The Sunday Oregonian. (Portland, Ore.) 1881-current, October 08, 1905, PART THREE, Page 27, Image 27

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was a most perfect piece of acting and
the tendor-hearted mineral commissioner
has been wary of gushing: mammas and
shy young maidens ever since.
Among the charming girls -who assisted
the Walla Walla hostesses during the past
week were the two daughters of Mayor
and Mrs. Gilbert Hunt, Mabel and Mar
guerite, and Miss Laura Bowles. Miss
Mabel Hunt has been for two years a
student In Radcllffe College, Cambridge,
Mass., and Miss Bowles Is a Berkeley
girl. Miss M. Grace Jones, whoso recital
at the Washington building yesterday was
so much praised, is a Boston girl, who
for two years has been teaching music in
Whitman Conservatory, Walla Walla.
Portlandors will be Interested to know
that in the musical programme of tomor
row afternoon at the Exposition, Mrs.
June McMIllon Ordway, one of Portland's
well-known versifiers, will bo represented.
Her lullaby entitled "Dear Little One Go
to Sleep" will be sung by request by Miss
Edna R. Gates, daughter of the late
Mayor Gates, who has recently returned
from four years of musical study In the
East Both the "words and music of this
song wore composed by Mrs. Ordway. It
Is now in manuscript. When published, it
will be dedicated to Miss Gates.
The reception glcn In honor of Mrs.
Duniway on Friday afternoon brought to
gether many friends of long years, who
wore glad to pay their respects to the
day's honor guest. Mrs. Henry Waldo
Coe, Mrs. Chamberlain, Mrs. Coburn and
Mrs. Evans received with Mrs. Duniway.
Many flowers were presented to Mrs. Dun
iway by friends and societies.
A most enjoyable reception was given
on Wednesday afternoon by Mrs. George
D. Schalk and Mrs. W. H. Grlndstaff in
honor of their sister, Mrs. Elizabeth
Towne, who has been spending a short
time In the city. House and table decor
ations for the affair were charmingly
novel and effective, long trailing clusters
of clomati3, combined with, pink roses,
toeing used. The table was "all in white
and green," the clematis alone being used
thereon,' with white and green china. Mrs.
Grlndstaff served Ices and Mrs. Herman
Halscy Jones, a sister-in-law of the host
esses and of the guest of honor, poured
coffee. Others assisting wore Mrs. Rich
ard Price. Miss Ethelwyn Harris and Mrs.
Walter B. Struble. Mrs. Towne had the
pleasure of meeting a number oj ,her
school friends, whom she had sot seen
since girlhood. Mr. and Mrs. Towne left
on Thursday for their home in Holyoke,
Mass., where they publish The Nautilus,
their magazine devoted to the "new
thought" movement. They go over the
Southern route, via Denver, St Louis,
Washington and New York.
A family reunion was held at the resi
dence of C. M. McKay, 20S Bancroft ave
nue, this city, Sunday, September 21, when
Mrs. Rachel McKay, a pioneer of 1S52, was
present. She resides In Washington Coun
ty, seven miles from Portland, on a do
nation land claim, where, with her hus
band, James McKay, she began house
keeping 52 years ago and raised a family.
Sho mot hero her entire family, "with one
exception, consisting of five children,
eight grandchildren and one great-grandchild,
as follows: Mrs. J. McKeman, Mr.
and Mrs. C. M. McKay, Mr. and Mrs. W.
A. Wilshlre, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. German,
all of Portland; Miss Lttlo McKay, of
Hardman, Morrow County; J. W. Russell,
of Lowiston, Idaho; Mr. and Mrs. J. C.
Robinson, Misses Pearl Wilshlre, Ruby
McKay, Merle German; Masters Earl and
Kennlth Wilshlre and Donald German.
Carol C. Robinson represented a fourth
generation. Others present were Mr. and
Mrs. James, German, of Imbler, Union
County, Or. i
The officers and crew of the steamer
"Lady Jane" gave their opening- party
of a series to be srlven this Winter.
The evening was spent with games and
music. A few vocal selections were
rendered by Mr. Harry Word. "Snopsey"
King and Miss Sadie Kindred. At 10:30
the guests retired to the dining-room
to partake of the bountiful supply of
dainties prepared by thehostess, Mrs.
M. Mitchell. The guests were: Mr. R.
B. Mitchell, Miss Sadie Kindred, Mr.
Harry Word, Miss Pearl Hampton, Mr.
Chester Peterson, Miss Martha Spring
er, Mr. George Mitchell, Miss Truxine
Swan, Mr. Albert King, Miss Lena
Swltzer, Mr. Herman Hucke, Mrs. Anna
Deiinger. Mr. Frank Bond, of St. Paul,
Miss Nell Dourney, Mr. William Carl
son, Miss Jennie Mitchell, Mr. Putman,
Mlse Jessie Taylor, Mr. James Mitchell,
Miss Arline Lyons, Mr. L. Thompson,
Miss Steele, Mr. B. Jamison.
