THE SUNDAY OREGOXIAX. PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8, 1905. SCHOOLS SEND HOSTS TO HUH Thousands of Youngsters Visit Exposition and Celebrate Children's Day. MAMMAS' PETS GET WET Defying lluin and Mud, Small Tots Have the Time of Their IAves and ltcep7 the" Mana gers Busy. OUDER. OF THE DAY, OCTOBER 8. S A. Gates open. 12 M. Exhibit buUdlngs,-and Trail open. 12 M. to 0 P. M. Lewis and Clark Pwultry Show open. 3 to S P. M. Grand concert by. the Ellery Royal Italian Band, Gray's Boulevard bandstand. (li weather Is bad the concert will be given ,ln the Auditorium.) C P. M. Exhibit buildings close. 7:30 P. M. Grand concert by the Eilery Royal Italian Band, Auditor lum. . , 8 P. ?i Grand electrical illumina tion of Exposition grounds and building. 11 P. JiS. Gates close. 11:30 P. M. Trail closes. Grounds dark. Further information may be ob tained from official dally programme. Out at the -Exposition entrance yester day morning two little children, a boy and a girl, stood hand In hand at the parting of the ways. One-was laboriously clean with, a wldeVhlte collar, palnfully pollshed shoes, and an oddly assumed air of unconcerned worldllness; the other de murely quiet and bubbling with hardly suppressed excitement. Both had come, in common with hundreds, perhaps thou sands, of others, to accept the hospitality of the Exposition management as mem bers of the public schools of the City of Portland. x On the one hand, the road stretched oft to the right, on the other to the left, Mjoth promising much In explorations and delight The two youthful tourists stood in silence & moment, deciding, And then the boy spoke. "Lies' go see the big en jun," he said, starting towards the Trans portation building on the right. The girl held back. "I'd ratber see the pictures anil the pretty things," she said. "ICaw," said the other; "we'll see the enjun ajid ride In the crane up in the roof." T,he man had Ills say, as used to be right Thousands of "Kids." Yesterday 14,000 tickets were distributed to the school children of the city, and a large part of them were used. Neither wind, nor nun, nor rain, could still the chatter of the girls or quell the wild whoops of the boys as they swarmed over the grounds and through the buildings, In groups or. accompanied by parents or older friends. It was the day when the young were there to enjoy the Fair, and they did that to the full In their own original ways. The marvels of the build ings, the Music of the bands and the shrill-voiced spielers of the Trail all came under their critical inspection and criti cism. They poked sly fingers at the ex hibits, picked off an occasional grape which happened to be hanging too far out In some of the county displays, drank lemonade through the longest straws, and in general had the best time ever. Before the gates were opened in the morning they had begun to gather, and after the lights were shining at night they reluctantly, sadly, took their leave. The grounds yes terday entertained the most appreciative gathering perhaps of the whole course"T)f the Exposition. At first the sun shone out 4n promise, and -the grounds were thronged with the pleasure-seeking youngsters; then the rain came down In torrents, and the buildings filled as by magic. In the Manufactures building two bedraggled sightseers stood, Just escaped from the rain, in front of the big yellow cofiN of butter. The girl looked admir ingly at the eatable" animal, but the boy gazed ruefully "at his limp and clinging collar and short-lived shine. ' "I told mama it wouldn't do any good to do all that" he said. Sympathy for Exposed Beauty. Down oh tne Trail later Jn the day they, stood again 1n front of a place alleged to be representative of the French capl- CHILDREN WATCHING THE UFE-SAYING CREW. tal, and gazed at the obese beauty with the straight front eyes. "Gee!" said the boy, "I bet them ladies catch cold and have tho grip." In the Auditorium those children who had grown old In years gathered to pay tribute to Jefferson, and with them in the eddy of the crowd came those who had yet to grow. Some man who was sup posed to know was telling of the honor and fame of the father of Democracy. Jefferson " queried the boy, reflective ly; "he's the fellow that