The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1905, PART THREE, Page 36, Image 36

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Sunday Services
in Portland
First, the White Temple, corner Tweirth
and Taylor streets. Rev. J. "Whltcomb
Brougher. D. D., pastor Morning -worship,
10:30 A. M.; sermon fcy Dr. B. E.
Olivers. Now York City. Held secretary
A. B. H. M. Society; 'Bible school, 12:10
P. M-, bright programme, with classes
for all: B. Y. P. U. service, C:30 P. M.;
leader. Miss Merle Wooddy; popular even
ing service. 7:30 P. M.; a special Salvation
Army meeting, conducted by Brigadier
and Mrs. W. F. Jenkins and an able corps
of staff and field officer- from neighbor
ing states, whoare attending the Salva
tion Army Council: special music by Miss
Grace Kemp, organist, and the Temple
St Lawrence Church, corner Third and
Sherman streets, Rev. J. C. Hughes. rec
torMasses, 7 and -9 A. M.; high mass.
10:30 A. M.: vespers and Benediction, 7:30
P. M.; Sunday school, 9:30 A. M.
SL Patrick's Church, sineteonth and
Savlcr street Services: Masses at S and
10:30; Sunday school, 9 A. M.; 'vespers at
3 P. M.; Rev. B. P. Murphy, pastor.
First, corner Park and Columbia streets,
E. S. Muckley, minister, will preach at
10:30 A. M. on "The Expression of the
Divine Through the Human." and at -7:30
P. M.v "(Monumental Evidences of Chris-j
tlanity"; Bible school, 12:10 if. m., ju.;
Stewart, superintendent; Y. P. S. u. n..,
60 P. M.
Rodney-Avenue, corner Rodney avenue
and Knott stroot, . JRov. E. M. Patterson,
minister Theme at U A. M., "One
Things" of tho Bible, and at 7:30 P. M.
"The Holy Spirit and His Work"; Sun-'
day school at 10 A .M. and Christian En-'
deavor at 6:30 P. M.
Christian Science.
First Church of Christ, Scientist. Scot
tish Rite Cathedral, Morrison and lywn&
dale streets Services 11 A. M. and 8 P.
M.; subject of sermon," "Doctrine of
Atonement"; Sunday school at close of
morning service. .
Second Churoh of Christ. Scientist, Au
ditorium Building. Third between Taylor
and Salmon - streets Sunday services, 11
A. M. and 8 P. M.; subject, "Doctrine of
Atonement"; Sunday tchool. 11 A. M., in
the reading-rooms; Wednesday meeting, $
P. M.
First, Madison and Park stroets, E. L.
House, D. D., pastor Sermon by Rev. U.
E. Paddock, D. D.. 10:30; sermon by tho
pastor, "Holman Hunt's 'The Light of the
World,' " 7:30; Sunday school, C. O.
MIkle. superintendent, 12:15; other moot
ingo. Y. P. S. C. E.. at C:40 P. M.
Divine Truth.
Divine Truth Chapel, hall 201, Alisky
building Services, 11 A. M.; Thaddeus M.
Minard, pastor.
Trinity Gliurch, JCinoteenth and Everett,
Dr. A., A. "Morrison, rector Holy commu
nion, 8 A.M.; morning service, 11 A. M.;
the people's service, 7:30 P. M., consisting
of an organ recital, special singing by the
choir and congregational singing. Dr.
Morrison will preach.
St. Stephen's Chapel, Thirteenth and
Clay. Rev. H. M. Ramsoy. prjest in charge
Holy communion, 7:30 A. M.; Sunday
school, 9:45; morning sorvice, 11 o'clock;
evening sorvice, 7:30 o'clock. On Fridays,
litany sorovice at 4 P. M.
All Saints' Episcopal Church, 492 North
Twenty-second streot Services Sunday at
11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M. George Burton
ofHrlates. Dr. Hope v.ill preach at St.
