8 - THE SJ72TDAY OREGOAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8, 1905. RENDER TRIBUTE TO JEFFERSON Day Set Apart in His Honor Is Observed by Hundreds of Enthusiasts". RAIN, FAILS TO MAR EVENT Colonel James Jackson Delivers Elo quent Oration on AVork of the President Who Paved Way for Exposition. Little more than a century ago the Iewls and Clark expedition "was organ ized and sent out by America's greatest expansion President. Thomas Jefferson. Yesterday the Portland Exposition, the latest fruit of Jefferson's foresight, paid homage to the man who made it a possi bility. The day was set aside exclusively in honor of Jefferson's memory, and was divided with no other functions or exer cises. Five hundred people braved a veritable torrent of rain in order to attend the memorial exercises in the Auditorium at 3 P. M. Such heavy rain as fell during the exercises has seldom been recorded, and Jt Is an additional tribute to Jefferson's name that the attendance was not light in consequence. The programme was brief and simple such a programme as Jefferson would have approved oJ! had he been present. It consisted of band music, two addresses and a vocal solo. The meeting was called to order by Theodore Hardele, represent ing President Goode, who was unavoid ably prevented from taking part. Mr, Hardee, in introducing Mayor Lane as the first speaker, took occasion to eulo gize President Jefferson, saying that it was he who made the Lewis and Clark Exposition a possibility. Mayor Lane paid a brief but eloquent tribute to the man whom he accounted one of the biggest and the greatest that ever lived. The Nation, he said, owes much of its growth to Mr. Jefferson'e genius. The man 'had an Infinite capacity for taking pains and watching the small est details in the administration of Na tional affairs, and he lost no opportunity to act In the interest of the Nation's growth. Colonel Jackson's Tribute. After a vocal solo by E. S. Thomas, the Bpeaker of the day. Colonel James Jack son, was introduced. Colonel Jackson's tribute to Jefferton was a warm one, and brought out many Interesting historical facts. He said, in part: "With nations, as with men, there comes a tide in their affairs which "taken at it flood, leads on 10 fortune, to greatness and prosperity. Fortunate is the nation which, when this crucial moment arrives, has a ruler with the capacity to see and the courage to take advantage of it. Such a man was President Thomas Jefferson. There camd to him during his Presidency the opportunity to double the territory of the United States and to carry its west ern boundary to the Pacific Ocean. He proved equal tt the . occasion and ha linked his name lmperlshably with the "Great West" cf today. The people of the "West" 1n Jefferson's time, who occupied the country between the Appalachians and the Mississippi, were clamorous to have the Mississippi open to the Gulf of Mexico, and freely an nounced their Intention to possess its out let at whatever cost. The inexorable loglo of events would have given us New Or leans In time, but perhaps at the cost or a destructive war. Jefferson fully under stood this trend of Western sentiment and set himself the task of procuring the country at the mouth of the ri'er by peacable means, if possible. It was while negotiating for New Orleans and its ad jacent country that the whole of Louisi ana, an empire of territory, was literally thrown at his head. It would have stag gered an ordinary man, and there were plenty of prominent statesmen In the East who would have declined the offer. There was apparently no authority for Its acquisition. Th strict construction of the tenets of Jefferson's party was against it. The Constitution did not authorize it. It was plain to Jefferson that here was an opportunity that must be seized, that a great future for the Infant Republic was at stake. That posterity "would never for give him If he failed to clo'iie with Na poleon's unexpected offer. He resrarded the welfare of the state as superior va party tenets or tecnmcai construction, and so the great territory of Louisiana was added to the domain of the Republic. It now became evident to Jefferson that there was something else to be done to round out the "Louisiana Purchase." The Boundary along the Mississippi, which had heretofore "barred the people's progress to the westward, was removed, and. there was now no