said 'Millions for defense,' ain't he?" "No," was his companion's correction; "he said 'United we stand.' " "That ain't right" said the boy. with superior wlsdomr ""he wrote something. That man up there just now said he did. He was the fellow that saw the sun charmed with the scenic and other at tractions of the City of Hoses. At ja. meeting at the Glendora Hotel tho other evening they formed the Calkins Newspaper Club, to commem orate their pleasant visit The mem bership of the club is in the neighbor hood of 100, and they hal from differ ent parts of California. Oregon. "Wash ington and Nevada:- W. EL Rothery, of this city, was elected first prosident of the club; Mrs. Charles P. Lough bridge, first vice-president, and Miss Jennie Curnow, secretary. Governor Pardee and the Secretary of State of California, the California Commission ers to the Fair and several local gen tlemen prominent In business and pro fessional circles are honorary mem bers. Among the latter arc Thomas ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND SURPLUS With the Lewis and Clark Exposition entering on the last week of Its exist ence. President H. "W. Goode -was able yesterday afternoon to state the final out-i :ome of the -enterprise from a financial standpoint. He stated that despite the heavy rains of the past week, which affected the attendance seriously, .the sur plus when the Fair ends will amount to more than $100,000. The Inclement weather of the past week cost the Exposltlcn 125,000. Should tbe final week be attended by equally bad weather It U doubtful If the attend ance would be ao strongly affected. Many people there are who vrlt! desire to take a last look at the Exposition and the attendance on tho last day is sure "to be one of the heaviest of the Fair, probably neavler than on opening day. But regardless of what may happen, the surplus will reach "bove the $100,000 mark. That jnuch has been salted away and will not ba touched pendlnc action of the stockholders. Should a distribution to those wb& Invested In stock be made, iron 25 to 40 per cent will be paid back on their investments. A deficit is the . precedent other Expositions have established. As to the'number of paid admissions, it t known that the 'million mark has long since been passed. Before tho Fall conservative estimates of Iho prob able number of raid admissions ranged from 000,000 to J.000,000. The figure most generally accepted Was 600,0p0 or in that neighborhood. With any klndyof showing during the- final week the 'total attendance will reach 2.300,000 Lost night It had pasted 2,345.000. Of this amount between SO and B5 .per ct-nt ar paid admissions. The total at free admissions represents be tween 35 and 40 per cent. The total paid admissions are known to have reached the immediate vicinity of l,500.t)00. on the back of the chair at Bunker Hill." And -so the' identity of the "great President was established. Children's jday; in csold enjoymont, pro portionate to numbers was one of the great successes Of the Exposition, and will remain longer in the memory of thou sands than any other day of the whole year. Form Newspaper Club. A. byy of jfretty ypuhg ladles from California are at present visiting the Fair as the guests of the Calkins Newspaper Syndicate, and they are O'Day, Thomas P. Tliornton. M. J3. Beatty and T. "W. Duncan. ' The object of the club la to promote the literary talent of the members. Incidentally, and primarily to perpotuate the -pleasing memories and experiences of their visit to tho Left-is and Clark Centen nial Exposition at 'Portland.. Pajaro Valley Sends Strawberries. Portiaritl ' people have this week -been favored with a taste of choice straw berries from the Pajaro Valley, Cali fornia, of which "Watsonville is the prin cipal center, famed for fruit of both vine and tree. For the past six weeks this valley has been represented at -the Ex position by a special Commissioner, F. J. Chapman, who has distributed to visitors about 15 boxes. of apples and 12 chests of strawberries. Watsonville ships about 3000 cars of apples annually and 1000 cars of berries, the last-named crop extending over eight to nine-months. ."Women Thank Mrs. Cartwrlght- The success of Abigail Scott Duniway day at the Exposition was