Mary's Church, Woedburn, morning and
St. Matthew's, First and Caruthers
streets. Rev. W. A. M; Brock in charge
Holy communion, 8 A M.; service and
sermon, 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 9:45
A. M.
St. Mark's Church, corner Nineteenth
and Quimby streets. Rev. J. E. H. Simp
son, rector Holy communion, 8 A. M.;
holy communion and sermon, 11 A. M.;
evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 o'clock:
Sunday school, 10 A. M.
St. James English Lutheran Church,
corner Wost Park and Jefferson streets.
J. A Leas, pastor Services at 11 A. M.,
conducted by the pastor, followed' with
the holy communion. Anthem by the
choir, under the leadership of Dr. Keefcr;
duet by Miss Grace Gilbert and Mrs. Leas;
Luther League at 7 P. M.
Norwegian Lutheran Church, 45 North
Fourteenth street. Rev. J, M. Nervig, pas
torServices at 11 A M. and 8 P. M.;
Sunday school meets at 9:45 A- M. The
Ladies' Mission Society will meet next
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. L. Haave,
706 East Yamhill street. The Young Peo
ple's Mission Society will meet Wednes-'
day evening in tho basement of the
Methodist Episcopal.
Taylor-Street Methodist Episcopal
Church, corner Third and Taylor streets
Classes, 9:30 A. M.; preaching. 10:30 A. M.,
subject "intercessory Prayer"; 7:30 P. M..
subject "Prayer. Its Place- of Power";
Sunday school at 12:15 P. M.; Epworth
League, 6:30 P. M. The greatest chorus
choir in the city; Dr. Cummings, director.
Epworth Methodist Episcopal Church,
corner Twenty-third and Irving streets,
Henry T. Atkinson, pastor Sunday school,
10 A. M.: at 11 A. M. Rev. W. B. Hol
llngshead will be present, and the sacra
ment of the Lord's supper will be admin
istered; Epworth League, C:30 P. M.; ser
mon by pastor, 7:30 P. M., on "The Reve
lation of Ourselves."
Grace Methodist Episcopal . Church; cor
ner Twelfth and Taylor streets Clarence
True Wilson, D. D., the pastor, will
preach at 10:30 A. M. and at 7:30 P. M.;
subjects, "The Righteous Shall Flourish
Like the Palmtree" and "Modern Substi
tutes for the Religion of Christ, With
Compliments to Christian Science"; Sun
day school at 12:15; Epworth League at
6:30. Special muslcfoy quartet and chorus.
Professor Wentz will Interpret to the deaf
In the morning service.
31. E. Church South.
First M. E. Church South, 171 Second
street. Emery H. Mowre, pastor Sunday
school. 10 A. M.; preaching, 11 A. M. by
Rev. Mr. Ellison; League, 7 P. M.; preach
ing services, 8 P. M. by Rev. Mr. Ellison.
Millennial Dawn.
G. A; R. Hall, northoast corner Second
and Morrison streets Services at 2:30
P. M.
Calvary Prosbyterian Church, corner of
Eleventh and Clay streets. Rev. W. S. Gil
bert, pastor Services 10:30 A. M. and 7:30
P. M.; morning subjeet, "The Transfig
ured Life"; evening, "Non-Esscntlals." H.
V. Milligan, organist
Portland New Church Society Sunday
school and lay service. 10:30 A. M., re
ception hall, Mulkey building. Second and
Morrison streets.
There will be a lecture at the" Alisky
building, hall 300. at S P. M.; subject, "The
Pilgrimage of the Soul."
The First Spiritual Society meets In Ar
tisans' Hall,. Third street, near Washingv
ton. Conference at 11 A. M.; Young Peo
ple's Musical and Dramatic Club at 2 P.
M., free to all; at 8 P. M. N. F. Rankin
lectures on "Death and the Resurrection."1
according to the old theology.
Bible Spiritual Society meets at 309 Al-
' Ai
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der street, corner Sixth. Conforoncc meet
ing. 11 A. M.: lecture. S P. M., by Mrs.
