0 THE SUNDAY OREGONIAN, PORTLAND, OCTOBER 8, 1905. CITY NEWS IN BRIEF THE OREGOXIA"S TLEPHONES. tountlng-Koein .............. .....Mala SC7 Manuring Bdltor..... .......Main 630 Sunday Editor Mala 62S5 City Editor Main 106 Society Editor Main C233 Compoting.Room .....Main 683 Superintendent Bulldlnr Bod 2620 Eat Eld. Offlc East 01 AMUSEXEXTS. BELASCO THEATER fl4th and Washlng- ton Matinee at 2:15 and evening at 8:13, comedy-drama, "The Charity Ball." BAKER THEATER JTblrd and Temhllt) Matinee at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15,- May Howard' Extravaganza Company. EMPIRE -THEATER (12th and Morrison) Matinee at 2:15 and tonight at 8:15, "Uncle Josh Perkins." GRAND THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudevitle, 2:30 to 10:30 P. M. STAR THEATER (Park and Washington) Continuous vaudeville. 2:30. 7:30. 8 P.M. THE OAKS" (on O. W. P. & Ry. Co.'a line4 From 0 A. M. to 12 P. M. RECREATION" PARK (24th and Vaughn) At 2;30 P. M. (weather permitting), baseball, Portland vs. Tacoma. Grange to avb Colonial Day. Os wego Grange, Patrons of Husbandry, Is arranging to have a "Colonial Day" next Saturday In place of the annual fair. The principal features -will be a Kew England dinner served by colonial dames appro priately dressed for the occasion. At 2:30 a good programme will be given In the Grange hall. On exhibition there will be canned frultfl, Jellies and home-made can dles. The hall will be decorated with fruits, grains and vegetables of various kinds, so that It will resemble a big gar den. In the evening there will bo a bas ket social and Grange reunion. Mrs. Oara Waldo, state lecturer, will give an aodress. There will also be present sev eral soloists. Alumni Association Meeting. The an nual meeting of the Brooklyn School Alumni Association was held In the as sembly hall last evening. The following officers were chosen: President, Huldah Nelson; vice-president, Ida Parker: sec retary, Olga Gunderson; treasurer, Li. W. Kern; registrar. "William Walker; cer-geant-at-arms, D. Heacock. Miss Ethel Adams, Miss L. Tllden and E. Goldnapp were appointed as the committee In charge of tho monthly programmes. The association has more than 100 members, graduates from the Brooklyn School. Gift to Synagogue. At the newly- erected synagogue Hebrew School at First and Hall streets services on Bosh Hash- onoh, the Jewish New Years, were con ducted by Babbl Medvedowky and Bev. Samuel Matzklnd. Thanks to the efforts of Mrs. Talzman, Mrs. Fox and Mrs, Hechtman. a donation of $100 was given to the synagogue for the purchase of sofar torah scrolls of the law. The syn agogue will reopen for services on Tom Klppur, the day of atonement, which be gins next Sunday night and ends Monday night Paralyzed on Train. John B. El- drldge, of Cheltenham, England, arrived In Portland yesterday morning and was taken from the Southern Pacific train In an entirely helpless condition, being para lyzed and unable to talk. He was on his way to Victoria. B. C, and his brother. who lives at Bingham, Utah, has pinned a card to hL? coat requesting that the helpless man should be properly cared for if he should become seriously afflicted while on his trip. The officials of the company had him conveyed to St, Vin cent's Hospital. Wit.i-BiDE Grange Goat. City Attor ney McNary will shortly become a "mem ber of the Bupselhille Grange. His name has gone In. and he will receive the first and second degrees at the next meeting. A good, hard field of new ground has been reserved for his especial benefit, and he will have to demonstrate to the satis faction of a committee of farmers that he can plow a straight furrow a mile long before he can pass to the second degree. where he will" have more work, such as pitching hay against time. Day of ATONEMENT.Services are to bo held at the congregation- Nevah Zcdeck Talmud Thora Synagogue this evening at 6:30. Bev. Dr. Shapo officiating. A well tralred choir of 'boys will assist In the services. Tho greatest success In the history of the congregation -was made this year through the efforts of D. Nemerovsky its president, so that 51000 was contributed to the congregation on the Jewish -New Year. An Afternoon of Hawaiian songs is an nounced for Monday, October 9. at the Allen & Gilbert-BamaKer