obstacle to carrying our do main to the Pacific Ocean, and so he sent out Lewis and Clark to secure the Oregon Country, to make' this disputed territory ours by the world-acknowledged right of discovery and pre-emption by planting upon its soil tho American flag. This was the second occasion when Jefferson's far seeing Intellect and determined will helped to build up the greatness of the Republic as it is today; It was another tide in tho affairs of the Nation taken at its flooa. and which, if neglected, would have cost us our frontage on the Pacific Ocean and wrought incalculable Injury to our people. There were many prominent Americans who did not want our country to go be yond the Rocky Mountains, and inveighed against Its extension to the Pacific Tney claimed that it was impossible for the Government to control and regulate so much and such far-off territory, but Jef ferson had confidence in the ability or the American people to govern themselves, and would not listen to the councils or the timid. The Western people were witn him and gloried in his prophetic states manship, and the result has emphatically proved his prenclence and wisdom. It was not permitted the "Sage of Mon ticello" to witness the full fruition of his tar-reachlng statesmanship. Even his In tellect could not grasp the rapid appro priation of the vast territory he had add ed to the country. He thoucht It would satisfy the land hunger of the people for many nunoreas or years, ana saia. upon the completion of the Louisiana Purchase "that now there was ample territory ror 50 generations of people." Three crenert- tlons have scarcely passed since that statement was made, and not only the Louisiana but the Oregon territory and me great domain subsequently, acquired from Mexico have been occupied and set tled by the progressive energy of the American neoce. The development of this country is the marvel of the ages, and shows what can be accomplished by an enlightened and sen-governing people, .Next year, this month. It will be a century and a quar ter since the Battle of Yorktown decided that we were to bo a nation, and in that short space of time, in a nation's life, we have carried a beneficent civilization from the shores of he Atlantic to the shores of the Pacific, over 2000 miles of almost unbrofken wilderness Inhabited bv sav ages. It Is bui a little over 50 years ago that we acquired California and started American emigration to the Pacific Coast, T'hichi at that time was but iiiue differ ent from a primeval wilderness, and where the only evidences of civilization were a few far-separated missions. Today the land Is thickly dotted with thriving towns. Church spires gleam from every village, schools are planted in every town ship, while grat universities, richly en dowed, offer free the cup of knowledge to all who will quaff therefrom. When the American came to this coast, its great harbors Jay unruffled and silent under the mid-day sun. and its great rivers ran unvexed to tho sea. Today a vast com merce by land and river and ocean xs pouring wealth into the lap of the peo ple and all the means are at hand by which any one can attain to the degree of comfort or competence lor which his fac ulties fit him. It Is a well-known law of physiology that environment affects favorably or un- ReadlBff from left to right: George D. f : v-i . v. .Vi..at,.l nnit mental r!lZlT"-. acteristics of a people, so that here in tms mucn-iavorea janu, wm-ic . -w- of landscape, and the brow is bathed witn the balmiest of atmospheres, where "the mountains look on Marathon and Mara- tnon on tne sea,- mere snouia gruw -n.ni TtHttl thn nn- cient Greek in physical beauty and men ial caiioer; .u uuuai juaiiv ui juu 4.. ....- locality have witnessed the- working of this law in the large Increase of feminine beauty in your midst. The development of this country, though . great and wonderful, has just begun. When I look back and recall what hai taken place in my lifetime it seems like a dream. Nay: more like a tale from the. Arabian Nights; the magic wand of the Genii of the Lamp was scarcely more pat ent for wonderful accomplishment than has been the genius and energy of the American people. Of this you have a conspicuous example In the creation of this wonderful Exposition. I believe that 50 years from today people will look back upon a progress quite as marvelous as that seen br us in the