Lillian Nagle Foster; demonstrations ' by
B. F. Foster: music, by arrangement of
the music committee.
First, Yamhill and Seventh streets, Rev.
George Croswell Cressey. D. D., pastor
Service with discourse on "A Sin of Civ
ilization,' 11 A. M.; Sunday school, 12:30
P. M.
Y. M. C. A.
Association Auditorium, 167 Fourth
street Sunday, 3:30 P. M., address by Dr.
E. B. Chivors. of New York City: . solos
by Miss Evelyn Hurley, contralto. All
men Invited.
Christian Catholic Apostolic Church In
Zion, Alisky building. Morrison street,
near Third. Hcv. Charles A. Hoy, elder in
chargo at 2 P. M., Bible study: 3 P. M..
theme, "The Most Glorious Employment
of Man Soul-Saving"; 7:30 P. M., "The
Best Merchandise."
" Baptist.
Second Baptist Church. East Seventh:
and East Ankeny streots. Rev. Stanton
C. Lapham, pastor Services at W:30 A.
M. and 7:30 P. M. The theme of the
morning sormon will be "The Inspiration
and Study of the Bible" At the evening
services, Kev. E. E. Chivers, D. D., of
New York City, will occupy the pulpit.
Bible school convenes at noon; Young
People's Union at C:S0 P. M. J. F. Barn
ford, choir director and organist. Mid
week prayer service Thursday evening at
Calvary, corner East Eighth and East
Grant streets. A. Lawrence Black, pas
tor 10 A. M., Bible school, with classes
for all ages, under competent teachers;
J. "W. Howell, superintendent 11 A. ZL,
divine worship; the pastor will deliver the
second sermon in the series on "The
Christian Life: subject, "The Essence of
the Ideal Christian Character.' 6:30 P.
M., Young People's meotlng; leadors,
George Jones and Elnfcr Hlllcary. 7:30
P. M., reception to Rev. and Mrs. Frazier.
of Rochester, X. Y., outgoing mission
aries; Mr. and Mrs. Frazier will both
speak at this service.
Central Church, East Twentieth and
East Ankeny streets. Rev. Mr. Jordan, of
Denver, will preach at 10:39 and 7:30.
Bible school at 12 M. Prayer meotlng,
Thursday cvoning. Professor "W. F.
Werschkul, musical director. Miss Ruth
Shogren, organist.
Central. East Twentieth and Salmon
streots Rev. J. F. Ghormley will speak
of the Home: or. How to Get Married to
Stay So." Sunday school. 10 A. M. Junior -Endeavor.
3:30 P. M. Senior Society. C:30
P. M. Special music. Mrs. McPherson
Gale, chorister; Miss Eva Ryan, organist
Sunnysldc Congregational Church, cor
ner of East Taylor and East Thirty
fourth streets. Rev. J. J. Staub, pastor
Morning service at 11 o'clock, with sermon
on "The "Witness of tho Spirit." Evening
service at 7:30 o'clock, with sormon on
"The Home." Sunday school, 10 o'clock;
S. C. Pier, superintendent Junior Chris
tian Endeavor. 3 P. M.; Miss Edith Roe,
Highland, corner Prescott and East
Sixth street North, Rev. A. M. Rockwood.
pastor Services Sunday, October S. 190:
Sunday school, 10 A. M. Morning service,
U A. M.; sermon by tho pastor; subject
'The Rest of Christ" Junior Endeavor,
3 P. M.; Edith Ryden, leader. Evening
service, 7:30 o'clock; sormon by the pas
tor: subject. "Our Anchor."
Hassalo-Street Congregational, East
Seventh street North and Hassalo, Rev.
Charles E. Chase, pastor 10:30 A. M.,
services, with sermon. Sunday school at
12. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. " Evoning
service, with sermon by R. A. L. Knud
son, at 7:30 o'clock.