Co. piano ex-V hlbit In the Manufactures building. Lewis nd Clark Fair grounds. This Is the last rpporlunlly to hear the famous singers. The programme differs from any that haw been given in that It will be like one of the holiday evening serenades which have never failed to delight travel lers In the islands. " Jehu in tkb Toils. H. Lemline, an expressman, was arrested yesterday after noon by Policeman Blchards, and -booked at headquarters on a charge of disorderly conduct He was In a hurry to reach ar train at the depot, and was driving at a fast clip -from the Northern Pacific freight jheds. He nearly ran over Policeman Blchards, who was talking to a roan on a crossing. Lemline has driven a wagon here for 20 years. Will. Enforce Ordinance. Acting Chief pf Police Grltzmacher Issued an or der to the captains last night directing them to enforce the provisions of the ordinance which prohibits the selling of liquor In quantities of less than a quart In rooms where floor space is under 160 square feet. He said reports had been made to him that some proprietors of variety theaters were permitting the vio lation of this law. Templd Beth Israel. At the Temple Beth Israel the Day of Atonement serv ices will begin this evening at 7 o'clock. The subject of the sermon by Dr. Stephen S. Wlso will be "The Call to the Higher Life " The services will be continued tomorrow morning at 10 and in the -afternoon at 3:30, when Dr. Wise will speak upon the subject, "Not Without Hope." Farmers Hold Reunion. Friday night a degree team from Evening Star Grange No. 27 visited the new Grange recently established at Bussellvllle, and conferred the first and second degrees on many new members. Following the initiation was a banquet. Two Gold Medals. Awarded by the Lewis- and Clark Exposition to Berry Bros, for high-grade varnishes. F. E. Beach & Co.. the Pioneer Paint Co., are the wholesale attributing agents. 135 First street, Wanted Corner lot, or -quarter block, north of Washington and between Third and Tenth streets. Give full particulars. Including lowest cash price. W 70, care Oregonlan. Claremont Tavern, famous for Mary land chicken. N. P. Puget Sound Lim ited leaving daily at 4:30 stops at Clare mont, 'returning, 10:45 P. M. Fare, 20c Baker's VanUa Chocolate with whipped cream. Finest vanlla, carracas and auto, sweet-eating chocolate for sale at 127 Seventh street, " Wanted Quarter block, south of Yam hill street and west of Park street Please state lowest price for cash. X 65, care Oregonian. Miss Edith Kelly, formerly of Chi cago will receive piano pupils at studio, 494 Morrison street Leschetlzky method. I Have a $1409 automobile to trade for good real estate. What have yon? C 73, Oregonlan. - . Pure Bottled Milk. $2.00 per quart. Wanna Farm, University Park. Phone Scott 5407. Removal, Sale of Choice palms and plants. Plunders, florist. 427 Washington." To Poultry Show, launches leave Mer rill's boathouse, foot Morr. st. Nor. Side." Christmas Bargains Don't fail to visit beautiful Prench toys. Expo., For. Bldg." The Western Mantle Co. has removed Its office and factory to 28 Front street Closing-Out prices for pictures And! furniture at 211J4 4th St Fact C C. Newcastle, dentist 412 Mohawk bk. For Rent Two offices, Fenton Bldg. For- City Water. Plant. It was the consensus of opinion at the public meet ing held in St. Johns last night that the city sholud own and operate Its water plant. City Attorney Greene read his opinion, to the effect that the city of St, Johns can go ahead with the erection of waterworks without any regard to the present plant there. He says the attempt to give to J. C Scott and his associates an exclusive franchise was contrary to all public policy. Mr. Green advised the city to install a water plant. A repre sentative of an Eastern syndicate offered to put in a water plant in St, Johns cost ing upwards of $50,000. At the end of 25 years the whole would come Into the pos session of the city. Mr. Greene -expressed the opinion that the city might not give another company a franchise while the present company Is In operation, although the city clearly' can build a plant Itself. The meeting turned the whole matter back into the hands of the Council for further investigation. Atonement Day. Services today, at Temple Ahavai Sholom, Park and Clay streets, w;ll be held as follows: Evening sjjrvico (Kol Nldrc), this evening at 6 o'clock; subject of sermon, "What Do We Seek Here"? Morning service, 7 o'clock, Monday; memorial service, with sermon at 10 A. M., subject-l'The Immortality of the Soul"; recital of temple service (Abo dah), 12 noon; concluding service (Ncllah). 