last half-century, any they wlll. no doubt, be still lauding the wise prescience and far-seeing states manshlp of Thomas Jefferson. APPEALS ARE STILIi FEW. Only Thirty-Five Thus Far From Group Juror's Awards. Annoalc from thp rlecl&lOnS Of the KTOUP jurors at the Exposition numbered 25 last evening. The work of the group jurors is now nearly done, and the full results of the competitions will snortiy oe Known. The relative showings made by various exhibitors cannot bp told at this time In an accurate manner. "To say that Oregon leads or that any exhibit leads at this time is impossible," cnM TCvhlMt Director Dosch yesterday. "The group jurors by their returns change the situation every moment. io one can form any idea as to what states and coun ting ttm riin thp lareest number of awards. Although I have charge of the work of sending out notices ana am in constant touch with thejgroup jurors. I cannot .foretell the . final standing of state, county and individual exhibitors. The re suits should be known,' though, before the end of this coming week." . The superior Jury, which will consider all appeals, held Its first session yester day for the purpose of effecting an organ ization. The members of the jury are: George' H. Williams, chairman; Theodore B. Wilcox, vice-chairman; Sylvester Far rell, secretary: President Goode and Ex hibits Dire.ctor Dosch, cx-officlo members. Two Hundred Knlgh.ts Comlnc About 200 delegates are expected to attend the annual convention of the Oreeron Grand Lodge. Knights of Py thias, to be held in this city Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. The ses sions will be in the hall in the Mar quam building. Reports from the different lodges will be received the first day and the Grand Lodge rank will be conferred upon about 25 past chancellors. A celebration of the Knights of Khoras san will occur in the evening. Officers will be elected and Installed Wednes day, and in the evening teams from Salem, Astoria. Forest Grove, Pendle ton and Cottage Grove will compete for the Jaeger trophy Tacoma Sends Praise. A resolution of praise has been ex tended the Lewis and Clark Exposi tion management by the Tacoma Cham ber of Commerce and Board of Trade. A copy of the resolutions was received yesterday morning by President Goode. It lauds the president and his assist ants for their successful conduct of tho Exposition and contains high praise for the good which tho Exposition has ac complished for the Pacific Northwest. GARNET JEWELRY. Among1 the exhibits that are a cen ter of attraction In the Foreign build ing to those who understand and ap preciate beautiful Jewelry is the fine display of Bohemian garnet Jewelry of Stelner & Kolllner, in the Austrian section. No such a magnificent assort ment of garnet jewelry hajt ever be fore been shown on the Pacific Coast FIR3T-rKIZE WHITE PLYMOUTH ROCK PULLET. SEARS POULTRY FARM, TACOMA, WASH. JUDGES OF POULTRY SHOW, LEWIS AND CLARK EXPOSITION. II olden, President of American Fonllry Show; ' LEAGUE PLAN FAILS Pacific Coast Poultry Associations- Decline to Unite. NEAR-BY CITIES MAY DO SO Portland, Seattle and Tacoma Union Discussed Awards Made for Fine Fowls Xow on Exhibition. An effort made yesterday at the Lewis and Clark poultry exhibition to organize a Pacific Coast League of Poultry Fan ciers failed completely of realization. For a year or more members of the poultry associations of the Coast have been plan ning a league which would unite them for mutual benefits. It was urged that the associations would have more power and more harmony when acting under one central organization. The Exposition poultry show was looked upon as the time for action. Here would be fanciers from all points of the Coast, and a better op portunity for the organization of a league could hardly be wished for. Delegates were accordingly named b the various Coast associations, and a meeting was held yesterday afternoon Irt FIKST PRIZE WINNER "WHITE CRESTED BLACK rOLlSH. ROSEMAWR POULTRY YARDS, OREGON CITY. the headquarters office at the poultry grounds on the Government Peninsula, A set of rules or by-laws for the league had been thoughtfully drawn up, most of the drafting being done by members of the Tacoma association. Twenty or more delegates were on hand yesterday when these were brought out for inspection. Charles G. Hind, W. W. Srowtsfv E. J. Lxdd, 1L IX. Collier. Tbea WlUUaxm. They