due in great .measure to lhe untiring efforts of Mrs. C M. Cartwright, chairman of the general committee, who named all subcommittees. Mrs. Cartwright is Intensely Interested in all matters pertaining to the pioneers of the Northwest,, and in Mrs. Duniway she had not only a pioneer, but a lifelong friend, to serve. Sho has known Mrs. Duniway since the latter came to Oregon and deeply appreciates the value of the latters work in the Northwest, especially to women. As chairman of the Women's Auxulllary of the Pioneer Association, Mrs. Cartwrlght's services have come to be much depended upon in Portland in the management of such matters, and the ar rangements ior the day In question were deferred t tocher. Many cxpressfons are heard of deep; appreciation f or" he .active part- she took -In making the" day a suc--cets ' - v 3IlnirijErJBallding Open. Today Owinr to the large number of awards .received by the State of Colorado for its .mineral "exhibit at the Lewis and Clark Exposition, and consequent inr terest evinced in that exhibit by the public. J. C Langley, Inspector of Mines, -in charge for . the common wealth, announces that the .Mining building will bo kep open today dur ing the hours that the grounds are open to. visitors. This Is" the first Sun day on which' the .Mining building has been. open. SHOCK AT THE CLUBHOUSE Electric Apparatus nt Multnomah Club Blows Out. Two little girls, bathlng- In "the- tank at the ilultnomah Amateur Athletic Club, got a shock,-the lights In-the house, were blown 'out, and the entire police jiatrol reporting system rendered useless at 11 A. M. yesterday by crossed wires. A pole belonging to the Automatic Tele phone Company, which was being set up -near the club building, at the head of Morrison street, fell across wires that were heavily charged with electricity, and CIULD RE N RETURNING TROJC TXJB GOVXJtXJCKNT BDIXJMXO. the series of accidents followed Immedi ately. The little girls who were in the bathing tank wero badly frightened, but unin jured. The damage to the lights- of the club building and to the reporting system of tho police department caused considerable Inconvenience.. It was not until night fliat the lights were repaired, and the pllce machinery will be out of commission un til tomorrow. FORGER AT YOUTHFUL AGE "BIpssom" Carpenter, of Oakland, Fpund It Easy to Get Money. SAN FRANCISCO. Oct. 7. (Special.) Four crimes constitute the known record of "D. R. Blossom," the youthful bank forger, who was arrested by Detectives Gibson and Rlordan, yesterday afternoon, and whose true name is Ambrose Carpen ter. The young man comes of good fam ily, and his first forgery, committed June 2S, which was for 51000. was settled by his parents, who are well-to-do residents of Oakland. He 'Was arrested -on that occa sion, but there was no prosecution, and, like any other favored prisoners, his pho tograph was never taken .for" the rogues gallery. '"Blossom" Carpenter seemed- to expe rience little or no difficulty In getting money on his forgeries ' from the various banking Institutions with which he did business. The matter of identification, evidently, was completely overlooked, and it was only necessary for the young crim inal to present his forged paper, take his money and go his way. Carpenter's first forgery was committed whe he was employed by Mr. Rodgers,' yhc husband of the woman whose name he forged. Ho had often gone to the bank for. his employer, and it was easy for him to get a check cashed. It was only by a comparison of signatures that tbla crime was discovered and the forger taken Into custody. For a time Carpenter Tefrained from felonious pen work, but of late he has taken up the game again, and. seems to have played no favorites In the matter of selecting victims. When he was arraigned In the Police Court today. Carpenter said he needed no lawyer, as he Intended to plead guilty. .Judge Morgan told him to-reserve his plea for the Superior Court, and set his exam ination for next Wednesday. ,r. Sues for Goods Sold at Dawson. William W. Porter yesterday sued Will iam Thomas and George Ames in the State Circuit Court to recover $M9 on ac count of goods sold to them at Dawson while they were conducting a hotel there between June and November, 