4:30 P. M.; subject of sermon, "What Have We Found Here?" Services end at about 6 P. M. Bltual under direction of Bev. R. Abrahamson. Sermons by Babbl W. Wlllner. Burglar Is "Common Drunk." Mrs. W. H. Davis and her revolver prevented a burglar from entering her home at 31 North Ninth street last night. She fired at him from a second-story window. John Daly, who attempted to break into the rear door, was arrested by Detective Hartman as he was trying to escape. The man put up a vicious fight, but was over powered when other detectives arrived. A charge, "common drunk." was placed against him at police headquarters. Oun Sale of Unredeemed Watches is now on and continues- seven days. 1000 seven-Jewel. Elgin or "Waltham, $3.25; 1000 15-Jewcl, Elgin or Waltham. $4.60; 850 17-Jcwel, Elgin or Waltham, $7.75. Oregon Loan Office, 30 North Third street, Concert and Dance. Lewis and Clarjc Lodge. No. 367, T. F. B., will give an entertainment and dance In Forester's Hall, Sixth and Washington streets, -next Tuesday evening. A fine musical pro gramme has' been arranged. Did it ever occur to you that Calef Brott. are in a position to save you money In furnishing your home? Think of - their low rents and low expense compared with other housefurnlshing establishments. Mr. Arthur Alexander announces his return from Paris and will accept stu dents In voice culture at his studio, 1092 Franklin street, Phone Main 5227. Entertainment and dance by Lewis and Clark Lodge, T. F. B., Forester's Hall, Sixth and Washington, Tuesday evening, 8:30. Miss Bertha Martens, stamping and fine needlework. Lessons given. 212 Alisky building. Dr. G. E. Watts has moved to 212 Orc goriian .building. Main 34. HAS MANY BOOKS ON INDIA Chautauqua Students May Find Aids """at "Wilson Library. Those studying the -Chautauqua course on "The Spirit of the Orient," especially that part of It pertaining to India, may be Interested to know that there Is a great deal of material In the Wilson li brary in regard to that country. Many of the books are finely illustrated. The bul letin of the books added to the library during the Summer Is now printed and may be had at the circulating desk. The examination for library assistants will be held In the library on Thursday. October 12. at $ A. M. Applicants will please apply at the library on or before October 3. PERSQNALJAENTION. Charles M. Schwab, the steel magnate, with members of his family, will .arrive In Portland this morning over the South ern Pacific from San Francisco, occupy ing the private car Loretta, and will leave tonight for the East via the Northern Pacific CHICAGO, Oct 7. (Speclal.)-Orego-nlans registered today as follows: From Portland P. Wessinger. . at the Auditorium; G. H. Fones and wife, L. E. Schrelder. at the Morrison;. E. H. Harri son, at the Brlggs. WHERE JO DINE. All the delicacies of the season at the Portland Restaurant' fine, private apartments for parties. Open all night' 805 Washington, near Fifth. THE EMPIRE. Finest chicken dinner. 19J 3d St Genuine French dinner, with wine, 50c at 93 Fifth street, near Stark. The Countiss Special Sunday chick en dinner 50c 355 Alder. Mrs. Countiss. FREE SCHOOL Of Domestic Science. We have secured the services of Mrs. Bertha Haffner to give a free course of lectures at our store In cooking and kitchen furnishings. These lectures will be given dally at 2:30 P. M. Everyone Is cordially invited. HONEYMAN HARDWARE COMPANY. ESCARERN0NG WINE The finest product of the scappemong, the native North Carolina grape. A de licious, refreshing white wine. Moderate ly sweet a ladles' wine. W. J. Van Scbuyver & Co., Inc. distributors. SEWED SOLES, 75 CENTS. Goodyear machine. Better than hand work. Best material used. Schwind & Bauer, 2S9 Yamhill, between Third and Fourth. Mechanic Terribly Injured. Harvey Odom, a mechanic In the cm ploy of the Western Clay Manufacturing