gave the proposed league full con trol over the associations entered in mem bership. The league was to be very much of a kennel or baseball league. Discussion of the subject developed the fact that the time is not ripe for such an organization among poultry fanciers of the Coast. The . delegates seemed very shy of tho proposition, evidently regard ing it as too binding. Accordingly they agreed to disagree, and the Pacific Coast League of Poultry Fanciers passed into the realm of dreams. " Northwest Cities 3ay Form League It is believed, however, that the Port land, Seattle and Tacoma associations will organize a- league, and a meeting for this purpose Is to be held at an early date. The delegates at yesterday's meeting were: F. J. Miller and J. M. Porter, rep resenting the Corvallls Poultry Associa tion; C D. Mlnton and E. H. Bauer. State Poultry Association: A. G. Hinds, Ala meda Association; W. M. Humphries and S. M. Butler. Southern California Poul try Breeders' Association; Charles Mc Allister and George LIndcr. Jr., Seattle Association; H. H. Collier and H. A. Durr. Tacoma Association; E. D. Black and H. L. Martin, Everett Association; D. P. Ault, Ellensburg Association, and, Thomas Wil kinson, Vancouver (B. C) Association. The poultry judges practically completed their work yesterday, very few awards re maining to be made on Monday. The prize list indicates that Oregon fanciers made a strong showing In tho number of awards captured. The attendance yester day, despite the rain, was large, about 3000 people visiting the exhibition during the day. The complete list of awards as made yesterday follows: Yesterday's Awards. White Orpingtons Wlnsrnere- Poultry Farm. BeAtUe. first cockerel, first and second pullet; George Mellar. Willow?, Cal., third and fourth sullet. Silver Gray Dorkings All awards to A. W. Newby. Amity, Or. Anconaa 1. L. VlcrrcV, Albany, second cockerel, first and second pullet; rtosemawr Poultry y&rds, first cockerel; first ben. first ten. Englleh Red Caps All awards to Rosemawr Poultry Yards. Oregon City. Blue Andalcslass Fllberta Poultry Yards, first and Aecond ben. first and second pullet, first pen; Sirs. A. E. Stanford, fourth cock- PIRST-PRIZE BUFF ORPINGTON, Tbeo. IIew; Elmer Dlxos, Superintendent erel, .sixth pullet: B. S. La Masters. Camp bcllsbunr. Ky.. mth hen; T. M. Svlnth, Ta coma, first cock, first, second and third cock erel, third, fourth and fifth pullet, third and fourth hen. second pen. SInxl Comb Brown Leghorns F. A. John md, Tacoma. mcond cock, third ben, second cockerel, second pen; A. II. Moll, Everett, fourth cockerel; W. II. Arps. Santa. Cruz. Cal.. fifth, tdxth and seventh pullet; J. M. Garrt. First-Prix "While Plymouth Bock Cock, A. Hartley. Fern Hill, Wash. son, Forwt Grove, sixth cockerel, third pen; Miller Bros.. Fernhlll, Wash., first cock, first. hlrd and seventh cockerel, first, third and foctth pullet, first and second hen. first pen; Mies I. McCracken, Ogden, Utah, fifth cock erel, second pallet. Bed Comb Brown Leghorns A. A. Bothwell. Spokane, second cock, oecond hen, second pul FIRST PRIZE WINNERS, PIGEONS. BLUE PAIR. let, first pen: Fred Alger. "Waukau. wis., first cock, first hen. first cockeret. first pul let. Single Comb Buff Leghorns Robert .Couts. Moscow. Idaho, third hen. fourth, fifth, sixth and seventh pullet; Ltndgren St Sons, Xlnzs burr. Cal., first pen, third and fifth cock, first and Aecond hen. first, second and fourth WILLIAM BLACKHURST. OWNER. BssssssssssssssssKr J&JIbsssssssssssV or Lewis aad Clark Poultry Show; cockerel: second and third pullet; F. A. John son. Tacoma, fourth cock, sixth ben. flftk md sixth cockerel, first pullet, second pen; EV1 Schoel. Albany, third oockerei. fourth bea; r. T. Miller & Son. Corvallls, first and sec nnd cockerel: C.L. Phillips, The Dalles, fifth and seventh hen. Single Comb tttlte Leghorns Robert Gouts? third cockerel, recond, fourth and fifth pullet: F. A. Johnson, second cock, second and fifth hen; Ed Schoel. Albany, sixth ben; M. J. Hewitt. Ogden. third pen; B. M. Calkins, Lents, seventh cockeret; Meadow Brook Farm. Hood River, first ben,, first, fifth and sixth cockerel, third and seventh pullet; Miller Bros.. Tacoma. first cock, second and .fourth cock erel, first and sixth pullet., third and fourth hen. flrot anil second pen. S. black Mlnorcas E. F. Peterson, Port land, flrat cock, third and fifth hen; F. Fen