sizes; regular 50c values, on sale for, pair OOC
Misses' black Cashmere Hose, sizes 5 to 8, lxl-rib,
double knee and sole, 35c and 40c values, on sale for, pr. C
"Women's plain black Cotton Hose, light or medium 7L7f
weight, all sizes; best 50c values, on sale for few dajrs at. C
$6.50 White Wool Blankets $4.87
500 pairs of white "Wool Blankets with
colored borders; fine quality and
full size; every pair worth $6.50; a
special deal with a prominent CalK
fornia mill enables us to
offer ttiem at, pair pHf0
500 pairs of light gray Blankets, the
best inexpensive Blanket on the
market; full size; regu
lar $4.00 value, for, pair. .Jw
500 Comforters, white lanated cotton
filled; securely tufted "or stitched.;
good quality Silkolme covering: the
largest and fullest Comforter ever sold at $2.00; AXk
our special prices for a few days is 3d Floor V
Drug Sundries, Stationery, Jewelry
Splendid Money - Saving Chances
JSathasweet Rice Powder, best toilet powder made, box 16
1000 cans of Dr. Graves' famous Talcum Powder for, each 7$
Superior Bay Rum Hair Tonicr special value at this price.. 1$
9-row pure bristle solid-back Hair Brushes at, each 49
Bath Brushes, white handle, good quality, at this price, ea. .19
Double-sewed "Whisk Brooms, unusual value for, each 9
Sapolin Floor Varnish Stains, special value at this price, can.l9
Eaton-Hurlburt's fine Papers, 50c values, on sale for, box. .39
Odds and ends of Diaries of all kinds, 25c to 50c values, each.lO
5000 rolls Crepe Paper, all colors, special value at, each....7p
Nickel-plated "Watches, stem-wind and . stem-set, every qv
one guaranteed $1.25 values, for this low price, each. . . OC
Gold Pens with. pearl handles, special at this low price, each. 25
Alert Alarm Clocks, fully guaranteed, on .sale for, each.....98p
Just received, a new shipment of Gold and Silver "Watches,
15-jewel Elgin and "Waltham movements ; 20 years guarantee ; all
sizes, for women, men and misses.
Souvenir Yiew Books of the Lewis andOlark Fair; four sizes,
on sale at the following extremely low prices :
25c View Books 10 50c View Books 25
35c View Books 15 $1.00 View Books,... 50
Arabian Lace Curtain Bargains
st Two great lots of Corded Arahian Lace Curtains; heavy cable
.snet centers with edges and insertings ; all are full size, heavily
v $5.00 Values at $3.98 Pair
$6.50 Values at $5.28 Pair
Domestic" Arabian Lace Curtains, made on heavy cable nets-with
wide antique lace pattern insertings and edges, 5.0 tO
in.wide, 3 yds. long; best $3.25 values, few days, pr. wO
3, 5 and 6-yard samples of Madras Cross-stripe Silk, figured Silk,
Cretonnes, etc., in the best patterns and colorings ; on sale to
morrow at one-third off regular prices. Good op- fff
portunity to fix up odd windows at little cost 3
25 plain spring-edge, hair-top Couches, with heavy, serviceable
tapestry couch covers of the best patterns and O R
colorings, $15.00 value, complete, at wO
Custom Shade and Drapery "Work our specialty. Best ma
terials and workmanship. Lowest prices guaranteed.
3 Leather Goods Specials
Handbags of walrus and seal leather,fitted with
card-case and coin-purse; black, brown Q'7s
and tan; $1.25-$1.50 values, on sale for. C
.Large size patent leather Handbags with coin
purse, gilt frame; regular $1.00 f0Xn
value, on sale for the low price of. . . .03C
Handbags in walrus or patent leather, fitted with
.coin-purse, all colors, 65c-75c values, for. .43
"Peninsular" Stoves
Sole Portland agents for "Peninsular" Steel
Ranges, Cook Stoves, Heaters, Airtight -Heaters,
Gas Heaters, Oil Heaters, Gas Ranges, Gas Hot
Plates, etc. Complete Stove Dept. in Basement.
Gre!iiesSfcU1 Glazed Jardiniere
Time to bring the plants indoors. Heres a
chance to buy Jardiniers for them at a saving
25c Glazed Jardiniers for, each 19
30c Glazed Jardiniers for, each 23
40c Glazed Jardiniers for, each 31
50c Glazed' Jardiniers for, each..., 39
65c Glazed Jardiniers for, each 5l
$1.00 Glazed Jardiniers for, each... 77$
$1.15 Glazed Jardiniers for, each 88
$1.50 Glazed Jardiniers for, each 1.3.9
Fancy Jardiniers in all sizes and beautiful styles
at prices up to $10.00.
Glazed Cuspidors, special at, each 10
Glazed Cuspidors, gold finish, each 27
Umbrella Stands in Big variety. Basement.