Mrs. E. M. Runyan entertained in
formally Thursday afternoon for her
guest. Miss Grace Mildred Barrows, of
Seattle. Miss Barrows Is one of the
well-known singers of the Puget Sound
city, and during the afternoon favored
the company with two vocal selections,
accompanied by Miss Kemp. The par
lor decorations wore green and -white,
while pink roses were used in the dining-room.
The ladles were entertained
in a unique way by losing their identity
in the person of some noted woman,
whom they were left to guess by con
versation addressed to them. They then
competed for a prize by molding well
known animal figures, which vevoked
considerable amusement. Miss Bar
rows was awarded the first prize and
Mrs. Ida Helntz was given the second
prize. Refreshments were served by
the hostess, assisted by Mrs. R. Kenna,
One of the prettiest affairs of the week
was the Japanese tea party given on
Thursday by Mrs. W. F. Otto, at her
home, 462 East Eighth street North. All
the gueBts wore kimonos, and the souven
irs were tiny Japanese dolls. The dining
room was as dainty as possible. A tea
table stood in each corner and one In the
center. Over the center table was sus
pended a huge Japanese umbrella, with
lanterns swinging from It Lanterns also
were hung from cornice rods over the
other tables. Sweet cakes and tea were
served. Those present were: Grace
Scholdemann, Louella J. Staver, Amanda
Wolfe. Eleanor Rogers, Florence Galla
gher, Agusta Brandt, Grace Johnson, Cyn
thia Johnson, Ethel Crockett Lulu Pfel
fcr, Eleanor Abslag, Mrs. W. F. Otto, Mrs.
C, Rose, Amanda Otto. The party was
given for the Misses Joh"nson, of Nebras
ka, and Miss Abslag, of Chicago. v
The entertainment given by George
Wright Relief Corps at Western Academy
Hall Friday evening was the most suc
cessful, both social and financial, that
the corps has given In a long time! The
New England dinner served from 5 to 8
o'clock was much praised by those who
were fortunate to get seated at the tables.
Three long tables the length of the hall
were under supervision of the eldest mem
bers, while the young ladles did the serv
ing. A short musical programme was
rendered after 8 o'clock, when dancing,
whist and social hours followed. The
sewing at Mrs. Morrison's on Tuesday
was well attended and much work ac
complished. The next regular meeting
will be held at the home of Mrs. Jaques,
2C0 East Thirty-fifth street Tuesday,
October 10.
An excellent concort was given at the
Seamen's Institute last Wednesday, un
der the direction of Miss S. C. Martin, all
the items of the programmo being ad
mirably rendered and obtaining hearty
encores.' A band prelude by Messrs. Wig
dahl, Collins, Stewart and Cornduff, of the
British steamship Imaum, was greatly en
Joyed, as also was the piano solo by Mrs.
Goff. and the large gathering of shore
people and seamen showed equal appre
ciation of the singing of Mrs. Callff and
Mrs. Whitman.. The songs presented by
Mr. Wlgdahl. Mr. Collins and Mr. Corn
duff were also very favorably received,
and a similar greeting was accorded to
those of Mr. King, Mr. Humble, of the
steamship Couldson; Mr. Broder, of the
same vessel, and Mr. Bohm, of the Kel
vinbank. Mrs. Marcus J. Delahunt entertained in
an informal manner Thursday evening at
her residence in Irvlngton, in honor of
her sister. Miss Nellie Hay, of San Fran
cisco, Cal. Progressive whist was played.
The prizes were won by Mr. and Mrs.
Gustave Pfunder. R. R. Glltner and Miss
May Gove. Those present were: Mr. and
Mrs. E. E. Merges, Mr. and Mrs. L. Gcr
linger, Mrs. Dalton. Mr. and Mrs. R. R.
Glltner. Mr. and Mrs. Gustavo Pfunder,
Mrs. Emma G.WhIte, Mr. and Mrs. W.
F. Gefferess, Mrs. Dayton. Mr. and Mrs.
W. H. Mankln. Mrs. T. H. Edwards, A
C. Dayton, Mrs. McD. Jessop, Miss Jes
sop, William J. Jessop. Miss Nellie Hay.
San Francisco: Miss May Gove, Hon. Jack
Horan, G. H. Jefferess.
Mrs. Henry Barnett entertained a few
of her friends very pleasantly at her
new home, 392 Grand avenue North,
Thursday afternoon in honor of her sis
ter, Mrs. H. B. Dull. The decorations
were roses and dahlias. A dainty lunch
was served. Those present besides the
hostess were: Mrs. H. B. Dull, of Glen
wood, Iowa; Mrs. A B. Adams, of Des
Moines, Iowa; Mrs. John GoIL. Mrs. E. N.