University Park Congregational, . Arti
sans' Temple, Portsmouth. Rev. D. B.
Gray, pastor U A. M.. "Christian Sci
ence."' Sutfday school at 10 A. M.
Iaurelwood Congregational Proaching
at 7:30 P. M., by Rev. D. B. Gray.
St. David's Episcopal, TEast Twelfth and
Belmont Rev. George B. Von "Waters,
rector Morning prayer and .sermon, 11.
.Evening prayer, 7:30. Sunday school, 9:45
A. M.
St Paul's Church, "Woodmerc. C. I.
Parker, lay missionary in charge Serv
ice and sermon at 3 P. M. hereafter.
Good Shepherd, Scllwood street and
Vancouver avenue, Albina, Rev. John
Dawson, rector Sunday school. 10 A. M.
Morning prayer and sormon, U o'clock.
Evening prayer and sermon, 7:30 o'clock.
St Johns Memorial. Sellwood. Rev. A.
TL Powell in charge Service and sermon,
3:45. M. Sunay school, 2:45 P. M.
Free Methodist
"Free Methodist Church. East Ninth and
Mill streets, J. Glen, pastor Preaching at
11 A. M.; prayer and class meeting on
Thursday night.
Evangelical. '
Memorial Evangelical Church, East
Eighteenth and Tibbets streets. Rev. R.
D. Streyffelcr, pastor Preaching. In the
.morning- by Rev. P. J. Green, at 11 o'clock;
bunaay scnooi at 10 A. it; x. p. A., 630
P. M.; preaching by Rev. E. Eaton, at
7:30 P. M. "
Norwegian Synod, East Tenth and
Grant streets. O. Hagocs. pastor Serv
ices at 11 A. M.; evening services. In Eng
lish, at 7:30; Sunday school at 9:30 A. M.;
Y. P. S. Thursday at S P. M.
Bethany Danish Lutheran, Union avenu'o
and Morris street Gudmund Grill, pastor
Services, 11 A.-M. and 8 P. M.; Sunday
school, 12:15 P. M.
Methodist Episcopal.
iUnlverslty Park Methodist Episcopal
(church. D. A. Walters, pastor Preaching,
11 A. M. and 7:30 P. M.: subject, morning
sormon. "Consecrated Manhood": evening,
'The Church and the Unbeliever"; Sun
day school. 10 A. M., "W. J. Peddicord. su
perintendent; class, 12:15 P. M-, P. J.
Sharp, leader; Junior League, 3 P. M.,
Mrs. E. i3owman, superintendent; Inter
mediate League. 4 P. M., Willis Slbray,
president: Senior League, 6:30 P. M., Miss
Grace Gilliam, president Free pews; cor
dial greeting: all welcome.
Sunnysldc. Methodist Episcopal Church,
Yamhill, between Thirty-fifth and Thirty
sixth streets, T. B. Ford, pastor; parson
age, 1S5 East Thirty-fifth street, at home
every forenoon, and Thursday afternoon
Services Sunday as follows: 10. A. M.,
Sunday school, C A, Gatzka. superintend
ent; 11 A. M,, sermon by tho pastor; 12 M.,
class meeting. J. B. Kelley, loader; 3:30
P. M.. Junior League and children's class.
Miss Mary Shaver, leader; 6:15 P. M..' Ep
worth League devotional meeting, Hugh
C. Krum, president; 7:30, peaching serv
ice; music by the choir. Professor Co win
director, and Miss Bertha Tompleton solo
ist Strangers welcomed by the pastor
and the people.
Centenary East Pine and Ninth streets,
William H. Hoppe. D. D., pastor Morning
theme. "Launching Out Into Spiritual
Deops"; 7:30 P. M., monthly concert, with
sermon on "Life's Great Harmonlzer";
morning class, 9:30; Sunday school. 12:15;
Juniors, 4 P. M.: Epworth League devo
tional service, 6:15 P.-M.; chorus choir.' .