19C0. The goods were sold by the Alaska Mercan tile Company, which assigned the claim to Porter. CAXD OF THANKS. To all friends and neighbors for their kindness during out late bereavement of dear husband and father, Frederick Hast ings, S7S Williams avenue. Mrs. F. Hast ings, Arthur Hastings, Ada. Hastings, Laura Hastings, Frederick Hastings, George Hastings. DIABETES Complete Recovery of a .Well-Kaewa Saa FroaclscaB. Adolph -W3ke, th capitalist, of 020 Green street Js one of San Francisco's pioneer busi ness men. He was the founder of the Orig inal California Cracker Company at the cor ner, of Battery and Broadway; In that city. Hearing that he had recovered, from Dia betes' (a disease that Is beltered 'to be- in curable) Charles Stewart, a ; business man of Alcona.' Is., wrote him asking if It was true. We are permitted to copy his per sonal reply: San Francisco. July 22. 1004. CHAS. STEWART, ESQ.. Algona. Iowa. Dear Sir; Would have answered your let ter sooner, but wjm at my mine In Placer county. Will now say that If you have Dia betes, nothing in the world will cure you but the J. J. Fulton Compound. Tou want to make tip your mind In the first place to stay wtih it npt take a few bottles and then -stop, either through Impatience or imagining you are al! right. It will take time, but It Is sure to cure you. I took the medicine (a bottM a week) for a whole year and am now a well as 1 ever was In my life, and thi was all of four years ago. I am much of the Um9, mine, 500 feet underground, and With at bad effect. Of .course, one has to live rightly. The sooner you commence tak ing, thlv Compound. th sooner you will com .rae.nce to jret. ou.t of your misery. If you commence at once, and live rightly. In one year's ttme I guarantee you Will be entlrely rid of the disease and as well a man as ever. Tours very truly. AD WE3KE. . ' 90 Oren st. Mr." Weske U over 7Q-years old". Medical works record Diabetes as lacurable. but "nearly nine-tenths are recovering under Fulton's Dlabetlo Compound. Send for ltter- .ature. Woodard. Clarke A Co., gtJ. Port land. . " ." , When to -suspect Dlahetes-Drj'nMs. of the throat unusual thirst large quantities ef urine voracious appetite weakness wltaout apparent cause one or more of these. X: S m GCNLD 3 ;y . MEDALS Ml LEWIS AND CLARK . CENTENNIAL EXPOSITION DIVISION OF EXHIBITS Messrs. H. LIEBES 6 CO., Portland, Or. - Gentlemen: I have the honor to inform you that the jury under Group A awarded your exhibit seven Gold. Medals as follows : For the Best and Most Originar Exhibit Pirst Prize. For the Best General Display of Fine Skins Pirst Prize. For the Best Display of Sealskins Pirst Prize. For the Best Manufactured Sealskin Garments Pirst Prize. For the Best Display, of Manufactured Furs First Prize. For the Most Original atld Stylish Garments Pirst Prize. For the Best Display of Mounted Rugs First Prize. Yours very truly, HENRY E. DOSCH, Director of Exhibits. Seven Golden Recommendations Could you want any better indorsement of our materials and workmanship? Just think, we took FIRST PRIZE in every class. All this means that our exhibits were subjected to the most crit ical examination by expert judges. And remember that we better furs nor workmanship than we put into the garments furnished our customers every day in the week. Wouldn't it pay you to see us when you want furs? 2giHorrisonSt JOHN P.PIAGEMAftX MGRj. DoaArrf la ceatagioos disease, caased by micro bo. CS-OINGl 30ING! GONE Hi Humz ihl im it HEineiK wui DON'T CRY FAKE Tfe sera atsatlos of "hair renetly" throws soma mm Into a fit Of ."unreasonable Incre dulity. It I -true that before the mlcroblo ertsia o baldnem; was discovered most hair rtteedlM wero worthMs, but not many SHE IT TM UTE FH HMftCllE of them wers designedly ao. ChrOnio bald, ness Is Incurable, but Its forerunners dandruff, Itchlnr scalp and falllnr hair can be cured by stopptns the mlerob'c growth with Xewbro's Hsrplcld. It pre vents reinfection. Money back If unsatis factory. Delightful hair dreaMnr. Stops iicmni oc scaip instantly. ftnw itom, f.N. Sfrt'ik., stays, ta REaMCIK CO., fcft. H., Dttrttr, Hlcfi.. fir a Sani. NIWBRO'S HERPICIDE. TIme Orlflaal Remedy That Kills the Dandruff Germ." Appltcatteos at Premtaeat Barber Sheps. r n