wlck. Portland, second hen. second and third pullet: J. I. Hosklns. Newbcrg, Or., third cock, first hen, first pen; Fred A. Johnso. Tacoma. second cook, first pullet, second pen. S. C white Mlnorcas Wlnsrnere Poultry Yards. Seattle, second and firth hen; Adam Schaencr. Chester, Waah.. first cock, first cockerel, fourth pultet; . V. Aujt. Ellens berg. Wash., second cock, first and third hen. first pullet. S. S. Hamburgs Charles Hamer. Mllwaukle. Or., second hen; Rosemawr Poultry Yards, first cock, first hen, flrat cockerel, first pul let. White, goklen spangled, silver penciled, black and golden penciled Hamburg All awards to Rosemawr Poultry Yards, Oregon City. Buff Cochin bantams Fred A. Johnson, fifth ck. -seventh hen. fifth pullet; A. H. Miller. Portland, sixth cock, sixth hen; F. H. Schmalts. Portland, third and fourth cock, third, fourth and fifth hen. third and fourth cockerel, third, fourth, stxth and seventh pul let; W. P. Snook. Portland, first and second cock, first and second hen. -first and second cockerel, first and second pullet, first pen. "White Cochin bantams All awards to Ed Schoel. Albany. Golden Seabrlght bantams Fred A. Johnson, second cock, second hen. second cockerel, sec ond pullet; Inlta Dixon. Oregon City, first ; cock, first hen. first pullet, first cockerel. BELL AND LIVERFOOL, J It-, $230 White Embden and Toulouse geese All awards to Ed Schoel. Albany. Pekln ducks Mrs. W. B. Chandler. Tacoma, second youns drake, second old drake, second old duck: X. G. Costa. Concord." Cal., first old drake, first old duck, first young duck, first ypunr drake,. Buff Orpington ducks All to M. E. Plaw, Fruitvale, CaL Indian runner ducks All to M. B. Plaw, Fruitvale, Cal. Yesterday's award list wrongly -accredited three first awards on parjrjdge wy andottcs to H- Stelnmesch, of. St. Louis, whereas these went to Fred A. Johnson, of Tacoma. .... . GROWS MORE POPULAR The Society of Japanese Art Admir ers Increasing. Mrs. Frbhman, the well-known curio collector. ' has been appointed special agent for the Society of Japanese Art Admirers. She . has . headauartera in parlor "'C" at Hotel Portland. This ap pointment was found 'necessary to ac- commodate the hundreds who are anxious to join tne society, wnicn nas cnarge or the Japanese exhibits tt the Exposition Hundreds of dollars, worth of these beau tiful, costly and exquisite exhibits aro to be given' away for advertising purposes, and fortunate. Indeed, will be the re cipients" of these rdyal favors. It Is now certain that the exhibits shown in the Oriental Building will not be rcshlpped to Japan. They will re main to beautify American homes and make ornate American- women. If you wish to Join the society apply to Mrs. Frohman, at-ther Portland Hotel; to the secretary at the Oriental Build ing; to G. Gurnaya &. -Co., 51 North Fourth street, or S. Ban. 34 North Sev enth street. Get a costly souvenir free. Mllwaukle Country Club. Eastern and Seattle races. Take Sell wood and Oregon City cars, First and Alder. Murine Eye Reaeedy Cures Eyes: Makes Weak Er Strong. Sootsu Eye Fala; Doesa't Smart. MUSIC DAY MUSICALES Eilers Piano House Contri butes Liberally to the Day's Entertainment Badges for All. Monday will be red-letter day In the an nals of the musical Northwest. Musi clans from all over the country are taklnjc frreat Interest In the Music day at the Fair, and are doing all within their power to contribute to tne success of the day. Many from out of town have slsnlfled their Intention of coming to Portland for that day. and Indications are that there will be an Immense attendance. Music will be the dominating feature of the entire day all over the Fair grounds. Visitors will And It a difficult matter to get away from music, and good music, too, while the two special programmes for the afternoon and evening at the Auditorium will bring out a great array of Portland's musical talent. The Eilers Piano House have consented to give eleven of their muslcales at the state buildings, and will cover practically the entire day. Especially tine musicians have been engaged for each One. Following are programmes of the most Important events: In the California Bulldlnp. 