Trinity East Tenth and Grant Rev.
Harold Oberg. pastor Services, with; ser
mon, 11 A, M. and '7:20 P. M.; -Sunday
school, 10 A. M.; Epworth League," 6:20
P. M. K
First - Cumberland, .corner Twelfth
and East Taylor streets, Roy." R'Nelson
Allcn,v pastor lOOA, M.; Sunday
..i,Ani n.'. - iv.. viM.iiii''iA'P r
Chrtetian" Endeavor; ,7:3b' Pi M.,spreach
Ing. Miss Llnchan wliralng'-
Piedmont "Church,, corner Cleveland
avenue and Jafrett street. Rev. I, My
ron Boozer, pastor The pastor will
preach at 11 A. M. and 7:45 P. M.-; com
munion, and reception of members in
the morning; Sabbath school, 10 A. M.
"United Evangelical.
Tho Unltc'd Evan gel Icul Church, cor
ner :oft John and Ivanhoe streets, St
Johns, E. E.'McVlckcr, pastor Subjoct
at 11 A. M., "Seeking Things Above;"
at 7:45 P. M., "The Defeated Racer;"
Sunday school, 10 A. M.; Junior K. L.
a E., 2:30 -P. M.; Senior K. L. C E.,
6:45 P. M. The laboring; people are es
pecially Invited to attend the services.
First corner East Tenth and Sherman
streets. A. A. "Winter, pastor 10 A. M.,
Sunday sch.ool; 11 A. Ml, sermon, sub
ject "Self Denial"; 6:30 P. M., K. L. of
C E. meeting, leader. Miss Clair Pratt;
7:30 P: M:, preaching, subject, "Evan
gelism." Second Church, corner Fargo and.
Kerby streots". Rev. J. "Uowersox. pas
tor Prcach'lng. 11 A. M. and 7:30 P. Ml.
subject -Zlon's Awaking": Sunday
sohool. 10 A. M.; Junior Endeavor, 5 P.
M.: K. L. C. E., 7 P. M.
Ockley Green Sunday school, 2:30
P. M-: preaching, 3:30, by Rev. J. Bow
ers ox. - X . .
"Unlvcrsnlist. -
First East Eighth- and East Couch,.
W. F. Small, pastor 11 A. M-, sermon,
subject "When We Were Young"; 10A.
M., Sunday .schools :
Meeting of State Federation at Etigene.
If anybody doubts that other cities
in Oregon than Portland are "pointing
the way," let him board tho Southern
Pacific train on any night -of this
strenuous October month and jam him
self In a crowded car bound Tor the
Inland city of Eugene, tho university
center of the state, and the convention
Pfljnt during the past week of the
Oregon Federation of Woman's Clubs.
And, If anybody doubts that the" Ore
gon world Is moving, and women are
moving with it, let him pause for the
space of half a .day and hearken to the
wit logic and wisdom of the repre
sentative women of the state, gathered
together to discuss every useful and
interesting topic that stirs the public
mind, ranging from sanitation to aca
demics, from transportation to Irriga
tion! nd from circulating libraries to
household economics.
They are a comfortable and happy
appearing Ibt, these women of the
clubs, and tho pretty, modern Metho
dist Episcopal Church, where they nre
given n hearty welcome after a dis
agreeable night of travel by rail, which
landed them at the Hoffman House at'
2 A. M.. Is a pleasing diversion.
Notwithstanding the reputation of
Eugene for sobriety, Jupiter Pluvlus
is hero and on a tear. The rain falls
In torrents, and tho heavy foliage of
tho deciduous trees is sodden and drip
ping. But the Autumn flowers are In
their glory; the mountain ssh Is bend
ing In all directions with Its load of
scarlet berries, golden pears and rosy
'apples hang from the trees in many a
.dooryard, and gorgeous festoons of the
Virginia creeper, that grows nowhere
else as In Oregon, cling to porches and
windows and swing gracefully in the
wind - and rain.