Crockett. Mrs. .None Bycrs, Mrs. M. T.
Stecpy Mrs. H. S. Steepy and Mrs. M. E.
Peterson, all of this city. Mrs. Dull
leaves for home in a few days.
The members of the G. G. Clan enter
tained Friday, September 29. at a pro
gressive dinner in honor of Miss Helen
TTorror- -tvhn loff Oo.tbor 3 for Central
America. The dinner was served at tho.
several homes of Its members, who are:
Misses Anna McMlcken. Hattle E. Hyde,
Olga Hallingby, Lena Graham. Ethel
Cralb, Rachel and Olive Hallingby. Oth
ers present wero: Misses Inez Hewitt
Nina Street Edith Lewis, Jane Knox,
Olga Gunderson, Lilian Brown, .siaoei ur
ton, Elizabeth Lewis and Helene Ferrer.
The first of a series of parties was held
last Monday evening at the home of Miss
Florence Burbank. Much enjoyment was
derived from the extremely unique cos
tumes which were donned for the occa
sion. The young ladles present wero the
Misses Maryo Otten, Jean Dunbar, Louise
Hagner, Smith, Beulah Cadwell, Dorothy
Hlncks, Messrs. Judge, Schacht Ethel
Shapp, Vernle Kertchem, Lydla Rltter,
Corrlne Riley, Burbank and Smith.
A delightful party was given last Friday
night by Miss Louella J. Staver, 475
Broadway, in honor of her friend. Miss
Eleanor C. Rogers, of Newcastle, Pa.
Her home was thrown open to about 25
guests, whoso voices mingled Jn Joyous
laughter during tho games of snap and
flinch. Several selections, both vocal and
Instrumental, were given. All spent an
enjoyable evening, and at a late hour bade
a reluctant "Good-night"
On Monday evening, September 24, Judge
and Mrs. Cameron entertained a number of
friends In honor of Charles Spencer, of
Sharon, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Donald
son, of Sheridan, Wyo., and Mrs. Jennie
M. Wlckes, of Detroit, Mich. The latter
Is a cousin of the Judge, and is spending
somo time at their home.
Eureka Council, 201, and Anchor Coun
cil, 746, Knights and Ladles of Security,
held joint Installation at Eureka Hall, in
the auditorium, last Monday evening. The
team, all In white, presented a very pret
ty picture, and did its work in a very
creditable manner. Refreshments were
served after Installation.
A new club, known as tho Forestry
Club, gave its opening party on Friday
evening at Voclker's Hall. About SO
couples responded to the very unique In
vitations sent out The hall was decked
In red and green, these being the club
colors. Everest's orchestra was In attendance.
The marriage of Montagu Colmer, of
London, England, and Ruth Tackabery,
daughter of Mrs. Lizzie Tackabery Bel fl
ing, was solemnized at St Stephen's
Chapel October 3, at 5 o'clock. Rev. Dr.
Ramsey officiating. Hazel Beldlng, sister
of the bride, was bridesmaid and Mr.
Redman, of London. England, acted as
best man. The bride was gowned in a
traveling dress with hat to match. After
the service at the church a light ropast
was served. Mr. and Mrs. Colmer left
the same evening for California.
A double wedding took place last Sun
day afternoon, October 1, at 3 o'clock, at
the residence of Rev. Henry A Barden,
officiating clergyman. Miss Alvlna C
Schaefer became the wife of Ernest R.
KInderman, and Miss Emma A Horn
the wife of George F. Goderre. All of the
contracting parties are residents of Port
land. Ticdcman-Willlams.
A pretty marriage was performed at St
Lawrence rectory September 27, when Mr.
Henry Tledeman and Miss Bertha Will
iams were -united In marriage. Rev. J. C.
Hughes officiating. Mr. Remo Rondeau
and Miss Frances Williams were the at
tendants of tho bride and groom. After
the marriage ceremony Mr. and Mrs.
Tledeman departed for Seattle, where
they Intend to take up their residence.
Mr. Frank B. Thlelo and Miss Mary
Woltrlng were married with nuptial mass
at St Lawrence Church Wednesday, Oc
tober 4, the pastor. Rev. J. C. Hughes,
officiating. Miss Mattle Kelly presided at
the organ, and played the wcdlng march.
Mr. G. H. Delsman and Miss Carrie
Woltrlng were groomsman and brides
maid. Mr. and Mra Thlele take up their
residence In HillBboro this week.
On October 1, at the residence of Mrs.
M. McCain, in Alblna, James S. Downey
and Mary Jones were united In marriage.
Rev. D. B. Gray officiating. A largo com
pany of invited guests was present, and
the occasion was an unusually pleasant
one. Mr. Downey has built a handsome
residence In St Johns, where the happy
couple will make their home.