Company, Seventeenth and Burnsido streets, was seriously injured yesterday THE BEST PIANOS ON EARTH ON TIME WITHOUT INTEREST Soule Bros. Piano Go. S72-S74 3ierrlea St, Cer. TV. lrc Bterr opc rreBlsK dHrig the spe cial bale. DIAMONDS V. WE MANUFACTURE most of our diamond mountings, and employ an expert diamond-setter, so you run no chances In having your diamonds reset here. CALIFORNIA GEMS Have you seen the fine display of gems In tho California building at the Fair. We are agents for these Kn. d cariy a complete Btock of them, including KUNZrTE. TOURMALINS HYA CINTH, BERYL. TOPAZ. OPAL and TURQUOISE, METRIX, PERIDOT, AMETHYST; In fact, any kind of a atone you wish. WE HAVE MADE A STUDY of mounting these stones In odd setUnp so as to show them off to the best of advantage, and will be pleased to make up a special design for you. WE PAY THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR OLD GOLD. JAEGER BROS. Jewelers, Opticians 290 Merrlsen St., Iltf IH SIOOO Japanese Goods To be selected from' tho beautiful and costly Exhibits in the Oriental Building Lewis and Clark Fair $200,000 -worth-of finest articles of -wares and manufactures and art works to select from. TO ADVERTISE EMPIRE OF JAPAN JOIN THE SOCIETY OF JAPANESE ART ADMIRERS Applv to Mrs. Frohman, Special Agent, Portland Hotel; Secretary, at Oriental building; S. Ban, 34 Seventh street, or Y. Furuya Co., 51 North Fourth street. EN ROLL NOW Our graduates are all employed. We will place you in a position when competent Had 42 calls for positions during September. Day and night classes. Send or call for Catalogue. Phone Main 590. REHNKE-WALKER BUSINESS COLLEGE STEARNS BLOCK, SIXTH AND MORRISON v- morning while attempting: to oil the ma chinery. His clothing; caught in the whirling: bolts, and he was swiftly dragged Into the machinery. Every shred of his clothing was torn from him. and his body was .hurled to the floor. Dr. Laooe did everything In his power to relieve Odom's terrible sufferings. He found a serious In jury to the patient's back, one broken leg. lacerated arms, and probable internal in juries. As the. man is young and of re markable vitality, his chances for reacov- ery are Rood. Odom, who Is single and 24 years of agee, lives at 513 Twenty- fourth street. He was sent to tho Good Samaritan Hospital, where his Injuries were properly dressed. COULD NOT TAKE A JOKE Dr. Jones, Therefore, Travels Afoot to Medical Lake. Because he 'could not bear the Jests of the passengers. Dr. Thomas H. Jones left the' train at Portland, two weeks ago, and on foot finished his Journey from Los An- jgeles, Cal., to Medical Lake,-"Wash. Jones' disappearance here caused his brother In Los Angeles much anxiety, as he was unable to ascertain what had be come of him, although It was learned by the police at the time that he stopped one night at the Kew Grand Central Hotel. where he left his baggage He did not leave word as to his intentions, and not until yesterday morning was It known here where he was. A telegram received at police headquarters says he Is at Med ical Lake. j Jones is slightly unbalanced, mentally. and on the trip up from California he was made the subject of Jest by the pas- FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. II CORNER ' llMHMHm tttt.ttf.tt ttt.ttt tit tJM t..t t.f.t.tt.t.tl -1 And Why We Sell So Many 1st WHEN WE SELL YOU A DIAMOND and tell you it Is a perfect stone, you can depend on It 2nd THE LARGE NUMBER we sell enables us to give you. the very low est price. 3rd WB CARRY A LARGE STOCK and handle only the very finest of -gems. Including the 30th century cut. acknowledged by experts to be tho finest of gems. angers. "When he arrived here, he de cided to finish the journey by walking. PIANO-MAKING PIANO -PLAYING PIANO -SELLING Have been my occupations from childhood up. Don't you think that 2 ought to know a little more about Pianos than the average dealer and salesman? Don't you think that my knowledge of a Piano can be of some benefit to you in case you wish to buy? 1 I have a fine line to select from, just look them over. My services are at your disposal. A, W. MEYER 74 SIXTH STREET, NEAR OAK gchwab Printing Co. izsr troxz. xzjsoxamlz rxiczs S4TM STARK STREET HOMEOPATHIC 3UUOCD1X8 CmttU lUek, sedenitfl yrleac