After -a blessing from Heaven upon
the labors of the Federation, had been
invoked by the good pastor of the
church and an address of welcome by
Mayor Wilkins and response by his
wife had set tho wheels a-going, our
alert president, Mrs. S. A. Evans, pro
ceeded to organize the convention for
business. There was some impromptu
specchmaking, but no long-drawn ora
tory or tedious discussions such as is
sometimes noted in similar convoca
tions of men; but there were scores of
reports from different' clubs, and much
routine business wa held well In hand
by the chair and moved rapidly for
ward by the acting secretary, Mrs
Spalding, of The Dalles.
Mrs. Professor Dunn; the popular
hostess of the Federation and presi
dent of the Fortnightly Club of Eu
gene, had marshaled her committees
In military precision, and every detail,
from credentials to press, from hospi
tality to decoration, and from trans
portation to pages, moved like magic
' No "smart set" of Gotham rcr excelled
the management of the Tuenliy evening
reception given In the church to the
women of the Federation by the elite
of Eugene, and no gathering of literary
lights In Boston or Edinburgh could out
shine the scholarly members of the facul
ty of the State University whom Mrs.
Dunn had graciously lured to the fete,
which was exquisitely musical, csthetl-
cally dressy and astronomically ex-.
On Wednesday morning, notwithstand
ing the rain from the heavens and the
slop from the streets, wc. boarded the
hotel omnibus by dozens and were driven
In pioneer state to the university campus.
Our route lay' through shaded thorough
fares, past pretty homes and ' flowering
dooryards and In and out among mean
dering footpaths, enibelllshed by. much
ornamental shrubbery.
Obliging usners conducted ua through
the buildings and up the broad stairways
to Vlllard Hall, where devotional exer
cises, murfc and oratory (the latter led
by President Campbell) held the boards
till luncheon time, when we were con
duoled to an attractive dinlng-hall. where
we were feasted and feted to repletion
with both food and music. Tho banquet
was fcerved, by young gentlemen, students
of the university; and the cuisine, presid
ed over by a young woman chef, decidedly
reversed tho bid order of things. The
University of Oregon is too well known
to the readers of The Oregonlan to re
quire extensive description from pen of
mine. Suffice it to j&y that though still
In Its youth; It Is a' Vigorous and growing
giant .strong of Jieart.and lithe of limb;
and many are Its .studeqtsr j.of both, the
sexes, who are. yet to. be .known In the
gates when, they sit amongr the rulers
of the land.
The afternoon exercises .-at the church
were ctpec!ally attractive. -In view of our
experiences of the morning. Professor
Ella Carson, of the university, gave a
masterly address on the new opportunity;
Miss Marin,- of Salem, game a comprehensive-resume
of library work, and Miss
Laura Gregg brought greetings from The
National Equal Suffrage Association,
which were unanimously -Indorsed by the
federation, and b- all;pre3erit
Among the many papers deserving spe
cial mention, none lsnore worthy than
that of Mnc Henry Stengstacker. of
i Marshfiold, upon "The Club Woman of
legislation. -Mrs. F. - A. Moore's sugges
tions on Irrigation and Mrs. Breyman's
on forestry overe all good, but the fact
that affected the grandmothers more for-
j elbly than any other feature- of the
ledcrauon was the high order of children
occasionally appearing at the sessions,
In the care of proud and happy mothers
who are rapidly solving tho domestic
problem In their own households through
the education the club movement Is dis
seminating among the women, whose
knowledge Is being Increased by their oc
casional Tnovlngs to and fro in the land,
to mobilize themselves for brief Intervals
In federated assemblies.
If RaWr r Cattlar Teeth
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50 JDozen Priscilla Sheets
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Iifcwis and Clark Centennial Exposition, 1905. The first time they were ever in competition.
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ticulars inquire of MRS. J. T. McCREADY, Manager.
GOLD BED IN O . 1 09
A $65.00 RANGE
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