- Theodore Dosch and Miss Anna A Cole
man wero united In marriage Sunday, Oc
tober L at the parsonage of the Second
United Evangelical Church. Rer. J. Bow
ersox officiated In the presence of a few
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Dosch expect to
remain some time in Portland. Later
they will go to Chicago to reside.
Mr. Michael F. Landers and Miss Maud
Eden were united in marriage September
22, 1905, by Rev. J. C Hughes, rector of
St Lawrence Church. Mr. Walter Eden
and Miss Minnie Woltrlng were grooms
man and bridesmaid. Mr. and Mrs. Lan
ders departed for Cleveland, O., this week
to take up their future home.
Guy D. Roley and Miss Grace-E. "Wal
den, of Bridal Veil, Or., were united, In
marriage In the ladles parlor at St
Charles Hotel, October 4, Rev. Henry A
Barden officiating. The bride was accom
panied by her father and mother, of Bri
dal Veil, and by Immediate friends.
Married: In Portland, Or., at O. H.
Kulper's, No. B71 Fifth street on the 5th
Inst, Ernest C. Lugar and Rebecca M.
Cahlll, Rev. J. Bowersox officiating. The
occasion was a quiet pleasant one. Both
parties are of Newberg, Or., where they
will be at home to their friends.
On Wednesday evening, at 445 Taylor
street tho residence of Dr. Clarence True
Wilson, pastor of Grace M..EL Church, a
pretty wedding took place. Albert Xtx
Calms and Miss Ada L Franklin were
married in the presence of a company of
their friends, who came with them to
the parsonage, and later accompanied
them to the train. After ten days away,
they will reside In Portland.
Allin OnnV tr.nd Miner Ethrf Davis WCrO
married at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Davis, In
"RnHnr Rev. H. L. St Clair.
of Gresham, officiating. A wedding re
past followed, participated m oy uie in
vited guests. Mr. and Mrs. Cooke will
live In Estacada.
Mr. Louis C. Jones and Lenora P.
Crawford, both of Portland, were united
in marriage on October 3 at 271 College
elnwt Tw Wnnrr A, Tlftrdn Officiated.
Tho contracting parties will make their
home in ioruana. uney were ac
companied by Frank L. Schott and Mls3
Dora Palcn.
Dr. Clarence True Wilson .performed
the marriage ceremony last Friday morn
ing at 10 o'clock between Joseph O. Miles,
of Garfield County, Washington, and Mrs.
Orrlll L. White. It took place at tho
Grace M. E. parsonage, 443 Taylor street
city. The couple will . reside in Wash
ington. Bays-Morgan.
John S. Bays and Maud Morgan wero
united in marriage Tuesday evening, Oc
tober 3. Rev. William H. Randall offi
ciating. Tho impressive ring ceremony
was witnessed by a company of relatives
and intimate friends at the new home of
tho contracting parties, 451 East Ankeny
James Grant McDonald and Helen
Lansing Campbell were married on Oc
tober 1 at 2 P. M. in the Calvary Presby
terian Church. Rev. William S. Gilbert
officiating. Mr. and Mrs. McDonald gavo
a reception in their newly furnished home
at 323 Fifth street from S to 5 o'clock.
Wednesday evening Dr. Wilson married,
at tho parsonage, Clarenco English, of
Olympla, Wash., and Miss Maud M. Con
nor, of La Junta, Colo., in the presence
of the bride's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Eng
lish will reside la the State of Wash
ington. Gordon-FJccscr.
Mr. George H. Gordon and Mamie Flee
ser, both of Calusa County, Cal., wero
united in marriage at 271 College street
October 4. Rev. Henry A Barden offi
ciated. They will -spend a few days visit
ing the Lewis and Clark Exposition.
The Rev. Clarenco True Wilson, D. D.,
united In matrimony oil Tuesday evening,
October 3. Fred C Calslng and Miss Molly
Griswold. The ceremony was performed
at the parsonage of Grace M. E. Church,
445 Taylor street at 6:35 P. M.
Alspach-Tcu f el.
L. B. Alspach, of Union County, Oregon.
and Miss Gertrude Teufel were united
In marriage at 271 College street Port
land. September 28, 1S05. Rev. Henry A
Barden officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Alspach
will reside In Union County.
Mr. David McMartln. of Pierce Count-,
Wash., and Cora B. Brazil were united
In marriage on Tuesday. October 3,
at 27L College street by Rev. Henry A
Barden. Mr. and Mra aicMarun win re
side at Tacoma. .
Miss Fern L. Morony and Richard T. Mc
Mullen were united In marriage at tho
residence of Rev. E. L. House, Monday
evening, September 25. They will be
home after tho 1st of October at 392
Fourth street
At the residence of the officiating clor
gyman, 271 Collego street Portland, Ralph
W. Burgess, of "King Count, ash., and
Lizzie V. Thompson were married. Sep
tember SO, UX5. Rev. Henry A Barden
B ri ckey-Maynard.