Xll wim eUelUd-CmtaJera- rrc. YTOODAXD. rrtw, 4 CO.. TiUhU. Or. On Tuesday Morning We will be ready for business, showing new lines of clothes for swell dressers College Brand Clothes For Younc Men Stein-Bloch Co's Fam ous Hand -Tailored Suits and Overcoats AH high - class, ready- to-wear clothes, but not high in -price $15, $18, $20 and up to $30 Free MORRISON AINDSECOfSD STS. This Establishment Will Be" Closed All Day Fall and Winter Mod Quality, style and perfect fit the three charac teristics that have established for us the greatest -clothing house in the Northwest TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION The Fair Is now about to close.,, and most e very-concession had one or two pianos rented, and which must be sold as second-hand. We have a number of the best makes and many of them cannot be told from nevr, but to make room for large Fall stock, we will not refuse any reason able offer in order to dispose of the second-hands. If out of the city, write us, and we will give you full list a.nd prices. DUNDORE PIANO CO. STEIXWAY DEALERS. 233 Washington Street Phone Main 6127. Tfaee aro the onlr denttafi ! Portland who kaorr aad um the American jtem of pala Im dentlntry. FILLINGS 60c, "3c and 51.00 SOLD CROWNS. 22k V $3.08 BRIDGE WORK. 221c W.0 FULL SET NATURAL TEETH f3.09 Boston Painless Dentists 241 Horri0 SU Opj. Meier & fnuak aaa rostofflc. A. M. te 8 P. X. Saadar, 8:34 A. M. t 12:39 P. X. TEETH (iHdf Bo P Store Will Be CLOSED TOMORROW 31 e Suits Overcoats Cravenettes $10 to $35 $10 to $55 $10 to $35 The Greatest Clothing House in the The Heard Suction Eyeglass A boon to a long-snfferirig, vision afflicted public. This new eyeglass will fit any nose, is comfortable, convenient, simple, durable and the most-economical. We guarantee to replace any one of them within two years with an entirely new mounting, m case of breakage. We 5o crown and brtdseworJc without pain. Our 13 yea's experieti: In plato wgric enables us to fit your mouth comfortably. Dr. W. A. "Wise baa found a tzla war to xtract teeth absolutely -without pata. Dr. T. P. Wise la an expert at sold fllllax and crow a and. brldgework. Extracting Irt vfcen piat or bridsa aro ordered. WISE BROS., Dentists FalUnc Bulldlnr. cor. Third and Wash. St. Open cvenlnza till 0 o'clock. Sunday troo 0 to 12. Or Mala COCO. DR. TV. A. WIST. GREAT AUCTION SALE OF CHINESE AND JAPANESE CURIOS Owing to our overstock imported for the Fair trade, we have now con cluded to dispose of them by auction at a great sacrifice including all lines of high-class fine Bronze Wares, Silver Cloisonne, Satsuma, Ivory Carvings, Silk and Satin Embroidered Screens, Kimonos, Ebony Furni ture, Decorated Porcelain Tea-Sets, Matting, Etc SALE 2:30 AND 7:30 P. M. DAILY ANDREW KAN & CO., MORRISON STREET Why wear awkward, old-style bifocals? Up-to-date KRYPTOK "INVISIBLES" only cost a little more. WALTER REED - THE OPTICIAN 133 Sixth Street Oregonian Building EDUCATIONAL APPLICATIONS AT "The School of Quality" For office help is the record, for Itust week. Reputation does this, and will keep on doing it. It pays to attend our school. Largest, best equipped, most modern. Open all the year. Cata logue free. Call, telephone or write. PORTLAND BUSINESS COLLEGE Park and Waskington 1 A. P. Arras troey, LL.B., Principal Monday, Oct 9th oaeis Northwest. Exclusively controlled by Scientific &. MmfACTURIfIG- CPJIClAliS- m" WRTLANDiOREG 2S- Wanhlncton Strcrt, IlctiTcen Fourth nnd Fifth. KDUCATIOXAI. HOUSTON SCHOOL Cannon Hill, Spokane, Wash. Incorporated boarding and day school for boys aboe age oC eight. Kew buildings on elevation near city. Dry and lnlgorattnr atmosphere especially beneflclal to thoa from Coast region. Teachers college gradu ate. Careful supervision and preparation for college or business. Address EDGAR F. STKONG. l'lUXCIl'AI. THE 31ISSES ItODNEl Lessons In English. French, piano, vocal music (Gorman method), history, literature, history of art No. 128 X. 22d Street. WRQYAL PILLS SAFE. Alwrtr!Uh:. Ladle. Druilit 1b KKl and Gold att&M bxw. mitt -.MB.D.nooan. i oko xo other. Kra ijavseroca ftatatUntiaas mad In It. if , fP w "ReJ'ef for Indies. .i Utur. by rv ILlBlBt far 1. t... T f .1 i t Scientific &. DK. X. P. WIS. ft rta till pv. audbj. Snun, typ ' , yfc