The Meier Frank Store
Women's Fine $2.50 to $5
Shoes $1.65 a Rair
October Rummage Sale in the shoe store,
cleaning np broken lines of J. &. T. Cous
ins' and Johnson Bros. ftunons high-
grade footwear for women Patent leath-
ers, box calf and vici kid leathers, hand- a
turned, hand-welt and heavy extension
soles Nearly- every one can be fitted 3
Fully one dozen lines frre included, voices i
ranging from $2.50 to $5.00 a pair-
About 600 pairs altogether to be closed
out tomorrow at the re-
markably low price, pair
Better plan to come early if you wantapair
Lace and Embroidery Bargains
Swiss embroidered Skirt Flouncing, 12 to 18 inches wide,
beautiful designs, values to $2.00 yard, for, yard
5000 yards of Swiss and Cambric Embroidery and Insert
ing 2 to 9 inches wide, 2oc values, on sale for, yard. .
Handsome .Net-top Laces and Insertions, in white and
cream; values up to 25e yard, for low price of, yard.
15-inch Valenciennes Allovers for waists ; very dainty $h
designs; $3.00 value, on sale at this low price, yard,
18-inch Valenciennes and 'figured Net Allovers, in white
and cream; values to 85c yard, on sale for, yard
20c and 25c Handkerchiefs 12c Eq,
100 dozen Swiss embroidered, hem
stitched , and scalloped border
Handkerchiefs, great, assortment
of new patterns, many of which
are suitable for fancy work; 20c
and 25c values, on-sale, ea..l2
"Women's hemstitched, embroidered,
tlemi-Iaunderdd Handkerchiefs,
assorted patterns; all pure linen;
regular 25c values, on sale 1 f
at this low price, each. . . .
Special display of new hand-embroidered
all pure linen Handker
chiefs in exquisite designs at
. prices from $1.00 to $50.00 each.
New Lawn and barred Linen Handkerchiefs on sale.
New Armenian Lace Handkerchiefs ; splendid display.
Sole agents for "Perrins' real French Kid Gloves.
Free Lessons in
Free lessons in art embroidery
work given by an expert on
Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur-
Art Embroidery days.' For particulars inquire at
. sL. the Art Department, 2d Moor.
Wallace "1835" Silverware
At Greatly Reduced Prices
1835 " Sugar Shells, 50c and 60c values, each 426
1835" Butter Knives, 50c values, on sale for, ea.42
1835" Cake Forks, $1.15 value, for, each 97
1835" Cold Meat Forks, 75c values, for, each 59
1835" Berry Forks, set of 6, $3.00 value, for. .S2.49
"Wallace "1835" Cream Ladles, 75c value, for this sale, ea..65
"Wallace "1835" Berry Spoons, $1.15 value, on sale for 93
1835" Gravy Ladles, 90c value, on sale for 75
1835" Table Spoons, set of 6, $3.00 value, for. $2.25
1835" Dessert Spoons, set of 6, $2.50 value.. 2.00
"Wallace "1835" Medium Forks, set? of 6, $3.00 value. .2.25
"Wallace "1835" Dessert Forks, set of 6, $2.50 value, for!S2.00
1835" Coffee Spoons, set of 6, $1.25 value, for..98p
1835" Berry Spoons, gilt bowl, $1.60 value.. $1.23
$2.50 Pickle Castors on sale for low price of, each $1.98
$1.35 Cracker Jars on sale for the low price of, each $1.09
Carving Sets, stag handles, lined box, best steel
bladesj $4.00 sets, on sale for the low price of $3.37
In the Art Store Second Floor
lot of 100 at
Misses' and
children's school
umbrellas in great variety All
grades at 50c to $2.50 each
Colored Linen Centerpieces, with tinted designs, great
special value at this low price
Dutch Pillow Tops, many patterns, each lip
Hemstitched Linen Squares, drawnwork border, 18 in., 5 Q -24-in.
and 30-in.; special at OC
Complete stock of Carlson & Currier's famous Embroidery
Silks ; every new desirable shade in all kinds of Silks. 2d Floor,
Free lessons in Art Embroidery "Work given free by an ex
pert Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.
$3.50 Silk Umbrellas $2.37 Each
Women's colored silk serge Um
brellas with woven borders pf
white in conventional and floral
designs Wine, green and brown
with natural wood handles Ser
viceable and attractive styles
selling regularly at $3.50 each.
Your choice of this
15c Sheet Music Sale
Three-days sale of popular Yocal and Instrumental Sheet Music;
publishers1 price 50c a copy; sale price 15i copy. Mail orders
will be promptlv filled. "Love Me," "If You Don't Like Your
Job, Quit," "In the Shade of the Old Apple Tree," "Echoes
From Egypt," "Pioneer MKrch" and many others at r
the low price of 15c Third Floor 1 jC
Principal Portland agents for Butterick Patterns and Publi
cations ; the most complete Pattern stock in the city. ,
November Delineator now on sale at 15 a copy.
Delineator subscriptions taken at $1.00 per annum.