Rev. Henry A Barden officiating. Rob
ert G. Brickey, of Chchalls County.
Washington, and Miss Nancy J. Maynard,
of Multnomah Counts', were united in
marriage September 30. In this city.
On Sunday e'onlng last October 1, J.
C. Taylor and Miss Mary Bebrcns were
married at the home of Mr. Vchr, 2S2
Park street Mr. and Mrs. Taylor will re
side in Crook County, Oregon.
Nancy Hamilton Couch and Ray D.
Sporry were married at the homo of Mr.
and Mrs. W. C. Noon, Jr.. on Saturday
ovenlng, October 7, Dr. Edgar P. Hill
Mr. Oscar E. Thompson, of Jefferson
County. Wash., and Emma Waltens- were
married September 30, 190G. Rev. Henry
A Barden, of Portland, performed tho
Thurtday afternoon at 3 o'clock, October
E. 1505, Mr. William A Moore and Miss
Ethel Groves, of. Portland, were United
In marriage. Rev. Henry A. Barden ofll
The New York Stato Society Is planting
an interesting social to be held the even
ing of November 25. Refreshments will
be served and a musical and literary pro
grammo rendered. This particular date
has been chosen for tho reason that It
marks an Important ovent in the history
of New Tork as well as in that of the
Nation. It wll bo remembered by tho
student of history that the British were
loth to leave our shores, even after the
treaty of peace which assured American
Independence was signed. So Important
was the evacuation of New Tork, not
only to the Americans, but to the British
as well, that three months wore spent In
making preparations for this event In
structlons for the departure having been
given early in August 1753.
By the courtesy of the captain and offi
cers of the British steamship Knight Er
rant lying at Martin's dock, close to the
west side of the lower ferry, the vessel
win be open to visitors this (Sunday)
afternoon. This giant steamship Is the
largest that has ever entered our port
and an excellent opportunity is thus af
forded of Inspecting a great ocean carrier
beforeshe sails for the Orient
The Home Training Association is pre
pared to begin the winters work. A
muslcale has been arranged for the first
meeting, which is to bo held Thursday
afternoon, October 5, at 2 o'clock, in the
committee-room, on the second floor of
the City Hall. All mothers and teachers
are invited to attend. Children- will be
entertained in the -nursery, which Is In
charge of Mrs. H. H. Wright -
The first meeting of the Portland Wom
en's Club lor tne season 3905-6 will be
nn TVIrinv next. Oetohpr 13 an will
be in the nature of a social affair. Mrs.
B rev-nan. the new president, will make
an address. Mrs. Gus Kuhn will render
several violin solos, and thero will bjs-a
number of songs. The meeting placo will
be in tne jkiarquam nunaing.
. The Ladles' Auxiliary of Company H.
Second Oregon, will meet at the home of
Mrs. J. B. Upton, on Friday, October 33,
20G Sherman street.
The following announcement Is clipped
from a Minneapolis exchange: "Judce
and Mrs. Ell Torrance announce the cnA
gagement of their daughter, Hester May,
'and Henry Harlan Stuart of Forest
Grove. Or. Mr. Stuart Is the son of Dr.
and Mrs. J. Harlan Stuart, of Minneap
olis." The engagement of Mis3 Edith Rathbone
to Norman P. Lawson, now of Seattle, Is
announced. Miss Rathbone comes from
one of tho best families of Maryland. Dur
ing the Summer she has been visiting
friends In Pojrtland, but expects soon to
depart for her home In tho East
Vr nnrl Mm Ralnh W. Emmons of
Seattle, announce tho engagement of
their cousin. Margaret Standlsh Tracy, to
UnsmfT- Wllntre- Arnold of Portland. Thn-
wedding will take placo at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. .mmons, uctooer . so
Tho Forestry Association will meet to
morrow at 10 o'clock In the rooms of tho
Historical Society, at the Oregon State
building, to study native woods. This will
be the last of these meetings, and a full
attendance is desired.
The Illinois Study Club will meet In
Piedmont with Mrs. M. E. Worrol. 11S3
Garfield avenue, October 11, at 2:30. Take
Wood lawn car.
1 There's a Well-Beaten Path
Throngs of buyers follow it day "by day. It snows that we are strengthening the friendly relations he-
, tween the store and the public, without which there can be no success. Want you to keep coming; want you
2 to tell your friends and neighbors about the store. "We want to serve them as faithfully as we are serving
you. Confidence once established the rest is easy. ?
Mrs. Andrew C. Panton has returned
from a trip to theEast
T. M. Stcphonson, formerly of Portland,
Is !n the city- visiting old friends.