10:30 A. M. "Violin solo (a) Evening Star Song (arr. by Rum mer) Wagner (b) Intermezzo Maacagnl Mr. S. J. Story, accompanied by Pianola. Piano Hungarian Rhapsodie, No. 2 Liszt Tenor solo la) Love's Sorrow Shelly Ibr Etarnamcnte Mascheronl Mr. J. W. Belcher, accompanied by the Pianola. Violin obligate Mr. L. P. Bruce at the Pianola. "Weber Pianola Pianos used, supplied by Eilers Piano House. In the Massachusetts Building, 10:30 A. M. Violin solo . (a) Berceuse from Jocelyn Godard (b) Goodnight, Sweet Dreams. ..BlschofC Mrs. A. L. Sutton, accompanied by the Pianola. Soprano solo la) FUleh Flllah Vanderstuckcn (b) The Sweetest Flower. Vanderstuckcn Miss Beatrice Maltman. accompanied by the Pianola. Piano solo (a) Simple Aveu Thome (b) Norwegian Dance Grieg Miss Berenice Fleming Holland. Chlckerlng Pianos used, supplied by Eilers Piano House. Special attention Is called to the very first Chlckerlng ever made, displayed In left wing of Massachusetts building. It wus completed In 1S23. long before the day of the railroad or the telegraph. - and is still In condition to be played upon. The Chlckerlng piano to be used Jn tomorrow s concert la" one of the famous Chlckerlng Quarter Grands, the latest Chlckerlng achievement. In the Washington Building. 11:30 A. M. Violin solo Cavatlna Bohm Mrs. A. L. Sutton, accompanied by the Pianola. Soprano solo (a) The Rosary NeIn (b) The Dawn Guy d'Hardelot Miss Beatrice Maltman. accompanied by the Pianola. Piano solo The Last Hdpe.-.Gottschalk Miss Berenice Fleming Holland. Violin" solo Mazur Mylnarskl Mrs. A. L. Sutton, accompanied by tho Pianola. Chlckerlng Pianos used, supplied by Eilers Piano House. In the Oregon Building, 3 P. M. Violin solo (a) La Serenade Arr. by Herman (b) Cancllena Bohm Mr. John Ward Alden. accompanied by the Pianola. Soprano solo fa) I'm Yours, Sweetheart, Forever.. Wright (b) Because I Love You. Dear..Hawley MJss Elizabeth De Lacey, accompanied by the Pianola. Plana solo La Gondola Bendel Miss Berenice Fleming Holland. Chlckerlng Pianos used, supplied by Ellens Piano House. In tho Maine Building, 3:45 P. M. Tenor solo (a) O Loving Heart. Trust On Gottschalk (b) The Tube Rose Mueller Mr. R. J. T. White, accompanied by the Pianola. Piano solo (a) Valse Arabesque Theodore Lack (b) From Flowor to Flower Kullak Miss Berenice Fleming Holland. Tenor solo (a) Answer Robyn (b) Bid Me to Live Hatton Mr. R. J. T. "White, accompanied by tho Pianola. Weber Pianola Pianos used, supplied by Eilers Piano House. In the Idaho Building, 5 P. M. Violin solor fa) Folles d'Esnattne Corelll (b) Gavotte (from Mlgnon) Thomas John Ward Alden. accompanied by the Pianola. Vocal solo (a) Violets Wright (b) Three Green Bonnets.Guy d'Hardelot Miss Myrtle Park, accompanied by the Pianola. Piano solo The Dying Poet...Gottschalk Miss Berenice Fleming Holland. The piano used In this building Is tho fine famous Schumann, supplied by Eilers Piano House. Description Is given on page IS of this paper of the beautiful and unique badges which the Eilers Piano House will give away tomorrow. They are extremely handsome and appropriate, music being typified by a harp, which supports a striking miniature of the great musician and composer. Wagner. The design Is done In a most artistic manner, and Is mounted on rich white satin ribbon. GOXOIIIUIOEA, GLEET, SYPHILIS HYDROCELE, VARICOCELE, LOSS OF MANHOOD, RHEUMATISM, ECZEMA ASTHMA and SKIN DISEASES. VV want every man afflicted with tha above diseases to honestly investigate our special system of treatment. We in vite In particular all who have treated elsewhere without success, all whoa cast3 have been abandoned by family physicians and so-called "SPECIAL ISTS," all whose troubles have been ag gravated and made worse by tho uso of BELTS, FREE SAMPLES, TRIAL TREATMENTS and so called SPECIF ICS. "We will explain to you why such treatment has failed to euro you. and will demonstrate to your entiro satis faction that wa can cure you safely, quickly and permanently. Our counsel will cost nothing, and we will do by you 83 we would wish you to do by us It our cases were reversed. Write for our home treatment if you cannot calL THEDR. LIcBIG STAFF Established 1876. Rooms S and 7 Winchester Home. 3d and Boraaide Streets. Portland. Or. FINE BOHEMIAN GARNET JEWELRY Austrian Section Foreign Building, Exposition STEIN ER & KOLLINER CFESe AntivHties, Baht as SolJ. tJvL-S Knivc, Relic, Carving and Idols fa Jv.TVmS!"6- c War Clubs. Spean. BowV IWtAN STONE AMOW AND SPEaSpOEKTS satire Body Ornaments aad Dress, Ancient Flint Af i05 Skidd- Antique Silver aad Armor, Shells. Send for Photos. Wholesale Dealer