Harry Holmes, of Sacramento, Cal.. is in
Portland visiting tho Exposition for a few
Albert B. Carter and his bride (Emma
Relchman) sailed for Son Francisco on the
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Scott of Melrose.
Douglas County, are In the city, tho guests
of Dr. and Mrs. L. A Kent.
Mrs. M. Brody, after visiting her father,
S. Freed man. for tho last two weeks, left
for her homo in Des Moines, la.
Mr. and Mrs. Heatley have returned to
their homo ln Gladstone, Or., after an ex
tended tour in Europe, and tho Eastern
Mrs. E. A Downer and her son, Wyatt
B. Downer, of Monmouth, 11L, are visit
ing In the city, tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. A T. "Webb.
Mrs. Rebecca A. Gay has returned to
Spokane after a pleasant visit with her
sister, Mrs. L. M. Foster, and her many
friends In Portland.
Mrs. Marcus Kamlnsky and her daugh
ter. Miss Sara Kamlnsky, have gone to
Son Francisco for a three weeks' visit
with relatives there.
Frank L Barnes, with his mother and
sister, aU of whom havo been visiting
the Exposition, arc soon td return to their
homo In St Paul. Kan.
Mr. and Mrs. D. Lthn, of Jacksonville,
and Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Linn and Marian
Linn, of Eugene, have been guests at tho
Marlyn Club for the past two weeks.
Mrs. Mary A Hutton, of Wallace,
Idaho, wife of one of tho owners of tho
rich Hercules mine, and herself well
known as a writer, is at tho Hotel
Misses M. and V. Marshall, who have
been spending the Summer In Portland,
after an absence of six years in Europe,
leave on Thursday for New Tork, their
future home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Brunger. of Grand
Ledge, Mich., are visiting Mr. Brunger's
brothers, Frank and Daniel Brunger, of
this city- Mr. Brunger has not seen his
brother Frank for 2S years.
Ralph NIckura and Jack Wilson, both
well-known young men of Portland,
returned after an extended trip to.. the
Sound. They visited tho Dominion Ex
position at New Westminster, B. C.
At the class meeting last Wednesday
Carl M. Stcblnger, a Portland boy, was
elected president, of the Junior class at
the Oregon Agricultural "College. The
class hopes fop a very- sucsiteefai school
year. - ; '
Mrs. H. S. iE&tetter. with her little
daughter. Patience, who has been spend
ing theSummer with her mother, Mrs.
B. G. Whltchouse, returned to her home
in Omaha on the overland train Thursday
Miss Zelma Brown, of Santa Fe, New
Mexico, who has been visiting in the city
for the past two weeks, returned homa
Tuesday evonlng via Salt Lakft City,
where she will spend a few days in her
former home city.
Mr. and Mrs. Mf E. Worrell, of Pied
mont, have been ontcrtalning Mrs. T. D.
Woodruff and Mrs. J. W. SInnock, of
Qulncy, 111., the past week. The ladles
left Wednesday for a tour of California
and Colorado points.
Miss Bertha Kay and Miss Sophie Wolf,
of Salem, are planning to remove to Port
land In the near future. Both young la
dles are graduates of the Emerson Collego
of Elocution in Boston. They have many
friends In this city.
Mrs. E. P. Savage, of Tacoma, visited
during the past week at the home of
Mrs. John Franzen, 453 East Pine street
Mrs. Savage Is the wife of ex-Governor of
Nebraska E. P. Savage, and a most
charming and Intellectual woman.
Mrs. Emma C. Arnold andMrs. Frcdus
A. Hadley. of Malonc. N. Y.. were visit
ing Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jameson. 501 Rod
ney avenue, until Thursday, when they
loft overland for San Francisco, Los An
geles, Salt Lake, Denver, Chicago and
Miss Helen Holbrook, daughter of Phllo
Holbrook, has gone to Washington, D. C,
where sho will enter Chevy Chaso Col
lege. Two good-by parties were glvon for
her, one a surprise party by 32 girls at
her home, and the other a trip Into the
Miss Blanche Sorcnson, of Omaha, who
is the guest of Mrs. Sam B. Stoy at 621
Flanders street will leave for her home
the latter part of the coming week. Sev
eral Informal affairs were given for Miss
Sorcnson last week, and a number moro
are planned beforo her going away.
Mrs. David Stewart, wlfo of Mayor
Stewart of Chehalls, Is visiting her sis
ter. Miss Packer, at 351 Going- street hav
ing accompanied her uncle and aunt Mr.
and Mrs. William Brunger, from Chehalls.
Mrs. Jacob A Noah, of San Francisco,
is staying for a time at 52 North Fif
teenth street (
Miss Hazel Schrelber, of 523 Couch
street, left Wednesday evening on the
Overland to visit friends and relatives
In Berkeley, San Francisco and Los
Angeles. After an extended tour through
Southern California and Santa Catallna
Island. Miss Schrelber wlU spend the
Winter as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. O.
Evans, at "The Decatur," In Ocean Park,
Mr. and Mrs. Emery S. Buffum. Miss
Maj' Buffum. Mr. and Mrs. Austin C.
Hlmes and Miss Emma Hlmes, of Toulon.
Stark Counts', HI., arrived In Portland
last Friday evening to visit relatives and
also the Exposition. They came by way
of the N. P. R. R. and Mr. and Mrs.
Hlmes stopped off at Spokane to visit a
sen scar that city, and then all spent a
week In Chehalls County, Wash., visiting
relatives and friends In El ma and
HoquJam. After leaving Portland they
will go to Long Beach, CaL, where Mr.
and Mrs. Buffum have a son In business.
While in this city tho party will be the
guests of their cousins. Mr. and Mrs.
George H. Hlmes. Mr. Buffum and Mr.
Hlmes were soldiers during the civil war,
the former being in the Thirty-seventh
Illinois Infantry and the latter In tho
One Hundred and Twelfth Illinois In
fantry. Mme. Bonnlfee. of Paris, wishes to an
nounce to tho ladles of Portland the open
ing of her new beauty parlors In Allsky
building, and free demonstrations Tues
day. All are Invited.
The Mattlngly Kindergarten and
Academy of Dancing- reopens October
16, 269 Fourteenth St Phone Main 3S93.
At the Women's Union.
Miss Lizzie Cbartrcs and Miss Annie
J The most phenomenal Suit Values we have ever
J offered will be placed on sale Monday and Tuesday.
47 New Tailor-Made Suits
Mixed effects and new Scotch mixtures, ' elegantly
man tailored; $18.00 and $20.00 values, Monday
and Tuesday for. $12.50 and $15.00
J 37 New Tailor-Made Suits
With long, tight-fitting coats, in. pinhead checks and
hairline stripes; very nobby garments, Monday and
Tuesday only at $17.50, $19.50, $22.50
and $23.50 Best fitting garments on earth.
No alterations necessary except in extreme cases.
New Separate Skirts
147 new, separate Skirts will be placed on sale Mon
day and Tuesday. Shape, materials and hang just
as they should be. Prices $5.00, $6.50,
$7.50, $S.50, $9.00 and $10.50.
Fall and Winter Dress Goods
A hundred different weaves crowd the Dress Goods
Counters. A brilliant array of New Scotch Plaids
in all the colors will be on sale Monday and Tuesday.
Black French Dress Goods
We have the newest and best things obtainable in
new Fall Dress Fabrics, including the swellest pro
ductions of the world's best weavers. A really won
derful collection of choice black and colored dress
goods. Values unmatched and unmatchable in Port
land or the Northwest.
Children's School Coats
In plain and fancy mixtures. Monday and Tuesday
special sale $1.50, $1.75, S2.25, $2.50, $3.00, $3.30,
$4.50, $5.00, $5.60, $6.25, $6.85, $7.00 and upwards.
Misses' and Children's New
Cravenette Raincoats, All Sizes
138 Ladies' New Cravenettes, latest styles, new
designs, all of the latest colorings. See us Monday
for values.
Oriental Rugs and
At Sweeping Reductions
in Price
As tins will be the last, week of the Fair, we
must make room for our immense Exposition
exhibit which will have to be moved next week.
To produce this result we have cut the price of
every ruy in the house and our loss will be your gain.
Come at Once
v As this great cut side will undoubtedly crowd our
store while it lasts. The best stock of Rugs and
Carpets ever shown in Portland to select from.
A Couple of Turkish Rug Weavers
411 Washington St
Between 10th and 11th Streets
Xaylor left for San Francisco on Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. A. A. Hartcr was a visitor early
In the wek.
Mrs. Esther Lynch has regIstored,for an
Indetlnlte stay.
Mrs. M. E. RIchey. of Colfax. Iowa,
was a transient on "Wednesday.
Mrs. IL Hnnsley. of Arlington. Wash.,
was the "gucai of Miss Carey at lunch
on "Wednesdfiy.
Mr. and Mrs. Arnold B. Wlescnflue. of
"Walla Walla. "Wash., were visitors of
Mrs. Julia Drfeko on Friday evening.
Spread or Idea of Teaching Govern
ment In Public Schools.
"Washington Post.
Ever since "Wilson Ij. Gill organized tho
first school city In 1S37. school cities have
been springing up all over the United
States. Nobody knows Just how many
there are or have been. School cities are
organized, flourish, die, and spring up
'again, according as a teacher, or princi
pal or a superintendent Is Interested In
the' new method of self-government In
Then the Government sent Mr. Gill to
Cuba to introduce the school city Into the
schools of the new republic during the
American occupancy. In 1300 and the fol
lowing two years, as the general super
visor of moral and civic training In the
schools of Cuba, he organized SCO school
cities in tho island.
Meanwhile the School Board of Phlladel
pla, back In 13S, had passed a resolution
Indorsing tho school city and introducing
It as an experiment In one school. Upon
his return to the United States Mr. Gill
waa invited to go to Philadelphia, and
there, under a semi-official connection
with the board, ho has since organized 33
school cities in as many duferent school
buildings. No other city lias adopted
this method of school government so gen
erally as Philadelphia, 30 far as Is
The mothodyof organizing a school city
varies according to conditions. Sometimes
one class constitutes tho city. If only one
teacher Is interested In the enterprise.
Again, a whole building constitutes tho
qlty. In which case each room forms one
ward. Again, for the sake of keeping
those children who arc somewhat near
together In age and size in one body, each
floor in tho building forms a city. ,
In cases In which each room Is a ward
two members of the city council, a boy
and a girl, are elected for each class.
Equal suffrage always prevails In tho
shool city, and offices are evenly divided
botween the sexes as far as possible.
Then the city as a whole elects a mayor,
city clork. Judge, clerk of the court and
There may be a police force, with four
policemen, two girls and two boys, zrosx
each room. The Idea is constantly Incul
cated that police service Is one of help
fulness, not oppression. Police officers
are elected, who, by reason of their age,
wisdom and character, can Instruct and
help the weaker ones In the fulfillment
of the law. Arrests are made onlyln
cases of willful defiance.
"The school city Is. not a mimic govern
ment, but a mlnfure government," said
Mr. GUI. "It Is real so far as It goes.
The American Ideal is self-government: a
finding out of the right thing to do, and
then doing it of your own accord beoausc
it Js best for all concerned. That Is self
government. "These are the Ideals of democracy; un
attalned though they may be. And it Is
wonderful to see how well and easily the
children carry them out In the school city,
and what a- difference self-government
makes in their attitude toward rules.
"They readily make laws concerning
punctuality, for instance. They are per
fectly capable of seeing that the class
work will be broken up If members are
to come In any time they please. They
will hold court and pass on cases of tardi
ness, elucidating the cause and deciding
on penalties with the utmost gravity and
The Ideal Guest.
Harper's JJazar.
It has jbeen said that women may be
divided Into two classes, that of the
"born hostess" and that of the "born
guest." and that neither fits Into the
other's role with any degree of success!
There Is one charming woman who Is
known among her friends as "I. G,"
which mysterious appellation stands for
"Ideal Guest"! She explains her unique
title by saying: "It Is so silly! Any one
can bo a perfect guest if she only tries.
All you havo to do Is to be pleased with
your entertainment, and try to help your
hostess mako things agreeable for tho
others. Yes, I do visit a great deal, and
I mako It an Inviolable rule never to re
peat in one house what I have seen or
heard In another." It is very modest
and quite proper that tho "Ideal guest"
should thus make light of her qualifica
tions. Those of us, however, who have a
faculty 1or observation know of other re
quirements to the character which she
has not named. Tho "Ideal guest," for
Instance, make? the care of her room
as easy for the maid as possible. "Wben
she leaves it in the morning the bed iy
stripped and the mattress turned to air.
When she leaves It for dinner or supper
In the evening, all her own belongings
are carefully put away In closet or
drawer?, thus making no "ptcking-up"
after her work which is wearing to the
maid and which takes much time. The
"I. G." also remembers at noon, or when
the guest-room has the most blazo o
sunlight, to elope the blinds or drop the
awnings, thus helping to keep fresh her
hostess'dalnty furnishings.
The average weight of an Andaman
Islander is 0 pounds.
A Skin of Beauty is a Joy Forever
niaoTM Tsa, Plasin,
aa beanm sal d
fit dcUciios. It
his it0o4 U tact
of ST 7 tart, asd
Is to haiauau vt
IS DrOBtllT CLli.
JLceopt bo cesstu
tit tt tUOar
siae. Dr. L. A.
Barra ta!d to a,
U4r or Itaut
tea (s 7lieat)z
, "As you lfcilts
" Kill un thee.
X raeoaiaiand
'Uearand'a Cream' as us lean baneful er all Ut
tUa pnparsUons." For aalt br aU drcxz&s aadTaacr
Qoooa Healers ta the U&Ued Stat, Caoada xi jCtueyi.
FEKD.T.HO.'UHS, Prep., 37 Srul Jbws.Sbrf. Sw Trl
Neckwear, Stoles, Muffs,
Coats and Eton Jackets
Our assortment of Ladies' Fur
Garments is larger and more
complete than ever before
A Choice Collection of Fur Robes and Rugs
I lb
Send for Catalogue.
No. 126 Second Street, bet Washington and AlderStreeU